Minecraft, But With Custom Hunger Bars..

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in this video i'm able to create custom hunger bars that when eaten all have their own unique abilities using a hunger table some of the hunger bars do things you've probably never seen before but what does the diamond hunger bar do and can we get to two full rows of hunger bars let's find out oh my goodness what is that thing in my hot bar a hunger table what happens if i put it down wha that's not any sort of regular looking crafting table what happens if i open it what the heck no this is the hunger table guys and uh well also in my inventory you'll notice that i have 64 famine shards and these are going to be used to craft you guessed it custom hunger bars so uh hey excuse me villager fraser what are you doing with those default hunger bars oh i'm sorry what do i need to do first of all everyone needs to leave a like right now we must go for at least 15 000. okay and then what well if you're gonna eat any of my food you're gonna need better hunger bars than that well okay so i can't have any of this no go away all right how about i start breaking the surroundings of your farm with a farming breaking log session and then go back to my hunger table take a famine shard put it in the top corner and then take all of these oak logs here and combine them to make the wood hunger bar and this will be our very first custom hunger bar of this challenge let's eat it up and we'll watch our hunger bar take place look at that and i just got a wood chipper what the heck what does this do wow okay no i didn't mean that i didn't meet that farmer oh no your carrots and everything but you said once i had good hunger bars i could eat away right oh fine i guess thank you i'm so hungry and now i have unlimited wood because my wood chipper could just change all of the land into it and with my axe i can quickly just mine all the wood i'll ever need it's all different types of wood so for the first time ever we're going to do a multi-wood mining session i'm the wood man i'm polluting wood all over the place we have enough wood for ever so we no longer need these normal oak whoa what the heck they dropped nothing but apples okay i will take all of these apples yes please but guys i never want to lose any hunger okay because if i get starving and all those hunger bars wear out then i'm gonna lose my custom hunger bars so i need a way that that will never happen and that's why i'm killing cows right now because with their beef and a solid famine shard i can create the saturated hunger bar and this essentially it's simple it makes it so i will never get hungry again i don't even need to do a hay bale mining session but i will go ahead and i will review this village because sometimes they have some good chests but this one definitely does not so i'm taking over the village with a bunch of wood i'm sorry villagers and i'm sorry iron column goodbye village and i'm going to start digging straight down and while i do go ahead and obviously pick up my lunar client cape it's linked down in the description below every purchase helps my channel and while we're on the topic most of you aren't actually subscribed to my channel so if you could hit that subscribe button if you enjoyed this video that would be very much appreciated and i hear a zombie and i see a zombie and i see three zombies and i found myself a cave a big cave with lots of mobs everywhere okay i gotta be very careful i don't have much armor at all yes i have the hunger bars those aren't gonna really help me out they're not custom armor bars which we have done before but check that out of course after you watch this video so i'm gonna need to clear up some inventory space i don't really wanna carry this hunger table around with me something could go wrong and i could lose it so i'm gonna quickly go ahead and make myself well the crafting hunger bar and this hunger bar is gonna allow it so that i can go ahead and pull up boom the hunger table at any time we can get rid of this thing just throw it out just get rid of it we don't ever want to see it again and we're good to go now i'm going to pick up some coal because we're going to need this if i want to get any oars today without having to smelt and put the two furnaces and combine that with some coal to get ourselves the smelter hunger bar we will eat this up and now look at our hunger bars by the way we already have four custom ones it's starting to look pretty but now i can mine a bunch of iron and stuff and it will auto smelt as you can see it's just completely smelting it as soon as i mine it and there's a chance that i can get double it as well and well now that we have enough iron guys you know what that means we pull up the hunger bar and we get ourselves an iron hunger bar dude hunger bars who knew this would make things so much easier to complete minecraft like this is amazing so we just eat the iron one up and boom i am iron man [Laughter] i have all of the iron armor i will ever need all of the iron tools i'll ever want all just by eating a hunger bar and now we already have five filled out i have never in my life seen double hunger bars let's see if we can eat enough to the point where we can get a second hunger bar on top of the first one and this cave led me right into an amethyst geo this is actually perfect and out of all the iron stuff i got i didn't make myself an iron pick so let me do that real quick mine into here and we will grab ourselves some shards put those into the hunger table with a famine shard and oh look how glowy that is an amethyst hunger bar and we'll eat this up and now we're over halfway with custom hunger bars it's amazing hey skelly oh okay well you can still kill me because i mean hunger doesn't give me protection i mean maybe it does we don't know haha get out of here zombie you have nothing compared to my amethyst charred force meal that i am going to put out and kill you with now i'm going to take the iron that i got and i'm going to make a ton of buckets and i actually want to fill these with water and lava because that's going to be required for our next custom hunger bar of course not before getting some lovely gold which is ow zombie there's lava right there okay that is a lava pool that i can fill up this bucket with we still will need water but how much gold did we have here that's one and two did we get the multiplier no but there's more over here and we only need i think six oh geez louise i almost just lost my gold in the lava i think yeah this is definitely enough so we can actually make the gold hunger bar right now what are you guys doing there in the quarter freezer please all of your audience must subscribe to you and like this video if we're gonna get free ever hey guys well sometimes spiders can be friendly so do what they say so use the gold and we will go ahead yes we have enough and we'll put a famine shard at the top and oh my gosh that's even shinier than the amethyst one a gold hunger bar and now we are up to seven total custom hunger bars what does this one do wow my gosh are those not chapels notch apples we have unlimited of now okay well as long as we're not really dumb then we should be okay going forward i would hope but i still am gonna need to find diamonds because this iron armor isn't going to cut it guys and so to do that i might have to go into a ravine or two and obviously ravines are filled with lava so i'm just gonna quickly fill up a bunch of lava buckets and there's some lovely water right here and actually more over here we're gonna need three water buckets as well so that was one and i hate these water streams that take forever to get to two and three and now if we go into our hunger bar here take the three lava buckets put them like so and then put the three water buckets in there to complete the uh well obviously hunger bar craft put the shard in we get a magma hunger bar and this is going to be sweet bam we have the magma one the two hunger bars from a complete set by the way oh and look at that a lovely vein of diamonds suspended over an evil lava pool whatever will i do well because i have the magma hunger bar i'm able to just walk right over it well if i still mine these it's still gonna fall in but i can mine them a lot easier now and i'll use all the wood i got and just live life on the edge because well i can't fall into this stuff it does not scare me so mine all these up and get ourselves the diamond hunger bar we have five is that enough actually i think we might need one more oh beautiful but it also allows me to walk really fast in water so that's gonna be good for getting to the stronghold and just traveling around we'll be able to you know just use water to go faster so now that we have nine diamonds instead of making like a diamond chest plate or diamond leggings like you would think i would i am going to go ahead and use six of those and make the hunger bar put the famine shard up top and whoa a diamond hunger bar [Laughter] take this sky and let's go ahead and munch on it and what's gonna happen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on what's going on [Music] okay it's a trap it's a trap i did turn a lot of the cave into diamonds but what is going on everything is turned into lava i'm gonna get submerged i'm gonna die all right block it up with wood grazer that's how you do this you pluck it oh my god dude i don't know how i'm gonna get out of this cave finally out of that mess and now we are in a swamp and you guys know what swamps are good for obviously come here i want to be like one of you guys give me all of those slime balls that's more than enough we'll open up the hunger table and you guessed it guys we're obviously gonna have a slime hunger bar because well last time when we made a slime armor bar it's the best thing ever i can get all over the place and do it so quickly so i mean obviously i was going to return this feature [Applause] right into the water i can swim really quickly to my magma hunger bar this is sick all right now we need one piece of redstone okay i know you're like why would you need redstone but watch if we get a bunch of copper make a bunch of lightning rods and then use that singular redstone and put it in the hunger table with all these guys we get the electro hunger bar and this is the first of many custom hunger bars it's also going to be the first time ever in minecraft history where i will see if we're gonna get a second hunger bar on top of the original one all right in three two one oh we did it what just appeared in my hand an electro spear okay so we have something crazy that we're hanging on to right now we also have two hunger bars so this is just gonna go forever i guess until we're done with it we want to go face the ender dragon so now that we have this electrosphere what does it exactly do okay it looks like we can throw it okay well i can't lie i definitely saw something electrical happening there i didn't know exactly what it would be and what the heck is this i am currently walking on electricity get out of here buddy oh my gosh he just went flinging oh wow oh oh oh oh my god what just happened it just looks like a bunch of water and lava bullets coming down and raining on everywhere and that is still part of what the magma hunger bar does i didn't know it had that ability as well okay all right i didn't realize that the electro hunger bar also had this power as well the next thing we're gonna make is a mechanic hunger bar because obviously we're gonna need some mechanical help if we're gonna have any chance at defeating this ender dragon today so let's go ahead and eat it up and see what this does no way they're just drowning no no no no no no it's me in robot 4 but now they're all going to die this is not how i intended this to go here let me spawn more there we go what do they do oh my gosh what are they doing they're like lasering everything around here oh they just lasered the board chicken what else does it do whoa i'm hurting them please do not laser me now i have robotic shields all around me hey b where are they gonna oh no they lasered the bee look at that it's an amethyst geode right above us so gorgeous right but then there's lapis right here and almost the last time that lapis has ever been useful like ever well that's the point now it is useful because it's going to give us a hydro hunger bar hydraulic blaster what the heck is this thing wait there's an amethyst geode right here oh my gosh my computer is lagging my computer is lagging what is going on holy smokes i can't even get close to it it's a huge water torpeno what on earth is that thing what is that thing what is going on [Music] the hydraulic blaster by the way oh and there's opie stuff in the middle of this lake that i can just jump into and swim really fast through because of my all my epic hunger bars now we have a dope loyalty trident look at that guys we can start throwing a trident around come right back to us we also have a nice diamond shovel lots of diamond stuff and i think this giant might be a little too loyal there we go it wanted to get back into my inventory so now we have a forest fire on one end and a forest water i guess on the other get it the snow village could use a little bit of water it's a little icy oh my gosh wow waterception every mob is frozen and dying oh my gosh did you see that pig but yeah this village is abandoned anyways so it didn't do anything at all of course no challenge is complete without the multi-hunger bar which obviously if you have been watching for a while once i eat this one it's gonna give me the lovely multi-armor so we no longer need this pleb of diamond armor you you're probably wondering you're like crazy why didn't you get all that op armor in the uh flood just there well this is why i get flight for a bit while i use this now that's not the only thing we actually got from this though we also got the diamond multi tool so this is a call back to a few of my older videos but these weapons remain some of my favorites ever all right now a dragon's hunger bar and if i eat this dude look at this we're almost halfway to a second one we get the draggiest scythe look at this item in my hand dude it's sick but if i'm gonna fight the ender dragon i need to do it correctly so i need to become an ender dragon and that's what this dragon's hunger bar does it allows me to shoot out the dragon's bullets so that we can pretty much have the same weapon against one another that's not the cool part the cool part is uh whoa are those ender dragons falling from the sky what are they doing wow they just turned the entire the entire ice biome it's turning into the end are those ender pearls ah-ha give me these i've wanted the eye offenders and the ender pearls all along and all it took was a bunch of exploding dragons to come from out of the air look at them all everywhere that's gonna turn the entire terrain oh oh okay yeah maybe that was a little bit much but it's still funny to see all these dragons just exploding everywhere and what the heck just happened i think i did hold on look at the squid oh and there it goes oh my gosh i found a jungle perfect for the next hunger bar that i'm going to create all we need are a bunch of glass bottles this one's gonna seem a little random and you're probably wondering what is going on here but it's the oxygenic hunger bar and if we go ahead and eat this one now we get an antigen blade and with this blade oh no no no no no no you took your oxygen away silly it takes oxygen away from every single mob in the game and i forgot that i count as one of those mobs so that probably wasn't the most intelligent thing for me to do but hey look at all these zombies and stuff but yeah but it also allows me to take hearts from other mobs so that explains my like a large large health count right now i'm just able to just any bob around me i steal the hearts they die i get all their health counts so pigs don't have many hearts that's why i didn't get many there but if i were to steal it from like an iron golem i would be alone and with health but now that i have an access to ender eyes i'm going to start trying to see where it's going to lead us and it's this way so we have to go across the ocean which no problem for me what the i didn't even realize i could do this i was about to say i can swim faster in the water but this is so much better i can just run across the water yes let's go and those netherride blocks actually do come in handy to create the creation hunger bar get it to create the creation hunger bar and with this we get a creatio blade that is going to rain the apocalypse with all of these items everywhere and turn what the train is above the stronghold into a barren wasteland that's right the stronghold is right beneath us right now i've reached it i just want to make sure i terrorize the land a bit but before we actually head into the end well we're gonna need something to battle the ender dragon with and that's why we have the elemental hunger bar so this thing when i eat it it's gonna add another hunger bar obviously to our thing if i use it boom all my items go away but i still have them don't worry i can get them back it's all good but it gives me a separate menu where i can oh my gosh it hurts me too i gotta get out of here but i can light everything on fire kill all these bombs very easily i can also use the icicle power which uh as you may have guessed it freezes everything around me and i mean that quite literally if they're frozen until they die oh oh wait that one's frozen but it's gonna suck the skeleton in hey skeleton he can't fully get in get in there there we go then there's the earth one which i believe just uh yeah we'll try that in the end and then synthetic that just withers everything away so we have a nice control panel of stuff here and obviously the portal remains undamaged because this thing can take a punch and we are in and uh guys there's an item in my inventory that i never even like knew i had chroma hunger fragment you guys have probably been screaming but i didn't even realize that this was here but this ladies and gentlemen is our final hunger bar we are going to have to sacrifice our creation blade the mecca blade hydraulic blaster and the dragus scythe and a bunch of these chroma hunger fragments to get the sacrificial hunger bar this is it we are about to complete two hunger bars in three two one bam oh my gosh it turned all my hunger bars into rainbow but with all those gone what am i able to do now i have all the effects in the game and because we use the dragia scythe we can no longer fight the dragon using the dragon stuff that i said so hopefully the sacrifice oh it's a witherers dragon fight oh my gosh the entire place is cleared out and i'll use my electricity carpet to come up here and we'll destroy all of these crystals because with the multi-armor i am powerful holy smokes i've never seen an end that's just populated with rainbow withers and nothing else no other like enderman or anything holy smokes they're all over them goodbye okay that was a little insane don't deplete the oxygen that's how you beat the game with uh custom hunger bars everyone good bye
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,428,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft hunger, graser, challenge, minecraft bars, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: MeP-YB2eACo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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