UNFAIR MINECRAFT (i got mad...)

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so i have been scouring the internet looking everywhere for the perfect minecraft map but i didn't find it so we're gonna have to settle for this one instead so this map is unfair minecraft it's kind of like unfair mario unfairsonic if you've seen me i've played those my channel and yeah created by nico the pro and it's me sam and so the first level says open the chest now with this being an unfair game i'm only going to assume that opening the chest will kill me so i'm still going to open the chest you can't say no oh it didn't kill me i don't like the way there's just chests everywhere like do i open every chest do i have to get up there uh i don't know how i get up that street okay that's just not fair i guess that's kind of the name of the game though right so this time we jump on the chest then uh-huh you can't catch up how do i can i even make that jump i have no idea what i'm gonna do now what it moved and then if i just go ahead and uh oh too easy okay i need to move it the other way maybe it gave me an axe totally diamond axe i don't know what that's gonna do what if i jump to here okay nice and then we can go ahead and break this and i have no idea how that helps me in any way unless i can use blocks maybe now it always pays to read the small print apparently it says this birch wood can be placed on a chest or wood so okay and now if i go ahead and stand on this guy and then i want to say that the chest the chest didn't move this time couldn't the chest make his mind i can put it there this is an ingenious idea okay there's no room for falling anvils now okay i admit i'll take responsibility i could have avoided that one now i can place this here this here tell me i can make this jump i made it i don't know what happened everything just collapsed but i'm i'm here safe and sound now worms if i walk now every time i walk here it just teleports me back over there are you are you kidding me unless i jump on here to hear oh you think this is unfair game no match for me what happens when i open this chest low i i don't see anything funny i'll take the cobblestone though don't don't mind me i have another birch word i don't know where it's from but we made it and now for some nice casual parkour which is just what you want from a map isn't it is this is this right what on earth just happened there and now it puts me in cobwebs that's like the ultimate torture apparently when i go here i start to fall so maybe i can like dude oh there's a gap there okay i know where i need to go at least now the biggest problem is that after you die you have to start again from the beginning so you know you have to do all this again it's not getting easier i don't care if it's two no no i'm setting my spawn point here because it's just stressing me out to do all that again right this time i'm just gonna run and i don't know what i'm gonna do i've tried everything to be honest it's like it's impossible like you look you go for this look and i just fall straight fast every time it makes no sense i did it i actually did it and and is there a believer or something i can press i have no idea now have i just wasted my entire life no it's definitely a lever that i just i can't reach it wait i'm here wait did it did it fix the slime it better fix the slime otherwise i'm done for it what are you just going to let me climb a ladder please it's all i ask okay you know just at least do one nice thing for me why do i feel like i have to go this way now bad idea apparently maybe i just have to skip it out and go all the way let's let's let's try that it's doable all right now do i ever want to stand on here wait we made it we made progress at last do you want me to open the chest again i just you know i'm not opening the chest you know what oh my goodness whoa whoa what are you guys doing it what what tonight i should have opened the chat i'll open it now just give me a chance okay i'm opening it okay death oh what if i just walk past the tree you know would anybody hate me for that maybe all right now everything's telling me to go around the door but i just really want to go through the door you know oh maybe i can go around it nope there's definitely no going oh oh dear oh oh i don't think there's any way around now i've messed this up now so i guess i just got to go through super fast maybe i i guess that's all i can think to do speed is key speed is key speed is easy peasy okay why is there a random enchantment table okay maybe that's parkour but you quick and you're banging your head on something i have no idea i'm sure you can make this jump yeah you can look at that okay now then in theory you would just follow the green here wouldn't you but it doesn't let you okay what if i go on the red and maybe you avoid the green then it's like a teleportation so touch screen and you're out okay well you know what easy stuff okay touch anything but red you're out i can't even jump though no that's weird oh maybe it switches over to standing on green next aha you see this map thinks it can outsmart me but it's not gonna happen see the worst thing is now i'm gonna get this in here and it's just gonna teleport me back isn't it all right so purple or blue i think it's it's wanting me to jump onto the purple so i'm going to jump onto the blue all right next time just go your instincts when in doubt the answer's always grass see grass it's allowed all right now then what to do here tried every block but this one they all teleport you back how are you supposed to get bust up here this is this is really really frustrating me now if i just jump nope look how can you at least give me a glue map okay this is just stupid maybe i have to jump to here no you know what map how how about this yeah stop me now map there we go challenge defeat oh my god even when i fly i still somehow managed to fail it are you stuck well perhaps you need some cheats watch the official walkthrough you bet i'm gonna cheat right how does he do this then okay he walks downstairs i already tried that are you kidding me that was it you just walked down the stairs no no no no i've already tried that i am 100 sure i tried that look you walk down the side and it's absolutely fine oh my god this is stressing me out now this map is stressing me out so much all right three doors i wonder which is the right one oh another set of doors i don't know why don't we just take a random one and oh my god how many doors are there around here okay this is like door alley okay you know what there's only one way to find out and then you want me to walk and choose well the next one's got to be this one okay it's a dead end and then it's got to be this one nope and then it's got to be this one they're all dead ends and only assume i have to walk through one of them but which one let's go middle okay nothing happened if nothing happens in all three of these doors you know i'm just gonna give up okay nothing what is this maybe i just went the wrong way i don't know what am i supposed to do with i reckon it's a specific company what no how i just accidentally watched i was gonna say there's a specific combination i reckon like the doors you have to open them in a cert like the certain ones be open or something that's so i can assume i just can't do this and so when you open the correct doors that torch might go off and it opens the way but these ones didn't work so if i tried this one now didn't work this one i guess i'll just try every combination and see what happens oh i try every combination when you can just cheat okay what does he do you just jump on the wall why now i'm just losing the basics of minecraft ah you just you just jump on of course of course you just you just jump here because there's a redstone torch there so you can because it's not a variable i guess that makes sense but all right what horrible cruel thing you're gonna do to me now oh all the way back are you kidding me you can't just send me back through this nightmare again okay let's try this block you know what if i have to try every single block i will try i will find the correct block to stand on it what about this block oh oh oh okay something works there but then the platforms just ran out i am slowly but surely getting rid of all the blocks that like don't work so i think this one's okay no okay i i've still got work to do apparently though i'm running out of blocks pretty rapidly here okay i'm just gonna have to hope for the best and i can't that jump is just so difficult oh i made it oh no no no don't die don't die don't die don't die no i'm i finally make the jump and then i just i just panic so i've cobbled together the last remaining pieces that won't disappear on me so i need to now jump like this okay i have no idea what is and isn't going to disappear oh of course the one block i stand on disability of course it's gonna do that i swear if you disappear i i can't play this game i am i am done with this game all right the secret is simple we just jump as soon as you land and then all right what's gonna happen no okay i'm alive somehow how do i get past this bit do not die all right no no no what do you do no no i don't no no i'm i'm not having it no no i'm not i'm not i'm not having this no i'm i'm going back to here whether you like it or not you cannot no i can't even do it in creative this map is driving me insane i'm just gonna hope for the best i'm just gonna jump instantly and keep jumping and i'm here all right there's a chest there i cannot say no to opening a chest diamond pickaxe can break diamond door all right i'm going to break this diamond door what's going to happen it's going to give me a diamond and there's a weird head guy there i don't know what that means okay suppose i'll just have to see what happens when i walk through this then i just take damage great oh it's nicely that bad to be honest i thought it'd be worse than it actually is no it's a piece of cake okay now what do you want hey i've got a diamond and an arrow actually an hour of healing oh so it doesn't actually do damage that's good okay i'm gonna assume i have to jump on the diamond door okay i could jump anywhere there's a pull of what you just know something's gonna go wrong here don't you you just you just know i'm gonna start by jumping over it okay that that worked okay then i'm scared the waterfall oh now i'm falling inside why did i think why did i suddenly let my guard down for a second it was a bad idea no wait i think i found the right way hold on could this be what i need to i don't know actually it looks it looks maybe like it might be correct and then there's a hole here oh oh okay what's this say precious stuff inside psi for short totally not a command block that kills you well i don't see any other way of getting out of here that's just mean that is that is just me but it was clever of course and i set my spawn pointer there before i went because i knew i would just regret it otherwise um i have absolutely no oh i can just walk on the wall okay well that makes things easier right what does this sign say glitches glitches glitches cobblestone wall oh don't make me walk through this um right first avoid cobwebs which i'm doing amazing job at and then i guess can i try and walk through it okay i guess not oh wait huh convenient how convenient all right careful quick sand ahead i oh okay i just walked through here maybe no i got my hopes up i'm just gonna jump and see what happens oh oh okay we made it you're so thirsty okay yeah yeah i'm thirsty oh oh just give me all the give me give it me all i don't care i say i'll just pick them all up just give them to me okay that's it i can't pick up the water though okay i can uncraftable potion comes when i drink it too bad the water is poison there's no such thing as poisonous water well the kind of is i suppose if you saw a random pond in the desert yeah it'd be a bad idea at this point i'm just doing the slash kill command i'm not even gonna wait to like fall in that stand i'm just just not happy okay this time i'm not falling for it as thirsty as i may be i refuse to uh refuse to do it i'm gonna end up needing that diamond from before that i i don't have anymore like yeah i just i just know it'll be like the last thing about have you got your diamond otherwise you you can't beat this map or something terrible like that these jumps are just stupid parkour is hard enough without putting it in an unfair map as well okay now great i've i've just done these jumps but he's taking me forever and now what do i do do i do i do i jump through the wall i have no idea should we just see what happened no of course i catch him through the wall no no i'm instead i'm just stuck what about the tree okay i can jump in the tree okay now what do i do oh hello oh okay um what's going on what is happening i don't know how i'm still alive but what no you can't kill me now no no not when i've come this far no don't even try ah you can't get me here all right um so what if i walk like over here and okay there's nothing there now what's that all about i don't know um okay so i get to make a full block jump over lava keep yourself on the edges all right well thanks for the oh i'm trying to line this up son do you mind i'm trying this spawn point yes so now when i inevitably die in lava i'll just respawn right that was just for demonstration purposes i didn't just die on lava completely back some okay that time it might have been my accent but hey i'm alive and kicking so now we jump to here and then we get to do parkour on soul sand oh with blindness as well okay well that's just lovely okay so i think it means edges like that could you go blindness if you're in the middle of it okay um thankfully he's not that hard actually i'll be honest with you it's just annoying oh of course i missed the final jump yeah yeah it's not going to be the first time oh no the final jump okay this time i won't miss it now then let me guess if i jump on there i'm going to die well i still have to do it because i i don't know where else to go of why why do i not just listen to myself and just be like you know for once just do what i'm meant to do this time we skip the red block and we just jump to here okay well that's easy okay now we get to do what on earth what is going on i can't even control myself i'm dying okay i've got oh okay this is this is different i guess i have super speed on cactus okay now where do i do i go this way yes finish the map no you can't do this to me it's just out of reach no why i'm so close yet so far now wait there's a block here i oh my goodness you're not gonna make me do invisible parkour you know this is a joke gone too far now that makes it was funny in the beginning but now you've just got to let me finish okay please oh it's all i ask i'm just get how am i going to work this out no wait i made it i i jumped onto nothingness i don't know how i was ever going to work that out i i'm here let me finish the map please please okay just leave a like on this video so hopefully we actually finish the map okay you know it might just increase my chances find the real ending i knew it was too good to be true i knew it was too good to be true of course that's not the real ending parkour on invisible invisible blocks you can't see that's not going to be the real ending is it well where is the real ending such as stupid stupid stupid i found wait is this the real ending finish the map tell me this is the real ending stand here to claim your pr do i even want to do this hope you enjoyed playing the map sp 77 band you can't ban me no no no i am unbearable my game has just crashed you think i'm joking but i'm i'm serious minecraft does not respond look it is not responding look i took a screenshot minecraft not responding i couldn't do it with my recorder for some reason so look it literally banned me after completing the map and crashed my game who knows what's next my system soon gonna be infected with loads of viruses my pc will next blow up who knows but anyway that is gonna be it for this video a very very stressful minecraft map if you would like to play i'll leave a link down below to download it also subscribe if you use the channel and did enjoy this video yeah it'd be much appreciated and leave a like too yes i said thank you very much for watching and hopefully i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 10,203,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unfair, rage, unfair minecraft, hard, sb737 rage, sb, sb737, minecraft rage, pc, custom map, unfair minecraft map, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, no swearing, child friendly, kid appropriate, custom minecraft map, noswearing
Id: m0f6G--HA3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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