I Survived 100 Days as an ALLAY in Minecraft

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pillagers have been threatening the LA since they were added into Minecraft they capture them and hold them in their towers but that ends a day because I have changed the LA in Minecraft to be insanely op just to prove how will pdla really is I'm gonna survive 100 days in Minecraft against my two friends who have joined forces with the pillagers on day one I spawned in as a baby away oh look how cute I am but here's the problem I'm currently trapped inside a Pillager Tower so first things first I need to get out of this place I can already see the two Hunters names outside right there and right there well this is stupid they I could just break the door look at this there's wood below the door I could just break that okay well getting out of here is gonna be a little easier I thought okay let's look okay you know what I'm out of here I'm gonna use this chance to escape all we have to do is get out of the tower if I can get to the top I can use my lay abilities to get out of here you'll notice it says jumps three out of three oh that was sneaky I can actually double jump as an Olay here we go let's go this way push for Freedom okay this has gotta be a trap what what the heck is this oh my God look at all he lays that are trapped oh God Guardians are shooting at me this is not part of a normal Pillager Tower oh there's a gold one over there I have to get to the gold one over there jump to this one no no don't shoot me Guardians please please please I do not want to die already oh God oh God I'm out of jumps oh I could be in trouble here no no oh oh we're okay okay go this way there we go made it to the next one oh this is hard okay we made it again now we should do one more let's play it safe let's go to this one then to this one we did it okay where are we now oh we're on top of the Pillager Tower that's how we escape oh that's so dumb for the record I let my friends build their own spawns and they went a little crazy this time but now is my chance to escape and they're right below me okay wait hold on I got seven logs already let me just hit him down okay let me quickly make some planks we're gonna make a crafting table and then we're gonna place down then we're gonna make a bow we're gonna be really quick they're coming up already okay we got the boat we don't have time to take the craft table let's go use all our jumps and we're in the water okay let's go put down the boat and we are out of here we have gotten away from the Pillager Tower okay I'm literally just a boat I'm under the boat oh God I drowned in boats oh wait let's just go find a place to quickly make our base because we definitely need a base with how low our health is right now okay this is a decent spot for a base there's some good caves and stuff up here so let's go to these first let's leave no evidence now let's eat a carrot and restore some hell and now let's head up to these caves oh it's a water cave you know this actually may do because I am double jump I may be able to set up a parkour to my base or something that gives me an idea I'm definitely gonna make this my first base we just need a little bit more wood so let's quickly head over here and cut down a tree this spot will do for the bay parkour leading from the but only I can complete because I have double jumps which is going to keep my base insanely safe now we're just gonna go ahead and Cobblestone up the walls but before I do that I've got to tell you about all of my amazing Olay abilities you see right now I'm a tiny baby alive but I could turn into a buffalo which looks like this yeah it's really broken so we definitely gotta unlock that I also get cool combat abilities like Sonic Boom and utility abilities like item duplication like that's how broken I get as in LA but right now we're weak so uh after escaping the pillagers I continued working on my Olay base for the next couple of days till I was finally ready to start working on some upgrades okay the base is complete it's nothing special but it's good enough to survive as an L.A for now we got our bed over here and all our basic survival stuff right here but now that we have a base of operations we can go ahead and start working on some upgrades now right now I'm a baby LA with only five Hearts so becoming a teen La is definitely appealing but I think I need something stronger first so I'm gonna go for the first combat upgrade which is called Groove boost it spawns in a note block that gives all surrounding away resistance yeah it's kind of broken so if I activate it you'll see to get it I need to kill one player and get to level 10 and I'm currently level seven so I still need three new levels of XP and I need to go kill one of the piglets but before we go risk our life attack the hunters let's go ahead and get to level 10 real quick there we go level 10 done so the rest of the day I'm just gonna work on building an easier way to get back to my base I realize that I don't have to exit the cave every time I want to come back to my base it's annoying so I'm gonna build a shortcut okay it's day five hello to finish up this upgrade we still need to kill one player so I obviously have to go back to that Pillager Tower and now that I have a little armor and a sword I think I'm gonna be okay to do that but before we go there's something I gotta do let me quickly make some sticks and we can make some more arrows now we have 51 arrows we can use with our crossbow now this is really gonna help in a sneak attack and with that we're ready to go okay the tower is literally just below they don't see me yet up here I want to get in for a sneak attack but they've won in the tower and one is on the ground I gotta get the guy in the ground I don't want them to see me so let's get to the water as quick as we can here okay we're in now let's just get behind this cage okay I want to get this guy on the ground I got the crossbow ready to give to the pumpkin sneak up to the tower okay we can get this guy we can get the guy right over here with the crossbow ready he's moving over here oh I tapped him in one hit he was a one-hit kill oh my god oh villagers oh he's here come on I'm coming oh the other one okay we gotta go jump across jump across use our three jumps to get across go get out of here okay we're okay for now I didn't get any of the stuff he dropped okay let's go are we good yeah no way they can get to us there's literally no way they can get to us we did it we're fine we're good nice well that was easy we got the kill now we should have to head on home day six and we can already do our first upgrade so let's unlock Groove boost and let's try it out that's it that's that's the song but as long as that song's playing I basically get resistance and apparently it destroys this block however that could be used to break you to a base anyway it's time to keep getting some upgrades so obviously fighting right now is a little bit hard when I only have 5 HP and anyone can poke me with a stick and I'll die so I think we need to become a team away so that way we have a little bit more health and together we need a lot of stuff I'm talking no blocks dies diamonds you name it and I figured the easiest part is the Note Blocks seeing as they only need 32 so it's really not that bad it's a bunch of wooden Redstone let's go gather up some more Redstone oh look at some of the warden blocks but I'm not gonna mess with this right now I'll deal with this later because we still need 10 more Redstone and the best part is we even found a diamond now let's go back to the base and make some note blocks okay if I take all this wood put the Redstone Dust in the middle we're gonna get 32 note blocks which is all we need for the upgrade now we just need 16 of a bunch of different dies and eight diamonds which we luckily already have one of here's two more there's five no way okay I was not expecting to find the underground city that the warden spawns in what the heck it's literally day seven okay I'm definitely exploring this I only need three more diamonds and I'm gonna see what I can get from here I'm gonna be very careful the war could kill me in like one shot okay we just need to find a chest oh it didn't make a sound okay what if I open this oh God okay it didn't spawn one oh that night that might did have curse of binding oh God I don't think I can take that off oh god oh I curse The Binding myself diamonds that's exactly what I need okay we literally need one more diamond there we go we got the eighth diamond we need those keep going oh this is spicy let's just go back where we came from over here and let's get out of here because we got all the diamonds we need so let's just go back to the base okay now we should need a bunch of dyes and we can complete this upgrade and get some more Health specifically we need 16 red 16 green and 16 blue dyes none of which are that hard so let's just go find the dyes we've got some red flowers which can give us some red dye okay that's all the poppies we need now we have 16 red dye and luckily there's also some corn flour here which we can turn into blue dye and there we go now we have 16 blue dye and now last but not least we just need 16 green dye but that's gonna require spawning a desert so let's get looking okay finally we found a desert and oh my God what a weird desert we found this looks crazy can I see some cactuses so let's just go grab those real quick and there we go that is 16 total cactuses because we still got some time left today let's quickly loot this Village and then we'll head home okay and I'm home no cactuses you can't just put in your hot bar and get green dye you actually have to smelt them so let's quickly smelt them up okay now it's not the cactuses we smelled and get 16 green dye and once that's done we're gonna be able to do this upgrade okay cool all our dye is done let's grab our note blocks and our diamonds and now we can become a teenage L.A goodbye cute baby alive and hello tinalay oh they look pretty similar I'm not as cute but I'm definitely a little bit bigger wait am I faster wait I've jumped one speed one and strength one oh I really am broken aren't I anyway let's go to bed and keep working on some more upgrades tomorrow okay currently I have the first evolution upgrade Tina Lang the first combat upgrade Groove boost now we need the first utility upgrade teen cents which it gives us a compass that allows us to find nearby ore double oars on all ores we mine it's actually that broken and to do it I just need nine compasses and five diamonds which sounds hard but it's not it's really not because a compass can be crafted with just four iron and one Redstone 36 iron nine Redstone so I got the Redstone and I even have the iron I need already so the compasses are done now I just need five diamonds which once again shouldn't be crazy hard so let's just go look for some diamonds oh my God I learned that my Olay jump also got even stronger look how far I can jump now look at that like oh my God oh my god let's go find some diamonds okay here's two diamonds oh three diamonds dude protection four diamond leggings but I can't even wear them so I put on curse of binding oh my God I'm so dumb yes oh that's all we needed oh it's a lot too ten diamonds let's go that's definitely all we need so let's go ahead and let's get out of here okay now let's go and just quickly make the compasses so let's grab all the iron we're gonna need let's melt up this iron in here and now let's make all these compasses okay there we go we now have nine compasses which is all we need for this upgrade and we already have the five diamonds maybe we've already unlocked it that was one day that was so fast okay let's do it and now we have a compass that will track ores for us let me show you how it works so if I left click it you're gonna see I can change the ore so you'll see if I'm down in this cave I can find all the different ores just by simply right clicking on this compass and because I'm awesome I know double ores okay we're kicking butt on these upgrades we might as well keep tanking along and get a lay Ally now to actually get this one we need to kill two players kill 15 pillagers and get to level ten which we're already done with so basically we need two player kills what makes the LA Ally upgrade cool is it allows me to spawn a baby away that will fight for me so I can have my own Army of fillets okay the hardest part of this upgrade is definitely the two player kills but the Pillager kills in the current level are super easy to do so let's start by going to their Pillager Tower and seeing if we can kill some of their pillagers without them noticing that way I can get all the kills without them seeing a thing okay so I just got to the Pillager Tower and it's like blown to Smithereens and I don't even see any pillagers here oh there's one Pillager on the roof okay I need to kill 15 of you is there anyone else in here oh there we go oh there's a button okay that's five down that's eight okay I don't see any more spawning so I got eight for now we're gonna have to find another Pillager Tower because clearly this one's all blown up and they clearly left I don't really know what happened but I'm sure my editors will put it on screen now if it was interesting all right this TNT looks pretty good we got one two three look I've said it all messed it off I gotta go we gotta go what anyway let's go find another Pillager Tower oh wait there's one over there oh I almost walked right past this one oh let's go oh and there's pillagers oh there's a lot of them let's go this way [Applause] okay we gotta run oh run three HP okay gotta cross the river we are safe for now we only need to get two more Pillager kills okay let's go yes that's 15 we're done okay let's get out of here before I die now we should go and find one of the hunter spaces they need to kill both them to finish this upgrade and clearly they left their old one so let's go find it I spent the next couple of days just looking around for the pillager's new base I'm still not sure how they destroyed their own base but it explains why they haven't attacked me yet oh I found their base I just bumped into I see his name that is unicorn man I can read it okay it looks like they just built in the middle of the Jungle one of them looks like they're mining I see name deep underground oh they have a Pillager here what knocking me away dude oh God there's a lot of oh there's a lot of them oh we gotta be careful they have a bunch of pillagers here too I guess they can summon pillagers oh God they noticed I think they noticed they went down here just went into the mine chat okay I missed I missed black off for a sec oh yes I got one okay one's down let's reload all the crossbows thanks we got both kills we're already done okay let's just go back up let's go back up let's go back up oh we're not going back up yet oh we are playing oh we're low we can eat okay let's get in this wall over here I got one of them trapped I'm dead nice let's go we go okay we're going let's get out of here we got all the kills we need let's go we got out we actually got out of that let's go oh they're chasing it ready and take off baby and that is how you do a sneak attack as an away okay let's unlock a lay Ally all I gotta do is go here and we've already completed all the quest things so now we have a new ability now when things hit me there's a chance and a lay allies gonna spawn so let's quickly go take some damage if I let these mobs hurt me it should eventually spawn a teammate there he is look at him teammate and look now we have a little best friend who's gonna fight for us get him yes he won but he can die and he does disappear after a few seconds I gotta be really careful anyway from here we're gonna get Spectral Escape which requires nine different potions and ten emeralds to get so we're gonna need another portal if we want to make some potions so we're gonna need some obsidian now I currently have five diamonds let's turn those into a diamond pickaxe now let's simply go ahead and mind some obsidian shall we okay we've got all the obsidian now let's go back to the base okay now let's just go ahead and install our nether portal now let's grab our gravel let's get a piece of flint there we go now let's combine that with an iron ingot so we can light up our nether portal there we go now we have a way to the nether so tomorrow we'll head to the Nether and finish up these potions okay before we actually go to the nether we're gonna want to finish up our iron armor So currently we have three iron ingots left which isn't even enough for helmeter boots I literally only need eight iron the iron's gonna have to wait the hunters are literally outside I literally see their names okay they might be coming in hold on where's my crossbows oh they're definitely coming in they're definitely coming in you've covered me while I build this fridge I'll shoot Crossfire okay he's gotta be almost dead I'm gonna wait by my secret window here I gotta back off okay they're getting really close to the base okay spot would get him get him a little delay that's what I've been waiting for to happen get a little away get him look he's making me why is there another relay attacking me no he killed him okay I've definitely got him back against the wall a little bit I will burn this bridge you are not getting across okay what was definitely burning oh I'm burning okay we gotta back off we're low here we get two lays on us we got two laced okay he's dealing with my life oh my floor is breaking under me oh God the other one's getting in we made it over here we can do this we're gonna back around oh he's up top hey you ah I'm dead we going what's down he's done he's done no he's in the water we can beat him here I'm dead yes oh he's done we got him oh dude they probably took everything though I'm assuming oh dude everything of value is gone dang it dude they literally already took everything of value okay well you know what there's no way I could stay at the space they already pretty much found it and they can easily get back here now that they destroyed my parkour you know what let's grab everything we can let's go make a new base because I don't want to stay here anymore after my base was found by the pillagers I went ahead and moved to a brand new base this time I should be safe for many of the pillagers attack okay welcome to the new base this time I decided to build a base way up above the village we found earlier and getting to the base is really easy I'll show you all I have to do is be in this Village go to this staircase here and jump on top of this roof then we jump to this roof here and then we climb up the really long ladders and now we can just jump to my base and I'm here yeah this is the brand new base I think it's pretty nice anyway now we can work on the spectral Escape upgrade which requires nine different potions and 10 different emeralds so let's make our way to the Nether and get all the potion supplies we're gonna need [Music] okay first things first we gotta find ourselves another Fortress to get ourselves not only some blaze rods but some hold up but to also get us some Nether Warts oh we found one oh we didn't have to go far at all for that it was literally in the same biome that we started it okay there's a blaze spawner over there so let's start there and get some blaze rods real quick okay let's start by killing some blazes there we go three blaze rods that's all we need now let's go get some nether Wards here we go some netherworts perfect okay now we have all the basic potion supplies now we're just gonna need a guest here as that's gonna help us get the regeneration potion but the other items should come from the Overworld okay spotted a guest we can leap forward oh we sniped him out of the sky and got the ghast here first try let's go okay guys here done now let's go back to the Overworld and we're back so we're actually pretty much out of time for the day anyway so tomorrow we'll go ahead and hopefully get all the supplies we need for the fermented spider eye and the carrots okay let's grab some sugar perfect this one will literally do now we need to get fermented spider eye supplies so to make a fermented spider eye you need a regular Spider Eye a brown mushroom and some sugar now the sugar we're already good on but we're definitely gonna eat the brown mushroom and definitely gonna need the spider eye to get the full fermented one so let's start by getting the brown mushroom perfect we found the giant brown mushroom now we need to break this there we go just like that we got the brown mushrooms we need now we need to go ahead and find a spider and get a spider eye Yes we finally got a spider eye anyway let's go and let's get out of here and let's make our way back to the base okay we're back with a bunch of the ingredients and now all we need left is a golden carrot but all we have is One Singular carrot which uh if we use that we're out of carrots so we'll go look for a village tomorrow pick up some more carrots and then turn those into the golden carrots okay the village I'm in doesn't seem to have carrots it just seems to have wheat and nothing else we gotta go find a different one okay we found another Village next to the jungle and this one is definitely bound to have carrots oh yeah it definitely does everything we could ever need now just grab some hay okay let's also grab some of this hay while we're here because I'm never gonna turn down free bread the more bread we can get the better oh Hunters are here hold up I want to collect all my hay we got it all the way oh we got a bunch of red delays check out this hey there there is that la oh you found him let's show him our cooler alleys what is that okay it looks like the hunters also have upgrades and they can summon alays oh they explode when they die we definitely want to get these guys with a bow okay my blue away versus the right away get him okay they're killing my La allies oh nope they're coming for me hold on what if we take them out instead back off go this way now luckily we're very fast they're not the other one's coming oh my layout I just got blown up and I almost got blown up too we gotta be very careful here okay let's go in go this way see luckily we can Dash around really quick do I have an ax on me I don't get him blue will I get him wait I can bait him into their own explosion ready oh nice oh I can't I can't hurt them with their own thing oh he's done oh I'm dead he's done yes we got one get him away get him away yes thank you no oh we beat him dude yes thank you my La friends we have one because of you dude they're readily do not stand a chance against the regular blue away anyway we have everything we need let's start making our way back to the base okay so to finish off the spectral Escape upgrade we still need 10 emeralds on top of all the potions we have now luckily we can easily smelt up raw Golds we'll put four in this one now we'll take one of these gold ingots and turn it into gold nuggets and now we'll go ahead and make a golden carrot with the gold nuggets which gave us the ability to now make the potions so let's take the remaining glass we have and let's go and put it in the crafting table and make ourselves nine glass bottles now let's fill them up with water real quick and now let's put them inside the brewing stand the first step is to turn all of them into awkward Potions there we go awkward potions done now we need to determine the specialty potions so for the speed potions we're gonna throw the three water bottles in so let's grab one sugar and let's throw it in there we go three potions of swiftness complete now let's throw in three more Awkward potions for the next one we're gonna go and put the gas tear in and now those are done as well let's put all these in this chest right here now to do the last ones it's a little bit more complex yes we need the fermented spider eye but there's actually a step before that and that's where the golden carrot comes in you see if I first put the three water bottles in and then put the golden carrot in we're actually going to get a night vision potion but if we had a fermented spider eye it becomes an invisibility potion now we'll add the fermented spider eye and there we go three potions of invisibility and to finish off this upgrade we still need 10 emeralds so even though the potions are done we still have one more step to go okay it's day 30. let's go get some emeralds luckily with our Keen sense Compass it's actually quite easy first things first we just gotta go find a mountain biome okay I found a kind of mountain biome it's called snowy slopes or Stony Peaks but I think this is a type of mountain biome oh no there's definitely emeralds here okay oh my God this is it there's literally one that's 40 blocks below let's go get it and there it is look it gave me the coordinates and here's the emerald and now I get two emeralds all because of my Keen sense Compass this is gonna be really easy no way there was another one there what and there we go more emeralds oh my God it was right below me no way dude this Compass is op we got all the emeralds we need our home so let's grab all the potions and now with all the potions in the emeralds I should be able to unlock spectral Escape which basically allows me to turn invisible and heal if I ever get myself in a pinch watch so now I have a ton of speed and I'm getting regeneration to quickly get at myself out of any tough situation see I'd say this upgrade's pretty good now from here we're gonna work on getting another combat upgrade because I need something that can truly just mess up the hunters you know and disorienting scream is gonna be exactly how we do that okay so to get the scream upgrade I need to kill guests and players as I already have all the XP I need okay so now all we gotta do is find ourselves some gas and kill them and we'll deal with the player kills after foreign there we go first guest down [Music] there we go that was the last gas we needed to kill 15 for 15 done now we need to go back and get six player kills okay it is day 32 and we need six player kills to wrap up this upgrade so let's make our way back to the Pillager space and let's take them out okay the pillager's base is literally just right there I don't see any other name plates so they might be out right now I literally don't see them I don't think they're here right now wait did they move this isn't repaired at all I think they up and left besides up here the base looks abandoned all their chests and stuff are just empty everything's gone they literally up and took everything and left which means they probably got a new base simply because I knew where this one was so I'll see what I can take from it though like look there's some free beds there's a barrel and one of their chests even had a bunch of food which I'll gladly take anyway we gotta go find their actual base now so let's get looking and so I spent the next couple of days looking for the Hunter's new base I'm assuming they must have moved closer because their old base was pretty far away is that it I think I may found their base but they just found their base like 90 sure that's their base don't see any name plates oh no there's a Pillager outside that's definitely their base oh yeah another I just shot door open oh did he see me look at him up there oh they're both there yeah that's definitely their base now we'll go one two three oh God there's so many pillagers fly this way okay from up here I might be able to even get on their base and one two three jumps back okay we made it over here let's go nice we're in the base survey so he's up top okay I filled in the roof oh there's three of them in here gotta go you just know where it went yes eat some food real quick ah okay we still don't even have a single player kill oh go over here in the hill we gotta get some kills here one two three oh we're beating him up oh we're getting low okay I'm in their base oh that's too crazy he's done ah come on he's done he's done we got win we got the first kill we got the first kill okay we're over here now wow uh I'm dead oh that was great though we sniped him nicely done we got him good that's two kills this is where we get our third one oh how many arrows do I have I'm gonna be running low I can't get unicorn man oh we're in three hearts come on be careful we can't die here come get him oh we got him we got three we got three let's get this guy come on okay hold up let's get out of here we're getting low we're almost dead okay the sun's starting to set anyway but I basically found this tiny little hole that I'm gonna bury myself in for the night and then tomorrow with full HP and now Five Arrows we're gonna go back and we're gonna hopefully get the remaining three kills we need okay it's morning let's go back to their base and let's get three more kills now I'm assuming the hunters believe I'm gone right I got all the kills I needed and I left they don't know I need six kills so let's just go back and get a sneak attack kill and two more and we should be able to win this fight okay their base is literally right there go around that corner Macy's around the corner there's one in here I don't see the other one please tell me he didn't hear the door I don't know if he heard the door oh he heard the door oh here's the door all right here the door all right oh my gosh she's here get him away Ally ah what oh yes that's already one we got the sneak attack I don't even know what the other one is all this stupid of lace taking the hits I can't hit him oh we're on low HP we're on the HP again okay we're on top of their base again ready I'm out of arrows now though I still need two kills they're sticking together luckily I think I can get one here okay luckily their spikes don't hurt me we got him come on he's gotta be done they're trying to shoot them near me oh we got him we have three crits in a row yes wait no it doesn't count if they kill him I have to kill him okay I still need one more kill oh he's gotta be low no oh we gotta pit six we're low on HB we're getting out of here we're gone oh we're so gone that time for realsies we're gone day 37 let's unlock disorientating scream now that we have that we can do this and if you hear that noise well that means you're gonna go blind have nausea and be slow for seven seconds so yeah uh don't be near me when I'm screaming I guess but with that complete we only have two more upgrades in each category we have the adult delay the Buffalo possession Sonic Boom Synthesia and haunting song but I'm not gonna lie it's been a while since we did a health upgrade so let's go ahead and become the adult of La wait wait a minute no I thought there was two left at each we didn't even do item duplication so let's do that first then there's two left in each now to get item duplication we need three blocks of emerald three blocks of diamond and three blocks of gold we also need a God Apple yeah you know I'm just gonna do all the boring mining stuff now so let's go get the golden diamonds first because they're probably gonna be the easiest especially with our Keen sense Compass okay great we have all the diamonds we need and the gold we need in fact we even have a little extra and even better news my curse of binding leggings are finally gonna break and I can upgrade my armor yay but anyway we still need to go ahead and get all the emeralds for the emerald blocks and luckily with the Kingston's Compass it's not gonna be that hard we just gotta go back to the mountain biome okay here we are let's go ahead and check for some emeralds real quick and as you can see there's emeralds in the area so let's get mining okay let's start by turning all of our different ores into blocks now three diamond blocks and three Emerald blocks and the last thing we need is a god Apple now God apples have the highest frequency to spawn inside of desert temples so because I think I saw one earlier nearby we're gonna check that one out first and if it doesn't have one we're gonna go look for some more temples no way it's a platypus look at it okay well the temple is literally just right over here from this Little Beaver friend literally see here it is I didn't go in here yet let's hope it has a god Apple if it does that'll be great no it had a regular Golden Apple but not a god Apple no dang dude I was really hoping this would have one well it turns out that this place is a total dud let's go find a different one on days 40 and 41 I kept looking for desert temples but I still couldn't find any oh my God there's a desert temple in this Village look what it's literally part of the village please have a god Apple please have a god Apple oh it does let's go oh my God we have the god Apple done or any of the others oh another Golden Apple okay let's grab the cheese because this Temple is far away so we can bring this back to the base and then we can on the way back grab the other TNT from the other place because I currently honestly hate the tower the Thunders have and I can use that TT to blow it up okay well that worked we have the god Apple let's go back to the base okay we're finally back home that took forever wait oh no there's a bridge leading to my base there's literally a bridge leading to my base right now oh God why were they at my base no dude they took all my ore block they took my diamond pants I don't see any of my diamonds or emeralds okay well my base has been robbed and I need those blocks if I want to get the item duplication upgrade so I guess I'm going to their base real quick to murder them and get my stuff back their base is literally just on the other side of this Forest there it is it's literally right there okay we're gonna go in quicker if I open the door they're gonna know go I don't see a chest hide we're gonna hide under their stairs we'll even make a little bows already what they're not reacting at all oh no one is one is oh they're reacting they're reacting he definitely heard that that Arrow flew right past him dude no wait this is emeralds whoop let's go inside they can't go through that they don't fit I go to my stuff let's go oh my stuff I think 32 emeralds 29 where's gold I got the gold yeah I got gold emeralds and diamonds that's all the blocks I think they literally took my stuff and put it in a singular chest okay we are home let's go in first remove this dumb Bridge from our base because it totally defeats the purpose of having a safe base okay Bridge guy now we definitely gotta go ahead and turn the horse back into blocks and now we have all the blocks we need if we go to the item duplication upgrade we just need to grab Our God Apple which is in this chest right here and now we can get the upgrade item duplication which you'll see every minute if I hold an item in my offhand I have a chance to duplicate that item now normally I carry a shield in my off hand I don't want to duplicate a shield so let's try it with a gold block let's put a gold Block in my off hand and see if I start to duplicate that gold block and as you can see I know three blocks of gold is that triple yup but hey it was supposed to be double I'll take the extra block oh now I have five now I have five I should get ten right okay you're gonna see now I have seven blocks of gold that's not ten but that actually turns out it's because uh translation errors with her with our programmers I think it's working somewhat it's giving us free stuff oh yeah there we go see look now we have nine but yeah we have a really easy way to get stuff now with our item duplication ability but the good news is now we actually have two more upgrades in each category now we're gonna go ahead and start by becoming an adult delay because I only have 10 hearts and if I become an adult delay I don't only get 15 hearts but I also get the ability to Glide like I have a lytra which is a little bit better than the jumps I currently have so let's go let's unlock that we're gonna become the adult delay which requires 128 Soul Sand 64 Soul lanterns three Soul campfires and a Wither Skull now we're gonna start with the Soul Sand because it's the easiest and we're actually gonna grab 200 of it because the soul lanterns and the Soul campfire also take Soul Sand we're gonna need a lot okay now let's go ahead let's head to the Nether and grab all the Soul Sand we're gonna need okay we got all the Soul Sand we need so now let's make our way over to another Fortress and start killing some wither skeletons so we can get a Wither Skull oh God okay we got the skull and with that we can start heading back to the base and we can start putting all the items together okay with the Wither skull in hand all we need to do is actually get some iron because to do this upgrade we need to make Soul Lantern which is gonna require 64 iron ingots for the amount at once I don't even think we have any iron I think we're literally out so let's quickly go mining grab ourselves a stack of iron and then we'll finish the upgrade tomorrow okay there we go we got all the iron we need so let's go back and smelt it and tomorrow we'll finish crafting all this stuff let's throw all our raw iron inside our blast furnaces okay all the iron smelting now we're just gonna go to bed okay so let's go let's start by turning all of our iron ingots into golden nuggets now that's gonna be really important for crafting let's grab some coal out of here and let's grab some sticks so if I put on my Soul Sand my sticks and my coal together you're gonna see I get Soul torches and now we can make Soul lanterns so Soul lanterns are made like this and now we have 64 Soul lanterns completely done now if we look at the upgrade we have the soul entrance done oh wait Hunters are here they're trying to get over hold up Hunters are here okay I built a little bit of a wall just give myself some cover here okay hold up let's get down here okay we need to finish crafting this upgrade let's grab all this whole thing we're gonna need three Soul campfires is all we need give me a minute yeah nice try buddy he sold campfires I need logs Soul Sand and sticks hold on let's grab this grab our crafting table give me a minute I hit him off I hit him off hit him off he's done oh back up let's stay back here for a sec come on we almost got him we got him we got him oh the other ones back though okay we're gonna hurry up and make this Soul campfire okay we need to make these Soul campfires and we need three we need sticks and logs okay we're good okay there they are we got the logs go back out here I definitely saw one more climbing just make a bunch of sticks boom we have three please let me do the upgrade we're gonna become an adult delay okay we're in adult delay oh my items he's already here I can get him off here he's done he's done he's done yes okay so my base is destroyed yeah my bed survived but nothing else really survived this place this base is tone so we'll pack up our stuff grab everything we can grab most of it's down there and we'll go from there after my base was destroyed by the pillagers I had to move yet again and design a brand new base this time I made a base that I called the labeled a base that is so safe the hunters will have no way to get inside oh and also my curse of binding pants finally broke meaning I'm free from that awful armor okay Welcome to our brand new base so it's very similar to the last one except I didn't just build one little base Island I built four we have the one that brings us to the nether all the furnaces and stuff over there the enchanting over there as well as a vault on top and then just our normal chests and stuff over here and the only way to get here is from that long Tower right there yeah overall I'd say this is a pretty good spot to be anyway from here we still need to go ahead and keep moving forward on upgrades now I'm gonna start by getting Synthesia which is gonna allow me to see enemies through walls I'm basically an x-ray hacker but I'm not really cheating to get it we need 64 or glowstone dust 32 spectral arrows 16 note blocks and one music disc so let's start by jumping into The Nether and getting the glowstone test oh there's some glowstone right there so let's go grab that there we go we already got all the glowstone dust we need now we're going to start looking for a Bastion so we can get Spectral arrows okay perfect here's a Bastion okay we're looking for Gold Blocks now I don't see any in this area and I'm also looking for chests anything that could contain Gold Blocks okay nice we're inside we already found a chest now it doesn't have any gold blocks but that's okay it has tons of spectral arrows which is exactly what we needed though in total we need 32 and this one contain 12. okay this is the chest we already lose no wait no it's not yes see we've got even more spectral arrows good thing I checked that we even got an ancient debris is that gonna be 32 36 how many do we need I think we need 32. we do we literally got all the spectral arrows from the chest okay well we got all the spectral areas we need so we can go ahead and get out of here now let's go ahead let's leave the nether let's head back to the portal and then back to our base okay we're back at the base and we're gonna use this bottom chest to store all of the stuff we need for our current upgrade the only thing we need left is to make 16 note blocks so to make a note block I believe it's just Redstone and what if I remember correctly yep it is there we go now we have 16 Note Blocks made let's grab our note blocks the music disc all the spectral arrows and all the glowstone dust on day 56 we're finally done with Synthesia and now we have the ability let's try it oh that made a weird sound what does it actually do again oh yeah it says it was sonar signal and I can see people through walls too bad I'm alone and I have no friends and I'm alone at the space so I can't see anyone okay with Synthesia now done it is time to start working on the next combat upgrade and the next combat upgrade is called possession we need eight player kills three evoker kills and we need to be level 20 which uh done now here's the thing we're gonna go for the evoker kills first and we need to kill three of them and they can only be found at Woodland Mansion so we're going to a woodland mansion and to do that we're gonna need a bunch of different stuff we're gonna need 128 glass panes 128 paper two compasses and 20 emeralds to go ahead and get the map to the mansion before anything's first we're gonna need some more sand so let's get let's start by gathering all this sand over here at this place okay there we go that's all the sand we need and while we're out let's also go grab a bunch of different sugar canes so we can make some paper okay now we got all the sugar cane we need so now besides that we already have the materials to make the compass and we have the emeralds so now we can just go back to the base and put all our stuff together to trade for the map okay it's day 58 let's grab all our sand and let's head to a village so we can do some trades and get ourselves a map to the Woodland Mansion okay here's a villager right here let's go and let's give this man a cartography table there you go become a cartographer first things first we're gonna hand over our paper we've got as many levels as we can for this guy he's upgraded now he's upgraded he's gonna get some more stuff we'll trade him all the glass panes we got to trade them and you'll see he's filled up again and now he's level three because you'll see the gold badge and now you're gonna see he has a woodland Explorer map which we can trade for just one compass and some Emerald so now we have the Woodland Explorer map and we're all set to go and you're gonna see us as the tiny little dot in the corner of the map I've said Northwest just to find the Woodland Mansion so because I know this part can take a while let's get going after getting the map I followed it for a couple days till I finally reached the Woodland Mansion oh we're getting really close to the Woodland Mansion the map's starting to form oh wait no it's it's literally right there we just gotta kill three evokers inside this bad boy and we'll be able to finish the part of it oh there's definitely one in here I hear him die ow okay one's down we killed one oh I found one we got November this is literally one right here oh you're done there was a third of ocher we are done at this Woodland Mansion because we officially have killed the evokers and now we just gotta go kill eight players okay we're back at the base it is day 62. and we literally just have to get the final eight player kills and we'll be able to finish up this upgrade so let's quickly grab plenty of food let's go enchant our armor and our sword and then let's go for the attack okay so with my gear now Enchanted I went and put a total woman dying in my offhand basically I'm Invincible because if they can't kill me within a minute my totems Are Gonna Keep duplicating me now I'm gonna have like infinite totems of undying all this is gonna be broken okay we're at their base their base is literally just up ahead right there okay let's work to get to their base it looks like they've upgraded a little bit with lava and stuff around oh there's one over there hold on okay I went in the base oh they definitely heard me what is that I can't move okay well apparently they have alarms at their base that give away when I'm there and they seem to lock me in wait what's below me oh my God it's a ravenger I do not want to fight a ravenger okay ravanger's dead I got him trapped inside let's go I'm so tiny can't hit me yes we got one that's one of eight down oh my God is that in a voker oh my God even a voker here nice we'll be able to get him here nice he's gone oh I can actually use their Vex to blow up their own base look at I destroyed their own base oh this is funny holy Shield's broken he's done we got three without even a death yet nice he's done that's four we're halfway there nice that's five let's go nice oh we used to lay to kill him ah I'm dead okay let's use some of our other abilities he should be blind now I use my blind ability yeah baby he's blind he's blind we got him again dude this blindness let's go yes we're dude we are destroying them let's get out of here come on I literally can't do anything we get everything we need to do the upgrade so let's just go home sleep and do the upgrade in the morning okay good morning let's do the upgrade we have all player kills all the voker kills and our levels 20. so let's go to combat and let's unlock possession so now I could possess entities and disguise myself as them I definitely gotta try this ability out first before we go ahead and continue working okay so as an example let's try possession out on this kangaroo if I hit my key on it you're gonna see I'm now disguised as the kangaroo so I can possess it and I can move it into place and now I am the kangaroo so yeah the ability is kind of cool but we still got a bunch of abilities to go let me show you we still have the Buffalo upgrade the sonic boom upgrade and The Haunting song upgrade all of which seem to require stuff from the end so that's where we're gonna go next so to do that obviously we need blaze rods and ender pearls so we're going to the nether there we go okay we got the first of eight blaze rods we need okay we got all eight blaze rods now we just gotta go trade with some piglets to get ourselves some ender pearls okay I found a Bastion right up here oh this one has a lot of gold get those Miley's Gold Blocks real quick nice we found a chest room let's see what we get here two gold blocks and a bunch of arrows another Gold Blocks more arrows a diamond pickaxe oh wait that should definitely be more than enough Gold Blocks let's go trade these with some piglets and the goal of this is to get at least 16 ender pearls once the trades are done so we'll go ahead and wait here a sec until they finish up cause uh this is gonna take a little while okay I'd say the piglons have traded a lot this is what my screen looks like right now 18. actually that's a lot so with that let's go back to our base and start making our way to the end okay good morning on day 65. let's make our eyes a vendor let's throw the first eye and let's go find ourselves a dragon looks like we're going that way okay we made it to the top of the mountain let's give it a throw oh wait it's going backwards oh it's literally on this mountain let's just start digging down and see if we can find this thing we found it we literally found it right here we need to find the Portal room that's all we gotta find we found it we're going to the end and we got 25 totems of undying so this should be really easy to beat the dragon let's go we made it this is a weird one but this should be fine let's go over here let's start taking out the towers nice First Tower down all of the towers are taken out meaning now we can kill the dragon okay let's take him out we killed him yes the dragon is dead okay let's grab his dragon egg real quick there we go and we have the egg wait are the hunters here oh my God free the end they are here okay well I don't even have to fight them if I don't want him I don't even want to fight them we got the dragon egg let's just go to the other end I gotta hit this I gotta hit this yes I got it Elder red oh we hit that ender pearl clutch yes they're gonna be right behind me in a second I'm sure of it so we're gonna be pretty quick we are literally out of blocks let's go grab some more and Stone oh no we're not grabbing any more in stone they're literally right there I got an idea ready one two oh my God there's another Island over here let's quickly grab a bunch of blocks and use these to escape okay this should be enough to make it ready if we jump shift yes we're gonna make it look they're trying to get over but I'm gone baby let's go well I'm gonna use this Chase to get away as far as I can while they have to build over let's just go ahead and find an entity do I just keep going this way we should be able to lose them after ditching the villagers in the outer end I made my way from end City to end City till I found some elytra I also was able to get all the shulker shells I needed from all the different entities I found oh we got a ship it should be super easy to get as in L.A okay cool we should be able to make it to this ship wait a minute oh dude the hunters are here okay if I'm quick enough it shouldn't matter okay we got a mending prop 4 helmet we don't need anything else let's grab this he doesn't horrible here I got 27 totems Bring It On oh we killed one oh never mind I'm dead cool oh yes we've got the elytro the hunters are down meaning we can simply just go back to our base and we're home it's currently day 71. I'd say I'm a little broken when it comes to totems of undying look how many totems I have yeah I don't think I'm losing this challenge at this point and I'm not even my fully upgraded Buffalo yet I still need four netherite ingots to get there which Speaking of is exactly what we're gonna do today we need to get ourselves some netherite so we can finish off this upgrade see it's the last thing we need now currently we have four ancient debris which is enough for one Ingot so we actually need 12 more ancient debris and luckily with the Keen sense Compass we'll be able to double every inch of debris we find and be able to find it in seconds so we really need just six and we're done so let's go okay let's go through the portal we got all the ancient debris we need Okay so let's go back over here let's grab our other four ancient debris that we had inside this chest here now let's go ahead let's throw them in here we're gonna let those smell while we go to sleep let's go grab our ancient debris now let's go over here and grab some gold and now let's combine all our golden gates with all of our another right scraps to give ourselves four now the right ingots which is enough to become the buff away this is the regular adult delay that you see in Minecraft and this is the Buffalo that's right we made the buffalo in this game and he is broken he can literally fly look at this I I don't even need to double jump anymore now I don't fit through one high gaps anymore but who cares I'm a giant flying away this is amazing we still got two more upgrades to go a combat upgrade and a utility upgrade now the utility upgrade is gonna require 16 jukeboxes and 16 gastier so I've been pretty unlucky with the gas tier doubling and we only have five every minute there's a 25 chance I get another one but it's been a very slow process let's go to the Nether and let's go get ourselves some more gas tears because we only have five at the minute there we go we have all 16 gas tiers we can now head home and get the rest of the supplies we need so to finish off the upgrade we're just gonna need some Juke boxes there we go put the diamonds in the middle and now we have 16 Juke boxes which means we can do the final utility upgrade hunting song and hunting song is literally gonna allow me to walk through walls as an Olay so long as there's a jukebox playing nearby let me show you you're gonna see I can start phasing through blocks look at that so thick walls they're like this obsidian I can't get through but single walls easy okay we've only got one more upgrade to go as a buffalo and the last upgrade is called Sonic Boom now to get Sonic Boom I need to kill the piglens 10 different times and I need to kill the Wither once and be level 30. so let's start by killing the Wither let's go into The Nether and get a bunch of Wither skulls okay we are back from the nether now it's already night so we're gonna go ahead and go to sleep and tomorrow we'll actually fight this weather okay good morning okay so now we have to go ahead and fight and kill the Wither which shouldn't be too hard since I can literally fly let's spawn the wither right here and now let's just kill him yep that okay let's go grab the nether star so I don't know where it is but luckily I don't I guess I don't really need it I killed the Wither and the quest is complete so now we have to worry about getting 10 player kills which means now we're gonna go ahead and look for the Piglet's base and have a little bit of fun and so I started looking for the pillagers it turns out they had changed bases once again and this time they must have moved extremely far because even with my ability to fly I still couldn't find them that is until day 81. I have like a woodland Mansion oh no I see nameplates inside Hunters are raiding this Woodland Mansion right now I think this is their base I don't even think they see me I don't know how but I don't think they see me oh no maybe they do oh no he's running he doesn't he sees me I don't fit through their door but luckily I could fly and I fit through that oh oh my god oh he's bigger oh God I just I'm just here for 10 kills leave me alone luckily I can fly now so this becomes a lot easier but they do have a lot of arrows oh my goodness he doesn't have a shield I'm gonna go for a little without a shield I'm gonna get rid of this totem nice we got one we got our first kill oh he's almost done we almost got a second kill here he's gonna be low yes second kill done he's done that's three kills oh four kills ready for this watch we're gonna go down here and watch we'll become the skeleton okay they should lose me here because now I look like a skeleton let's even walk out to them the spiders attack him oh I got do I gotta attack him I can't I don't think I can okay they left me alone pop out and oh yes he thought it was a skeleton oh they're both here though yes he should be blind and she's my blindness ability my health is dropping we have to get nice we got another kill oh I'm flying I'm flying I Can't See Fire Light all right no he's got to be low he's got to be low we're having a battle he's running he's gotta be low yes eight two more kills to go nice we got him the other one's here this is our 10 kills we can get this guy ready let's blind him oh you're blind [Music] yes 10 out of 10 in your face sucker hit me do it oh that's right I got a totem of undying you can't kill me see you later I got 24 more we got the 10 kills we need let's get out of here and do the final upgrade okay and with that fight officially over it's time to do the last upgrade so our last ability is Sonic Boom where I shoot a Sonic ring that explodes with the force of nine TNTs and now we've unlocked it we gotta try this out though so let's go over here to the mangrove biome so it says if I hit this button here oh my God I I didn't realize there's gonna be like an instantaneous explosion anyway our new power is really broken so with all our powers in play I honestly don't think the pillagers stand a chance I just I don't so I'm gonna give them an ultimatum you see this Pillager Banner right here I'm gonna take it from this tower now I'm gonna take this Banner all the way up to my base and now that we're here we're gonna actually finally get to use our vault room with music playing I can now walk through walls it's a little buggy but I can get into this Vault room right here which once we had a little obsidian too is going to be protected so if I put the banner right here and we fill this bottom layer in with obsidian we can officially issue a challenge to the pillagers basically capture the banner and I'll let you win but they get to capture this Banner by day 85. let's see what they say hey Pillager wanted his NPC Lackey I hit a Pillager Banner at my base and if you can get it by the start of day 85 I'll let you win this challenge here's my bass chords okay now I'm gonna give my coordinates dude the NPC Lackey said he was Pillager number one that's funny okay I gave him the coordinates they're accepting the challenge now we just gotta see how things go from here okay I'm currently disguised as a Pillager and I just saw the hunters go by they didn't notice me because I was in Pillager for him but I definitely caught them that's right off the bat let's just kind of uh I'm literally controlling Luke they're trying to hurt me but I'm inside I'm literally controlling the hunter look at this okay let's try this now oh didn't like that one did you let's see how they do since I could just fly around and mess with them for a bit okay where'd the other one go oh one's already climbing up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up okay I destroyed the ladders I destroyed the ladders you're not getting up that easy buddy oh they're trying really hard to get up oh the sun's already setting oh I'm already out of arrows oh no I used the Mala welcome to the base you made it now I'm inside of you let's go ahead and let's just have you jump off real quick everywhere oh they can swim up now that was genius okay I'm doing all right I'm not doing all right actually there's a lie I'm gonna take control of this one and have him just jump off there we go okay I threw one of them off let's fly back up oh he's getting over quick oh yes he's done I'll take this ah no he's starting to build over to the Volcan we gotta be careful here you won't kill me that easy oh I guess he will kill you that easily it's legit only the Knight of 83 and they have till day 85 so I know they're gonna come back if I decided to show off a little bit by making a diamond block tower just to show I have a lot of diamonds they should be here soon though we're oh no they are here actually they're literally here oh he could be dead no he caught it oh he's done he's done he's done he's done where'd he go did he fall oh he fell he fell he fell oh I see he put water there that's cute and that's not gonna work when I get rid of it in a minute here you have failed yes he's done no come on okay I see the hunters swimming in down below hey Zach I have an idea I've got TNT see I'm going to make a blast Cannon shoot me all the way up to the top this is the final night they have to get the banner inside my obsidian Vault and that'll let them win and I'll give him a chance to get up here because otherwise uh they're just not getting up here I feel like he's trying to distract me yeah he is I don't know what the other one's doing below but he's not coming only one of them is actually coming up I just keep hitting him down I feel like it's a distraction oh yeah he's building a TNT cannon can I remove the water there we go no more water for you he doesn't realize the water's drying up this is gonna help me huge oh he's water bucketing up the whole way again no you get down you're causing me a lot of videos oh yeah you can't make that jump buddy bye-bye oh he caught the water dang it oh you are so toast oh and he fell is that the sun rising it's day 85. you failed okay I'm not gonna lie them failing in their mission was pretty hilarious and I barely had to do a thing but this wouldn't be a fun challenge if I just sat in my base and made them keep coming to me and I kept murdering them so we're gonna go to their base and we're going to wage war on it I'm going to go absolutely crazy on that thing with my explosive power with my blind ability and of course by flying through all their walls let's just start grabbing some supplies and then we'll head on over okay and we're at their base their base is literally inside of here and I'm just gonna make an entrance I got some jukeboxes on me in case we need to phase out with some walls so let's go ahead and let's take out their base hey the music's going we should be able to we can face your walls oh God Dave explosive crossbows yo hold up hello ready okay we got one yes get ready for another nuke what are these things yes we got him all on fire I'm burning Willow ooh we're really low let's go over here oh totem to save me I still got 84 more though you're blind oh he's totem saved him he's got another one oh my God here let's just nuke that one out of the way get him police get him I can do this all day okay we blew him up oh they're both done I'm blind I can't see him ah I'm dead I still see one of them spawning oh my God there's so many beds okay my bed's broken look at this this place is decimated I will keep nuke in fact let's keep Nuki so we can guarantee all the beds are gone no okay we got him we nuked one of them he's gonna try and go back over here bud sorry buddy he should be gone for good we're out of beds oh wait are they both dead I only had to Nuke their whole base but they're both dead here I'm gonna go in there exactly Widow upset yeah what am I supposed to do you just keep bombing us like I can't go anywhere yeah okay Mister I can duplicate revives I have 91 lives left I'm done this is stupid I'm done I could be doing so many other better things right now actually there is something you can be doing let me tell you after the Pillager surrendered I made them free all of the blue away that they have captured as well as turn all the red away back into blue away thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 2,355,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as an ALLAY in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Allay, Minecraft 100 Day Allay, 100 Days as an Allay, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: -nS8ZCKHsrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 30sec (3210 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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