Minecraft, But Wardens Beat The Game For You...

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this is minecraft but wardens beat the game for you today i'll be somebody minecraft's strongest mobs not only to fight for me but mine trade and even build for me from dirt wardens to diamond wardens to even herobrine wardens wait what i'll be able to create a giant army of hundreds of wardens but will they be enough to beat an army of ender dragons and what does the rainbow warden do stay tuned to find out so far the challenge has been pretty calm i don't think anything has happened yet i actually don't even never mind oh hello warden and warden wait i can't understand you guys what the heck is going on okay um there's a king warden apparently a laser warden and what just happened right so there's some messages in the chat it says make your army strong and get resources wardens beat the game for you beware big warden is that the wardens talking to me what just happened so we got the item award and recall which is a call to arms for all your active warden allies and then some warden essence which is filled with the spiritual essence of many different types of wardens okay well i guess we know now what we're doing today and i guess let's go ahead and try to combine this with dirt is it just like this because it said we rise from dirt what about like this oh okay dirt warden and right-clicking this item will summon a dirt warden well i guess why not let's go to get started with this challenge right click the dirt warden and let's see what happens oh okay there you are oh my gosh wait he's literally made out of dirt wait wait what what is going on hello oh he's budding the entire forest oh look at him go go underward and do your thing okay oh he's literally biting everything i mean why not i'll take the one hello master where is the dirt i'm the most powerful warden of them all i mean thank you for the wood what happens if i right-click you dirt hole wait oh wait what is going on hello oh my gosh turn warning apparently can summon dirt black holes wait did he mine everything down there um i'm gonna go down there real quick and let me grab some of this stuff after the dirt warden i now have a list of the wardens i can get after this and the next one we're gonna be making is actually with wooden pickaxes so did i just recall this guy hey buddy how's it going oh oh he's just doing his own thing all right you go over there my man literally he's gonna be doing all the work for me today so let's go ahead and make the next warden and that's gonna be with a lot of wooden pickaxes and then yet again we're gonna be using the warden essence so with all of these we get a mining warden right-clicking this item will summon a mining warden well if he's anything like the dirt warden i'm gonna guess he's very op so let's go to right click that and oh he kind of looks really cool that's a big old pickaxe okay i get stoned where is it uh it's right there my man uh do you need me to ride clicky or something oh look at him go he's mining go on my man do some mining okay i feel like he's kind of not very ob because he's kind of like the wooden pickaxe warden so he's kind of doing a good job wait wait wait wait wait that that's a lot better than usual what the heck did this man just do but did he just throw a pickaxe across the cave and make a giant tunnel we found some geode at least i might need this later so before we do anything else let's real quick make some stone tools because i definitely need these and uh is there a food warden i'm not going to eat wardens am i that that would be very weird let's not eat wardens after the pickaxe warden we can also make a sword warden which i'm gonna guess is gonna be protecting us so eight full swords let's real quick put them there and now we get a swordsman warden okay so uh mr mighty one could you make a bigger hole please thank you very much and i hear uh some of the black hole while i do this dirt hole there you go buddy how did i get myself in this situation let's go into some of the swordsmen and there we go swordsman warden warded a slashing i will go oh he's gonna go fight stuff okay there's a spider right over here let me recall you guys okay uh fight this guy go on swordsman oh wait what that was your attack but he just went flying wait so he literally goes running at stuff okay don't do your thing my man we got the pickaxe guy doing that and i still have zero iron but on the bright side our warden army is getting bigger and bigger and we also just found some diamonds over there so uh we just gotta get some iron and then we should be good but before we do that we can make another warden which is gonna be an easier one to make and it's only gonna require eight wooden planks so what type of warden do we get with this one oh build a warden is he gonna build me something really good and can he get me some iron because i gotta really need that oh wait you have repaired two items for accesstorial build fix to build fakes nothing to repair wait you repair my stuff oh he's repairing myself very often okay thank you buddy dang i have the whole army right here so would i right-click him did you build anything i'm not sure if he built anything let's go to the surface work we could see okay so you do you build oh he does cobblestone keep wait what the heck is that wait is it like a stronghold or something wait how do i get inside hey uh oh did you just go inside oh he's buying the wood no the wooden water does not like the wood okay you can have the wood i guess right let's get inside of here let's see what this is oh there's some chests okay there's nothing in the chest and it looks like pretty much a jail or something oh my gosh uh warden's coming here just in case there's anything bad guy i'm gonna need some defense my goal in these type of videos is to literally make you guys do all the work and i do none of it like um it really is minecraft but the wardens beat the game for me so let's just get out of here how about you do some money real quick uh oh cobblestone fortress wait you can build more than one thing holy that's big okay so apparently the warden can now build multiple things and this one is way bigger what even is that holy this place is huge okay so nothing in the chest yet again the wardens are going crazy with everything around me that's a small aquarium too is there anything here i can steal maybe the furnaces i need but i feel like the warden will do that for me so let's just get back in the caves and maybe i'll do some more builds later uh wait oh gosh okay that that could have been bad i need a water bucket i need a lot of things okay all right warden do that real quick yeah yeah yeah just some of the dirt hole what in doubt just summon a dirt hole and we can get iron that way but let's see if we can get any better wardens that'll do the iron mining for me and would a cobblestone warden be a thing yes it is okay and please be nice because i feel like at any moment one of these wardens could go against me and that could be very bad but that was total warden okay cobblestone is the best form of travel trust me wait he is mining so much constantly what the heck is going on oh wow uh not really sure what he's doing what happens when i write like you wait wait guys i i can ride him this is so cool i kind of get what it means now all right let's go over here my man and let's go deeper in the cave and i don't take any fall damage anymore that is a very convenient well that's the cobblestone warden pretty much i appreciate him i'm gonna be riding him into battle once we have to fight the final warden which i think might be a dragon warden but before we get there we're gonna be making another warden which is gonna be the cold warden i i wasn't kidding guys when i said that wardens are gonna be doing everything for us literally we're gonna have so many and uh there is the gold warden how's it going buddy cole is the fuel for the soul okay i don't know what that means my man but uh well did you just throw a core or something oh oh i i see a lot of coal uh did what if i just okay so when we right click completely he launches gold oh wait he has like a cool laser from his stomach i mean it's a lot of coal and we do need coal for our next craft so i guess i'll grab the coal why not and slowly but surely our team is getting bigger and bigger and all you hear is the noise sorry that that was an awful order noise i'm never doing that again you know can we get one like just for that word of noise i'm trying my best guys and uh one like is likable so if we do hit one like then i will upload minecraft videos again anyway so next thing is gonna be a dark warden which uh i don't know what the dark warden is gonna do if it's a good warden bad warden anyways dark warden how's it going buddy and oh blackstone interesting the world is so much prettier when it's dark what happens if i right click you buddy holy what did you just do oh my gosh okay right so this is a bit hectic we didn't really find anything from here i kind of need maybe some iron or something i guess we'll find that sooner or later oh my gosh i'm gonna assume that the wardens get really good so let's definitely put some space between us and let's go to make the next one which is gonna be i think another fighter warden like the wooden sword one and it's gonna require two stone swords then some cobblestone and then we get a spinner warden oh wait does this guy just spin okay oh there we go oh he looks cool he's like blue you spin my head right round right rod gotcha man let me real quick right look at you and let's see what you do oh look at him go he's spinning sick oh wait did he just give me stuff from that i got ice and iron armor wait why did we get blue ice do i need this for something uh dude do you talk no you don't talk okay okay you know what i'm i'm gonna do me uh there's also some arrows over here i'm gonna be grabbing those arrows and some more emeralds and ice wait what the heck does this give me i mean i'll grab the emeralds all the ice i'm getting some weird items from this guy for sure oh and some pantalones i love pantalones literally almost full iron and i haven't done a single thing oh and some feathers too okay let's make this guy spin one more time and see what he does all right spin my man look at him go he's so good at what he does okay i'm so proud of this guy if you made this for the video comment down below spitter warden is the best warning cause i i just love this guy he just spins his life away okay so now what i need is actually amethyst crystals and i'm kind of wondering how do i get that all right well give me one second guys let's find somebody with this okay so i just realized that this spitter guy he actually drops amp at the shorts i don't even see it the first time but if i spit him enough times i think not only do we get emeralds which we need for the next craft we also get amethyst shards like right here oh there we go aim at the shards okay so and what the amethyst four amethyst things four emeralds and one word in essence and just like that we get a traitor warden okay so now they're gonna give me stuff or try to sell me things okay but maybe i should spawn this guy in on the surface where traders are usually at yeah let's do that all right guys please protect me i'm gonna summon the trader warden and oh there he is i found this neat outfit let's trade oh man i love the design of this guy look at him he's like all villager-like let's just go ahead and right-click him and see what he gives us okay that's a lot of potentially decent stuff i mean wait fortune too i mean i don't have cobwebs but that's an amazing thing we do have apples so i guess i'll go for the golden sword why not i am trying to make you guys do all the work so 11 apples for a shield i guess why not let's go and grab that we do need to shield sooner or later so with that being done let's real quick uh go back down in the caves uh mr uh dirt hole guy uh do your thing and i'll be seeing you guys soon oh i forgot it sucked everything in okay yup yup yup oh we found a nice cave all right cool and you uh do do some spreading there we go nice but the next warning we're gonna make is gonna be an interesting one because i actually have no idea what this is gonna be but it's gonna be with two furnaces six cobblestone and then a one word in essence and we get a furnace warden what will this do no idea lashes see oh it's literally a furnace what the heck okay can you feel the heat wait is this guy gonna like light up some fire or something or wait do i get cut clean now oh everything's auto smell to now oh that's sick oh wait uh wait we got the iron we need i mean don't mind if i do i did mine a little bit of iron but i will gladly take that and i still haven't right clicked him so let's see what happens when we right click him okay so he doesn't do any abilities when you right click him but i figured out when you right-click him with a raw thing he cooks it for you so it's literally a portable furnace and i'll gladly be taking all these things thank you very much my man and let's go to make another warden right here and let's see what we can make interesting okay so the next one is only with the iron and now we're gonna be making it the iron fist warden oh is this one gonna be an attack mode one is this one's gonna be any good iron fist warden my fists are lethal weapons oh wait oh oh there he goes go go show your fist oh my gosh what the heck okay that was amazing i love that okay you're hired my bad welcome to the family okay well those are some iron fists and you are auto cooking everything i will probably take this copper because a copper water might be a thing but slowly but surely we are getting closer to the warden king and uh oh thank you for the strength too i guess i'll grab that string too i think the trader warden wanted some string oh yeah there we go two string for a fortune two pickaxe thank you very much i used to be a pickaxe oh sorry for hitting you so now that we have the iron one our next goal is actually to get some tnt so i gotta go all the way back up and find a temple somehow so uh give me one second guys and let's go by the temple because now it's time for the tnt warden well will you look at that and just to accompany us we have a very big army of wardens right now like look at these beefy boys okay how do i grab the tnt without blowing it up let me do that okay there we go that should be good and okay it didn't explode so that's good at least and now let's go ahead and get the next warden which is gonna be with eight tnt let's make the tnt warden which is either gonna be a very good thing or a bad thing uh let's keep the wardens up there for now and oh this guy looks very beautiful what the heck oh my gosh she is exploding everything you're like boom boom i got boom booms okay tnt warden what do you do my man show me the boom oh that's the boom okay okay okay yup yup yup you explode everything and you give me free iron i will gladly take the iron right so we kind of need a deeper cave so pick that sky go go do your thing down there uh black hole guy do your thing right there and tnt guy do that there we go beautiful so now we actually need the traitor warden because i'm gonna be needing some string and some bows so to get some bows i gotta make some buckets so that should be too hard okay let's get some bows with some buckets two bows there we go and now we need some string and the really easiest way to find string is by caving a lot so do that real quick thank you very much right so now let's try to find maybe some spiders or a mine shaft that's really our only hope oh wait the iron pitch is actually really good wait is that a mine shaft no way oh he literally found a mineshaft that's sick thank you ironfist i did not expect to find one that quick but i guess why not now we can get the cobwebs but i think i need in total sixth string and then we can get the next warden which i don't know what type of warden we're gonna get with the string but it's either gonna be a spider warden or a bow warden but can a warden even hold a bow that's gonna be very interesting i kind of need more area oh gosh okay let's call some chaos oh okay yep there we go that's a little bit better well we got the string we needed and now we just gotta do this this one word in essence and just like that we get the bow warden oh okay well the warden are you gonna shoot that skeleton oh he's actually shooting him oh look at him go he's made out of arrows what the heck and what do you do when i write like you oh my gosh i'm not gonna use you a lot until we're at the end without a sick holy cow oh diamonds no no no no lava do not grab those diamonds and after all that we have one single diamond i'm proud of us but this place is definitely getting crowded we have so many of these guys now and we're definitely not done there yet though because we have yet again another warning to make and this one is actually gonna be with sand so let's go up real quick and now we just need some sand which i guess we'll use the one diamond we have probably not a good idea to do that but we're doing it anyways let's get that real quick uh six sand eight sand and what are we gonna get with the sand a warden this is gonna be a weird one oh okay that makes sense temple warden let's go to make it and now let's see what this guy does oh he's like sandstone cool oh okay holy temples i feel like i've said that before in another video but temples are life oh my gosh well let's go inside okay guys please please please don't don't don't break it don't break it thank you very much wait did did i just pull it up no no no no no no no oh come on i gotta do that again okay until number two and oh it's pretty much a normal temple so we got some gold another diamond so i got the investment back and pretty much just normal temple loot so i mean don't mind if i do i'll gladly take that and since we're done there i guess we can just go back deep in the cave holy okay yeah i've kind of been destroying everything around me so let's just go ahead and craft the next guy and that's gonna be this time actually with some books and gold and luckily there's a village right over there so where is the cobblestone one this is how you travel in style right here okay uh so we need some books we will find some books with my warden as you guys pretty much commit war crimes over there okay okay okay up we go and uh where are the books do we have to make books the old fashioned way well we gotta do the old-fashioned way let's get that sugarcane and i think actually we need feathers later so let me get some chicken too while i'm at it okay so we finally got enough feathers i think which we need later and the main thing i needed was some books so we're good there so books four gold ingots generally don't know what this is gonna be so let's go in and see and there we get a wizard warden huh okay do we get a full-on wizard oh we do all right wizard warden he doesn't say anything but what happens when i right-click him oh what the heck oh that's sick oh yo he just used a bunch of potions okay wait did he just make everything gold blocks i think he turned stone into gold oh but with that being done let's go ahead and move to the next warden and that's gonna be with some feathers and we get a howler warden which uh is gonna be like a wolf in a house i'm not really sure but holy that is sake what was that sound oh yeah it was me oh my goodness oh gosh that that is an interesting sound okay what happens when i right click you oh okay yep that that is a how and a half i guess i'll grab the gold blocks because we do need those a bit later but oh my gosh the range on that howl i mean these are getting pretty good so far let's look at the army so far and we have a really nice mix of wardens right now they look very colorful very nice and let's go ahead and add to it yet again and this time with the ice we got we're going to be making an ice warden this is going to be a really cool one i think okay so here we go ice warden nice to meet you get it oh my goodness how's it going ass warden can i can i just right-click you whoa that was a lot of lagging oh he does pretty much a big old ball of ice attack okay oh and he found a cave nice i mean that's convenient low-key we still don't have any diamonds so i need one of you wardens to literally get me diamonds what about you my man howler uh maybe you are the right guy for this oh wait you howler you just found me a lot of diamonds i mean i asked and i received thank you very much my man and these guys are getting really nice at what they do and we can go ahead and continue that by making one more warden because i feel like i'm gonna say that the entire video but this is gonna be the ninja warden okay all right ninja warden is this gonna be like ninja fortnite or just ninja oh it's a little bandana that's sick i'm invisible kinda okay so what do you do when i rank like you oh wait he he just teleports me ninja vanish that's kind of cool and holy diamonds okay whoa and i kind of want the wardens to mind this but at the same time i'm not sure if they're capable of doing that so let's just do it the old-fashioned way by mighty it like that we actually do need those for the next warden which is gonna be with four diamonds oddly enough and finally the warden essence we get oh wait so this isn't the last one apparently cause there's a lot more to make after this but we just got the king warden okay i wasn't expecting this already but let's go to the surface real quick to see what he does what the heck wow here goes nothing king warden oh really isn't kingwood and bow peasants for i am the king what happens when i write like you oh that is the most adorable thing ever it's little baby oh look at him okay what else do you do man did you just summon baby wardens he he just summons baby wardens that that is incredible what the heck okay and these guys are getting really loud oh my gosh they're just going like rare so wow that was again an awful noise i am never gonna do that again i apologize to everyone watching this video just for that let's go into just some of the next warden which is gonna be the statue warden we got the king warden we got every single warden let's go to right click this and this is gonna be the statue warden and this says someone's head not sure who or what it belongs to but it heals when you use it wait he just keeps dropping someone's head this is so weird what the heck is going on here so you're a statue warden what else do you do my man whoa wait what's stopping holy okay yep we are getting to that part of the challenge now guys things are ramping up we got a warden statue a thanos statue and a diamond block extra story and oh just just steve just just iron steve chilling over there if you made this one in the video comment down below iron steve well i mean we don't have a diamond problem anymore i guess let's go all the way up there and again i don't know what i'm supposed to do with these heads but we're climbing up axistorio and we're gonna i guess see what's inside of this diamond block stuff oh no no no no they'll import it to me okay guys guys guys guys please please stay safe do not die oh they're gonna die on me oh my gosh i gotta grab these down blocks quick okay guys guys guys guys please please please let me grab these down blocks okay two down blocks literally just gonna grab the diamond blocks and just go down alright we got it let's go down oh gosh okay let's save them now what a recall get over here guys holy we have way too many wardens like what the heck but to make our army bigger let's go to make some more stuff which this time we're gonna be needing an iron sword diamond sword gold sword and i don't know what this will be will this be like a sword warden i mean we did end up getting a sword award into earlier but another one wouldn't hurt no i sword and what are you doing man oh my goodness i gotta do that all over again okay all right gold i t warden please please please please tnt order please come on man oh gosh oh gosh they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming i gotta be quick i gotta be quick i gotta be quick the wardens are literally making the game harder why there we go super warden wait like superman oh my gosh wait is that is that gonna be the superman logo it's it's a w logo this is the funniest thing ever what the heck okay have no fear super warden is here okay super warden i'm gonna guess you fight mobs what else do you do oh ow yo what the heck i mean why not and it's actually very handy that we're in a desert right now because we actually got to get some sand and i could actually use the furnace warden to cook the sand so that's kind of convenient oh it works sweet okay so that's an easy way of getting glass thank you very much i'm francis warden i appreciate you let's go to make the next warden which it uses glass so again don't know what this is gonna be but let's i guess check it out this is gonna be a laser warden okay right you fire lasers oh man the colors are so nice pew pew pew pew pew oh wait was that a laser wait did did you just kill the wizard warden um laser warden don't kill the wardens please that's not good oh that's sick but please don't kill the other wardens that'd be very much appreciated holy these guys abilities are getting better and better but we're still not done because there are so many wardens we can make today guys like i really meant it when i said we're gonna make literally hundreds of wardens so they can fight for us and hopefully beat the game for us so the next one is actually gonna require us to make a jukebox i'm pretty sure which is gonna be a weird one but i mean why not for jukeboxes and also some redstone is what we need in oh redstone right here and there we go a dj warden wait what the heck is this this is something else okay dj ward in the house and he's giving me arrows and iron armor not that i really need i already have uh 36 diamonds to be exact dj warning i'm not gonna use them all myself though because yet again guys remember we're trying to beat the game with these wardens but what do you do with right click oh wait and he fights with music interesting oh look at him go doesn't look like he minds diamonds i won't be mind these diamonds myself though that is a nice five vein of diamonds don't mind if i do and with these diamonds we actually don't really need them for the next thing but the next warden we're gonna be making is gonna require us to actually get some obsidian so real quick let me uh recall the wardens how's it going guys uh i feel like i've lost a lot of wardens it's the laser warden he's killing all of them he just killed the dj the laser warden has literally gone on a murder spree okay let's go get the obsidian and go get the next warden which i'm gonna guess maybe this is gonna be the obsidian warden which usually has something to do with the portal and if that doesn't have to do something with the portal then i am uh completely wrong well time to mine obsidian okay so we got the obsidian but the laser warden has literally destroyed every single war that i had so before i make this obsidian warden in spiderman let's real quick get oh a portal warden okay that's interesting let's real quick get rid of this guy because i i i think it's the rightful thing after he's literally destroyed my entire army oh there we go okay um well rest in peace every single warning i had and um here we go portal warden hey he looks really cool someone call a taxi oh wait so you're like a taxi service okay did you come with me though i kind of lost every single warden so i guess take me away my man nether portal oh yo okay we got tipping straight to the nether and oh wait he came with us interesting and if you guys look right over there this is a pretty good taxi because uh he brought us straight to the another fortress itself so i will gladly take advantage of this situation before we do that might be smart let's bring some backup and at least get the iron fist warden with us oh my gosh this guy's so good yeah i think that's all we need really and the first warden we actually get in here is gonna be something called a fire warden which we actually need some magma and some lava for which shouldn't be too difficult so let me grab that real quick two lava buckets six magma one of these things and we get a fire warden so what is this gonna be oh yo let's bring the heat in oh my gosh he's just gonna kill everything okay go you do you my man holy cow um go go find some things actually what do you do with right click yo okay right send over those penguins away and oh wait another right also this guy is going crazy do not make that ancient debris into another right warden please go back yes yes okay okay i'm gonna break the nether right oh that was so close new plan though i'm gonna bring the netherway and i'm gonna have another warden break this okay let's see what warden could get me a lot another right ingots from another right wait i'm realizing now i cannot afford any award in that mine so uh magma warden where are you i might need your help it's a bit of a risk but magma warden what if you mind this right here my man oh okay i think he mind it oh my gosh wait that actually worked 13 other white engines though i'll gladly take that you are literally just you woke up and chose violence oh my goodness now that we're done getting the netherwight ingots i guess let's actually go to that nether fortress now and see what's inside i also need some netherwar which is not something i'd say very often so let's find some netherwart too there we go okay let's grab some of these i don't know how much i need exactly so i guess or network would be fine yeah i guess that would work why not so now that we have that let's go to make it and this is gonna be nether bricks okay so four different bricks and for another war and what this we get oh that is beautiful a demon warden oh man well here he comes demon warden i've been waiting for over a hundred days wait what yo okay you can chill my man that that is crazy okay um so now that we have those guys all that's left now before going to the end is actually two more wardens and that's gonna be the netherlight warden and the enterprise warden not sure if the netherway warden will give me some underpolls or if i'm gonna have to do some trading so let's go ahead and make the netherright one we definitely have enough we have 13 otherwise ingots and there we go the cursed warden not netherite warren whoa curse warden oh gosh wooden brine oh that's kind of cool but kind of creepy at the same time oh gosh oh please don't kill me or anything what do you do right click oh wow and just like that they just gave us some other pros and literally went all the way over there thank you for the interprosian man and i guess with that we can go ahead and make the final warden which is going to be with the sixteen other pearls we can go ahead and get the ender warden but before we spawn this guy in let's real quick first re-summon our entire team and then go to the end so another portal and see you guys in a bit so we definitely did a little bit of grinding and you guys will see all right yup guys we are now ready to go to the end and fight the dragon i think this ender warden's gonna be doing that i'm not sure but andrew warden okay you want me to steal a block oh wait is that what you do my man well can you uh steal me to the end oh he doesn't take me to the end oh interesting wait so he just gives blocks to me oh never mind i see what he means okay so i right click on my block and he uh he builds this wait this might be uh how it gets to the end actually is the portal going to be in here somewhere only some chess uh are the chess empty them oh okay so we do have that in portal frames okay so i'll take that in a sharpness five netherride sword sure and without further ado guys all that's left to do now is just to make the portal so one two three guys please do not break this we are gonna go to the end now so please everyone on your best behaviors and there we go and i guess it's time what a recall guys follow me oh no okay i gotta go inside here we go okay guys here we are literally i spawned them in and whoa wait that is a lot of dragons okay let's do this i need to get some headstone get the final warden and then we should be good all right eight endstone one of these and that's gonna be the big warden dragon right click this item and to summon a big warden dragon okay whoa here it goes nothing what is a water dragon oh yo what the heck there's only room for one dragon holy this is sick wait it's shooting out wardens wait what the heck and there's so many warnings being tp to me oh there goes another one this is honestly the weirdest ending to a video ever we got another dragon right there just a few more and then we should be good the wardens are doing a great job and honestly i did not expect to do this final bit on the dragon itself but we're trying our best right now gosh i think we got another one there okay and there we go finally that was the last dragon i think yeah that was okay so with that being done guys with the wardens we finally beat the game and that is gonna be it for minecraft for the warnings beat the game for us so hope you guys all enjoyed it have a great one let me know what your favorite warden was and besides that guys there's a video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,974,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but beats the game for you, beats the game for you, wardens, warden, minecraft warden, warden boss, warden mod
Id: wkng_SvwhUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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