Minecraft but XP = Your Size

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this is the biggest portal in Minecraft and uh this is me I am not big enough to fit in that portal am I even big enough to break blocks I shall break you massive tree and I pick up massive logs experience from a tree well that's interesting give me you mighty experience oh goodness I just grew up I'm level one now I've got a charge job so I can charge my jump yeah I can jump real high man that's rad oh gosh I'm drowning wait hold on can I jump on top of this entire tree yeah dude oh that was so awesome give me Wood please I'm small but I deserve it ouch it is not so fun being small my dude a cave though hold on I can get some iron I might be able to get experience from that coal and if so I could grow in size again and to get some new powers oh gosh how the heck do I get over there dude I can't even mine it it's so hard being small I'm really hoping this gives me experience here is it gonna do it is it gonna do it is it gonna do it yeah oh gosh I'm too big I'm swimming yeah well I grew in size and I'm level five now I got wind punch oh check it out man I can break win wait I can use it to push the Subscribe button well I got bigger but uh not big enough but before I get too much ass if I gotta give myself some food from this Village otherwise I might uh step on the villagers hey Mr Golem you're keeping everybody safe out here I shall call you Steely Dan what the hell villagers get back you foul monsters I do not have a whole lot of help gosh how do I make a sword don't worry Steely Dan I'm helping is that all of them everybody fine I mean that guy lost an eyeball but uh that's fine well that was eventually oh gosh there's more gosh Steely Dan you're not looking great man gosh I'm on half a heart oh there's one oh gosh he can't get up for a Steely Dan we got him don't worry buddy I'll get you some iron I'll be right back all right oh I gotta hurry dude holy cow I jump high man I guess the bigger I get the higher I jump as well with my jumping power I need to find some iron perfect so I can save Steely Dan it's nighttime man he could die at any point hey iron do you give me no experience from Iron come on hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry and hurting daily day and I'm coming gosh that's a lot of them up get out of here where's Steely Dan man I'm gonna die oh my God the ravager dude come on Steely Dan oh goodness he didn't give me some experience though his last wish was to drop me some experience and now I'm massive holy cow this is for Steely Dan I will protect this Village I thought this power-up is insane yeah get him dude oh sorry cow went in the crossfires there all right I think that's all of them guys I'm sorry to say daily Dan has passed away oh my goodness I could leap entire mountains now that doesn't look naturally generated hey there he is a Sumo boy hey mister I see you're trying to grow as well if you test you might travel up and best me in combat I just gotta knock you out right no problem I accept bring it on dude I'm actually his side ow what you think you can smack me around like that watch this spit attack I missed oh he has no knockback I can't even knock him back or anything chill man I know you're a professional don't die you're gonna not fall off this edge here I'll smack you in the belly dude take that very low on health very low on health that's a half horse I can heal up and you've got nothing dude you don't even have eyeballs look at you wait hold on I got a sword I'll just use that it's cheating what's that I can't hear you okay 75 slaps later Power Punch knocked him out of the arena or I I might have killed him I can't tell we got ourselves another XP orb dude and I've got round slam let's see how do I use my ground slam do I just land oh my goodness okay I don't want to jump on the bees is there anything can jump on wait hold on guys I found a creeper if I jump with this and I land on him yeah take that it squishes them Well turns out mobs are still dangerous so uh we're in the game to get ourselves some armor the issue with being giant by the way is torches barely light up anything anymore like I can't see a thing in here man oh iron my friends looks like Vision every giant stream have big enough eyeballs to where they can see in the dark notice the caves look amazing now hey more diamonds looks like my mining radius got huge too holy cow oh this is awesome man I can mind anything I want more diamonds well I don't think it'll be long until I can get myself full diamond yeah hello look at me dude I'm like staring into it I look horrifying man it's all fun and games being massive until you gotta get out of the cave ah there we go thank goodness oh sorry cow oh goodness well that's not a normal sized castle look we got a normal village dude and then we have a massive Castle is this for me is it because the King has arrived okay well uh never mind you guys cool all right we're not cool we're cool we're not cool we're cool all right we're cool we're not cool gosh I forgot to make diamond armor I was not ready to face Giants oops sorry little buddy how you doing little guy don't worry I won't step on you he's pushing on me hold on dude I'm trying to make myself some armor pardon me excuse me excuse me I don't want to stop up on anybody here all right so I should have plenty of oh gosh dang it uh the crafting table's all small yeah got it hope I don't make tiny armor that'd be kind of embarrassing I'd have like a helmet on my pinky or something hey looking good man Josh oop excuse me sorry sorry gentlemen sorry now we can battle your mighty monsters yeah power down yeah there we go now you're picking on somebody your own size look at you all flat and weird looking yeah oh I gotta be so careful now take this oh gosh I'm on one heart everything's fine stop joking me dude yeah we got em boys don't worry villager folk I took out the scary pillagers and I know since you like Emerald there you go it's just the size of him dude he's not even interested he's like no thank you cool if I take a couple of these hay bales right thank you oh sorry about your house buddy don't worry I'll pay for it all right any fun loot around here well we got ourselves a nice old feather I guess it's like our quill and hen here whatever it's called you know how old people used to dip their feathers in ink oh look at this dude behind the glass barely bigger than my head dude give me Magic's Powers hey and there's an XP orb in there don't mind if I do can I jump up here yeah thank you I unlock giant oh gosh I got too big I'm stuck in here guys there we go well I certainly feel bigger villagers I have come to help you I like come to throw them a bunch of emeralds but to them it's just like what's going on out there it's an earthquake do I have a new power called Giants lunch huh hey yeah hey how do I do this there was a feather in there does this have something to do with it yeah oh it does hold on if I right click with a feather oh my goodness where did I go oh my God I made like an entirely different vial so I not only jump high I now could jump across entire biomes that is insane dude oh gosh I gotta be careful where I'm lunging it's just a bunch of flat cows over here I would drink that milk but uh tastes a little flat looks like I found a big build though looks like an abandoned mine half it smells like an abandoned mine chair it tastes uh kind of good actually it tastes like Cedar this is trippy man because the blocks are normal size look at it I'm heading down the giant mine chat a giant treasure oh goodness okay okay okay play Minecraft as me with the crafty season three skin pack get 15 unique skins based on eat Mobs with their hearts and more of your favorite crafty videos out now on the Minecraft Marketplace don't wait we got some spiders the one thing I don't like about Australia is the spoilers yeah all right giant string we can make a giant bow yeah take that spider's head no problem looks like we got a giant chest here oh man it's just made of wood I can't open the giant chest but we did get ourselves some diamond and we got ourselves some extra iron wait a minute hold on there was something in that chest I saw an XP orb in there yeah there it is whoa guys hold on check this out it's like gravel on top that's so satisfying dude give me the XP ore I unlocked nine by nine fine mining well I grew up a little bigger I'm almost hitting my head on top of these things oh my goodness there's an actual mine shaft in here look at it like a miniature mine shaft it's my chat yeah more diamonds give them to me I think I'm inside the wall wait a second this looks scary like a ravine dude are Ravines in Minecraft just made by Giants I like to believe that that's true dude this was so cool man and this was also me just randomly stumbling upon this I wonder what else I can find yeah I just landed right next to a Pillager Outpost dude this is so cool man I did one lunge and then here I am hello Pillager are you afraid oh there you are boys you've been picking on the villagers for too long yeah oh my goodness I just once smacked him ill The Villages have been saved take this Pillager Outpost yeah they summoned a giant ravager oh I don't like this at all wow dude okay he does a lot of damage I gotta be a little careful getting close to him yeah take this giant ravager you cannot destroy me oh wait a minute I have an idea come on yeah we got him no problem dude we got ourselves a giant saddle so that's quite nice I don't know where I'll fight a giant horse but more importantly we got ourselves a new upgrade dude and I'm even bigger than before I don't even have to jump over the Pillager Outpost I just walk over it like it's nothing look at this man I just run over the trees everybody's like ants all the way down here he's like sup man what's going on bro also I got myself a wind punch upgrade oh my goodness yeah that's quite an upgrade oh my gosh it breaks blocks now too all right well we certainly wrecked that Pillager Outpost so my wind punch that used to just damage mobs now takes out entire chunks all at once I gotta be very careful with this I'm getting a little too powerful for my own good dude oh my goodness look at how tiny The Villages look now I feel like I could eat all of that wheat in one bite hey Mr Belgium you happen to have 700 000 hay bale no all right have a good one hey there's a little Iron Golem Iron Golem just like quits on the spot like I did not sign up for this it's so cool man look I could just run around on top of trees gives me out sorry ow ow God sorry boys oh gosh I did not mean to do that Village I'm so sorry buddy I was just trying to get some wheat all right there's some diamonds I will be more careful next time there we go a Giant's best friend let me get some water here check this out though man I can barely fit inside caves anymore yeah all right I'm going down to bedrock look at all the diamonds that we're finding now all I have to do is break wind and the Earth collides below me I mean not break win punch wind what is it whatever it's called holy cow look at this man can I get diamonds like this there we go literally cannot see them I'm too far away I can't pick up the diamond my big fingers can no longer pick up the diamonds there we go thank you I'll take some more of you tiny diamond apparently my pickaxe is so strong I even break better oh oh oh goodness it's tough being trying to get out of here man this is not easy dude oh shoot I think I might have just wiped out the whole village you guys okay okay good good good I missed most of the village all right I'm Gonna Leave The Village alone I keep accidentally making bad stuff happen all right let's test out our lunch here I'm gonna go so far I'm gonna end up in Roblox oh my sorry oh gosh bamboo goodness it's like stepping on giant Legos dude oh my goodness this thing is absolutely massive there are clouds going through the building man what kind of giant loot are we gonna find here oh gosh get out of here humongous what the heck dude baby husk oh my gosh it's a chickened jockey hot what the heck yeah come come at me I'm coming after you I don't even want to kill this guy this is too hilarious all right I'll let you live gosh oh gosh the chicken's gone get out of here husky be gone feral monster look at that we got Village inside here what the heck are you guys doing here Maya I think they might be a little lost they're like Jeremy I heard there's some giant treasure around here we just have to be careful of the legend of the giant blue monster Gregory look behind you okay can we get to the center of this thing I show Power smash to the bottom okay that didn't quite work give me the treasure I will get to the bottom of this eventually wait wait wait there is chess down here that might have some glute in it and or XP War but if I hit that pressure plate man I might end up exploding like a billion TNT okay gotta be a little careful this feels so weird I feel normal size but I'm so giant at the same time let's deactivate the billion TNT just gotta break this pressure plate here hey okay well I guess that deactivated it so the TNT shouldn't explode if I walk over this all right everything's good and I'm bigger now apparently I unlocked 19 by 19 mining oh my now we're talking dude oh a diamond the big question here is do I actually get loot from these chats got to be careful not to accidentally use my brake wind power or whatever come on give me some loot yeah yeah the villagers must have been looking for man yeah dude diamond block I don't even need more man I think I'm just gonna leave the rest of this here crushed it I got myself Loot and I didn't even mess up and break the world on accident editors cut that part out can I jump out of here ouch my big head still has feelings there we go that's better all right see you later yeah that is so stinking sweet man and now look how huge I am I do love how Cactus still hurt me if I step on top of it it's like me stepping on a toothpick and just dying well it looks like my pickaxe certainly took a beating and with all of my diamond blocks it's time for an upgrade gosh my crafting table is so small dude I can't reach it hold on hold on if I place it here am I able to get close enough now get out small it is no it doesn't quite do it uh maybe I gotta stand on it I can craft myself an XP or don't mind if I do all right how big am I gonna get dude dude I got 50 Hearts now man I can stand on cactuses for as long as I want to it's a nice pedicure how much bigger can I get man well I shall bury this pickaxe in this case rip pickaxe we will miss you oh my goodness I'm so massive now that I literally could just go from Sand to snow whoa I thought that was normal clouds no these are not normal clouds those look like there's a castle super far away what's up guys they seem to be screaming what's going on here boys are they screaming because of me oh my goodness that's what it is stop picking on the villagers jerk where'd he go ah there he is through the render distance I can't see anything man get back monster I do like your shirt though it's a pretty beautiful color Giants battle on top of the village don't worry tiny villagers giant crafty is here to save the day hey we unlocked a new level not only am I more massive here but I've got size control I can just get bigger now oh I can I can make myself smaller too it does feel nice to be able to get smaller again man it honestly was getting kind of annoying oh that feels so nice hey villagers how you doing guys everybody over here feel good this is as small as I can get at least it's just me giant crafty villagers seem happy here you go boys all right for your trouble now big question is is what was that up there it was some kind of Temple or Castle or something it was either being protected or haunted by that zombie looks quite far away oh no it's just tiny holy cow looks like I gotta get smaller to fit inside this guy there we go that's better oh gosh bad guys tiny bad guys I don't like this tiny silverfish no thank you it's so cute man I've been dealing with all these massive builds so far it is kind of cool to see something so tiny oh man this whole place is riddled with silverfish all right gotta get super small Now power of Ant-Man that's about as small as I got that'll probably do it right can I squat to get in here ah there we are look at how massive these slabs are gonna use my power jump and look at this after this we will be level 100 oh gosh okay well I'm giant now unlock nether portal level 100 I guess I'm big enough man honestly hurt a lot I had an entire Castle break on top of my head I was not very cool man you could have warned me wait a minute oh I I think this is the Village from the very beginning of the video oh man it makes me miss Steely Dan well at least I have his Rose here you go boys remember him fondly well they certainly can't forget that we've created a monument to Steely Dan and of course the giant portal I think it's time to Jump On In oh gosh what the heck am I small no I've been a giant never oh gosh I a mistake I do not like the giant nether
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,934,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft animation, minecraft survival, minecraft but xp, minecraft custom xp, xp equals, xp equals your size, custom size, giant craftee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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