Minecraft but Who Would Win?

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today we'll be answering who would win now 100 villagers versus a giant Warden or the dragon versus one tiny again well let's pick a side and find out all right here we go again left or right so we got the red door or the blue door all right I really don't know what the difference is but I do like the color blue because my eyes are blue so let's try opening the blue door oh it opened all right here we go oh we just got my name fatigue who would win One kitten or a hundred creepers and I can't get out of here okay so one cat or a hundred creepers I mean if we're asking who would win I'm gonna guess one cat because I'm a great person scared of cats right wait so do I become the cop hello oh wait where am I oh three two one go oh wait do I just go straight hello I'm a cat this is me oh they're running away yes it's working who would win it is the cats oh my gosh I launched them oh wait some survived hold up I'm coming down there oh out and we won yes that's gonna be one kitten one and the return board was opened oh wait is it up there oh that's the return portal okay I can get up there somehow okay random dirt patch right here let me grab some of this and then we can climb all the way back up and we're finally back and now who would win one Robo chicken or a hundred wolves okay so 100 wolves or one wait that's a turkey huh okay one rubble and turkey which actually looks pretty sick go to let me know in the comments down below which ones you guys would pick but I'm kind of leading towards the Wolves one just because I like dogs and I feel like 100 of them would probably overwhelm the turkey I guess let's try it out and we're in it tame the Wolves oh you might need a few bones okay so we didn't get the bones so I'm gonna guess we gotta go ahead and get started and get some wood then all right done with that dig straight down and hopefully we don't die oh wait what the heck we could have actually died oh my gosh okay we were one block off all right let me get the Cobblestone and I think I want to get some food but I assume we can probably find some skeletons down in this cave or maybe bone blocks wait what the heck of Village was down here hello oh and he must have come from here wait is that like a little something is there a village down here hold on let me get all the way I can all right don't mind me let's finally get some food by doing this hey a little bit of that there we go 27 bread finally and so what do we have going on down here oh did Buddy escape prison or something okay I'm gonna guess this is where I get the bones then and we have a lot of skulls that's not gonna get me a dog where the heck are the bones anything in here oh and Bones yes that's a little bit dark but I will take as many bones as I can and now we have exactly one sack of Bones just from one of these rooms okay is there anything else then oh I'm gonna go the other way all right maybe not that oh wait it goes deeper down oh that is a school thing hello oh okay that's skeleton spotter gotcha okay it makes sense now all right here's the plan then I'm gonna real quick cover this up a little bit and oh gosh I did not get enough blocks all right let me get some stuff real quick maybe getting iron armor would be a good idea first that should be good enough now we can make a good old furnace and with this we'll cook some iron there we go all right good alarm hey guys finally one look at in an iron sword all right let's go get some more skeletons in okay they're spawning I guess I could probably just do this for a good bet you gotta be a lot of levels and a lot of probably damage now let's grab this thing a few moments later all right this is gonna be the last skeleton I get right here all right that should be done so let's go all the way up so now we can actually go ahead and try out the first dog right here do I just walk like you oh do they only take one bone that's one wolf team let me rock like you oh and you're all one bone yes let's save them all okay so right now we have like 30 something oh and they're all following me yes killed my minions guys I have never had this many dogs in Minecraft like what the heck okay all the dogs should be taped now and there's so many yes we have the Army oh now buff your wolves new crafts oh okay we got the speedcraft the shrink craft and the flame projectile craft so the first thing we need is gonna be some sand and actually nine of it so one two three and now we need one iron one Redstone and one magma block where can I get some magma okay did I miss something in here nothing back here no nothing in there oh wait what about these barrels I never checked these oh there's auto glass bottles in here okay that's all by handy we got the Redstone the magma block and the glass bottle already down here all we gotta do now then is just get the raw iron code all right let's grab that and now the plan is let's get all the dogs in one hole so what we do now is real quick and we're gonna take a small hole in all of you get inside the hole oh gosh wait would this energy cram them oh wait this is something we might find out right now maybe I should make the whole bit bigger all right I'm gonna Place water in no stay down there okay so now that we have the glass bottles all we gotta do is do one of this and this is gonna be the flame potion one speed potion and then finally with the iron we get a potion of strength and so now Let's Straighten Up these hundred dogs and fight the robo turkey I guess all right oh there we go that's a bunch of strength bunch of speed and now let's get the flame done oh and they're ready the rumble chicken is here use your army to defeat it all right unleash the Wolves all right straight this way guys I'm gonna punch this guy once and we're gonna see what happens here we go go on get him oh yeah yes oh my gosh they are destroying the turkey guys Dyson 100 wolves won and that wasn't even all of them and from that we get a dirty Cannon oh oh I am so sorry guys okay uh but with that being done let's go to making our next choice by going to the portal now who would win 100 TNT cannons holy or a desert temple huh this is like a jerk question I'm gonna go ahead and guess a hundred TNT cannons because I mean 100 or anything like we saw the dogs probably the best choice all right do I become the TNT cannon or do I gotta load of mods automate your cannons you'll need some Redstone and I'm gonna guess that's the Cannons right there all right so the kittens aren't ready quite yeah and they're all aiming at this Temple and it looks like a pretty regular Temple I guess we can start powering up some kids right here oh they move now oh that's sick okay let's set all these up right there and we need 90 more okay so I gotta find a cave now oh wait we found a cave let's head down real quick and please oh wait what the heck all right never mind not a normal cave but this time we have a redstone game all right I will gladly take all this stuff literally only redstone blocks that's all we need right here this game is insane real quick let me do that that's one stack of redstone things right there I need 100 of it and then we should be good to automate the Cannons all right let me cross Mario 2 just in case all right let me grab that and now let's go back up all right we got the Redstone now let's get all these guys let me power all of you up all right view more and we're good okay that should be all of them done and now we gotta reinforce the Cannons here's the garage on the screen right now which actually requires some Shields and luckily we did get some extra iron so I think we should be able to get some water right here there we go then without further Ado we just gotta make one shield and I think this will make what we need exactly oh there it is Cannon Shield defend my cannons alright so do I just go back and use this thing right click only get shields yes okay we're powering up for 100 cannons I'm starting to feel like this Temple is probably not a normal Temple all right last one I think and they're all shielded up now fuel my cannons they like TNT all right kind of makes sense so we gotta get TNT so let me go check down here we can either find some creepers or maybe I missed something down here oh yep that makes more sense now I'm pretty sure is under the temple but instead of the usual TNT there's a ton of it what the heck did I just take it all oh wow that works all right let me grab all this TNT real quick yep that should be enough now we go back all right let's fill you guys up with TNT real quick and I think once we're done with this we should be ready for the battle against whatever that thing is all right let's do all these okay last one and they're ready okay battle begins in three two one press here to find the Cannons oh wait what that girl throws guys all right fire three two one go oh oh my gosh okay okay no not me no at me oh gosh wait are they fine I got them yes they're going at it destroy whatever these guys are it's kind of working I think the Cannons are so I guess we kind of just watch it and see the magic happen I mean the Temple's gone I think I think we won looks like the only that guy's left nope he's dead now oh and that wasn't the last one the temple is back and it's alive yep that's the temple all right now for the real fight go on kittens keep firing okay I am just gonna make sure I'm in a good spot and he can't move yes yes couple more Shots by the hundred cannons and down it goes just like that and that was pretty easy 100 kids and cannons won and again I guess it's time to make another Choice all right let's go back now for the next one who would win one Mech or one 100 ravagers okay last time I did pick the hundred thing but honestly seeing the X on my own Mech kinda does look good it reminds me of the merch which I can go ahead and get on this site right here so just to change some things up let's maybe try out the mech find your Mac it should be here somewhere oh wait what the heck okay I am in a new area now but where the heck with a Mech Bay maybe down here oh whoa okay it looks like a little lap thing oh wait that's Mongols anyone's in a Mac hello oh and there it is it's the mech oh and a lot of diamonds my goodness all right that might be easel so is this a broken Mech do I right click you oh it is definitely broken fix the mac and now we got some brand new crafts on the screen right now where I'm gonna get that spaces for this thing that being said first we gotta get some Cobblestone slabs there we go all right let's get the slabs in there we go now we get a cannon good for offense and with the cannon we go ahead and make one Cannon arm all right let's give you the arm kitten there you go and now we gotta get a laser so that's gonna be that there and now with the laser we get two things here and now we got the lay these are arm okay I think that should be all the pieces that I can make right oh wait it needs its lights I got it now pretty much I was told I can make one sheer to do that we just gotta get one iron right here there we go and now with the sheer I probably can grab the legs from the Iron Golem okay sorry about this oh and we got his legs I'm so sorry buddy they won't be helping us in the barometer fight for sure right click and oh no wait is it working oh oh my goodness now we have a Mech the mech needs fuel don't grab John bucket wait what whoa that is actually a big bucket okay now that we need the giant bucket then so I assume get a big think of lava let's finally grab these diamonds just need three of them so we can find some iron make some of that and now we get a lot of iron okay let's grab this iron and now for the very big bucket so we need three blocks of iron there we go and oh my gosh that's a big boy all right and now with the bucket to fuel this thing we gotta get a whole lot of llama so do we just like grab here like click oh okay yes that is a giant bag of a lava no let me power you up oh it's on oh wait the rappers just have arrived all right let's get inside and now I think I can actually use my weapons oh my gosh there's so many Raptors all right Mech fire lasers and Rockets oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay I think I'm safe in the back for now okay the mech's gonna take damage oh we gotta fight yo oh it's actually doing pretty good damage go on war against get them all okay we're actually getting a lot of them there goes a lot more I just gotta make sure they don't touch me because one actually just did a ton of damage oh gosh oh gosh okay there goes some more gone super Mech last one and just like that one Meg is one probably the hardest one and now wait what who would win hamburger or pizza all right this is gonna be an important one for the comments down below give a like if you want the pizza and subscribe for the cheeseburger okay which build do I like more I honestly this one kind of bothers me with the pizza I I love both to be fair but I'm gonna have to go with the cheeseburger I might eat one today anyway so do I have any food oh oh gosh hopefully I can eat food in here here we go make your dish raise a cow for me oh wait what the heck where am I now is this like a kitchen Oh wait we're in a cooking show yo oh wait it's the other Chef oh okay he has a phone and everything all right we gotta take this seriously then as for the cow is it back here oh it is oh okay let me figure out how to get over there guys all right so we definitely need some ingredients but I don't think I'm gonna add any hay bills to my ingredients so let me grab some of this real quick let me that Kate thank you very much I kind of got back from Robinson fight so I need everything I can get there we go finally some bread all right now let's go all the way up and I think the cow might be up here oh and here it is all right I gotta get this cooking show right so we can make the Hamburger one all right Mr baby cow and do I gotta get something the calzone green three wheat three carrots and three potatoes why did I grab the heat bills all right I don't actually have any of that because I kind of used it but that's why we have the kitchen so now let's go to the kitchen real quick and see if there's any ingredients we can grab holy okay potatoes yes a wheat a lot of pumpkin pie which I might as well keep for myself melons we got some rabbits too a lot more wheat oh my goodness this is an amazing kitchen and wait who put the raw meat with the cooked meat and the vegetables you don't do that well it's my kitchen so uh oh well and now we should have enough for the cow all right give me the wheat good old potatoes and finally forgot the carrots my bad some good old carrots oh wait a girl to a huge cow holy okay wait so am I supposed to grab you for the hammer oh and from that we get raw hamburger okay nice I think not really all right let's go ahead then and make some Hamburger then so I think I gotta cook this thing so first let's put that in there and from that we get cooked hamburger do not eat yet nice all right finish your cheeseburger new crafts cheeseburger and cheese oh okay it requires bread this burger meat and then some cheese but to make cheese apparently we gotta get milk we'll get some rug like the cow let me get two of these real quick oh wait it makes sense now then okay so we gotta get the milk first and then we put it with the grindstone so all right one milk and two milk nice all right no there's two milks let's real quick get to the grindstone which is gonna be right here oh we get cheese it's like a piece of cheese and now for the Hamburg guys two cheese one good can burger and finally the bread and we got it's a cheeseburger okay and now sabotage my opponent they're clearly better wait do they make like a really good pizza all right now it's time with sneak in guys don't mind me I'm just gonna walk over there oh wait there could be a back entrance we're just gonna sneak in guys okay he's moving it's all good it's all good I don't know I'm gonna sabotage him but I don't think he's seen me yet okay as long as the AI doesn't see me we should be oh um let's uh let's let's try something else new plan guys we're gonna go from up here and it looks like he has a ladder for a farm what if we just follow this place that might be the move oh gosh oh gosh I didn't think it's through oh wait I'm in actually that just steal his ingredients oh this is me doesn't see me doesn't see me okay you know what put the water down in footage okay that should be good enough oh and present my food it's showtime oh nice oh my gosh we did so much damage all right we got the chef right here and the food critic Mr food critic here go hamburger uh he's throwing his or mine oh just this review it's garbage oh that was him okay my dish now I gotta give him my hamburger here we go take the cheeseburger please like it please like it please okay and he loves it yes okay so we won this time mommy awesome because we pretty much made everything into water well from that we get a golden chef's hat it does absolutely nothing but it looks cool all right with that done now let's go back and on to the next one which if you're following along let me know if you guys are getting these right one Herobrine or a hundred wardens go ahead and make your vote but I'm gonna probably guess I mean I could choose the wardens you know the strongest mob of Minecraft but it's also Herobrine and I'm kind of curious so the way you get to become Herobrine fight the wardens oh defeat the wardens we only have one heart huh oh no okay oh and I'm here right now okay and oh my gosh okay so I guess we're the one here Brian versus all these wardens let's do a quick game plan all right here's the deal we can't make a lot of sound I don't think they can see me if I just am quiet so let's just slowly but surely not make any sound all right it doesn't look like they're powered up or anything oh my goodness Wireless still rewarded seriously ring to escape okay that's what I gotta do let me just spy don't mind me no noise is being made now let's go right here I hate being at one heart does this mean I'm weak can I ring it you're too weak regain your lost Hearts wait where are my hearts then our heart oh they're all over the place oh my gosh okay let's real quick just get to another heart okay first one suspicious Rock can I pick this up oh it's a heart oh okay and we got a heart back okay that should have not made that much noise hopefully another one right over there oh gosh can I jump this okay okay I don't think anyone's are near me I should be fine to grab this and do I just jump into it oh that works that's gonna be another heart that's gonna be three and now let's just get out of here and go on to the next one oh gosh is that heart or that might be easel and it looks like there's two more things over there okay let me be careful oh there's a giant Warden too oh gosh getting a lot worse oh no that's just Redstone I don't know why I thought that was hard or oh but that's all rewarded wait why is it coming straight to me could it sense my hearts can I just hit it oh no no no no okay let me take it somewhere where no other warnings are real quick come over here buddy oh okay did it make too much sound no we should be good okay we're crossing around it's a little bit hard but that's gonna be four done now we have two more over there oh wow wait what the heck is this place no wardens over here we got some gold ingots some seats oh and a chicken wait does it need to follow me oh come over here chickens straight this way okay so we got a little bit of a maze the chicken's gotta follow me in and now it goes straight this way okay I think they both go on the pressure plate all right chickens there you go come on come on come on you guys got it yes okay we got it and with that being done oh a lot of diamonds and another heart okay let's take that heart that's gonna be number five and oh okay no no no no okay that that may have made too much sounds with the chickens all right you know what let's just slowly go away and get to that one okay there's another one guys always this is gonna be noise oh no I don't think they detect that noise it should be fine oh gosh that's loud okay okay let's grab that another one done and now we gotta keep going that way there's an Enderman that way and of course the big one's right there yo why is it coming this way no no no no no okay let's go to that Enderman okay heart Enderman I just fight this guy yo chill okay let's go that guy real quick no one heard that right okay no no why does it keep coming straight to me another one done and now one right there and a heart villager oh poor guy all right let's head to him how's it going buddy oh dude give me yours or something oh answer this riddle I Boop I have no legs what am I oh options and so the options are Phantom squid or Vex oh man maybe your ex let's guess Max did it work and we get our nice okay so that's another hard time and we're gonna just start walking all the way over there I think we need just two more Hearts oh and that one right there okay don't look this way guys oh gosh okay so we gotta do this parkour right here oh okay let's just slowly but surely not make too much noise I don't think any skulk sensors around here okay another one there we go let's take that heart real quick and now the last one I think is straight up that way all right let's just take it backwards okay I don't think there's that many words over here and oh wow this is a pretty easy one that's a heart all right should be good and that's gonna be 10 or it's done okay so what happens now can I go ring the bell oh yeah it's glowing all right let's go do this please don't see me please don't see me I think we're good we're good we're good oh wait I just got a new ability Shadow blast try it out on the Bell uh do I just press it sound a blast oh did that work Herobrine won oh yes oh it looks like all the words inside let's go did I knock the bell all the way up there oh well definitely worked now with that done let's get to the next option and see what we have and who would win existorio or question mark question mark question mark huh I mean I'm kind of forced to choose myself right what is question mark question mark question marker though there's no hints there's a tie and then there's nothing here oh gosh well I guess I choose myself and holy big big eyes compete with Steve it's he was the better Miner oh wait one thing that's a huge pickaxe oh wait I have a two oh here we go okay so this is my side and first we gotta mine coal oh wait it went three by three yo okay let's grab as much as we can come on give me all that gold holy we're going quick okay okay okay okay this is actually really satisfying what the heck that's done and now we gotta mine some more iron let me put on my lucky Chef's hot there we go and because I have TNT in my inventory I guess it might be what we stock up with oh gosh oh gosh okay okay there's just so much stuff to mine here give me the diamonds give me the iron I gotta find a big Iron patch it's all on the other side okay we're actually doing pretty good right here come on keep giving me the iron almost done come on oh gosh I don't even know where Steve is oh and now we need some emeralds uh Steve is on diamonds wait what he's only two things ahead okay let's go oh my gosh give me all those emeralds oh gosh like there's so many holy oh and now we're on to Diamonds okay we gotta get diamonds and we gotta make it awake oh wait what that was against it holy okay now we need to obsidian wait that may have called us up now from sitting up sitting obsidian okay we got water right here we just gotta make this quick grab one water giant ultimate pickaxe apparently I haven't even been noticing what's going on and so how do I do this do I just find it like this oh one more time and oh there it goes oh oh let me pick up the obsidian oh my God wait what did we just get now some battle Rock see this pink guy's apparently broke I saw some Bedrock right here let's go quick oh wait and never mind all in something everyone yes exit Story one the return portal was open and so with that being done I guess we want that one thing and I got to keep the pickaxes oh I guess I do all right let's go back and now who would win one wither or 25 villagers is there a catch feel like they might be a catch I'm gonna maybe go with the Villagers this time oh wait what the heck is this oh my prize for the last one was here by sword apparently nice wait what is it doing oh don't know why I got that got that petition but I want to be as for what we're gonna pick though let's go with the Villagers for now just to see I guess what it means for villagers to fight prepare my troops your brain power should help wait what oh that is a Wither in a cage oh no idea use your brain knock myself out is that how I get brain power wait what oh wait it gave me an able oh yeah I didn't realize I'm a huge parade right okay so to prepare these villagers then do I just drop this on myself all right oh oh wait where's it taking me oh did I get knocked out my brain new crafts brain juice bottles so now my brain we gotta get some sand for glass which shouldn't be too hard there we go let's grab that let's cook this in all right three glass then I need one cool block hopefully this doesn't make me Dumber there we go one gold block and finally let's put these guys together one cool block and now it's a glass bottle do I like use it for on the water here oh we now had great juice okay and now with the brain juice do we go back with this oh we do okay brain juice do I rock the villages with them oh they become big brain villagers oh let's go okay let's prepare them to fight that thing up there before things go bad everyone we're becoming big brain all right last one and now it says arm your troops they'll need a tank each oh all right well we got a new cops on screen right now guys and that's gonna be for a tank we might actually have everything we need already all right real quick let's get to crafting first we gotta get two Shields so that should be too bad one two there we go and we also need some iron rails how do I make these again definitely need a minecart that's easy okay I feel really dumb about this guys but it's literally like that okay that's how you make some rails and I think that's all we need right got a little bit more iron there we go and now three of those two Shields get some rails and then in the middle the minecart we have a tank in Minecraft all right and so because the villagers are smart to fight that guy can I just craft them in oh wait that works we got villager tanks let's go all right let's now go to the gigantinator which is literally sinking to a wall so it doesn't like make me grow bigger oh player to grow your brain will be huge oh gosh what's going on oh it's growing me yo it looks like I have a Orbee wait is something shaking oh guys it's time let's get our TNT launcher and everyone fire go on my team wait I think there's already a tank down there fighting it oh my gosh oh and wait I honestly did most of the work well just like that the villagers won I have a big brain now and I guess I'll leave them be even though some of them are not even in their tanks oh well let's go in oh this might be the last one one Mega dragon or one Snow Golem is this another trick one I feel like the obvious choice is the Mega Dragon but knowing how these things work I feel like we gotta pick the snow golem guys I mean look at that pumpkin you know what I'm gonna go with snow golem I mean what's the worst that could happen I would regret this find some upgrades a normal Golem has no chance oh my snowman okay so I'm the one trying to beat the dragon okay set some upgrades but are they nearby or something I don't see anything I guess we gotta go all the way up here all right don't mind me just your friend leaderboards so man come in and let's go down here and see what's up oh maybe we're not ready for that yet oh gosh oh this one sounds a little bit more right okay so I think I just gotta go up through here right all right don't mind me just doing some Parkour oh and we going okay it's no chip what does this do right click oh and now we got the building snowball and it's pretty much snowball nice all right don't know how that's gonna kill the dragon but it's all good now let's go to the next one which is gonna be maybe that right there oh wait what the heck is that guy hello is there a snow Garden oh well why does he look like that build a better snowman and he shall give you your upgrade all right buddy oh and my goodness I just gotta make a normal snowman right let me put that in right there give him some shears here we got a snowman is that good oh I think he liked it and so with that being done we get the next upgrade which is the rapid ship and now we can quickly fire snowballs oh so they sometimes explode and sometimes they go really fast nice well one more upgrade to go and I think that might be under us oh is this it oh gosh okay let me jump right here and what we can do is like jump there oh no no no no holy that's all traps oh okay okay I'm gonna break that break that and I could either break in or this looks a little suspicious oh we can just go through the back nice little secret entrance Justin will finalize chip let's grab that and now we get icicle I can summon a giant icicle how does that work let's go back real quick before we try that out oh and I'm barely ready to fight an End Portal is open below okay now for this icicle how does this work oh guys I figured out the icicle okay that's very nice all right let's get to the end portal all right here we go guys there's nothing else we can do now except I guess do the mega Dragon versus the Snowman got my Powers ready I guess I'll try it out oh and there it is Buddy is definitely a mega dragon all right here we go and could I technically end this very quickly with the Snowballs holy going icicles get him oh wait he actually does really good damage oh gosh oh wait no no no no nope it is fighting back to dodge that a little bit it might as well let's use the TNT launcher too oh that's a little bit more damage holy oh gosh bad bad bad bad bad bad bad I do not have water this is bad I am melting okay and down he goes just like that and that was honestly the easiest way we had snow going wins and always I guess pick the trick question one with that being done because I'll enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,103,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but who would win, minecraft who would win, minecraft would you rather, would you rather, who would win, vs, warden vs villager, minecraft choice, this or that
Id: f3Y-faTDu6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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