Minecraft but the Hearts are Blocks

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minecraft but blocks are hearts i can craft custom hearts from blocks which give me awesome new abilities yes more hearts these videos are so much fun man what kind of hearts do we got today what do we have enchant enchanting table heart oh command block heart what dude these are red and that's a lot of wood i can do that though i don't like forests anyway who needs breathing i make an x and now time for deforestation you ain't clonely sand what are you doing over here buddy i'll just safely put you inside a furnace glass my favorite snack how many do i need eight showing boog we've got ourselves our chest hard sneak and right click for a second inventory what so if i just sneak and right click oh there it is second inventory so i could put this stuff in here and then if i open up my actual inventory oh that's so cool man wait so if i die do i keep the i keep it in my inventory oh that's so sick man i can keep anything i don't want to lose in my second inventory don't ask me where i store it i don't want to tell you it's in my belly button i'm ready to make some heart progress man i got a bunch of them i need sand for all of them so let's get some sand that should do it i would a little carried away i got 50 of them just in case we're gonna put our sand in our second inventory here so we don't lose it and i will put an apple in here to keep the doctor away back yeah holy cow there's a there's a village right here i'm pretty sure i saw a is it a village a heart um no it's a hay bale heart taking damage spawns bread all right gotta get that bread gamers just gonna borrow some of these my good man all right the hey bailheart we've got it my friends i'm amazing um i don't have enough food to uh get my heart up somebody punch me sheep do you bite no okay please don't kill me give me some bread yeah that totally works hey there's my little there's my little heart that's super cool man infinite bread tastes just like damage it's getting dark out we might even make our way indoors hey hey back off z z no he doesn't remember me from the last video oh gosh no don't hit me i'm gonna poop out bread dude go inside quick uh okay at least the house is abandoned no thank you block it with the furnace we're safe for now speaking of furnace there is a furnace heart that we can get actually that's not gonna be a problem oh that's sick it smelts nearby ore items summons mr furnace who's mr furnace i bet he's pretty hot he's a furnace get it good night everyone i had the weirdest dreams that you weren't subscribed yet oh the humanity i'm hunting out here for some coal i gotta furnace myself right up found any caves around oh oh i almost died okay i've found some coal pretty easy that's pretty cool there's so much coal getting some coal to make myself see better at night can i do it now fairness one more cobblestone okay hey chill out man we shall now make the furnace heart uh yeah let's meet our new friend mr furnace hey man you're very cute honestly he looks a little grumpy if you ask me it looks like i just woke him up for like for like a nap he's like okay so apparently this this melts up ores oh hello zumbi bowie no thank you uh do you help me fight hey mr furnace come down here uh i'm down here dude hello if i just mine this right here does it oh there it goes it automatically smelts it oh that's so sick man well whoever needs coal ever again hey mr furnace come on down here buddy oh there he is mr furnace oh he even lights up everywhere he goes pretty nice man okay he doesn't help me mine but hey he smelled stuff and also he glows so i will take mr furnace all day ooh does it smelt everything oh yeah he does oh my gosh he gave me extra two look at that i get three copper what that's sick man oh hi guys excuse me no thank you ah dodge him look at me go oh gosh i forgot i have like zero hearts mr furnace he's going for him light him on fire buddy oh gosh i gotta be careful here i gotta eat my bread attack yes dude there's so many skeletons holy guacamole batman mr furnace you're right over here oh yeah he slayed him no problem oh gosh oh where did my sword go there you are oh oh mineshaft i've got like no hearts we got to be pretty careful but i'm ready to rock we do need diamonds and also redstone later so i think it'll be definitely worth it exploring the caves but i got to be real careful so i'll make a chest plate real quick go and upgrade my sword compliment my shirt please i'm very self-conscious i would not be self-conscious if i was wearing my crafty exclusive merchandise link in the description and what your man's got a plug your man's got a plug mr furnace let's do this thing yeah i probably should make a shield but i never use him anyway i'm old-fashioned man been playing minecraft since before the hunger bar how long have you guys been playing minecraft by the way i'm curious it's really windy where i live right now and it's making everything oh a lot spookier oh gosh no no no no okay this is not gonna work i need more hearts immediately quick let me grab my stuff and we're getting out of here oh no no no no no no no hold on i'm not ready yet i've got an idea if i just put all my stuff in my secondary inventory yes and now you can explode me two in a row why he broke my bed too well look check this out now i can just get all the items from my secondary inventory man i need new hearts immediately creepers are so dangerous we got two pretty easy ones we got the tnt heart and we have the piston heart all we need is some redstone and quickly we can get these items from a desert temple looks like we're gonna be going on a little adventure buddy let's be on our way my friend oh my goodness okay we're grabbing a bed and we're running my dude run run run run run run tonight we shall sleep amongst the stars and tomorrow we shall adventure oh my goodness is that better oh we shall swim across the oceans mr furnace i don't know if you can swim can you swim okay straight up i thought he would die or melt or something so are we good lando i'll eat some bacon to go with my bread please oh a desert temple and a village we made it my friends now i should be careful with this right oh man preemptively i put everything in my secondary inventory just in case well let's try this again shall we oh man that was dumb hi all right break the pressure plate uh oh mr furnace uh says this one enchanted golden apple dude yes nothing nothing much else golden apple emeralds i mean i'll take the i'll take the apples hey sharpness book i'll take that really the reason why i'm here is this anyways and we'll get the gunpowder here and that gives us what we need to make the tnt heart restore slash lose hearts to explode i explode when i gain hearts and lose hearts oh no well this should be interesting good news is we got some free watermelon a nice snack let me eat it let me eat it i'll save the snack for later wait hold on every time i take damage i explode right and then every time i gain health how much damage does it do hey guy real quick hey yeah come here buddy i just want to heal next to you real quick oh my gosh what if one hit exploded him yep this will be useful the piston heart just needs some redstone and i feel a little more confident to get down into the caves i'm gonna go ahead and put my golden apples some of my enchanting books some of the important pieces in my second inventory we'll go and make a pair of pants and a helmet and a pair of boots hey we got a full set of iron nice i feel a little better now yeah mr furnace are you okay dude all right he's literally made of fire if anything he's just going super saiyan over here just smelts up 10 things a second i'm like a bow dude are you redstone nah you're blue stone wow that legit scared me for real redstone yeah we got em we got the stones that happen to also be red what are you talking about i i didn't fall in lava what are you talking about hello thank you and we got some diamonds over here ah sick man we got a couple of them we definitely need some diamonds later i probably could go for the obsidian heart pretty quick but for now oh my gosh i used all my iron hold on oh gosh okay okay okay get it quick get it quick okay piston heart yes please punch with a piston for a huge knockback grab a couple of cobblestone now i can make a piston right oh it's got knockback 10. all right i can just shoot mobs back like a hundred levels i like this a lot oh i could punch an axolotl i'd feel real bad about it i'm sorry i'm sorry oh no no no no no editor you'll cut that out right you won't make me look a menace right please please it's the bottom of the ninth the one or down two and goes for the swing and he hits it right out of the park oh that's gonna be pretty useful really it feels like an actual piston like pushing back the mob i like it the next heart that would be actually amazing is the enchanting heart whenever i take damage it increases my health items by one but first i need some resources i need 30 iron seven diamonds and five obsidian ah feels good being back at the surface and my groceries are complete so here's the plan we make ourselves an anvil we get ourselves a new sword upgrade and we make ourselves the enchant uh-oh i need your skin real quick i don't want to dirty up my new sword i'm gonna use my old sword across the pond nice enchanting table book yes it's mine and now i can create the strongest sword known to mankind if i combined my new sword and our sharpness book we make a sharpness one sword so now every time i get damaged it should enchant to level two and three and onward i don't know we're about to make history with the most op sword of all time if i just jump off a cliff here yeah wait a minute what'd i just get speed five is that a part of this enchantment table i mean we'll take that all day dude yeah i've got a sharpness two sword i got a sharpness three sharpness three and sharpness four oh my gosh and i've got crazy hearts now too i don't know what's going on but i know that i'm overpowered and i like it does it work on any item also i'm naked my chest plate broke so uh if i hold this in my hand and i get damaged from a mob is that gonna enchant my chest plate i don't know come on hit me oh no bummer so i can't use it to enchant my chest plate but i can use it to enchant my sword and make this thing crazy overpower yeah yes sharpness level 6 so it does go over sharpness 5. keep damaging me my friends it sounds weird but i want it hey watch it man you're going to kill me sharpness sharpness level 12 dude holy cow i'm gonna keep enchanting my sword until this morning good morning my sword is insane hey spider how you doing man see you later it is a sharpness level 37. i feel like i could one shot the inner dragon no problemo all of my armor broke because i kept exploding but i'm very happy that we've got a really powerful sword regardless of armor situation i feel totally good with going to the nether in the end and the portal heart lets me warp to the nether and the end by just standing on bedrock that's so cool so i don't even need to get blaze rods or anything what's that oh right right i do need to get the eyes of ender you're right but warping back and forth between the overworld the nether and the end will be so amazing so all i need to get that is a couple more obsidian and a flight that won't be too hard to find watch this i'm gonna make the gravel turn into flint pretty amazing huh turn into flint uh that was just a decoy this one no okay he's not interested anymore there we go he wasn't even looking well maybe tonight we're mine some obsidian again mine mine to mine you know that song from uh from mr sparkles well that should do it we can make ourselves the portal heart yeah ow it looks super cool so if i just stand on obsidian i think it just takes me right to the nether uh mr furnace you ready man right okay sure i'm i'm in the nether now i don't know how i feel about this um do i have any dirt i don't have any dirt i have to step on dirt to get back in the overworld oh shoot please tell me i've got dirt in my yes oh my goodness thank goodness so if i need it i can just jump on dirt to get back into the overworld that is so nice i don't want to stay here for too long but i need some glowstone dust for the beacon heart and i need a netherright ingot for the command block heart this is gonna be interesting i'll tell you that much uh okay oh i'm not wearing any gold hey hey hey hey hey hey well do i have any gold i do ah okay let's just go ahead and make ourselves a nice fresh pair of kicks we're good wow hey i've got some glowstone here beautiful glowing blocks alright can we make it ah i need some obsidian well i guess we can test this ah no no no no no shoot let me get inside i blocked myself off in a hole i got my dirt from my second inventory and if i stand on it yes i'm back to the surface oh thank goodness man hey guys you don't mess with me man i've got a sharpness 37 sword here me and my best friend i stepped i stepped on the obsidian well goodness guacamole batman well i got to be more careful not to step on obsidian ah we got him back to the nether we go hey what's up it's the dirt gets uh oh my glass from here oh glad i found this okay so we can make ourselves our beacon heart taking damage gives a random powerful buff i mean i'm pretty buff already i've been working out some so now realistically if i'm going to get the command block hard i've got to go to a bastion to get the netherright otherwise it'll take me ages and hopefully our sharpness 40 sword takes them out like no problem honestly i'm just going to farm a couple more sword levels real quick here we are oh i forgot also my new heart gives me a bunch of random ah strength speed etc alright let's see we're at level 69 sharpness yeah i feel powerful what are you looking at let's find a bastion my friend aha i see some piggies over there i lost my shoes again dude i keep losing my shoes i'm going in there full blown naked i gotta count on my sword doing all the work for me hello goodbye all right here's the plan i'm just gonna march right in there like it's nothing hey buddy and i've got my enchanted golden apple oh goodness gracious that hopefully will help destroy them normal golden apple to start with i don't want to waste my golden boy just yet honestly i don't need any gold either ah get them whoa they do not they do not die in one hit okay i got i gotta eat my golden apple oh my gosh i think i've got fire resistance for five minutes because of my enchanted golden apple jump down this is fine this is fine take my sword boys please please please please yes we've got it yes uh sure i'll take the shoes oh get me out of here get me out of here no okay okay okay okay just dirt uh give me a little overworld yes ah shoot i'm in the middle of the ocean gosh dang it good news is i've got my netherite ooh chili water hi go away go away go away no oh go away hi mr furnace hey welcome back buddy now that i have my netherright i should be able to make our command block heart ah i need a couple more diamonds hello okay i got some extra iron too so i'm gonna make a little bit of armor here ah i've got some copper for my second inventory and i got the diamonds from mining so now i should be able to do it the command block heart taking damage gives you brief access to creative what well let's make it like uh as in creative mode wait no it doesn't really so if i just damage myself what i've got creative mode diamonds uh boom a diamond sword oh oh my goodness it only lasts like two seconds but i've got a stack of diamonds you didn't see that right you're not gonna tell on me are you i mean i guess i could get full netherright armor right high up boom uh nether uh oh gosh i gotta be fast nether right boom nether right oh my gosh yeah who needs these measly pants look at me man this is so ridiculous netherride hoe look at me i look goth as ever oh what's up you guys i did a little bit of mining off camera what do you think mr furnace i ch i didn't cheat it's a part of the game i guess i might as well also get an elytra because that would be fun as well dude yes fireworks how do i use these hey look at me go this will make the end a very very fun all right mr furnace shall we go i don't think there's anything else i could need maybe we get ourselves a couple of arrows uh protection for netherright pants that's what's up and i put silk touch on another right hoe because um what are you gonna do about it huh wait i have one more thing the most intimidating way to kill a dragon with a dragon head this is gonna be actually a hard fight i didn't want to make this like super open impossible i've got less than half armor bars i think this will be a pretty fair fight let's rock and roll yo mr furnace are you coming down he'll join me later wow there we are oh my gosh we're here we're here we're here hello dragon i should be able to fly come on how do i use the rockets there we go fly up oh this is so good man the fact that you can't use an elytra in the end already ah is an absolute curse go yeah dude take out the crystals easy peasy i think there's only like one more can i just attack the crystal yeah oh yeah imagine the dragon's perspective of me coming in with an elytra and a dragon head he's like bro oh there's still one more crystal no problem do you mind if i kill you thank you oh i hit him okay one two oh man look at this look at this damage rise up oh man he's impossible to hit with his wings he keeps smacking me away yeah oh i got him yes land land perfect you don't know what you're messing with with my uh shortness 78 sword yes kill him no he's like two shots away wait i have a plan there we go power five yeah and i give myself an anvil then i can just give myself a power bow and now you die yeah we got him yeah that was sick man hey hey stop stop why let us know what hearts you guys want to see next and don't forget to check out our merch at crafty dot store love you guys see you later
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,717,259
Rating: 4.8633552 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, custom, diamond, minecraft but custom, minecraft but hearts, hearts, custom hearts, crafting hearts, heart, custom heart, heart crafting, tnt, beating, beating minecraft, blocks are hearts, block hearts, tnt heart
Id: JXnK66cL0gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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