Minecraft but there are Custom Punches

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minecraft but there are custom punches i can craft new punches like the round house punch and the flurry of punches to take on the ender boxer dragon whoa easy hi let's start off with the air punch here let's go we've got our like it's a little fist man we unlocked it punch mobs back or myself up what let's try it oh dude check it out i've got a little fist now hello piggies shall i launch you yeah whoa all right it's like crazy knockback you ink airbending go you can call me aang cause i'm angry oh my goodness oh wow oh okay i punched myself in the south pole and apparently it just launches myself right up wow there's a lot of punches explosive punch one punch arm oh my goodness whoa dude this is cool ooh wait just a nabbing second ice punch we can get the ice punch snow on sand you can't have a snowy desert that's illegal stop you violated the law i think it's like this right packed ice we put some snow around it we got ourselves an ice punch man sneak to cycle punches okay oh i got a new punch arm and i've got the air punch nice man check it out all right let's find out what the ice punch does hello squid yeah whoa oh it does damage to him so it freezes him that poor guy so it looks like it doesn't fully damage the mobs it oh gosh hello you guys got some big red berries caught in your hands nope you're a boxer zombie fantastic oh they're shivering they're so cold i love that there's another one you think you can stop me yeah oh okay they do they do thaw out after a while it looks like oh he froze me ah he it throws me back how much health do you have these guys are legit mma fighters man yes we got him yup got him i almost died from some stinking boxer zombies i need some upgrades the flaming punch shouldn't be too bad let's get that real quick that should do it all right we've got our flint and steel and this should craft our flaming punch yeah look at this guy oh snap and we got some iron for a pickaxe here but before we go any further i think it's time to make some food okay well that'll do it all right my friends it's cave time flame on yeah oh i like the flaming punch i like the flaming punch it still doesn't do a ton of damage but boy is that useful let's get ourselves some upgrades i ended up with 35 iron but i came up to the surface for food and check it out there's a village honestly i'm hoping uh i don't run into more of those boxer guys look how cheap i'll protect you oh sheep you almost died that was crazy what just happened hey guys hopefully uh nobody's sheep was out here oh snap all right i'll take that anybody want to shake the hand of the world's greatest boxer what's that there's a better boxer the dragon boxer man everyone's gotta be dragging me down i guess we gotta take out this dragon boxer and really be the number one in the world whoa battle time i'll help you buddy ah take that oh you're welcome would you like to be friends there you go buddy be my friend please best friends forever come on sparky it's you and me against the world man you got a lot of logs i'm gonna take a nap real quick all right sparky i've got a plan my dude you see i need to get some diamonds and i could get them the old fashioned way to make stuff like the diamond punch but i can make a mining punch and i assume just like punch blocks to death it'll get my fists nice and ready for a dragon face punch and from our caving adventure we did get plenty iron to make ourselves a full set of iron which is nice also this is the first video i've ever used the blast furnace in and it's kind of amazing why have i not been doing that the whole time before i go in the mine i have a couple things i need to get resource wise just a couple pieces of sand hi buddy thank you buddy that should be all i need let's get ourselves that mining punch shall we because i'm on a mission well technically we're on a mission huh good boy ah sick em boy get em yeah nice job sparky oh my goodness [Applause] okay don't worry buddy we're not strong yet but we'll get there keep a lookout for something blue and shiny what's that right you're colorblind hello mineshaft we're on diamond oh my gosh i was about to say we're on diamond level we got it we got two yes more yeah got stinking uh six diamonds man what do you mean make a nice collar for you well come on man and while i'm here let's grab some of this copper too all right sparky you ready to be impressed where'd you go you ready to be impressed let's check this out we can make our uh now are you ready to be impressed yeah i've got myself the mining punch unlocked what do you think what where are you going buddy hey oh a trust over here if out of chest nice man oh my goodness we got an enchanted golden apple heck yeah good find little one here have a cooked button on me buddy boy all right we've got our mining punch look at my arm this is so sick and boom oh wow that was more powerful than i thought it was gonna be okay check this out that is so cool yeah diamonds boom yeah oh oh gosh oh man they are fast what the heck back off dude stop get him sparky careful man i don't want to hit you with my sword my sweeping edge get him yeah go sparky dude yeah we're the best boxers in the world i mean you might be a lab or a wolf but you're a boxer to me okay oh my goodness oh my gosh gosh gosh hey careful dude oh man i don't think i'm ready for that nope i'm just gonna run that was dangerous the iron sword is fine and all but i need some actual powerful punches the explosive punch shouldn't be bad i just need to get a little more gunpowder so zombie hordes like that will be killed all at once just need a little bit of gunpowder okay careful buddy careful dude oh gosh yeah that's it that's it i'm going to a temple all right buddy sit right here all right because i'm not having you explode me on accident no thanks yeah yoink all right we got plenty of gunpowder hey string for a bow smite five got some gold a bones for our dog and of course some fresh tnt it's time for the explosive punch yeah activate fist some fury and i know just where to use them i'm gonna have you watch from afar just in case i gotta go in alone look at my tnt fist dude this is cool hi i'm an innocent little fragile creature not boo yeah boom oh my goodness this is incredible i'm really upgrading man i am the strongest boxer around kaboom how are you still alive yeah this is by far my favorite punch this is so cool oh shoot i broke the staircase ah more the boxer guys hey hey no no no no no okay okay okay okay i didn't need the loot anyway i didn't need the loot anyway i might not be as strong as i thought i was don't die from a cactus that'll be embarrassing oh you want a one-on-one is that what you want yeah let's do it let's do it yeah all right all right let's go ah well we certainly are powerful but more progress to make tui can take out that dragon now one thing we can make right now which might help us with our whole power and killing situation is the electric punch look at me dude thunderous applause for me we also can make our roundhouse punch uh i don't really understand the recipe for it but uh sure we got a roundhouse punch boom throw the house at him that feels like progress dragon punch oh that's so cool we'll get there we'll get there we'll get there i was getting pretty hungry so i found a village here also i kind of want to test my new punches on him but i feel bad about it i can punch a gollum though right oh man he looks so cute and they got kids running around all right this village is staying here i have too much of a heart but i will steal all of your food okay but nobody's gonna miss a little sheep will they yeah what what what did it just spawn the house oh i see is it a round house is that what it is oh no we didn't kill the sheep we actually gave it a nice home so you're welcome how about yeah that does basically what i thought it would oh hey what's up spider i could use a place to sleep do you mind ah thank you very much that's what i'm talking about good morning world dude this is the coolest power-up ever we got our own cozy little house for the winter don't put your butt on my bed please we talked about this ooh can i make the diamond punch the diamond punch ah i'm short i need two more diamonds ready to go under yeah yeah oh we got some diamonds yeah that was easy let's craft a diamond punch activated punch the loot out of mobs don't mind if i do diamond punch activate yeah hey punch the loot out of here punch the loot out of you oh you know what it does i think it multiplies the items that i get shall we try this on our boy yeah okay yeah that gave me 13 iron just now wow all right uh diamond punch this could definitely be useful for later now the fury of punches requires a trip to the nether and thankfully i've already got a head start on the obsidian we can make use of this ruined portal i found earlier here oh gotta get rid of this crybaby over here it's all right dude your emotions are valid but i'm gonna put you in this chest okay looting two sword hey i mean i'll take that that might make blaze hunting a little bit easier yoink all right sparky stay dude all right let's do this that is a lot of pigs right by a bastion but honestly i think just punching for ender pearls will be a lot easier with the diamond fist [Music] oh man i don't have enough blocks hold on i have an idea boom yeah what up dude want to get punched oh gosh oh it's not a one-handed kill it's not a one-hit kill it's not a one-hit kill okay we got him yeah yeah where did he go i thought it was supposed to one hit punch them yeah yeah dude i've only killed like three endermen man this is awesome hi buddy give me your loot buddy yeah oh i punched him the edible came off him he didn't even die wow three ender pearls from one that's amazing yeah so it looks like there's also a chance that ender pearls come off of the enderman just by me punching them without them dying yep we got it all right all right we are loaded in ender pearls now i love the diamond punch this is amazing is that a fortress no is that a fortress no but it is our merch link crafty dot store to pick up your very own crafty merch we have brand new shirts made by our team we ship out every product some of them are hand signed by me like the mob mania poster support us and get something real cool all right back to the video i'm just proud of it there you are yeah oh gosh i might die i switched punches on accident all right 13 blaze rounds that should do it i'm out later boys it's been fun hi you've been gone for so long he has no idea i almost died like 40 times but we got some good news all around your boy can make the fury of punches get a couple of these and kaboom fury of punches unlocked punches faster than your eyes can see oh my word oh my gosh that's incredible oh my gosh that is not what i was expecting how cool is that all right dude you got to be so careful about my furious punches i can't control it once they've been unleashed hello mr goat wow how far do they go oh you lucky sheep now we only have two punches left we've got the one punch arm and then of course the dragon punch oh you know what i could probably get a netherright from that bastion that we found earlier and this fury of punches uh probably can come in handy let's go destroy a bastion dude yeah you think you can stop me oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot i need that uh just got some pretty good reflexes because i'm basically an awesome boxer so it's bastion time baby ah oh my gosh fury punches fury and punches fury and fury of punches oh my gosh i thought it would one hit them it does not i'm looking for oh gosh back back back back back golden apple time all right all right hold on just second ice punch freeze freeze freeze okay that'll keep him there for a little while oh where's my loot yes another right i'm out yes yes yes oh gosh get me out of here go fury punches go go go go go oh we did it a bit bummed i ate my golden apple but i think it was worth it honey i'm home now i believe it's like this yep one punch arm look at me dude i know it's supposed to be one punch man it kind of looks like i got the arm of like winnie the pooh shall we test it out yep seems to be working alright does it work with the subscribe button hey it does now i definitely can take on this boxing dragon let's do this i'll be honest with you very nervous the last fight i was in was fighting with myself on who's gonna have the last donut it was me oh i love the one punch arm oh i love it so much i think it should ah it should be right around here yeah where are you stronghold there you are hi stop there's so many mobs that's it i'm sleeping the night okay apple get to it yeah i hope i don't land in lava yeah oh we found it we found it we found it oh more boxers i think i've gotten strong enough to take you guys out yeah no problem boom hello boom boom oh my gosh does that feel nice we've made it i gotta do this like this one of the speedrunners check this out yeah oh gosh we're here okay okay okay what the heck is this yeah ender giant boxer oh my gosh what the heck oh my goodness he's throwing punches he's throwing punches that is not what i expected okay i thought he was gonna be a dragon this is gonna be interesting dude oh my gosh he's levitating them um give me a house give me a house okay this will keep me safe for a second oh gosh ah he's breaking it okay gotta go this is getting real nuts man what can i do he does a lot of damage let me try to get him with the fury of punches nothing it did literally nothing to him oh that did some damage that did some damage i do have an idea i don't have very many arrows but i do have a couple of them oh man he's scary so i can make a bow and i've got two arrows but i also have 11 snowballs so i might be able to take out some at least just like this yeah yes yeah come on oh i'm wasting all of them yes i can use my air punch to launch me in the air yep and then i can ah catch myself just like this it's ridiculous but it'll work hello [Music] oh i made it i made it oh okay okay okay we did get this here check it out check it out we've got our shattered crystal now when in doubt punch your way out yeah wow that works really well so i can actually tear a tunnel through the inside of these with my fury punch use the obsidian to stack up then the big boss guy can't damage me while i'm inside this ouch maybe he can hey yeah yes that's how we're gonna do it it's working no way i think that's all of them all right you're going down let's craft our oh no i used all my ender pearls hey guys dragon punch let's go let loose the jaws of the end oh my gosh okay oh that does damage yes get him check this we are the best boxer in the world yeah come on come on we've done it oh my gosh that was so difficult youtuber boxers i only know crafty my dude thanks for watching guys punch that subscribe button and don't forget check out our brand new christmas limited edition merchandise go to the website crafty.store click the link in the description see you guys
Channel: Craftee
Views: 12,127,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, punches, punch, punching, punching in minecraft, minecraft but punching, custom punches, super, super punches, diamond pickaxe, one punch man, one punch, melee, new attacks, super powers
Id: Mf-B2d3CWtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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