I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN HYDRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I was born a warden Hydra in an ancient city I started to walk over to my parents but just then Vulcan the god of fire exploded into my home in a Flash there was a war before my eyes the hydras and wardens were vicious but so were the Vulcan minions wait what's going on I watched as my parents fought back valiantly I wasn't sure if I should fight or flee run away son how far away your only son we can't afford to lose you I was in Terror I witnessed my dad getting killed he dropped a ward in heart and Vulcan collected it in a Flash [Music] Hydra I can feel the power coursing through my veins Vulcan transformed into a humanoid form with a powerful hammer and molten skin I'm closer than ever to achieving his power key with the power of the warden arms nothing will stop me now especially not the move mom continued fighting so I tried to run away but Vulcan yelled to me little wardrobe with that I will always know where you are you are I panicked and ran away from my foe as I ran I found my closest childhood friend the warden Axolotl Warren Rancho this way I know how to get out together we escaped running for our lives on day two the tunnel exited to a drip Stone cave with a bunch of Vulcan minions who looked hungry looks like baby according Hydra Hydra and Warden Axolotl are on the menu guys and back Warren I got this I tried to fight but I got hit by hit by some damage then suddenly my heart's changed into Warden hearts and I could feel my true power flowing through me I was able to shoot beams out of my mouth that made explosions and did a lot of damage this is awesome I unlocked my true power as great as it was unlocking my Warden beam things weren't looking good for Warren and I there were too many minions for me to handle just then Warren jumped into the fight to help me granting me regeneration for a bit eventually the two of us were able to defeat the enemies together but we were both injured Warren why did you help me a ship will of course you're a fabled warden Hydra that's why you are the protector of the cage wait Warren look out just then as we were talking an enemy we missed appeared behind Warren and killed him no he was my best friend I struck the minion down but it was too late there was no bringing Warren back but I was still injured and this place wasn't safe to hang around I'll miss you Warren on day three I I ran until I found a lush cave teeming with plant life there was some strange light shining from above but I wasn't sure what it was Warren dad I miss you guys there's no way I'm letting this go I had to get revenge on Vulcan first thing first I was hurt and I needed to heal I collected some glowberries ate them and soon started to feel better as I rested I heard something coming from above the cave what could that be I climbed up and found the outside world I had never seen the surface before out of the blue I heard my mom calling out to me you need to run I whiffed around and Saul Vulcan was there and he used his powers to put a cage around my mom let go of her [Music] I will become the most the most powerful being of all deaths in all living beings will now before my unkillable Army not if there's anything I can do about it actually I don't really care with one shot of fire Vulcan burned my mother to death no Mom oh the luck on you is priceless I'll kill you I lunged at him and tried to attack in every way I could Vulcan was incredibly powerful though he barely tried and I was almost dead he could shoot out magma from the ground and summon volcanoes I barely stood a chance I realized that if I wanted to get my revenge I had to live there was nothing I could do here but try to run away I turned and fled as fast as my legs could carry me run but you can't hide little Hydra your heart will be mine on day four I continued running from Vulcan through a dark Forest eventually I ran into a huge mansion hello is anyone there there was no response so I entered through the front door hello a moment after I stepped in the drawer closed behind me all by itself uh oh you've wandered into the wrong house Warden Hydra what's that supposed to mean you've got a bounty on your head Warden Hydra hearts are going for a high price thanks to Vulcan the will be god of fire so don't take it personally when I do this the evoker then summoned a load of vexes that dashed at me little swords raised I fought back with my Warden beam while the vexes swarmed all around me it was hard to hit them since they were so tiny as I Unleashed my power I began setting the house on fire everything was in Flames around me I was killing all the vexes and eventually I was Victorious my house all of my paintings are on fire my Priceless collection is gone then you should not have messed with me really then how about your face my next creation instead of another Vex the evoker summoned a hulking Ender Beast I smell fresh meat that's not good as the beast lunged at me I turned and ran the Ender Beast gave chase after me on days five to six I made it to a large field with the Beast still chasing me I'm sick of running it's time to fight I jumped in and started attacking at first I thought I didn't stand a chance he was so big as I started to land hits on him he started to get weak he hit me with his Ender power and his massive sharp claws I tried to make distance from him but every time I tried he would leap onto me and try to strike I kept firing my Warden beams at him hoping to chip away at his health finally I defeated the Ender Beast I grew and gained another head along with 10 more Hearts the evoker was angry I had defeated his creatures I will get you one way or another what's with Vulcan why does he want my heart so bad I'm not sure he's trying to become a God wait he's not a god already I get it if he collects all the warden Hearts he will be I've had enough of you I'm out of here he then teleported away I have to be very careful now I'm a wanted Warden Hydra on days seven to eight I figured I should probably do something to keep myself safe since it seemed I was all alone in this world I found a cave and ventured into it hoping to collect some materials I specifically looked for some iron which it seemed like this cave had abundancy of which was a bit strange I wonder why there's so much iron here as I was mining the iron behind where I was was a giant mutant spider you're looking for iron well it's all mine and you can't have any but you're hogging all of it and I need some do I look like I care if you really want some you're gonna have to take it from me with no other choice I charged in to fight the mutant spider it lunged at me holding me in place with its arms I fought back with my laser setting the cave on fire I tried to hit it but they were so mobile and I kept missing their poison fangs were powerful but I wasn't gonna let them win with one final hit the mute the spider fell defeated as they died they dropped a bunch of iron ingots I walked over and picked them all up using the iron I had collected I crafted myself a full set of iron armor and some iron tools but even after making all of that I still had a bunch left I wish I had some friends here to share this with or just anyone here at all so I wasn't talking to myself like a crazy person that's when I noticed some kind of mutant Warden watching me from nearby wishes do come true so I walked up to the warden to introduce myself oh so you're the warden High Drive heard so much about hi there Magic wish friend I'm bronzo honestly I probably should have specified and asked for something cool like a unicorn friend but I guess you'll do I'm not a wish but I am magic ooh cool so do I get like three wishes or what suddenly the mutant teleported me away using his magic on days 9 through 10 the wizard had teleported me into a huge Coliseum what the this isn't the three wishes where are we we're quiet little one and I'm sure I looked into the arena there were two massive monsters fighting they were going blow to blow and the crowd was cheering whoa they are much like this all the time the arena has all sorts of weird opponents and of course the winner is handsomely rewarding this week it's an internal stick a meal That Never Ends such power could help you in your quest I heard what happened to your parents I'm sorry don't you I've always been fond of the warden hydras I even considered them my kid I'd like to help you win that wand right now there's no way that you could win against those beasts but you have great potential in you I want to train you in the ways of the Mystic Arts I'm way stronger than I look those guys will be a piece of cake I jumped into the ring and the crowd gasped I am the Great and Powerful Warden Hydra the last of my kind send out your strongest fighter so I can claim my prize suddenly a giant Warden mutant walked into the arena and our fight began I fought the warden mutant using my laser when he was unaffected by it it bounced right off of him he even ran over the arena lunging at me and punching into the air his size speed and strength I couldn't match I tried my best to put up a good fight I fell to the ground and passed out on days 11 through 13 I woke up inside a huge Tower what where am I now I looked around and saw the wizard there in front of me uh you again worst wish ever I never wish bronzo I brought you here after you were not unconscious by it though I warned was far too powerful for you it was close I said bronzo you need my help you're right I barely even scratched that guy tell me all about these mystical Arts where do we start but it's all actually very very complicated it takes years of practice and a lifetime of hard work no I'm just kidding Dodge suddenly the wizard started to shoot a bunch of magical attacks at me I avoided them to the best of my ability hey what gives man you already wounded my pride what's the point in physically wounding me as well that was just to be a demonstration by magnificent Powers here allow me to show you more the wizard summoned violent change that appeared out of portals in the ground next you summoned colorful magical circles in the sky that rained down lightning one of his powers even summoned a teal and blue spray that reminded me of the deep dark whoa these are awesome even if there was literally no re reason to shoot those at me and not anywhere else they're still super cool yes but this was more dramatic these Powers were passed down to me by wardenkind I'm now bronzo I'm going to pass them down to you these will allow you to become even more powerful powerful enough to stop Vulcan that is for you to determine without another word the wizard teleported away Vanishing before my eyes I'll never forget you random wizard guy whose name I don't know on days 14 through 17 I was looking for someone to battle as I was looking for a fight to further my training I saw Vulcan and a prisoner near a volcano it wasn't just any prisoner it was the evoker I wonder what's going on over there carefully I snuck closer to try to listen in to what they were saying no tell me where is the warden Hydra I know you how would I know that was ages ago you really want me to answer that oh also check behind you Vulcan turned around and saw me what you fool finally come to surrender as if I would ever do that no I'm here to defeat you I'd love to see you Vulcan slash dummy with this Hammer quickly I tried retaliating with my Arcane slashes but just as fast Vulcan began to slam the ground and spray me with fire and magma he kept pushing me back and then forward you're not going to win Warden Hydra run away feeling that for once the evoker had a point I fled as fast as my legs could take me Endless Running in one blow Vulcan shot a beam of fire and killed the evoker not another death I've got to get out of here everyone you've attempted to save has died in my hands you're a failure bronzo you'll never be able to defeat no no I'm so mad I gotta take this anger out on something on days 18 through 21 I returned to the Coliseum ready for a rematch I looked up to the stands and saw the wizard there I couldn't let him down I was also standing in front of the giant mutant Warden it's time for round two the fight maybe again I ran at him and started the fight immediately shooting him with my powerful beam blast the giant mutant Warden began slamming down on the ground sending up sprays of skulk and hurting me I'm gonna beat you this time as I tried to use my magic powers again something crazy happened and a huge swarm of meteors began to rain down on the battlefield whoa that's so cool I began attacking with new Vigor using everything in my Arsenal the giant mutant Warden was tough but at this point I was tougher eventually I was able to strike down the mutant Warden yeah I did it it had dropped the Eternal steak and I immediately chomped down I felt energy surged through me healing me completely hey weren't supposed to win you were supposed to take a dive wait you scripped these fights no matter guards finish him off the Coliseum owner summoned some lion-like beasts that held weapons in their mouths they looked super vicious and didn't even hesitate have fun with them I'll be leaving now oh there's no there's too much longer I wish I wish I bronzo the wizard jumped down right next to me and teleported us to safety what was that about are the arena matches fake no one's ever won before you I thought they were real too but it appears we've been tricked we'll be okay for now the Colosseum owner can't find us here on days 22-25 Vulcan and his minions barged into the Wizard's Tower I had no choice but to try and fight them off using my magic powers how did these guys even find me oh no I forgot that Vulcan marked me and could see my location at all times the wizard joined into the fight helping me keep back the enemies as best as we could the minions torched the ground and sprayed fire everywhere some of them even summoned magma things were getting too hot we're trapped we can't hold them back forever can't you teleport us out of here not both of us I used all the components I had available for that spell the previous time I teleported I've only got one left for such a limited ability we really should have just walked all those times before surrender now why you still can fighting is meaningless I always win soon I will be an all-powerful God and there's nothing you can do to stop me well he does make some good points oh brother you can't give in if you let Logan get your heart everyone will be doomed what else are we supposed to do even with the magic you've taught me we're still not strong enough to defeat him and we can't teleport away our natural magician I know you'll be just fine without me before I had time to object Vulcan came rushing right for me the wizard used the last of his teleports to send me away just in time oh when I reappeared I was back in the ruins of my old home in the deep dark on days 26-29 I wandered through my old home it had been destroyed by Vulcan and my people were all gone I was the last warden Hydra or so I thought is that another Hydra yes I thought I was the last one can I help you no in the battle I tried to run away as I was fleeing Falcon hit me with his hammer I should have fought with other people but I was too scared it's okay I ran away too we weren't strong enough to fight him a couple of freed against ended up being the last of our people but maybe it doesn't have to be the end with my injuries I'm not too long for this Earth I want you to have my heart what's your name kid bronzo bronzo take my heart and remember that all of the hydras are with you the Hydra died and his heart fell to the ground I picked up the hydra's heart I felt the power of all the Hydra in the palm of my hand and suddenly it fused with me I grew another head and gained 10 more Hearts becoming even more powerful all of a sudden I heard something behind me I turned around and it was an ice bug it was looting what was left of my home now that Vulcan was gone and here I heard that all the hydras left just stay out of my way while I finish grabbing what's mine none of this is yours put what you stole back right now wait you're that Hydra the one with the bounty on his head were the horde of diamonds looks like I just hit the jackpot the ice bug lunged at me he started off by shooting fists of ice and summoning shards of stone that dropped down from above us you think that's going to do anything to me I brought out the magic and gave him a taste of his own medicine I called on icicle Spears to rain on him then shot him with several epic beams that caused explosions and fires to break out you irritating pests funny you should talk about pests I channeled all of my energy into summoning my most powerful icicle swarm I could they speared the ice bug dozens of times until at last the ice bug perished shows you to loot other people's cities but this also means that with that other Hydra and my parents gone I really am the last of my kind on days 30 through 33 I left in search of other cities to find some friends I wandered around the caves for a bit as I was looking I mined some diamonds and made myself diamond tools and a full set of diamond armor I tried to make my way through the tunnels but it was no use I was lost just then in the caves I found a wardling you you're just what I'm looking for you've been looking for a wardling that's awfully specific and kind of stalkerish no just a friend and someone who knows how to navigate these tunnels and could lead me to an ancient city that's a lot of things to just assume that I am but fortunately for you you're not I'm all three of those follow me and I'll lead you to the city followed my new friend around the tunnels for some time it's around here somewhere little did we know we that Lit things on fire together the wardling and I combated the sliming creatures away they were actually pretty easy to kill off all things considered not bad not bad at all [Music] my children how could you you Monsters the monster charged at me with rage I used my magic chains to slow my opponent down unfortunately that wouldn't slow him enough and he was able to get in close the mud Beast was big so I knew I had to use my strong stabilities I charged up my meteors for one big final blow and I was able to defeat the mud Beast come on the sea has to be around here somewhere I just know it on days 34-37 the wardling led me to another ancient city this one was super well hidden so it was no wonder that Vulcan hadn't found it yet hello I come in peace the warden stared right at me I can hardly believe my ears are you perhaps awarded Hydra the one and only it is as I hoped at least one of the Still Remains tell me what brings you here I want your help to defeat Vulcan you've gotta know of the evil things he's been doing he needs to be stopped well we would love to help you we can't spare the forces Although our city is secluded danger may arrive at any moment and we must protect ourselves there's gotta be some way you can help perhaps if you do something for us then we may be able to do something for you well what is it have you ever heard of the Moonstone Shield if you could get that for us we could strike a deal no what is it it was full of mystical power and would bolster our defenses the reason we don't have it is because of ours in an arena in the other world guarded by a fearsome Beast you may get there by using the portal at the center of our city all right and what do I get for bringing it to you we'll give you a warden dragon bone and when you need him most just break it and he'll appear trust me he's all the Firepower you'll need great I'll go get that Shield then on days 30 8-41 I traveled through the portal to an ancient city whoa this place looks weird I walked around the ancient city and it was dark and creepy I have a bad feeling about this place I need to hurry and find the Moonstone Shield after traveling for a bit I found an arena as I approached the center there was a big mutant wolf and he was blocking a chest where the Moonstone Shield was held he looks fierce but I can't back down I'm here to fight you for the Moonstone Shield you very well the mutant wolf jumped at me snarling he had some kind of repelling blast that blew me back I wasn't about to let that slide though I countered with my super epic Bean it lit the ground on fire after that I summoned some devastating icicle Spears and slashes of Arcane power be powerful or powerful tonight anticipated I always give it my all the mutant Wolf's attacks grew even more vicious he bit and stomped and did everything in his power to protect the Moonstone shield in the end though I was able to deal the final blow to him now to get that Shield sure enough it was in a violet chest at the back of the Arena I need to get this back to the wardens ASAP I went back to the portal and took it to get back to the warden's ancient city were you able to retrieve the Moonstone Shield I then tossed him the shield thank you here's the dragon bone remember only break this in your greatest time of need I will thank you from Days 42 to 45 I encountered a group of Vulcan minion ends on my way to the surface the minions began throwing fireballs and flaming fists at me lighting everything on fire I immediately brought out the icicle Spears and slashing attacks soon the bigger one fell and died and only the smaller one was left I decided to keep him alive to interrogate him take me to vulcan's headquarters now okay it's at a volcano it's a man-made one not a natural one just west severe of worse out of here I went to where the minion directed me to and sure enough there it was vulcan's volcano base I decided to go in charging at full speed the place was scattered with tons of minions and I quickly made waste of them but there was a problem Vulcan was not in his throne or anywhere here Vulcan where are you I searched some more and eventually found my old friend and trainer the wizard Warden bronzo is that you oh my Warden how long have you been trapped here I quickly released him and asked him if he had any information on vulcan's location he went to the land of the eternals to kill them as a part of his immortality plan you head back to the tower I'm going after Vulcan on days 46 to 49 I headed to the land of eternals I had to get to Vulcan before he could get what he wanted there where is the land of eternals from the sky a curious little fairy creature swooped down hi well you're scary how are you I'm the last warden Hydra bronzo who are you I'm Serena well Serena you wouldn't happen to know where the land of eternals is would you oh that's easy I'll teleport us whoa wait this is just the end no it's the land of Eternal silly okay if you say so I followed Serena for a while on the way we ran into a pack of mangy wolves that seem to have a vendetta against me your heart will be ours you're not getting anything from me as we battled I began to feel strange something about the scenery change made my magic feel different and when I released to the next blast it came out in a epic lightning bolts whoa that's new I think I'll call it Thunderbolt Devastation it won't be called anything when you're dead at our feet as if that would ever happen I used my new lightning power to see exactly what it could do it was so powerful it lit enemies on fire while dealing huge damage so taking down the Wolves was easy with one last well-placed Bolt the last wolf fell over dead you're so powerful thank you for protecting me it was no sweat now we're almost there on days 50 to 53 Serena and I finally made it into the land of eternals I hardly had any time to appreciate the scenery there were Vulcan minions everywhere attacking all Eternal creatures in sight it did not look like the Eternal creatures were going to win oh it's worse than I thought run away and get somewhere safe I'll take care of this as Serena ran away I jumped into The Fray I was trying to kill as many Vulcan minions as I could it was soon becoming apparent though that there were just too many of them if I want to stop this I have to get to Vulcan he's got to be around here somewhere I pulled aside an eternal I had saved and questioned him about it have you seen Vulcan yes he's buy the most powerful Eternal you must find him he's in grave danger thanks I took off running in that direction fast on days 54-57 I arrived at the temple but to my surprise I was too late I watched as the most powerful Eternal was struck down by Vulcan curse you you Vulcan no no he died he dropped a heart that Vulcan picked up another step closer to immortality you followed me again morning Hydra it's as if you seek your do Vulcan then began to attack me as normal his attacks were ridiculously powerful but they packed even more of a punch now that he had consumed the eternal's heart he summoned waves of magma to burn me and when I got too far away he used the chain to pull me in and Pummel me I used my lightning abilities and Magic to strike back at him but he pretty much just Shrugged it off with vulcan's powers almost doubled I didn't stand a chance I needed help I had to come up with a plan fast the dragon bone I quickly pulled it out and broke it then suddenly a warden Dragon appeared right next to me you're Octavius yes I am hurry and get out of here as my duty to you I will take care of Vulcan as Octavius began to battle with Vulcan I ran as quickly as I could on days 58 to 61 I fled even further as I ran I was able to to see the full extent of the devastation Vulcan was doing to the area everything is burning and there are no people in sight I wondered if there was anyone left or if what happened to my home had just occurred here as well I searched around a bit to see if there might be anything worth salvaging as I was searching I came across an eternal killing a Vulcan minion I stood there and watched as the Eternal demonstrated some super powerful looking abilities the Eternal then turned and spotted me you you're the warden Hydra yeah how did you know you are a wanted man by the Vulcan and these minions yeah I know I'm trying to get strong enough to defeat Vulcan and get revenge but every time I encounter him I'm not strong enough I keep having to run and leave friends behind nuking and riddles may I simply have come to a conclusion I believe I can help you you can how I will train you myself follow me I will take you somewhere on day 62 five my new friend Balthazar teleported me away from the land of eternals and to a really cool Arctic biome it feels like my toes are gonna freeze off what a gesture you are that is simply not possible if you say so so where are we this is where I'd like to train it focuses the mind and numbs the body I sure am feeling the numbing part watch every move that I make prepare yourself all of a sudden Balthazar attacked me he began by shooting a beam of Embers that Lit the ground on fire and pushed me to the side ouch that's too hot I tried to get away a bit so I would have some room to use my huge attacks but Balthazar followed me and swung his ax at me in a combo of slashing attacks that dealt a lot of damage thinking quick I struck back at him with my magic slashes and icicle blasts to hopefully slow him down this guy was as stubborn as they come he powered through everything I threw at him eventually Balthazar hit me with one powerful blast that pushed me over the edge okay okay I give in I had done the best I could but it seemed I wasn't able to beat Balthazar just yet it's an eternal family heirloom I have no use for it anymore but you might like it Balthazar threw down some netherite armor for me I hope it seems Q This Is Awesome during days 66 to 70 I knew it was only a matter of time before Vulcan found me I may have gotten stronger but with vulcan's recent power up I wonder if it's enough to defeat him this is true do you have any other ideas other than more training I've got nothing there is the wizard maybe he's been cooking something up in his Tower well I might as well go with you nowhere else to go together the Eternal and I traveled back to the Wizards Tower when we arrived it looked different there was ice and snow everywhere hello is anyone there just then Serena flew into the tower but what do you mean abandoned the wizard is supposed to be here the wizard well I'm not sure but oh I did hear something interesting there's apparently a powerful wizard locked up in a huge Vulcan prison nearby that be who you're looking for what no I knew I should have walked him back no no Balthazar and I arrived at the prison to see that vulcan's minions had a lot of prisoners there didn't seem to be any minions around so this was the perfect time I have to free them watch my back Balthazar I ran to a lever and pulled it releasing all of the cages once I had freed everyone a bunch of Vulcan minions poured into the room to attack the prisoners wait where is the wizard one of the prisoners noticed me looking for the wizard The Wizard is all the way in the father's room that's where the most prized prisoners have taken the farthest room is guarded by the very powerful love a Lord thank you come on Eternal we gotta save the wizard Balthazar and I headed down the hallway we arrived at the dungeon in the lava Lord guard the prisoner was telling us about was standing right in front your friend back you have to go through me first we attacked each other the lava Lord had a flurry of attacks but I retaliated with my magic eventually Balthazar joined in on The Fray using his ax and Powerful fire blast but they didn't seem to do much to a being made out of lava the giant would summon lava and smash us with his large fists as well as try to pick us up we fought the best we could but he was my hardest foe yet during the battle Balthazar got hit with a powerful strike and went down Balthazar no don't worry about me finish him and save the wizard the guard was already weak from the beginning of the fight and I was able to defeat the guard I ran up to Balthazar to check in on him are you okay I want you to have my heart so that so that you may defeat the Vulcan I picked up his heart and Balthazar died now that I had his heart I grew another head and gained 10 more Hearts along with a new stomp power finally I'm a full-grown Warden Hydra I was sad that Balthazar was gone but I needed to focus on finding my wizard friend on day 75 to 78 I went up to the wizard I came to save you I ran over to the cage and broke it open so the wizard could step out bronzer my friend I'm so happy to see you me too I heard you got captured again but why did Vulcan lock you up and not kill you yes about that I'm Wilkins backup plan in case something goes awry he planned on using B against you what that's terrible yes absolutely devious hey are you okay you're acting a little weird yeah sister be as I am I truly am sorry about this bronzo I just can't help myself what do you mean out of nowhere the wizard began slinging magical attacks at me I had never faced the full brunt of his power before and it felt terrible stop what are you doing my eyes have been opened I'm killing you and will retrieve your heart broken will be immortal even if I have to see to it myself on days 79 to 82 the wizard continued to attack me I felt very betrayed I thought he was my friend what happened to you the wizard said nothing and continued to strike me with the same Arcane slashes and bolts of lightning he had taught me it looked like I would have to kill him if I wanted to survive I don't know what Vulcan did to you but I'm sorry I countered his attacks with my own they were more powerful than his thanks to all my training but it did not feel like I was doing anything good anymore right welcome broke me broke me I am truly sorry then stop this I cannot anymore it is too late for my soul there's gotta be something I can do kill me that will build me at peace I didn't want to do it but it seemed to be what the wizard wanted most regretfully I aimed my beam attack at him and shot it it only took a moment before the wizard fell and died you were a true friend I swear I'll put an end to Vulcan and avenge you now that all the prisoners were freed and the Vulcan minions were dead I was sure that Vulcan wouldn't be able to use this prison again with that last thought in mind I left the prison on days 83 to 86 I was on my way back to vulcan's home I was sad that Balthazar and The Wizard were gone soon Vulcan is going to pay for what he has done as I was traveling I heard a familiar voice behind me I turned around to see Vulcan I knew you knew [Music] would you like my experiment with the wizard he was so easy to manipulate you killed my friends you're gonna pay in blind anger I charged at him shooting my beams and letting everything at him Vulcan barely flinched and began swinging his hammer back and forth at me calling forth Flames Embers and magma the first opportunity he got Vulcan summoned several of his minions to assist him although the minions put up a good fight as always thanks to how powerful I had gotten I was able to defeat his minions pretty quickly are you afraid to fight me by yourself you are so funny when you're angry Vulcan knew there was no way I could defeat him right now so he was not worried he was more Curious on how far I would go live for now but you must survive this he then summoned a foul Colossus good luck Vulcan then teleported away leaving me alone with this monstrosity on days 87 to 90 I was standing alone before the falca losses he looked ready to fight me and I was more than ready to fight back I was so enraged with Vulcan I had to take it out on something and I had the perfect dummy in front of me my rage was pent up so much I just wanted to yell at him and everything I was so angry that something came screeching out of my mouth right at the foul Colossus hitting him straight on it was my Sonic Boom years what was that noise it hurts wait that's a cool Power I don't care I'm smashing you the Falcon losses charged at me stomping down everything in its path as he approached he summoned more of his companions to attack me the group of them smashed and hit me and I tried to use my own stomping power and beam attacks to fend them off I also used my Sonic Boom power as much as I could I remembered when the wizard had used it it was super useful and also helpful at getting my anger out eventually the last velcolossus collapsed into bits and pieces guess he couldn't keep it together even as I made that joke I felt like I was in a lot of pain I was tired of being hurt all the time and I wished I could do something about it looks like I'm stuck here for a while until I get better during days 91 to 93 Serena found me [Music] it's some kind of magical power I was healed up to full what is that it's power from my people I just discovered it is there any way you can teach me this power have to visit my home if it'll help me get stronger it doesn't matter then follow me Serena instantly teleported us to her home here we are you use the void pool yeah you have to pay the net then you'll gain powers to you like me simple enough one problem what's that it's guarded by the demon General you'll have to defeat him first demon General you mean to tell me you defeated him first I sure did I'm more powerful than you think you know alright on days 94 to 96 I approached the pool that Serena told me about just as she said the guardian of the pool was there none other than the demon General himself you who approaches this spring what is it is it I want the mystical healing powers that it provides I believe it'll help me get rid of Vulcan who is a great evil to this world very well the intent is no But first you must overcome my challenge bring it on the demon General ran at me with his sword drawn I immediately used my Sonic Boom and magic abilities hoping to push him away this guy was strong though he continued to charge at me like it was nothing he began to shoot blue flames at me and sprayed green flame all over the ground I let loose one last beam attack finally it seemed that the demon General had had enough he backed away giving me room to enter the void pool you are a powerful opponent and have battled many foes to reach where you you have passed by test and may now pass with honor thank you I passed by the general and stepped into the pool oh it's cold as I stood there I felt the power of the Void pool enter me and I realized that I had gained a new power since I was low on hearts for my battle I immediately tried it out and began to regenerate Hearts just like a true Hydra I felt full of power now just like the warden hydras of Legend like the ones my good friend Warren mentioned right at the start I turned back to the demon General and thanked him it is nothing if it means the defeat the Vulcan as you said he is the scourge of this land if anyone can stop him it is the last ward in Hydra you're right I won't let you down with that done I turned and left the pool and the demon General behind on days 97 to 98 I went back to the Wizards Tower and there were other wardens visiting I saw all of my friends and ran to them guys I'm going to defeat Vulcan I can't wait any longer and I know I'm ready now is there anything we can help you with actually you can just drop a like subscribe to the channel and leave a comment on the video about your favorite Power I gained can do okay I'm off to defeat the Vulcan good luck good luck you're gonna need it on day 99 I went to the volcano Fortress I knew Vulcan was there waiting for me but along the way I had to tear through his minions Bring it on I summoned my power to shred the minion into pieces at this point I was way too powerful for small creatures like them with a combined might of all my Sonic booms Arcane power and epic beam attacks I cut through the minions like butter the last minion standings stopped fighting and tried to talk to me stop I'm sick of this war huh I'll tell you where Vulcan is he's at the heart of the volcano how do I get there you have to go into the hot Caldera I left the minion and started my quest into the Caldera as I was walking over to the active volcano into the Caldera I started to realize that the minion was right it was really hot but no amount of heat was going to stop me from getting to Vulcan after a little bit of travel I saw a huge open area it seemed like Vulcan had already prepared for the two of us looks like Vulcan is waiting on me let's do this on day 100 I entered the core of the volcanoes Caldera to face Vulcan for the last time something was different about this area though the floor felt like it was burning my feet the air felt like it was scorching my lungs but I couldn't quit now I was the last of my kind and I have survived so much already Your Time Has Come Vulcan is no longer so Beauty somewhat entertaining for me is that all this is to you a game yes a game where I'm with at the end once you fall I'll consume your heart and then I will be immortal not today Vulcan you're dying now for all the evil you've done you very much let's see how far you've come Vulcan ran at me raging to fight right off the bat Vulcan slammed down with his ax and summoned a wave of magma since we were right in his home territory his powers seemed to have creased tenfold but I was not gonna go down that easy I summoned my Arcane powers to devastate everything around us calling down lightning and meteors to Swarm at him you're going down now Vulcan pulled me towards him but I was ready I opened my mouth for one ultimate beam attack and let loose everything I had through Vulcan this time once and for all bronza oh
Channel: Bronzo
Views: 942,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _sP5KPEW8bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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