Minecraft but There’s Only One Edible Block

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I am trapped on one edible block and I'm starving dude as I eat the one block I'll unlock new islands complete challenges and game Custom items that will hopefully one day satiate my unrelenting hunger oh no I have to stand on this dude yes my favorite flavor of cake toe flavor yeah okay so I can just eat this yeah there we go I'm munching on it I'm munching on it I'm not gaining any hunger though how hungry am I Dude Looks Like every Munch gains a new Hunger Island unlocked already that was fast I mean doesn't look quite as delicious but it's something are you made of chocolate nope we do love our splinters on the tongue hey at least we got some bread though we take that finally something to stop my unrelenting hunger come on hey what come on Hunger no not even bread will satisfy can I unlock a Snicker bar or something a block consumption what I got a spoon here it's called a block consumption could I just eat blocks now well I mean munch on some salad yeah I'm oh I missed I ate the dirt instead allows you to eat any block you're looking at oh delicious grass yes when Mama crafty said Eat Your Greens I don't think this is entirely what she meant oh it's so fast man come on give me some Hunger dude come on man New Island unlocked oh we got a farm or something over here maybe that will help we're already at a hundred hunger let me grab some of this chocolate I mean logs my glorious one block I'll be back buddy I'm gonna go see what's up with this island over here hello anybody home oh I just ate the door I tried to open it I just burped on it oh this is a cool looking building what is this a little Bakery yeah dude that might help uh anyone home out for lunch why go out for lunch man you can have cake for breakfast no ah still nothing dude cake cookies nothing fills the hunger void in my heart challenge eat the village oh my all right well you do what you gotta do I don't like eating uh chairs I hope these were washed recently but okay we just gotta eat the entire Village as our challenge I mean sure man why not oh munching on glass my favorite post-dinner dessert one of my David Blaine does anybody get that reference oh man do I have to eat seems like a lot of food man how big is my stomach do I get a mile long tapeworm what's going on dog I can't I can't eat the bed well yes that's probably Fair Jeremy probably slept in there ouch I am eating a lot of blocks although I'm not actually gaining any hunger the number on the top left is going up so that's helpful I'm hoping that the more Islands we can unlock the better items I get to be able to eat better or faster or whatever uh yes my favorite dessert furnaces now it's my cheat meal one more little house to go Jeremy that's my bad dude I'll I'll rebuild it I'm embarrassed I thought this Village was abandoned that's my bad dude hey I got something challenge completed I got myself Cake Walk super speed while crouching places cakes to walk on oh they're like a pair of shoes hey check me out oh gosh I fell Goodbye cruel edible world I'm back okay so I oh all that sick man check it out I can Crouch and it places down cakes where I walk oh that is so nice man that's gonna be so nice to get across islands and stuff heck yeah man all right one block I'm back buddy I missed you you delicious little thing little cinnamon roll or cake or whatever you are uh maybe I'll be here for a while wait can I use my block consumption to eat faster oh yeah I can let's go man that makes things a lot easier and New Island unlocked all right sick oh we got a little desert island yes sand my second favorite thing to eat it's so nice how scratchy it is in your throat or whatever uh what is this ice cream is it an ice cream bowl or something I do hear some bad guys cactus protect me whoops I'm ready nothing will stop me from getting my food yellow back up monsters yeah okay oh snap this is the weirdest restaurant I've ever seen but I'm up for it can you not I'm trying to eat here dude I have a reservation looks like there's a wall heater is this made of waffle cones nope saying delicious ah backup husks come on man don't mess with the hungry boy I'm getting angry are these traps here what's going on yep yep all right can I eat the arrows ow no I can't oh well I can't just eat the traps there we go now this way to get rid of traps ever yeah if you guys are ever stuck in a trap just eat it yeah just eat your way out no problem hello boys how you doing you're looking quite tan today oh I broke my sword challenge eat the treasure oh interesting this Justin you can now download the worlds you see me playing join Club crafty today by clicking the join button on this channel so you too can get custom mods and playing crazy Minecraft worlds just like me and that's on top of all the other daily members only content you don't want to miss now and join the crafty crew there's like treasure at the end of this okay well now at least I have some motivations here excuse me boys I'm just trying to eat your most prized possessions I hope it's delicious excuse me pardon me and the treasure hey check it out dude I've got a glorious golden treasure and I guess I have to eat all this right I can't mine it I can't bask in the glory of the gold I just gotta put it right in my mouth thank you very nice very tasty why am I eating this oh no text told me to blame text glorious delicious treasure but the stairs were right here I could have just taken a left this whole time that's fine and a couple more that should do it um age completed looks like I got a Sprinkle shooter a Sprinkle shooter the most powerful of weapons shoots two sparkly projectiles that eat blocks and damage mobs oh very nice so I can shoot out ah a little sparkly boys oh my goodness yeah that eats a lot of blocks man that makes some good progress I'm already up to 2 000 almost yeah there we go now we're talking wait Sparkles are my best way to eat food and also fight against mobs I mean sure why not it's a crafty video after all hello skeleton can I munch on you now I'm sprinkle attack yes my most violent weapons the toppings on ice cream might as well eat the delicious ice cream up here as well I guess we also eat the pyramid huh go Sparkles wait if I'm commanding the Sparkles does that make me Captain Sparkles what's going on dudes hey a new island unlocked dude hey check it out it's like a Pillager spot I should walk on cakes until I explore you hold on but first I want to check out my little one block how are you buddy hey look at that or one block has grown it's either got cherries on it or pimples or some kind of infectious disease but regardless I'm hungry yeah dude oh my God this when I eat the one block it gives me a hundred now a hundred hunger points for a Hungry Hungry Hippo very nice I can eat it super fast as well yeah yeah all right so it seems at the more complete it also upgrades on one blocks that's nice okay let's check out our new island shall we whoa got some pillagers over here what's up boys are they Chef pillagers oh no or good I guess what's up buddy you gonna cook me up some food I'll warn you I literally ate an entire Village earlier ow hey would you like some sprinkles there you go buddy see you later they're evil pillagers yeah yeah take that dude I'll rescue you little alleys don't worry buddies I got you take this Chef pillagers I'm angry with you cause you didn't cook me any food you're cooking's nothing like Mama's cooking you dropped a chef hat for me yeah Chef crafty At Your Service oh sprinkle attack watch out little alleys I got you buddy take that ah another little chef's hat Little Alley if you want to be a chef there you go buddy we'll rescue You by munching on the walls can you imagine this superhero he's just like rescuing people by just eating the walls you know what I mean he took it no give me back my spoon little buddy thank you very much okay let's see what Chef Boyardee I mean let's see what the chef pillagers have to offer hello skinny pillagers I got a bone to pick with you little buddy all right any exciting loot around here oh weird we have some iron I guess I could mine it for tools but I think they want me to make a Golem right do we have any we do have a pumpkin down there uh is that what I'm supposed to do that seems weird there's a chest what do you have a cake that's my reward a cake wait do I make a cake Golem dude cake Golem go oh my goodness you're gorgeous man it's like a frosted animal cracker but it's a Golem come on buddy let's let's adventure together no uh do you not follow me munch on the Frosted Golem that's the back okay are you cool with this are you fine do I have your consent okay let's just munch on the sentient Golem real quick okay it gives me 200 hunger he seems fine he seems like he's an infinite Golem yeah go all right ah you are delicious I've been eating dirt and grass for about an hour so this is a lot better than what I had before thanks Mr Golem for letting me munch on you or whatever so he gives about 350 hunger per bite which is very nice and delicious but I think I'm gonna head back to the one block my boy I feel a little bad just munching on a living being dude they see me rolling in the 18. I like that my best mode of transportation is cakes cakes now crafty toe flavor glorious one block look at how fast that is man that is so nice just keep munching I still haven't gained a single piece of hunger man this is crazy how much food do I gotta eat blocked oh snap check it out it's a vanilla ice cream Island I don't know about you I love vanilla ice cream you guys chocolate chip fans as well mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream I'm so sorry I just gotta be honest let's see what Snow Cone Island has to offer hey oh delicious yeah right right here right in the mouth um it's not how I remember eating snow cones growing up would you like some sprinkles two can play at this game regardless I hope if I find any yellow stuff it's uh you know lemon ice cream and not uh you know delicious Snow Golems yum whoa Chester Chester buddy you doing okay in there little snow cone Chester don't worry little buddy I'll eat you out of there what have they done to you my poor Chester OH you look awesome man what's up Chester buddy hey Chester unlocked doubles all eaten food that's good also if I right click Chester it causes a frosting explosion ah delicious frosting it's better than eating stones and dirt I guess and look at that number go up dude we're getting a lot of progress now man we'll head on back to the one block and see if we made any upgrades there whoa careful Chester spooky boys hey oh oh my gosh a lot of bad guys oh my goodness guys can you not I'm just trying to eat some food okay it's my lunch break check out the one block dude it's got frosting on it oh my goodness yeah check it out I get 150 hunger every time I eat it pardon me Chester I'm just gonna Pig out for a second what are you looking at a little more new island unlocked sweet dude where is it where are you glorious Island whoa hey cocoa beans although I don't know how useful that'll be Chester you standing a little too close to me there buddy what are you looking at my back hair come on Chester buddy let's see what this island has to offer oh sorry bunco he looks so sad it's fine it's fine he'll teleport There He Is We got some new trees to munch on delicious some melons actual food oh interesting we've got whatever these are called what are these called jungle uh jungle bullies jungle puzzle room jungle fever trouble in Jungle Town okay moving on hey Bunko how you doing want some sprinkles there you are don't worry I have enough for everyone I come bearing gifts of sprinkles delicious Moss yes please oh my goodness more of these guys we've talked about this man oh it's lava whoa whoa Chester do your thing buddy yeah Frost em up oh ah wow oh goodness Chester frosted yeah this is awesome man I'll I'll get them Chester yeah Chester's frosting Powers coming to the rescue yeah okay I hope there's some buried treasure here hello boys there's some frosting for you or sprinkles I should say there we go boys sprinkle attack looks like it's a dead end here spiders make me hungry eat the temple live text that's weird man oh yeah get him Chester Jester what are you doing buddy are you hungry too I know how it feels man you hungry little guy here you go here you go just feeding him snowballs Are You full now buddy uh oh yeah speaking of I've got to eat the whole Temple right because apparently spiders make the text hungry we shall do what we've been told what's your favorite way to eat literal rocks mines with a spoon stairs a nice dessert oh yeah moldy stones are my favorite snack to munch on yes I eat that by the Spoonful apparently Chester could you make this frosted yes frosted Stone even better hey challenge complete and I got myself a bow of devouring I think it's like a bow but it's also a spoon yeah look shoots an evoker thing that eats a lot of blocks oh heck yeah dude whoa check that out man I got an evoker to munch on blocks for me now now can I spam it oh yeah dude Peter wait I haven't if I get on the tippy tap of this tree I think I can use yeah I can use my little cake platforms to get above it then I can rain down invokers keep eating boys don't stop until the island is consumed yeah get them Chester now gotta make sure to eat my vegetables or at least my leaves I can't leave out the leaves oh this bow is op dude I'm making progress fast New Island unlocked all snap the nether Island man am I ready for hot sauce what is this the hot ones challenge I gotta eat a bunch of lava or something sure man why not hello nether Island any bad guys around here can I eat myself not eat myself can I eat can I eat a little bit of this lava oh no I can't eat lava yo Chester help me out down here buddy would you mind turning the lob into frosting there we go now it's much better I don't like the spicy too much for my tummy I can use the evoker bow probably ah oh no ah Chester help Chester there we go turn it into frosting Okay that was a close one ouch you okay there buddy yeah Chester's okay challenge eat the entirety of the nether what I don't even know what that means man this is not the entirety of the nether why oh I gotta go to the Nether and eat the whole thing I have to eat an entire Dimension I mean I can start with a fortress now I don't mind munching on some Nether Bricks that's no problem honestly this bow is really cool looking man I like how the evoker pops up and just munches now I'm just me pulling up to the fridge at three in the morning yeah I'm keep munching I must consume the entire Island keep on munching boys oh man we're gonna reach a million in no time dude it might take a while to eat the entire nether but we'll get there nothing can stop me what is happening what is happening whoa whoa whoa the entire world is turning into the end man oh man just one block left until I reach a million what's up Mr Dragon don't mind if I I do and yeah nope what what's happening evoker go whoa no what I can't eat blocks anymore man I'm only one block away ah you're kidding me dude can I get it from bread nope Bread's still useless all right looks like I've got a date with a dragon what's up dragon boy can I munch on you dude get him evokers I guess I gotta take out the dragon oh goodness Chester y'all right there buddy I guess I gotta take out the dragon before consuming any more blocks a Volker bow go I'm I'm not I don't have very good aim yes get them dude just a man standing on cakes in the sky attacking a giant dragon you know just normal crafty stuff all right yeah come on come on come on get him dude one more hit one more hit Dragon defeated we've reached a million hunger hey and check that out man looks like I'm finally full it only took consuming a million blocks and you know eating a dragon but we've done it but no matter how full you are you always gotta leave room for some dessert
Channel: Craftee
Views: 999,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft custom, custom minecraft, minecraft but dying is op, minecraft funny, minecraft horror, minecraft mod, one block, minecraft one block
Id: AlAV8jeiA1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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