Minecraft but there’s Supreme TNT

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i discovered the legendary tnt temple and if we want to reach the mystery tnt at the end of this temple then we'll have to experiment with brand new types of supreme tnt holy cow guys look at this place a tnt temple hello there's a gold block in the center here there's a chest i hope it's not booby trap cactus tnt that sounds prickly it shoots spikes in all directions i guess i placed it on this gold yeah oh there it goes it's it's going it's going whoa dude oh die zombies that was awesome go cactus go oh can i hide behind it well now i got some cactus tnt and it opened up the next room here which has oh my goodness i've got diamonds and food man i don't know what i'm more excited about the diamonds are the pumpkin pie there's another wall here can i use this cactus to blow it up too no that didn't work the tnt also says used on husks so uh let's go try to blow up a husk and see what happens i gotta go find a desert ooh a desert in the desert well i also there's these giant craters below somebody must have been here before already using some crazy tnt dude but i'm out here i'm out here looking for a husk dude oh i found a husk you can be my dog and i will call you a husky all right tnt go oh careful i don't want to get spike oh whoa it like targeted the husk itself check this out boom oh sick oh dude i got something new what are you i got a puffer fish tnt that's kind of neat i'm assuming this is what i need to open up our next door here yeah i don't know what it's going to do we got to be careful oh it shoots out little puffer fish oh how hilarious get them puffer fish poison them poison the creepers dude ah they're so cute until they poison me and die get back creepers so it looks like every time we open up one of these doors it gives us good items sometimes or bad things like creepers well how do we get our next tnt the puffer fish tnt used on squid oh apparently the puffer fish and the squids are rivals and i found just the target hi buddies it's fine i'm just gonna summon a bunch of your friends okay they're fellow fish friends nothing wrong with this at all oh my word what is that it dropped a whole new set of tnts we got ourselves shrimp stone tnt well here goes nothing i guess go drip stone tnt yeah oh that was awesome the next room's just full of spiders this must be spider-man's vacation home it looks like each room either gives us good items or bad items and we gotta use the different tnts to get through all the rooms to get to the end it looks like uh we need a new tnt to get past this what does our drip stone tnt do used on polar bears oh man i gotta go kill a polar bear guys i was on the way to find the polar bears for our next tnt and i stumbled upon the craziest ravine i have ever seen in my whole minecraft life i don't think i'm gonna go down there right yet but we're definitely gonna save this for later looks like somebody's been here with some tnt i must be in the right direction i found the ice spikes let's see if we can find any polar bears there's one i'm sorry buddy i've gotta kill you to get a tnt it's complicated hello buddy oh man he's got the most innocent eyes ever i hate this you got my new supreme tnt and i need that to get to the end of the temple all right i'm so sorry dude i can't look i can't look i can't look but it is really cool dude i this tnt is awesome holy cow what the heck is that i got a pickaxe tnt you can't pick your tnt but you can certainly pick your axe hold on i just want to use it just to see what it does go buddy go buddy dude that's awesome all right let's go open the next door but first i've just launched my first ever video game crafty crafting that's right you can now play minecraft with crafty it would mean the world to me if you could click that link in the description help me fight the super ender dragon i wanted to try out our mining pickaxe and so many mobs trip stone tnt i'm in the caves because apparently i can use the pickaxe tnt on diamonds to get our next tnt yeah and we can use some armor so i figured might as well whoa dude that's awesome get the iron you got diamond bro i got it don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i need some healing tnt dude i'm back with not only my pickaxe tnt but also i've got something called the frost tnt i'm hoping i got myself some good loot but i gotta also be prepared for danger go tnt oh that was rad what do you have for me mystery chest oh some enchanted golden apple now that's what i'm talking about i'm gonna take some of this i can't take it i was gonna take it and use it for a bow i guess that means we can't cheat even if we wanted to try well the nice thing is we've got our frost tnt to open up the next door oh no listen to that oh that sounds like skeletons dude here goes nothing the frost tnt don't freeze me dude i don't know how far you need to step back dude that was awesome it froze the wall and broke it okay yep there's a lot of skeletons in there back up dude oh yeah you guys fight each other i like that oh there's a lot well maybe next time we uh get a little geared up before we go to the next room huh come here you big now to get through this next door i've got to use our frost tnt on cows gotta get some of that frozen beef hello cows i need to freeze you hope you don't mind buddy oh i freeze myself oh gosh don't kill me please oh it's so cold i didn't even kill a cow i'm sorry cow i froze you buddy i thought this was gonna be a swift death well the cow didn't die is he supposed to die frosty into the attack well the cow's frozen i i might have to kill the cow myself oh we got it the pumpkin tnt sorry pig didn't mean to freeze you in the crossfires here oh and there's a village behind me hello oh don't tell me how to kill a villager with the pumpkin tnt used on iron golems ah shoot dude you happen to have a bodyguard that i could you know it's complicated right over here all right thank you sir oh pumpkin tnt get him whoa dude it shoots out like an exploding pumpkin damn and it gave me a whole new tnt this is awesome man i'm getting tnt up the huazu hopefully not literally that sounds painful does it attract to any mob oh gosh i gotta be careful oh they bounce whoa and we got ourselves a mosquito tnt it summons mosquito clouds and is also used on cows i am sorry i had to kill your iron golem but don't worry i will be your protector actually you just want to take a diamond and call it even there's some cows what are you guys doing all the way up there dude i'm sorry buddy i gotta use the mosquito tnt oh what's gonna happen ew there's like swarms of them oh that's horrible oh my goodness well we got a new set of tnt here all right we got ourselves sword tnt what's a sword all right a sword well here goes nothing i guess guys stand back okay i'm gonna make a little bit of a barrier here for this one this is my little viewing hole okay this is my oh my dude the swords fly everywhere um one more time one more time that's awesome dude sorry pig i feel bad there's a lot of things dying in this episode since we got a bunch more tnt let's see what's behind these mystery doors oh gosh i hear something dangerous okay the first one i think was the pumpkin tnt yeah open it up anything in here no it's empty jerks next is the mosquito tnt come on give us something good mosquitoes they just ate through the wall that was dope interesting nice well i guess we can lay the music in our jukeblocks over here oh yeah what beautiful relaxing music now we shall use our sword tnt no this might be death for me the music is way too chill for this action music let's go oh you're going down boys pumpkin tnt oh gosh oh gosh oh god yeah dude uncool jack-o'-lantern more like jerk-o-lantern am i right guys am i right adam puffer fish yeah dude you just got killed by a fish gosh dang it we have one last jerk hello jerk oh yeah what's this did it drop sword tnt no it's a whole new thing it's called a llama tnt oh i see the sword tnt is used on wither skeletons well that was nice and convenient well i guess we might as well the llama tnt does it spit at you or what boom oh yeah it literally spits yeah but i got a chest dude oh i hear a witch that might be the next room give us some great loot dude come on temple i don't think you're taking this whole loot thing seriously well i will keep him handy and he'll be my best friend well i do hear witches and apparently we gotta use the llama tnt to spit on witches to get our next tnt so me and mr potato head are gonna go find a witch and we'll see if i can get my loot that i deserve i think i see what i'm looking for that looks like a witch's hut dude let's introduce that witch to some llama spit shall we any witch home hello wait wait hold on hold on hold on get on llama spit oh dude that worked at work is that just normal tnt tnt tnt i don't know how that works but hopefully this gets us through the wall so i get revenge on those witches although i have grown quite fond of mr potato head wow what a rude thing to say dude what is the tnt tnt do oh used on a woodland mansion apparently it shoots out tnt go dude yup oh gosh all right boom that's cool keep your eyes peeled i'm gonna see if i can find a woodland mansion on the way back to the temple two hours later no way dude i found one i've been walking for thousands of blocks dude hello cows don't worry i won't kill you with mosquitoes like i did your brother hello oh gosh they don't like guests very much their porch is all the way off the ground doesn't look like anybody's home might as well blow it up yeah explosion take that woodland mansion oh snap oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh god how did he survive that oh gosh bad guys thank you the potion tnt dude how rad is that oh dude it's everywhere okay i'm gonna go thanks for letting me blow up your house i don't know how but i've made it out of there alive with a bunch of potion tnts man shoots flying potions used on gold ore ooh i wonder if it like enchants the gold or something can i use this on myself yeah oh wow i've been given every potion ability oh my gosh that was ridiculous it like broke the whole tree too i just have one more thing i want to try before i go oh my god oh my gosh dude take that woodland mansion that's what you get for killing me all those years you know it'll be useful to help us find our gold we need uh this ravine from earlier it's time my friend man look at how cool this is they even have like floating islands oh gosh no i missed it i tried to land in the water i'm on the hunt for some gold i found some are you sure you want to fight because i will destroy you with puffer fish oh bad idea okay so i gotta use my potion tnt on the goal i'll use my magical powers hey we got a new tnt and we got some diamonds dude let's just mine those really quick oh snap looks like we got ourselves something called laser tnt which is different than lazy tnt i'd get some of that but eh too lazy well shall we try it yeah whoa gosh oh my gosh dude look at it go almost killed me my bad whoa it's like scanning scanning i love the little hole it makes you put some water on top you got yourself a water fountain wow it's beautiful now the laser tnt we gotta use on enderman which makes me a little nervous but i'm sure we can find one around here somewhere would you like some laser hair removal dude that worked great sorry buddy but i did give myself what is that acid tnt oh no let's test this bad boy out shall we what's the worst that could happen it's only acid tnt careful chickens oh no oh my gosh okay oh my that might just keep going to the center of the earth that's my bad we've struck water the pig is like what have you done oh no apparently we gotta use this on a bat dude gotham dude the acid holes just keep going what the heck dude whoa all right well i'm in a cave oh i heard a bat ooh can i use the potion tnt give me night vision yeah now i'm an invisible batman i found one i just gotta use our acid tnt that should get the bat dude yeah i mean i'm sorry bat but you know all right dude we got him and we've got ourselves a factorial tnt i don't know what a factorial is but apparently i use it against slime so we'll find out right now go turned into four of them oh and that's gonna turn into eight oh my goodness okay okay that is a lot of tnt dude oh i'm the king of explosions around here creeper and i got a whole new tnt dude and this is star tnt let's try this bad boy shall we shooting stars oh my word oh dude exploding shooting stars oh my goodness that was the craziest tnt we've had by far for sure look at the crater it made man and funny enough i didn't damage oh i broke one of your blocks that's my bad there you go sorry buddy please give me good loot now okay i think it's time my friend to get ourselves our final treasure first up the tnt tnt hey what's up witches i'll smack you with the potato mr potato head attack come here potato right the witches gave me the potion tnt ah it's a room full of nothing ah shoot okay well that was easy laser oh that's so satisfying no treasure come on acid tnt yeah melt away the blocks oh sick dude i got some armor check me out dude i'm shiny i can hear in there what i need to fight yep it's time for a battle factorial tnt there's one oh gosh time to stand back i guess oh my gosh look at it go it's revealed the army they don't stand a chance against me yeah oh snap piece of cake man this is awesome now it's time for the star tnt we better stand back is the star gonna come up oh the star came from the behind that was awesome what is this the treasure dude this is definitely a normal button and nothing sucks about this whatsoever what do you think mr potato head do we press it i'll take that as a yes i'll take my prize please normal tnt
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,833,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, custom tnt, more tnt, custom item, custom items, custom structure, custom structures, craftee crafting, minecraft marketplace
Id: QWW__tbsDFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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