Using The PORTAL MOD To Cheat In Hide N' Seek!

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today we are going to find out just who on our minecraft server is the best and highest fee the only problem is that my friends are cheating but that's okay because what they don't know is that i am thinking with portals and while their cheats may be good at first they have no idea what i have planned to use the portals not only to find them but to teach them a lesson what crazy tricks and traps will i be able to do while cheating with portals let's find out oh hey be sure to hit that like subscribe button for some portal okay so aaron i've invited you over because i've taught my minecraft dog how to fudge that's right okay let me see yeah so so wolf learned so watch this watch this watch just go get it go get it don't don't do me like this oh my god no aaron i promise i promise it was it was working before it was working what happened gotcha that was unnecessary you do it uh well you know i didn't have to if you would just play the game right what do you mean play the game right you're the one who decided to run up right behind me just destroy half the server ian where's pierce oh probably in that crater down there oh he was here i know you were down there somewhere you're building stuff he exploded oh he's back hi hey yeah wait no thank you how are you doing supposed to be playing hide and seek but then all of a sudden they had ourselves a bit of a disagreement over who is the better hider and who's better speaker and you know it's not not enough that you have to lie and say that you're the better hider attacker but also that you had to cheat at it taking straight down to the ground and then maybe burrowing inside your house for you just a few minutes four minutes what you did oh no no they get the rules against that board don't get that scott you're both good at hide and seek i mean kind of aaron but you have to admit that i'm pretty good at hide and seek too oh yeah yeah i mean you are pretty good but i mean you let you win i sometimes know about that how about we play a game of hide and seek but no cheating okay what maybe of course yeah no cheating definitely uh-huh cheating yeah yeah yeah all right are just gonna do what they do yeah but at least you won't she right it's nothing to worry about uh fine you know what that's okay that's perfectly fine because you know what i have a little bit of cheating magic on my side too see this it's a portal gun and i'm going to use this portal gun to cheat at minecraft hide and seek [Laughter] take a listen here now there now here now there oh beautiful wait a minute am i thinking yeah i'm pretty sure your last one to find a hiding spot so there's never find us before you lose your idea all right you go first i'll do it three two one ready or not here i come okay good luck finding us you'll never do it never you know what i'm gonna try so let's see hmm who is hiding in his house i can kind of believe that maybe he is but let's see let's see and oh ian hello uh die i i'm nowhere no i'm hiding then how can you hear me sir um yeah yeah okay ian's probably cheating he is definitely cheating you know why because he's not here and he is at his house normally so [Music] oh of course the gold swords ian's trademark okay that's fine fine you know what i'm gonna find out where oh oh steve you know all the best dance moves okay um hang on i i i i got i gotta pause my show you know anyway what are you doing here um you know finding someone who isn't supposed to be cheating um well uh okay i know you found me but consider this okay ah yes you know what goes with go you know what goes really good with cake what um okay all right um let's go find pierce and aaron whoa whoa whoa freaky okay all right let's go see um so pierce hmm he'd probably be next to his house right he sounds quiet i bet he's cheating after aha yeah i wouldn't put a pat i would you know i wouldn't put a passion yeah aaron i would never cheat never huh i play good on this game ah yes let us distract towards aaron and not towards pierce this is the ideal for pierce pier she's telling you getting louder yeah well don't worry about all the buzz and it's uh i'm going under her i'm i'm going under like a tunnel it's really buzzy down here it's really buzzy you're gonna get me in but also let me thanks thanks for letting me hanging out your place uh you know i really needed to prove myself this time and you know nope only other bees in a place that we're not supposed to be hiding in remember no cheating spots this isn't a cheese spot i got this here fair and square so what you gonna do buddy you can't even get to me be scared what what do you mean huh face life break that thing please don't do it all right how about that oh this is a really bad plan uh oh you're the one who's really not not inspired oh no all right i'm here with the beans one to go hope you guys are enjoying timeouts well well you'll never find me but i mean if you want a little hint maybe you should just look down that shouldn't be too hard with you being short wow i can't believe that you know what that's fine that's fine uh you know it's fine it's fine where'd my dog go puppy puppy oh no i don't know where i don't know where she went uh oh hey there you are come on i need your help did you finally teach your pup how to fetch wow you know what i i'm learning wait why are you making those hearts here love me wait a minute why are you here actually [Music] hmm hey aaron uh-huh what's up you're hot you know that right uh okay but what is that gotta do with anything oh hi hello so um this is a hot spring and uh it's hot and nice and i made it shallow because i know you can't swim so wow that's it yeah that's right so it's obviously cheated right means it's my turn to hide say it was obvious that we cheated yeah it's obvious that you were the one who actually cheated to find us in the first place he fought us way too quickly yeah yeah what was that weird thing you were holding yeah what it was this dog bone duh what well if you're not if you're gonna commit admit to the cheating then a rematch yeah you guys hid in super secret hiding spots this is hiding secrets hide behind trees and then fountains you still found us yeah yeah despite all that so if you think you're so good then obviously you can find us at even better spots right fine [Music] [Music] um you know what i'm gonna go start pierce's house fine yeah no i'll tell you i i'm actually in my house still there wait wait wait for real are you actually in your house yeah of course i'm in my house i do you wanted you wanted to make sure that we were cheating so i'm just gonna let you know right now in my house wow you're making it you're not in your cow one cow farm uh what happened to the sheep i don't want to talk about it are you on the couch no no no no this is a very normal bookshelf nothing weird here at all yep that's very normal you should move forward pierce you can't cheat you can't i'm not cheating i'm hiding oh hi hi and goodbye see ya this is jam room of solitude okay all right i'm all sealed up and protected okay okay obsidian all the way around it'll take you at least 20 seconds um okay gonna jam out to my favorite tunes cause she can't get in here never she can [Music] i love this song [Music] get over here and you want to give me a hint like pierce he was nice and comfortable i mean i i don't know i've just got such a sweet hiding spot a sweet hiding spot it is so good so sweet i am just feeling a little a little little full right now i'm looking i'm i'm definitely not i'm cooking around i'm gonna definitely not in the kitchen and you know if you're in casey's house give me a sec you're very predictable you know that oh this is this is an open okay uh what if i did like secret ah there is a secret there oh hey ian hey buddy you okay you like i love the cake i i'm i'm doing great i'll be honest um i have to get away with you you know what it's fine it's fine aaron aaron you're next well all right i don't think you'll ever find me i'm just um fishing out at sea you could say oh see you know the only people who have like uh anything c related in their houses are noise um it doesn't look like he's here and that's good yeah yeah just go to the shore and start swimming i can't swim eren you know that let's see oh tank see blue um oh oh hi well uh hello there hello fancy meeting you through a glass fish wall like this ooh too bad you can't get back here uh-huh all right well you know what huh wait what was that what i had bone i use the bone i don't [ __ ] so we can talk we can talk don't use that i just wanted to enjoy some cake 100 piece of singing christmas one two three five oh no 13 21 again oh no he's counting wrong it's fine it's fine don't worry i'm gonna go find a spot i can go to just maybe don't mind if i do hello huh oh no oh wow wow you are very predictable you know that right every time it's just the titans you didn't have to do that you did it it just works every time whenever i get those diamonds going it's just what they can't see so why would you catch me why don't you go catch everybody else huh oh yeah yeah it's fair point all right wow i can't believe that he doesn't know i have this okay let's see bam and uh let's put that over there bam and um oh whoa whoa nice nice okay all right let's get out of here let's get here quickly before he realizes where are you nowhere um i gotta hide i gotta find some brother hide oh my gosh oh my gosh i gotta find that definitely not hiding in the kitchen this time don't you worry all right wait a minute what are you doing i was gonna hide here no but this is my cookie room okay well pierce you can't let pierce know that i'm here she's not a cheer okay well it's just not nobody no no no here's let's talk about this one here oh there's nothing to talk about uh okay but why don't you put that exploded okay that's fine you know what that's perfectly fine i'm gonna uh okay let's see oh i guess i can use my secret base down there oh okay okay uh here we go and okay what don't yeah look for me you're fine okay but like this is hide-and-seek so yeah probably no no i'm good don't worry uh-huh all right well it's like that casey's wait hey oh what uh nothing you can't see me oh you can't see oh i see you all right it's okay it's okay oh my god about this um you know i can ask the same thing about you mister i set a trap with two diamonds trap bathmal because she's really she's really she's really dumb for diamonds yeah no you are anyway here i go pierce you can't break this this is hard to break it's not going to work oh god you're dying oh no oh no oh okay he drowned well i guess that means i win i got the secret good job me oh wait aaron is that you yeah no well what gave it away [Music] i don't know the fact that you know my hiding spot and also you're a red sheep so i mean hiding in plain sight [Music] i won good job thanks all right i'ma let's get to the next round let's go three two one ready or not here i can okay you guys this is so much fun i cannot believe you made this oh yeah i've been working on something like this for a while pierce [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] don't worry about it yeah built a roller coaster yeah aaron pierce where did you guys go hmm you're not gonna be able to find me all right you're gonna be barking up the wrong tree whoa okay all right got hey i'm just really tired you ride a roller coaster all day it was really exhausting um you know what maybe how about uh i'm just gonna get out of here uh here hello you leave let's see don't worry oh no not regina don't worry i'll leave your gene alone and uh okay good thank you thank you for leaving i'm sorry i actually hit one it's okay bye sheep you're fine all right good that was nice erin nope you'll never find me give me a second i might be able to find you uh aaron are you somewhere right now yeah i'm somewhere in the world okay but are you somewhere tall by any chance well i i mean that's everything do you like this gotta go up gotta go up okay uh hello oh yeah yeah it is isn't it so cool i mean i built it up here so we can see the world oh that's beautiful it's a beautiful scenery slice don't you think so you are actually tall i know i feel so tall [Music] no no come on come on come on i'm i'm not barking up the wrong tree just get away from me with your three buttons guys where did you go she's just too good at this game every time it's getting better i mean seriously pierce was cheating earlier but this goes beyond cheating i i still dispute the fact that i was cheating in the last time but i agree 100 agree that we need to stop her in some way but how hmm do we have any other mods on the server that we can use no no no no not mods you're [Music] [Music] how is this gonna help us it's foolproof come on you know what it is why blow up her house i mean we're fools i don't see you coming up with better plans i don't know let's just keep going dude [ __ ] takes care of these really well just avoid them i think the bees are kind of uh detrimental you know what i can help them with that that'd be great here we go got it got it oh yeah yeah erin are you okay yeah yeah i'm okay i'm sorry about your house oh what happened yeah that's um piercing ian which is piercing it you know what you can come over to my place while we fix yours oh absolutely uh oh not again [Applause] ah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,107,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft portal, playing portal in minecraft, minecraft portal pranks, minecraft portal aphmau, pranking my friends with portal guns in minecraft, minecraft pranks, best way to prank your friends in minecraft, minecraft portal mod, playing minecraft with a portal, cheating minecraft, minecraft cheating portals, stealing diamonds with a portal, portal gun pranks, funny minecraft pranks, easy ways to steal diamonds in minecraft, portal, minecraft no swears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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