Minecraft, But Crafts Get Smaller...

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this is minecraft but crafts get smaller today minecraft crafting is going from a three by three to a zero by zero wait what from the teeny tiniest minecraft items to craftable tiny worlds i can enter to even this mysterious orb my goal is to lock the tiniest crafting table possible where it's so small it gets smaller than even a zero by zero crafting table so how exciting can crafting get and what happens if i go beyond a one by one crafting table stay tuned to find out so this is a normal crafting table and this is a slightly smaller crafting table which goes from a 9x9 to a three by two by i don't even know eight slots and if we go inside of the table we now have a shrinking table which is gonna be seven slots and the first thing we can make on the shrinking table is gonna be not a pickaxe but a pickaxe axe break both trees and stones and just like that we got our first shrink and the crabbing table shrunk new craft unlocked and so our goal today is to make crafting get as small as possible as you can see from the progress bar at the top where we're going to be getting crafting table events apparently as we progress through this thing so for the next thing we make which here's the craft on the screen right now it's pretty much gonna be a long curved sword sling's cobblestone and yet again another shrink and the crafting table shrunk to a two by three guys we just started and we're already down to literally six things all right but before we do anything what does the pickaxe axe do oh that's actually really useful nice okay so we can get a lot of cobblestone a lot of wood that way and what about the long curved sword is it just like a long sword oh i can shoot out cobblestone oh that's sick anyways though for the next craft it'll be on the screen right now we're gonna be needing six wheat and this time it makes thick bread a whole meal why'd the bread so thick what the heck yet again another shrink and the crafting table shrunk again and now the table is five slots and it kind of looks a little bit sus okay well before we do anything let's see thick bread and wait what i feel chunky oh my i'm a big boy oh it's done well then nice okay so that's what thick bread does sadly i can't make any more but the next thing we can make is gonna be on the screen right now yet again literally guys we're gonna be doing a lot of crafting and this time it's gonna be with a bunch of sticks so this is like a boat wait what is that a top half of a stick chest plate doesn't do much or offer much protection um okay so yet again shrinking in our messages beware of the zero by zero crafting tableway is that a thing okay so what does this just play dude i just like put it on oh it's not even a full chest plate wait it doesn't even give me any protection that's a scam and for the next craft it's going to be on a giant sideways l thing and here's the crowd on the screen right now so we actually need iron but good thing we got the pickaxe because we can go mining now real quick and get all the iron we need to really quickly call my pickaxe oh iron nice okay thank you very much that is gonna be 24 iron ingots just from this little thing right now well let's go back up anyways now that we have the iron all we got to do is do for the iron ingots and we get a one long iron boot half of a pair okay so do i just put this on oh so it's one iron boo and it gives you pants anyways shrinking again and we got please stop wait what the heck is going on okay let's do the next table i guess and this time we get three slots and for this craft there it is on the screen right now we actually need a lot more poppies so give me one sec okay got the poppies and now with three poppies we get a what is this a stop sign please stop crafting before it's too late that's a little bit ominous but i'm gonna make it either way because we gotta get the crafting to be smaller to beat the game and what happens now wait what convincing shrink event what why is this screen shaking wait what just happened to the village guys not only did the crafty get smaller but everything got smaller too oh wait that may have been the first crafting event at the top so every time a crafting event happens i'm gonna get something crazy like this happens and it's all cause we got a stop sign shield wait can i break these wait i can break the house can i place it no i can't place it i mean might as well grab some more village buildings but how does the crafting table look now oh wait it shrunk down to a two by one so now we have a two by one crafting table which after this there's only one more crafting table to make anyways for this grab table we have two crafts that will be on the screen right now and the first one is actually gonna be with the villager house we got wait what the heck is this a tiny villager sword flings of villagers wait so what does this do oh wait are we shooting out tiny villagers oh that's sick and for the other craft it's gonna be with two oak logs which luckily we do have a lot of stuff and what the heck is this right two o'clocks make a shrink right caution lasers wait what oh that's sick wait what can i shrink wait is that a tiny villager wait can i shrink him the villager's so tiny you can't see anymore a potion of shrinking dropped from the shrink caution minimizes okay we can drink that soon but what about the cows oh it makes the cows in the pig smaller so now we have tiny cows tiny pigs and little tiny villagers mr pig i'm so sorry but i want to see what happens if i kill you wait what what did he just drop a miniature bacon wait what about a tiny cow charred steak mega crispy i guess let's try out the bacon first because i am a little bit hungry what does this do i turned into a miniature pig wait what oh i'm a little pig now oh that's sick oh no i went back to normal dang it okay that was actually pretty sick though and so if we become the pig when we eat the bacon do we become the cow when we eat the tart steak oh apparently it's so short it makes everything i'm walking now burnt nice wait also where i ate it it left a diamond ore wait can i mine this oh yes we buy the diamond okay so um literally at the very start we now have one diamond but anyways with that being done let's go ahead and try out this potion of shrinking and see what happens because we have another crafting event coming up very soon at the very top so drink and there we go shrinking yet again and my crafting table is now shrunk to a one slot wait uh so what is this yo wait what the heck that's a one by one crafting table it's literally one crafting slot and yet again on the screen here are all the craftsmen can make for this one so i'm gonna guess we got the diamond because there's a diamond craft this early on and what does this get us a tiny diamond chest plate barely fits unlock the full set to achieve ultimate tiny power smaller table required wait can i put this on oh look at that it's not even a full shirt oh and we got haste and glowing nice and now for the other craft that we ended up getting it's actually with one iron ingot and that gets us a subscribe button click it wait how does this work do i just right click i'm coming from above wait what what it's little subscribers that's sick anyways guys if you guys are new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button right now we're trying 500 subscribers and um what the heck just happened guys okay so i didn't get a potion yet again so what exactly am i supposed to do to get to the next tier oh wait i have an idea what if i try shrinking the table oh that worked oh let's go yet again shrinking and my crafting table has shrunk yet again and what the heck is this thing wait we just went from a one by one is this gonna be a zero by zero oh my gosh this is a zero by zero crafting table where there's literally absolutely nothing on the left but because we opened it we right away got the next item which is a singularity so nothing made a singularity with curse text this is very sketch but we're gonna get it anyways oh no not again not again not again what's going on oh what the heck size decreased everything's big now or i'm smaller apparently oh my gosh wait what that what bag okay no no stay away stay away what the heck is this guy doing let's get back to crafting very soon but let's get this out of the way real quick so now we're in a giant village with brand new iron golems it looks like and wait are you friendly he is not friendly okay nope let's get rid of this guy okay that's another golem down oh is that another golem wait do you drop another right or do you drop iron it doesn't drop anything that's a bit of a scam anyways with that being done wait what the heck is this guy um hello is this a villager golem he's just got a vibing nice and an upside down villager too what the heck is going on in this video you know what if you made this for the video comment down below the time zip and just say that's the most beautiful village ever because it really is anyways what did our table become now you shrunk but for some reason your crafting table got so small it's now bigger what the heck is this table how did we go from a zero by zero to now a six by six you know what let's just go with it anyways though for this grime table here are the crafts on the screen right now that we gotta do and they all require copper which we might not have enough of except one craft in particular which i'm not really sure what this makes so let's go ahead and try that right now so it's gonna be a lot of iron right there a couple cobblestone there and we get a wireless ore gatherer mining is now hands-free okay so what does this do oh wait is it mining under me oh it's bringing in the copper oh it's literally mining everything literally that machine broke everything around us what the heck anyways with that being done i think we lost that machine on the bright side though we did get enough copper for everything we need and these are gonna be some giant crafts holy oh wait it's still tiny items we get tiny leggings which are statically charged i mean why not let's go to make all the armor never made tiny armor before it's actually pretty cool let's real quick put this all here and i guess this is gonna be our armor set now and then finally with the entire set we get a new ability with o for lightning cage and yet again another portion of shrinking fell to the last tiny armor piece so shrinking yet again and my crafting table has now shrunk but before we see how this thing shrunk again let's go ahead and try the new ability in three two one oh yo that was sick okay not really sure what that does but that's a really good ability anyways we did get this potion of shrinking right here so let's go and drink that up and yet again my crafting table has now shrunk which what that is gonna be this time that did not shrink at all guys it's literally getting bigger this doesn't make any sense what the heck and we got a new thing saying the mouse hill is 202 blocks away from me oh it's this way apparently okay well i guess let's go check this out wait what the heck is this okay i don't get inside of there shrink size 10 required i'm gonna guess that that's my size right now so let's go inside and check what the heck is going on in here okay so before we go inside i also want to give a heads up that we do have two new crafts on the screen right now and they require what looks like cheese so do i get the cheese from these guys hello we what there go these guys oh oh oh oh they're a little punching me okay no no guys guys guys jill please please am i supposed to stop you guys all right go come over here mice so sorry about this he ended up dropping some cheese cubes oh this is the thing i can craft with okay so i guess let's just collect a bunch of cheese cubes and try to make the first item that should be good enough let's go and get the shrinking table and go ahead and make the next thing the craft is gonna be on the screen right now and it's apparently like a burger or something i don't even know what this is wait what the heck is this a cheese hat pacifies the rats oh wait that might be very useful let's put this on real quick and what if i go up there so do you guys know anything now you guys don't attack me please you gotta help us the evil racking has been taking ortiz for our entire lives you gotta stop him defeat the rat king oh my wait what does he look like that why is his head so small oh my gosh okay okay no no no no please away oh gosh we're gonna bring half no no no no stay away go go all my villagers get the racking and just like that that's gonna be it for the ride king for this tiny crafting level and we ended up getting another portion of shrinking i am gonna go ahead and make one more item that we haven't made just yet before we shrink though and a rat staff wait what fact does this do oh my rats became rat wolves what oh oh oh my gosh okay they are bullying all the other rats okay well you guys do your thing over there and let's make the last item we can and it looks like a sword but we ended up getting a cheese sword which fires cheese balls and i can set mouse traps what why can't little mousetraps that's sick wait what about left click oh cheese balls nice okay so before we do anything let me go get some food so one side guys guys i look so goofy like what the heck am i wearing anyways let's go to drink the potion shrinking and yet again my crafting table has now shrunk and now there's a tiny desert temple 237 blocks away wait is that this white oh it is before we get there what's a new crafting table so yet again it's kind of getting smaller but at the same time it's getting bigger it doesn't make any sense but it does make sense because we're in a bigger world but let's get to the temple first and then we'll figure it out oh look at that thing it's literally a tiny desert temple okay so if it's a tiny desert temple how do we get inside do i right click oh wait that worked wait what just happened where am i now anything down there what the heck is that do i want to go down there i guess i'm going down there oh gosh okay please don't be bad i'm just i come in peace i may have just killed the rat king but you know it's all good because like you know it was vibes what is that a black hole or something am i supposed to avoid that oh wait no now we're at the bottom wait what are these guys giant sand golems oh this is sick oh yo what's up guys getting wolves going i'm gonna set down some rat traps get the sand golems and let's go let's get the tiny villagers sorted out real quick and let's do some more damage get one going down there we go one more to go and just like that me and my wolf took down yet again another giant golem and we also ended up getting the next potion of shrinking good job guys by the way in small sand boots this might be a size too small oh and we got the magic sun ability again so if you guys don't know what the magic stand is pretty much if i press this key there we go nice little magic sand all right anyways let's turn off the magic sand and now let's actually explore this area because we never got to so dispensers don't have anything i'm gonna guess that's my way back and what about the chess oh there's nothing in the chest that's a little bit of a scam dang it i was kind of excited anyways with that being done let's go and enjoy the next version of shrinking and yet again my crafting table has now shrunk again i just realized we never made the items i was talking about earlier so i guess we can do that now too but wait it may have actually shrunk from last time but for this time here's the craft we have on the screen right now and we gotta craft a weather antenna okay let's actually get out of here first and then we can craft that because i don't want to be in this temple for a weather antenna so let's go back and before we make the weather in tiena let's go back all the way over there let me get some stone and let's make the previous items okay good thing i have the table still here so we can actually do some crafts real quick so before we get to the new crafts let's real quick make one of these and see what exactly i was missing wait what is this a tiny sam bomb cool and uh now that we have the dining sam bomb we can also make one more thing which is gonna be with these right here and then we get a growing stone throwable tiny stone big boulder okay so right click oh that's very powerful very nice and now what about the tiny sand bomb oh it literally just throws sand nice we appreciate tina's handball anyways let's actually do the next thing which it tells us to craft a weather antenna and we actually don't have the gold so i guess no better time to get the growing stone and i guess just go mining for some gold it's gonna be a little bit difficult though what if i do it like that oh that works go on my side okay let's go all the way down there okay it took me forever that we got so deep that it literally goes down to void but we found some gold so let's mine all the gold thank you very much and the amount of gold we got was already a stack very nice all right let's place this bad boy back down and now for the craft it's gonna be a bit of gold on both sides and then what the heck is this thing a weather antenna must be placed on the surface well let's go up and place down the santana thing weather and tano let's place that down in survive the storm wait what oh oh yo okay okay we gotta dodge this up okay oh it's literally a weather storm that's sick guys i'm just trying to make smaller crimes you guys don't have to try to kill me please oh one second and there we go well that was interesting i guess we survived it but we ended up getting an overcharged potion of shrinking caution and then a bunch of cursed texts i feel like i'm not supposed to drink this but we're gonna drink it either way for the content because we gotta get higher in the smaller bar so right click crafting table is now ginormous wait so it's getting so small it's going backwards how big is this what the heck oh my gosh why does it keep getting bigger anyone have a good explanation i have no idea let's real quick get the magic sand on and get all the way to the side i guess and maybe do the parkour enough magic sand to go to the bottom okay gotta do the parkour i feel bad if i don't do the parkour couple more jumps and what the heck is this place oh it's literally a crafting table oh wait guys so on my document that i get from the game masters on what to craft we have three brand new crafts i think i'm supposed to do on this thing so it's a three by three but it's big okay so apparently really big crafting one stick and then two diamonds oh that worked oh that was sick okay so i can craft on top of this thing and it's kind of like a build craft cool and now we have a normal diamond sword completely average way is it really just a normal diamond sword how does this work oh wait that's not a normal time sword i just lost a sword kind of cool not bad and then the next item we're gonna be making is gonna be with three sticks and it looks like it's just gonna be a bow on a giant cracking table i'm very much confused one more string there and there we go nice okay so it literally works oh my gosh wait that's so small a tiny bow oh look at that thing oh my gosh they're so small okay that's adorable what the heck and now for the final thing it's apparently four oak planks on a crafting table so is this gonna make a crafting table and a crafting table is that like crafting table section oh oh okay apparently that's a boss what are you doing buddy oh gosh wait no no no please don't knock me off i'm literally gonna die if i get knocked off grow my swords get them oh oh gosh i got crab in table zombies what the heck no bad crafting table okay never trust making crafting tables inside of crafting tables that was not worth it anyways on the bright side we did get a bunch of shrinking so let's go and drink that and get to the next tier yet again oh oh i just did magic stand last second your crafting table has now shrunk i think the ants went back in their hill so that's the new ground table and now it's becoming diagonal i don't even know anymore guys this is just a bit weird but as you can see from the crafts on the screen right now that we gotta do it's getting a bit expensive we're gonna have to get some diamonds but before we do that let me investigate this ants thing oh i found it anthill shrink level 13 required i guess let's go inside oh gosh wait are these ants are you guys friendly you're friendly okay friendly ants very nice i guess let's just go down through here you outsider i'm willing to be nice and let you live if you help my colony where hungry need help it sounds like someone's outside can you look for crumbs for us oh it's the ant queen no that's sick okay okay so what exactly is outside wait what the heck are you that's a big villager oh he's throwing cookie grubs oh we gotta collect the cookie crumbs so what happens if i push this guy oh cookie crumbs come out oh that's sick okay let me roll quick up as many as i can number seven okay i'm just gonna guess collect all these around and then get back down there okay that's gonna be 34 cookie crumbs so i guess let's go back down and can i can i feed the ants nope nope i gotta go to the queen all right let's go all the way hopefully i don't get attacked by the queen but i am expecting diamonds so please give me diamonds and i'll be happy that is a very big am my goodness oh there we go thank you for your help we are very grateful please take this special leg as a show over gratitude oh wait that's literally the items i needed for the actual crafts that are on the screen right now and we also got a brand new item which is gonna be a flying ant egg something's inside oh and the potion's shrinking okay so first flying egg what does this do wait what would i just do oh wait what the heck we can ride in here oh this is sick oh wait it can fly guys we have a flying yet guy i'm vibing this is the greatest moment of my entire life okay anyways now that we have our flying ant i i guess that's a thing now we can go ahead and also make some more crafts which is gonna be with our new tiny crime table yes it's tiny because like the world is bigger and i guess that that's smaller apparently but what our next craft is going to be is on the screen right now and it looks like a trident thing oh it is a tiny trident small oh it's so small it's like a little fork oh my gosh why are tiny things so powerful wait so when it lands it literally causes a tsunami wave oh my goodness that is incredible and what does this make a tiny diamond throwing star right click throw three drawing stars and one is a ring okay so how does this work oh that's sec okay so we have like little ninja stars oh that's second then shift right click throws in a whole ring okay if we find a boss guys we have some really cool weapons now we got the tiny trident and this thing but now with that being done guys let's go to drink the potion of shrinking and yet again some more shrinking and my crafting table has shrunk it yet again which what is it now what the heck is this guys literally i don't even know okay so it kind of got smaller i'm not sure but yet again we got some brand new crafts and they require a lot of netherite do i gotta go to the nether oh so we ended up getting an action bar message as we got closer to this area and i think i'm supposed to go down here or something all right pickaxe all the way down oh look at that oh gosh i almost broke it okay that could be very bad oh my goodness that is one very big portal and is this gonna be a giant nether i guess let's go inside where the heck am i i am literally in the middle of lava oh gosh all right fire let's do this okay so we got yet another action message and this time we're supposed to go to a pinkland village 600 blocks away okay so if i was a village where would i be oh is that it yo wait what the heck is that why are they so ugly all right don't mind me just get a bridge over there real quick and so what the heck am i supposed to do in here okay so do you guys trade or something oh they do okay so one gold ink gives me a golden apple and we can also get a tiny crossbow from another ingot oh wait and with basal we can get another right i think that's ob in a looting 100 sword too what the heck wait do they all have the same trades oh they do okay before i get to you real quick let me real quick get the pickaxe out real quick and let's get as much basalt as we can is this basalt oh it is okay all right that is going to be a lot of different kids oh my goodness okay that is so many and i guess we can also go ahead and get a looting 100 another right sword oh i can't go wrong with the tiny crossbow why not let's get down to crossbar dude there we go and so before we talk to this guy what the heck does this do i'll try it on this guy oh okay very nice anyways with that being done let's go real quick and talk to the professor piglin my my you're quite tiny would you mind me helping me finish this contraption you're about to discover the quantum realm wait what i need some blaze rods so this guy needs 24 blaze rods and apparently we go to the quantum realm um i mean good thing there's a thing right there so let's get on our ant real quick okay where's the blaze water when i need it holy blazes okay all right looney sword please do something good oh it only gave me two it's only a thousand though okay don't mind me let's get the blaze rods oh wait we have a stock already never mind looting did work okay i am done here i'm gonna get out of here before i die oh we barely made it out okay let's get back to the piglet all right mr biglin i got all the blazer rods i think he needs oh there we go well done here i know you've been collecting these so take it potion of shrinking yet again let's go and take that and yet again my crafting table has shrunk again and now he says my my that was just enough energy now we just need to push the button and do me a favor old sport and push it for me oh gosh um what am i supposed to push wait is this the button that's such a big button what the heck we almost supposed to push this i can't just get on it maybe i gotta make a craft or something what i can subscribe to people guys i'm not gonna question it anyways with this crafting table we got one brand new craft and it's literally two blaze rods right here and then an item i don't even know what that is oh wait it says right here it's hoggling meat do i gotta fight hoglands or something give me one sec guys let's try to find some hoglands oh hawkins okay nice let's real quick call on my rats all right now just for one hogland wait whoa wait what that did you just drop oh hogland ribs three raw hogland ribs and i think i only need four so there's another one up there i guess all right go on villagers get em and just like that i'll go ahead and take those hogwarts ribs and i'm gonna assume that this is how i'm gonna be pushing that button so let's go ahead and make the craft which is gonna be for hawkman ribs then a good old blaze rod right there and blazer right there and we get blazing hot hot good ribs what the heck is this item like why how did we get here anyways i'm not gonna eat it just yet let's get to the spot okay moment of truth ablaze in the hot hog and ribs what does this do oh my guys i'm obviously in the center of it but i'm very perfect story now so am i heavy enough now wait did that work wait i think i actually pressed it uh mr professor all right what's up man aha another potion i wonder if he can craft a way to the quantum realm now oh gosh okay so we're leading up to this quantum realm we said and i guess positive shrinking yet again and the crafting table has now shrunk again which this time we have two brand new crafts one requires gold ingots basalt and a lot of nether items and the other one is a bit more difficult the good thing is that we can easily get all the items we need pretty much right here so pickaxe the greatest thing we've gone this entire video let's go ahead and grab the okay let's go up there and get that nether quartz okay we got all the stuff we needed and the first thing we can go ahead and make is gonna be with the basalt so it's gonna be like this thing right here and then we got some of the dark stuff there wait what a gravity well left click to place right click to activate okay and the other thing we can make is gonna be with the quartz and the enterpro which actually took me a lot to get these two things but we finally got it and then that makes a rift opener fastest way to travel always is for the quantum dimension i think we may have finally got it okay so ever since we got past the zero by zero crime table things have been getting definitely a bit weird and i guess when we write like this things are going to get even weirder so i guess without further ado a rift opener oh gosh here we go guys oh whoa wait where am i now is this the quantum world looks like just a random parkour i guess let's try doing it real quick definitely weird stuff as you get smaller okay almost to the end right now oh and at the very end we have another potion of shrinking crafting tables now shrunk again so what is it now oh my gosh wait what the heck is this it's a bunch of tiny tables inside of whatever dimension this is this isn't even making any sense anymore so oddly enough this is gonna be the final crafting table we get i think and here are all the crafts we can make with this thing but we need obsidian and then what are those things i guess let's go inside and maybe we'll find out in there quantum realm the smallest place in minecraft what the heck are these things oh my gosh wait do i like right click them or something oh wait it's a proton so when i right-click these guys they drop oh nice okay so literally it's a bunch of protons neutrons and all that good stuff i really did not expect this when we were doing a smaller crafting video guys i expected to go to a one by one table and then it'd be kind of funny and cool but now we're atoms nice but you know what let's just roll with the punches and get some obsidian real quick and you guys already know me the fastest city miner let's grab all that real quick and with the stuff we got let's go ahead and make one of the first items we can do and that's gonna be whatever this thing is it'll be on screen right now what we're making but i'm not really sure what this is are we making like a nuke or something wait what is that a particle accelerator create blocks is literally the coolest item we've ever made wait what does this do oh yo it literally changes the blocks we hit well that's cool okay so after i got bit more things we can now make whatever this thing gets so an atmosphere anchor okay oh i can jump higher oh that's sick so it's kind of like space now cool anyways back to crafting the final thing we can make is gonna be with one proton one neutron and then one electron we get an uncharged atom replaceable it's apparently the final thing we can craft so what does this do oh i gotta fill it nice okay well done electron and then finally with one neutron oh we get another potion so is this gonna be the final potion of shrinking i guess let's just drink it shrinking yet again the explosion made everything unstable look out for that glitchy dragon what the heck is that thing so i think this is gonna be the final boss let's get out the tiny bow and let's do this oh my gosh it does no damage are you serious i can't even use the tiny bow what about the diamond throwing stores oh they do good damage wait it's healing oh wait i didn't even realize that let's go flying it okay how can i break these same bombs oh no that isn't working either you know what cause that ain't working we're gonna go to get the dragon real quick let's try to beat it real quick with the tridents and oh wait this might should do enough damage to kill it oh gosh a few more tridents and just like that that's gonna be it for the dragon and that might be it is there any more shrinking i'm not sure did it drop anything oh there we go okay so now that we've defeated the dragon we get the final potion so how small do we get after this and just like that that's going to be it for the challenge and so hope you guys all enjoyed our great one a news video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,765,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft crafts, minecraft but crafts get smaller, minecraft but crafts get tinier, minecraft but crafting, smaller, small, tiny, tiny crafts
Id: itJCQzB6K9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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