Minecraft but YouTubers are TNT

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minecraft but youtubers are tnt i'll craft tons of youtuber themes tnt like the mumbo jumbo tnt or the mr beast tnt to defeat the algorithm dragon oh we've got a flint and steel all right what kind of tnts we got today my friend we got technoblade jelly dre oh they're youtuber tnts and we even got a crafty tnt that's me dude well which one shall we start with today the dream tnt doesn't look too hard to do i just need a couple of logs and i gotta find a dream catalyst where in the village where will i find a villa oh found them hello is it in here is this where the dreams are uh dream catalyst hey we got it well that was an easy search and i got some potatoes get myself some seeds here hey guys where did they go hey guys you don't mind if i borrow this tree do you thank you okie dokie let's make ourselves our dream tnt we've got it dude yeah look at him i hope it's summons dream explode dude yes what the heck was oh my gosh what happened to me what was that sound you guys doing okay over there i've got some buffs oh my goodness regeneration resistance fire resistance no it's not i'm not dream dude okay well now he doesn't want a picture with me anymore sheep would you like to meet dream yeah wow hey where are you going dude it's a dream sheep hey come back here come back here uh speed runner well you're not doing a great job hey come back yeah oh we got him we got him what what did he just it just dropped there was a speedrunner sheep i got a jelly catalyst and some slime balls well that was weird i'll keep these dream tnt's handy though because the fire resistance will be so good for the nether stop what well i'm not dream dude well how do i make the jelly tnt uh i need slime balls i got three of them i guess we need one more of those sheep runners hold on all right sheep i wish you luck yeah there he goes come back here little sheepy look at him go oh my gosh come back here come back here wait is he killing the he's a kid he's killing the chickens why are you so fast dude come on come on i got him give me the slimeball i don't have any i don't have any swords he's stuck he's stuck on the thing he's stuck on the dirt no oh gosh now i know how it feels to chase dream man this is so frustrating ah come on come on give me the slime balls got him he's stuck behind this block please yes oh wow i'm out of breath all right now give us the jelly tnt which is pretty slippery let's try the jelly tnt shall we oh my word i can hear jellies laugh oh wow that's powerful i'm just a poor little jelly get my stuff back hey guys you know what this village is missing a little bit of jelly why why oh i got too close to that okay right right right we made it oh my okay okay okay oh oh no look at the villager sorry man i hope it's at least delicious oh wow the next tnt we can craft is the log.zip tnt the catalyst is dropped from a slimed cow all right okay if you don't mind just being slime real quick i gotta kill ya okay hey there he is we got a slime cow that was uncool hello slimed cow yeah yeah got him nice i need some leather and beef now come here smack your booty right is that enough they've got the log.zip tnt indeed my boy this one apparently turns chickens into diamond drumsticks i don't know what diamond drumsticks are but they do sound delicious and very expensive hello chicken show me what you got go oh my word okay oh my goodness right exploding cows that's cool the crafty tnt dude yeah and diamonds i don't know what i'm more excited about oh snap awesome there it is yes dude that is so funny now how do i make the crafty tea oh oh i've got the diamonds but i need some iron to make this bad boy it creates a custom tnt fountain i love fountains so let me get some iron here i gotta make some upgrades i'm gonna hold diamonds in my hand and i'm gonna collect cobblestone for the first time in the episode that feels illegal i would make a diamond pickaxe but i need the diamonds to make the crafty tnt well nice ravine buddy boy should we jump down i think so i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine okay just in case dream tnt help me out here brother yes gold that sound uh dream love you buddy but that sound is horrifying strength too yeah oh it gives random buffs last time it gave me fire resistance interesting if you dream upon a buff dream will help you in a scoff we shall hide in this waterfall like i'm batman where were you on the night of the 21st alfred pick me up a blueberry smoothie i'd make a pretty good batman i'll be honest smelt you up there buddy skip the tutorial i've learned i'm using my wooden pickaxe to smelt pickaxe upgraded crafty tnt crafted oh that's where the crafty name came from arts and crafts wait let's light this off man oh oh wow okay make room it's the coolest youtuber in the world boom look at that man it's got some tnt from the previous episodes that's cool all right let's light them off shall we go what it's me oh my word oh wow that was a trip down a very explosive memory lane chickens check this out i can use our log tnt yup to get some diamonds here go boom oh i'm a cow all right all right yeah we got some diamonds boom thanks tyler that'll get us a new pick here and we got a sword upgrade nice ooh our next one we can get here is the techno blade tnt need some gold and raw pork chops and i've gotta break a bed with a crafty tnt why hey guys weird request i gotta blow up a bed if you don't mind somebody peed in this one anyways okie dokie i'm gonna toss a betta out here put down a crafty tnt and then for some reason i gotta explode it i hate nap time i guess there it goes explode this is scary i should have done this bad idea it didn't it didn't work it didn't explode the bad oh wait a minute no i've got it the attack no blade catalyst i didn't even see it let me get some nice piggy meat that sounds so much worse if you call it piggy meat bacon sounds delicious pig meat it's rough hey don't worry i'm vegetarian i wouldn't eat you but i will make you into an explosive our next goal is gold oh hi there are a lot of bad guys here yeah hey stop bad i have not found a single piece of gold i have been adventuring for many an hour it may have only been six minutes but hey six minutes is a long time if you put a hot dog in a microwave so it's all a matter of context oh yeah this is the longest i've ever looked for gold before what is it rare or something aha there you are don't mind if i do buddy boy yeah i think that's all of them that's all we need right perfect we got plenty are you stuck little guy i got you i got you there you go there you go yeah what you get first they're sour then they're sweet or the opposite or something four pork chops or gold and our techno blade in the middle we got it techno blade tnt ring of pvp swords shoot towards mobs nice man that's awesome sin and love technoblade we all love you man oh of course as soon as i make the techno blade tnt all the mobs go away what i'm dangerous too oh there they are that's more like it all right technoblade help me out dude come on oh no i'm stuck in a corner oh take no blade help me dude what was that oh my gosh should we try that again okay we lit it off look at the swords that is so cool oh my gosh wow that's a jump scare if i've ever heard one so i guess we'll use that in very dire situations and luckily my ears are only slightly bleeding the steve tnt is next and i'm sorry buddy i've gotta kill an iron golem with a techno blade tnt oh man stand back gonna get wild go oh my gosh that's horrible uh well there's our steve tnt with three e's no i'm not dream dude i've got my own tnt look look at how cool that is no i'm not a tick toc uh all right we got our steep catalyst now we need some white wool and some coal oh hello guys all right got some of these and now got some wool don't need these anymore get myself some coal yeah yeah yeah 52 should be enough right all right oh yeah more than plenty now i can make our steve tnt explodes into minecraft meme videos what causes iron golems to attack villagers explosions turn chickens into pesky birds so i guess it turns my craft into memes all right hello future pesky bird oh my word oh wow okay okay okay um right that was interesting and we got a pesky bird over here well only one thing left to try good luck buddy oh no no it's cursed are you done killing okay next i want to try the green tnt here this one explodes by a giant structure built by grian himself so i've gotta kill a pesky bird i've got to do what i must how is that inside of you dude that thing is like six times the size your body hi yoink then we'll turn our poppies here into red dye and now we can make our green tnt well perfect timing too to get out of get out of the rain hopefully this house has a ceiling on it all right i don't know how big this is going to be let's clear out some areas here yeah come on green don't please be a decent sized house oh wow oh my goodness oh my goodness it's huge green you hooked me up man thank you this is my place all to myself hello hello it even echoes uh it is a thunderstorm and this is a wooden house so i hope i don't explode there is a fireplace oh right wooden house this is neat dude i've got a little upstairs and everything feeling so fancy oh there's a diamond block here oh my goodness all right we got a free diamond from that anything neat to find oh that's it mumbo jumbo catalyst found inside grian's haunted house wait haunted um is that why it started raining and thundering uh oh we're fine we're fine oh no it was nothing well what do we do to make the mumbo jumbo tnt mumbo jumbo i i need cooked potatoes and gun powder do i have no gun powder i do have my potatoes from earlier at the village smelting up some taters uh hello this house is huge dude look at this no wonder it's called a haunted mansion oh my word we got our four baked potatoes nice i thought i heard something hello hello hello there's something i i saw something don't tell me i'm going crazy there's something right there what is that it's a ghost dude get back ghost yeah where are you i see you it's a wandering traitor my bad man well i think that marks my time to leave i apologize sir i did pee a little bit just now in your house so that'll be your problem to clean up gosh that's a cool looking house hello buddy hi give me your gunpowder my boy yeah yeah oh my goodness there's a lot of guys here do your work techno come on get him yeah oh well i died but i got myself the gunpowder so i say we win back i will protect you wandering goater uh i mean wandering what did i say goater jumbo tnt turns into a volcarbo a potato volcano the rain is finally gone and now i've got my mumbo jumbo tnt i don't want to do it right next to this amazing build right here grian so for all of our sakes i'm gonna put it right here far away from the build there we go wait a second oh shoot wow whoa no i didn't know the potatoes were gonna explode just got potatoed i'm gonna try this again but i'm gonna run a little further all right light it go oh gosh i hope it's not heat seeking wow go look at it go oh my gosh we've only got two left the skeppy tnt and the dream tnt for skeppies we gotta kill a mob with the volcarbo and then we need a couple other items no problem let's light it run yeah let's go let's go oh man i'm sorry buddy oh gosh oh oh oh my oh my i fell in a hole oh no did you kill him i saw a sheep die over here did that count yes it counted we got it the skeppy oh nope not a polish button the skep nope not polish deep slate the scuppy catalyst just need myself some tnt now hello we shall craft the sketch hold on just a second there we go and there we go okay the skeppy tnt is mine it uh it explodes into trolls and traps come on get him yeah we got him we got the creeper dude um yes yeah and i got a free anvil ah man we'll take that thanks geppy nice another one falls and kills me that's my sound of old minecraft my friends we've got one more the mr beast tnt to get the catalyst i've gotta kill a villager with a a trap door so this shall be evil but kind of fun this is a heck an expensive recipe too man i hope this is worth it okay i have a plan i'm gonna get a bunch of coal to trade for emeralds all right where is that fisherman why are there so many villagers there's like 50. okay there you are give me some of those emeralds please thank you dude anybody else yoink still not enough yes nice i also need an enchanting table and thankfully i found some diamonds and also some obsidian in the mines okay so to get our enchanting table i just need to get a a book actually no problem and book acquired enchanting table acquired nice now i just need a metric heck ton of diamonds and i have an idea on how to get it but i've gotta trap a mob in skeppy's trap all right it's not my fault it's skeppy's oh i got him i got him oh oh my gosh we got him no the catalyst fell in the lava gosh dang it that took me so long to try this again shall we go in please please somebody fall for my trap i know it's not the most inconspicuous go in yes we got him no please die please die yes we got it i don't know what happened i don't know how that works but i've been at it for 20 minutes we got it we have got the mr beast catalyst oh my goodness skeppy i feel your pain man it is hard to make trolling videos okay the only thing left we gotta get is some diamonds oh no our table i lost my stinking lock.zip tnts i was gonna use that to get some free diamonds from the chickens i guess strip mining for me yes oh i need so many diamonds man oh baby ah yes oh nice oh more yes 32 diamonds that's it i've got it yes the beast what am i missing oh perfect i'm not gonna waste any time we got it finally finally finally the mr beast tnt oh my word that took like two hours i hope it's worth it man it explodes into a ton of riches it rains diamonds and loot and i can bribe the ender dragon let's get ourselves some loot here then let's take on this dragon yeah why stop one hundred thousand dollars yeah oh my gosh you weren't messing around yeah dude okay well oh my goodness look at these look at these enchantments man oh i got blaze powder perfect please tell me it drops ender pearls it drops into pearls i can go right to the end oh it's a beautiful day i think all the stuff disappeared i think i took too long to pick all the stuff up let's go again rain mr beast rain on me yeah let me get grab before they disappear i need the ender pearls i need the blaze powder oh my gosh give me some more items dude i don't need any of this stuff pick it all up pick it all up yeah this is crazy dude that bow i want that bow give it to me i don't want the elytra yes nice all right one last one and then we're heading to the dragon i want to see what this bribe does that'll do it i avender and i've got an elytra so i guess i can just fly to the end now yeah yeah thanks mr beast i feel rich as ever ouch fly through the mesa that was awesome ugh am i even going the right direction yep onward and upward ah-ha whoa i've never seen that happen before there's two ways to get to the portal nice let's do this yeah oh man uh i don't have any normal blocks i gotta use i gotta use diamond blocks now i know what it feels like to be mr beast the algorithm dragon not today my friend not today you fickle monster you you're going down dude i don't have any more fireworks it's time to bribe the dragon come on mr beast do your thing dragon bribe i've got a dragon bribe bar meter get him go go go go yes halfway done all right well that wasn't too bad all right mr beast please help me out here my man go dude [Music] go blocks come on yes yes almost done almost done one more bribe and then what happens 100 yes come on come on no one more come on we got this yes dragon bribe it's giving up on the fight the dragon just left it all it took was 400 000 well thank you mr beast we shall now celebrate our achievement yeah one hundred thousand oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i made a mistake i made a mistake
Channel: Craftee
Views: 11,904,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, dream, tnt, youtubers, youtubers tnt, TNT, new tnt, minecraft tnt, super, super tnt, minecraft youtubers, mrbeast, mrbeast minecraft, mrbeast games, skeppy, grian, mumbo jumbo, technoblade, jelly
Id: 6k5wnHLwqN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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