SCARIEST Minecraft Myths Ever Discovered!

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these are the most terrifying minecraftness on the internet can you summon Herobrine does the blood Golem spawn if you attack innocent villagers where is giant Alex and so much more starting with no this entity is apparently terrifying all you have to do is change your seed to No Escape I highly doubt this is going to do anything change it to hardcore and that's it and to bust this scary myth I'm gonna survive in this world while it's in hardcore which as you can see normal sheep normal cow and Jerry a regular looking villager with a fancy name speaking of which Jerry you say right here I'm gonna go get some wood uh wait actually we don't need one because we're in a village Jerry uh okay maybe you just went into one of the houses I don't know where he went to what the heck that was strange I'm going what the heck was that oh my God you okay that kind of scared me weird little small villagers all right this looks like a nice tree with some succulent wood and then after we get this we can make a wooden sword and we can pick out one of the iron golems in the village I ride villagers where do they go Lily everything's gone even the animals are gone there's okay there's a skeleton okay well we can get iron in caves then oh dude perfect mine shaft tons of iron that's what what was that was that a bat hello I it was a bat okay it looked bigger than a bath though all right listen glitches happened in Minecraft all the time and once we could build a house that will finally prove that nothing is weird with this seed and the finishing touches the last two fences boom and we are done so much better Jerry what was it was coming from the four okay I gotta be hearing this oh it is it why are you running that's not Jerry Jerry had a he had like a yellow hat on where did okay where did he go [Music] I was like dude they sound so close okay so this one is the blood Golem myth I've never even heard of this until today you name your world the blood Golem not the blood the blood make sure it's in hardcore and then you just create it in this myth if you create a fresh world and then die that would normally mean the end to your hardcore world but because we've named our world the blood Golem and then we open to land with cheats on you can respond and then find the legendary blood Golem in your world yes see now we can go into creative mode now the game is registering us as permanently dead and automatically turning off spawn cycle debugging when this function is broken it can lead to minor glitches in the game I totally regular Village nothing weird is going on here but the first sighting that was actually recalled of the blood Golem was in the nether not in the Overworld and because we have creative mode because we just totally glitched this world we can make our own nether portal all right here we go baby oh it's beautiful all right here we go blood Golem here we come oh here we go okay so now we're just gonna spawn in Iron Golems boom that's one see the problem is it's just making regular Golems nothing's happening I'm waiting for a blood Golem come on dude I want to see this Blood Golem so bad all right okay one more for good measure Seven's a good number nothing happened but because we're in creative mode we don't have to worry about dying so I'm gonna sit here and wait and see if anything happens when I come back right Lord ah look the Golems are gone now the question is did they wander off despawn perhaps there's only one way to find out okay and then they rather have gone back to the portal oh this is weird yeah these roses were not here earlier neither was this fenced-off tree you know what this is oh that's weird dude now this is enough to make me quit whoa I've never seen this before Oh oh it's gonna hit in the well no no no no I just got put into survival mode [Applause] hey yo whatever that sound was just made me make a YouTuber face I'm drowning no there's no way no way blood bombs real he's going he's awesome yo you can't get inside these trees yes that's right you're too big golem no I'm going back in the crater what is putting me out of creative no no no no no no oh my God go in the house he can't make it in the house he can't make it in the house oh he broke the glass how is it baby you won't see me this scary myth is Entity 303 and the only way to find him is in Bedrock I don't even know how to put a seed in Bedrock oh right here okay so it sounds weird but it's two eight nine eight four nine zero twenty five this was the first seed he was ever seen in most people consider Entity 303 the new Herobrine but he was actually first seen December of 2013. now I want to check inside the ocean whoa I've never seen this before look at the seaweed it's like three perfect diagonal lines of seaweed and they all lead to this weird mushroom bio oh wait wait wait just like the seaweed the trees are also diagonal okay so the first encounter was an email from Frankie That was supposed to go to speed and since then Frankie's emails had been deleted and the message says high speed my name is Frankie every day me and my friend John would always play in his private server one day my screen started glitching in an unusual way Chad started spamming 303 and then my computer crashed okay it's still literally repeating or let's go to the end and see if it's normal there oh dude even the end's got all diagonally repeating chorus trees man that's bizarre it just keeps going on and on about it in creative mode right now I would be petrified some even say that Herobrine was trying to warn us about the entity by leaving signs that said help so I'm gonna type in hi leave this and come back to it see if anything changes this next scary myth is Villar all you have to do is go into server IP address type this in and click join Villar is a cursed Minecraft villager but only once you've committed deep dark sins does he actually spawn and that being said we have to commit those crimes if we want him to come out so unfortunately for these villagers I'm going to be spotting them directly into the lava I don't know what could be more sinful than this this is pretty good but I feel like we can be even more evil this is pretty simple oh that was weird yes this is far more evil than I could have ever even imagined but this doesn't spawn Villar I don't know what else will it's beautiful this is the ultimate villager sacrificing device all right I think that'll do it let's see if anything has changed at the Old Village well hello there villagers hmm you don't seem very scary whoa please please please hello there oh oh he's normal thank God wait this villager is weird he's got a normal skin oh he's running away okay what the heck where'd he go oh he's okay this guy's playing Ring Around the Rosie with me went back in the house oh or not question mark what the fudge is going on here why I heard the door close again okay this villager is freaking me out can you stop it buddy why why is he turning his head so slowly why are you turning your head so slowly oh my god oh I can't open the door no I'm back in survival no what is that what is that no no what is that why do they all say I see you fudge this dude what is this this scary myth is the most iconic one of them all Herobrine there's not a single person who has ever played Minecraft and not heard the name Herobrine by far the scariest man and there are credible sources to guaranteeing you a spotting of Herobrine himself okay so the first thing you're gonna do you're gonna go into your seed options you're gonna name this no return now we have to lower our render distance to two I don't think I've ever played on rendered distance this low in my entire life and to make it even scarier you have to listen to disc 11 in Reverse oh my I I just got big Goosebumps the worst thing about this is I can barely see in front of you is that lightning strike okay it's just a sand temple I'm telling myself right now this is just a sand temple this disc is like Satan himself why is there a chest in front it's empty oh I hate this I hate this sound dude this sounds like something from an actual horror movie okay pretty normal pretty normal okay we got diamonds nice why are these chests empty why is there sand dropping why is there sand what is that where's that coming from why is there sand dropping what is to open the chest oh no somebody opened this chest I could hear it from down there oh no the desert's turning into a forest and there's one lonely cow oh dude they could be behind any of these trees oh that scared me there's like this sheep and I shouldn't be getting scared by sheep wait this is the exit we made it out why is there a sign on the ground why is it a warped sign what what I think it said listen again what did that say wait there's something [Music] whoa does he say don't do it I freaking hate this I'm turning my writing resistance up you guys know I get jump scared too much I gave a haircut to the trees what is this what is this what is this doing it doing it wait a minute no wait is that the sign of the place down earlier don't look behind you oh don't worry I'm not planning on it is that energy 303 no no no no no no stay back no where he's dead did I kill him no enemy 303 was slain by no it can't be no no what does wake up mean if you've ever beaten Minecraft you have seen these words at the end of the credits that roll after beating the Ender Dragon wake up so you know me I immediately began to research the web to find what the game really meant by this and what I found left me full of Terror this theory states the entire game of Minecraft is a Dream Within Steve himself you might be thinking that I am just pulling a prank on you guys but I'm dead serious let me explain Steve is dreaming and he has no control over his nightmares which originally brought him to survival at the beginning of his dream he has no power himself to wake up from a dream that is never ending in fact he's stuck in this Loop no matter how many times you die in the game you just respawn the odd background noises that you hear in Minecraft that appear out of nowhere and are sporadic throughout your playthrough are theorized to be from the outside world family and loved ones trying to reach Steve while he's in an endless sleep Steve is trying to escape this world while you and I are just playing this story it is possible that Steve will never see the the outside world again but instead be stuck in Minecraft to mine die and repeat his dream over and over again until the end of time the creation of guests have you ever wondered where everybody's least favorite flying pale monster came from in Minecraft were they born naturally within the depths of Minecraft's Netherworld I do not think so some even theorized that they were created by something truly ghastly once the ancient Builders found their way to the nether they continued their studies into the resources that were brought forth from the fiery Dimension we looked over the possibility of Soul Saiyan being The Souls of these ancient Builders but in an alternate Theory this Soul stand had already been there for Generations the ancient Builders began using this Soul Sand to modify creatures from the Overworld until they were Beyond human comprehension they stole a certain mob from the Overworld and began to experiment they used the remnants of Soul Sand without knowing the hidden capability of souls being locked within and created monsters unknowingly they created their greatest demise these mobs turned into enormous pale creatures that shot fire from their mouths and flew with tentacles that spread far beyond the wingspan of a normal aquatic creature and its face took the shape of a man this formation was due to the spirits of the Dead within the soul sand taking over the original mob's body until it was no longer a creature that was recognizable it had become a monster what was the mob the terrifying creature of the nether was mutated from two familiar mobs in the Overworld the skeleton and you won't even guess it the Dolphin Phantoms are just resurrected Ender Dragons recently I talked about the myth that Phantoms are secretly just a hallucination but I just found a darker Theory there was speculation that Phantoms and of themselves are actually resurrected Ender dragons from the illagers you may also be thinking it makes no sense considering Phantoms look nothing like the inner dragon but if we dig a little bit deeper into the history of Minecraft we can see that the illagers themselves were looking for a way to find the ancient Builders through their dark magic the illagers were following the footsteps of the ancient Builders who went to the end and returned with elytres they wanted to recreate what their masters had created and in doing so they made Abominations from the rotten membranes of past elytra's Left Behind the builders they combined these with the leftover Ender Dragon remains and created the Phantom this myth is the war for resources there's a massive theory in the Minecraft community that there was a war that took place in Minecraft's past but not just any War though this battle included the forces from all over the Minecraft world we're talking the nether Overworld and the end all fighting for resources think Avengers in-game scale but bigger the biggest question you and I are all asking though how did this war begin it all started when the ancient Builders got tired and complacent of their world and decide that it was time to start journeying further beyond their own Dimension this led them to the Nether and eventually the end with all of the resources that they had stolen from the alternate Realms this brought anger to the creatures after them and if you look around the world of Minecraft you can see abandoned Nether Portals that have been partially destroyed and left the right away did you ever stop to wonder where they came from these portals were actually the gateways that the nether creatures created in order to storm the Overworld to attain the resources that they had lost previously from the ancient Builders maybe we as the player being the descendants of the ancient Builders are understandably in the wrong and have not paid for the sins of our ancestors maybe that is why all the creatures from the other dimensions attack us on Instinct what do you think and maybe it's all our fault that the end is a Barren Wasteland with Enderman dry of every resource other than chorus fruits and taking it another step further maybe it's even our fault that piglens initially want to kill us upon Instinct what if it's because we actually deserve it this is the creation of the weather the weather is definitely Minecraft's most terrifying naturally spawning boss but have you ever wondered where the Wither actually came from we've discussed a few theories on this channel but I just uncovered something new this myth States the weather is not just one mob but the culmination of thousands of dead Souls formed into One Singular entity you may be wondering where these Souls came from and the answer leads back to the ancient Builders we spoke of previously the ones who created all of the structures that are unexplained such as the temples abandoned Villages and even strongholds the theory states that the ancient Builders sought out the nether in search of new resources but were quickly greeted with death by the creatures of this Minecraft underworld and their Spirit seeped into the Soul Sand that we know of and have been stuck in a dormant angry nature for thousands of years and one day a Minecraft player named Miner 36 decided he was going to build with the blocks of the Nether and release the culmination of anger that was brought from The Souls of the Restless Spirits trapped within that Soul Sand the Wither was born and began to wreak havoc across the entire Minecraft world the scariest part is that even after weather is the defeated there is an unlimited amount of souls trapped in the Soul Sand of the nether ready to take the previous Withers Place which means infinite destruction to this planet they are basically Immortal demons meaning no matter how many times you kill them they're just going to be reborn but with a different conscience vexes are created from The Souls of the Lays they help you complete various tasks as a builder and gather materials for you as you continue your journey but sadly if you're a fan of this channel then you would know that this mob is home to only the darkest conspiracies on the internet we have discussed a couple of these myths here but recently I discovered some new information that I think will finally answer the question of where they came from and it all starts with a theory that the Forgotten race of citizens known as ancient Builders passed away and were stuck in the Overworld as Souls Left Behind if you look here you can see that a lays look very similar to the vexes that we know that illager summon we also know that illagers were banished from The Villages due to their experimentation with dark magic where do we find delays they are always found in Pillager outposts and one of the mansions in groups of three within cages these delays have been forced into cages by the illagers so that they can be forced into a new creation the vexes now let's listen to the LA and if we play Both of the audio tracks together it is almost 100 clear that the Olay is one of the Vex counterparts just thinking about how these vexes contain multiple Souls of a lays is enough to make my skin literally crawl the myth of the missing one ah illagers they are behind so many of the darkest deepest conspiracies in Minecraft we have talked at length about where they came from but recently I started to wonder how exactly do they do what they do I mean if it wasn't for the dark magic they would just be a group of middle-aged villagers but that's not the case is it they are secretly behind the origins of countless monsters and myths all because of their dark magic they possess so that begs the question where did they get this magic are they born with it did they Forge it from lapis lazuli did they gather it from the remains of their raids on the villagers or maybe the ancient Builders had some kind of magical capabilities I say no you don't learn something without a teacher this myth started long ago it states said there was an entity that brought life to all of Minecraft before Steve or even the ancient builders that came into existence this thing taught the illagers what they now know about dark magic a thing now known as the missing one saying his name gives me goosebumps why do you think I have all these plushies here the plug for I'm not that guy the illagers are in constant search of the missing one the one that taught them all that they know remembering that the missing one brought them food shelter and life was all they needed to follow him the last thing that this entity did before it left was create a portal to the end the illagers watched in awe of his creation and then he vanished but he took the portal along with himself so where does that leave the elders now well you may notice within the Woodland Mansion something strange illagers are trying to replicate portals resembling the end portals you may find in strongholds but why because ever since the missing one left the illagers have been trying to recreate the portal that they do not understand which is why they have a recreation of the end portal built-in wool inside of their Mansions they are in constant search of him and they will be looking Until the End of Time some say that if you stay in the end for a long long time after beating the Ender Dragon the music that plays in the background slowly glitches out and turns dull and once you are so freaked out you are on the verge of leaving and jumping through the portal the missing one appears and guides you to a dimension Beyond Your Wildest Dreams the origin of Striders if you have been to the nether in the newer versions of Minecraft you will have noticed Striders you know the red creatures where the whiskery strands of the hair long burnt legs and swooshed faces where in the world are these alien-like creatures from this theory states that many years ago the Overworld had run dry of resources and the villagers were desperate for some sort of way to fix their lack of Lifestyle they discovered a way to enter the nether but were unaware of this new realm the villagers turned to the first witches of the world for answers on how to survive in the harsh heated landscape The Witches were previously banished from The Villages due to their dark magic alongside the villagers so they took this opportunity to get back at the villagers who left them to die The Witches gave them the first prototype of fire resistance potions knowing full well that they were made to transform and malformed the villagers that drank them the villagers were unaware of this treachery and headed back to the nether to begin their search of the new realm the villagers one by one began drinking these potions they noticed something was wrong and then they began to transform they had gotten the fire resistance that they had asked for but at what cost they transformed into the Striders that you see now wandering the lava of the nether some say that they are still searching for a way back to their Village to this very day hence the name strider for they will stride for eternity until they make it home the source of Minecraft is death All Creatures within the game of Minecraft have some magical source that brings power to them and what's that power that's right it's XP in order to enchant you need XP in order to use anvils you need XP many things in this game require this resource the most reliable way to find it in this world is by killing things taking their life energy to gain your own evil Advantage you also gain this magical power from not just living creatures but by utilizing charcoal from trees or by Mining Ores as well but to bring us back to the question of what XP is we must look at the villagers they drop an item that provides both life and Magic just like XP a totem of undying and what is released when that totem of annoying is used a green explosion of particles that looks just like XP the story behind XP goes back to the illagers attempting the resurrection of the Dead through dark magic once the illagers found out there was a power and experience and utilized it this is how the creation of the totem of undying was brought forth due to this discovery we found the way to live forever this would explain the nature of Steve the main character you play as that has no choice but to respawn over over and over again and with this magical power he will always come back with the power of XP gained only from the death of Minecraft's lovable animals and the demise of the world itself literally who knew the scariest entity in Minecraft wasn't Herobrine not even Entity 303 or the blood Golem but you Minecraft's music discs are cursed Minecraft music pop in your favorite track and Just Vibe out to something like this it's nice right or even this okay maybe not that last one what happened in Minecraft's cursed music discs specifically the terrifying discs 11 and 13. why are so many of the discs happy music while these are just so creepy and more importantly what is actually happening while these music discs are playing let's start off with disc 13. first off many people say that 13 is an evil number I don't personally believe that but a lot of people think it's true but as we start listening to this disc we hear a player in a cave running from a creeper while jumping in water and then getting shot by a skeleton nothing much to go off of right that is until you look for the number 13 hidden inside the audio at exactly one minute and 30 seconds into the video there is this off cut in the sound and shortly after this the creeper hisses how long after you ask 13 seconds after and this all happens in a place where there is you guessed it 13 different cave sounds and that is nothing compared to the truly terrifying disc of number 11. it starts out with an intense Chase an out of breath man is running through a cave he then pulls out a book and begins to frantically flip through and write and then he runs away and gravel before he gets caught by something that gives me absolute nightmares no explanation or resolution just the end of the audio at one minute and 11 seconds what was the man being chased by was it an Enderman another player no it was Herobrine the man was being chased down the corridor by someone who looked like Steve until he realized he wasn't going to be able to escape he then stopped to write notes before his final demise don't believe me well you're about to get shivers down your spine I'm gonna play the audio in Reverse so you can hear Herobrine for yourself Herobrine the most classic scary entity in all of Minecraft the way to 7 Herobrine is to go into a forest just like this you make a shrine dedicated to him to summon every part of him starting with iron blocks you make a three by three beacon in the center what is that movement now you place all the Redstone around it just like this to connect everything to the shrine now that we have the shrine completely built this is when we get to wait for Herobrine to be summoned nothing has happened I'm going at an 11 to say this is busted Herobrine did not spawn we had some weird footstep sounds and there was that lightning but other than that we literally had no Quinn all the way to whoa wait this is where the shrine was the classic I will be back somebody's probably just messing with me on the server uh five of ten lightning was a little bit scary and those footsteps kind of freaked me out but other than that not that scary next we have one of the scariest entities found in the years she stands over 12 blocks tall just like my sister covered in blood and has no eyes but that's all we know about giant Alex other than the fact that she's found right here in snow biomes only when you had to render distance set to two like the snow is almost blocking everything I can barely see in front of me is that is that smoke in the distance whoa okay just fill in a hole why is there Soul Sand in the biome oh no dude these are massive holes wait what if these aren't holes that sounded like a dinosaur what they stopped perfectly at this time that says get into the cabin looks like somebody spelled it and rushed it oh my gosh I hear clumps what is clapping behind me go go go go oh as soon as I got in the house they stopped what the frick is that okay nothing so oh it's just a cute little bunny okay it's nothing my eyes have got to be playing tricks on me because if not that's a six out of ten the next entity is that thing honestly one of the scariest looking ones you might have never heard of them because they're so new Minecraft was trying to create a new mob boss but what they did is accidentally mix Steve with the mob boss's code and to keep it away from players they placed it in the far lands all right we gotta be getting close yes this is it the Far Land you can tell because look at this you've got gas in the Overworld blazes are here what where is that thing I'm telling you that thing's got to be here somewhere bro I get goosebumps just being here again look at these Wardens whoa wait this is him this is that thing is that even that scary in person I mean except for the extra eyes kind of looks like a spider he's so much taller in person than I expected I expect him to be almost my height but he's like four times as tall as me oh buddy you're trying to kill me like those wardens huh I'm in creative mode it's not gonna work if I was in creative mode this would be an easy nine out of ten but I'm gonna say it's about a four of ten it's just it doesn't really do a whole lot you know what I mean like why would I be scared of this I want to put some dirt in your eyes smooth creative mode [Applause] this is Villar and he's scarier than any of the other ones we've tested so far Legend says he's found in villages but only after you commit terrible crimes against the villagers but I would never commit terrible crimes what do you guys got in this house huh Deeds head why do you guys have this bill Arch Show Yourself the alarm don't think you're safe for me Golems I'll bring Miller out one way or the other none of you are gonna be safe die for the content yes yes where are you at now billar cats crying in the background stop it what what is this what [Applause] your head on backwards where do you think you're going oh leading me to the cave huh hey come on where'd you go where'd you oh wait wait a second oh okay okay no no no no no nope nope nope stay away stay away the sir fascia oh no no no no no freak that man that's crazy no seven of ten for Villard that was terrifying Entity 303 is an unidentified hacker that causes your game to corrupt and glitch to where you just can't even control it everybody was claimed that they saw him had one thing in common they were cheaters which is why I've got nothing but hacks ready for today partially my favorite x-ray okay we're gonna just type in diamonds yes add that now with this we should be able to see diamonds at 48 distance in front of us enabling in three two one boom there's that now I know why people cheat this is amazing who's that okay Redstone don't need it I didn't realize there's some oh this is so dirty but is this gonna be enough to spawn the unidentified hacker known as Entity 303 I honestly don't think it's gonna be enough which is why I prepared all of these different hacks so we could hopefully summon it with this hack we can duplicate any item that we're holding in our hands such as diamonds yeah come on oh my gosh I'm actually breaking minecraft by duplicating too much look at this what's this timer this is one of my hands um hello this has gotta be from one of the cheats I've never used these before okay I'm a good honest man I don't believe you guys seconds until you die what dude my button to disconnect is gone until you die those are seconds until I die I refuse to believe it because I what if I got this hack I'm just gonna go into creative mode yeah good luck killing me in creative mode buddy no no no no the time is up we didn't dive but I can't quit the game What's it whoa whoa hey Hey listen to me 303 you got it all wrong I was only doing this to summon you okay I don't actually like cheating look I'll turn the X-ray off yeah everybody's liking the video right now because they love you so much guys like the video so Entity 303 and I could go on a date hey hey hey wait a second hey I am not controlling this right now well it turns out Entity 303 was not happy with what I did and decided to crash my game I'm gonna give him an 8 out of 10. perhaps one of the strangest myths green Steve you might think because this guy looks like Shrek he's not scary but you're so wrong there are thousands of siding but for some reason all the players I asked couldn't say anything about him which means we gotta find out for ourselves we found a desert temple which is the only place I could imagine where a green Steve would spawn ancient legend on YouTube talks about placing signs around the temple for whatever reason come on the signs have been placed hello Mr Green Steve Where Art Thou I know you're nearby you better be oh wait a second it was just it was just creepers have you guys seen a green Steve you guys are kind of similar to Green Steve have you seen a green Steve anywhere no oh okay we had no luck at night time but I wonder if we sleep in the village will he be spawned during the daytime go out there you got no [Music] Rizzo great sleep what excuse me hold on dude all right good it's not just my imagination why am I on a cliff green Steve I am coming there he is listen here hey hey hey hey hey I know you wish you were cast in the Shrek movie instead of Shrek I'm donkey I heard you wanted to see me I wanted to see if you were real I am real but not scary well obviously only chill homie to have him prove that he's chill across show me first [Music] dang bro okay I didn't know you chill like that [Music] on a scale of one to ten how scary do you think you are for sure A1 gotta dip Holmes no you don't gotta dip like that no wait wait I have so many more questions the blood gold is one of Minecraft's most terrifying creatures ever imagine running into a golden cupboard and blood head to toe that's the size of the Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan we have to make a sacrifice of the blood Golem dying in hardcore going into spectator mode and finally Opening Our World to land and respawning I don't know what else to do he's not spawning take some of these bones I made myself a sacrifice and he didn't spawn I'm gonna make my own blood Golem all right stand right there take some of these bones don't look at me weird okay why are you what what direction are you going towards are you going to these poppies in fact they actually make red dye which looks a lot like blood what a bust dude what a freaking what a bust I had such high hopes for this one too the blood Golems the sickest and the worst part about it is I don't even know where my Golem is I think I think he died I got one more try on me guys okay we're gonna name you blood Gollum again we're gonna give you the bones and nothing happens whoa oh why is the rain red why does it look like Twizzlers I hate licorice oh no way okay I'm gonna have to say this again I've not been doing a very good job at raiding things but the fact that you can see the red rain on the ground is a 9 out of 10 on the Fear Factor is the legend true no matter how far you run will he always catch up to you even if you go to the far lands I'm not gonna stick around and find out in fact I'm just gonna leave the server nine out of 10 on the Fear Factor list uh the fact that like the ground was turning red oh it was terrifying this can't be happening this is a new server no you know what just take me with you I want it give it to me last but not least we saved the scariest for last this is n-u-l-l which stands for null there's various screenshots online that he's been depicted as some kind of player Hunter the only stalks his prey from the Shadows at night and the only chance of finding him is playing on this seed at night in hardcore I'm so terrified of this guy I'm in full Enchanted netherride gear using a C11 music disc placing it in the juice box and walking in a straight Direction yc11 because the C11 is the scariest music disc Minecraft that I've ever decided to make I would rate this music disc a 10 on the Fear Factor scale oh I hate this music disc why did Minecraft ever think it was a good like why why I don't know why they made it it's too scary whoa I swear I was just walking and then all sudden I got turned around or something why is it playing that is not the same music I had in there in the beginning what is that inner man doing over there stop looking at me you're freaking me out wait that's not an Enderman wait that might be that's no no no no no no no uh uh not in this house not in this Christian household oh I take it back I do not wish to summon you no negative negative that's a no Ghost Rider oh what a perfectly conveniently placed cabin please protect me from the null oh good luck in down here buddy all right it's fine it's fine I can just break these nobody's here no but nobody's home no nobody's here I'm not I'm not no no it's an empty house you know it's just a shell Preston is definitely not down in the basement not here oh I'm leaving just take me out okay you're the scariest it's fine listen you what do you want I Got Dirt Herobrine down here [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,806,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Myths, Scary Minecraft, Busting Myths, minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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