How NOT to Play Minecraft

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my developer made everything in Minecraft the opposite and he said I would only be able to beat the game by doing everything wrong and all he's given me for help is a list of advancements to complete can we beat the game or lose the game I guess well my first advancement collect an oak log that doesn't seem tremendously difficult excuse me cow or a spider or whatever you are I just gotta punch of wood real quick everything seems normal so far what what happened oh no I didn't get wood come on dog no ah okay well punching wood does not give me a log that's fine does punching grass give me a log nope oh man this is hard already hello Cobblestone do you give me a log no I break blocks instantly it's like my fist is a pickaxe or something wow all right well I have stone I can't do anything with stone yet because I can't get wood but it's something I literally can't do anything with this wait a second hold on I can go to a village and there should be a crafting table there right why hello villager folk hmm you guys gonna eat my brains or something everything has to be so paranoid dude all right they look like normal villagers we're cool we're cool oh gosh is the Iron Golem gonna attack me I'm so paranoid whoa whoa chill bro we're looking for a crafting table crafting table aha yes yes yes okay perfect uh what could I crab I can craft a furnace I guess I mean it's something we take it I'm nervous to do this can I pick up a crafting table I can okay perfect we've got a crafting table boys and we have ourselves glorious grub which means we have Glorious Food delightful oh no oh no it took away hunger I should have known dude all those empty calories okay well I can't eat bread uh to heal myself that's awesome uh the cactuses heal me no no of course they don't why would that happen stop looking at me like that you're freaking me out dude can I trade you my dude oh no oh no oh no uh is it because I still I don't know why why whenever I go close to villagers uh I guess I put on like a villager mask great no trading with piglets that's awesome ow oh gosh water kills me sure man this is gonna be a rough day I still don't know how to get wood though is a super big problem hold on advancements what do I have cooking Up Sticks oh smelt for some sticks it says smelt for sticks uh I have nothing to smelt with hay bale uh go oh I see I see if I put any block into the furnace it turns into a stick that's normal that's fine good news is I got a pickaxe finally so I got some tools I have a feeling this is like a hoe or something or it's like a shovel oh it broke instantly why gosh dang it I got the achievement the real pick breaker there is an advancement called Always dig straight down go ahead try it I dare you ah sugar man why not let's just break the first rule of Minecraft dig in straight down diamonds that diamonds heck yeah dude okay mining straight down just spawns diamonds below me or am I just very lucky yep yep yep I have infinite diamonds now wait a minute it's the opposite right can I eat these diamonds uh nope okay I mean sure man why not the diamonds are probably terrible but we got something oh no no thank you no thank you I'm not ready for action I'm going back up I'm rich boys that's the rule you always gotta dig straight down what's the worst that could happen you die and lose all your hard-earned stuff yeah head back to school in style crafties back to school bundle has everything you'll need customized backpack folders pencils water bottles and a t-shirt Limited stock available so don't wait head on over to crafty dot store today I don't trust this but we got full diamond okay uh that seems normal I've got so many diamonds I'm just gonna turn them into sticks sticks are my most valuable resource right now making pickaxe make an ax and make a who and we've got it sworn okay full diamond tools full diamond armor now can I break you little buddy oh it's working is it working come on I forgot I broke it instantly okay pickaxe is completely useless that's fine did I get a piece of wood hey hey let's go it cost me three whole diamonds but we got wood now we have an advancement called or use this tool and if my hypothesis is correct it looks like a sword can I mine stuff with a sword is that gonna work yeah dude let's go oh that is so cursed dude swords are pickaxes I guess just mine them with a sword as one does so I can use my fist it's very fast but I can't break normal oars can I break it with a diamond sword come on give it to me give it to me yay it's gone well wait a second it's acting like a wooden tool I wonder if I make a wooden tool if that'll Act Like a Diamond Tool I'm a genius I know so now things should be much faster I made the wrong thing I'm supposed to make a sword what was that about being a genius I don't know now will this work there we go that's looking a lot better alright so wooden tools act like diamond tools swords are pickaxes pickaxes are useless and my brain hurts ow and my toes let's Harvest some more of my most valuable resource and now we have our upgraded tools the next advancements are faulty expiration date and heal a mob what do I gotta do feed zombies my brains dog I don't have much of that left to spare the Sun is setting it's almost night time I've got my sharpened wooden sword ready to rock I know that I can heal a wolf I can give a meat or whatever but I assume that's not what I'm supposed to do hello Pig how do I heal you we will await for the bad guys to arrive careful Pig It's Gonna Get Dangerous out here bunco there they are the zombies are approaching can I have some of your rotten flesh my boy oh oh I oh I see right I just got the Mob Doctor advancement so swords now just heal mobs uh perfect can I use it on myself that'd be awesome oh no oh no I'm wait a second hold on can I use a wooden ax ah oh that does damage how about a hoe yeah take that wooden hole attack farmer or Warrior advancement the wooden hoe has a use yeah six attack damage the wooden hose op is heck man hello creeper a whole new definition for creeper Farm huh yeah hello Mr spider would you like to get farmed yeah this feels so weird I mean it does make sense it's a big spiky object I feel like that's a perfect zombie apocalypse weapon now for faulty expiration date can I just eat rotten flesh is that gonna yeah all right now I've got a food source it's uh rotten flesh that's that's great I guess I just have to hunt down some zombies for my best food source there we go I can finally heal ah yes raw flesh what a delicacy oh it's an acquired taste you know once you get past the rottenness and the fleshiness well I guess I'm spending the night farming rotten flesh can you give it to me dude got scammed zombies getting some food make sure to like And subscribe to be a cool dude yeah a 17 pieces of Glorious tasty grub stop no I honestly feel pretty good about where we're at I got food I have tools I got armor I think the armor Works let's see what our next advancement is oh raid a village pick a fight with an iron golem oh no I've got a raid a village dog I mean sure you do what you gotta do back to the Village I go oh wow I've got an egg excuse me sir I think you dropped this okay off to the Village we go I'm not responsible enough to be a dad oh gosh water no yeah okay forgot about that why hello once again oh gosh that's some root some rude villagers dog all right so it says I've gotta pick a fight with an iron golem what do I gotta say something mean about his mom your mom oh I feel so bad why do I feel guilty about this uh hey Mr Iron Golem you smell bad your mother reeks of dull berries good thing the copper Golem didn't pass otherwise there'd be a new coolest Golem in town I've tried all of my insults nothing's working all right I guess I just gotta punch you huh yeah oh my goodness he's sprinting yo you all right Mr Golem you found a zombie or something oh no oh no he's taking out the villagers yo Golem stop it dude no not the babies dude did the cat just take a bite of the baby stop Iron Golem stop what you're doing run Jeremy no not right into him he's not a friend he's the okay well I tried oh my gosh look at him stop it Golem these are your friends stop oh no well I got the advancement but I feel bad about it all right go look Golem stop stop it stop it I'll save you villagers oh this is my doing I'm sorry Mr Golem but I gotta protect my villager boys no ah that makes me feel so bad dude I should have known I thought I would punch the Golem and then like a raid would start I didn't think the raid would be the Iron Golem developers what are you making me do betraying my values eating literal flesh oh hello cow you're a beautiful cow good boy you're the only thing normal left about this video Don't betray my trust well there's only one advancement left to do and that's life the nether portal with water well sounds about right ah hello cute little buddy I like your jumping you're not gonna eat my eyeballs now are you no okay sweet keep your eyes peeled we're looking for a lava pit somewhere I'd rather not go into a cave if possible I see a lava bit and now I make the portal yeah okay I said I shall make the portal he yeah come on editors we talked about this you cut and then it's done nope all right fine I'll do it myself oh okay just gonna put the lava on here [Laughter] uh don't judge me I'm just having fun hey oh gosh ah hello husky boy you want to get healed there you go buddy I love you I love you I love you oh stop you're interrupting our love get back I shall fight them off with my love yeah all right all right I'll hold you down almost done nether portal achieved no shoot I didn't mean to do that come on wooden sword help me out here dude this is so weird is this gonna work I assume the wooden sword is gonna break right yeah there we go that's that's so weird everything is so backwards all right now we've got a nether portal was that so hard editors was that so hard and now let's light this bad boy I gotta be a little careful though because water is poisonous to me so gonna make a little hole for the water to fall into and I should be good wait wait hold on before I go to the nether I have an idea I might be able to get some food and extra rotten flesh from a desert temple right because they got a bunch of rotten flesh in them whoa that's a cool cave since I'm in the desert might as well check out for one and look what I found what is this a doorway for ants oh hello Spider Boy excuse me pardon me I'm really just here for rotten flesh strangely enough but I mean might as well see if there's anything else exciting and head on down excuse me buddy and we've got the best loot in game infinite food the best uh golden apples probably are not gonna be good for me but I'll grab it anyways and let's grab this TNT as well I don't know what it's gonna do it might blow up bigger or not but I mean I'm too curious not to at least try oh hello Diamond is it wrong to be excited about rotten flesh inside of a desert pyramid yeah probably but that's what this video is all about so let's try this shall we if I put TNT down and I light it oh gosh run I have no idea what's gonna happen and oh it just places down blocks instead of breaking them yeah I guess that makes sense I now summon Stone oh not stone gold dude yeah I guess what blocks it breaks is random heck yeah man all right we'll take some gold that's awesome dude TNT's like my own Lucky Block man let's try this again give us netherrite well technically no give us a bad yeah wood yeah perfect we take some wood thank you glorious TNT you've gifted me the most valuable thing a man could want trees come on Big Money big money big money what am I gonna get uh gold and gold hey double gold I feel like I'm gambling or something right now come on Big Money big money hey diamonds and gold hey diamonds I don't need any of those those are actually useless for me diamonds are literally worthless but gold might be kind of nice I guess I might trade with pig lens or or I go to the dentist and have to get a feeling or something regardless I think it's time for the nether my friends and the water in the Nether Portal who needs fire achieved uh oh my oh hell chill oh my goodness what just happened uh what what what uh he did not make a nether portal it just teleported me into The Nether that's that's fine I didn't want to go back home anyways also why didn't I die of lava uh oh I love lava I have an I love lava bib on great well lava doesn't hurt me anymore that's awesome everything is backwards water kills me and lava feels nice I lava some lava do you like my new haircut I think it's pretty fire alright let's see what new achievements we have to do I'm glad at least I won't die from lava take a bath has been achieved I can do staring contests looking Enderman in the eyes and I can do the pig who cried gold make piglands run away well hello oh hello Mr pigland boys ouch okay I guess I just gotta trade with you here we go my man oh gosh they run away from moment here you go dude take the gold you like it no you're supposed to love gold here have it take the gold come on take the gold take it he doesn't like my gift of gold how funny man all right and back up oh no sorry guys that's my bad that is so weird piglands are a terrified of gold well good to know stand back foul monsters okay they're fine with gold all right have a good day Mr piglin the only thing left is a staring contest with an Enderman so let's go do that I guess I shall look them deep in their glorious purple eyes oh there's a fortress here hold on before we do that let's uh check out these blazes huh we'll grab myself a couple blaze rods oh gosh what's up Blaze dudes oh no I get ender pearls right right I shall attack you with a wooden hole my most valuable of possessions yeah okay whatever I kill a blaze they drop ender pearls yeah as one does I guess we'll get a couple ender pearls here and then we'll go look at some Enderman in the eyes what's the worst that could happen no the only problem with these wooden hoes is they do a bunch of damage but their durability is pretty bad ah I hope I have enough wood I should be fine on wood I have 14 of them but I'm going through these hoes like it's nothing I should probably stop saying that huh 14 ender pearls well uh Crimson Forest I kind of want to find a warped Forest right I'm ready to beat the game or lose the game or whatever I have to do let's see oh there's an Enderman I'm kind of nervous I'm supposed to do a staring contest with him I just I guess I just look at them all right get ready we'll stare at the Enderman ride in the eyes oh he's mad oh he's very mad don't don't stop looking at him oh my goodness he exploded oh my what do I have laser eyes and yep he drops blaze rods oh gosh parkour nice three blaze rods not bad staring contest go it's just fiddly explodes uh this feels so weird the contest known to man I guess it's kind of the opposite because usually when I look at an Enderman I die so that works out and now for the fastest way to get out of the nether that wasn't supposed to happen let's try this again shall we and yes back to the Overworld craft up our ender eyes and I ah do I trust it this seems super weird but I have a feeling I should go in the opposite direction of where the eyes point me to but what if I just run for like 700 blocks you know I'm gonna follow the path of the eyes and worse comes the worst I can just backtrack or you know die I think we've done it all right as long as the developer didn't lie to me it should be directly underneath us ah feels good ah classic Minecraft ah water no gosh oh ah I thought it would be safe I'll see you in like 10 minutes dude I was okay let's try this again shall we I'm digging in a different spot and here we are weird I guess I get no achievements because the only achievements are the cursed ones so unless this is a fake stronghold what have you done developers I trust like nobody now straight up oh a chest okay I don't need any that aha here we are boys take you out and let's head to the end now I have no idea what defeating the dragon is gonna be uh so I should be prepared for anything we've done it my friends let's head into the end ah what's the Worst That Could Happen okay everything here seems normal so far except for the fact that I can just wait you guys oh there we go there we go dude that is so nice what's up Enderman yeah not so scary now are you that is so satisfying it is so nice not worrying about Enderman dude see you later Mr Dragon let's see what I gotta do best friends forever Up Up and Away what does that mean best friends forever I guess I have to prefer friend the dragon I don't need you anymore it's time for best friend mode Dragon you are glorious your wings are absolutely shining today is that a new haircut I mean your wings are looking sharp I don't know man just give him compliments I don't know how to make friends yeah yeah you want to play you want to play in a Minecraft world together play some Smash Bros some Sonic we can do Duo Mario wow it said something about Up Up and Away can I ride the dragon come here buddy be my friend yeah I'm friends forever except for Chester okay Chester's my number one friend but the dragon is second always second okay well I think I beat the game you guys I got all the achievements you see developers that wasn't so hard except I'm afraid of heights and I don't know how to get down you're gonna have to try harder than that Mr developer no matter what goofy stuff you throw at me I will beat it oh
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,557,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft custom, custom minecraft, mc but, marketplace, minecraft map, minecraft beat the game, beating minecraft, minecraft wrong, meme, memes
Id: Gl3HqqqVJ7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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