Minecraft but I have Evil Clones

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my evil clones have invaded minecraft they're all trying to use the powers of my videos to bring about the destruction of the world it's up to me to steal these powers back ah roses what a beautiful lovely sunny day oh look a cave that's a weird looking cave ah it's a child wait no is that me son uh i'm i'm confused you need to save the world crafty ah again okay as you slept last night several paced versions clones of yourself have left your body ah i was wondering why i felt so light today some of your clones have become evil and you need to stop them but you can take this old mega sword to help oh man so i guess the world really is in danger and if the other versions of me won't save the world it looks like it's up to me to do it oh jeremiah is in this little what are you doing in that little bucket dude i love you jeremiah you're coming with me we got some iron from a nearby mountain when we found this cool looking spot whoa this place looks pretty interesting uh i see some oars this might be is that a boxing ring what the heck hello oh custom punch is crafty oh no no no no no no no no ah be careful gerard ah okay okay okay okay bad ouch come here custom punches crafty yeah okay we're doing a little bit ah oh my gosh he shoots out fire dragons i knew i was powerful i didn't know i was this powerful you think you're the strongest boxer in the world well okay all right all right round two where's my sword yeah i don't like this stop camping in the corner come fight me dude i mean to be fair i brought a sword to a boxing match but don't judge me hanging out by the ring all right give me five no no no no don't give me a five with your fist no thank you i meant five is in five minutes of break please don't they have rounds in boxing can i take a little water break real quick hold on hold on water break oh god i would take a water break but currently jeremiah is chilling in my only water source come on we got this careful careful dodge the punches we got this easy oh round three anyone get back inside me clone oh one last hit do you have any last words custom punches clone i'm sure there's a bunch of evil clones i still need to collect but you can collect them all instantly by buying the evil clone skin pack which features every clone in this video and more available on the minecraft marketplace that was a very mean last word yeah boss defeated we got him oh well we took care of that guy and it looks like he dropped a weird-looking apple oh boxing glove yeah that that makes more sense whoa which gives me two new powers a flaming dash punch ow okay okay the flaming dash punch does not give me fire resistance and i also have a fury of punches boom boom boom oh that is awesome well this will come in handy i don't imagine this will be the last evil clone we'll have to defeat and let's make sure that jeremiah is nice and handy in case that uh fire damage decides to you know try to kill me i found another cave heater and it already has torches in it and i didn't place these down get your boxing glove ready we might have another clone on the loose uh i'm nervous dude i don't like this at all oh my gosh this cave is huge mine mobs crafty okay we got another guy get ready for action hello are you a good guy hey guy are you doing okay over there oh gosh oh gosh no no no no must mine all mobs hey i'm not a mob dude i'm i'm crafty stop please please he shoots out mobs whoa whoa whoa oh man looks like it's boss battle time yeah yeah yeah yeah i learned my punches jab jab right hook take that to your monster yeah come on now take that oh where are you i punched him in the wall ah come on man we could talk about this talk to the fist yeah my mom's crafty down and he rejoined me in my spirit oh gosh and he dropped something pretty cool here he dropped a mind mob's pickaxe oh my word i can now send a sonic wave smash yeah boom oh that is such a cool power and i can shoot out exploding cows as one does i just broke cobblestone with my flaming fist that's pretty neat all right two clones down and who knows how many more to go i've got a lot of personalities it could be infinite i'll be honest and so i marched on crossing through new environments and wondering just how much damage my evil clones were already causing i stumbled upon a village and i asked the villagers if they knew anything about these evil crafties when i heard a suspicious thought what the heck was that nearby guys what's going on over here there's like angry particles coming from that area did you trap somebody in there guys you can't play pranks at iron golems that's just mean okay i gotta play this pretty carefully though there could be an evil crafty in there anybody in there oh yep somebody's definitely in there are you all right what food hearts crafty oh thank goodness i'm saved i have been stuck in here for so long uh are you a good clone or a bad clone hey hold your horses buddy i'd used to roll with them okay until they trap me in here jerks i know all there is to know about the evil clones i will absolutely help you defeat them hey well that's good news all right all right i love your little pants dude they're so cute please don't don't call me cute i can't help it you're small and adorable i i i hate this already all right follow me oh snap it's another cave why do all crafties like caves so much and there's diamonds in there all we do love our diamonds holy cow dude this place is crazy looking there's floating candles and everything this place is kind of spooky dude and a little romantic holy cow dude uh hello ah oh gosh he spawned a bunch of clones hey clone you can't spawn clones that's gonna be bad tank this ow all right all right all right this is not good you guys do look beautiful though i like your outfit we can't deal with any more clones man if clothes are making clones that's gonna be a bad time a custom diamond clone whoa oh ow okay okay yellow shoots lasers that's good to know what do you say yellow oh red oh that that that summons the clones okay we're figuring out his powers we're figuring it out the different colors are different power so i can kind of get prepared what does blue do oh floating cow go oh purple charges purple charges at us okay okay there's yellow again here comes a laser oh gosh ow ow oh god something happened though what just happened i was hiding behind that pillar and he shot a laser and then it destroyed the pillar we've kind of figured out his powers dude but i still can't damage him any ideas oh i see if this is powering up his shield all i gotta do is wait for that yellow attack again and i might be able to take out a shield and then take him out here comes clones oh don't die help me out dude get him snacky here comes the yellow attack come on come on destroy the pillar destroy the pillar yes we powered it down okay okay okay as long as i don't die here i might be able to kill him now that a shield is down can i do damage yeah okay just keep sending punches his way and eventually he'll die get taken down man this guy is hard i told you there's no time for i told you so you take out the clones i'll take out the big man yeah yeah okay just keep shooting punches at them shoot exploding cows dodge okay we're doing it we're actually doing this man this is a proper boss battle cow attack come on dude come on almost dead a couple more punches keep shooting punches yes we got a custom diamonds crafty is down oh my goodness i could not have done this without you ah don't make me blush dude i think it's gonna be too big for you dude what is this super diamond crafty chest plate are you kidding me who will i don't mind if i do oh snap dude i love it why didn't you let me wear it ah i think i think this is a little big for you buddy oh man this armor is cool looking i get resistance strength haste hold space to hover i can hover dude oh snap this is awesome oh yeah we are super crafty nothing can stop us [Applause] [Music] where are we i was trying to warn you to be careful we just die we what and now we're in a realm of another crafty the super death crafty is what he calls himself weird dude only he can judge if we are willing to return to the land of the living ah this can't be happening hey take it easy just go talk to him maybe he'll judge us as worthy to go back to the land of living okay okay okay hello good man oh gosh super death crafty there he is and he brought his squad of skeletons here hey there how you doing mr death oh hey crafty i always knew you'd come see me oh that's sweet wait a minute you doing all right my man oh me oh yeah man i'm doing great i'm uh here with food hearts crafty i got some cool armor oh nice nice cause you ca you can't leave what sorry to do this to you but prepare for imminent termination i told you he's a weird dude be careful not to get hit by that death wave what death wave ah okay okay yeah yep that that stinks oh okay okay we at least can do damage to him that's good come on man let me back to the land of the living you big jerk take this take my punches my fury attack aha now i am the king of death oh take this dude attack death wave oh ouch ouch okay that's doing a lot of damage oh man get him dude yeah go snacky take my punches oh this isn't so bad we can take him out come on man let us back in the land of the living i promise i'm good for it oh man death wave death wave wait a minute can i jump over it hover boots oh this is awesome all right all right with our new armor and powers this shouldn't be so bad come on he's almost dead no dude he's back up oh did he just the skeletons he uses the skeletons to heal yeah take that skeleton man there we go we got one of them okay two skeletons down there we go it's working it's working keep them distracted snacky one last skeleton remains and yeah now he has no way to heal and we can take him out once and for all ow wait a minute if he's a death clone and he came from inside of me does that mean that death lives in me too i'm not going to think too much about it death wave oh gosh i'm almost going to die come on yes yes boss defeated super death crafty is down oh my goodness that was tough i knew we could defeat him we did good but you gotta make sure not to get cocky we can take on anyone oh boy and look at that dude that's cool man what does this do yeah oh i can throw it and it comes right back that's a sweet power dude oh and apparently it sucks the life force out of mobs that i hit with it okay the big question is can i leave this area now it yes i can oh what a beautiful day it is too well now that we're back in the land of the living where should we go next well there's a couple more clones with bad plans i'm sure and i think i know where we might find them lead the way and after walking for a while we've been brought over here where i heard a strange whining noise hey mr snacky did you hear something nope for the 11th time i heard nothing can we please keep going no no no i definitely heard something this time you said that last time it sounds kind of like what you sounded like before i found you like you know crying and sniveling i don't cry and snivel it was a tactical rescue plan and it worked thank you i see something i think there's somebody in there hello do you know anything about this i don't uh hello you doing okay there little buddy hey trees beat the game crafty those evil crafty clones are scary ugh look at this guy those clones are scary little guy we literally just fought death i planted this tree to hype myself but i will fight along you to help save the day oh that's so cute it no no it's not snacky do you know this guy no brother oh no wait these guys are brothers well i guess technically all the clones are brothers but this is great another companion to join the journey with us and a rather adorable one who are you talking to uh the audience the what now are you guys sure this is the right place i think so i'm not sure though it is let's get going whoa uh echo uh what did you guys say was here something scary if we're gonna save the world we need to stop every clone right we have to be here just be ready oh my word okay just be ready he says ugh oh my gosh this goes all the way down this is pretty spooky you guys but i think i can do it what is that it's a zombie oh dee are you shooting burgers dude do you have oh you have powers that's awesome look at that tree crafty you shoot out little branches that knock them back i'm proud of you how what are you winnie the pooh zombie yeah oh lava zombie same difference ah okay okay i like this death scythe i haven't been able to use it until now this is awesome hello buddy bedrock zombie man what all these zombies coming from i don't know but i don't like it okay there's a pit with water down there uh i mean uh why not sure more bad guys get ready bam take that winnie the pooh this is getting weird man we're getting down into the depths we haven't seen any clones just yet but i imagine any second they're gonna appear out of nowhere yeah okay we got some parkour you guys be careful don't break any of your little tiny toes can you stop calling me tiny what am i wrong i'm not being mean technically you're a clone so it's just self-deprecated humor okay it's what all the kids love these days ouch now can i hover down there hover ow okay well the hover didn't work but that's fine i didn't need tarsal bones anyway i think we made it to the bottom you guys all right be ready for anything okay i'm ready who are we gonna fight dude center of the earth crafty good one thank you thank you i thought it was funny thank you tree i will not chop a tree next time i see it okay get ready you guys this could get nasty oh lava and bedrock touch crafty what the heck i know these guys are the better versions of youtube hey i'm kidding i'm kidding well they're certainly meaner versions it looks like they're gonna touch the whole world into a lava bedrock hybrid we need to stop them well said all right i don't know what kind of powers they got whoa okay bedrock ball watch out guys watch out bedrock ball careful dodge it okay okay okay okay we know they shoot giant bedrock balls maybe lava as well and they seem to switch places that's a lava ball okay oh snap the zombies are stopping the giant ball okay okay careful guys hey bedrock bub stop ruining my lava with your bedrock how about you stop ruining my bedrock with your lava oh hello gentlemen yeah take this zombie boy oh man this could get dangerous so it looks like there's bedrock flooring watch out boys oh gosh they're sending out their minions hey take this scythe attack go oh this is working pretty well oh we gotta take out these twins we got some lava balls watch out you guys okay okay it seems like they swap back and forth and the one on the right is the one that's doing all the power so watch out lava guy might attack any second here oh bedrock boy go come on we got this watch out for lava attacks they're fighting come on we got this come on yeah boss defeated lava and bedrock touched crafty down that was a lot of words i just said check it out what is this thing it just dropped yeah we did it i knew we were the superior twins yeah and stay down oh thanks for helping me defeat these guys yeah don't mention it mention it all the time okay we'll do we'll do and i think it's time to claim our prize he got it lava rock shield oh snap this is pretty cool well we've stopped this disaster so what's next in store for us well if i recall the next one is right here we have been walking in silence for 12 minutes to make that transition better worth it not worth it oh geez this guy looks like bad news do any of you know what his plan is no idea but he is the one that made me want to go into hiding yeah i didn't get to see his power but uh he is no joke and obvious he's up to no good tr treeboy yeah whatever happens you'll always be my brother and you'll always be mine alright let's do this hey a big guy so uh what you got going on oh no you have any life aspirations oh alpha crafty it's been so long since i was in your head now i know this may look bad but all i'm trying to do is build some custom armor oh well that's not so bad at all actually by using the core of the universe ending all realities as we know it and you cannot stop me well that was abrupt but you can bet your your bottom your bottom dollar that we will stop you nailed it you really got him good there crafty king of one-liners let's get him wow okay he shoots a wave of enderman are you kidding me dude hey come here you big ol stinky mess you can't use the core of the earth oh he teleports okay of course he does i don't know what else he might have oh can i use my armor okay okay the lava rock shield does not work against enderman that is good to know he's after me guys help not good not good not good oh ow he shoots like a big black hole ball so be careful for that oh here it is i might be able to use this i might be able to use my shield yeah to reflect it oh take that man aha so we know whenever he's charging that up we can use our shield to deflect it watch out you guys oh big balls coming enderman shield jump over it oh we are nailing this man we are doing this shoot cows adam careful careful careful careful oh enderman jump over all right we got this you guys we have enough powers to take them out we can do this run run run run run run careful you guys watch out oh get hooked up into a black hole what is happening ah oh he launches a black hole and you could get sucked up into it okay that's that's good to know we've almost got him you got this you guys enderman yeah jumping over the enderman like it said nothing we did it yes we did it you guys yeah and once again you can get all of these clones and more in the evil clones skin pack be sure to pick it up on the minecraft marketplace link is in the description we did it we defeated the evil clones wait what do i do with you guys now now well i guess you'll stick with me
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,175,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom item, custom items, custom skin, custom skins, minecraft clone, minecraft clones, minecraft but clones, minecraft but clone, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, custom armor
Id: -moPL-IxYGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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