Minecraft but I have 1,000,000 diamonds

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in this video I'm gonna gain one million diamonds and we have a diamond shot portal to help us on our journey that is exactly what I was looking for dude got a little Diamond chicken man are you pooping out diamonds my boy I don't mind being a pooper scooper when you're pooping Diamonds oh my gosh she poops a lot of them I got six diamonds already oh yeah now that's more like it so we could farm this chicken for a while what the heck did the crafting table just give me a diamond oh I see I see I see it's my Diamond Tool so if I use a diamond pickaxe yeah on Cobblestone but if we're getting to a million I gotta get diamonds way faster dude I want to go to the diamond shop portal early don't know what's in here but I'm gonna assume that it'll help us on our Quest all right so this must be what we can buy ten thousand fifty thousand half a million diamonds for a mecha soup okay well but is there anything that I can buy dude oh I can buy a diamond TNT okay thank you and I'm gonna buy a diamond Scythe ah shoot I already spent all my money on the TNT hold on hey Mr Chicken made a couple more of your poops my dude now I can buy myself the diamond site oh looking good dude look at me I thought the diamond site would be a weapon but no dude I can use it to plan Diamond crops they grow quick too check it out oh now we're making progress man yeah let's go diamonds baby go go and now it's harvesting season oh my gosh this is so cool let's check our haul we got almost four stacks of diamond now question here I feel really bad my dude if I kill you with a diamond sword oh they dropped multiple diamonds okay hello Mr creeper you explode into Diamonds oh gosh maybe I'm not quite ready for mobs yet let's figure out our food situation can I eat diamonds no can't eat diamonds all right well that makes sense let's see what this does shall we oh my holy cow wait a minute I think I made profit I think I paid a hundred diamonds for that TNT and I got back like several hundreds getting as many of these as I can I only have measly two diamonds hold on me do some exploding real quick just gonna put these here there we go what's the worst that could happen oh shoot I got a little excited there all right Diamond TNT I love how they magnetize to me too that got me a metric heck ton of diamonds but uh nowhere close to a million so let's keep going I have no idea if this is gonna work or not but I got the diamond chicken and a normal chicken here and apparently a pig and I breed the diamond chicken in a normal chicken please work ah shoot dude why didn't you take after you papa we'll come back to this later in the meantime let's head back to our Diamond shop can we afford a diamond sapling ah shoot that's only a thousand diamonds man to get a million we need a thousand thousand diamonds well most efficient thing I could think of right now is to go ahead and just literally Farm diamonds armor crafty making diamonds so I can share them all with my fans and Friends hopefully this will be enough for our sapling please please please there we go we got our Diamond sapling it took almost all of our Diamonds oh my word please be worth it dude all right Diamond sampling what do you got for me today mobs have leveled up oh gosh that's not good oh my all right I have summoned a beautiful Diamond tree oh my God it just exploded into diamonds I can't even pick up that amount of diamond I need to make myself a chest or something what the heck are you doing here dude looks like he's got some sparkles on him maybe that's the level up situation happening there was just one bad guy that wasn't so leveled up there's more okay oh they do a lot of damage don't kill me don't kill me no thank you uh we did have a diamond Shield it's only a hundred diamonds in your boy sitting Rich so might as well grab the shield now that I need it blocking attack spawns diamonds now we're talking dude sweetness is enough for me okay well they run away anyways that's right you better run I fear no man although I do fear pillagers but more importantly where do I fit all my diamonds this could be helpful a digital Diamond does it count up the diamonds for me stores diamonds in a digital display nice 276 diamonds now we're talking [Applause] and I'll get myself a couple more of these Diamond trees oh my word dude I got over 10 000 diamonds that's 20 000 diamond ah the uh the great 2 000 diamonds for a Diamond Drill Don't Mind If I Do can't afford the Diamond miner just yet and while we're at it because we might as well find myself a diamond unicorn and we'll buy a couple saplings here and then a bunch of TNT thank you hello beautiful Village I literally had to walk here I tried using my diamond unicorn which is Awesome by the way but the issue is any block they run into they just break not fairly easy to run in the Overworld Pegasus you'll come in handy at some point this should solve our food problem I do want to figure out how the Diamond Drill works it doesn't seem to work on normal blocks okay okay maybe food first before the Nightfall hello buddy mind if I chill here for the evening normal oak sapling try one of these bad boys he's gonna be very confused in the morning hey who opened that door somebody opened that door I just saw it okay okay quickly quickly make ourselves some food zombies no no no no no no how do you sleep through this man I spent all my diamonds I can't even make diamond armor anymore because every time that I get diamonds they turn into little versions of themselves well that's my bad okay okay where are all these mobs Man Show Yourself hey no no no no oh my gosh look at him dude use my shield there we go I'd have diamond armor but at least I sneeze diamonds now those are some big boys okay I'm not ready for this Diamond Drill go the Diamond Drill works great block myself off okay I think before we do any more surface dwelling at the night time I gotta find myself at the very least some iron for iron armor I might be able to shop myself some upgrades but I don't even have that many diamonds yet ah yes beautiful iron feels weird to say that after having literally thousands of Diamonds oh you know what it might be a good opportunity to try out our trusty Steed here hey boy oh look at it man turns blocks into diamonds but also it does mine them no oh we are getting diamonds so fast now there's some iron hey 28 iron that is oh big cage a lot of monsters so thank you no thank you the mob's power might have leveled that but also this looks like a lot more mobs than usual I have an idea yeah come over here you guys get nice and close come on light it light it light it come on that did a little bit of damage oh man I might die I might die it's time for hand to hand cuff let's go again level two can't touch this you foul monsters oh man these guys just keep coming dude all right I'm out come on my lovely Steve hey actual uh Diamond that's an interesting view of the horse sorry everybody let's get ourselves back to the surface whoa what the heck are you little buddy looks like we found ourselves a diamond sheep wow can I Shear to you for diamonds hold on I gotta smelt my iron anyway looks like our little baby chicken took after Dad after all not sure how useful it'll be but keep growing little boys we'll smelt up some of her iron and in the meantime we've got some beautiful saplings to grow I want to start making Diamond Progress way faster dude I think the best way to do that is probably gonna be from these Diamond trees but then again there is a lot of upgrades we can still make and that leaves us with just a casual 30 000 Diamond time for a shopping spree oh we can barely afford a Diamond miner might as well it's way more expensive than our drill so I'm hoping this is better and judging by by the size of this thing I'm gonna say so all right my beautiful Bobs have leveled up again gosh damn oh that's a lot of them I don't have my iron Armory yet man come at me my boy oh snap I could just sit here all day dude I'm getting free diamonds also if I stand like this they're gonna end up shooting each other one last one yeah dude leveled up all the problem I'm just gonna dig underground until it's daytime not so tough are you now drill automatically mines for me might have some passive income dudes if I set you down here look at it go man yes do all the work for me little minor now question is can I leave and still get all the diamonds yeah we got automated Diamond farming now let's go dude while our lovely Farm is automating our mining process we also have ourselves full iron this will make the upgraded mobs a little easier we're at 13 000 diamonds already can I afford anything else while I'm here I can get myself a diamond necklace not sure what this does yet but let's try it it might just honestly be a flex look at how rich I am it does nothing it does something I got myself double health and I'm a little bigger now we'll get a couple more of these Diamond saplings as well my beautiful trees infinite money I know it looks like I've done a lot but I'm only four percent into a million that's how big a million diamonds is come on chickens give me some okay diamonds chickens don't give me much but I love you anyways oh my God go little Diamond miner yeah 50 000 diamonds does hurt me a little bit to spend so much money although I'm hoping our Diamond dude is pretty awesome what do you do little dude minion that duplicates all Diamonds oh you're so cute dude I think he doubles the amount that diamonds are worth so one diamond is now two and Etc Can I stack you guys if I get five Diamond Dudes that might be like 20 times the amount of diamond or something looks like our passive income stopped that may be it for our Diamond miner sorry Diamond dude he looks so sad I am rich but at what cost what's that little buddy why don't I share my wealth hey Diamond dude come on man I'm not being greedy or anything am I being greedy I did give that random villager the diamond sapling but that's kind of the it that I've had like 50 000 diamonds all right I'll share some wealth little buddy I'll buy a diamond Shield a size of TNT a couple sapling we'll even get a Diamond Drill I spent all my money are you happy now you still don't look happy dude all right let's find ourselves a villain shall we and we'll find a village by digging through the ground as any normal person does hey there's a village I bring gifts boys hey little one you ever seen a diamond unicorn before okay he doesn't care Diamond shield for you here's a diamond site turn those XP Farms into Diamond Farms oh my gosh we're getting raided boys yes get em Diamond dude not only double my diamonds but double my efficiency and attack oh he's angry three now dude whoa that's a strong guy oh got him oh I killed Diamond dude gosh I'm so sorry Diamond dude so young the good news the village looks safe although there is a Pillager Outpost over here this is for you Diamond dude oh nap that was awesome I didn't get a ton of diamonds for that but that was not for the diamond made it back to our farm but it doesn't feel the same anymore first thing I'm doing is I'm farming to get our Diamond dude back I used every trick up my sleeve to farm as many diamonds as I could I wasn't just progressing I was progressing for my friend yeah 50 000. I'm a dude I'm coming please let me buy you yes I'm into it I missed you buddy I am so sorry I'll be a little more careful with my sword all right oh my gosh look at the diamonds go up fast every Diamond I pick up is two diamonds so that sets us all the way back up to 25 000. should we make some progress together all right Diamond dude and I were ready to make it rain so we had a sparkly blast gaining diamonds out the Wazoo getting lots of upgrades and even reaching a hundred thousand diamonds then something unexpected happened have some more of these guys I don't know how many saplings I'll need but dude we are sitting on some cash man Bob's level up rapidly what doing okay here Diamond dude oh my goodness well ups are certainly bigger oh my gosh I've been here before don't take out my diamond dude my diamond necklace is doing some serious work here I'm not taking hardly any damage at all this is great attack ravager ravager ravager oh gosh I'm low Health need more time I need more diamonds there's one upgrade I can make which is a diamond laser but dude I need a hundred thousand diamonds hurry hurry hurry and there it is there it is I'm out of here yep yep that hurt my face oh baby dude you're here all right Diamond dude it might be laser time I could wait till Black Friday but you know a hundred thousand diamonds that's not too bad well it's not on sale you know what it is on sale the brand new crafty comic book yes that's right comic book check out that in many more exclusive items on crafty dot store all right let's get this diamond laser shall we oh baby look at me I did spend a hundred thousand diamonds I'm hoping that's worth it oh causes mobs to explode into diamonds well don't mind if I do huh oh man I brought back up all right Diamond dude watch out I don't know what kind of power it has they just explode into Diamonds oh now we're talking man I'm making profit by zapping mob take that holy cow you guys I would call this word diamonds man after collecting all the various diamonds it looks like we're at about a quarter of a million uh Diamond dude you look exhausted the sun is rising and we can take out these leveled up mobs no problem technically not no problem but you know at least we've got a profitable way to take him out oh I'm so close I'm in Mecca I'm coming for you I can't afford a diamond Quarry or Quarry it's basically like our Diamond miner over here but way more efficient Diamond dude I gotta test this bad boy oh wait where I go Mr Diamond sheep if I share you what happened you just get naked okay well that was useless Diamond Corey do your worst holy cow well uh literally cow check this out look at him go actually I don't think they mine down I think they just keep mining the same blocks over and over again we don't have to worry about the same problem like before our previous Miner stopped mining because he reached the bottom but these guys will mine forever good job boys sure to keep a couple for yourself for the hard work we're gonna make profit in no time hold on I have a crazy idea can I buy another Diamond dude to quadruple our profit and gold diamond dude number two I shall call you the diamond Duo my next goal half a million now that's what I call a tree farm look how fast our money's going up man we're almost already at a quarter million oh my word we've made profit from the Corey already we're reaching half a million in no time [Applause] [Music] I've got my sights on one thing and that my friend is a giant Diamond Mecca yeah we got it oh I'm excited mom's leveled up maximized gosh dang it dude Diamond dude watch out no no don't do that oh Diamond dude don't sacrifice yourself in the name of prophet okay there's one way out of this and that my friends kid me dude laser attack I've got so many diamonds going I'm lagging like crazy that giant just launched out into a million times let's go we have done it my friend a million diamonds but wait before I go there's one thing I have to do and that's to buy infinite Diamond dude I said infinite Diamond dude oh man I can't reach it my robot arms are too big to reach it oh gosh how do I get out of this thing
Channel: Craftee
Views: 4,713,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, more diamonds, custom diamonds, minecraft but diamonds, custom item, custom items, custom pickaxe, minecraft 1.19, 1 million diamonds
Id: vl9E6lND4V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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