Hiding From The EVIL WINTER WOLF In Minecraft!

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these winter werewolf pups are about to make trouble for our werewolf babysitter in this crazy minecraft hide-and-seek as the secret the babysitter must find everywhere we'll puff and everywhere we'll pop must hide and cause trouble for the seeker and as winter werewolf we know some fun snowy ways to hide can the babysitter survive all these mysterious pups let's find out also be sure to subscribe thanks come on and i want to play come play with us bye [Laughter] your werewolves you can be outside stop throwing stuff onto me well then we'll be outside and you can play with us outside come on no no no no no you're gonna play outside i'm gonna play inside where it's warm and comfy and i don't get hit by snowballs guys [Music] oh i don't think he's gonna play with this anymore guys so glad you decided to obey your alpha and your ultimate i mean uh i don't have to obey you because you know time to play time to play play fine fine stop it quiet all right what do you babies want to play anyway oh my god wait wait what do we want to play i don't even talk about this cookie time cookie that's not a game all right you know what you know what i i think i heard you guys say hide and seek i think that's a great idea you know me as the seeker i'm gonna track you down with the babysitter the dog no wait can we say that it's the price that we can use for later not right now no we're using it now anyway okay so hide and seek you all go hide i'm gonna go i'm i'm go take a potty break i'll be right back don't do anything bad okay but we gotta hide right here we're gonna do something bad right he didn't give us cookies i think i feel like we should do bad stuff yeah yeah we should do bad stuff like that oh he was really jumping off the door yeah exactly really well he didn't lock the hope your babies are hiding of course we're just in the bed don't worry about us what these oh what what what what did you what did you do to my snowman wait are you putting me are you putting me in here okay let's let's just stand on each other's shoulders it's okay what's up we'll make a picture make a big adult all right you uh you're in the dog house tell him tell him tell him that he smells i you smell he's going inside your house he's stealing your stuff excuse me he's here no no no no no hey that's all right he's going he's going through your trash hey hey beatty you can't do that oh [Music] ah [Music] listen my snowman friend is very powerful okay he will hurt you i am the snowman i will hurt [Music] what are you doing to my snowman you can't you can't kill snowman oh no what what oh no no no pay no attention to the werewolf inside the snowman no i can't just play well you wouldn't kill me in here oh no snowman show me your secrets oh no oh no hello no no no no no open open back up all right babies i've grown up and i've learned all about taxes and fanfictions and i'm ready to babysit you not the two adult things no no all right so we're going to play hide and seek oh i'm going to close my eyes and i'm going to let you three hide sure and if you win okay there's some cookies [Music] yeah he's gonna kill us let's go and come over here to the bathroom all right okay but not just any bathroom right let me show you all right i want to take a bath no i i'm not toilet trained yet over here this way this way this way this is my crappy bathroom all right wow come on do you like your little bird that's very nice are you ready or not here i come guys guys guys so you can take a bath what are you doing you right click you can get in the back [Music] [Music] where are you wait a minute wait a minute something smells it's the smelly smell that smells come on kid wait it's coming from in here it was you that time no it wasn't what is going on in here oh my god that's it why can't i get in this room listen i always knew that ian was a stinker no now he'll just have to burn oh [Laughter] i can't be in here anymore no the fire's freaking it smell wet please don't leave oh my god i can't all right kids there you are oh so you know if i didn't find you you would have gotten cookies but because i found you all right you guys i'm the babysitter now and who are you watching all right i love snackies oh my god i want stucky's head movie oh my gosh why are the cookies oh you promised [Applause] here look i actually have cookies i will give you guys cookies cookies cookies cookies what do you want to watch what do you want to watch all dogs go to heaven okay all right let me put that on okay so let's see uh how do i put this how do i operate this tv to get the remote out somewhere or something like that uh let's see all right oh my god guys guys i can still hear you you're here somewhere what happened she can't hear me i keep going here okay okay you guys i have wolf ears too i can also smell you i smell you you're here we're very far away wait a minute that echoed you'll oh my god where'd you go where are we gonna go where are you can't do that i'm coming that's the trail the treehouse treehouse okay the [Music] they're going to the tree house show me show me where this treehouse is show me what these two there's the treehouse listen in we have me and pierce have talked and you're voted out of the werewolf club yeah no it's just us too now sorry you're you're a snitch oh you know what i'm going to bring him into the werewolf club just because i'm nice look at that oh no she's not strong she can't do it oh wow i'll get him up there don't worry [Laughter] you're just killing him no what are you doing up here don't tell your wait are you you can't do that ian i helped you you got to help me out now oh my god and i stole more cookies okay give us some of those cookies and you're fine yeah wow obviously there's no one bigger than me here okay no no no no no no no no no him yeah that was kind of rough that was that was very brutal all right you know what you two are coming down there we go no don't go don't worry i got it i can't i can't where's the fire ah i brought someone up the blocks are breaking oh there's one oh the block that i am standing on cannot break due to fire uh let's see what if it breaks due to strength no i know where it [Laughter] that's a good is what are we doing pierce we're supposed to play and see why did you give us these throw ball thingys throw balls no no this is fishing of course one of the best one of the best activities to do with the winners do some ice fishing yeah of course they smell we're waiting for them to prevent so they get nice and squishy hey what what we already caught fish we already caught something right here yeah but we need four there are three fish and there are four of us we gotta at least have one more fish hey i'm catching i'm catching you i noticed this that's all we need thank you all right all right you guys you guys don't appreciate this well enough you're back yeah fishing's boring hold on hold on i got a big i got something special for you all right i just need to go in i'm going to get my secret fishing bait all right and that way we'll catch fish super fast we just have to find this chest over here hold on [Music] all right he's crazy okay he is nuts okay there are no fish down there but you know what we can fishing's boring we could be the fish get out of my way oh i found it wait no that's just fish like good fish right i just gotta catch em just gotta get it out of here there we go i got quite a catch uh-huh i just gotta i just gotta come on come on fishies come on fishies get here oh watch this watch this almost right here there [Music] you know what i'm just going to get these fish myself i'm just going to punch right here wait what's this come on let's go i can't get out [Applause] he was just a babysitter help me out get me out of here i just wanted to catch some fish uh again with him okay babies figured out i've checked the couches i've checked the exits there's no like special secret hiding spots you guys can escape we got the movie going i got your snack going just like you wanted here you get it you got cookies now okay here they're your milk and cookies you destroyed the couch my corner it doesn't matter more cookies more cookies more cookies look i got i gotta go get more cookies uh so just watch the movie what do we got what do we got we got a nice documentary i'm sure you oh anyway you're right documentary where's the youtube i love documentaries he didn't even turn it on i know i don't think you understand i don't think he knows how to do things [Music] that's it that's it quiet do you like it subscribe to your favorite youtubers no oh my goodness you should subscribe and like right now no no no no no all right all right you know what you know what no cookies no cookies for you i am going to take all these cookies and i'm going to eat them myself see what you think of that you know you don't do that no you don't you don't even get it's illegal you don't even get those cookies no they're gonna go straight to your throat i don't care i'm an adult i can do whatever i want dang it he's right what do we do he didn't even say anything about me standing on the table he's really stupid yeah he's really dumb that's how he can get hurt the most okay all right you know what i saw something in the back over here ian has his collection of motorcycles oh my god he's got just enough for us what's up oh you're so big oh more cookies i love more cookies yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah more cookies well why are you guys stealing all the cookies i use more cookies okay remember what i said about being an adult how i could eat as many cookies as i wanted yeah i did and uh not gonna lie i'm kind of in pain right now i don't feel too good what happened to your [Music] does your tail become flat and long i don't feel too good guys i think we definitely okay no guys guys stop stop stop no okay listen we've learned a very valuable lesson today yes okay if you eat too many cookies for christmas yeah it'll explode don't eat all the cookies leave it to santa he's the only one capable in the entire world to eat cookies it's true it's very true let's leave it and tell the world about ian's story yeah let's go we gotta tell everybody you can't eat so many cookies for us think bad things he farted okay guys so ian was a terrible babysitter but so he became a baby that's what happens when you become a terrible babysitter you revert back into a baby yes yes yes listen i i think i was great babysitter and i never agreed to be a baby stop hitting me all right but don't worry guys the next one that mom called is gonna be great look look i promise okay it'll be great what could it be i don't know it's a mystery here's babysitter wait a minute i vaguely remember you being a baby five seconds ago no no relation i've never been a baby in my life anyway here we go i'm babysitting this time and you know what yeah i am the best babysitter of all time what's wrong i don't like this at all little bean coming in to start hold on let me try it again i'll just come in and be like hi guys hope you're having a good time hey hey all right babies i see how this is i saw i saw how you treated their last babysitter you know what ah i got a simple solution for this one all right the answer is the most powerful thing in the universe glass i'm just gonna seal you in right here there is haha way no snow hey guys hey we can get out the kitchen he can't stop us oh you gotta get out the kitchen huh well too bad oh so glad there you go [Applause] oh now if you'll excuse me babies i'm going to do what every good babysitter does and go watch tv goodbye i'm just going to make sure this keeps up before i go i'm just going to lock this up right here don't mind me oh we can't i think there's air still but that's fine i don't mind but we're gonna breathe all the air well that's your problem not mine i don't get paid i stopped breathing okay oh they have a toilet here great all right guys we've got to get out of here before he sticks up the place wait wait i have an idea guys guys guys look at the fires oh my god i never knew all chimneys had this yeah i know come on let's go out i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying okay i'm not dying okay we gotta close the door close close up okay we don't want to find it out okay all right guys wait wait wait oh yeah just in case he [ __ ] too much that he'll die oh good good idea okay okay okay um we need to get ew i can hear it i can hear him and smell him at the window oh no i see him in the bathroom [Laughter] baby [Applause] what is this it's an impenetrable defense i can't get through now [Music] [Music] hold on no no did i see a werewolf foot no no you didn't stay away no no no hi gotta get you go dig i did it i explained it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,881,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby ultima winter werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as an ultima werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became an winter ultima werewolf in minecraft, pranking my friends as winter werewolf, pranking my friends as winter werewolf aphmau, winter werewolf minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, baby werewolf
Id: 4aWj7UIzsrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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