Minecraft But We Play As HELPFUL WEREWOLVES!

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I just finished th at video and came in reddit

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/memeLane1 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love that video I watched it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alternative-Ad-4859 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

But like when Ein made an appearance as a wolf and did his evil laugh that gave me mad Emerald Secret and When Angels Fall flashbacks. T^T

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AikaSanUwU 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
our minecraft server gets bitten by the werewolf's curse which turns everyone into werewolves by day cute werewolves by night the beast is unleashed with insane powers and even our very own wolf pack but some players are left to fight off the curse who will remain human and who will have the last house and flower there and a flower here and it's looking good oh my house is so nice maybe just flip this around a little bit it was around over here it's looking so good [Music] you must be the winner hello yes who's there um hey what's up sorry i don't let rude guests in without them ringing the doorbell first that's just rude to ask through the window sorry hang on potatoes out of here oh oh one second hello hello don't want any i'm coming in [Music] uh anything different did you notice anything different actually did you notice my new outfit look at it isn't it so cute no i no listen ears tail i'm a werewolf oh and you got the little oh oh my god oh wait oh no oh no uh uh uh i i have come to recruit you for my werewolf army starting with you no no i said a money oh you're not cute you're fearsome you're you're powerful you're you're a werewolf the greatest creation and being of all time oh my god i'm so cute okay all right so what powers do i get is that powerful ah yes none oh none i mean not right now you know during the day you see it's still light out you see it still light up during the day we can like bite and infect people and stuff and turn them into werewolves like us but at night moon is high and the sky is dark above us that is when a square wolves growl we get our powers in oh so he's gonna wait till night okay all right all right let's do that so i'm gonna go take a nap you you stay down there and do whatever you do okay all right i'm gonna pick okay i can't go to bed it's not night time i'll just sit on the couch watch some tv oh two hours later whoa the sun's going down what's gonna happen it's almost time that's when our true power comes out oh my god oh my god oh my god you'll notice it's at night but it doesn't look too dark we have wolf night vision we can see everything that's just the beginning of everything we're not only super fast and can jump super high jump follow me come follow me follow me okay all right oh i'm scared i was almost there where'd you go oh there you are can we do this oh yeah we're very stealthy in the ground but you'll notice wolves are not only very fast wow run into those sheep over there okay all right whoa whoa oh my god i push them around that's right you don't let any other animals push you around you push them around i'm a wolf oh wait a minute do you smell that oh you're starting to get it maybe uh maybe nom on them a little bit oh my god oh can i bite them can i hello pig can i bite you in a bite oh oh i i just bit that pig oh my god so yes we do have our nice wolf forms but did you know werewolves have other forms what's that all they do for example i can really get stronger and become oh werewolf you got legs oh my god i got legs oh my god we had legs already but you know oh that is so cool okay all right what else can we do what else can we do we can do for some pretty cool things uh you know we can also use this during the day but you know it's not not always as effective we also have one more third powerful form but i think we should save that for kauai-chan and zane i think we should uh we should uh show them what it's like to be a cool werewolf i think you know prove who's the strongest coolest werewolf for my werewolf army all right all right let's go guys if you're enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and maybe subscribe thanks all right so this is dana kawaii chan's house and oh they're already over there sitting down together oh my god i want i want to go in i want to go in i want to turn them into werewolves now i want to do it trust me we got to take this easy all right we got to take this easy all right let's just go ahead and ring the doorbell [Music] who that is hey yeah hi youtube what's going on how are you uh so we were just wondering if we could come in oh well about that you see he's eating cake and he doesn't like to be disturbed [Music] kawaii who's at the door right now oh one second guys uh okay so it's now and ian and i'm not certain what they want exactly all i know is that they want to come inside the house those two they know not to disturb me when i'm eating cake at a time like this just tell them to come back another time all right what but i don't want to be rude to them why do i have to be the rude one well they know better than to disturb me at this point uh well i i don't want to be rude so you're gonna have to do it okay fine you know i'll do it myself i am going to give those two a piece of my mind and they're going to um you said aphmau and ian were at the door right yeah ah no they're not there there are two werewolves standing out there what do you mean i opened the door and there are two wolves just standing right in front of us like very muscular wolves so go see for yourself all right i will question what's taking forever oh my god i think you're seeing things where's we're saying he's having issues oh no oh not his cake oh no how dare he yeah i think he needs more time alone with it i'm sorry oh it's oh it's okay just my feelings are really hurt right now i'm sorry guys give me one second okay okay all right zayn what okay you saw what i saw right it was just half mel and ian what you can't be serious they really want to come in and they said that their feelings were hurt and you know i don't like hurting my friends feelings i'm not worried about i'm not worried about their feelings i'm worried about enjoying this dessert and not letting too dangerous okay they are ringing the door too much okay fine just let them in look you two that's not the opponent their werewolves are back out there i i swear okay okay you're being very rude right now brood i'm being realistic yeah guys come on oh my god [Music] out there before where did you even come from yeah we're right here look i promise look come out see we're perfectly fine i'm eating too much sugar or something like i could have sworn that there was a white and black wolf just standing out here in front of the door maybe zayn is just hungry you know like a wolf oh no okay all right you know what you know what guys guys guys how about this you know we're really strong werewolves and we want you to join us so if you would like to just get like a little taste of meat or something like that that'd be great uh uh you know something i have something that i was going to eat and it was a cake and you interrupted that wearable knot so good bye wow okay so we did it your way now we do it my way how about we give them a little bit of time to prepare and then we attack oh that's a good idea all right hey you too i can still come in i don't have a diamond pickaxe but i have one at home all right so look you have a few minutes to get ready because we're gonna be back with an army of wolves [Laughter] take your nasty meat and get out of the way you know i almost feel bad for them because they're totally cute and powerful i guess but you know yeah it's the power that matters oh my god okay all right yeah yeah sure all right it's been more than five minutes [Laughter] [Music] chang we gotta be ready to fight back for these all right okay okay all right all right you got to be ready to bite back okay okay i'm gonna break down the door i'm gonna break down the door oh [Music] all right all right you know what you know what i'm gonna do i'm i'm gonna pick up i'm gonna pick up a sheep oh you can get your [ __ ] we're gonna get it get yourself perfect get your sleep oh stop throwing our sheep you know we can jump super high right oh hello little human how about inside inside more walls oh they're both they would think it's in my house they would wait they don't even have a door to this place oh tnt huh you're trying to hit that you're dead yourselves hello wait since what does tnt have a doorbell what what i'm coming through the window ow fire ouch no no no no no no my sword broke oh something happened oh the weakness how does that how does that break oh let's go inside how do we get going get upstairs okay we gotta get inside let's go let's go let's go oh this is bad this is very bad there's got to be something in here hello are you you know not great you guys put up a good fight yeah they did a good job they did [Music] i was just distracted by wanting to eat a cake that badly all right well you know what since you didn't share you get to be [Music] look at you guys oh i don't see what's so great about this just yet all right well don't worry but you know what ian i've been thinking about it i think we should be good werewolves all right so how about this so i saw some other wolves that were going to attack the village nearby what if what if we all go there and stop them all right yeah cause i'm really encouraged to do something with you after the shenanigans you just pulled out there look look they have a bakery there all right does that make you feel better get your wolf cake all right let's go guys all right guys gotta make sure that everything's okay right be sneaky who's not being sneaky back there zayn you're gonna be sneaking not used to being a worm i'm not sneaky i'm angry okay that's not being sneaky sorry guys yeah guys you speaking oh my god oh my god oh no oh no tonight is the night that us werewolves own the night we are the oh no they're trying to get the villagers out of the field and oh i was doing a speech but fine we already got where we'll start we are the werewolves we are the most powerful and we're the best use your ability to take all my frustration out of these little things i'm i need to stop smelling stuff i can smell everything everywhere all right all right guys you gotta save the sheep normally werewolves don't like sheep but you know what i'm gonna save them sheep come here let's go of my oh all right oh my god it's so nice to have nothing smelly okay i'm gonna you know i'm gonna go everywhere oh there's this room hey hey stop it oh my god these zombies oh my god okay guys need to appreciate being a werewolf more it's awesome i'm howling get back get there out here shouldn't they listen to us oh no the villagers guys are gonna save the villagers oh my god this [ __ ] oh my god oh oh sorry my bad [Music] you know i'm not the biggest fan of saving these humans but i'm cheaper all the baby sheep oh the sheep oh i better say the sheep all right i got the sheep [Laughter] i got it that was amazing they got they got in the sheep then oh no okay it's fine it's fine i'm here i'm helping [Laughter] it's so much anymore okay guys are they gone do we do it did we i hope i don't see anything else guys see being a werewolf is the best it is guys it's the best oh my god oh my god uh i lied about the cake zane sorry oh you really made him angry i'm sorry to kick myself back here
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,156,129
Rating: 4.8814411 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft werewolves, minecraft werewolf mod, minecraft werewolf aphmau, minecraft wolf, aphmau wolf, alpha wolf aphmau, playing minecraft as a werewolf, transforming into a werewolf, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, becoming a werewolf, minecraft pranks aphmau, minecraft werewolf pranks, minecraft tower defense, turning my friends into werewolves, tricks to play on your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, minecraft morph mod
Id: gl4HGoLMtYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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