Rise of the Immortal PHOENIX In Minecraft!

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rising from the ashes i am the minecraft venus which makes me the guardian of our server i'll soar with my wings of fire to save my friends from any danger that comes their way but when someone dares to steal the almighty phoenix egg i have to bring the fire and the flame to get it back because if it hatches on its own we're all in big trouble will i be able to save our server from fiery chaos you'll just have to watch to see oh and don't forget to set the subscribe button on fire by hitting it thinks the most powerful creature on the server happens to be me welcome to my volcano base i am the phoenix and as you can see i have my adorable phoenix baby egg here this is cute i'm so excited for her to hatch look at her oh she's just got to be a little warm the more i use my spells the more she's going to come back to life so after this yes somebody's like help okay i gotta go oh all right there's creepers oh there's a ton of creepers at kauai chan's house and if she i don't know i'm gonna be able to help her oh no uh let's see what can i do oh there's so many of them why are there so many creepers don't worry kalai chan i am on my way there's a lot of creepers here hey creepers don't worry kwan chan i got oh thank you whoa what's happening don't worry about the fire okay you'll be fine i won't hurt anyone that i love don't worry it's fine i'm gone thank you oh sorry ian sorry about that no i got these don't worry there we go and you know what since you try to help i'll let you take one how about that you can take this right here uh i got this one i believe in you i am the fear all right creeper how about thee [Applause] don't worry uh you don't have to worry about that you know what fine it's fine don't worry kawaii i'm a phoenix i i can bring things back to life watch this there we go whoa [Music] you know magical uh phoenix powers like this [Laughter] sounds phoenix oh can i can i can i be one too that's not how it works all right i can i can bring things back to life i can't give you magical powers i'm not like some kind of wish granting phoenix okay i just wait so so that's all you can give me powers though uh see you later okay i've done a great deed for today now to get back to trying to make my house look a little nicer especially before my baby phoenix comes up i oh what's this a chest oh i wait who left this here and why is it weird uh all right so i'm thinking that what i'm gonna do is probably put a little bit more lava since the baby phoenix is tend to like since the baby phoenix extend to like lava that um wow this is just i just i'm just not walking far enough i guess let's see uh maybe if i walk a little like this maybe if i turn around and look at this suspicious chest i could probably uh you know maybe i should fire rate you know just a little bit let's do something like this [Laughter] why did you do that what are you doing you're not like you're not like being like sneaky whatsoever ian i mean i thought i was pretty sneaky but listen listen this place is pretty cool you've got the phoenix powers i i see the phoenix symbol here i want phoenix powers you want the phoenix powers um i want the phoenix powers okay well like i said before ian that's just not possible all right only like you know like see like legendary creature here look at this see transform into the phoenix i'm really cool ian i i just you have to do some good deeds you know to kind of like become a phoenix and then you have to like you know die every bird there's a lot of crazy things that are involved in it so uh why do you want to be a phoenix anyway come on you just keep all the cool stuff to yourself i want the cool powers i want it maybe you can like like breathe magic fire on me and that'll transform me or something right you want me to breathe fire on you yes oh my gosh okay you know what okay ian fine you know what i i'll breathe fire on you do you want this like something that cool or what just regular fire yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i want all the cool things okay i'm gonna try some fire you ready yes hey all right well you know what he's gone and uh he probably won't be coming back which is perfect okay oh my god maybe maybe that was a little too much is there is there another way is there like anything anything special no no no no actually that should have given you phoenix powers yeah for sure i'm 100 really all you got to do is we're just going to try to test out your wings and uh put you right here oh yeah yeah yeah i can fly now yeah sure go ahead do your thing yeah that's um okay you know what that's perfectly fine he is uh he's gone now and uh he can stop bothering out being a phoenix because i can't do that that is not something i can do i oh my god he's back okay this a this is a big cave i'm i'm i'm uh i'm gonna go explore you know hang on that's a lot of fire down there you don't mind if i just uh no you can't put water in here my baby my egg is down there you can't do that yeah there's a lot wait did you say egg yes i said let me know nothing where's the egg where is it is it egg of power it is nowhere over here nope oh i see an egg did that give you your powers how do i use the egg can you eat it no you don't eat this egg this egg is precious this egg is a part of the phoenix's life cycle it is the most important egg and uh you just don't worry about it you know you can hang out how about we go important egg a most important egg exactly in that case oh no ian good job using your one leg brain cell to help me out of here come on this is oh thank you where did you get this where did you get this spell anyway oh uh i stole it from you how dare you let me out come on no no no i'm gonna figure out the secrets to this egg and um yeah you just have fun in there so uh see ya it's not my spell that's it hang on i i gotta climb up climb up the waterfall can't believe you and where did you go give me back my i cannot believe this he got away that little sneaky ah that little sneaker all right ian if you can hear me i'm coming for you no i heard where that came from i can't believe ian how could he do that to me stealing my egg my precious baby egg said i'm going to track him down using all of my abilities let's see where is it where is it it should arrive here soon oh there it is there it is i just gotta follow and it'll tell me exactly where he is come on go lights oh it's leaving behind little trails that means it's on the right path oh it's on fire now this is my familiar my firefly familiar come on show me exactly this is your face i see it okay for the last time ian i told you i don't want to help you why not come on it'll be cool and you'll have phoenix powers too and we can take over the server together ian a phoenix is a symbol of luck there are beautiful creatures do you want to know the bad luck that will fall upon you if you dare to attack a phoenix i am not gonna be any part of this come on have to think sensibly about this this is wrong [Music] oh no ian's gotten mad he's gone mad with power that's not good uh let's see uh maybe i can distract him there we go i'm gonna make everything grow now you're imprisoned in my cave and no one can stop me or at least not you you know anyway oh you better hope the phoenix doesn't drop in oh the phoenix isn't anywhere near here she's probably just doing her own lame little phoenix things because she couldn't use the powers like i could remember what i said bad luck from a phoenix oh now i've got to mow all of this again ah hang on let me get get to work this is gonna take all day oh you are oh you're the phoenix yes i am all right and i'm here to set you free all right no i i thank you but you need to get out of here ian is he wants to get your powers come on don't worry about ian it's okay come on come on come on oh behind you watch out well well if it isn't the phoenix who wouldn't give me the phoenix powers yeah because of them look at the poor noise you put them in a wooded cage how could you yeah yeah i put them in a wooden cage uh but you know what i got a different cage for you oh yeah show me a cage made of ice ian what are you doing i can't move no put her down oh no oh i'll put her down stop in the freezer yeah how about you two cool off nice one ian oh thank you in yes yes i'm very very clever the worst time i've heard in a week yeah it was really bad and now that i've got you both trapped here you will never leave and i will learn how to obtain the phoenix hang on someone's at the door i'll be here i'll be right back oh well thank you for trying to save me but you're welcome now what are we going to do don't worry i'm a phoenix all right we get out of things pretty quickly especially with ian being distracted like he so easily is just get out of here okay stand back stand back up done wow exactly and don't worry a phoenix's flames will never hurt somebody who they like you're on fire exactly so much come on let's get going okay i've got your back quiet chance here what's she doing here okay so yeah you know the whole idea about borrowing my sugar it you know okay yeah that idea so you have to give it back eventually i will i promise what are they talking about yeah but you know you kind of throw up my farm and i need you to [ __ ] up by giving me sugar more you know listen i didn't blow up get out of here i don't want to hurt you and i said i would do it i'm just doing it later what your base is dumb what [Applause] and you're never going to find it i guess stop burning down my base everything's got to burn down [Applause] i told you not to take on the phoenix ian hang on i i i don't have an oh hello nice all right you guys should head out of here kaijan don't worry we'll get you sugar later okay thank you thank you so much i'm just gonna finish up here and make sure that this all goes down all right yeah that looks pretty good that looks that looks pretty good awesome awesome my face oh come on all right good luck ian well told you it was bad luck to cross the phoenix oh this isn't good where's my baby phoenix stupid ian took it away from me how could he do this meteors that's the son of a baby phoenix hatching it's there my baby i'm coming i'm coming don't worry i'll be right there i'll be right there oh oh oh look at that oh give me one second let me see oh look how beautiful you are oh so baby look at you excuse me i'm the uh i'm the one who's been caring for it recently and uh not sharing phoenix support with you okay no way all about that [Applause] [Music] never works oh yeah you may want to uh you know um where did you go ian no this isn't good i gotta find him i gotta find him i gotta find him stupid ian probably hiding them in the house and wait what why is this house oh no get down here i'm gonna do it ian what are you doing what oh uh nothing just everything's fine you know just a just a baby phoenix setting everything's on fire yeah it's phoenix we kind of have you know we use like fire like fire powers like this you know okay but it's a baby i thought it'd be easy to take care of you know actually it's worse to take care of and plus it's not going to give you phoenix hours of anything do you even know how to take care of baby phoenix no you probably don't it's fine it's fine it's fine you know what we are the baby oh okay uh we just gotta oh how do we how do we calm it down make it stop we need to feed it all right we need to feed it something delicious and you know something wait whoa wait no no no no i'm way too young and handsome to die no no no no don't be mean to the baby no we don't feed you to the baby we feed this to the baby and you're going you are going to feed it to the baby so come on grab it oh okay uh oh oh okay as long as it doesn't go to kauai chan zane or noyes house we should be fine come on baby please don't burn everything yeah oh my gosh all right all right just take the bottle just take it back baby where are you going oh just don't go to the questions no no no no no no leave the baby leave the houses alone oh my gosh and where are you get over here [Music] take the bottle all right all right take the bottle that's a good baby you want the bottle right [Music] all right it should be fine i don't think it's going to hurt anybody else [Music] heading back to volcano because that's where it was birthed okay let's go let's go let's go uh okay heading back to the volcano coming up hey um oh there there it is what's happening don't worry we're gonna save you okay it's just a baby where did the baby go where did the baby go baby baby hey baby hey where are you there we go there we go there we go baby come on baby why doesn't the baby want the bottle you know what i i just thought about it maybe it doesn't want the bottle from uh from you give me the bottle here let me try let me try oh okay fine you take it come on yeah i wouldn't want a bottle from ian either over here come on down oh there we go look at you here you go okay [Music] see what except the bottle oh [Laughter] [Music] look at the baby oh so cute all right ian you know what i did it i mean i guess we didn't you know maybe maybe maybe another server no you did it you could be in phoenix after all not today though okay oh it's fine well okay if if we we did it together we'll help raise ill grow big and strong we gotta feed them more uh what else do what else do phoenix is phoenix is eat oh uh gold baby okay we gotta get wait what no gold no no no no baby don't eat it don't eat it don't eat it it's so precious baby why we'll put some in the fire some more flavors there you go this is what you deserve it is kind of i want you precious all right all right all right time okay time to get rid of all the trash i told you a phoenix's fire will only hurt those it wants to come on baby let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,077,738
Rating: 4.8971367 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft phoenix pranks, pranking my friends as a phoenix in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, phoenix pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a phoenix in minecraft, pranking my friends as phoenix, pranking my friends as phoenix aphmau, phoenix minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: 1zN35vxK7aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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