I Found Minecraft's Rarest Mobs

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everyone on the Infuse SMP has a rare item that they can show off this guy has the dragon egg this guy collected every armored trim and you get the point compared to all of those guys I'm really nothing special so today I'm gonna change that by finding the rarest mobs in Minecraft to prove that I have the rarest collection on the server it's turning nighttime right now which is perfect because I want to find the rarest mob in Minecraft history if you don't know what mob that is it's actually a baby zombie wearing diamond armor riding a chicken it's pretty random but apparently has a [Music] 0.00001 chance of spawning that's a lot of zeros so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to this planes biome stand on oh then on this tree and just see if one spawns okay this mob is a lot rarer than I thought clearly getting this baby zombie to spawn is going to take a lot more work than just AFK overnight on a tree so I'm gonna build a basic mob grinder but instead of making it kill all the mobs and collect all the loot I'm gonna make a filter so that only baby zombie is riding a chicken can survive and every other mob is just thrown in lava that way I can just AFK and hopefully get the baby zombie that way I'd say it's been about four hours and as you can see we don't even have that many chicken jockeys let alone one that's wearing diamond armor even with a massive Farm like this you can see that the mob is extremely rare and to get it I'm gonna have the FK a lot longer than what I just did luckily this wasn't a complete waste because one of the mobs instead of that little tube is gonna allow us to start our collection of rare mobs this little baby villager zombie is actually very special oh shoot okay oh my God back to what I was saying you see if we heal this little guy he's gonna turn into a normal villager and eventually gonna grow up to be a normal villager riding a chicken so I'm gonna put this Farm on hold for now and I'm gonna come back to it when we get the rest of the rare mobs so I already have built a place to store all the mobs so now I gotta transport that baby zombie villager over here because I gotta break the boat and lead the chicken and oh my God while in the air so we are gonna bring him into this room right here come in there we go okay so now I'm just gonna throw down a weakness potion on him and heal him so now he's gonna turn into a normal baby villager and eventually he's gonna grow up to be a grown-up villager riding a chicken which in my opinion is pretty funny and also quite rare I can't think of a single person that would have this in their server so while this guy is healing he actually isn't the last villager mob that we have to get the next two mobs we're gonna get are extremely rare types of villager that only spawn in specific biomes to get the first villager type I'm gonna have to bring two villagers to the jungle and make them breed that sounds a lot weirder when I say it out loud but you get the point I'm gonna steal some villagers from the soul the trading Hall okay we got him all right I'm pushing him oh no no there we go I got him through all right so now if we breed these two villagers we should be able to get a special type of jungle villager yeah look he's looking at ARK and then love hearts are going the Villager has a crush on you Arkin oh my God that's your wait no I just realized that didn't work apparently we had built the breeder in the sparse jungle not the actual jungle so we have to move the villagers in order to get the rare villagers wait that's a jungle villager yes we got one we got one okay all right he's in that's oh my God this is Nick a30 viewer we then did the same thing with the swamp villager which left us with 3 out of 20 rare mobs collected our collection was growing fast but not fast enough you see when I started collecting these mobs I'd set a goal for myself in a couple days I wanted to invite the entire server to look at every single mob I've collected so that they could finally admit that I have the rarest collection on the server so if we wanted that goal to come true we would have to speed up the process the next two mobs we're gonna get are Easter egg mobs that you can only get by naming them a certain thing with a name tag so I need to find two sheep oh there we go so we're gonna name this sheep Jeb which literally just makes it rainbow like change colors that's actually really cool and then this sheep we're gonna name grum was just turns the Sheep upside down it's like look at his dumb face the next two mobs I want to get are a peaceful Pillager and an Olay there's the pillar Outpost quite close to here which is good but I'm afraid that yeah there are no lays here okay basically I just need to learn one of these guys to chase me all right come here come on you can do it this Pillager guy himself is not very rare but there's something we can do to make him rare all right go in come on just let me question all right got him in so now into a corner now we just gotta stand here oh wait no all right now we just gotta stand here and basically let him shoot me until his crossbow breaks and then what we're gonna have is a peaceful Pillager which in my opinion I mean that's got to be pretty rare right now we just gotta sit here and wait all right there we go this crossbow is not broken and why is he holding his arms up like that bro all right well now I gotta go out and get an away oh that's a pillow drop post any elaes no okay looks like I gotta keep on looking wait is that a black cat I wasn't even trying to get this mod but it is one of the rare mobs we have to get so I'll take it and there we go we now uh oh um okay let's just hope that guy despawns I also forgot to update the sign we have collected seven out of 20 mobs now we're actually making some really good progress wait five six okay so apparently my Pillager despawned but should be fine I can get it back pretty easily so I'm just gonna focus on getting the alays for now while I'm looking for the olays I just like to mention that I'm currently at 150 000 subscribers and anyone that subscribes before I hit 250 000 oh wait oh is that what we need please tell me there's an delay here nope okay I guess you gotta keep looking as I was saying everyone that subscribes before I hit 250 000 subscribers gets a special role in my Discord server which you can join by they're clicking the link in the pin comment or in the description all you have to do to get the role is go to the OG Channel click the claim my role button and that's it the rules right now when I hit 250 000 subscribers so don't waste any more time and go grab your roll before it's too late oh shoot I just okay how did I manage to find literally the rarest biome in the game before I found in LA I will write down the coordinates of this because we will actually have to come back here later to collect a rare mob wait a second that's not you've got to be kidding me I was literally flying to spawn I saw the pigs and I was like oh yeah this is just like a pack of pigs but then I I look again and this is literally a pink sheep so while searching for the Olay I've managed to find a mushroom Island and a pink sheep I just gotta do a lot of swimming I guess [Music] you have to be joking I went AFK in the water sunk down to the bottom and the Sheep sunk with me and drowned oh my God bro I'm so stupid oh that's a pillow drop post no way yes I see a laze holy crap all right I've successfully brought back all three alays none of them have died which is quite surprising all right nice I then flew out found another pink sheep got another peaceful Pillager putting us at nine mobs out of 20 almost halfway there that is when a thunderstorm started I'm gonna start off by getting a creeper because I can get one really close to here so that is now a Charged Creeper so I gotta be really careful first I gotta name tag him and now I gotta get him inside of his room without him exploding which is gonna be a little difficult what is up guys it is me Joe Biden I will find chocolate chocolate chip okay I can try but this is gonna be hella dangerous and if she blows up then I am literally just dead straight up oh you don't have a turtle oh I trapped him holy oh my God okay now we gotta go get the mushroom cow luckily we found a mushroom biome earlier in the video so we're just gonna go to that one and get a mushroom from there so now all we gotta do is strike one of these cows it's lightning and we get a special cow and I'm pretty sure that's gonna be all of the thunderstorm rare mobs that we need and that is the special mushroom cow trapped I just realized that I forgot one of the mobs you can get from a thunderstorm but if I'm not mistaken one of them has spawned somewhere not too far from here there we go yeah all right skeleton horses can't drown so we can just swim underwater they also don't swim I'm pretty sure they just sink that's pretty funny there we go that is the skeleton horse trapped the next two mobs I have to get are a zombie wearing iron armor and a zombie wearing chainmail armor basically just less rare versions of the diamond armor baby zombie oh shoot okay that was a lot faster than I expected even though the zombie literally only has a 1.27 chance of spawning you can see just how much easier it is to get than the diamond armor baby zombie so now I just gotta wait till I see one with chainmail armor so I guess I'll just update you when that happens alright it took like five nights of if King but I managed to find one and bam that is the two zombies trapped alright I forgot to record myself going here but if you couldn't tell the next mob we have to get is a sniffer some guy on the server already made a farm for these guys so they're not even that rare anymore but I'm just gonna get one because they're new and they're kind of hard to get I'm pretty sure the way to breed them is by using torch flower seeds and I just got one but I don't know how to get another one okay so apparently sniffers just dig them up oh okay look yeah I found one if I feed them they should be able to give me an egg okay they're very slow oh I got one okay okay so the next mob I needed was an evoker and there was a village quite close to me so I decided to start a raid to hopefully get one I had to get the evoker in a minecart in order to bring him to the nether which was a tedious task to say the least oh no no don't fall in oh my God why is he going into the iron farm eventually I managed to get one in a minecart but things only got worse in the nether get in the White cardboard come on oh my God bro okay we're here please just go through there's actually the dumbest mob in Minecraft I genuinely can't think of anything stupider like [Music] foreign there we go that was the most painful 40 minutes of my entire life and alongside this guy we also get trapped a sniffer the last mob we gotta get before we move on to the really rare mobs is the zoglin which you can get by making a hogland go through another portal well that sounds pretty easy it becomes a lot harder when you learn that hoglands are naturally afraid of the nether portal so I gotta figure out some sort of way to get it to go through all right now I just need these guys to follow me what the hell is going on why aren't you chasing me we almost there uh okay yeah it immediately turns away from the portal oh oh my God I can lead him bro why did I not think of that oh shoot oh shoot can I lead him oh yeah okay and there we go that is the zoglin trapped so now that we've trapped the 17th mob we're entering something that I would like to call the final three basically the next three mobs that we get are some of the rarest mobs in all of Minecraft starting with the brown panda the rarest Panda variant all right I found two pandas I'm pretty sure it's easier to get a brown panda by breeding pandas rather than just searching for one so I'm just gonna do that alright so I've been breeding pandas for a while now and I started out with a normal panda and a sick Panda and all I've gotten are normal and sick pandas so I think that I'm doing something wrong so I'm gonna try and do some research and maybe figure out if there's a different way of getting a brown panda so I had like a full eight minute video of me explaining how Panda breeding works but I'm sure most of you don't care so if you actually want to find out how to breed a brown panda this user on Reddit made an extremely helpful thread that details the entire process of breeding pandas and especially how to get a brown one if you want to do it for yourself then link is in the description so long story short I just gotta keep reading these two pandas until I get a brown one [Music] Lucas I got one bro no way this guy left just when I got it oh my God all right it's time to take this little guy home and that is the brown panda trapped yeah he grew up on the way the next mod we gotta get is of course a blue Axolotl this aquarium is where we're gonna be breeding all of the axolotls and I need to make this pretty big because I think there's like a 1 in 1200 chance of getting a blue Axolotl so this needs to be pretty big luckily reading axolotls is way less difficult than breeding pandas it just takes an absurdly long amount of time so I just have to hope that I don't spend the next month reading axolotls trying to get one that's a slightly differently colored while breeding axolotls one of my friends was getting really close to hitting a hundred thousand subscribers so the entire server met up at spawn to celebrate together with him becoming the second person in Infuse s p history to hit this Milestone it made me think you see the server has been going for a little over a year now and what originally started as a small project with few people over time gruto Sarah Phil with my best friend we've watched our server our community and our channels grow from basically zero so but it's simply thank you for watching like seriously everyone says it but this entire event made me realize just how much I value you the viewers it's only because of you are we able to make these videos do these streams and have fun doing it you guys are our biggest inspiration to keep going and you are the reason infused SMP is where it is today congratulations to both sharkles and lomety for becoming the first two members to hit a hundred thousand subscribers if you guys are ever looking for something to watch these guys make some of the best videos on the platform so go show them some love sappy speeches aside we gotta get back to breeding axolotls I don't know how many we have but I do know that we have not found a blue one yet so I gotta keep reading this is becoming very repetitive very very very fast we haven't even been breeding axolotls for that long but this is already becoming X extremely painful alright so even more hours of reading later we are officially at 350 around 350 axolotls judging by the amount of footage I have I've already spent more time breeding axolotls than I did breeding pandas which is pretty crazy I'm just hoping to get this block slot all soon because this feels like a lot of effort for an axolotl that's only a slightly differently colored maybe that's just me though but only a couple hours later after I just got done with a big breeding session oh oh my God I see one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there it is I got it oh my God I can't believe that this is the second rarest mob in the entire game just for reference I had to breed about 400 axolotls to get one of these so if you're looking to get one be ready for multiple hours of reading axolotls to build a little Aquarium for the sky and there we go officially trapped the blue Axolotl that means that we've collected 19 out of 20 Mobs with only one remaining and that the diamond armor baby zombie chicken jockey now that is a punk twister say that three times fast I'm officially activating the farm where I will be spending most of my time in the near future until I get that baby zombie I don't exactly know how this is gonna work but I'm gonna try and keep you guys updated with my AFK but I guess I'm just gonna leave this here for the next I don't even know how long this is gonna take and just like that the journey from Minecraft's rarest mob began I'm gonna be honest guys I had some clips of me doing like some updates after AFK after a couple days but I think that's quite boring like all of the footage I have from trying to get this mob is just me sitting in that one spot afking just looking at baby zombies it's not exactly a riveting gameplay so instead of showing you all that I'm just gonna show you this wait is that that it and it looks like that why is why is the color so weird I think that's it guys we need to we need to get this guy out of here somehow I'm just kidding guys I tried this guy is leather armor I try to make a texture pack that makes leather armor look like diamond armor but it didn't really work I also stole this joke from bacon waffles I don't know man all the cfk is making me go insane all of the Sea of King was making me really tired so tired in fact that after five whole days of AFK trying to find this zombie I did this okay never mind not first everything seems perfectly fine this is just one of many routine checkups that I did while AFK at this Farm but if you look very very closely you will notice a big problem yeah that's a diamond helmet and I went multiple hours without seeing it I was so dedicated to not seeing the zombie that I joined a call with my friends JJ you get the joke did you get the diamond junkie thing or slack in check how many days I don't know wait you see a diamond helmet tell me you guys see that oh sword okay I don't if it's an iron sword I'm fine with it do I check with take it right I'm scared I'm scared I don't even care if it has an iron sword I don't even oh my God boom need the chicken and it's time oh no oh you're gonna do it oh it's a chicken it floats down remember oh my God [Music] close it off oh it's official what the hell happened to the sign wait give me a segment all right we've officially collected 20 out of 20 mobs the rarest mob in Minecraft after two whole weeks of non-stop grinding it had all come down to this one moment so the past two weeks I've been working on a pretty big project that has taken me hundreds of hours to complete and today I have finally finished and I've invited you all here today to show off my work to you so without further Ado welcome to my museum of rare mobs with everyone on the server witnessing my rare mobs I could finally prove that I had the rarest collection on the server the weeks of work that I put into this project had finally paid off so now I'm gonna take a break from Minecraft because oh my God this was painful if you enjoyed this video then definitely make sure to check out the video where I try people with invisible blocks
Channel: InfamousJJ
Views: 1,328,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft smp, minecraft hardcore, awaken smp, lifesteal smp, this minecraft vault is illegal... heres why, this minecraft puzzle is illegal, lifesteal smp copy / clone / fanmade, school smp, i killed the most powerful player, i killed a stacked player, infamousjj, 117 netherite zombies, I Tricked Minecraft’s Smartest Detective, Using 117 Netherite Skeletons to Kill Stacked Players, I Killed a Stacked Player using the Smartest Traps
Id: _blN2OYsNk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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