Minecraft, But There Are Custom Diamonds...

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minecraft but there's custom diamonds normally diamonds are for peasants but custom diamonds well they are much much better the items you can craft with these are insane giving you the power to teleport fly mine super fast and so much more and with these custom diamonds i'm going to take on the dragon and beat minecraft so in order to find some custom diamonds i'm first going to need to find a normal one which means grabbing a bunch of wood making some tools and grabbing a bit of iron when i see it eight pieces not bad and before i can go into a cave i definitely need some food and this place does look amazing but i don't see anything particularly edible around here look at that grass is ahead there's also grass path down here i wonder if that means what i think it does oh look at this there's a village at the top of this hill the question is is it a village with some food to steal indeed it is and to add insult to injury i'm gonna throw some snowballs at that poor handy furniture right here sorry about this little baby but i'm still in your bed and whilst breading's okay i don't really want to live that vegetarian life so now i'm going after meat sorry cows that just means you're on the menu and there's another village man this is like minecraft easy mode although i'm not even gonna bother with it i'll just grab a little bit extra wood as well as some coal and then head into a cave more iron which could be useful and a dungeon all right nice there's nothing useful in it but hey it's still nice oh my goodness there's another one right next to it minecraft never ceases to amaze me should also probably cook a little bit of food before i forget and smelt this iron how to make a bucket and pickaxe now i shall grab a little bit of water and dig straight down and that is why i got a water bucket but this place definitely has diamond potential oh my goodness it looks absolutely amazing well no point messing about let's just jump and see what we can find remember i never miss an mlg now look at this the diamonds have been tracked down let's carefully mine them and if i get a glass bottle i can make a diamond potion i guess that's what i need to do the only problem is that the way to get glass bottles is to leave the caves and go all the way back up there i wish i'd known that before i came all the way down here might as well grab some extra diamonds on my way out too because this cave has quite a lot of them they're going for this diamond is a little bit risky since every mob in the world is currently after me but hey they have like an iq of 10 between them so i could always outsmart oh there's two and two is what i shall get and there's two more down here come on let's just all these loads here i've got to take them all i'm digging down locking myself in and enjoying the fruits of my labor now let's actually get out of this cave here we are back to the open skies next i need three sand just melted in a furnace and whilst the way for that guys i am on a quiz for four million subscribers so if you enjoyed this video and you like my channel then please please please could you subscribe no more messing about for me i'm going to craft a diamond potion now what on earth does this do i'm just going to splash myself with it here we go it's not coming back wait where did it go oh it went so high i was like what whoa these diamonds everywhere it's beautiful what do these diamonds drop they drop the speed diamond i have no idea what the spade diamond does but i am just going to mine up loads of it you'd think it would make sense okay apparently you can't make boots no idea what i'm mining all this up for then unless aha i can make a speed diamond pickup do not right click obsidian with this if only there was some obsidian i could right click but let's see what this can do okay i think it's faster you know yeah it's basically an efficiency pickaxe and we need to find some obsidian to right click to do what it tells us not to do and i could once again go back into a cave but i'm pretty sure i saw lava somewhere on my travels so i'm gonna see if i can find it here it is place down all the water now what will happen when i right click you know i want more obsidian i don't want any lava left all right this one piece can stay so when i go ahead go up to it right obsidian diamonds oh this is amazing and i just burnt it what am i doing not to worry though because there's plenty more where that came oh look at this this is beautiful this is like printing money which i would definitely never do and don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise mining that has given me an obsidian diamond okay my pickaxe is also broken can i mine with a normal iron pickaxe okay i can mine it with this let's just do that then don't really know how many i should be mining up it looks like we get enough of these we can make an obsidian shield or should i say an obsidian diamond shield that sounds very useful indeed to me i've made that i can put it in the off hand looks pretty good the next question is why don't i just make some normal diamond armor so that i don't get destroyed by all the mobs and we can head off to try and test this shield out so if i hold this what on earth where did you come from i have to say that i love your outfit and for one stick you will give me a lucky diamond well have two mate don't mind if i did he give me two i only gave me one okay and i have no idea what this lucky diamond actually does something tells me it might be useful to try and get another one there you go good sir you're like a mr me sings as soon as you get the diamond traded you disappear if a creeper blows up when i'm holding it oh wow it works and you want a bit of gravel well i don't have any gravel for some reason it's all of a sudden really rare in minecraft and you want a normal diamond for a look at that what a scam i don't think so mate you're getting spleef for that you can come out when you learn to do reasonable trades makes way more sense just to swim down here and get a bit of gravel there you go mr reasonably priced villager and i wonder if i head to this village up here smack the golem and then hold my shield up oh yeah that's right you're one of them now gollum i'm sure the golem always dreamed of being a villager and now he sadly ceases to exist i should probably stop turning golems into villagers and work out what on earth i can do with these lucky diamonds ah so apparently these are used for the lucky diamond sword now i wonder what happens if i use this let's look at that sharpness five and look if i don't know what the lucky part means but the sharpness five sounds pretty amazing all right pig don't be scared okay just gonna test this out on you that's it don't look like that okay well it worked straight away and how many pork chops 23. i don't know how many i had before let me just play some grass for you sir okay well i gotta be six that's pretty good all right villager this will hurt a bit i'm just kidding now if i wish to unlock the next custom diamond i think i'm just gonna have to get busy using this sword because there we go after three of them it does unlock the next mysterious item looks very weird doesn't it what happens if i pick it up okay it is a glitched fragment now then what happens oh if i put that with an iron what do we get we get a glitched diamond okay let's just oh my goodness that is that's kind of cool with this glitch diamond we can make a glitched stuff i just need three more fragments which means you guys are are going to be on the menu i'm sure they don't mind it won't take long at least i hope not anyway oh there we go number two so if all mobs are on the menu just kidding i wouldn't kill a baby even a happy kids tv nursery rhymes baby and there we have it fragment number three even fish weren't safe from being on the menu now to make some sticks and i can make the glitched stuff i am starting to look very well kitted out although it's um it's a little crazy looking what does the glitch stuff do oh it makes me teleport let me up there i want to teleport onto the tree come on what's that all about oh there we go got my wish i want to teleport back down now can i do it infinitely can i like go like instantaneously everywhere what about all the way over there come on whoa whoa where am i okay i should probably slow down what the heck i just teleported to the top and got some sort of diamond a space diamond okay i don't really know what i did i just kind of teleported up the hill and hold on a second i picked something oh wait wait is it the sun that's the answer i have no idea what's going on oh my gosh where am i what on earth is happening i'm gonna fall out but i got another space diamond looks like the answer is look at the sun and then right click and hope for the best that has got me five all together now can i craft anything with these okay space boots well don't mind if i do ones if i put these on oh they look pretty trim i don't know what that's achieved for me really but yeah i'll take it i've absolutely no idea where i've ended up by the way i got absolutely miles away from where i was i wonder if i can now teleport back i'll just go into this cave it looks kind of cool and you know what i said never miss an mlg well now i never miss a teleportation mlg but more diamonds more peasant just normal diamonds but custom dimes were the only way okay this is what we want see all these custom diamonds are great but without ender pearls we can't do much against the dragon let's go ahead and quickly build a portal and i'm about to be able to teleport around another if i had a flint and steel anyway don't worry there's always a plum bee place a bit of lava add some wood and now we wait well this bit of water set on fire come on get the rest of it on there's now lit and i'm right next to a fortress you know there's only one thing i can do in this situation please don't go wrong i'm going to teleport that yes it worked i've got my teleportation stuff and my lucky sword what could possibly go wrong and i'm gonna minute if a mob is just getting on my nerves can i just block you yes and you get turned into a villager yeah how does that feel you like lucky diamonds villagers well this is why i think of looking diamonds yeah peasants material i'm just going to get on with taking out the plays as well instead of tormenting what the heck i got seven from one and you're gonna die now i'm i'm very sorry i'm just gonna give you a piece of cobblestone so that you can fulfill your purpose touch me and you're dead that's it that's right this is brilliant all right i've got more than enough blaze rods now i just need to try and find some enderman this has to be the most easiest time i've ever had getting around a basalt delta so far mission to find a bastion isn't really going to plan can i go that one little block i'll look at this all right we make a challenge here guys spleef yourself look at that beautiful one more little lonely block landed on it no problem this stuff is one of the greatest things ever a mission to find a bastion has been successful should probably be a little bit careful because piglet broods are kind of dangerous and i think the sooner i can get some gold armor like that oh look at this efficiency i'll take it but yeah getting some gold armor on is in my best interest if i dig directly down here we're in with the piglin bro exactly not what i wanted to hear all right we've got one chance to get this how are you stuck okay i'm out of it that was that was a little bit of a scary moment note to self grab a few more blocks for safety oh man i know exactly what i should do to these guys yeah that's it you want to go that's right mate you're a villager you want to go as well hold on it's cooling down all right what we're friends mean you no messing about with sb if you do you just get turned into one of these guys now let's carefully drop that okay apparently you take full damage when you try to do something fancy like that but note to self don't try and do anything fancy and instead just get busy grabbing all the gold there you go fellas go on go trade that meanwhile i'm gonna steal even more of it look at that i already see some pearls in there two so far nice for that you can be trusted with even more although after that they completely let me down with their trades there's not really any other gold blocks so i'm just gonna have to scavenge what i can but since i am kind of a little bit evil i'm gonna attempt to find another brute and then i can turn him into a village only just well my friends may have no idea how we got the first hit on me but anyways it's harmless now and rather than use a bastion for pearls my best bet is probably to track down a warped forest since i have this amazing sword that will probably get me loads and loads of pearls per enderman i think i see what i'm looking for yes i do all right enderman show yourself and i've successfully found element number one all right brace yourself for impact that's for stealing a block how many pills are we got five i don't know why i didn't just skip the bastion and do this earlier here we have enderman number two and because i'm under air i'm kind of safe and that's another oh that's loads of puzzles is that we're on max pearls already i get rid of the nether break yeah we've got 17 let's get out of here and i would get out of here but i've probably got eight obsidian so that means i'm just gonna search the land until i find a ruined portal i'm sure i won't take that long since i can teleport although my troubles i have stumbled across another bastion which contains another of you guys get out of it and possibly some obsidian i'll just check this chest to find it or not in there what about this one through here oh look at that all the obsidian i need don't be angry i i needed to do this shoot me one more time and i'm gonna turn into a villager all right mate you asked for it don't say i didn't warn you i really do have infinite power don't i all this power and still no flint and steel so wood will be used once again whilst i'm waiting i can craft the eyes of ender mission accomplished next i'll get some sleep and stare at the sun to hopefully get more space diamonds seems to take a while but if you just go like that nothing happens and then just wait look at that i got another one i'm looking at the crafting table i can make full space armor if i get all of the diamonds i wonder what the chest plate does it doesn't seem to do anything i think maybe i need all four pieces so let's just keep going apparently just staring at the sun without teleporting is enough to just just get down i could literally go make a cup of tea and come back with a million diamonds you know what to prove a point that's what i'm gonna do look at that i have actually got nearly a hundred down well i've got 67 but over a stack this cup of tea was definitely worth going to get now i just need to quickly make a brand new crafting table and then let's craft the full armor and see what happens and the helmet is the last thing to go on you know that's a good look for me less of my face you can see the better now does it have any special powers can we double jump oh it works like an elytra now then hey this is this is cool show me the way i have ender oh it's that way and if i tower up a load of blocks i can glide on the way this isn't this isn't really working oh right clicking is a firework oh now we're away i'm i could go infinitely high and the speed now i really am a spaceman okay let's just try and avoid the trees where will the next eye point over that way apparently i have flown over the stronghold at some point got a little carried away there didn't i reckon it might be somewhere around here i'd reckon okay yeah he's right here somewhere i'll just keep throwing eyes i've got loads of them i can i can waste them all and there we go it's down here next we dig because it's 1.18 it could be a long long way down although i'm in okay it wasn't actually that far down here we are i wish i had a custom diamond that would just tell me where the portal room is not to worry though i've never get enough of these strongholds to know my way around it although technically every stronghold's different so you can never know your way around it mission to find it has now been successful let's break that oh my gosh it's a three-eye that's a great scene see you later old ones okay do you mind i'm going in and i just felt well i was gonna say i fell right through well i can jump off anyway you want to take away the obsidian platform do it i've got this very broken bow which i'm gonna use to its full potential for as long as i can and i don't know when this happened but at some point i have lost my teleportation stuff what's that all about now i just need to quickly make a brand new crafting table and what i'm saying punch these at point-blank range okay well they don't do too much damage well we'll be keeping it a little bit safe and and using the old bow you know i don't want to die after all this time i'll go then one crazy punch won't hurt okay it will hurt i'm on half a heart quick eat the golden apple and that is why i brought the bow is that all towers gun i think so so let's start well if we can actually reach it let's start hitting the dragon let's flip me in the air but joke's on you i can fly i know i'm a minute what if i use my shield on the dragon does it i don't know what will happen well let's get his health down really really low and give it a go if i can turn it into a villager that will be the funniest thing ever just got to take aim yeah that's the first time london arrow and it's on you i just realized i can populate the end with villagers that's right go on all right less than that let's focus on getting rid of you now you are very very weak it doesn't really do that much damage to me i just get a good air boost the boat is almost broken so i need to make these final shots count yep there it goes wait i think as it broke i may have i may have turned the dragon into the is it you what have i done well there's no dragon i i guess i have only one choice left and that is to craft a brand new bow shoot an hour up into the air and block it with my own shield
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,519,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, mod, diamonds, minecraft diamonds, custom diamonds, diamonds mod
Id: I0yCH4gn5LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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