Minecraft, But there are Custom Planets...

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this is minecraft with their custom planets today we'll be entering portals into brand new planets from a world of chats to a world of xp to even the real world wait what my goal is to explore and unlock all the possible worlds but as i fill up my exploration bar things are going to be getting closer and closer to the final world and its boss so what's inside of the final world and how many worlds are there to explore stay tuned to find out so this is a portal made out of chess and at the top you're going to be seeing our progress bar where at every single point of this video we're going to be going to different planets and inside of the first chest we have a piece of cheese that says subscribe okay gonna click that subscribe button we're trying to get to 5 million subscribers and anyways we also have a flint steel in a chest chest plate and a planet block wait what is a planet block do i just put it right here and then do i just slide it okay well i guess without further ado guys let's put on our chest chest plate we have our piece of cheese that says subscribe and let's go inside holy chess what the planet chess the world is made of chess guys my computer does not like this at all find the pieces to complete the next planet's portal wait so is there's just stuff in the chest oh there is some gold ingots oh my gosh okay yeah stuff is actually pretty good and a water sword i mean already we're getting pretty good stuff and so do all these chests have different stuff oh my gosh wait they do holy okay i'm just gonna take everything i can even cookies and milk and even more chests and so where exactly is the thing i need even diamond apples okay yeah love me some diamond apples that aren't pickaxe yes oh wait i didn't even notice this is a barrel oh we found it okay so inside the barrels we get the next planet block which is gonna be a block of xp i'm kind of want to get out of here just because it lags so much so would this just work oh it worked okay automatically lit so with that being done i guess we can just go ahead and get to the next xp planet cal where are you going oh okay but before we get to that let me double check if i didn't miss anything so we haven't gotten this chest oh wait some enterprise that's really good and a full set of chest armor okay that i actually really do want let me real quick put that on and i officially literally look like a chest very nice i don't even know where to begin to start looting all these so i think it might just be better if we go ahead with these cows and get to the next planet so here we go oh my gosh so we're in and everything is xp wait so can i mine it oh we get little xp things out of the xp blocks nice so it's literally an xp world where there's a bunch of structures okay so it's elite planet xp how many levels can i get a portal's nearby but someone defends it where where's the portal though let me go inside this temple and see if there's anything cool we can find okay so xp temple what will be inside of you first chest we have more of the xp things and then some experience convection eat to gain experience okay what the heck is that can i really eat this look at me levels i get okay wait i'm gonna grab all these real quick oh and wait what is this a pixie pad double the xp everything in this world is just about xp so do i just eat this oh look at it go all right level 27 not too bad it's not as much as xp as i expected but i can't really complain about that i guess i'll go in the end city just to see what's out of there but i also kind of want to get to the next planet whatever that is so let's go up real quick oh ooh let me get out of your way anyway so in the chest we ended up getting some more of the xp seeds and also an experienced blight and sword does this like give me more people when i fight stuff not really sure but i could try it out let me see if i can fight this guy up here oh i got him it didn't even give me xp okay i'm not really sure what it still does but let's go all the way down okay so is the portal in the mansion i'm not really sure oh wait i think i see over there wait what is that that is literally me the xp defender wait are you gonna fight this guy oh gosh okay okay okay this is actually a lot harder than looks why am i fighting myself i'm test man fighting gets a story oh this doesn't make any sense okay so the portal's right here it says to enter defeat the xp defender and we're literally start fighting myself why why why oh my gosh okay i'm just going to keep falling back and going for the crit hits oh wait what if i do this i'm about to outsmart myself come on get set on fire oh yes i said on fire okay don't go in water yes finally oh my gosh and with that he drops a giant sword and challenge complete portal it and we also get a giant sword which is 12 attack damage i mean that's better than anything we had but did it work oh it did so with that being done that's gonna be it for the xp planet and now we're going to whatever that thing is at the top so here we go um what is this planet all about machine planet can i survive the puzzle and it's literally moving blocks oh that's sick reach the rat king in the next planet i'm gonna guess i just gotta go through all this parkour okay i actually love it whenever this thing is used but do i just follow through okay let's just get around gotta be a bit careful don't wanna fall in the void and is this a thing oh it's literally an elevator nice and i'm gonna just keep trying to do the parkour i don't wanna do anything that'll upset the game master so let's just get through this thing real quick that looks like diamond spikes under so don't want to fall and complete the puzzle failure equals death i'm gonna guess that's the room i gotta try to get to so what does this do oh wait this spin oh that's sick okay so when i press a button it just goes around so do i have to match up something i think i might have to match these things up with whatever is up there so this has to be red so let's move green to red all right red is good and then this one has to be green that's green and now the right side spider what are you doing okay and now the right side it should be blue and it's actually already blue so now the bottom just needs to be yellow so technically if i go to blue turn it once please work yes okay challenge complete and the door's open now and is there anything in here that i gotta worry about is that netherwight armor just chilling right there i'm gonna real quick grab that i mean if the fourth world is gonna give us one another right i'm not gonna complain at all is that just a rat chilling there um hello mr ra i am probably gonna go ahead and take whatever this thing is right here because it looks like a free item and it's a golden helo gonna grab that i'm gonna trade that for another helmet and why not let's go ahead and name the right in the comments down below and behind the throne is i'm gonna guess the next planet so here we go planet temple millions of temples each with unique glue retrieve all the pieces for the next planet's entrance be careful wait why is it saying be careful i guess let's go in the sponge temple down we go i literally broke my legs and i forgot sponge takes water i'm an idiot okay anyways oh wait this is actually sick wait why is there a barrier here oh it's the planet block i'm not really sure why it's a barrier but i guess we gotta get all the barriers around here and now we have a tnt x100 which why not freeze tnt yet again might as well wait enter sac actually might need that because i have so much stuff actually might as well enter sac let's put away everything we have right now because we have so much stuff but anyways a buffalo blade when right click launch you an error when shift right click launch enemies in here okay might as well grab that so much good stuff okay this might be a bad idea guys but i'm going up with the timer tnt because i have no other blocks anyway so i'm gonna guess i gotta go through like eight temples and then i get all the pieces for the next dimension so i guess let's go to the pink one is this like the brain one well what's in here drilling tnt some huge stock boots uh don't really need that another planet block for the collection oh and a lightsaber oh wait i'm definitely grabbing that that's sick okay mining flat tt okay i kind of want to explode one of these tnts but you know what i'll do it later into the challenge when we don't risk dying and stuff anyways we got two of them and i'm probably just gonna go through all the ones i can go through i might as well go to the lapis one and then i guess i'll make a portal out of barriers never mind this one is literally exploded what have i gone into an entity one oh i haven't why not let's go down here yet again another block we need a firefly what does this do oh it's it's it's just five men hey give me one sec guys i'm about to grind out a lot of temples and see if we can find all the barriers two hours later this is the most cursed thing i've ever seen guys what the heck is this so it's a portal made out of barriers and i'm gonna guess it's gonna take us to the next thing which i generally don't even know what that is right there anyways let's go inside wait what where am i void planet don't fall wait what the heck i'm literally in the middle of the void wait do i do i just jump here oh okay this is gonna be a hard one guys okay i think it's literally a parkour in the void we gotta be careful about this where do i jump okay right there there's little light things i guess that i gotta follow but this is actually the most nerve-wracking one because if i do one misstep that's done okay diamond apple's gonna help a lot okay we've made pretty good progress but at any moment if i fall i'm legit screwed i'm taking my time a lot so where the heck am i supposed to go from here wait i think i see it okay right there oh my gosh this is really bad we're so close we're so close oh wait is this it yes we finally made it that was the longest thing ever if you guys saw the entire raw thing down been like 30 minutes anyways what the heck is this a troll helmet kind of fitting for what just happened you know what i'm gonna wear why not troll helmet an atomic bomb launcher which i'm not gonna use that right now maybe later in the video in an incant of existence i'm getting some weird stuff but without further ado let's get to the next portal which it looks like it's tnt so i'm guessing tnt planet holy planet tnt one explosion equals the end summon the planet's boss don't blow up victory equals next planet guys literally the planet is a majority amount of tnt what the heck i'm not really sure if i'm going to survive this one if anything goes wrong i'm literally screwed i've never actually tried the beefal blade oh wait if i right click i can just go up oh that's sick what if i shift left click oh it says i'm flying that's sick okay so what type of tnt is this anyways oh tntx20 okay let's um make sure we don't blow up the entire place some stuff were normal that's pretty good wait what is this exactly to enter defeat the boss without exploding the world wait how do i defeat the boss then does that kind of just show up over here or something oh wait i think that might be it bandit warlord oh oh oh oh okay we're fighting this guy i'm literally just launching you up with a sword oh wait do you have any other weapons i can trial oh laser blade oh he does so much damage she does so much damage i'm literally full another light what the heck laser blade versus literally abandoned warlord guy that defensive portal over there i'm also gonna destroy this guy a couple more hits and just like that that's gonna be it for the bandit warlord challenge complete and portal lit so did that light the portal okay so the portal did light and what is this block now it's like literally a bunch of blocks is this gonna be a layer's world i guess let's go inside here we go planet in layers dig down what's at the bottom um i guess let's go down just go to the world oh that's sick okay it's like a cloud layer light the portal enter the next planet wait where's the portal then okay i guess i'll stick down every single block is gonna be a different layer i wanted a minecraft butt like this and that was actually a pretty good video i'm proud of that one i mean i don't really need any of this stuff but i'll keep going down it looks like we're now going through the mesa layer or something oh magma okay please don't be lava down here as long as it doesn't kill us we should be good wait now we're getting into brand new wards what the heck is this thing okay we might need a better pickaxe now okay so the only other pickaxe i can make right now is a diamond one so maybe diamond pickaxe will do it all right we're going down wait is that uranium no we're not picking that up let's get all the way down quickly okay this is a weird layer okay this feels like a whole different video right now just with all this stuff and literally underwrite if you guys know what endura is it's pretty much netherright but in the end very nice stuff but i'm gonna guess i can can we even mind this i think we gotta blow it up to mine it that could be a problem all right new plan guys i don't know why i didn't do this in the first place but let's get to the side of this thing what's down here oh it's more layers portals okay let's i guess go real quick all the way down here and then we fall all the way down here to another layers portal layers portal portal what the heck did i just say okay anyways i guess it's time for the next dimension which i have no idea what that thing is at the top but i guess let's light this portal and go inside wait what is everything one pixel planet one bit what happens next can you mine one diamond do so to reach the next planet also literally every single item that isn't modded in my inventory is one pixel okay looks like it's a dropper oh gosh okay i keep breaking my legs guys i'm doing this dropper i'm not supposed to okay let's do it the real way okay last jump let's be smart about this oh my gosh i'm so bad i dropped her out one pixel but hey we kind of made it and is that the portal so we got the message that we have to mine one diamond in a world like this but how am i supposed to know how diamonds look like oh gosh okay this is gonna be really bad okay so this might be a really bad idea but because mining is gonna take us a bit we're using the 100x tnt this bad idea this is a bad idea what did i do that why did i do that oh wait did nothing happen i think we're good oh and something happened holy okay so good thing is we didn't mind a good bit deep down but i think we gotta go deeper let me eat another diamond apple and let's keep blowing this up let me get as far away as possible from that tnt oh my gosh okay we're getting deeper but it's not deep enough oh gosh is this deep enough i think that might be better rock okay let's go down all my legs so how do diamonds look like when it's one pixel i mean it's gonna be a single color and nothing else but i don't see anything like that why is this challenge so hard wait please be oh yes there we go and just like that challenge complete and i guess the portal is lit again so let's go up real quick and see if we can confirm and with that being done finally that took a little bit too long but i guess without further ado here we go holy planet realism escape the realistic city oh this is sick okay this is one of the sickest planets yet there's something in the city apparently and where am i supposed to go oh wait i think it's a side parkour and i guess i'll just go through here oh my gosh oh my gosh minecraft is a little bit too realistic right now okay computer's getting loud uh ladders or ladders i literally almost just fell off and that was kind of smooth honestly i'm gonna make some of these jumps a little bit easier just have a little bit of blocks we're doing this parkour like a boss we got it wait where do i go from here did i miss the jump or do i go straight up i'm going straight up oh gosh going up on cheese and then hopefully cheese does not light tnt never thought i would say that sentence but here we are oh wait is this it oh my goodness this is actually the most difficult thing ever okay it looks like the ladder's not going straight up it's the portal all the way up here or something i'm not even sure oh okay so i was right okay so at the end of the parkour we have the portal which looks very nice i've always liked how this realism looks like and oh my gosh we can see the entire city from up here so without further ado let's finish up with this planet and get to the next one whoa okay planet youtubers meet the youtubers so lost nevadas i'm pretty sure is a reference to the dream smp but this isn't lost nevada's this is a youtube silver play button a youtube gold play button and a diamond play button three youtuber challenges await complete all three to continue is there going to be a youtuber in here or is it just a challenge let's go all the way down oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh hello is anyone there nestor oh hey grave what's up man hello my friend you're here to complete your first challenge of three here we have a parkour course oh okay we're gonna give you five minutes to complete this course or else or else what you die oh oh okay um so i complete the parkour and then i guess like finish the challenge so that sounds good well you have uh one thing stopping you wait what do you mean one thing's stopping me these ice crystals oh no no no no no chill with that joe i know how that works freezer you're not finishing this no no no no die my friend calm down buddy oh gosh oh gosh is that a jet pack you have what the heck would you even get a jet pack you think you can escape from me i could fly up here oh my gosh this is actually the hardest work wherever what the heck okay okay no no no i gotta restart it again how much time did you say i had five minutes oh my goodness okay okay i can do the latter thing again grape what are you doing over there i see you flying okay okay grape no don't oh i missed oh my gosh here we go here we go why is the spark for so long i hear it right behind me oh no he's to the ladder wait did i do the wrong jump oh my gosh no he's gonna do it yes okay wait this is how i get out i don't even know bye grape and we're done yes okay stay over there let's get to the next challenge okay and the next one would be the gold play button two more youtubers remain i don't really know who to expect inside of here but oh gosh okay and please don't be bad please don't be bad hello oh what up master what's up buddy i have a special special boss for you today nestor this is barco the chief are you ready to take him down because i don't think he will is that my challenge for the room i i guess why not that is your challenge good luck buddy oh we're going already oh here we go oh my gosh no that chief is going to kill you nestor you better watch out oh my gosh she literally launches me diamond apple okay there we go i'm going in wow these minions are crazy nasty you don't got a chance they literally are buying so many lasers this is not fair this is not fair why did you not pick an easier boss what the hell sorry i'm sorry nestor is there any way maybe you can help me oh gosh this man is not helping me okay sorry nestor you're on your own i'm on my own unless you have something to offer me i i legitimately have nothing to offer you right now and you're on your own you're on your own oh my gosh do you have anything in my ender sack oh wait lightning tnt oh gosh okay okay okay this might be it this might be it whoa what is that oh wait what the is that nestor you watch out okay lightning tnt let's light this up go go go are you serious it's hitting you up on the glass it's hitting the glass that isn't even fair what nestor you gotta be smarter than that man are you serious oh my gosh this is the most long fight i've ever had no no no no you're not healing again stop stop stop stop stop come on yes oh that's gonna be it for the sun chief wudo that's now for you come on man come on so without we get the mask of misery and here you can have the troll face there you go buddy i get resistance out oh thank you all right buddy i'm gonna go now to the next challenge i wish you the best of luck bye oh my goodness what the heck was that what with that being done all that's left to do now is get to the diamond play button and i'm gonna assume that the portal's in here do i go through here oh wait there's like a random hole right here anyone here that's the play button hello um what's up yo okay so you're the final youtuber i'm gonna be up against or hopefully not up against this is gonna be your final challenge before you can move on to the next world and my challenge is going to be trivia and you'll only have one chance to answer each question and you have to get it right trivia so if i answer the question wrong do i die what is that in your head it's an infinity guy i don't know if you want to know what's in my hand oh okay okay fine all right so let's begin the trivia and i'm not very good at trivia but give me the questions i'm ready all right the first question is what is your most popular video oh okay wait so they're about the channel okay i can answer this my most popular video oh it's minecraft but any item i dream i get that is correct let's go okay nice science all right what do we got next i'm ready okay question two is when did you upload your first video oh that's tough okay i i know the date kind of because i think i have a special video for that day september 2013 but the day is it's on the 17th of the 18th 18th is that correct how do you know that let's go all right final question i'm ready final question is what was your first minecraft butt video oh that one's easy first minecraft buff video was this beautiful video on the screen right now minecraft but i can craft in infinity gauntlet there we go hey okay i thought for a second you're gonna say you you i was about to die that would be very bad but okay so now that i've done all three challenges would you be able to lead me to the next planets portal or do you even know what that is uh yeah just follow me it's just round here oh it's literally right behind here well um thank you very much i will be leaving the youtuber planet now and um i guess here i go good luck wait what so now we're in a chunk planet followed the rings and i got an elytra and a stack of fireworks wait so it's literally a one chunk world but it's a ring adventure that's kind of cool all right why not let's go through here real quick oh gosh okay this is actually sick oh wait there's a chest we gotta go back to the test okay it's gonna be a little bit of a challenge no no no no no that could have been bad anyways i did all that for three golden apples very nice okay it's actually so cool i like this adventure a lot i feel like the loot and these chests are not that good so maybe i should move up a good bit oh my gosh oh my gosh okay up we go it looks like we're going to the nether chunks now okay maybe another truck has something good holy four netherlight blocks in a totem of fire resistance holding the totem and right clicking gives me fire resistance why not well let's keep going and now we're going to the end with a bunch of entities oh wait wait wait wait let me land real quick anything in density oh wait there is actually something new a diamond flail brand new weapon i guess i'll use that and a totem of feather falling gives me the feather falling effect i feel like that's kind of useless we're not gonna grab that let's and so just go to the next thing oh whoa this is so hard to control but i'm actually pretty good at it yo let's go wait wait is everything broken wait what an x-nustorio portal broken blocks and lucky blocks let's break one lucky block for fun and whoa wait this is actually pretty good oh it's really an enchantless hero sword is that even possible let's do one more maybe oh gosh do i do this watch it btnt actually have a good feeling i'm not going to do it i feel like it's going to be tnt instead let's go ahead and get to the next portal which is my logo so is this the accessorial planet here we go planet xstorio wait what wait collect all portal pieces i guess let's go get the portal piece then is there a way to climb up wait was he there before oh there's a bunch of guards oh it's only a bunch of me escorting the area okay let's real quick get up here then without getting attacked by them and honestly the only way i can get out there right now is the render pool so oh wait oh this might be bad okay that could be bad all right i'm going inside of my ear what's up here oh and there we go okay we got another portal block which is right there and a bunch of iron golem flasks and rat traps why do i have rat traps in my ear anyways we got one piece and i guess we gotta go through all of them and can i make it i mean it is an enterprise over there that was an awful throw oh my gosh that was really abysmal oh no that didn't work out like i wanted to but we can do this the old-fashioned way which is gonna be just by shooting it up here okay oh we having a lighter what am i doing oh my goodness i completely forgot i had one oh this is cool okay let's go down here get another piece of that and get some golden apples might need that feature and a charged creeper chunk oh and another right shield that's good let's just go through all the tutorials and then we should be good another piece of that in a ring of hunger less oh whoa wait no more hunger okay not bad all right next chest more of that a featherite bow wait what that is a featherite bow and a tipped iron arrow almost got all the pieces we're actually getting pretty close to the final thing and we also got a fiery sword i mean sure why not anyways five pieces let's keep going alright final extorio i think let's go inside final block piece what is this uh new it's ire i mean why not and i guess with that being done we should be good here anyways let's get this obsidian piece done and i guess the portal will just light itself oh hey the portal went up okay cool so i guess yet again without further ado guys goodbye to storyos and here we go again wait what planet and city one million entities oh my goodness reach the top and find the portal guys this is a never-ending end city wait what okay before anything let me check out the loot we got we gotta get the good stuff oh jess nice orange slow falling good old diamonds a diamond quarter staff don't really need that diamond long sword and a whole lot of the same stuff okay if i was a portal where would i be it literally keeps going up okay where is this portal oh man okay yeah this is tough guys oh yes we found it oh my goodness that was a little bit too close only two fireworks left and before we go inside what's in the thing it's a healing too and what's in the chest ring of slowness resistance definitely need that some more speed things another slowness resistance of breaking three and pretty much a whole lot of nothing so i guess without further ado the final planet or is it that sounds a little bit ominous but here we go wait what boss planet step forward to the arena oh defeat the final bosses the final planet awaits wait do i just walk up to it and the boss spawns wait a second my man just popped out of nowhere i fought this guy before and it's not a very fun fight boss one good luck really there's multiple okay okay let's just get through this guy and then we should be good oh my gosh i did so much wait my sword barely did any damage all right this is about to be a long fight what about arrows the arrows do anything no owl oh man okay clay more of the sea oh that did so much damage again yes one more hit guys oh here it goes okay and there we go yes that's gonna be it for the first boss with first rotna and i guess we're not done there yet let me grab the loot real quick and then fall back oh and the second boss got spawned and i'm not a fan of this one the frost ball is a pain in the butt to fight but i guess i'll do it oh yep yep yep here he goes okay we could not not bow him this is a scam why does my bow not work guys guys guys guys i did not sign up for this i did not sign up for this so let's fall back real quick eat some golden apples and it's still shooting me guys it might be time i might have to do it guys i don't know if this is even gonna kill him but i'm gonna get the nuke out and this might be a bad idea oh gosh nuke time guys my computer's frozen oh no please be alive please be alive i did it i got him the nuke worked challenge complete portal it well here we go guys what is that the final world i guess without further ado let's jump in so guys for the final planet we're gonna be in earth and it's actually not that bad in here anyways guys hope you guys all enjoyed our great one and this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 6,311,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft planets, minecraft but there are custom planets, custom worlds, minecraft custom world, world, custom world
Id: vw5kTkL4Lxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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