Minecraft but I Deal 1,000,000 Damage

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in Destructor mob has invaded Minecraft corrupting and terraforming the world get it Terror farming no okay have no fear everyone crafty is here a nice convenient Vine ladder to climb hello big stinky boy wow you are quite bigger than I am charge up my attack and oh God monster oh no I only dealt one damage hey crafty yeah the indestructure mob has a million Health well now you tell me Well if we're gonna do a million damage in one hit I'll need a little bit of help there might be things I can buy to help me here aha the shop portal my favorite what friendly items can help me out of my journey here the op crafty whoa look at it dude that's a million damage all right I can't afford any of these yet but I can buy a wooden club for 10. I assume that's 10 damage hold on let me punch some things real quick hello lovely villager friends anything I can punch around here oh no no I uh I I did not mean you Mr villager Iron Golem I promise I'm not here to smack anybody aha there's something hello Mr creepy man ah yeah I see okay oh shoot hello Mr Green punching bag okay ah shoot just gonna get a little more and one more punch there we go I've done 10 damage and now I can buy our first weapon the wooden club dude this thing is massive man looks like a giant turd on a stick or something but all right let's try it oh that is eight damage that's much better oh he had little uh particles around him ah it's stuns mobs as well that's pretty nice hi yeah that is really helpful ah and uh and temporary we've already racked up quite a count 83 damage we can buy ourselves the bow staff oh snap oh very cool it works as a shield and a weapon I can Parry my attackers hello boys stun all right let's try out our bow staff here yeah sick man take that dude that's actually awesome so it acts like a shield except it does damage ow oh gosh okay I have to squat to get the baby zombie oh no I have to use strategy ah take this take that I am the blue Donatello yeah oh that is so nice I'm already at 175 damage not too shabby uh the Taco Bell sound we can buy the rapid fire crossbow nice man I'm feeling good we got a range weapon and oh sick man oh sorry Piggies I almost hit you on accident yeah man it's whoa shoots heavy duty arrows doing 20 damage now we're talking armored zombie raid oh gosh okay oh wow those guys are scary netherrite armor my goodness yeah I get em dude careful Iron Golem crossbow go oh and one hits of now we're talking nice job dude we tag team that bad boy there's more of them Pig run away buddy this is not a good place to be stun one I could probably sit here yeah you can touch me armored zombies they're flaking from all sides okay okay okay stun two of them and then attack the third one yeah oh now we're talking dude it doesn't do a lot of damage though hold on oh snap 360. and little armored zombie ballerina the cutest thing I've ever seen yeah I like how you spin buddy I think we've done it my friends yay the village is saved and I got a Bonus 200 damage from that heck yeah dude that will be nice let's go shopping looks like we can buy the battle ax oh yeah a challenge is waiting outside bring it on uh it's just the village oh my all right we've been teleported to a castle I did a might have been an old graveyard that's a lot of skeletons what's up boys become the champion alright let's do this okay this is gonna be pretty difficult yeah yeah you guys fight each other nice Gladiators oh my goodness the skeleton night all right uh I do 51 damage now so that's good although goodness gracious they've got a lot of Health stun go all right all right hey stop skeleton they're everywhere dude bo staff save my life here dude not today skeleton boy all right those guys are fighting over there this is not gonna be an easy challenge man oh I do have rage weapons there we go there we go I forgot about my crossbow yeah take that I got long range and you guys don't boom baby all right feels good feels good I am gaining a lot of damage here so that's all right might be able to upgrade mid battle and go back in the shop to figure out what else I can buy backup armored spider goodness they have so much health dude but yeah yeah dude all right oh I have a power I didn't even know about this yeah and there we go there's 140 damage okay okay okay that's a lot of arrows I've got very low Hearts I'm gonna sit behind this tree for cover and snipe them nailed it okay what am I Stormtrooper come on hit him yeah this is ah this is not gonna be easy chop so I could left click for a normal attack and I can right click for a giant sweep looks like there's only a couple guys left let me head into a shop and see what else I can buy I'm doing this solely for the rewards and not to hang out for a bit and regen some health you know what am I scared or something no all right let's do this I've got myself some poison daggers oh I can throw them like boomerangs yeah dude some armored zombies no problem swink swink oh that is so awesome they act as boomerangs basically and they poison my enemies and I can use them as an attack weapon yeah these weapons are sick too it looks like there's one guy left and uh he's dying in a wall well that was an anti-climactic boss fight there we go one more and come on yeah challenge complete a thousand damage awarded that's great thanks Castle I know I'm pretty cool and all I totally didn't cheat with all my upgrades hey what are you doing out here trying to run from the fight unless uh oh all right well he doesn't attack me so I guess he's given up his life of battle now he's just a nice passive armored spider jockey guy hello Village friends I've taken out the bad guys over there unless that was some kind of like Stadium of entertainment you guys are just into Gladiators or something if that's the case I apologize all right back in the shop we go oh this one looks cool let's buy the magic scepter or septre the magic it's a great name and great way to clear the old gunk in the throat a challenge waits for you outside I'm ready dude oh whoa where are we now oh gosh it's a Witch Hunt Gathering oh my goodness that's a big ball boy okay before I go battle a bunch of witches what does this new staff do he does 200 damage and it drains mob's health and gives it to me oh pretty cool I'm not sure if I want a bunch of witch Hearts keeping me alive but sure let's try it okay this might get dangerous let's do some sword sniping oh yeah yeah take that oh that guy's not very accurate come on Gerald one of them is super accurate one is not yeah all right okay okay I have a plan we'll inflict all of them with poison damage there we go there we go now I can passively take him out ah poison back at me I'm getting a taste of my own medicine I have some damage oh my goodness all right this match acceptor is insane dude yeah there we go I'm stealing their hearts give it to me give it to me oh thank you for all the love thank you very much it's kind of you okay little minions but the big boy is still here this guy might be tough yeah take that hello good sir do you have any special powers to try to kill me with you missed come on hit me I want you to hit me hit me come on man you got this I'll just stand right here you got it come on I thought you were supposed to be a boss or something he's missing come on God that is not it's not closer you're not getting any closer come on he's just over there sipping Capri Suns through his nose this has got to be the worst boss I've ever fought in my life okay do you mind if I borrow some hearts of yours oh thank you thank you I'm like the neighbor asking for sugar except uh eventually you just die wow that was darker than I thought it would be boom baby we've got him the boss has been slayed what a difficult challenge I just had oh what a nice pretty little Hut I like this place man although that door is a little small for the boss I'm feeling more and more sorry for this boss we just fought well with 6 000 damage what can we unlock next the elemental sword yeah I know I know a new challenge is waiting for me outside Elemental sword show me what you got oh my goodness hello boys four witch monsters yeah turn into an element is it working are you an element yet oh there's air that's very cool ah fire and uh water oh I see so each attack is a different element I like it dude it does about a hundred damage every hit which is not incredible but it's still really good easy peasy that was it that was the whole challenge what the heck is that oh my goodness dude that legit scared me what is that uh hello oh no he's mad he's mad it's a ghost Enderman bro oh no no oh no no no no no no I don't like his I don't like this oh I'm on a I'm on a heart and a half okay okay chill bro oh wow okay I'm just gonna sit in here for a second and uh regen some health oh wait hold on hold on can I steal it from you can I steal hearts the ghost Enderman must be immune to my Magics okay can I poison him okay all right I can do a little poison damage that's good and I might be able to safe spot him with his Elemental sword this is a challenge ow he doesn't like being turned into water that does make sense he is an Enderman after all oh yeah rapid crossbow crossbow doesn't work yeah that makes sense he's an Enderman dude this guy's a challenge I can probably just ah safe spot him though oh man I can't use any projectiles I gotta be so careful right now dude yeah dude does 200 damage a pop and he's still just chilling might need myself an upgrade for this bad boy um I can afford a molten mace I don't know how effective that'll be although it looks awesome Mighty gauntlets can't afford that yet although I can afford a weaponized Chester do you know what everyone loves oxygen I mean yeah everyone loves breathing Gerald what I was gonna say was bundles we have three bundles on the crafty merch store now get em boys bundle for all your get em boys needs the comic bundle for the lore lovers and the custom Hearts bundle which is hard to say no to Big bundle discounts for a limited time only head on over to crafty dot store today what's the point of fighting ghosts if you're not doing it with buddies I've learned that from Scooby-Doo come on Chester let's do some ghost hunting oh what happened to your eye I like your eye patch he's got swords on his belt this Chester means business come on dude let's do some ghost hunting get him Chester uh are you too big to fit through the door there you go yeah get up Chester get him boy Chester does 250 damage oh heck yeah man let's tag team this ah touch the monster pick on somebody in your own mention that one heart Chester yeah yeah you got him dude oh I'm so proud of you buddy lesson learned kids if you're gonna go fight ghosts do it with a sentient wooden chest that's the moral of this episode I guess straight up Chester I was about to die dude you literally saved my life there I mean I respond and all but it's I mean I'd have to like run back here and stuff so you're the best buddy back to the shop we go Chester's pretty excited about the molten mace I can tell you that all right we got ourselves the molten mace holy cow it does a thousand damage and I can right click to send out Fireballs yeah you had every right to be excited this is a cool weapon dude let's get ready for action oh snap defeat the Enderman bosses bosses with an S oh no I struggle to take out one okay well this mace better be good dude get em boy oh I love having Chester dude gosh these pillagers have so much health man I'm doing a thousand damage to him and uh yeah it takes like 6 sit still I am gaining a ton of damage points though hello this ain't no ordinary Woodland Mansion ah oh yeah I have Fireballs Fireball go okay okay the mace is pretty good Fireball Fireball yeah now we're talking dude this is what I need to do the Fireballs are incredible Chester you did it right over there he's on a mission I don't know who he's gonna go fight but he's he's ready for it ah poison daggers and steal your health and uh battle ax attack Fireball crossbow bow staff Dodge incredible and I can turn you into an air ballerina all the weapons are super brutal brood lentil swords like you want to fly for a second you want to be slightly moist it's all right Elemental sword we love you too we're doing pretty good so far oh gosh that's a lot of pillagers ah I got to be careful not to break my path here run run run run Chester where are you buddy yeah get him Chester oh my goodness what dude that's so uncool man there's like 50 of them in there I have to take them all out how okay be very careful don't look at any of them in the eyes Chester if you're going on a rampage uh avoid this room for right now looks like they're fine until I look at them dude one two three there's like 25 at least there's no way I can do this ah he's looking at me okay first let me head into the shop there's gotta be an item to help me here man uh mighty gauntlets we can buy that we can also buy the energy bow the mighty gauntlets look Chester I got fingers for the first time don't ask how I sign every plushie and poster over on crafty dot store without fingers but I manage it I manage it you like my cheeky merch push it does knock back which is nice but not helpful here let's see we also have the energy bow oh arrows pierced through mobs in a chain all right well that might be what we're looking for hello Enderman friends I really hope this works man otherwise I'm gonna be in trouble charge up the arrow please work please work and go yes yes oh and one shot some yes keep going oh dude yeah take that Enderman ghost it didn't quite get all of them a couple more and incredible this is the best bow I've ever had but I want to get my hands a little dirty Let's test out these Mighty gauntlets shall we hello boys uh charge up attack I don't know how they work attack yeah oh my goodness I can hit him into the wall ah I'm gonna die hey guys can I borrow some health from you that'd be real real great thank you ah yes thank you very much for your hearts all right now I punch you ah take that boom that is awesome it knocks them back so far they break the wall yeah break the wall or your face that works too also I am so glad I didn't try to take them out one at a time not only we take out the Enderman bosses but I have so much money to spend well that went by quick I got two items we got ourselves the Havoc hammer and the Soul Scythe dude these are incredible looking man all right let's see what our next challenge has to offer oh snap defeat the Golem boss I thought Golems were good guys well I guess Golems are protectors and if you protect evil then I guess that makes you bad I'm thinking too much about this what's up dude ow okay we've got two weapons to take out these guys hello the Havoc Hammer smash okay it's fine I guess I mean it does do like 3 000 damage oh snap and it does a ton of AOE damage smack the ground oh incredible so I can punch him to do some pretty good damage but it's smacking the ground that really does some work oh my gosh it launches them in the air too Hulk smash I like it and I have the soul Scythe whoa what was that sends out a devouring wave of souls uh yeah oh gosh no Chester leave the little babies alone they're harmless man weaponized Chester is brutal dude where is this Golem they speak of ah maybe up here oh snap what is this ah hello buddy Chester be careful my man don't worry I've got the soul sight to take him out soulsight go yeah not too shabby okay looks like there's a giant hole here in this volcano uh oh gosh should I jump down I surely will die of fall damage right maybe I can use my Havoc Hammer slam it on the ground oh got slow falling hello Mr Golem are you a good guy or are you a bad guy okay he's coming after me okay oh I do not have a lot of room here careful Chester careful buddy I can use my habit camera that'll launch him up a little bit do some damage from afar that's working pretty well and soul sight Soul Scythe go yeah all right it is 30 000 damage to him that's insane yeah we've got him that was the closest I've come to dying so far that was rough dude how you doing Chester you holding up all right we only have two more items left we've got the nuclear Blaster whoa and it's Ty my friends for one million damage dealt we can purchase the op crafty let's try out our nuclear Blaster shall we hello buddy all right I'm gonna shoot it and run did I miss yeah take that oh it's locking on Chester step back buddy I do not know what's about to happen is that it oh there it goes boom oh wow they're still alive okay never mind you know dying from radiation that's realistic I guess for the sake of humanity I'm gonna go ahead and destroy that in the lava well guys I think it's time here with the op crafty I send out a surge of light that does one million damage it's finally time indestructum up you're going out you're going down hello Mr instructor mob no this is not the crafty plushie in my hand and yes the crafty plushie does make a fantastic gift for any crafty fan and the link is in the description to buy one for yourself okay I'm done this is the op crafty oh I look incredible and you've tormented the world for long enough let's see just how indestructible you are indestructible uh any second now uh sorry sorry just gotta charge up my attack here that's a little awkward just it takes a second to charge up uh I hope at least oh my gosh yes we've done it the indestructure mom has been destructed indestructible more like super destructed mob well I've saved the world or whatever and you should hit the Subscribe button like this wow very good very nice thanks for clicking it
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,565,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mod, minecraft 1 million, custom hearts, meme, memes, minecraft meme, minecraft marketplace, marketplace, minecraft map, minecraft survival, 1 million, 1 million minecraft
Id: rrWxPl2HAfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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