Minecraft but all Mobs are Giant

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i've been following distant tremors and a trail of destruction because rumor has it giant mobs have started to appear if i don't track them down and slay them this world's gonna get a whole lot smaller i think i found our first giant mob ouch this is not good thankfully the villagers set up this wall here which i don't know if he can come over right in the eye oh gosh careful oh man this guy is powerful oh it's raining it'll get nice and cinematic now my arrows aren't doing any damage to him at all man wait a minute maybe the rain is good maybe that'll rust our giant iron golem oh the rain's hurting him yes yeah it's working all right all we got to do is keep the villagers alive yeah dude i like the farmers just casually farming come on dude yeah oh careful don't get hit oh yes dude i can't believe it dude the rain actually took him out guys you've been saved gerald oh well gerald died gregory you're saved oh what is that it's a giant golem toe or a golem arm i meant oh my gosh this thing's heavy hello mr smith i like your hat how could that monster hold itself up like that its interior must be incredibly sturdy if only i had one of its arms and a piston i could oh you could do what i mean i've got an arm if i get you a piston you can make something cool for us oh dude i'm so down i'm so down to make a piston we need redstone and iron and uh red iron no i can't kill him dude i might be able to find redstone in this guy's place uh yes hey you don't mind if i borrow some iron do you go for it thank you buddy oh man crafting table and there's our piston dude so another one of those blasted things heading towards the castle uh-oh you think you could also hit the castle town to help them out hey no problem chief that's what i'm here for here i modified the giant golem you have it should come in handy for your next fight an iron fist thanks dude this thing looks crazy use on block to send it flying with powerful knockback so i can just use it on dude okay maybe i don't use it inside the village okay onto the castle town i may have poked a hole in the bottom of my boat with my fist here but i did find this castle and it looks like there's cannons up here these boys came prepared i am here to help uh i don't see any oh gosh yep all right grab some cannonballs oh cannon cannon get him shoot him in the eyeball get him cannon he's gonna turn the whole world into slime if we're not careful use our iron fist shoot some blocks at him yeah yeah yeah yeah yes come on a couple more cannon shots boom we got him dude he dropped an item as well oh well we got ourselves something pretty nifty here a living glob of slime my goodness slimy thank you for helping us always happy to help people out of a sticky situation speaking of this living club of slime is multiplying continuously do you happen to have some iron oh yeah from the last place i was at grab me some gunpowder from those barrels i can make a weapon for you with this consider it a thanks for defeating that thing oh thanks old man i'm 22. my bad all right little bit of gun powder here we go use this and head out to the snowy outpost i'll mark it on the map for you whoa a slime bazooka what best friends forever wait i thought they were gonna explode i shoot out little friendly slimes to the snowy outpost we go i should have brought a jacket these ice spikes don't look natural something's going on here oh and that must be the village we gotta protect don't worry guys i'm here to save the day giant stray get inside don't worry i'll save you don't mess with my village friends oh my okay he shoots giant arrows we'll launch an army of slimes whoa careful careful careful we can use our fist to shoot some of his ice adam get him slimes yeah this is amazing we got him oh i guess i hit him so hard i broke some of his bones here we got a fractured bone it explodes at a tiny bone fragments it's a little smaller than i'd expect i guess it was his toe bone or something don't worry villager friends crafty was here to save the day i'd love to be humble right now if somebody would like to praise me and i go ah stop anyone okay oh hello good man well isn't this strange an outbreak of giants fortunately we're working on a little device that might wait did you hear that oh i did hear that i don't know about you guys but uh i think there might be a giant wolf here oh my goodness he sure he shoots out diamond swords come on dude do something oh gosh ow okay okay he does a lot of damage slime attack come here little buddy okay we can shoot some ice adam that might work okay okay this is working i'm shooting snow adam and anything i can get my hands on wait a minute i did get a fractured bone can i use this against the dog here fetch boy yeah oh they explode oh okay i got a bone to pick with you little guy yeah we got him holy cow we got ourselves a giant diamond greatsword my word yeah snap maybe this giant mob thing isn't so bad also i can throw it but first look at this have you guys checked out the new crafty skin pack on the minecraft marketplace click the link in the description to check him out good morning everybody i saved your world well good morning to me too i guess look i can shoot out giant swords holy cow this will definitely help us against the giants oh man that was a close one you doing okay over here buddy how peculiar these giants seem to be coming from the same direction wait really where are they coming from i don't have enough data to tell hurry take this shrink ray part to the seaside village we must get in contact with the undersea expedition team they are developing another part for this device to deal with this gigantic problem yes sir happy to help so we gotta get all these mobs back down to normal size seaside village here we come okay this has got to be this has got to be the village they were talking about honestly it looks kind of peaceful giant squid okay i think i'm just going to go in with my swords ablazon yeah watch out for his squids oh this diamond sword is so awesome dude i'm gonna chop off his tentacles yeah yeah we got him right in the weak spot all right did he drop anything for us we did get something a squid helmet okay and now i've got water breathing it looks like and night vision oh sweet i do have a tentacle in my eyeball but it's cool gentlemen that giant squid shouldn't hurt you anymore what do you mean i got something weird on my head thank you kind blue stranger you're welcome we were prepared to send a shrink gray part to the undersea team before that giant squid sank or only submarine to the seabed since you seem like a pretty strong guy and you got a weird thing on the top of your head hey don't make fun of gerald could you help us deliver this part to them instead we'd be eternally grateful yeehaw no problem bucko oh snap we got shrink ray nozzle hopefully they can finish this shrink ray before anything too bad happens we gotta find our friends on the seabed sounds a pretty good place to take a nap underwater but a little smelly get it seabed don't be salty well i see some kind of structure this doesn't look like a normal temple oh hey look at that that looks like nerd research stuff we found a giant guardian he's not so giant oh all right never mind i found the giant guardian this might hurt a lot ow okay don't hurt my research friends okay if i can take out these little guys that might help a little bit here take this yeah living sushi okay i think i got all the little guys it's your turn giant guardian if i could just shoot a bunch of these swords adam that might do a little bit of damage ow okay he does a lot of damage attack oh there we go there we go we're doing some damage to him i'll turn you into dice salmon die yeah we got him holy cow and he dropped something useful i hope what is this a vhs tape i got a giant eye hopefully that'll make up for the eye that's being poked by my squid over here yeah and i do see oh a spinning ballerina in here it looks like we found ourselves the researchers and they seem to be pretty excited about the fact that the giant guardian is gone what's up buddy how can i help i didn't know the seaside village had someone strong like you and you even safely brought the shrink rape parts here we are in your debt it's a pretty tiring job but a fun one at least you even brought its eye bring me some prismarine crystals and gold ore and i'll make a weapon for you using that giant eye well i can shatter some lamps around here for the crystals but i'd have to go spelunking for gold please don't break our lamps also i heard you fight with slimes slimes eat minerals in nature so perhaps they can help you find some gold wait really cool all right i'll be back after following my slimy buddies along the ocean floor we really did find gold down here and we have plenty of crystals from taking out those guardians so i should have everything that scientist needs ah you gathered the ingredients hope you didn't steal anything i'll work on this new weapon for you although this place is no longer safe i think we should head to the city to assemble the shrink ray there we'll take the submarine yo sweet i call shotgun well the underwater team dropped me off a little bit early because i wanted to test out our new weapon we got the guardian's eye laser it shoots destructive lasers that hurts mobs and destroys blocks so if i just shoot this laser oh yeah does it destroy anything sand grass trees oh that's cool hello squid goodbye squid oh this must be the city hey guys anything crazy and big and scary show up yet besides my forehead well looks like we showed up before any big bad boy boss came around so that's a good sign giant blaze giant place i take it back we showed up here just in time get inside this is not a drill not good take this oh the laser does a lot of damage that's good oh my gosh look at this destruction take this place yeah put out the fires nailed it no no no no we can't let the city burn down there we go oh gosh here we come here comes okay take this place shoot some slimes at him oh sorry buddy one more boom yeah oh man he looks like he dropped a giant blaze rod down there too ouch pardon me excuse me flames pardon me all right we got ourselves a giant blaze rod my word this thing is massive it doesn't do anything yet but we might be able to make another cool weapon out of it hello mr researchers i don't know who needs this but i've got a giant flaming rod thank goodness your team showed up when you did that was quite a fright and you procured one of its massive blaze rods i might be able to repurpose it into a staff for you no i would need some netherrack and obsidian well good thing those were already on my shopping list let's grab some netherrack here uh i feel a little bad you guys but i might need to borrow some of the obsidian from the wall here i got what you need my friend wonderful i'll make that staff right away what the what was that that does not sound good but i did get a blazing meteor staff okay please protect this city while we assembled the shrink ray you got it giant creeper okay i mean sure why not oh that's a normal creeper is your dad around here oh there he is no no no no he shouldn't d d the city oh gosh not good not good not good no dude guys run i got this take this creeper don't mess with my scientist buddies okay that's pushing him back a little bit i'm sorry guys i'll replace this no oh no he's gonna supercharge himself yes no no no no no laser go go go yes okay we got him we got him he dropped a infinite combustion powder i hope this is useful for our scientists let's patch up this wall here and let's see if the scientists made it out okay oh man the city is looking real bad right about now hey it seems that the villagers are safe in the middle of the city oh my gosh hey scientists you guys okay all right looks like everything's fine the creeper is done for also i found this powdery stuff uh you know what this is doc yes this infinite combustion charge generates energy and enough energy to power the shrink ray quickly head to the underground bunker on the north side of the city we will activate the shrink ray there yes we got it the shrink ray is ours well i mean it's everyone's i'm not here to steal it okay let's activate this bad boy safe in the bunker guys you just have cows here uh for pets or probably not pets wake up i have the shrink ray do what you gotta do men with this combustion powder we can power the shrink gray without issues so that's it right mission accomplished well not quite we should test the shrink ray to ensure it works properly ah please let me do that wait wait don't get that switch oh uh guess we do have some kinks to work out
Channel: Craftee
Views: 4,225,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft mods, minecraft animation, giant mob, giant mobs, minecraft but theres giant mobs, custom item, custom items, custom mob, custom mobs, custom weapon
Id: iTS-pcerRr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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