Minecraft, But Every Mob Is A Wither

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wait a second what is this okay there is no way this is gonna work this has to be fake i mean there's no way what in this minecraft video i can turn any mob into a wither these withers have their own special abilities and get stronger over time and when killed they drop some pretty insane loot also to make things even more challenging if i die once i lose this challenge can i beat these withers and take on the final boss in the end tune in to find out and also make sure to subscribe and enjoy the video alrighty guys so we are in and today we are going to be messing with some pretty crazy withers but to get those withers we're first going to need some wood and all the other basic necessities such as stone tools and stuff and we're also gonna need to get some mob heads and to get these mob heads i will show you what we need to do and it's actually very simple so let's just find a average mob which right here is an average mob so if we just kill this cow it should drop ahead and that doesn't happen in vanilla minecraft it doesn't drop a little cute cow head when you spawn in a wither you gotta have three wither heads and for any mob you gotta have three of their heads to spawn it in and some soul sand so we're gonna need to get mob heads and we're also gonna need to get some soul sand which will require us to go to the nether so let's just collect some mob heads real quick and there we are we now have the pig heads the cow heads the chicken heads and the sheep head so now all we need to do guys is find us okay if we get some iron and find that soul sand as quickly as possible we're gonna do what every good minecraft player does and we're just gonna go ahead and mine straight down to y11 oh okay we found the cave and we also found a zombie is there gonna be a zombie wither let's test this real quick if he drops ahead there is a zombie with her and sure enough there is that's actually terrifying and yes there's gonna be a skeleton with her as well okay all right so we got all the iron we need so now let's just go ahead and smelt this along with some food and we should be ready to go to the nether and get that soul sand okay so we have all our iron let's just go ahead and make a bucket with the rest of this iron i'm just gonna go ahead and make us some armor so now let's just mine down and hopefully find us a lava pit oh my gosh that could have been absolutely horrible but we found exactly what we need we found a water source and a lava pit this could not be better okay and this might be very messy but portal done oh my gosh okay and now boom here we go hopefully we get a good spawn i'm crossing my fingers oh my okay well i'm guessing crossing my fingers worked out as planned you know we are really not geared up enough to go ahead and fight these blazes so i'm gonna fight a few withers and hopefully they will give us some good loot because each wither gives its own custom loot and sometimes gives us some really good items and the thing is now i know exactly where the nether fortress is and i have a portal leading directly to it so we are good on that alright so we definitely have enough salsa now and now all we have to do is go back to the overworld and start placing down these withers how can a chicken wither actually do anything harmful you know so we're just gonna go boom boom boom oh my gosh okay oh my gosh oh i don't know it hasn't dealt damage to me yet but it looks very dangerous i don't want to get in this blast okay holy look how much damage the chicken wither did it broke obsidian how's that even possible and this was the first wither that we've placed i can only imagine how strong the hostile ones are oh my gosh this chest is absolutely stunning what is this feather falling enchantment level 100 these arrows are going to come in handy big time and you know what while we're at it i'm just going to go ahead and place another wither right here so there we go knew the mine shaft would come in handy i think we're going to go with the sheet because you know it just doesn't look like it's that powerful hopefully this doesn't backfire on me but here we go boom boom boom okay this is very scary oh gosh what's happening here currently has not done anything can i see you with her what do you even look like oh my god it looks so scary what is happening oh my gosh oh no no it's falling in sheep and they're attacking me these are actually hostile sheep how is that even possible withers should not be able to do this they do so much damage as well i cannot have these things spawning on me okay come on just let me kill you oh it's invulnerable oh my gosh okay oh how much damage do these sheeps actually do come on let me up dude these baby sheeps are insane come on oh my god dude i'm actually about to die this is actually terrifying oh we have like unlimited arrows so we should be fine here but these guys are actually terrifying and they're walking on our blocks okay just place water oh my gosh okay i thought that was a sheep this spider surprisingly doesn't scare me anymore oh and we just got a spider head oh no it just went in the sheep area these things have so much health these cannot be sheep what alright so now we can check and see what's in this chest hopefully it's something good oh my gosh look how many beds 64 bet i would definitely take these and what is this fast forwarder okay what does this thing do you know what we're just gonna keep this it could come in handy okay so we can just go and throw all this armor down and now we are looking pretty stacked if i can't say so myself and also what does this thing do you are now fast forwarding time what is that why is it spinning like that okay wait does this do what i think it does wait a second we need to go to the surface real quick i gotta see this okay so we are on the surface and we really need to remember where this is because this is gonna lead us exactly back to our nether fortress and now let's just go ahead and test this thing out and i think i know what this does so basically oh my gosh and if we just do this it pauses the time so we now control time guys like i said some of these wither items are absolutely insane so now let's just go ahead and fight the next mob i think i'm gonna go ahead and place down the cow because i don't know the pig one is still scaring me guys so here we go boom boom boom okay okay let's just see what this thing does oh my gosh what's it doing it's spreading poison everywhere uh it's killing cows but it's not messing with us and it looks like it's throwing milk buckets down what even is that what are the little things on his head that doesn't look like a cow we need to start killing this thing okay it takes a lot of damage we're probably gonna take some poison here hopefully no oh yeah yeah yeah this hurts but all it can do is poison us so we should be good here as long as we just keep away from it okay it's invulnerable come on wait wait what are pillagers doing here what where did pillagers come from okay we killed it but where did these pillagers come from they're just totally irrelevant pillagers i'm gonna die i'm literally gonna die okay let's just eat real quick okay we are regenting oh my gosh where did those pillar just come from that could not be worse timing at least we get to keep the loot chest and let's just go ahead and finish off this last pillager oh wait a second what the heck okay we're gonna take all of this um i don't know about the milk buckets those might come in handy but i really don't think i need them fire aspect we will take that uh no sharpness books but i'm definitely gonna take both of these fire aspect books it looks like the only good books and there were really the fire aspect ones kind of a bummer but i'll take it so now before we can get onto the hostile withers we need to get on to the pig wither okay here we go three two one all right we better back up oh my gosh what the heck dude okay i don't even want to hit this thing it actually scares me so much okay if we hit it we need to get far away look at that thing it's absolutely terrifying wait a second it takes so much damage though it takes so much damage come on come on oh my gosh i need to put myself in water quick okay we gotta stay in this water we're gonna die so quick okay this thing is absolutely terrifying yes we killed it oh my gosh look at all that damage if we would not put ourselves in water we would be so dead right now i knew the pig wither was gonna be good a flying pig what the heck is that okay we're definitely gonna take this and protection to armor i think i will take it so if this did this much damage imagine what a creeper wither is gonna do that's gonna be really really scary so to get some of the hostile mobs we're actually gonna have to set it at night time because you know uh they come out at night and stuff but we could do that easily because we had the fast forwarder so boom and there we go now it's nighttime i actually kind of want to try out the spider weather i think that's the next one we're gonna try out and also the skeleton wither we need to try out but i'm really scared for the skeleton with her because if he has aimbot or something i'm going to be so mad all right now it should be time to set it a day we'll get the creeper later i don't want to fight him right now because i know it's just going to be too much for us to take so let's just go ahead and start out with a spider in the skeleton so here we go boom boom okay oh my gosh we need to back up for this one we really need to back up oh no it shoots arrows this was my biggest fear okay if we just stand under it though can it actually deal damage to us i don't know if it can oh no it can't okay this is literally perfect what this is bob is absolutely useless so easy okay never mind never mind when it hits us it does so much damage look at that dude look at that it is so much damage okay oh my gosh look at all these arrows so many is almost making my game lag okay so let's just go ahead and see what's in the chest fastball and it says it has infinity on it okay um this is going to help us so much we're literally able to just shoot infinite arrows it actually isn't taking for my arrows either okay this is going to help us so much in destroying these mobs and for those nether mobs we're definitely going to need this fastball okay so let's just go ahead and do this this and oh my gosh spiders scare me so much just look at their faces they're so scary but here we go boom oh well that's a little anticlimactic and boom okay here it comes here it comes baby what's it gonna do come on oh what is it doing it's it's um it's shooting cobwebs wait wait why is the pig taking damage it's just cobwebs right what oh oh what why is it poisoning me okay these are not regular cobwebs dude okay we gotta stay away from this thing this thing could actually kill us if we're not careful oh we got to kill this thing before it kills us we're literally getting stuck in his arrows this could be bad this could be really bad come on this thing has so much help dude these mobs are getting more health over time oh no okay that was not as close as i thought it was going to be but it could have gotten really bad and that wither has so much health too these things are getting really strong so let's just go ahead and check what's in the chest oh baby you know what we're going to take this bow because we could possibly combine it later on with the fast bow and power 2 with the fast bow would actually be insane this is going to make us full diamond okay so now the last withers we need are the zombie and the creeper oh man these are about to be really terrifying but we're going to have to do it so let's just go ahead and find us some zombies and creepers okay and now that we have all the mobs we need we can set it back to daytime there's so many mobs on me oh and we never tried out the flying pig okay what does this thing do this is a little bit cursed so can we like put this thing back in our inventory uh i don't know wait wait if we kill it what happens oh and now the first mob we are going to start with is the zombie okay oh man these are about to get seriously intense okay here we go and boom oh man zombie wither what are you gonna do what's he doing oh wait a second are those baby zombies oh no no you cannot hit me no no get away from me i have the fast bow okay just stay away look how many zombies are after me right now this is not normal at all okay we need to figure out a way to take this thing out i think we got to build up i think that's a strat oh they can land on my platform they can land on my platform oh no no no no they deal oh they're making me nauseous too fastball take them out we gotta do this boom he should not be able to get on top of me right away all right here we go here we go if we can get him invulnerable he'll have to come down oh no no no okay okay okay we're doing some damage we're doing some damage here oh gosh there's so many zombies on me right now come on come on our sword just broke come on axe oh my gosh okay the axe did it and all the zombies have been exterminated okay hopefully this dress is gonna be good because these things caused a lot of damage and almost killed us that was the closest wither we've had by far okay so let's just go ahead and open this up and we only got rotten flesh super rotten flesh um this better do something good or i'm gonna be seriously mad i guess we gotta wait till we're hungry i'm gonna run around for a second and hopefully something happens okay so we're now hungry so let's just go ahead and eat a piece of this and what does it do oh absorption x speed x strength x resistant x and haste x well you know what i take it back this zombie was amazing this is going to help us so much let's just try and kill these things real quick boom oh my gosh they're one shots what the heck okay well this is going to come in handy definite and we're gonna use it on the creeper with her because i'm absolutely terrified of this thing so here we go three two one run run run this thing's going to start blowing stuff up isn't it okay oh my gosh what that made my game lag what the heck look how big this explosion is it's literally shooting tnt as soon as i hit it it's gonna target me and that's gonna be so bad we're gonna yolo it right now boom it's targeting me right off the bat okay well this is not good we're gonna need to eat the super rotten flesh as soon as possible think we're gonna be fine with this as long as we just stay out of this range of fire okay just stay away all right we can eat now okay you are not ready for this come on can we just get one hit no we can't what how can we not get a hit okay we need it to come down it needs to become vulnerable come on just come down okay and oh my gosh okay the super rotten flesh is very super guys oh my gosh protection 3 diamond armor are you kidding me let's just set it today real quick so we don't have to worry about mobs and let's check and see what else is in this chest tnt which i will take and let's just see what this is the explosive bow okay well this also has infinity on it but what does it do um oh my gosh is this what i think it is that is insane so now that we've done all the hostile mobs in the overworld it is time to go back to the nether and fight the withers in the nether and by the way guys all the nether mobs have to be fought in the nether okay and we are back to the portal and before we go to the nether i want to go ahead and make an iron sword because we're definitely going to need an upgraded weapon to fight these nether withers make the iron sword and now we should be ready to go to the nether okay and we are here so we're just gonna go ahead and start with the first wither which is going to be the blaze wither blazes are scary enough but them actually being a wither that's insane okay so here we go we're taking a little bit of damage here actually so we need to be careful uh okay we did all right that's perfect and now we have three blaze heads okay here we go boom all right oh man the blaze wither what's this thing about to do oh what is this thing oh what is it doing what oh is that is that all it does it just said it's on fire so that's not good okay can we kill this thing oh man it has a ton of help though damage now but okay that was not as bad as i thought it was gonna be i guess we might have got lucky or maybe we're just getting really op okay so what is oh my gosh welp we don't need to worry about blaze rides anymore and a fireball sword okay well what does this thing do oh my gosh when we right click the sword it shoots fireballs out of it we have a sword that shoots unlimited fireballs this could come in handy all right so here's a baby i wonder if this one is going to drop ahead and it did drop a head okay that's perfect oh is there a piglet with her let's just test this out oh there's a piglet with her oh no you might fight the piglet with her first guys so let's just go ahead and get that head there we go so we did not find another zombified piglet head but we're gonna go ahead and fight the piglets okay so here we go three two one and boom okay piglet wither is spawned in let's see what this thing does oh wait what what is this like a is this a joke what does it do um it's trying to hit me with gold blocks is this a joke i really don't even want to kill this thing it hasn't even tried to hurt me you know what we're gonna have to do it though because i really want to see what this loot will be oh oh never mind these blocks are actually suffocating us okay well at least the blaze wither tried okay well that was not as hard as i thought it was gonna be high quality gold ingot piglins will love this okay well you know what we're just gonna hold on to this and maybe we'll give it to a piglet i don't know what's gonna happen but we will see so we can go ahead now and do the zombie piglet wither as well and i haven't had to use any of this super rotten flesh so far so that's really good okay here we go boom okay let's get away from this thing i don't want it to hurt us here oh man yeah that would have hurt what is going on here it's just uh dropping swords is this supposed to do something okay well um i think this one's a dud too i don't know what's happening here oh no no what's happening dude that does so much damage what oh man we have to be really careful that does like three hearts per hit boom boom boom okay it's doing damage hopefully it'll come down here we got to get boxed up oh my gosh it does oh no no come on come on we just got to strafe we just got a strafe come on oh my gosh okay let's eat the stupid rotten flesh quick before we die right when i thought this thing did nothing it did so much dude that by far was the most powerful wither we have seen so far oh my gosh okay so let's just go ahead and see what's in this chest protection 2 this armor will stop pigment from attacking you okay well you know i really don't need that the piglen that almost killed us gave us golden carrots and boots that we don't need is whatever you know we'll take the golden carrots okay so that's all the mobs that are withers in the nether so now all we need to do is go back to the overworld and fight the enderman wither and then we're gonna have to go to the end and fight the ender dragon wither but before we can fight either of those mobs we need to trade with some piglens so we probably need to find a few of those guys real quick okay there's two piglets to trade with right here take that gold real quick high quality gold ingot what does it give um dude wait what the okay well i'm guessing a high quality gold ingot is a high quality gold ingot and i don't even want to know how many ender pearls that is but the fact that it puts them in a stack means that is a lot of ender pearls and boom we can make the jump because we have the feather falling boots and let's go oh my gosh this guy decided to follow us over okay i just had a brilliant idea instead of finding the enderman wither in the overworld how about we fight the enderman wither while we fight the ender dragon wither so yeah let's just go ahead and do that so all we need to do now is just go ahead and make these blaze powders and boom now we have 48 eyes of ender and this should do so now all we got to do is jump in the portal go to the end and we will be able to fight both of these withers okay so let's just it's going backwards okay you know what that means we are basically here so let me just go ahead and try and find the trunk as in and oh my gosh that's absolutely perfect okay and we are here so now let's just go ahead and find this portal room and oh there it is and okay silver fish get away from me please wait a second they dropped the head does that mean there's a silverfish wither okay well you know what we're gonna spawn this one in like right here you know i'm just gonna do it all right let's just kill this guy and let's see what this thing does hey silverfish don't let me down and don't kill me please um what what the heck like what is what what is that and of course there's nothing in the chest okay well let's just act like that never happen and now all we need to do is place these eyes and we are ready it says the ender dragon but is it really the ender dragon we're about to see oh no i hear the wither sound already what is going on here is there an inner dragon or is it a wither let's see all the ender dragon wither oh god it's right there okay well um oh my gosh what the dude that thing looks scary as okay let's just go ahead and kill a few of these intermittent because i said guys i promised you that i'm gonna take on both of these withers and i do not break a promise so we're gonna do that right now boom boom boom the inner wither and the inner dragon wither there's two of them oh my gosh what is this thing doing is it teleporting oh my how are we gonna skill this thing wow that's scary okay wait a second is this guy just standing here is he going to be able to do anything can we kill this thing oh no now it's moving now it's moving oh no no we need to make this thing invulnerable as quick as possible and get it down here if we can get it down here we might have a chance of killing it okay it needs to get invulnerable yes it's invulnerable come on oh my gosh we killed it we actually killed it wait a second does that mean we won where's the other wither i think that means we won welp g freaking g
Channel: McBirken
Views: 2,669,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But Every Mob Is A Wither, Minecraft But Challenge, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Mobs, Minecraft But Mobs Have Bounties, McBirken
Id: kNgR57iXJtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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