Minecraft but Everything I Touch Turns to Ocean

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everything that I touch turns into the ocean with new sea structures and custom ocean items hope you brought your floaties and we're off turning the world into sand that's kind of boring ah there we go I can turn flowers into Coral blocks that looks nice and colorful just like the sea floor except for all like the man-eating sharks and stuff I shall turn you into an ocean tree oh that actually works look at that dude I got a beautiful little Coral Tree I shall smack my head on you love and flower your turn into uh is that a sponge I don't know what that is yo what's up cow you want some gills just smack of me just gross gills I won't I won't don't worry buddy hey one percent already the water levels rise I could feel it on my toes Oh no I got slowness man hello Village friendos oh that's cool looking pardon me excuse me I'll just grab a couple of you what the heck oh no I turned them into pickles I can't eat pickles all right all right don't get too close to the hay bales there we go unless it learned oh check it out I can turn like the village into an undersea Village that looks incredible man I can also turn bread into pickles I'm like the worst Jesus ever and just like that we got some soon to be soggy bread mmm I like dipping my bread in my milk oh gosh hey five percent reached I got myself a water gun now we're talking we go much better where's that Iron Golem Mr Golem there he is and get him uh did that damage him you okay buddy are we cool would you like a nice shower my boy shower off all those green stuff on you there we go is that hurting you honestly uh oh okay okay yeah that well the water gun does damage that's my bad got some serious water pressure check this out oh this is so cool I'm like painting the whole roof yeah oh this looks awesome dude dude I've got my very own water themed Temple uh Village oh gosh I gotta be careful about doing that wait a second oh look at that hello dirt if I turn the grass into sand it falls that's kind of cool ten percent a group of land lovers have created a small dam to block my ocean let the floodgates open you got it text on my screen oh hello Mr creeper would you like a shower here you go you're pretty stinky buddy there you go Wow might have showered him a little too hard all right let's find this location what is that is that where I need to go tell me structure Compass I just happen to have where am I heading off to we're heading uh looks like this way let's fight those land lovers I see something oh that's no ordinary Village I've got my water gun and my pickle is set to attack mode attack pickle go that's not working come on attack pickle I choose you he's sleeping how dare he sleep on the job all right land lovers you're about to take the first shower of your life that's right you're getting taken out by a Super Soaker you should feel bad these are bad guys right ow all right yep they brought an ax to a water gun fight yeah okay okay let's see how we can get that ocean water back to the ocean all right ah stand back monster yeah all right where are we going down or do we go up comment down below I can totally read it now and this is not a pre-recording engineers come on get him get him yeah who needs attack pickles anyways all right well we got a lot of machines here and it looks like that I might need to turn this water back on somehow machines worst nightmare water okay uh that did nothing how about this yes how about this how about this hey water's back up back up my job here is complete haha yourself jerk this is what you get for stopping the ocean Army hold on hold on guys time out I gotta eat some moist bread all right time back in okay progress 15 I've got myself a swordfish yeah dude it's a strong melee weapon and I can shoot out fish projectiles would you like a fish buddy here you go sushi on demand yeah there you go oh no I am the leader of the ocean I shoot cooked fish at you as projectiles he thought an attack pickle was silly yeah I'm just shooting fish at people one of the most powerful weapons anybody's ever seen what is this a secret I like Secrets what do I have ow they booby trapped it looks like a propeller suit okay well now I run real fast when I'm holding it that's nice and also I can right click oh to give me a little jump boost now I can be speed I can be fast I can take fall damage yeah ouch oh yeah making progress quick now I'm drowning help I am dying yeah oh I like this propeller suit already twenty percent what happened to my skin oh my goodness what am I SpongeBob I'm like a naked crappy SpongeBob that's not a sentence I thought I'd say today no Gary okay well I got some new powers at least so that's good not only do I look like a naked SpongeBob what but I also got this Aqua former so I can right click with it I guess what happened I have made water I have spawned it and no no that's not pee okay I spawned it from my cool shovel thing spawn water did I just accidentally stumble upon a spawner what are the chances of that anything fun in here wow soggy bread no mind if I do and aquafarm go okay so I can right click with it to summon water and now I can suck up water because I'm a sponge and then I can blow it all out and create some progress very nice summon some water soak it up and attack oh man I mean nothing really beats using a fish as a projectile but that's pretty awesome oh hey 25 as the water levels rise ghastly ships have resurfaced from the bottom of Davy Jones Locker wishing to be drowned once again don't worry boys structure Compass we're going this way oh gosh we might have to head out on the Open Seas at some point the Open Seas is just gonna be the open everything so I gotta get used to this oh dude I think we found it also I think my boat has a leak but I'm a sponge so I've just been soaking it up oh my goodness dude this is crazy looking I see him I think that's Davey Jones oh snap all right we've got company boys or maybe not maybe they're just gonna fight each other all right that's cool too you guys want some fish there you go I shall be your sushi chef for today boys uh guys okay well well that makes my job easier oh but it's not over yet there's a lot of these guys hey take this pirate scum you want to be drowned no worries I'll drown you in fish fish attack oh no they're fish resistant how about my water gun okay in the water gun oh oh they do a lot of damage no no no no no no no no no no okay yeah yeah fight each other that's good that's good oh my gosh this is terrifying this place is incredible though dude look at it hey back up oh gosh come on whoa look at that jump down on him all right all right I'm getting the hang of this thing take that scurvy pirate yeah dude use my Aqua former grab myself a little bit of water and let's send you back to the seas oh this is a cool Power whoa look at that dude I like the little skull over there is there an item I see some particles yes it is heck yeah dude a spectral Harpoon Gun right click to launch a powerful Harpoon and take that monster oh that's awesome all right we got the Harpoon Gun and go get him yes dude that's incredible it does damage it locks onto him and it launches them backwards oh wow this is my best upgrade yet all right Davey Jones I'm coming for you my boat might not be as big as yours but I've got courage and a water gun so that's pretty cool take that Davey Jones Harpoon go oh yeah he's running now oh my goodness come back dude we got a battle I'll send you back to the ocean water gun attack cooked fish attack yeah the Flying Dutchman has been defeated Ah that's looking much better we can make progress again finally hi you want to learn how to fly there you go very cool huh yeah whoa guys check this out if I shoot a Harpoon Gun he just goes through the blocks and it keeps making progress that is cool man hey what did I get I got a tiny anchor oh I love it kind of looks like a goat skull or something can I get up on top of that tree yeah dude I can climb like Spider-Man with this thing that is so cool also I uh learned I can do damage to mobs um don't ask how I know that dude watch this I can pull you in yeah with my anchor shoot you wave my Harpoon Gun boom that's why they call me king of the ocean nobody calls me that it's cool though it's a nickname in progress any minute now hey 35 percent whoa all right looks like the water levels have risen okay so the water levels have risen so I guess I'm swimming right now it's like SpongeBob logic they're underwater but yet there's also oceans for some reason we also got an aqua former upgrade so now yeah I got little jet streams check out my water now I can jump with it oh man I can do a butt slam dude that is so cool launch up and ocean smash oh that's incredible the power of the ocean baby ah the power of my butt I shall Vanquish evil with my cheeks oh yeah that's so cool all right well that's a useful power to have a 40 Victory slam oh Chester yeah oh no we're even hiding man Davey Jones Locker yeah dude we've got a sunken Chester look at it a man probably could use a shower there you go buddy you got little Barnacles on you dude you doing all right hey he seems happy Chester not only makes progress where he walks but also acts as like a portable jet stream all right Chester get ready and launch me yeah this is so cool yeah boom smack the tree get ready and launch me yeah boy boom yeah that's gonna be awesome I see a straggler yo Chester buddy you wanna go take out some bad guys yeah I thought so there he is all right Chester are you ready for this and three two one alley-oop and smash boom that's so cool let's get him again launch me up Chester yeah and then smash boom nice job buddy feels good well the arrow in my brain doesn't but uh well it's gone anyways feels good to have a sidekick on my journey you may be stinky and covered in Barnacles but you're the best sidekick a guy could ask for oh I love the pink for the stone ah it's so colorful man oh I love the way the trees look ah the ocean is so beautiful oh that's so cool looking I love this Harpoon Gun dude yeah paint the walls give me progress oh the Harpoon Gun is so good just cleaning off the Moss with my water gun making these look fresh as new that's what mozzie cobble's supposed to look like oh I see it's like one of those power washing videos you know what I'm talking about oh those are always so satisfying hey 45 an underwater volcano has surfaced all right looks like we gotta save some people in a submarine come on Chester where are we heading to Magic Compass oh deep in the water all right back in the ocean we go hey yeah Chester you doing all right down there buddy just loving life on the bottom of the ocean well the good news is I found the submarine at least uh bad news it's connected to a volcano that's fine it's gonna be fine I hear bad guys in there Chester get ready uh anybody alive down here oh goodness gracious yep that's bad all right I'm going in yeah take this aha they're allergic to shellfish get em fishy boys yeah take that hi they must be weak to water as well right harpoon oh gosh the harpoon's such a good weapon yeah buddy what's this I got a new item all right I got a rideable jet ski we take those let's try this bad boy out shall we look at me now dad take this monster yeah okay jet ski does no damage that makes sense water gun attack fish go oh I choose you nailed it good job fishy boys where does this path lead over here man what's going on it goes all the way down to the heart of the volcano oh my goodness it's kind of scary in here all right just gotta take out all these lava drains I'm assuming take this monster yeah take that yeah I've got oh wait a second can I put out the lava uh oh I can't use my sponge to put out the lava but uh question can I float over The Lava with this oh no never mind Hey There we go now we're talking so I can use my jet ski to put out all this lava the world can't be an ocean with all this lava running amok there we go all right take out all the lava and then let's take out all these lava monsters Harpoon attack yeah we're fighting lava monsters in the water feels a little cursed but all right come on help me out here Chester yeah dude now we're talking they don't stand a chance against me we are the commander of the ocean and I almost drowned that'd be kind of ironic come on the last guy remaining yeah the volcano is cleared our job here is done come on Chester buddy let's make some progress you like pets you like biomes and smash them together and get my own pets available now on the Minecraft Marketplace oh I can turn caves pink wow gorgeous oh dude caves will look so much better like this too what was once a grim and scary cave is now bright and beautiful and pink ah I like it hello there buddy there it is 50 oh snap I've got Poseidon's trident I like it all right let's test this bad boy out shall we oh hello there Mr spider oh my word all right just exploded I guess ah yes a creeper in his natural habitat my goodness well we certainly have the most powerful melee weapon I might have ever had don't worry Squiddy boys you're safe for now for now that was not a threat I promise oh I like it hey stop it It's A Beautiful Mind shaft am I wrong dude I love the way this looks hey no don't do it don't do it I'll Smite you with Poseidon hey stop it stop any second now there it is what I've got I've got an air bubble well all right check it out on Bubble Boy what is this dude okay so while I'm in the bubble progress is made quickly but not just that what's up chicken man check it out I can also put mobs inside the bubble too be free fly chicken fly uh he'll he'll be fine right is that bubble gonna go up forever a chicken well that chicken might be an astronaut it's fine it's fine he'll fly down shall we take a visit to an outpost you can't attack me I've got my bubble Shield ouch okay it is not a bubble shield and go see you guys later and they're off the first pillagers to to ever be astronauts oh oh dude the coolest looking Outpost ever I like it hello my friend there you are and bubble for you and bubble for you hi buddies all right see you guys later that is my new favorite way to take out bad guys also look at how awesome this Outpost looks man if there ever was a Pillager branch in the ocean I don't know man they'd be pretty fabulous looking and goodbye have a good one there you go don't worry buddy I'll pop your bubble oop my bad I am the king of the ocean hear me roar okay well still working on my Roar and there's 60 percent I don't know what that noise was oh Chester we've got a new structure to explore that's right there yeah oh snap I didn't know that why have I not been using this the whole episode oh my goodness this is awesome pardon me excuse me dude this is great I make so much progress and I just break blocks that run into pardon me water excuse me excuse me trees oh gosh lava not in my house or okay well I guess in my house a little if you want to no oh yeah dude I like this I just glide on top of the water this is so much faster than being in a boat it might be a little too fast yo Chester you all right buddy there he is he's all right hey uh unlocked a new ability what the heck is going on man oh my goodness I guess the world is underwater now ah yes King crafty it is oh goodness I have a tail now cool that's totally normal apparently using my handy dandy new tail I can now swim around in the air slash water very nice I also have kind of a weird power if I right click on say and I can send out like an explosive water laser it's weird but I'll take it all right structure Compass lead me where I need to go whoa guys check this out this must be what we're looking for it looks like a giant trench this doesn't look naturally generated I'm looking for anything unusual in this trench here keep your eyes peeled we might have to fight the Kraken ooh weird is this like uh mushrooms or something looks like it's leading me down this way hello oh goodness gracious it's a trench person he doesn't look Fair look very friendly he does look ow okay you take this evil ninja turtle hey yeah what is happening yeah take that uh okay I think I turned the bad guys into fish I did not know that's what my power did looks like there's a new item over here it's a shark tooth necklace oh sick dude I can right click with it and it sends out Bruce the shark to fight mobs for me nice I like it speaking of friends to fight for me where the heck did Chester go always over sleeping back on land and make a little more progress Bruce do you make progress too go Bruce yeah oh gosh I did not think about that Bruce oh no oh gosh okay okay okay Bruce takes out passive Bob's too good to know and cut slam uh there's nothing more satisfying than a butt slam there it is 80 percent Atlantis beckons for its rightful companion to make their claim huh oh Champion oh I don't totally know what that means but I guess I gotta fight something and become the champion all right point me to Atlantis this direction I see the Pearly Gates oh dude this is awesome looking oh my goodness I am here and I will become king hello anyone home oh goodness all right what's up little bad guys I like their little Guardian faces you think you can out you think you can stop me I will be the king of Atlantis go Bruce attack all right all right use my Harpoon shoot em turn them into fish okay that doesn't work they're already fish yeah I'll take that dude uh is that all of them Mr creeper would you like it like sushi buffet boom baby oh gosh all right more bad guys I've unlocked the Kraken caller okay what does this do oh my goodness it sends out a giant squid to attack yes get I'm cracking boom baby I am the champion uh am I King now or something this wall just opened up after I defeated those guys but I can't access whatever's in here it must be my throne room I will not be disrespected like this in my own home alright well let's make some progress first crack and go ah yeah the best way to make progress in a game is to send out giant squids from this guy oh snap hey 90 unlocked thank you Mr Squid thanks for your help I've proven myself worthy embrace it and begin the final convergence of this world into ocean oh interesting I've unlocked the heart of the sea it's a little edible item all right I've eaten it what happened uh oh check it out I've got the SpongeBob Sky we truly are underwater now oh that's awesome looking man I like that all right only one thing left to do is reach 100 careful of the mobs beautiful oh it's looking good dude we're almost there 100 we've done it my friends a voice calls to me from the deep end I don't know what that means have I finally earned the right to go inside of that door yeah it's open is this my mighty throw room I mean it's kind of small but oh my goodness well all right uh I think I figured out what the deep end is let's jump in my new home oh my gosh who the heck are you oh gosh do I have to defeat this guy hello Mighty Cthulhu oh he just spit out a cooked Cod for me can't tell if that's a threat or if that's a peace offering but regardless I think today we've made a new friend they're a little horrifying but I like you we've done it everybody the world is now ocean and I am the king thanks for watching we'll see in the next episode everybody
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,180,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mod, minecraft 1 million, custom hearts, meme, memes, minecraft meme, minecraft marketplace, marketplace, minecraft map, minecraft survival, minecraft ocean, minecraft touch
Id: QU0sInk0HyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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