Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to Cardboard

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i am so obsessed with the recycling that i'm gonna recycle everything i'll use this power to make cardboard items explore cardboard structures and recycle the entire world all right let's recycle baby what percent a new recipe unlocked well that was fast the cardboard sword sounds cool okay how do i make a card a bit how do i spell card card cardboard nope i might need a crafting table here let me grab a hey wait a minute i'm recycling too much give me a piece of wood dude it looks like i don't just convert one block i convert like a aura around me what can i say i love recycling all right let's make ourselves ooh a cardboard sword i need a cardboard scraps and cardboard roll can i get that from breaking cardboard come on recycle give it to me nope i might need some better tools first let me grab some of this cobblestone if i can nice all right now can i break these boxes oh i can yes i got myself a cardboard box and oh my goodness cardboard skin apparently all right i love recycling so much i even recycled myself okay if i just keep breaking these hey there it is we got cardboard roll i needed and with this i can craft yeah my cardboard sword wow it's got some pretty cool powers too and speaking of cardboard i'm not just cardboard in game dude i am a cubel you can get your hands on a crafty cardboard too use your building skills to fold and assemble me into a playable action figure in minutes oh and i even come with some cool accessories like cardboard hearts and oh diamonds pick up your very own crafty cubel using the link in the description now our sword has some interesting powers hello my lovely cardboard volunteer would you like to be recycled when i hit mobs it turns them into a cardboard box and then their loot drops out of the box pretty cool huh pretty meat uh neat i don't know that'll be useful hope that means we can one hit pretty much anything in this video that make recycling a lot easier whoa guys check this out i found like a cardboard fort over there too bad the sun's out otherwise it might be a fortnight sorry hello my lovely cardboard fort is anyone ready to acknowledge me as their cardboard king whoa these villagers don't sound like normal oh gosh do they have underpants on how okay these guys are dangerous recycle recycle oh wow wow wow they're dangerous okay okay hold on time out time out you might be having fun but you're about to get real bored ah cardboard at least yeah okay okay okay die you foul monsters yeah yeah take that i don't know what happened to the villagers but you guys gotta go they drop any loot it doesn't look like it uh feels good to recycle some bad guys oh we got some gold nice i do love myself uh right i don't have an iron pick guys i was heading for some high ground to look to see if i could find another one of these structures and look i spy with my little eye on top of a chest dude this might have some good items in it oh hey a perk for having cardboard body is i don't take any fall damage i'll take that okay come on come on please give us something cool what uh is that a cardboard worm a cardboard cannon okay now we're talking holy cow definitely cooler than a cardboard worm i'll tell you that much i'm just waiting for the toilet paper unlocked all right well what does this guy do uh launch oh here we go that's cool 20 unlocked cardboard wall well that was nice and fast dude the cardboard cannon is awesome it just launches a giant explosion of cardboard it might be made of cardboard but i'll certainly never be bored using it okay now what did i unlock a wall right a cardboard wall speaking of fortnite dude so if something bad happens i can just toss up this wall for a second it says don't submerge in liquid even partially oh don't worry guys i would never never never never never never never i can't help myself well it just disappeared i i don't know what i was expecting you can't tell me not to do something 25 progress a new foe has appeared nearby well that just sounds delightful uh before we find out what this uh foe is i'm just gonna make another one of these walls and i guess we'll try our best what is that ah crafty i knew you'd arrive what's the meaning of this creeper a creeper cut out or a cardboard crafty which is more powerful we must battle to find out well i don't want to battle unless you have some sweet loot or something no loot but only one of us supreme cardboard beings can exist at a time otherwise we both lose our power and i intend to keep mine at maximum potential dang it that's why i can't touch the ground of cardboard anymore all right you're going down bring it on wait hold on i did not know i was supposed to bring something what what do i got to bring ah the battle oh right right right come here gosh how come you get special powers man that's not fair okay well i do have my cardboard wall in case he uh shoots tnt at me not good not good can i use my cardboard sword no it does damage to him but it doesn't turn him into a cardboard box it looks like can i use my cardboard cannon yeah oh that works okay take this creeper yeah that does damage oh tnt incoming yeah dude you can't touch this one why not i'm fine it doesn't look like his tnt reaches very far i might be able to just sit here and take him out with my cannon cannon attack come on one more dude one more yeah oh my gosh i unlocked two new things the packing tape that's pretty cool and a new structure is generated in the world to keep an eye out for that but for now i can craft my packing tape oh my goodness i need paper and honeycomb well this'll take a little bit i needed to make a plan paper is easy i found some sugarcane nearby i just had to be a little careful on my approach not to turn it into beautiful old cardboard next up iron for shears since mining was uh hard i thought of something more surface level that could get me some iron i looked around this entire village but i didn't find any iron in the chest so our only option is sorry buddy yeah and with that iron we crafted our pair of shears and got the honeycombs i needed and that'll give us everything we need to craft and now we've got our packing tape man we slapped some honey on a piece of bread and that is not how they package amazon packages it says it places tape on the ground well that was obvious oh when mobs step on it it freezes them come hither little cardboard chicken is he stuck now oh yeah we got him uh sorry buddy i don't think i can set you free he won't let me break the tape there you go now be free little cardboard boy well this tape will certainly be useful let's go ahead and explore a little more and see if we can find that structure that spawned earlier oh hey i found something and that doesn't look like a normal village whoa it seems the structure that spawned is some kind of warehouse i guess that makes sense with you know cardboard and all maybe there'll be something useful in here to help me recycle the world hello anyone home gosh there is somebody home is that a zombie dude andy's made of cardboard are these bad guys or are these just night shift workers okay bad guys bad guys good to know i will recycle you oh i get it they're boxers like they box up ah i was trying to make a pun you guys stop tormenting the warehouse oh man they're everywhere hold on packing tape there yeah it just sticks them there i can make a nice little packing tape circle around me or a square you know minecraft and now they can't even get to me dude oh snap someone help me they stuffed me in a box who'd you stuff in a box you guys don't worry random mystery stranger i'll save you it's a rescue mission now not just recycling that looks like a box someone could be stuck in metal crate is locked i heard him inside don't worry little buddy i will save you okay we might be looking for a key or something i guess there might be a key up here in this looks like an office of some kind uh hello anybody home yes okay we did find a key i'm hoping it's the key we need pretty rude guys you can't be locking people in crates dude i unlocked it cardboard chester dude no way good to see you buddy i'm happy to help little chester buddy oh you look awesome dude and he makes progress for me too oh this is gonna go by so fast now especially having a buddy with me you're ready to help me recycle the world that's what i thought go buddy go damn fifty percent unlocked nice job we unlocked a cardboard stick horse i don't really know what that is but uh it's worth it i can craft it already too oh heck yeah dude we've got oh no we've got a horse man i can right click to write it let's see little horse yeah that'll make progression a little faster go buddy dude go it does look ridiculous i will be honest right into the sunset oh sorry dude does it damage mobs when i run into them also you look ridiculous i love it so much it does okay well that'll be useful sorry there sheep i didn't mean to learn my lesson on you oh man i love making fast progress and i also like how easy it is to craft these items too yeah oh we got something else too oh man this is so fast i can make a recycle gun i hope that's as easy to craft as the last stuff uh recycle uh-oh well that's not so easy oh especially trying to mine underground with this power up dude just my luck chester's gonna jump on a diamond as soon as i find it we're on a mission to find a diamond oh goodness i did find a mine shaft oh there's some spiders in there uh-oh get back spiders yeah get him chester all right take out this spider spawner i'm looking for a diamond my friends it's gotta be around here somewhere it's so dark get back you non-cardboard monster gotta be careful dude i don't wanna accidentally walk on top of the diamond and ruin it i mean not ruin it recycle it is that one yes yes yes guessing i gotta be careful here i'm gonna make an iron pickaxe oh please please don't mess this up for me yes we got it okay okay nice dude oop well that diamond is uh now recycled but we got the diamond that we needed ah fresh cardboard air and then should give us our recycle gun oh my gosh look at it would you like me to recycle your face oh snap it recycles a huge area too go recycle gun we got to be due for an upgrade here soon actually there it is we got a new item bubble wrap oh bubble wrap sounds awesome how do i make it i need bubbles what i need to get a bunch of bubbles to make bubble wrap it says something about found in boxes near water oh i see maybe i turn these blocks into cardboard and then if i break the cardboard it drops bubbles dude that's hilarious give me all the bubbles please one and two and three and four you wanna know something funny you can't say bubbles and sound awesome bubbles like you just sound hilarious okay well regardless we got 12 bubbles and that'll give us what we need to make our bubble wrap yo it's time for my bubble wrap i pop him so good oh snap i don't know all right what does this do yeah oh my gosh it puts bubbles everywhere can i pop the bubble wrap how do i pop it i throw an item on it oh do i jump on it oh like it gave me diamonds dude i could just pop the bubble wrap and it gives me a bunch of items was that netherride i just saw oh man i thought bubble wrap was already satisfying and now i get to get diamonds and everything how come when i was a child when i pop bubble wrap all i got was air holy cow hold on it's upgrade time not only do i have full diamond now i also have full netherlight who said their recycling doesn't pay what do you think chester how do i look are you jealous don't worry buddy i'll feed you some netherride ingots too that's his favorite snack time to make more progress yeah guys i can combine my recycle gun and my cardboard can and watch this yeah boom dude that's so cool and we got a new structure well at least if it's something bad we have geared up with our nether right armor and somehow uh cardboard sword but the cardboard sword is better than a netherite sword uh don't ask me how that works whoa guys i found a huge structure here it looks like a recycling plant whatsoever a cycle oh recycling oh that makes sense wait hold on do you recycle or are you recycling but that's not why we're here i actually don't even know why we're here hello oh gosh all right more of these bad guys man these zombies are everywhere dude stop trying to prevent me from recycling oh there is a chest over here hey don't kill me dude i'm on my lunch break okay all right now we can battle yeah cardboard wing well that's kind of cool looks a little like cardboard pants i'll be honest let's see can i put them on oh no i actually can't i can right click with it though it'll launch me up a little bit launch cardboard wing oh it doesn't really work as wings would but i guess it's made of cardboard i will climb to the highest point and look at me a new foe has appeared nearby last time i fought a cardboard creeper what's next cardboard llama oh gosh the box boss that guy looks interesting oh he shoots laser i walked right into that one no no no no no don't hit me dude he's a lot more powerful than i thought he would be yeah he does a little bit of damage but not much dude i have to hit him with everything that i've got yeah take that come on chester help me out dude uh cochester yeah dude i am so glad i got myself netherrite otherwise i would for sure be dead right now careful chester's still live right yeah chester buddy are you okay dude anyway gotta get away get out get away don't mess with my friend and one more hit yeah we got a 100 a new structure has generated in the world oh okay i thought this was gonna be it well guys i think i found it it doesn't look like a recycle facility or anything the one button to recycle them all oh it's a giant recycle button if i press this the whole world shall be recycled well i guess here goes nothing and then i will launch down and press it button well that was unexpected but you know what you can expect a great time if you pick up a cue bulls crafty click the link in the description to get your own and i'll see you guys soon subscribe
Channel: Craftee
Views: 5,981,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft funny, minecraft cardboard, cubles, custom touch, everything i touch, custom item, custom items, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom mob, custom mobs
Id: CPefavCmtn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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