Beating Minecraft but I'm a Villager...

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today we're beating minecraft as a villager and we'll be cycling through all sorts of different villager roles to farm fish smith and chan all the way to the end where we'll take on the end of dragon as squidward himself finally these guys are useful okay so i'm a villager and we need to beat the game is one of these huh first things first let's uh love this moment i'm legit a villager right now this is so fun and let's get some supplies going we got a nice tree right here how come it's not mining anything can't damage can't mine you are villager uh well then what am i supposed to do what the heck i can't even break grass can i break anything oh i can break grass well that seems to be oh we got sticks from it sticks seeds it's a start maybe villagers have a different method of crafting i mean clearly whoa i just got something called a butterfly from the grass what the heck that's new yeah i have a feeling that villagers have a totally different way of running minecraft in their little villager mines whoa hey look though i can turn sticks into planks as a villager hey we might be onto something now okay got enough sticks to make a crafting table let's see what we can do with this can i do anything with butterflies let me hello okay composter we're gonna decompose these butterflies oh wow something just happened farmer hey check me out i'm a farmer now what does that mean i'm a farmer okay can i like farm things nope oh sorry sorry buddy i wasn't trying to oh whoa hey check it out if i stand right by the farmland i don't know if you saw a second ago it it actually yeah it grows faster as a farmer oh this is gonna be useful i mean i think maybe i can do something with the bales of hay over here i mean the guy practically grows all the wheat let me see maybe i can break it now can't break it what can i what can i do oh oh i got a needle i got a needle in this haystack but how did i oh hey i can look at it as a farmer and check it out i can actually break it and i got a needle for my trouble and a bunch of hay hey this is gonna be useful i mean i think oh wow it's going a lot faster than i got all this hay okay and the needles i don't know what we do with them yet but well a good farmer feeds its flock flock cattle stock whatever what's your name so you do your thing over here i'll be back to feed you periodically meanwhile we've got these needles over here i'm curious if we can do anything with them we got plenty of bread we got a stack of bread now so food should be covered let me see please yes loom okay check this out we can make a loom with this so then if i'm not mistaken hey hey oh i changed i'm a shepherd now wow i shall not want okay so what can i do as a shepherd maybe these sheep know hey sheepy oh hey whoa i auto sheer them well that makes a lot of sense actually okay you guys eat up on some grass i'm gonna need some more wool i have a feeling oh that i can do something good with this hold on a second we got another homeboy over here yoink i'll take that plenty of sheep all over the place yes good now it begs the question can i do something with wool i guess we'll find out in due course what do you have this has usually been been working nothing there oh maybe not well i still can't mind anything and i don't know if i could switch back to the farmer so i guess i'm just keep shearing sheep hey there we go hey we got something new sturdy cloth i got that from shearing a sheep okay hey look we can make a fishing net from sturdy cloth okay we gotta get to work how am i supposed to beat the game with sturdy cloth okay but a fishing net sounds like another roll upgrade so don't mind me fishing net oh maybe i totally thought that was gonna give me something well maybe i can maybe there's something to do with fishing let me oh hey fishing barrel hey okay fishing net and we need a whole mess more planks we need three six we need seven maybe i can ah a little shy okay back to breaking grass okay they need luck yes fishing barrel ah there we go hey look i'm a fisherman now baby and i got me a fishing rod oh i'm excited fresh new day slept in a bed let's go fishing maybe i get something for my trouble and hey yo he fishes really quickly like i just cast it out check it out someone there's already a fish coming over here fisherman really good at what's that hunting knife okay i got a second one hey maybe this is how we attack i'm sorry sheepy it had to what i can't left click with it oh i right clicked with it oh i became a butcher hey little sheep i'd run if i were you i can't attack now that's good to know buying anything special from killing a sheep how about a little piggy piggy okay pork chop cow betsy i'm so sorry it had to happen okay leather i don't know maybe maybe they got a couple drops let me see what you got hey that one's new look prepared leather okay now we're on to something okay let me see what can we do with prepared leather uh leather working table okay so we need nine prepared leather to get a leather working table well i'll tell you what it's a good thing i was uh breeding these betsies because i got a feeling we're gonna need their help stop struggling maybe we beat the game as an apothecary throw some potions at the ender dragon yes that would be good okay we got what we need which is you to subscribe to comments to crafting so you can see more awesome creations that you guys thought of now let's make this prepared leather into a leather working table hey and who'da thought we are now a leather worker you're looking good with those gloves dude so now what can we do oh hey look look at the side it changed check it out we can mine and craft now i think oh yes we can oh yes coming together can we still damage creatures ah yes we can kill innocent animals not as strong though but hey we can craft a sword now and probably mine and get all that going back to the fabled tree where it all began although things look a little bit differently now we're gonna be at the ender dragon in no time so we can beat this game as one of the most nefarious mobs in minecraft not a single emerald in sight might i add i like how the villagers telepathic he just holds the pickaxe right in front of him awesome all right we're gonna upgrade these tools took a long time just to make my first pick actually guys i'm thinking about it we could become a blacksmith that guy's got weapons that guy's got tools he's got armor how do i do that what's the next recipe let me see yeah we can start making things now but i need like a special block or something maybe maybe if i make certain type of weapon pickaxe crossbow what huh huh what how do i doesn't make sense maybe the sinews from the uh whatever that's fine hey that means we can make a bow right away okay bow looking good and then maybe maybe there's a way to make oh a fletcher could make arrows perhaps how did i goof this oh i always do that that's how it goes there we go bow not bad hey we got the fletcher hey maybe we can make arrows now very useful thrilled yo legit an arrow just appeared i think let me see something if i just walk around i legit just got in we just get more arrows what do you want you want free arrows here take one you silly little guy where's that iron golem i gotta watch out well i'm just gonna let arrows stack and maybe mine up some supplies until i've got a healthy amount of arrows from there maybe we can figure out how to become a blacksmith but i'm in no rush to make this uh go any slower than it has to any faster than it has to we're looking good right now i do hear some baddies maybe we should take on a uh a bad guy for once you all out there somewheres can't see nothing yo check me out what's good player boom how'd i miss the worst i'mma kill a creeper as a villager how'd i miss that one too yeah you stay back mister thank you we got some options while we're here and it's this newfangled stuff now instead of regular iron we've got raw iron okay so making a furnace didn't turn me into a blacksmith for whatever reason maybe i need uh what is it called a blast furnace that's what it is okay how do i make that again blast i think it's with um i think i need regular or i need like cooked stone so we'll cook some of that up we also need we need iron to be honest and we we already collected some iron so that's not a big deal so why don't we get some of the iron cooking as well okay just looked it up so we not we don't need stone we need smooth stone in order to make ourselves a um blast furnace but i'm trying to think if there's another one too um what's it called the grindstone okay but i think grindstone i think grindstone we need let me see yeah hold on grind oh maybe maybe not um okay well meanwhile let's cook up a couple of these because we need to yup there it is smooth stone iron and a furnace so i can just get rid of i i kind of wanted some regular stone let me get rid of this guy appreciate your hard work there now let us make le blas varnas ha ha ha ha ha ha that didn't do anything either you must be joking oh i know why i was thinking of a stone cutter not of a grindstone so then how do i make how to make a how do i make a grindstone oh it just popped up right above my head there do you see that perfect okay well let's solve that let me see grindstone uh okay so we just need some sticks well we have that on hand right now i'm gonna miss all these free arrows not gonna lie that was pleasant while it was happening but grindstone this is what we need maybe i didn't do anything either okay we gotta go to bed because it is dark and i am scared sorry buddy this is mine now okay guys i got a crazy idea remember those hay bales i'm wondering if we can like stand no how about you how about you no anything maybe we need the smithing table too i can make this one right away oh that's all i had to do this whole time tool smith okay well now i'm a tool smith so what do i do maybe i can use these things now let me see oh emerald axe whoa we just got an emerald axe yeah goodbye with the stone sword you must be joking me can i do it again we got an emerald shovel too are you fast you are fast okay wow okay what about with this blast furnace armor what can i oh hey we can switch back and forth [Music] i got emerald boots you must be joking me you seeing this dude he doesn't care then what does the grindstone do anything hey weaponsmith oh i'm thrilled netherride axe what a blind steel oh my gosh and we can just start going nuts on it dude more emerald boots and we can wear them as a villager too this is amazing i don't care about steel give me the goods where did i get the uh where'd i get the booster armor let me see more okay with the boots maybe we can get some other kind at some point okay it takes a little bit to recharge let me see perhaps i got more emerald boots dude i get it okay how about we okay okay i'll just do my thing for a second there we go emerald chest plate love it yo we are getting kidded up i cannot wait to beat the dragon as a villager we're still getting arrows coming in that never stopped to be honest with you awesome we got full actually it took away my helmet for some reason that's a tragedy maybe give it one more shot well that was convenient okay i guess we can't wear a helmet for some reason maybe it has something to do with the villagers as a role okay maybe maybe we did stop getting arrows all the same tool smith another axe yeah i'ma just get what i need we'll be back there we go sonny yo we got stacked we got we got a trident from that we got a crossbow we just got a netherright sword emerald that's nice i'm with it but i mean you know you can't argue with netherride to be honest that is a lot of good stuff that's still not all of the roles i wanna i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make i don't know a bookshelf maybe i can get become uh a librarian and get some enchantments for my stuff big brain hold on and then the potion master we could use all of these things against the ender dragon yo yo i'm thrilled okay hold on a second so make a bookshelf okay and what maybe i can stand on this too and then it'll just yes librarian oh so pumped okay so how does it work what do i do do i just enchant something for me hey there we go oh we got a breaking and sharp okay so it doesn't look like it works every single time i think we have to i don't know get like a proper enchantment like if you try to put sharpness on a pickaxe it wouldn't roll through let me see hmm yep there we go yes oh wow we're gonna be so decked out okay super pumped now all we need to do go to the nether get us a blaze rod make a brewing stand get some potions defeat this sucker yo we don't even need diamonds so prepared bruh who's gonna mess with me honestly ultimate villager and now we just need a stronghold probably get some ender pearls while i'm here but i kind of want to focus on a fortress not a stronghold i mean we're getting the stronghold eventually but that's an innocent little village is that it that's a fortress right there oh my gosh she's so funny oh do they see me bad oh gosh okay this is actually not that great to be honest bro okay i'm glad we're like decked out with all of the most amazing gear in the world there's a fortress right there oh pumped probably at like the perfect level yeah look it's right in here okay places where are you here we go hey oh okay well i can still catch fire that is very true and that guy fell off the edge of the earth so hey perfect oh he likes bad guys ooh yikes okay safe enough distance from the nasties let's make a brewing stand see if this is actually how it works please place yes it does work and look i think i think we can let me see yup yup look at that we just got a strength potion oh bro okay i'ma just load up on these guys okay well we can get blaze powder from it too oh useful very oh and we got another pro from it we even need it oh yes hold on we can just okay okay well guys i'm gonna just do this for about 10 years we'll be back until we got what we need all right y'all check out everything we've got potions on potions on enchanted armors on blocks on food and we got more than enough eyes of ender to get us wherever we need to go on the way okay it led me to another village for some oh you must be joking me do you see that guys go look check it out what are you doing here ender portal right in the middle of the village yo these guys they play nasty hold on a second i mean i'll take it okay here we go in we go oh boy not think this one through do i have any blocks okay i do have some blocks thank goodness first things first take out these crystals this is the one that has the cage on it okay baby let's get it yes just float on down meanwhile i'm gonna see what damage i can do to this guy without worrying about the crystals i might be good enough to be perfectly honest uh yeah not really but i gotta say he legit just hit me so hard right in the air most of these crystals pretty easy to hit with the cross shot so useful all right last caged one boom now don't mind if i do now we go take all the rest of them okay and they're all knocked out whoa but i got hit like crazy by that enderman okay don't know what just happened but i'm so happy i have slow falling potion that could have been okay i get it i get it i get it well this was uh a little easier than i expected to be perfectly honest with you okay until that happens once again but hey we can attack him from above now eat on them final hit get him yeah we did it he's dying over there for some reason right on back ladies and gentlemen we just beat minecraft as a villager make sure y'all subscribe to comments to crafting so you can see us do even crazier stuff victory
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 1,487,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, play minecraft as a villager, playing minecraft as a villager, villager morph, villager, minecraft villager, village, villagers beat minecraft, villagers, villager update, new villager update, minecraft but, minecraft but villagers beat the game, villager trades, emeralds, diamonds, farming diamonds, the end, ender dragon
Id: Baaj7OJ37Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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