Testing Dumb Minecraft Challenges

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today I'm taking on some of the dumbest challenges that have been sent to me by my friends and you the viewers are you ready Pig what's our first challenge no textures oh fantastic and I got to get an iron sword that's my goal I got to do that with what wait what oh gosh I just fell into water that's fine this is terrible dude are you a tree my beautiful man I'm just going to punch it and see what happens oh gosh how am I supposed to craft like this dude uh I got my Oak planks I got a crafting table I think all right I place you down how am I supposed to even know what iron is o clock oh gosh where is it okay there's my sticks and I think it goes here ah yeah wooden pickaxe you can't see it but I've got it we shall mine some Stone I think yeah it's stone stone pickaxe acquired wait how am I supposed to know which one is even iron dude do I have it have I gotten it yet no oh wait wait oh gosh mobs are invisible that's great okay no no no what nope nope nope I'm done and I'm taking the L on that one next challenge can't touch green oh I've seen these challenges go to the nether where it's safe well we have a little uh ruined nether portal over there I guess I can do all right okay so if I just touch the green grass yeah I just instantly die I didn't know what else I was expecting I got to make my way over there I guess I can grab some of these items I think the best way to do this the best Strat is to get ourselves some planks all right just going to grab oh gosh leaves are green right right and perfect nailed it excuse me tree just giving you a quick haircut here okay careful now if I break this I'll land on dirt I think I should be all right crafting table acquired now my legs are safe we'll make plenty of slabs and I think I should be good from now on right just got to do some epic parkour ouch wait I have a plan I can parkour on the rooftops okay just got to avoid the CRPS over here can I jump on trap doors I can jump on the gravel perfect o I might actually need that let me grab that if we got a light the nether portal I'll need some gravel perfect perfect I'm nailing this ouch I think I touched grass Gamer's worst enemy grass ah yeah nailed it okay please please please give us what we need obsidian perfect um Iron nuggets I hope that's enough and I got a fancy hat to obsidian perfect got my flint and boom we've made it to the nether watch the nether is just covered in green yeah challenge complete nailed it and now I die see you in the afterlife boys next Cheng oh I'm tiny oh what challenge sideways world oh no wo oh that is so disorienting so this is like a wall basically like I'm I'm mining a one by one hole and all the blocks fall like that oh that is so weird it reminds me of the it's like the Australia one where it's upside down but now it's sideways obviously go find a village interesting so if I stand on this can I see a village out there oh God this is making making me sick to look at man oh I don't like this at all this is weird I might need some blocks let me see if I can get myself some wood and stuff can I snag you and I might be able to jump in the water okay that's working this is crazy dude and I just make my way down until I find myself a village oh gosh no oh shoot gosh dang it back to the start just got to land in the water yeah and slowly but carefully make my way down probably make myself some tools like a shovel here that'll make it a little easier to not take as fall damage ouch I guess the only way to go is up o snap so there's some blocks here I could use nice little shovel upgrade Ah that's much better nice and fast oh gosh I shouldn't have done that that is a lot of Health dude this is going to oh no gosh dang it how how am I supposed to do this is there even a village over here I guess I can just jump and look for one any Village around here come on please Village yes yes yes I found a village technically it might count if I can die on The Village that'll count as touching the village block water water water water yes yes dude I've made it challenge complete dude that was awesome that was so terrifying I've made it to the village in the upside down world I'm a legend next challenge um all right you're awfully close to me challenge can't break blocks my only goal is to get out of the hole am I just stuck I'm stuck in a two block hole are you serious that's it I just got to get out of the hole it's impossible I can't jump that high my little legs are too scrawny power jump yeah that's just not going to work oh man I can't break the trees otherwise I might be able to make slabs I mean zombies rarely drop iron ingots if I kill enough of those I can make an iron block wait but I need a crafting table yeah I don't know I think my only hope is to wait for a creeper and just pray that I survive uh we'll be back later next challenge challenge mobs are growing I assume they'll just get bigger and bigger for 5 minutes so let me just quickly get myself some wood for weapons and tools I guess I'm genuinely terrified dude I'm looking for mobs there's something a it's a little chicken that's not so bad oh there's a spider oh gosh that is a massive creeper dude he's the size of a tree already oh yep oh yep and there he goes he's even bigger now fantastic our spider's bigger or not I can't tell I'm I'm I'm going to run I'm going to run hold on dude I got to make my sword and stuff still wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my gosh look at them ow hey back off spiders giant zombie giant zombie I just got to smack his toes their hit box is huge come on man they're already so big I can't even touch them oh gosh that is a giant skeleton oh no no no no no a cave actually a cave is good for me because if the mobs are big enough they'll just suffocate in the walls inside the cave loopholes oh my gosh they are the size of mountains dude got to be careful I don't have that many hearts right now just got to find a nice tight cave and I think I should be good to go oh I'm on one heart awesome yes rotten flesh they're spawning in suffocating ating oh gosh except for that guy hello yes look at him ha my plan is working I've made my own giant mob farm just got to hang out oh Enderman what no I looked at the Enderman oh whatever close enough moving on meanwhile in the hole I'm still here it's been 12 minutes next challenge I'm multiplying gold don't crash what's up crafty how you doing buddy oh hi crafty how are you doing buddy what's up crafty how you doing buddy so it's just going to keep spawning crafties until my computer crashes is that it okay yeah yeah this is definitely going to be a problem oh I see each crafty can multiply another crafties which is going to get worse and worse and worse or better and better I guess depending on how you look at it this is already getting very out of hand oh my goodness well thankfully I've got a beefy old PC oh gosh oh gosh this is getting bad you guys wait why is everyone taller than me well this is starting to become a problem my frame rate is already really bad come on computer you got this hold on just a little longer buddy oh no oh my gosh you can't even read the names it's just a sea of white okay yeah my computer's about to crash and there it goes all right logging back in challenge failed well I tried next challenge if I'm not funny I explode oh gosh dang it Go beat the game while being funny it's hard to be funny when somebody makes you be funny well sheepy boy w you like to help me beat the game oh what what happened not funny oh I see I blow up when it's not funny fantastic that's so nice well to beat the game we got to get some wood I guess what what why I wasn't even trying to be funny I don't know what humor you like Mr text on the screen we got to get that bread Gamers no okay no why are there no cars in Minecraft oh because the streets are always blocked off what's a gas favorite country the Netherlands where does Steve rent moveie movies from the Blockbuster how does Steve measure his shoes in square feet what kind of music do Minecraft players listen to bed rock and roll stepen Alex walk into a bar I it wasn't even done yet a creeper walks into a bar everyone dies including me I guess knock knock all right fine that's it I'm just going to I'm just going to die I'm just going to drown and die and lose the challenge are you happy now I've ran out of Minecraft jokes to Google that was it that did it that's what made you laugh is me dying by Drowning also your fireworks just took out a sheep you should feel bad no next challenge what is happening oh gosh oh gosh no no no no the sky is falling or or no the sky isn't falling oh my goodness that is so cool dude challenge realistic physics okay so that's why the cave is just falling in on itself great great that's fine and my goal is to build a structurally sound house that's fine wait so if I break this block in the middle yeah yep it all just falls down down oh my gosh dude that is so cool and incredibly annoying for me all right well let's get some wood I guess can I even make a roof is that what they're trying to have me do is it just going to be impossible ah we love impossible challenges I like how all the leaves fell off as if trees don't exist you know realistic physics how would leaves possibly stick to trees okay let's make a nice little house make sure we have some loadbearing walls make sure we have tent poles keeping everything together I'm already out of supplies wait some Stone be helpful we'll grab some of this grab some of these oh gosh Timber so we'll make some reinforced walls on the sides keeping everything nice and together there we go we'll build a foundation oh gosh we'll build it oh no can I make planks no slabs doesn't work either well shoot man how am I supposed to build a ceiling okay well I can reinforce these a little more but I I can't make a ceiling it's it's impossible it's literally like making a house made of sand okay well there's nothing I can't be more reinforced than this I guess feels feel nice and cozy feels like being at Grandma's house mhm all right whatever challenge failed meanwhile in the hole day 42 no creeper in sight I have started naming the individual squares on the blocks though this one's Derek this one's Jeremy this one's bartholomeu he's my favorite I'm going insane next challenge challenge mobs love you oh that's nice go get 50 friends okay I like how there's a friend counter of zero up there very encouraging game I'm glad there's no friend counter in real life that'd be embarrassing oh hi cows I four friends already easiest challenge I've ever done okay they're sniffing me guys personal bubble please more friends come here boys what's up gentlemen who who likes to party oh yeah seven friends getting up there already got some more cows we got some chickens oh my gosh look at them oh no I'm losing friends oh gosh guys guys you guys are stuck I got you boys what else are friends for than to dig you out of holes gosh dang it guys come on I'm losing friends they keep falling holes look at my Army 23 friends we're almost halfway there okay this is getting intense I'm feeling a little claustrophobic here boys hey Hostile Mobs you guys want to be friends too yeah I can be friends with everybody come on creeper boys join my party yes yes oh no I'm losing some guys come on 42 almost there the lonely little zombie don't worry crafty and his Squad coming through almost there and one more yay we got 50 friends oh gosh okay they're no longer friends they're no longer friends we did it but at what cost it was fun having 50 friends well back to zero next challenge challenge there are jump scares that's not a challenge H goal escape the haunted mansion great jump scare oh no bro I got so scared I reloaded my shaders oh gosh dang it I hate this already I hate scary things so much dude at least it's daytime well I spoke too soon stop no come on man I hate this I hate this so much I'm just going to get out as quickly as I can I really hate scary things dude I don't even like scary movies if my friends scare me I always just get mad at them was that a ladder of Escape nope there was nothing there that was just ah stop stop please I'm not going to fa this challenge I'm not going to stairs please please yes no why ah that wasn't that scary spider you going to have to try harder than that there two spiders now that's just too far I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it no no no y y x Y come on come on just keep your legs moving crafty be brave crafty uh dead end fantastic can I just break the can I just break the walls this whole time yeah I can just stop it's fine a shoot can't go that way just keep those legs moving and if I die I'm back at the start well that's just awesome wait hold on can I just Escape like this no way the whole time yes that actually worked I am free of the jump scares thank goodness next challenge challenge survive as a sheep oh that's fun survive until becoming crafty again I get to be a nice little sheep that is so refreshing dude I can eat grass n oh I actually eat it I I like burp whenever I punch it m lovely to cuz I don't have arms it just looks like I'm vomiting I don't like these seeds what are these not gluten-free what's up little horse it is me sheep Watch Me dance you are very close to me right now get out of here zombie pick on somebody your own size dude go find Steve or uh bionic to go mess with huh back to being a nice peaceful world for me in sheep land what's up other sheep how you doing bunos I'm just one of you guys oh gosh no oh no oh no the wolves are after me oh those oh they keep spawning all right all right well now I see now I see how it's a challenge thought this was going to be nice and peaceful but no no shoot oh gosh I'm going to die I'm going to die I've got one heart a there's a wolf right there I'm not that tasty bro I promise get that sheep not me what he was evil I don't know you don't know his intentions oh gosh they keep spawning if I can grab some blocks I might be able to yes eat the grass I can heal up with that that's nice and I have a perfect strategy if I can get enough blocks oh gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no I just got to get a couple blocks blocks here and then if I stack up I don't think they can jump at me can't reach me now can you boys yo Mr Golem you going you going to help me out here no what the heck just a chicken one of these things is not like the other it was a chicken Raised by Wolves oh gosh they're spawning on the roof nope that's going to become a problem that is terrifying okay so far so good oh gosh there's another one on the roof please don't hit me off the top here that's going to be a problem look at him no I don't like this oh gosh they're everywhere man look at my delicious mutton up here you'll never get it oh gosh no no no no boys boys just 10 seconds bro that's all I'm asking for please stay up there no no yes yes ah 2 seconds 1 second yeah challenge complete and now I've got oh gosh oh no oh no oh no they're still after me okay well let's go to the next challenge shall we meanwhile in the hole it's finally Night Time come on creepers show me what you got oh zombie okay that's not that's not bad if he can hit me oh no he's stuck in the hole with me are you serious are we just going to do a boxing match I'm the only person okay oh gosh well great great whenever I die I just respawn back in the hole I know I know I know the goal oh gosh well I rotten flesh now so in case I get hungry later I can poison myself for entertainment next challenge Minecraft but Chester is evil oh no goal help Chester Chester my boy what are you doing man why you looking so mad and angry why are you so mad oh gosh Chester yo dude buddy buddy help him I don't know how how to help him here have dirt are you mad cuz we haven't made a Chester plushy yet don't worry we'll make one it's in production I promise no Chester please everyone get inside do I got to feed you as Snickers is that what it is I remember the first time I ever met my boy Chester he was always an hory one but he never was like this never malicious this is a fake Chester I don't believe it my boy would never do something like this next challenge why challenge the game beats you don't let the game beat you okay no the Steves are after me ow dude I'm taking damage hold on hold on I got to heal up no no no no no no no no no oh gosh I almost died stay by the healers all those times I took out the dragon now they're getting revenge just have to survived for 5 minutes that shouldn't be too bad oh gosh they spawn up on top of the pillars yo that's not cool he exploded the pillar what they can do that that's not cool I don't like that oh my gosh that's a lot of them oh okay okay okay okay this could be a problem this could be a problem fly go go wait wait hold on they can't kill me if I just fly away right you can't beat the game if there's no dragon to fight now I can make my Tail Wag yes I've made it to the end Islands I can park my dragon wings right about here and and we'll wait for the time to pass why are my feet so big do you see that my feet are massive and three 2 1 challenge complete I think yeah challenge complete meanwhile in the hole somebody once told me the F was going through me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed hold on hold on I can't break these blocks but I can break this block yes I can oh okay nope I'm just hallucinating I think I'm just hallucinating you guys why why can I do this it's just teasing me next challenge yes dude everything I touch turns to Lucky Block sheep do you turn to a Lucky Block oh I guess I got unlucky I love Lucky Blocks man I don't know about you but every time you mine it you can get something good you can get something terrible ah some nice enchantment some armor some books we got some tools that's nice oh a bunch of dogs what's up Peppers gold don't die oh gosh that's going to be way harder okay okay come on bunnies oh gosh it scared me so much wo what is this a Lucky Sword and a lucky bow oh they're actually not even good though why it's like an iron sword what yo we got End Portal frames that that's interesting I also got a lucky potion okay so if I hold the lucky bow and I toss out our lucky potion does that do something for me no so far so good the the not dying situation might be a little hard with lucky blocks though ah the hero villager I can trade him some cool little supplies here I'll take a nice spoon thank you my boy give me something cool no not the fish not that not that not that not that not that a nice pair of pants what else we got some rotten stuff oh gosh what is that oh no oh no oh no this might be it for me boys come on man I can't see a thing what am I supposed to do with this all right challenge failed it was destined to happen at some point how you doing crafty stuck in a hole yes Creeper Creeper okay just keep jumping and maybe I lived I got out of the hole why did that work I did not think that was going to work challenge complete and now the video is complete thanks for watching and complete that challenge of making that red subscribe button gray we'll see you in the next one everybody
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,136,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft marketplace, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft challenges, minecraft challenge mod, minecraft custom
Id: 6ObRNxyhBpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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