215 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Hacks!

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from a legal 1.20 blocks to furniture that looks modded these are 209 Minecraft build hacks I can guarantee you didn't know this may look like a magical optical illusion but it's actually just a bunch of stairs and slabs placed in a special way you can Place Coral fans on trap doors like this to make colorful lily pads lanterns can also be placed below Lily pass to make them glow at night and you can finish up your palm by placing hanging Roots below stained glass to add jellyfish if you want to show off how rich you are how about building a huge coarse grand piano if you place dragon heads on armor stands below some stairs the ears will pop out and look like Keys you can make rope Bridges by building up fences and then attaching leads to them oh don't worry about him this also works to make balloons letters can be placed on trap doors to make extra thin ladders that don't take up much room and if you're really clever you can use this to make double-sided ladders by using a layout like this water locked blocks completely break the game many pads can be placed on any block that's waterlogged creating illegal looking setups like this but you can make it look even weirder by placing sugarcane next to the lily pads another build hack is this weird new flower cause this thing is two blocks tall when it's fully grown you can put string above it to keep it at its third stage and use it to look like a weird overgrown potato in your Farms a lot of the time the builds you make look like they've been thrown into the world randomly and looks super out of place to fix this try making Shadows by placing slightly darker blocks near overhangs or edges you can even add musty blocks around trees to act as fallen leaves the inside of a mangrove Vlog looks suspiciously like a nice piece of Juicy meat moving on using some lightning rods armor stands and a campfire you can make a super tasty looking hog roast and if you think this flame is too big you can place an armor stand and lava underneath for a much tamer flame if you've ever tried to use crops like wheat's decoration you've probably run into this problem however this illegal build hack will fix that what's that can actually hydrate dirt across thin air letting you make things like these Garden Parts without visible water try using an upside down lightning rod with a candle placed on top to make a weirdly tall torch it won't be quite as bright but hey you can stand on the edge of the rod for some reason everyone loves a good explosion so here's a way to make a totally invisible and instant landmine just place a bunch of TNT Minecarts on some powered rails like this and took them up to a skull sensor right next to them sneak away and you've got the best hidden way to protect your house isn't it so crazy my house but if you want a slightly less destructive method of protection it's time to hire some soldiers bees will actually stay aggravated permanently meaning if you trap a bunch below the floor in your base and rig them up to release when any Intruders enter they'll swarm them instantly and even chase him down for Miles let's be honest though you don't want anyone in your base at all so it's time to up the secure charity it was just a couple chains and walls you can create a cool looking fence let's add some magma blocks covered in Moss below and it will actually turn into an electrified laser fence it works too if you're standing on the magma you can't actually break the chain before you die and if you're super rich try building this design with iron bars cobwebs and magic potion dispensers below the ground if you rig this tripwire up to shoot damage potions it'll really send a message to robbers and just a cool piece of decoration too a great way to protect your base from both mobs and players is to hide puffer fish underground around your base most carpets are a super easy way to speed them into your decoration and water logging even allows you to hide them in bushes and trees oh God I'm getting flashbacks you're feeling really mean though the best way to deal with thieves isn't to kill them but trap them permanently using a simple piston trap you can force a player into a bubble elevator like this surrounded in obsidian due to the bubbles pushing them around it'll be almost impossible to mine it even with a pickaxe this illegal machine lets you open a door simply by taking off a piece of armor if you set it up exactly like I did here and turn this leg turn to page eight you'll create an undetectable legal entrance that you shouldn't be able to build oh it also activates when a ravager Roars but I think you've got bigger problems if that happens if you're ever stranded at night surrounded by mobs you can use a composter well that's right jumping inside a composter with a trapdoor on top protects you from skeletons creepers and all other mobs in a pinch making this an illegal completely portable base but if you want a more permanent house that's just as quick to build try bone mealing a red mushroom tucking a floor in adding some decorations and you've got a perfect little fairy tale house that definitely wasn't meant to be a base if you hide at least chicken underground you can attach the lead to a fence and make what kind of looks like a floating balloon house you can add some actual balloons up top and you've basically got the house from up you know those little waterfalls that come out of Mountains they're perfect for secret entrances just break one block behind the source and dig down a little and then you're free to build anything you want down there just be careful not to place any lights too close to the entrance because that looks sus if you use him visible item frames with a fake block trick from before you can create one-way glass that you can use to secretly spy on all of your friends this one definitely feels illegal it was a creeper glowstone and sea lanterns are things of the past Instead try placing Turtle legs on top of end rods to make a lump shade by placing an armor stand with a chainmail helmet inside a block like this you can add a pressure plate on top and make a cool decorative chessboard you can't play it though not that I even though hell if you place food on an item frame below a pressure plate looks like it's being served on a dinner plate most people make castle games they're called poor Colossus by the way most people make poor color says with fences or walls birds and leg turns make a perfect and super unique version instead playing block walls can look boring so try adding extra blocks of similar colors for more texture this cupboard with glass panes plays like this can make a room much more interesting you could also just use wall blocks as they're literally made for building walls you could even mix a type of all round for extra variety this also works for adding texture to outside side walls and finally finally might be a good use for the brick block people have been using cobwebs for chimney smoke since the dawn of time so instead you can use Coral fans to create a similar but more interesting effect alternatively you could use a campfire to make actual animated smoke that bring a little bit of life to your builds but my favorite use for campfires is to place them under the floor in any of my spookier builds Lake a cave or a graveyard a smoke will rise up and make fog dust mysterious and honestly a little claustrophobic most of us know now that you can make a bird cage by simply just pushing some glass on top of a parrot but come on doesn't that feel cruel instead give them some room to breathe with a hanging scaffolding cage like this and to make sure our little friend is as happy as can be try making this Advanced bird bath place an armor stand with a helmet on top of three layers of snow then push a floor block on the wall down from above and finish with a slab and some signs another white helmet might work better for some designs but that's expensive I think I'll just stick to level the most illegal item in all of vanilla Minecraft has to be the debug stand you can only get it with commands but it lets you do all sorts of crazy weird things that literally feel like hacks you can make strange beds with no pillows white grass curves flower bushes and even floating water and bow I'm outside your window my favorite build hack to use the debug stick for though so just add a little more interest to my creative builds you can turn this strange and boring bamboo Farm into something cool looking by connecting the fence and adding leaves to the bamboo it's literally magic beehives kind of look like empty storage containers so you can use them for extra decoration in a cluttered storage room or attic they also work greatest drawers or a bedside table you can make any English letter in a 4x3 space using different combinations of slabs and stairs this chart by Cookie Dough Bread shows you exactly to spell out anything you want super easily there are tons of ways to add tiny details to your builds in Minecraft but one of my favorites is this method of making Footprints just Chuck some invisible item frames down and then Place some stake in them all of a sudden you've got some weirdly convincing looking footsteps so let's be honest though one of the best ways to protect your base is to just hide it really well so next time you're feeling too lazy to set up tons of traps on your Turf try heading to a snowy biome and hiding it like this pick a random snow-covered block and place a few scaffolding below it then dig two holes either side add a bubble elevator in one and now you have an invisible base that you can even Crouch around in to hide your name tag that's if you can remember where you put it which let's be honest mobs have got way better with path finding compared to how they used to be but let's love some issues for some reason they still don't see carpets as blocks so if you fill a pit like this with them you're totally protected from mobs suits or flowers like sunflowers and Roses work for this too if you're like me and can never remember where you put your secret entrances try this out shulker boxes are a great way to sort your items third if I jump on top of this one and open it suddenly I'm in my second secret base for some reason you can fall through sugar boxes if there's a block above your head allowing for a perfect entrance that you can even color code and use a storage everyone knows zombies love turtlenecks or hate them I guess but you can actually use this to protect your base with just a single turtle egg and a trapdoor you can create this super simple zombie trap that will kill every zombie they buy for you almost no cost and for even more detail in these buildings try using this Square character to make it look like signs are nailed down this works really well for boarding up doors and windows you can even use Spruce trap doors placed on the ground to give the effect that a door was broken down waterlogged stairs can be used to make tiny Creeks unwind throughout your buildings but some more practical use for them is to add water sources to your Farms that you can't fall into animation is the best way to make any building come alive and the absolute easiest way to do this is to hide a Spore Blossom somewhere they create a bunch of these tiny little green particles that are just so so pretty sometimes the Flames from fire and campfires are just way too big so instead try putting an armor stand below ground and lava for a much smaller and way cuter little flame oh look at it so tidy by placing banners below still blocks you can make couches with cushions this also works for beds and comfy chairs if you want to be able to actually use your chairs you can push a stair or slab into a minecart and you'll be able to sit in it and if you want Jazz to put outside cam fires make great benches coupled with signs and trap doors they also work great in log piles to add extra detail in the form of tiny little logs or sticks as some people call them I also like to add barrels fences and slabs to these to add extra detail and storage to a survival build like this unfortunately you can only get invisible item frames in Creative but there's sort of a solution in survival if you place a block in an item frame on the floor a snow layer will fully cover up the item frame but leave the block exposed allowing you to I don't know make Pebbles or something you know how to make a bird case but how about an aquarium this one's actually even easier but probably just as cruel all you have to do is surround a chest with trap doors take the glass block on top then water lock the chest with a bucket of fish and boom you've trapped him forever sorry fishy cobwebs aren't just good for making a cave or mine shafts feel extra creepy they're also good for adding custom smoke to chimneys and for adding a net to a basketball hoop most people know you can make a really convincing dead tree with strip logs and Mangrove Roots so instead try creating a dead warp tree with Muddy Mangrove Roots dead coral and hanging roots oh yeah muddy Mangrove roots with a candle on top makes a pretty convincing rotten melon if you ever need that for some reason finally gave us another dirt block that's not just gonna turn into grass instantly giving us way more decoration options one of my favorite ways to use this is to mix rooted and Corset in a pattern like this to make wheel drag through a forest unfortunately snowmen don't do damage to mob to their attacks but they will push them back and get their attention if you spread a bunch of the mountain tall towers around your base you'll totally stop any mobs from attacking you and keep you safe and if it's players you're worried about try swapping your snowman out for a skeleton adding fire around it to create a truly spicy surprise for any Intruders I think the most underrated item in 1.20 is the calibrated skog Center when you place an amethyst block next to it it'll relay any signal against to any other nearby census using this you can create essentially infinite Wireless Redstone that's only activated by certain noises in certain places so if I eat this piece of food here sensors or relay the signal along and teleport me using this ender pearl stasis machine this will make your base literally impossible to find you should know that if you're playing on hard mode a dog probably isn't enough to keep you safe from zombies so instead try placing two end rods like this as a door instead you can slide through perfectly but mobs have a really hard time and if end rods aren't your style this works with bamboo different kinds of fences and even lightning rods but I'll be careful using these in bad weather these do have a slight drawback though as if you manage to anger enough mobs it can push each other through so for an entrance that's almost foolproof add a line of cobblestone walls or some Carpets on top not even spiders can get past using maps and item frames you can build huge 2D replicas of fake blocks and create super detailed hidden entrances you can use to hide almost anything check out this desert see anything wrong there's actually two hidden bases here one inside this Cactus and one behind this sunblock all you need to do is place the maps inside an item frame placed on a sign and your base is suddenly invisible you can actually make a base in the void sure you can't place blocks down here even in creative mode but there's an illegal workaround using a chicken leads and boats you can spawn shulkers down here and work on them as if they're normal blocks they'll even use levitation to send you back up look all of us have wanted to live inside a video game at one point and with some glass Sarah Gutter and buttons you can imagine seeing this while playing on your Nintendo switch hang on I think I'm trapped let me out let me out huh oh God that's even worse this base can't be blown up even with 1000 TNT surrounding your base with warts along stairs makes it completely protected from all explosions including creepers completely going against what Notch intended sorry bro most people use fences slabs or iron bars for balcony railings but come on I'm too short I can't see over Instead try adding Carpets on top of barriers to create this Sleek modern railing that you can actually see past if you want to do this in survival you can use string instead for the same effect this trick also works to hide lighting blocks in your roof yeah just ignore the cobwebs up there they stop the roof falling down looms kind of look like empty bookshelves so you can mix in a few to make it look like you actually read if you want to add more life to a hedge you can play some sunflowers and invisible item frames to add Flawless drip leaves also work really well as a natural Archway if you need a way through and of course a garden isn't complete without a lawn especially one of those weird stripy ones that rich people seem to have for some reason if you want to do the same use lines of grass and Moss to make it look realistic and perfectly moan but if you want to do the opposite make a Barren dead landscape Mangrove roots and Spruce fences make a great dead Bush that's much better looking than this you can also use Mangrove roots with stripped bark to make a dead tree and the basalt works perfectly to use in burned down forest also for some reason you can place fish in axolotls and waterlogged Mangrove Roots which is just cruel why on Earth is this a thing did you know that mob heads fit perfectly on top of wall blocks skeleton skulls also match really well with Underside or dear white wolves zombie skulls with Mossy Cobble and wither skulls with deep slate walls I don't know what you could use this for other than making gravestones but hey you again stop taking my job of some people anyway ever wanted to play pool in Minecraft well you can't so disappointed but you can't make a pretty cool looking pool table by placing signs like this underneath green carpets and then surrounding it with Trump door search for a build hack you can use try building this Hammer hook it up using fence gates on the side then attach some stairs trap doors to place the bed on and some signs to complete the shape you can even change the bed color to match the wood type for Peak color coordinated Comfort banners could be used to add illegal levels of detail and builds so they're not just for marking Maps or making a crappy coat of arms take next j-man's incredible train build he made using banners to perfectly match the real life version if people are literally making real trains now what's your excuse decoys are the number one best way to help hide your base and you can even cover them with traps try building this water drop shoot somewhere obviously let's add a tripwire halfway down as soon as it triggers this piston pushes a block over leaving the thief in a very unfortunate situation another way to create a great decoys with paintings if you cover a wall with all sorts of paintings an intruder is always going to try and just walk on through however if you build this setup you can totally them that's a real entrance requires throwing an item in here and being squished through this trap door it's quite sophisticated just like my art collection all these methods are quite expensive though if you want the cheapest possible way to protect your base try literally just placing boats all the way around it when it turns nighttime any mobs that try to attack or get stuck in them and serve as a defense against players another super cheap method of defense is to just wire up a super annoying noise to start playing as soon as someone enters when this door is opened an observer gets pushed over here and triggers all these blocks over and over creating a circuit that will drive a thief crazy and even work as a perfect alarm system if you have doors and chains make perfect hanging chairs for Garden or parks and flower pots attached to chains look like hanging plants but sometimes the chains that we have in the game just don't look like enough to hold up our big builds so instead try linking a bunch of grindstones like this that looks much more stable pathways are super important for tying a village together so instead of just using gravel and Cobblestone try using and decide and even dead coral blocks for extra variety and texture the same goes for floors mud mixed with brown mushrooms and terracotta makes an awesome floor for muddy Farms barrels and Spruce plants look great for a creaky attic floor and beehives are a super interesting block to use for the floor of a cute little cottage you've built you can also try using blast furnaces cartography tables and a bunch of other blocks to make unique and interesting Floor Designs be creative with them dripstone makes an awesome trunk for a palm tree and you can even use conduits to add coconuts at least if you squint thin candles are just another light source here's a bunch of reasons why you're wrong firstly you can make a pond plant called a cattail by placing a green candle on a glass plane an End Rod Plus a candle redstone torch or iron bar makes a perfect sword replica it's always annoying me that lanterns come close but with the help of candles they can damn it kind of looks like Hogwarts in here red candles look suspiciously like tiny sticks of dynamite that you can mix with TNT for more detail in your cave builds cacti in real life often have pretty pink flowers on top and you guessed it pink candles perfectly replicate this building a computer on your computer is a classic for Minecraft so when you've set up your painting and pressure plates try using a candle in an item frame instead of a button as your mouse it looks scarily accurate and finally gray candles and skeleton skulls on a stone wall make a really cool design Awards allowed the leaf block on top of a fence or walls look suspiciously like a globe but Marlo the Earth isn't Square well actually wow see I think building like a pro is difficult think again and watch this if you're building walls like this you're doing it all wrong instead grab some blocks that are similar and scatter them around a bit you can use stairs to add extra depth but even add patterns in front to make it extra interesting and just like that you're leveling up your building super easily the same goes for floors both inside and out spending a couple minutes making a block palette can add tons of detail like adding beehives in with Oak planks brown mushrooms in with mud and Moss them with grass outside there's tons of ways to make super sized versions of different foods in Minecraft obviously you can use a sea pickle from melon or pumpkin stamp but you can also put a mangrove popper Guild on top of Mangrove Vlog for a bulbous beetroot a warped vine on some honeycomb for a peculiar pineapple and a sea pickle on a nether Ward's blog for a tomato for extra Farm decoration you can add barrels full of berries by placing Coral blocks above water surrounded by trapdos this works with raw iron to make potato barrels and you can even try making a larger version with Crimson planks below as a grape stomping Barrel outside of Vineyard looms are one of the weirdest looking blocks in the game first you can actually use them to make empty bookshelves escalators air conditioning units outside buildings and cool looking roofs for your house and if it's a detailed bookshelf you're going for 1.20 added this secret way to put a 3D book model on a shelf just add an armor stand under the block you want like this and place a leather helmet with a white Coast armor trim applied push a block down from above and it'll look exactly like a spare book left out on the table but sometimes players aren't just trying to steal your loot they're out for blood so an alarm system just won't cut it to truly fortify your base try building your base using stairs placed like this if you fill them with water it won't spill everywhere and it makes your entire base completely resist Center TNT stopping Raiders and creepers in their tracks and if you want to take this to the next level try placing a line of observers below the outside blocks hooked up to TNT these will trigger as soon as the stairs are broken lowering the Raiders up instantly while your base sits there so totally in harm remember back in the old days of the game when the best traps just involved placing gravel above signs while these go 1 000 times better with scaffolding now instead of spending ages placing signs perfectly you can just place a layer of scaffolding hooked up to a piston stick some carpets above it and as soon as it's triggered it'll plunge any players and their loot directly into this pit of lava the most difficult part of creating a secret base is trying to hide the entrance to try this idea out build a regular wheat or potato farm above wherever you want your base to be then break a block behind the crop like this and hide a button in there not only is this almost impossible to see but nobody will ever suspect this lovely little farm being the place you hide all your valuable gear however you can also just Place string on top of walls that add a tiny piece of extra detail you can place bushes bamboo Cactus or propagules and a flower pot below leaves to emulate Trunks and stem for plants and adding Vines to these leaves adds a little bit of texture that stops these plants from looking too plain oh I felt like I should remind you that the muddy Mangrove root block exists why did you know that the best Minecraft Builders actually get given a special custom Cape by Mojang to show up how good they are it's called the Realms cave and you can only get it if three or more of your maps have been accepted and used by Mojang themselves Yonder looks way better than your Gucci jacket me dry decal blocks look strangely like trash bags Banner sway very subtly in the wind which means you can use a specific Banner design with trap doors to make it look like they're a pair of blinking eyes you can do the same with item frames to make flashing lights or regular carpets too boring for you first of all what's your problem carpets are awesome and fluffy and incredible but secondly you can use Coral fans on waterlogged slabs to make more interesting 3D cool colorful carpets alternatively you can place Crimson or warp signs underneath to make different patterns but they look best when you mix in lots of different blocks and techniques sad for Variety in both texture and death this works for bookshelves too beehives stairs looms and more all work great to add extra interest and variety have you ever realized that frog lights look kind of like those paper lanterns people release on different holidays oh this could be an idea just add some hanging Roots below and you've destroyed the environment I mean I I made a beautiful light show yes you thought to make your pond 10 times better super easily with waterlogged blocks you can create detailed rocks in your ponds with stairs and slabs that add a little extra detail and even give you a cool way to get across next instead of the normal boring lily pads we have try creating your own using four drip leaves and some flowering azalea leaves to make a big colorful Lily Pad you can also use a bamboo trap door with pink candles on top if you're living in the future and lastly if it's a really big Bond you're trying to decorate try doing something similar with drip leaves lily pads and azalea leaves to create a huge floating algae mat it's kind of gross though it doesn't smell good either oh wait that's just me my bad back in the alpha days of Minecraft they used to be way less blocks and almost no ways to prop decorate your balance this meant people out to create their own Solutions since Trump doors didn't exist people used to glitch regular doors into looking like trap doors by breaking the bottom half of the cactus finally letting them actually decorate their world just as much intended Minecart rails also have the same effect and you can make cool patterns out of them but they have a second effect I think is even more interesting for some reason mobsy rails was completely impossible objects and won't ever walk over them so if you surround your base with a railway it'll be completely safe from the horrors of the outside world and you get a fun little roller coaster too even though zombies can knock down doors of these for some reason they're completely stubs by trapped us and given we can easily hop on all fours and crawl beneath this simple setup works perfectly as a door that zombies have absolutely no hope of breaking down eating a chorus fruit will teleport you to a random nearby block even if that block is maybe on the other side of a wall so if you head underground and build a tunnel like this making sure to place Carpets on the ground you can build a base on the other side of the wall that can be instantly entered by simply eating a chorus fruit however I think the best possible secret entrance is one that I've never seen anybody use simply dying can teleport you tens of thousands of blocks away depending on where you set your spawn so you can make an underground obsidian bunker far away from anything else store your items and an ender chest and instantly teleport there then you can build a machine like this to obstruct your spawn point for 60 seconds and instantly respawn at zero zero again but the most powerful defense method of all that allows you to be completely and utterly safe from all mobs in the game is it just simply put it to peaceful mode absolutely nothing could huh what's that oh no it can't be oh God subscribe we all know about chains and I mentioned a way to make much bigger change with grindstones in my last build hacks video but if you need something a little smaller try facing two sets of trap doors into each other like this to create a wooden chain you can even change the color of Burton's place in invisible items on logs look suspiciously like bugs crawling all over it bugs are by the way you cannot eat do not under any circumstances ever eat the bugs ever speaking of bugs in Bedrock Edition you can place buttons on the top and bottom of fences allowing for extra decoration what's in Java version you can't do either honestly I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but it's still kind of annoying red and yellow candles make really good ketchup and mustard bottles for a diner or bar and green candles are perfect replicas of beer wait does someone say beer surrounding a bed with slabs makes it look kind of like a sleeping bag but I've always thought the regular bed was quite small so instead of just placing one down and leaving it at that try making a bigger custom one like this also I made these pillows with snow layer blocks he looks so soft this layout of campfires grab doors and Hopper mine cars looks like a stovetop and if you place a dragon head backwards it kinda works perfectly as a toaster although I don't know if I'd want to eat that gray bread but if you'd rather just cheat you can use custom texture packs to change block designs for super detailed and useful new blocks and if you want to go all the way custom mob heads offer literally infinite possibilities for extra detail like cakes kitchen appliances and smaller versions of blogs we already have you can mix these in with blocks like iron bath to make things like CCTV cameras but the skeleton head will work fine for this in a pinch oh and if you've made a TV or computer somewhere in your house backwards with a skeleton heads make great speakers sure chests work fine but campfires make for way cooler food store you could also take it one step further and use invisible item frames to hang fish off chains like this gold all looks like honey that's ripped onto the floor and gilded Blackstone looks the same but for lava instead you can use stairs and slabs to add extra texture to walls like missing bricks and to create holes as if it's crumbling and degrading but if you're really dedicated to decoration you can make maps with any design you want to and then fill item frames up with them for custom wallpaper just stick to texture packs though that's a lot of effort you can easily set up a daylight sensor next to a bell to make a simple functioning alarm clock alternatively hook this up to arrow and healing dispensers next to a dog that shoots every morning for the rest of time if you want something even less suspicious try breaking a hole beneath a lava pole and placing some water like this and building your base down here lava pools are totally natural and nobody ever touches them on a server making them the perfect place to slip into even if it is a little painting any other place in the entire game that mobs can't spawn is actually an ocean Temple it's true the game is coded so that only Guardians can spawn in them meaning that if you remove all the water absolutely no mobs will spawn nearby you're gonna need a lot of sponges or a massive machine but at the end you're left with a pre-built mob free Paradise well if you'd rather not do all that work there are ways to completely mob proof your base easily not only do slabs basically double the amount of blocks you have for floors and roofs the mobs can't spawn on bottom slabs meaning even if your house is Pitch Black nothing will be able to spawn inside you could even add Soul Sand below and use Soul speed to run around your house super quickly it's kind of annoying Minecraft's water can only ever be one block wide meaning your car makes more droplets or tiny strings very easily however blue glass panes work as a perfect substitute for cases like this the same goes for ice how do we have ice and drip Stone but no icicles well maybe it's because Mojang knows that light blue glass panes do the job perfectly but come on I can't take out zombies with them so what's even the price whenever you're building a head in your world try placing quadzole beneath the leaves this both acts like a shadow but also kinda looks like Leaf litter or mulch beneath the head I really like the word mulch by the way mooch wait what are we doing oh yeah build hacks did you know you can place another plants like Crimson fungus or warped Roots outside of the nether what's really weird is that you can only place them on Grassle dirt not Cobblestone this is super weird to me because netherracken cobbles seem most similar to me but I guess now we know Netherrack is just like hard dirt my head hurts now think about it if you can remove all the mobs in your world there's no need to protect your base but how on Earth do you do that well as usual the mango has a solution if you create this super simple Warden Farm you can use note blocks to Lord dozens of wardens into this prison with a Vine inside eventually so many wardens will spawn that it prevents any mob from spawning anywhere in the entire world however this is terrifying and there's a much easier way to get basically the same effect simply grab a boat and spend some time looking for a mushroom Island other than the deep dark which has other problems this is the only place mobs won't spawn naturally and it's a perfect backdrop to build an awesome fantasy bank so it can be quite hard to find but you can always use a seed map if you're feeling devious if you've got a cramped house like this one and you're trying to figure out where to put the ladder try placing a line of trap doors like this and putting them ladders on them alternatively if you're in Creative try using the debug stick to create floating ladders take up even less space now that's Ingenuity here's a cool way to make an armor stand look like it's holding a sword start by placing an End Rod with a candle on top then pushing an armor stand into it from behind then put some armor on it and push two blocks down behind it and you have your very own Knight and Shining Armor and since you're obviously building a sick castle if you make this you can make awesome ornate carpets using a combination of shulker boxes and glazed terracotta hey hey I don't want to hear anything about how expensive shulkers are you own a castle as long as the colors are similar it really doesn't matter how you lay out carpet you'll look cool either way if you're trying to make a dark creepy cave try adding shadowy cracks with signs inside if you add this character to them dye it red and add a glow ink sac it'll create these super scary looking eyes that glow in the darkness come on Grandma take a look speaking of Another War blogs make a fantastic blood substitute for city builders try placing your campfire below a loom to simulate event this same technique also works for a barbecue grill 1.20 already has me hyped check out these new bamboo blocks they're giving us you can use these Mosaic blocks to make cool floor patterns and these new chiseled bookshelves for a new wall design may be mixed in other wooden blocks again to make it even more interesting sea pickles look kind of like pumpkin stems and are stripped Mangrove log flower pots and Mangrove propagule put together makes a really big beach route for Farm decoration but if that's not enough try adding kegs made of trap doors with raw iron in for potatoes and coral blocks in for berries and grapes this works for other things too like using a respawn anchor and Trident instead to make a spooky animated witch's cauldron item frames and signs can actually be placed on the same block letting you double label chess you can even dye the sign for extra customization scaffolding makes a perfect table to put flower pots or other decorations on sometimes the only thing your build is missing is just a little bit of detail and often buttons are the best solution to this whether it's dotting them around your roof and walls or chucking them next to a Ponder's Pebbles they're perfect for adding a little bit of extra interest they make great fidget toys too if you're looking for an extra block or color to add somewhere to your build the answer is probably in a stripped log their textures are super simple but with Mangrove jungle Acacia and warped logs there's tons of different and interesting colors to choose from six leg turns place like this look suspiciously like a coffin that's been broken out of this pairs perfectly with a gravestone made of Soul soil anvils and a wither skeleton skull hmm where could this guy have gone subscribe
Channel: Mallow
Views: 20,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pUatROF3pj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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