I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft...

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there are millions and millions of blocks in minecraft but today i've got just one and with that one block i'm going to survive for 100 days in hardcore and beat minecraft also make some awesome creations and very opie farms here is the start of something special i'm gonna mine this block look at that i got a bit of dirt we can place it down and we can keep breaking it and it's no longer become dirt it is now wood which is perfect also got moss which i don't really want but you know what we need it chess oh we've got sweet berries well that means we've got at least a little bit of food and it takes forever to break a chest and we've got a pig all righty we've got uh we've got bacon for breakfast i'm just kidding little fella we'll keep you alive i don't know exactly where i'm gonna keep you alive but but rest assured i will protect you more berries you know what let's just get them all planted down okay can we put it almost or you can't we've gotten clay no you can't at this point i feel like i've got enough wood for a new plan the new plan isn't exactly revolutionary i just want to make some tools for now only a pickaxe well we got a cow okay well this is getting a little crowded on here don't you think fellas no don't die pig whoa why is this grown so fast by the way okay here's what we do we harvest that we break all of this because you know what ain't no pigs of mine gonna die and then we properly extend this platform so that you guys have somewhere to go i'm trying to conserve wood which is why i only made a pickaxe but i think a few fences could be critical because you cannot put a price on a pig's life say that like i'm a vegetarian so i really like steak and i really like bacon but you know what you do yo you're completely safe it's a shame i now have no wood left hopefully i can get some more through mining and the answer is yes yes i can and we've got a water bucket now then it's that it may help with that so yeah if there's anything like gravel if you go ahead are we gonna lose that now but yeah if you go ahead and it appears it just drops so if we go like this we can actually put a block underneath it and now when gravel spawns it will eventually i'm sure there we go it didn't fall it's okay we can get gravel now i don't know why i'd want gravel but it's useful nonetheless also have a few more items to extend this platform and i'm getting so much melon i don't know what i'm gonna do with all this melons i don't really care for it it's a rubbish food but i suppose i i have nothing else i can eat except maybe you go nope nope eat the melon sp eat the melon well we got a chicken two chickens oh my goodness right into the pen you guys go this is opportunity to make a gate as well i think that might be smart all right watch out pig we're gonna break something now you can be pushed in as can you and i can continue breaking stuff i got a carrot oh oh oh this is huge i've never seen somebody so excited for a carrot because if i go ahead and place something there oh no i just broke my water oh i'm an idiot well i was gonna say i could grow carrots but i can't and i was gonna say i can breed pigs also forgot you need two pigs to do that yeah that's just simple how breeding works anyway let's just get back to mining hopefully i get another water bucket i really don't make things easy for myself do i we got a sheep okay this is huge because i want a bed eventually so oh well don't walk out cow otherwise you're going on the menu you're going to be a burger there you go little sheepling welcome to your new very cramped home actually doesn't need to be that crap because i have so so much dirt i could really extend it which is what i have now done let's get some apples no what book oh i'm getting supplements i can grow my own wood why am i mining wood like a peasant when i could be creating my own tree empire whoa another cow you know what that yes look at this okay is he going in almost almost if i get some wheat i can make a baby cow and we got another sheep two more chickens i knew things were going too well now it's pouring it down look at this some redstone again i don't know what i'm gonna do with it but i can also make myself a nice little oak tree right about there and i have so much dirt that i can just place loads more of it around i've been doing a lot of mining birch tree has grown and apparently it's gonna upgrade in six seconds is this gonna be phase two indeed it is the underground phase which gives me stone which is exactly what i want because if i get three of these i can go ahead and then well i think if i made some sticks anyway i can make a stone pickaxe so you know wooden pickaxe see you later look at this deep slate okay well it's a little bit annoying to mine but you know what iron ore oh if i can get one more bit of iron which i so far have not got i've got copper i've got coal i've got one bit of iron i've got two bits of iron three bits of iron i can make oh i all forbid you know what i don't know what to make now i'm starting with a furnace let's just get the iron smelting i'll go i keep mining the iron whilst it smells and i'm a mooshroom okay here's the real question what an earth have you got to do with being underground you do not live underground mate and i would send you into that pen but it's already a little bit overcrowded i'm gonna make the iron pickaxe rather than a bed for now so i'll just be able to mine stuff up way way faster whoa what enough i didn't know that bad mobs could support there was always only for nice ones it was a very main trick that was played on me still no sign of another bit of iron so i'm making some more tools so i could just mine the other things a little bit faster and we've got a spider weight you could give me string you know you could be great no okay well you didn't but i did get string from a chest so at least that made up i need to just start offloading stuff sorry guys if you like organization there's no organization here in fact there actually couldn't be less organization if i tried you'll also notice that i currently have melons which i can eat you know okay i guess but i've got a much better idea if i go ahead and make myself a bowl i could get unlimited food from the mooshroom it's brilliant you are going to be my best friend in the meantime i am going to keep trying to get one more piece of iron please oh no creeper no whoa how did i not let him blow what happened to my cow why have we got a dead cow here okay i think it might have the tree may have grown into that cow thing how on earth did that not blow up i i did not expect that i said you're going that way it's safe mooshroom you're almost dead to a creeper a rabbit two rabbits three rabbits oh there's rabbits everywhere they're gonna just jump off in the boy don't fall off little rabbit it's a disaster waiting to happen this time two spiders are you kidding me this is this is this is not what i i came to do this magical block is evil finally another bit of iron oh you have no idea how much i've wanted to see that finally finally finally you're gonna give me loads of iron now okay well let's get this stocked up we need more coal as well we've got plenty of coal from that let's craft some shears here you guys make a bed and get some well-earned rest nice to finally be able to mine without it pouring it down above my head and i reckon if i keep going it won't be long until i get some diamonds or you not quite what i was hoping for the only thing better than one mooshroom it's two mushrooms no not this time oh my no no no please what is everybody okay it's so evil that they like creepers i don't believe it new rule all storage is away and i mean it well away from any blocks where creepers could spawn what a disaster the pickaxe is also now broken that shouldn't be something to worry about assuming i didn't lose my iron i didn't thank goodness it means i can make a second iron pickaxe and get back to mining just realize it also means that there's no now no block underneath so i'm i'm losing stuff like gravel but because i had a block down here it can probably be saved don't have the water anymore you say size a little bit more challenging but the problem is fixed we can break this vlog and continue mining this has got musical notes coming out it's got to be good it's got a book i don't know what am i going to use a book for i'll tell you what to write a message with let's sign and close it there we go what's this a book on the ground i wonder what it says ah throw me in the void oh yeah that's what i think of that take your musical notes and get out of here you stupid chest more rabbits which is always gooks i think most of the other ones died another creeper no no not this time no no no you don't i'm placing blocks this time right we're good we're good my sheep will be safe are they eating all the grass as well yeah that grass block really needs to spread into all of that feel like with all these items i should really make an effort to expand the platform and i reckon i should extend the tree farm in this direction since wood is going to be very very useful and i might as well chop down these birch trees i've got an empty map in this chest so i could i could have a map of my island oh doesn't it look pathetic don't tell his personal motion but we have way too many of you already i was hoping to get length from that actually having said that i've got leather in so i didn't need to do it sorry you guys had to see that but how about right here we put the map in there we go that's that's where we started okay let's get really stupid love arts it wasn't that good oh hold on a second we're upgrading don't get more exciting than that are we gonna get a baby chicken no we're not but things are happening okay this is the snow buying one of the winter phase doesn't look very wintry to me at the moment oh wait snow okay it is it is winter i just broke the snow but gold in winter i've never seen this before getting quite a bit of redstone here which is nice and snow foxes oh look at this it's a it's a snow grass block that's called anyway what what are these blocks what oh it's white concrete powder i don't know anything about minecraft oh no you guys are gonna eat my chickens oh oh no wait are you eating my rabbits as well oh dear oh dear this is bad don't get out of there all right that's it we're putting you down that's i'm sorry no i i don't know what to do it i'm in a punic i'm sorry guys get out of it oh you just do don't get wearing it i think it just jumped in the void probably for the best if any more of those guys spawn they will be put down because my chickens are very important once again my pickaxe broke so i shall make a new one bones and bone meal oh this is brilliant because now i can bow meal grass and if i get mid cards right we get seeds and if i hadn't got rid of my water i could have grown them but i did so yeah diamonds oh we finally got diamonds well that isn't that nice there we go oh it's pi it's ice it just broke yeah of course it breaks i can't do anything with it a goat i don't know i get the pin you're going to try and run me off aren't you but not if i ram you off first sorry guys i'm not very nice person and even though i'm not a very nice person i am still trying to hit 4 million subscribers this year so if you enjoy my videos please subscribe otherwise i'm pushing this dog into the void yep that's right he's going whoa no way get away from me shape i really should not have turned all those bones to bone meal because now i can't tame it oh get out of there no me sheep are dead oh you know what eat them all i'll meet rabbits as well you know what just eat the lot i don't care at this point i i'm not killing this wolf do you know why i'm not killing that wolf because you guys subscribed to protect it at least i hope you did because now i've got two wolves not a single bone now this is this is blue ice so i can't pick it up and i can't melt it it's just a little bit of an annoying middle ground hold on hold your horses we've got more bones all right dog don't let me down you are the second one so i'm going in for the original first a little fella three bones you've eaten all me animals one two well you're a stupid dog another chance for a wolf goes back oh although we get bones and they're attacking him that's it get him boys no no they sacrificed his life to save mine that dog will never ever be forgotten this really is an emotional roller coaster isn't it i do think extending this platform more and more will be a good idea though cause then they'll hopefully get a few natural mob spawning and get some bones from that oh look at that a block of raw iron becomes nine iron that's beautiful i have to say we've got another wolf to replace the wolf that jumped off i'm starting to realize that this island is just basically going to be called junk island so easy to end up with so much rubbish a polar bear oh my goodness didn't expect that and since it's going dark i'm hoping a few things spawn on there maybe i could extend the plot expand and extend one word that makes egg stand apparently but yeah maybe i can make the platform a little bit bigger oh it's worked we've got so many mobs over there i'm actually hoping for something that will give me bones not something that will blow up my bridges ah we're good a shield is probably going to be a good investment especially with all those guys they pretty much just all walked off now it's time to make this platform idiot proof by adding walls if i put a slab here nothing can get out but i can get in if i crouch 200 iq ladies and gentlemen let's come in daytime but hopefully i get some bones nope just got arrows a stranger spawned and it got me one more boat now then will you why are you hitting me what if i don't deserve it are you guys angry at me though that's that guy calms down i also got an iron helmet dropped from him so look at me i'm looking kidded up if you're not going to stop being angry i i'll just tame another dog okay you're good sir these dogs are stupid more bones come on one two three yes we are best friends forever finally right let's see all the other dogs everybody off the island i'm just kidding they can all stay for now but finally we have a pet whoa what's going on we've got fox versus fox versus polar bear i've seen this before i think the walls took him out my goodness yeah who'd have thought the wolves would be the protectors of the chicken with all this sweet gold perfect i got two of those that's 18 pieces no idea what i'm gonna do with all this but we've got another thing let's oh a disc more junk than i can put somewhere what on earth it's like a living boss battle here what's going on thankfully i made this very safe area that no mobs can get in or out of nobody told me there were gonna be battles like that i think all of the dogs dealt with everything else well done fellas you're putting a great performance i'll just continue mining truth be told all i'm waiting for is another bucket of water as soon as i get that i'm gonna make a mob farm so ridiculously fast it'll be unreal because because we're in a void world it'll be so easy another diamond oh well it's about time i got a second one also got another iron helmet which i can put together to create a slightly less broken iron helmet always a nice little upgrade and the book is now a buddhistic amethyst so we could actually get some out with these clusters if we play our cards right whilst i'll wait to see if any of those grow i'm going to do a little bit of work on this island since i have more budding amethyst here so wait can i break the game let me mine these up hold on let's just test this out if i break that i didn't but i i but i have some here anyway so we could try and get amethyst clusters from these and i'm wanting a lot more oak wood which is why i'm planting those saplings down from here i'm going to make this platform a bit lower and add a spruce pathway going in this direction i'm not going to speed bridge because if i fall off it will be the curtains for me next i can expand the platform out using oak wood which is going to have dirt in between ready for saplings to be planted a little bit of bone meal to do some growing and a spruce border will make sure all the saplings don't fall off and there we have it the tree farm is coming together nicely i've also got eight bones i have a little bit of bone meal as well let's get them all grown up because at the moment i uh i kind of need the wood to expand my tree farm even more the tree farm on that side is is a little bit on a budget because i ran out of wood i can get a little bit more right well carefully right here which makes things look a little bit more complete and i might as well go ahead and get more stuff from this almighty block a diamond though look at that very nice and a chess oh ice this is huge this is absolutely huge i guess the game expects you to have two water sources at this point but i now have my water bucket back and i was always worried that that may never happen look at we're getting an upgrade you build a tree farm and everything just comes together this is the ocean floor phase now if this doesn't give me more water i i don't know what will also before i start gathering those blocks i need to get more organized with what i've already got trey farm got a bit of a creeper infestation overnight so torches may be wise to stop that from happening again i reckon operation tree farm is it's as good as it's gonna get for now it's good enough size which means i can now begin operation better animal farm since the conditions they're currently living in are just unacceptable this actually isn't that bad of a mob farm you know obviously i'll be making one that is greatly improved at some point but it does do the job i have to be kind of careful that enderman did take me out i was a little bit risky with this extra bone meal i can get more spruce wood on my accent bro as i was saying i can get more spruce wood and finally complete this section here lots of oak fences will be needed to actually make the pens that's all of them complete a little bit of light may be wise and unless i get some wheat or something like that getting them over here is going to prove to be quite tricky so i'll place down my one and only water bucket not gonna waste that one this time till the ground get my only two seeds i'm sure i've got a carrot yes i've got a carrot up there as well and if i haven't used it for my bum it'll wait i haven't i've got eight right here which means i can grow it plant it all again and i'm gonna grow some carrots as well i think maybe i need a little bit more bone meal for them or i can just wait to let it grow whilst i'll wait i can use wheat to lure the cows if you could fit the only one that came out is the wolf and i i don't know what i'm gonna do with you cows are too fat to get out come on that's it now you've got i'd say you've got no excuse you're not even interested no cow one cow two no sorry mushroom you are you are not part of this yeah you're going the opposite one whoa you just went in on your own what is wrong with you i'm gonna gamble and say these carrots have grown even though i know they haven't grown oh wait they have grown well then mr pig you are going to go into here and if you want to eat all my sheep i'd have some of them as well but they did eat all my sheep this stupid chicken has come into here all by itself maybe just maybe i'm gonna say this chicken is stupid enough to do the same thing but that one walked out and the other one was hooked in there so yeah yeah welcome to your new home so now that i'm very happy with where everything's at i think it's time i continued mining this magical block sand i finally got sand don't know exactly what i'm gonna use it for but i'm sure it'll be useful at some point a turtle oh oh we got two turtles wish i had a way to lure you somewhere but unfortunately i don't and a squid wait the squid's gonna die it's the crops or the squid um can we push him along you know what forget it we're just murdering yes yes i know i am evil i've got fish i wonder this is a risk this is but if i can pick up a fish in a bucket and then i can put him in there wait wait can i get him both hold up no he died never mind but one's better than none any fish that spawned are just going to get picked up and put in here nice to get the heart of the sea although a conduit is probably a long way away flipping puffer fish of spawn they are my worst mob in minecraft at this point i hate you guys i will not hesitate to take you out and more water finally finally finally i can place down a few blocks and make an infinite water source with it another pickaxe is also about to break there we go it's gone but i reckon this is now my big opportunity to make some sort of mob farm this first bit is going to be a little tricky and very risky but i basically need to build something that goes really really low down because that is where mobs will spawn faster so here we are almost at the bottom of the world don't want to fall through i think that's low enough you know what going any lower would just be a mistake and a little bit stupid oh my goodness turtle why have you come down here are you crazy don't you do the same thing no no no no all you have to do is see a bit of water and they just go mad also decided i'm going to keep the water as it is because it's much faster than using the ladder just needs boxing which i'm making a mess of we'll need to remove it box it in and then placing it again and now building this is going to be much much easier and there we go i've managed to build it all the way up so going up and down is very easy i have got glow squids as well now doing something like that means the water will stay and i've made this system so that i can safely drop all the way down and land in water every time at the bottom now slabs are going to be very very useful for this farm because it'll allow me to create a platform that is also spawn proof so this is going to be the platform that i'm going to afk on i really have to use my brain on how i'm going to make this work with the limited resources i have this is the chute that they're going to fall down and this is going to be a big water platform that will push the mobs into the middle might as well start adding all of the water right now and assuming i have done this correctly yep all the water flows perfectly to the middle can't believe that actually worked and i think this should be a big enough platform actually i'll make it one more bigger just to be safe water will be put on this block and as you can see it'll flow push the mobs off although this would be much easier if i had observers and i should be careful and the only way to get observers is with nether quartz and i think there will be another phase to the the magical one block so i'm going to try and complete the ocean phase and see if it's the next one or whether it's just a later phase altogether oh an elder guardian okay okay what the heck okay well it was just my helmet bro but oh my goodness he just did all that damage to me in once oh you kidding me i have no food i've got a flipping elder guardian up there that's just great although i've just come back to the top and it seems to have jumped off which is afraid i don't need that kind of stress i should definitely keep food on me at all times thankfully i've got cows so i can get rid of the mining fatigue yeah maybe it's about time that i invested in some armor now i'm feeling much much better i got axolotls look at this i don't know if they need water to survive but i'm i'm going to put them in some anyway just to be safe i would be excited by a glow squid but to be honest with you they're not really anything special a spawning a trade alarm now do i want to trade a llama i don't really know but i mean i've got a pen for it so we've got one and it is spitting at these things are you kidding me why why are you doing this they literally did nothing wrong and you're being mean to them like like who do you think you are this is why we can't have nice things now i've got to build a bigger fence i did not know that llamas hated oh it's the wolf you ain't the wolf always the wolf the guy i thought you were after the mushrooms i was like why why would that be a thing in minecraft but it's the poor wild wolf that's been targeted we have had a drowned invasion i'm just backing up elder guardians the lot hopefully they will just bounce off pretty pretty quick oh yeah that was tough and the drowns should be fairly straightforward look at that got some boots although i i really don't care for those boots let's grab some milk do you drop milk oh you do milk and mushroom stew you're like double good now to get back to mining now this is a good chest because i have a trident and we're gonna be upgrading okay oh this is very very exciting indeed let's fill up this chest and the question is will it be nether okay it's jungle all right well it's not gonna get me any observers but it'll still get me plenty of useful items and there's a new day dawns there's a few mobs over here that i can grab i'd also like to mine up a bit more wood and then i can use these materials to begin work on my house for that i reckon somewhere over here will be the best place so let's start removing this bit of island and add the dirt a bit lower down sorry about this axolotls but you must now be moved from here i'll add you to this place instead and now the pathway is completed as well as the part that the house is going to go on to i also want fences to go around the outside of here to create a nice safe balcony next i can have oak pillars at the corners i'm also going to put some right here and smelt the small amount of sand that i have that'll be useful for windows next let's do something like this i'm also trying to be a good minecraft builder and add a bit of depth to my buildings and you know what i think my plan is working pretty well the back is not gonna look particularly good and i'm gonna have a staircase upwards right about here the glass is now complete so i shall make it into panes and add some here here in these two back windows and finally into the big ones now to line up plenty more wood and add more to the house i'm thinking beams like this with slabs in between would look good since it's getting dark i can move my bed into the house i'm also out of spruce wood so i need to plant some of those supplements rather than only oak let's go turn the rest of this santa glass so i'd like the top half to have windows all the way around and also my house to spawn a creeper yeah i should probably do something to stop that happening again and whilst i wait for that i'm gonna continue mining up this block hopefully it's gonna give me some more sand and look at that it indeed did which gives me an extra six which is what i need for another 16 panes and a parrot oh my god two parrots i need seeds unfortunately i don't have any seeds although these have all grown so i can do this i swear what are you doing parrot no we say come on yes you can fly i forgot let's land on the ground you did it again will you stop flying down there let's give you seeds is one tamed let's get you sat down and the other one is it's falling all the way down what are you doing hopefully i can save it at the bottom you're going back up you know what i got one parep i don't need two instead i'll stay focused on mining this block and getting vexes what have you guys got to do with the jungle they're kind of powerful but thankfully also easy to take out and an ocelot and a dog together you never see that normally what if i get in there yes i did get it in there thankfully well away from my chickens look at that even more sand this place is actually a bit of a mud farm at the very least it spawns more mobs than the other one i'm building that one's currently uh pretty useless all these bones are gonna be pretty useful useful to bone meal these spruce trees then that can be used to finish the ceiling glass panes can be crafted and placed sadly i still don't have anywhere near enough before i forget i i need to add some torches down here as well as a door and other than the windows the house is pretty much finished and now i'm going to spend a few days mining up this block getting a panda okay that's very cool i'm getting as close as i can to the next upgrade [Music] and the block is very close to upgrading and it is gonna be it's gonna be the desert the red desert okay what does that mean actually that's very good news because i really needed sun to finish my house pillagers on the other hand not so much although eight is for they're both friendly well that's very nice to see let's put you in a boat and also you now i'm pretty sure redstand can be turned to class we're gonna find out indeed it can i do already have 18 glass panes right here so i can add some to the back of my house and now a bunch more of these have smelted i'll keep mining to hopefully get more sand no not terracotta look at that a panda spawn egg you know i've already got one panda i don't really need more roaming about also every single mob seems to congregate to this place i don't really know why let's put a panda in that it's a brown panda wait what are the chances of that that's gotta be so so rare that i got one that's a really really low chance and something cool i did get from doing all the mining i i need to try and find it was a sport negan i don't remember where i put it never mind i put it in this treasure chest yes it's in a vocal spawn egg and if i spawn him in and now we're gonna have a few vexes but if i can get rid of him there we go we've got ourselves my first totem and if i don't be careful i'm about to use my first home these vectors are after oh my gosh they're everywhere i don't know what to do here guys i have not really got any means to easily escape come on spade just keep moving i'm going to run far far away apparently there's parrots everywhere in these trees right hopefully one is not you scared the living daylights out my little pirate let's just i don't want to use my totem already and i did great that's that's just great i know they're going that was yeah a complete waste of time so i'll just get back to doing what i'm good at and that is mining this this one single block and it gives me regular sand as well that's perfect we've got oh look at this we've got so much time that's perfect let's let's get it all in okay these guys a little dangerous but thankfully they're spawning with no axe so not actually that dangerous and he got me some more emeralds which gets me to a total of three and the wandering trader wait i have emeralds to give to you where you going zola anything you there's got to be something useful let me grab my emeralds and make you an offer okay i'm sure there's something you'd like i kind of feel like there's nothing that i couldn't already get so you know what i'm gonna see if you're just gonna not despawn and you'll live in my house forever and to try and encourage the fact that it doesn't despawn i'm putting you in a boat only this ocelot wants to get into my house look you want to get in there you wait don't know where you went you just ran far far away didn't you i'll continue mining oh we actually got some emerald order what are you doing panda right that's it i'm grabbing some bamboo and you my friend can come and live in here i'm not sure if you actually fit so let's uh make a little better little bigger space for you you know what let's just let's just break it there we go make it make a baby panda for me as well what color is it going to be i guess it's just going to be a normal a normal black one not a brown one we've already got one of them did we even get a baby panda apparently not okay you guys failed at that as well you know what two's enough i'll just collect more emeralds now will it be enough one stack of glass panes yeah i think that maybe not quite all the ones that i need but hey it's gonna get me pretty close very very close i need literally two more what a shame i have absolutely no choice except to make 16 more another wondering trader where are you running to in such a hurry again collect not really anything that i want but you know what you can you can just no you don't well okay just be careful but you can live on this tree now you're not going anywhere little news my glasses melted don't know what i'm gonna do with the extra 14 panes but my house is officially finished yes the interior's not the best and it'll get better but but at least the outside is done i have to say i'm i'm pretty pleased with it basically just a classic generic sb737 house that i always build seems like basically every mob just ends up ending up in this one pen i'm getting a lot of cool blocks from this phase but i'm pretty sure the nether phase has to be oh my gosh here we go monster party i'm getting inside my house where it's safe all right fellas don't oh my gosh they're coming in the axe is broken but despite that i successfully survived a way it dropped his sword what is it an unbreakable it's nice to that good in fact it's very very terrible you call yourself some sort of guard hey hey use an iron sword on yourself i can go in the void i'll grab a bit more food and get back to mining i really need the nether phase to be the next one then my mob farm will finally be able to be complete speaking of the mob farm it is still going to take a lot of wood to build so i should probably mine up all this then whilst i'm doing the rest of the mining the new trees can be growing and from mining i've got a very good mob spawn i do not want this guy to go anywhere so let's safely get the villager intro but will you stop running away that's it that's it yuck off into the boat you go you'll be living in here forever but for now i want you to be somewhere safe and i think this is the best place now the new plan will be to trade for some amazing stuff from him another upgrade is about to happen and this time it is the nether phase okay this is this this news i've been waiting for finally that is going to be finished assuming i get plenty of quotes from this i also better make another chest i'm bringing out a space here just after chess this is going to be for all the nether items so far oh hold on a second i'm not saying no net of course but we've got obsidian which means we might actually be able to go to the the real nether but to do that we are definitely going to need to grab a couple of sticks make a diamond pickaxe and mine up my first ever base of obsidian there we go oh there's gonna be another one well i'm gonna mine that tonight it's going dark more importantly i should get some sleep now i have obsidian piece number two and some piglets oh dear this guy do a lot of damage oh my goodness okay i've just about got away with that honestly minecraft if you ever feel like you're gonna die just just place loads of blocks down it will probably save your life with that i have got five pieces obsidian with a sixth one on the way i did also get four nether quartz which is nice because with that i can make observers as well as a few bows so i can make dispensers and i'm going to start growing some bamboo after expanding this platform okay why am i even speedprint i've got to be a little bit more careful than that but yeah now i've expanded the platform we can place bamboo it grows fairly fast i mean look at that one piece has grown already i'd like to use it to make some scaffolding potentially although that won't be necessary to actually build the farm which is good i also need to i need to get rid of your toes but i need to also get more string because i need more dispensers so once that sun sets we're gonna get some spiders are we gonna blaze okay this is gonna be dealt with quick because i've gotta get some water i'm gonna die actually there's some right here but my entire island is made of wood especially my house one wrong move from the blaze and it would all go up in smoke there we go another nether quads another two now of course another three how many times can i say that only three whoa what was it oh my goodness now this this is a disaster okay i need to deal with this in a very careful manner okay this is a disaster a massive massive disaster i don't have enough space okay i need to there we go picked up my map at least that's something oh no everything's been blown up oh i nearly fell down the hole no no dog oh no that's just the blood this is a this is a massive disaster okay i've got this is horrible hopefully it flies away a bit more and can't see me now maybe it'll despawn yeah i hope so got a flipping gasp line around the island come on dog get inside look at he's terrified yeah you you get in the boat no you're not going in the boat boat but let's oh this is gonna be hard right now let's get you out of here that's it you run all the way upstairs he is absolutely terrified as am i realistically as am i i know a chest has been blown up i think my wood chest got blown up and and i lost everything that is that is very very sad actually considering i need so much wood for the mob farmer now i'm gonna get it all again anyway never mind about that let's get serious about collecting some string although now i've said that i don't think the string is actually gonna be that necessary a better idea would be to just build the start of the farm and get string from it using that i want to keep this bow as well in case more gas spawn because i do not want that to happen again next i once again need wood so let's get busy mining up setbacks will happen i'm just gonna put my best foot forward and keep going hopefully for now i've got enough stuff iron is gonna be pretty important because buckets are gonna be very very useful so let's jump on down i don't really have a good way to get up to the farm so i'm just gonna use some dirt all right here we need a downwards facing dispenser with an observer facing like that as you can see if we put some water in and then i build on top and i place i'm trying to think what i want to place actually won't have anything above it'll just be air but if i do that as you can see water flows if i break it it collects it all up so that's the basic gist of how this farm is going to work with observers it is very very easy to do so from here we put the next dispenser which is uh facing the correct way with another observer i can't remember what things are called now at this point guys then yet another platform there we have it final dispenser this farm will work best at night although i've run out of wood so i can't quite finish it and there's a little bit more redstone to be added still so i'm just going to mine up this uh this big dirt thing that i built and oh my goodness look at the amount of mobs that are on there they should know the farm is going to work well in theory but if i if i could get some string from some spiders i could be sorted i mean some mobs are falling down and a spider did come down in that case i'm no oh my goodness that scared the living daylights out of me we're good i'm more strength hey thank you yeah being here is probably the worst place yet spiders don't always come down perfectly i do know how i can easily fix that it's good to see the farm is is working pretty well and yet there is still much more work to be done have the materials to make a few more observers i'm also going to need stone to make some redstone components as well as redstone torches they also have quite a few bones so i reckon i just bone mail these trees to get the the wood that i need it'll save me quite a bit of time once this farm's complete i'll have infinite bone mill infinite string and those the two main things that i shall find very very useful i've also got cobwebs you know what let's get them i'll make a cobblestone sword for no reason other than to mine these with that we got yet another dispenser let's also make some repeaters a few more trees have grown and now to get busy on the quest of having this farm built this war with me a little bit that i'm now building this in the middle of the night that just means i'll have to go as quick as i can all right let's see how this works i'm gonna put two redstone here then i'm gonna put repeaters like i'm just working this out in bed really repeaters like that works then i put the final bit of water in there put these up to the maximum delay i made this but i don't think this this is probably not going to be enough delay i know exactly what i need to make it work a comparator although so get the comparator i've got to very carefully mine up this without a gas spawning hopefully and as an added bonus i'm also getting a piece of obsidian number eight i believe it was indeed and there's a ninth one oh no there's another gas okay i stopped that one all right just be patient yes oh that's beautiful two very difficult achievements got gus no problem for sb and this is the tenth bit of obsidian i can finally make a nether portal now i don't know what is gonna be on the other side when i actually light it a strider oh he's looking pretty chilly isn't he poor fellow i'm not gonna make it home for you just just don't walk too far okay finally some nether calls under blaze for my troubles great just don't shoot the house please don't shoot the stride don't shoot anything just what am i gonna do it i'll tell you what i'm gonna do oh no it's okay we're good you're floating away no you're coming back up a successful survival we've got another quartz which does mean we can make that comparator so i'll get one of them loads more repeaters because they're just gonna be useful and this time i'll leave her not a button because if i kill this strider i get more string and i can add another layer to that you know what no i'm not that evil we don't have many strides in this world so let's jump on down at a comparator right there as well as more repeaters and hopefully i will have enough other it's going to be a little bit tight i'll flick the lever to c so that all goes round and it should stop the pulse before it goes back around if it doesn't we're in trouble no we need more repeaters i told them we might not need more repeaters i just forgot to put that on subtraction mode now if we try it might make a pulse going around time will tell oh it does okay that's all okay i didn't need all those repairs at all so yeah it goes around the mob farm works needs to be water right there this needs removing if i now chill the bottom of here i should have a very very fast mob farm i'm actually gonna need a sword that i sweep an edge i i i can maybe make a stone one even though it could be much better that that will still speed things up quite a lot a creeper just blew up okay that's that's definitely an oversight another one blew up okay yeah the creeper situation isn't great another one blue guys stop blowing up now they're all just flipping falling straight out the sky but that's okay because i still want to go to sleep for tonight then tomorrow i can add all the final things that i want to first thing i want is hoppers now hoppers require iron and as you can see i haven't re you know what i have a villager maybe maybe i should make an iron golem farm although i need three villagers to technically do it so that's not gonna work also i have quite a few more bows now which is good because we could just combine them all like so not like that like that but yeah more iron is definitely needed we'll mine up as much of this as i can and hopefully get a little bit more iron along the way although so far it hasn't worked so i'm just going to use the iron that i have to make these hoppers i know what i just had a chest that gave me a lava bucket you know what that means i can finally make a cobblestone generator that's going to be very very useful i've got to stop mine oh no this is why i got to stop mine it very addictive okay just get rid of the gust just get get out of it there we go that's why we have the bow but it's very very addictive and it can always go wrong slabs are probably needed at this height i think actually never mind that's that's a little bit high instead i'm gonna make trap doors to go like this i can fit two hoppers in right now because that's all i have and these slabs are gonna be what definitely definitely protects me this time i hear a creeper okay now is it actually gonna work that's the real question ladies and gentlemen i don't know although it looks it looks pretty safe i don't know it's the ones that are far away that are the problem hey the trapdoors are cool i can go in and get the loot if i'm if i'm brave enough no i can go underneath oh 200 iq moved by mistake so what's i can't afk here exactly but i can still use it to get me loads and loads of loot and so that's what i plan to do gather up as much stuff as i can i guess these hoppers are they're getting a little bit full and these chests can be filled with the good stuff and i have to use this for quite some time it doesn't quite work as it's supposed to there's something a little bit wrong with the water system up there however despite that it is still getting me so so many items as you can see so i'd say it's been a pretty successful mission and i can very easily build it up and fix the issue with the water as you can see it's like going in and out loads basically to fix this i need to swap around the observers and the dispensers so it's actually dispenser in the floor and the observer is facing like that then the same thing up here it should put the water but then if i go like that it should undo it maybe well one way or another it will fix itself anyway in fact the easiest way to fix this it's just going to pick up the water put it back in the dispenser now the top i will flick this lever and everything should work much much better yeah look at that it is now ten times smoother and it is definitely now much much faster so now that i've got unlimited xp and unlimited mob drops i think it's time i took all of the bones lined up the rest of this with this diamond pickaxe i forgot i had and i can create loads of bonemeal mine lots of trees then make an even bigger tree farm then i can plant even more saplings bone mail them get even more wood and then create an absolutely massive tree farm [Music] farms looking pretty good although i have unfortunately run out of dirt i mean said that i could probably just mine up quite a bit of it from here those also look so so cool i know it's unlikely but i'll see if this block will drop me any more dirt so far it hasn't but it has given me some more obsidian and you know what i think i'm wasting time trying to get the dirt from that block but instead it's coming from this little bit right here and i've also realized that this strip right here will be for jungle trees which is fine but that then means that this one would be for dark oak trees which means there's gonna need to be more dirt down there's really a symmetrical way to do this unfortunately and when that's the case you go intentionally off symmetry and when that's the case you make it intentionally unsymmetrical this farm is slowly getting dismantled which i think should be the case i'm also going to harvest the wheat then try and lure this cow out of it because you don't look all right wonderfully you can go out as well just hurry up about it then this cow can come into here and i'm hoping i can get a baby cat it didn't work with the pandas but i'm sure it'll work with the cows there we go we got a baby just feel like at some point i'm gonna need a lot of leather and those guys will be very helpful for that so hold them down but it's annoying there's a gap of three here and a gap of one here so yep that could mean only one thing i'm gonna be crazy and move the ball along by one thankfully you can always pick the dirt up as well if you go like that there we go looking much much better next i grab boatmail and dark oak saplings grow a tree completely mine it up then i get even more saplings then i can plant and grow even more trees it's take me a little bit longer than i first thought it would i've got 29 of these dark oak saplings i need 32 to fill up all of it what are you doing that's kind of convenient actually i got some bones from it i need more bone meal to grow these and it'd be very helpful if this one tree could drop me seven saplings it's taking forever to get them all mainly because it's four saplings per one tree and it's not really that many leaves in comparison and that is finally every single one that took absolutely forever i also have quite a number of acacia saplings now which means i only require a few more birch and also more jungle saplings as well i could make those four by four ones but honestly they're so tall they're just a pain to mine so i think single ones is gonna be easier completely forgot i have so many bones left as well i have loads of them also look how much wood i've got look at all the dark oak to mine just to get 32 saplings that was a lot of effort i'm kind of still unsure exactly what i'm gonna do with all that wood but uh you know it's good to have it next let's get these bow milled or birches down unfortunately i i only got one jungle sapling back which is a bit of a letdown so let's try and get another well this is very sad i've regrown it a few times and that's the last leg yeah i think it's a single jungle sapling there so i've gone from two to zero which will only change if i get more from this uh this very special oh my goodness i still keep getting obsidian you know what i i think it's time that i will once i break this block which is taking forever there we go there's another one i think it's time we make a portal do have some flint there so along with some iron clinton steel can be crafted i'm thinking right here is the spot for this you know i i like the idea of red nether brick around it got quite a bit of obsidian to spare which is nice the portal has linked i have absolutely no idea what is going to be on the other side i do know that i want to drop off a few of these items and also grab quite a bit more food every time i go past i feel like i'm going to fall down kind of take a shortcut round so let's just fill in this gap to be safe really don't want to be risking casualties at this stage i'll also mine up one last obsidian block head to bed and see what lies on the other side of this portal the answer is wait is it a normal nether oh this is huge oh this is absolutely insane i really did not expect this but now i can actually get any item from the nether which means i'm definitely grabbing these mushrooms and i want to get some brown ones as well there's a fortress right there this is perfect and a bastion right that way is this this must be like preset there's no there's no way you're going to see that good my portal's literally just over there and it's a treasure bastion are you kidding me i definitely need to be a little bit more careful before i just go in all gung-ho so first of all get all brown mushrooms then i want to grab a bunch of gold i could keep mining that up but to be honest it'll take me forever i already have loads of gold sat in here you know it should be smelted really it shouldn't just be sitting there waiting around now i have got a a gold helmet so the piglens don't hate me i'm going to use bonemeal to try and get some dandelions it's probably not going to be that easy although i said that we just got two from that one these will just be a much longer lasting and better food source for me in 12 bone meal i got 10 which yeah i think that should probably get me through just means i can make suspicious stew which we know this is just it's very very useful we're gonna lava would be great now i have got two iron in there and i could be wrong but i think if i head all the way to the bottom that there's some iron from mobs in it yeah look at that two more in there which means i can craft an extra book well i thought of crafting bucket left the other iron at the top this is getting difficult to keep track of so let's grab that make a bucket get a load of blocks that i'm probably not going to use anywhere else so i might as well take it with me i'm now armed with everything that i need so the first mission is to head to and loot this bastion and of course there's a ghast yet nobody likes you i was kind of mean he might not have any friends and that has been horrible also i do need to get some lava so there we go there's probably piglin brutes here which would be very scary yeah there they are some fellas you like that yeah that's right don't come near my lava bucket honestly bastions are pretty easy if you know what you're doing also brown mushrooms i do not have enough of these so let's keep breaking them right it would be actually way smart for me to bone meal a mushroom and then i have a big one so don't use them all up that's rule number one in here is probably the the most dangerous part especially especially all the way down there although this part is is pretty risky as well if you get stuck next to a brute so oh no this is i'm pretty terrified of brutes actually see there's one there you see now he's gonna follow me but the good thing about doing bastions is all you need to do is outsmart an npc which you know if you can't outsmart these then you're not very clever at all really now then what goodies do we get he says look at this so many hours i mean i don't have a lot of arrows a sharpness you know what i like the look of that and golden carrots i don't break yet you know that's gonna be useful for me farm actually i'd completely forgotten about how good that'd be let's also wait let's just double check there's nobody above me first yeah that's that's a a rookie error if you don't do that when will you guys learn and now you're all seeing exactly why i brought a lava bucket with me that sharpness not bad i don't really want nutmeg but sharpness is nice as well as pig step and this side has now been fully looted successfully which means it's time to go into this big scary place i'm trying to look around for some little stray chests there seems to be one over here treasure is just such a confusing place to live isn't it oh ancient debris don't mind if i do in the gold the bottom isn't that hard either you just just got to be prepared to battle a few few brutes in lava but it's just all about being systematic the biggest worry is where is the magma cube spot okay we got those guys as well okay it's right here i'm thinking break it from the top yeah that's right then we drop on down okay brace yourself for it to start reigning piglets or maybe not nobody's got mad so far you've got to keep yourself your wits about you apparently there are no piglets in the area i mean there is those ones but they don't seem to care and what goodies is the chest got a diamond sword very nice never right ancient debris uh you know just so much because i'm trying to work out what i can get rid of it's definitely possible to have too much good stuff at times but now with that successful mission i'm going to carefully work my way upwards the fact that i've got 25 gold blocks is is kind of insane it does mean i now have the opportunity to get a nether right in fact well actually almost two if i get one more ancient debris pigstep most definitely belongs in my house i'm thinking above me door this treasure chest right here just it needs to be bigger at this point i'm finally gonna use these diamonds to make a chest plate followed by another right chest plate yeah that's definitely a nice little upgrade next i'm going to place this mushroom and then i kind of got to get out of it actually followed by bone mailing it and then very quickly if i don't want to use that axe that axe is too good although the diamond axe is arguably better but anyway we just get loads of mushrooms from this very nice quick and easy strategy i'll spend a little bit more time on this block i'm hoping that before too long we're gonna get to the next upgrade another one's kind of useless now that i uh built another portal oh man we're gonna blaze this is the uh this is the risky bit but the house is still intact i actually have five blaze rods all together at this point oh dear this is bad okay oh don't be a ghast that's all i'm asking please oh no oh no oh no okay okay come on speed get you this is a disaster this is the worst one no me else is going to go up in flames i got to get rid of this guys i got it i'm in trouble here come on sb my house is under attack stand away from the what am i doing i'm oh dear speed i'm in this situation thinking how do i actually survive okay well we're about to find out oh like that okay i was gonna try and eat quickly all right i don't care if my house burns down i was so lucky there that that happened when it happened okay house is burning down i've got back to full health i don't know what to do with this oh no this is so sad stop it please you're ruining made life this is actually so sad i should not have built this out but i can't believe this this llama's still alive at this point llama you're gonna have to get out of the way i'm what am i gonna do here i'm gonna place down more plugs yeah that'll work won't it come on stop it please no the roof's on fire my house is burning down no this is it it's no way my house survives at this point isn't it i'm trying my best but i can't put it on ain't no fire but it's actually heartbreaking this ladies and gentlemen it's i'm very upset why have you got to do this to me no don't burn the roof come on uh you know this might be salvageable this might just just be salvageable i believe all the fire has never gone this is that i'm going to bed it's been a long day i i just need some sleep all things considered it's it's not that bad it's very efficient i'm fixing it right now the real question is why am i still building it out of wood again well you know what that's the original design so that's what we're doing well llama you've survived this far you can you can you can live in i'm trying to upload you can live in the house now that's it and that is now my house fully repaired thankfully it wasn't quite as much work as i first thought it was gonna be now my plan is to bone meal loads of carrots and then i can use all of this gold that i've got to make nuggets follow my golden carrots next i'm gonna grab iron make another bucket and have a water bucket handy in case i get another disaster like i did last time and hopefully i can safely mine this block for a bit okay another blaze actually just one blaze is manageable also if i re-log in the bottom left it tells me i've mined 4309 blocks so i don't know if that means that i've uh how many i've got to do to get to the next one whether it's like four thousand five hundred what i do know though is with uh who got some hoglands which is basically free food another evoker spawn egg now last time i did this i accidentally lost it pretty quick but this time i have more of a plan to make sure it doesn't go wrong again phase one spawn the other don't do this trying to concentrate it phase one spawn the evoker in a boat there we go we can't run away now and vexes are going in boats then we take him out get the totem run away don't fly away and i have a totem next to eat golden carrots because i don't want it i've got another chest plate this time oh he's going right for me get away that's right okay he's he's that's right now we get rid of the vicks the other vex will uh we'll meet his doom soon enough and this one is gotten rid of yeah that time it went much much better i don't know how far we are till the next upgrade but i'm just going to keep mining until i get there not another gust no okay get away from me house i've got to make sure i don't accidentally fireball my own house as i return it but come on sb you can do this there we go got it with an arrow perfect and the upgrade was way nearer than i thought okay we got like 67 seconds to wait not too near the right scrap from that oh my goodness wait does that mean what i think it means because i think yeah in this furnace we have more which means we can make an ingot and i reckon we'll drag it netherright pickaxe another right sword i'm i'm i'm gonna go with netherright pickaxe because the pickaxe is used quite a lot for mining so let's let's get it added here we go three two one and is the the id one a breeze of peace blows along the line i i don't i don't know what this means but oh it's like it's like those are miscellaneous blocks by looks of things so a lot of quotes got this chest ready to take them all there we go very nice indeed there's quite a few new blocks but as you can see there's i've also got some gold so it's like some of the old stuff as well and a b oh we got a b i can't make a beehive but just don't fly away too far b please or should i say yeah be very careful i'm gonna stop messing about with the stupid jokes instead lure it into my house yeah you will be yeah okay i get it yeah you'll be here have it you'll be safe though anyway that's what i'm trying to say i find that way more abusing than anyone else i think and now i shall continue mining and just gathering up loads and loads of stuff i got a cat okay i'm you know what we're gonna try and tame it if i can get a fish i'll sit here for 17 years if i have to really a puffer fish but a pretty good selection of fish i don't know if tropical fish work well let's see what we can do there we go two fish just in the nick of time i'm gonna call the cat two fish as well because you know what why not more iron is also very very nice to see they don't have much left let's get it smelting look at this some beehives oh that is perfect because in here i have a bee i think i'll put it up here it kind of looks like the the beehive are you even gonna be able to get into it i hope so yep it went straight in perfect it'd be a very random mismatchy kind of one this and it's getting me red mushroom so i didn't really need to bonemail that one before it's give me the blocks i needed anyway another bee oh i need to get a flower this one will do it's also getting dark where are you going b come on you can make it don't fly into the void i think he's a connor i think he's going off into the sunset oh well you win some you lose some all i can say little fella is is be careful you know yeah we're not doing that joke anymore and now i think i'm ready to head to a fortress and having said that my axe is almost broken so diamond sword is coming with me i'm guessing going up here is going to be the easiest way to get to this although i never like having to go through this valley and it's a double blade spawner i don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing really my boots are broken okay that is a bad thing i think using the shield is gonna be most helpful because then i can just tank all the hits as you can see just like that this is a little bit of a risky maneuver but that's oh okay well as you can see that's why it was a risky maneuver but risky maneuvers are what i am all about oh yeah but anyway it was a waste of time i got six blade rods from this anyway and i've got loads more at home so i shall now depart from that part of the fortress and instead see if there's any good loot in some of the chests this one had a diamond that's kind of sweet another wart in this one which is nice and it looks like i've explored the entire fortress it's really weird how it cuts off so much in that direction but now is a good time to get out of that fortress and head back home now the goal is still to defeat the ender dragon which is going to take a lot of mining of this block but i also have so many things that i have got from doing this so i would if i could build something cool i'm not entirely sure what that would be but i'm going to keep mining the blocks to see what what more i get and come up with an idea also i have seven netherlands i might as well get more growing don't use my house so much else so why not what are you doing in here you act like you live here will you guys get out of this boat okay it's not for you instead it can now be for this guy yeah you don't like that yeah i missed her angry now along here now he's in the way great instead it can be along here we're gonna have a bunch of this we'd never walk planted in and i'll then humbly get back to mining the block just spawned a lot of angry bees guys calm down thankfully they're not angry at me oh i've got a peril milk so where'd you come from you sit there okay don't panic they're just they're just red-eyed bees that are very happy actually so for this build i'm thinking i'd do it somewhere in this direction and i make a why there's so many bees flying around the void but i'm thinking i'll make a long pathway towards it mainly because i don't want to run out of room for this farm if i want to expand it and i'm also completely out of wood so i i should probably get busy mining this is exactly why the entire tree farm was created oh my goodness a creeper just flipping came out of nowhere and blew up that was that really made me jump one thing i probably need to do to this place is add more torches because yeah mobs will spawn under the trees not to worry though because i probably have all the wood that i need for now so i shall just build a bit more of this pathway with oak along the outside for extra protection and once the new day dawns that means i can begin building but it needs to be built out something that i can get a lot of otherwise it's gonna be a lot of random blocks like i've got a stack of this a stack of that bit risky so i'm gonna do the smart thing um why must be bridging it's a little risky at this point and build a nice little cobblestone generator center black this basically means that the cobblestone will never burn from all this mining i've got quite a bit of cobblestone but i think if i only do this build out a couple stones it's going to be a little bit boring so i think it might also be a good idea to make it out of blackstone but of course doing something like that it's going to take quite a lot of resources so i'm gonna head to the nether go towards this basalt delta and get busy mining up as much blackstone as i can i've spent a very very long time mining blackstone to be honest my pickaxe is nearly broken i might just stop me diamond one completely broke and i do have way more black stone than this that's in my inventory you know i've only got like five or six stacks there which isn't very much at all but if i go back to my house there's a chest in the distance which has loads and loads more black stone in it so i reckon all this should be enough to make a really cool castle over there and a good night's rest is also gonna be very useful i think a bunch of cobblestone slabs will come in handy to create a bit of a platform right here and so this is a bit of a foundation of where the build is gonna go at least i've marked out where all the walls are gonna go anyway now i shall grab plenty of black stone and get to work building this this is the height that the towers are gonna be they're also gonna have a little bit of decoration at the bottom the top of the tower we're gonna have stairs that are upside down like this and that's the tower more or less complete not sure how i safely get down here unless i just might be right up this pickaxe is is so close it's if it's gonna break goodbye pickaxe it was nice knowing you there we go that's that's the end of another right pickaxe back to a peasantish diamond one it is now i reckon glowstone will be quite useful with it i can make redstone lamps and these can go in the middle of the turret so you can't see straight through levers will light everything up i believe that that should work fine i'll cover this top with a cobblestone slabs and it doesn't quite look right just yet but it's getting there so to perfect it i'll add some nether brick fences magnificent and the next thing on the agenda is to do the exact same thing on this side and this one is also now complete my beautiful castle really is coming together and now if you thought those towers were big these next ones are going to be much much bigger should really start filling in this floor with cobblestone as well so that all attaches but you know for now i'll just dangerously parkour along and right here is where big tower number one shelby and now we're gonna use a different one we're gonna use just regular polish black stone just to add a little bit more detail to it i think it makes a bit of sense but once at the top we'll cap it off with black stone bricks now i'm working on the top of this giant turret and at this point all i'm missing is the redstone lamps although i really don't have the redstone to keep making all those lamps i don't have the glowstone for either i can make a few more we need 24 in total so a quick trip to the nether is gonna be necessary and i'll just be using glowstone instead of redstone lamps it's just easiest let's just realize how much harder minecraft is without electron i just i just fly straight up there if i had electro instead i've got to manually build up there like a peasant i don't think there could have been a worse bit of glow stone for me to try and get to but hey i'm up here now let's just mine it up i've now got a decent amount 37 but i still want more and i'm gonna try and get something that's a bit easier to get to this one definitely fits the bill i don't need to build up to it i have to say it looks pretty menacing in the background doesn't it also need many more of these nether brick fences i don't really have the nether act that i need to smelt to do it all so i'm just gonna chuck it all in there mine up a load of this stuff if i'm really gonna get serious about this we we need a few more furnaces to then fill them all up with the netherrack and they can have a stack of dark oak planks in each one of them you know that tree farm's really starting to come in handy it's finally time to stop doing risky parkour and just just you know built my way over next i had these fences and the glowstone with some risky maneuvers involved and another tower is complete and now to repeat all of that right here and that is tower number two also complete and now to create a bit of a wall between these two towers it's going to be this high have polished black stone behind it and something like this along there as well just sticking it out this wall now not in the exact same decoration on this side very nice indeed another thing i think i'm missing is some spruce doors i can kind of put those on the side so that you've got you know a way to go in now that will never go in there and i can get back some redstone lamps because you can't really see these bits next i'll connect up these small towers to the big ones with another wall i've also managed to build this middle wall at least the front of it anyway but i'm fast running out of black stone i'm doing as much of the bills i can that should really i should have more church in the background and make like a a really massive castle but i definitely don't have the black stuff for all of that so instead i'm going to add a few more things to this middle wall then i can attempt to line everything up and for now this is my castle yes it's not absolutely massive it's not fully finished but i think it looks kind of cool i shouldn't only have one block i think i've done a decent job and i do still have an ender dragon to defeat so i'd better get busy mining up this block and then i'm pretty sure it will give me the end portal frames oh it's giving me more redstone which is good because i uh never run out of that a monster party hey bees oh you think i was getting bees and slimes oh yeah really dangerous the funny thing is the phantom's on fire so they're no threat the bees don't care about me so i can literally just keep mining away with no consequence i just kept mining and mining and now we have the next upgrade coming soon whilst i'm waiting just have mirroring that castle actually looks really cool over there doesn't it maybe some nether brick fencing in front of that would look great anyway i really want to see what the next next upgrade is it's the desolate land a barren land lies before you okay let's uh let's keep mining start to think it might take a miracle for me to defeat the underdragon within a hundred days because i like wasting time for absolutely no reason let's just very quickly fulfill that idea of putting fences in front of them you know what we do something here as well don't we yeah i think that works best i like the way it's looking but i i really do have to keep mining we have got a silvers you know could that be stronghold indications i have no idea but mining is the only way to find out there's a cave spider drop down well me and the cave spiders are buddies because it's a broad daylight oh my goodness a charged creeper spawned out of nowhere and it's scared of my cat that's right my cat's going to protect me i don't want to try and trap him whoop oh oh okay i'm sorry about this villager but you're going to be living with a creeper in a boat if it all goes to plan okay we've got them in i don't know how i'm going to safely get rid of all of this without also blowing up the cree yeah this is this is very dangerous here we're gonna do we're gonna go like this we're gonna move and we break that bit of dirt nice and easy we break that bit we break that bit it'll all despawn and i will continue mining this block no side event portals yet but since we're on phase nine it would make sense that there are 10 phases we've also just got a a vocal spawn and don't fall in the void no i wanted that totem i've got vex chasing after me he's nearly as fast just leave me alone please hopefully he can't catch me and he is he is now dying to the elements why not just not like look at the crazy things that are spawning through this party it's a party that i wish i was not invited to i think the main culprit is to try to get rid of you okay no we survived it and i'm so so low at this point can i eat oh this is another thing after me leave me alone everybody i know what i can do though i can use my bow and i can park her along here get in there there we go job done there's another totem up for grabs there which is nice and it is quite possibly going to be needed yep it was at least say that faster flexes are one of the worst mobs ever now to get rid of these rogue silverfish and i can safely continue mining actually had another charge creep spawn this this one's going in the void my cat is scaring it away no don't blow up oh my gosh it would have made a mess if it had blown up thankfully i live to tell the tale and it's sad to say that yet another pickaxe has broken thankfully i've got more than enough resources to make more though and finally we are on to the next upgrade really i've got so many jokes although worryingly i've run out of food and apparently i crafted all my carrots into golden carrots so i don't have any more that i can grow that is a very stupid thing to do i mean extremely extremely stupid i'm just coming here hoping that a mob dropped a carol look at that we've got four carrots we've even got a little potato in there well that's that's a good thing i'm just gonna leave two carrots behind just to get look i've got some music from this farm as well bees in the void i just i just part of this at this point so when bees fly to the void do they just freeze is that what happened they're all over the place well there's loads of them anyway no time to think about that i've got carrots to go and it says the end is the next phase okay i'm so glad about that we're on day 100 i'm sure i can pull this off i'll just have to go through into the night or something nice to get over a stack of carrots and this time i'm planting more so i don't make the same mistake twice let's now grab gold turn it to nuggets and get oh look at that beautiful we can get those back we get blocked back that's good good stuff i should probably put my best foot forward get busy mining it's going to be a long night look at that got an ender pearl now they may come in very handy didn't realize the chakras board okay that this is bad all right i've got all sorts of things going after me i could really do with london this mlg okay that's pretty basic isn't it there we go just get rid of the uh the bullet oh no not again let's just give me the hitch yes we got rid of him and now let's just get back to mine and keep folks i can see the end one being a bit of an annoying one though this is the way to get enemies just stay safe in your house and it got me one more in the pill okay yes the sun is rising but you know what i'm not stopping at this close stage all right getting redstone of all things got good things like a lot more diamonds though which is nice but no sign of a single end portal frame so i'm not sure how it actually works but i'm getting all sorts of random and crazy things a lot of mobs have come through for this party oh it smells it's pretty easy considering that you know just endermites and stuff i expected something a little bit more challenging considering i've nearly gone all the way to the end of the block it's like i can i could just safely get back to mining i was minding this block and it it appeared the end okay so oh my god i'm gonna die shortly okay i've got all the tongs okay i'm gonna collect them but yeah an end fall a bit in the most awkward place that i thought give me mportal frames and i could place it no it's just spawned one in a very inconvenient place let's get rid of these shulkers come on guys get out of here also destroyed like half of my valuables chest so that's that's just great isn't it thankfully that just all went on to the block though so i didn't actually lose anything i just have the space for this you know the after phase okay so apparently it's just wait do i just i guess it's just infinite blocks now so i could in theory just keep going on forever one of these chests has a totem uh okay it's that one my ender pearls are still okay i think the nether chest is this may look like chaos guys but it's very very organized all right don't be so surprised i'm not sure how many eyes of ender i need is six going to be enough i think i need four to be honest it really is too easy so we've made that i've got loads of arrows i could do with a bunch of blocks which you know shouldn't be really a challenge so why don't we go ahead and get the job done in the end it's been some time coming another dimension and all from starting on one singular block in a hardcore world if all goes to plan i will successfully beat minecraft it's a little risky but i feel like it's just the easiest way to get these last ones see that's why it's risky because the ender dragon can do that oh my goodness put your head another totem i forgot there was an angry enemy after me let's just get rid of it because you're absolutely doing me eddie there we go now i think that might be the final tower there we go we got rid of it and the rest of the job should be pretty straightforward see what when it comes to shooting this guy i just don't miss okay then i missed okay yes but i didn't miss twitter i did miss twice there okay but you get the point i've been in a lot of uh a lot of our i'm out of arrows now so i can't miss and now i'm fairly confident i really hope anyway it's either gonna be like a one hp you little i've gotta wait for it to perch all over again here it comes and it is defeated mission accomplished and that ladies and gentlemen was 103 days survived in a one block only world in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 5,622,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, one block, one block hardcore, 1 block, 1 block minecraft, 100 days one block
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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