Minecraft but Crafts Are Legendary...

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this is a normal crafting table and this is a legendary Super Kratom table but to get to this final legendary craft we're gonna have to do the ones behind it first so let's begin with this tiny little legendary craft right here so this right here is a gigantic Mega legendary crafting table which we'll be seeing at the end of the video that being said first we gotta find the smallest legendary ground table which is apparently in this whole thing of cotton tables all right dolls move I gotta find the small table and there it is oh my gosh can we grab with it oh um it's literally a one by one to a one by one and now we unlocked on the screen right now the craft it's Wednesday guys so to get one stick all we do is go right over here ignore all the ground tables around the village because today everything we're doing is literally crafting over and over again into the biggest possible things one stick there we go and now on the small table we put the one stick and what the heck is that thing the world's legendary smallest pickaxe okay so as for using this thing what does it do exactly did I just mine with it oh wait what it gives you tiny blocks what I'm not with that huh oh and I can throw it oh that's sick and so now that's only the first legendary craft where as for what we use these things for I think we gotta go talk to that guy with the hearts over there also why does that villager have no neck can we get one like I want some for the no deck I'm so sorry all right what's up help villagers who will vile with love um okay I'm gonna guess I gotta help the guys that are angry hello Grandma Mary what's up get her a sunflower oh that's easy is this something oh no it's a dandelion oh gosh okay sorry I don't know my Minecraft fires where do I get a sunflower oh gosh oh sunflower yes all right let's grab you there we go and now we have the sunflower all right Grandma mayor gave me that and now we got the first thing a villager of love oh it's for the craft on the screen right now so I'm realizing right now we're going from one by one straight to the legendary three by three well I guess for the next villager we can help let's talk to the guy without the neck that we saw earlier how's it going buddy short night well what's up get her a cat okay where the heck do I get the cat oh gosh I think I heard some cats behind me oh I found the cats hello okay okay do I just stand still come to me oh and I tamed him yes okay come straight this way okay let's make him sit right there and are we good oh it worked yeah yes enjoy the cat and now that's two out of four for the craft pieces and I think it's this guy and that man over there all right what's up artist Sebastian build a dog sculpture huh like right here oh wait on the scooter right now I just realized we have this craft apparently we use four sacks of the tiny blocks and then we can actually make some things oh give me one sec I guess I gotta mine a lot of this stuff there we go I think this should be good because if we put the four stocks together oh not a legendary craft but I guess it kind of makes sense why we got the world's smallest pickaxe because now we can make a dog figurine oh that's sick all right if we just give it to him I'm gonna replace it down and now we have two really Build Your Love things very nice and now the only one left is is that a noseless villager hello what's up oh literally get in my nose okay the only way I know how to getting a nose is shears and maybe a mob all right there's a game plan we already have the iron we got the furnace and let's get some water real quick there we go to iron ingots and now let's make a sheer and oh gosh okay what's the first nose I can steal oh wait did I took away the cow has a nose can I detect the cow nose oh okay I think the counters will do that works I guess now let's go back to this person and take the cow knows and from that of course we get the final villager lab okay all the villagers have now helped and now with the crafting table let's make the only 3x3 legendary craft which is I think four of these and then one empty vial oh and there we go the vow of Love lonely Lena might not use it okay who's lovely Lena hold up let me look around for that oh Elena what's up oh wait they gave me another amount of Love huh oh that's why guys you can see on the screen that is the next craft huh wait how do I even get that oh okay apparently right clicking at that table makes it it's an even bigger one so get on the screen how do I get somebody all right it might be time we go down to the mines real quick but before we do that we should probably also actually make some stone tools all right let's be a little bit better but now we gotta do some quick mining okay down we go quick Mission get some diamonds make one of these cook that there we go now we can get some diamonds come on any Diamonds oh gold something oh and diamonds yes finally okay this is gonna be the first one out of I think I gotta get like 14 diamonds that was a single diamond oh wait there is a lot more dimes over there though okay I'm gonna make sure to get as much stuff as I can because today we're doing a lot of crafting guide so to actually get to the cool legendary stuff we gotta get the diamonds first so that's one that's another one right there and oh gosh we gotta get deeper and deeper don't we and there we go 20 diamonds finally we needed 18. so now let's make some swords all right we gotta pretty much make nine of them oh gosh all right nine diamond swords and now with the very big crafting table what we're gonna be doing is first putting in the diamond swords like this and I actually don't know what this is gonna make I just have a picture and I just realized I'm one diving sword off hold up all right every single diamond sword ever and now what are we gonna make with a vow of love oh wait what the heck it doesn't even fit the thing the heart sword made with love and legendary wait so what does this do exactly do I like left like oh okay I love a slash and when I right click oh it heals me I think oh Region Three okay but it has a cool down oh wait wait what have I done okay um Red Heart Knight okay okay that's bad okay no better time than down to test out the hard sword it does very good damage and it's literally shaped as a heart and down he goes oh and he also give him a red heart sword all right I'm gonna put that away and so now it says I need a bigger crafting table oh one bigger crafts find Sam's house is that Sam I don't think that's Sam oh wait there's a Sam Sam's big herself Emporium okay so we're gonna go from that big of a legendary crime table to how big is it gonna be in here do I rock like this oh wait no there's a thing that goes down behind it all right let's observe whatever's down here oh buddy has a whole secret lab help Sam to borrow his growth Ray oh so we might be going the table deliver these Goods oh okay where these go deliver to just the villagers all right that should be easy enough Grandma Mary do I just place it down oh they said thank you I'm sick oh my why did you order a giant cow you know what I'm not gonna question it how about you right here by the big crafting table here go I have your letter what'd you get oh nothing um okay I enjoy that all right you I made you a dog boss I got you a letter there you go enjoy the letter oh express shipping so what'd you get oh my God such a big box it's kind of adorable though now finally this guy Mr blacksmith there you go whatever that says enjoy it oh um it looks like it's uh nothing I think we're good all right with that being done let's go back to the super size guy and Mr guy it looks like we're good so what do we gotta do now slave the living Redstone huh is it under us hold up I think it's right under us okay all right let's keep going down oh I think I found them oh wait that's it okay let's heal up real quick and I should have made armor I should have made armor oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay why why is this a giant guy okay no stay back are these guys dropping Redstone bacon okay let me try that out real quick okay it doesn't do much but my goodness the heart sword does get me region so don't he goes just like that and let's take down the guys with the sneakers okay and from that we get the Redstone heart all right now let's take this thing back wait what the heck is that noise hold on we're getting back with these guys oh they're little gals and pigs one time I experiment is this do I speak them up let me grab this guy there we go all right do I just like place these out side here I'm at the scientist here got away place these guys back all right if you can make things smaller he can maybe make things bigger so let's get back to the sky now and Mr Gaia got the Redstone heart ready for you oh and he gave us a growth rate okay I'm gonna guess I gotta shoot this thing at the crafting table then all right well thank you scientists I'm gonna go back up and try out this bad boy out all right so one growth rate and then one table do I just fire this thing fire oh wait is it working oh well you grew and now at this table we get a 5x5 and this time this is what we unlocked on the screen a thing that requires a bunch of arms and now to the next one what the heck is this with a bunch of tiny pickaxes all right let's start with the pickaxe one real quick so there's nothing better to do then then go back to the base of crafting tables go to the small one not that giant one yet and I guess just make a ton of these guys all right I'm gonna go get a diamond and also grab a bunch of these one sec and now we got it 24 of the world's smallest legendary pickaxe and one Diamond now I gotta grab all these and take them over there one second holy big axes all right let's begin with first we're putting every single pickaxe in here and now finally in the center oh my gosh what what got the stack pickaxe did I really just get this from all the tiny pickaxes what dogs does this do I'm gonna just right click right here right click oh my guys next time we gotta go mining we're definitely set and that's only craft number one out of two or the next one I think we gotta use the shears to grab some arms uh Mr shortneck I'm so sorry about this that's two villager arms and in total we need 14. so I guess let's get to arm chopping can you give me a hand I I'm so sorry oh okay oh gosh oh gosh what is he doing I'm so sorry Grandma I'm so sorry about this dude okay that's gonna be six sorry about this two number eight into the blacksmith sorry about that too number 12. Mr scientists I'm so sorry about this all right 14 that'd be good now and so now with the arms let's let's be with a bunch of arms right there pretty much then we put three right there and what does this make huh guys like I said it's legendary crafts and I think we just got EXO arms wait do I just walk with these to put them on right click oh and now we have eggs orbs wait what can I use with these do I press this button oh wait I can sweep with them what about this oh I can even launch it oh and it launches me what the heck wait what spider villager oh okay of course I gotta deal with this now that I have this thing all right apparently I'm drunk and I gotta fight the Spiderman here we go going storms oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I can also use the heart sword if I had to Heart sword in xorbs oh my gosh sorry about the spider villager I may have taken down a lot of people oh my gosh he's taking me up in the sky all right one more hit and done goes spider villager I I I'm so sorry buddy now we unlock two brand new crafts which is gonna be on the screen right now with even bigger crime tables and so this time getting the legendary crime table all we gotta do is literally craft it okay so now we have a six by six grinding table which is very big this this is what we're going to be using for the craft on the screen right now which is so many diamonds and half Diamond things which I was told to talk to this armless villager over here and I'm sorry about the arms but what would I do with you oh get him new orbs to trade for half armor apparently and now we can craft an arm and to make an arm it's actually really simple where we just gotta do this arm prosthetic replacement all right here we go some arms and all in the group back I think there might be levers now oh wait and now we can trade diamonds for half Diamond things I mean it kind of makes sense okay we need a lot of this stuff but we also need diamonds so I think it's about time let's Get Right Here and Now what the pickaxe can I just start mining oh my gosh all right let's go find some diamonds with this thing okay first diamonds go on pickaxes Give Me Diamonds oh my gosh wait they Trump the diamond block version in the diamond holy all right let's real quick make this roll quick there we go and now we gotta make two Diamond chest plates two pants and two of everything and then trade for off all right maybe I need a little bit more Diamond so real quick let me do some more of this okay a lot of diamonds now Mr arm villager let's get a lot of these guys where we need four of the half diamond helmet for the halftime chess plate so pretty much a lot of these only two of the pins oddly enough so I only do bundle on this and then four of the boots so one two three and four and now with the rest of the diamonds we're gonna make two Diamond test plates there we go two diamond boots there we go two helmets and then finally two sets of boots and to end it all off we actually need some glass like everyone's taking away cook some sand there we go to Glass and now for the very big crafting table here we go so at the very top let's go ahead and put all the normal chestplate stuff all right so boots done now the pantalones right there then we do a lot of chest plates and now finally pretty much a bunch of helmets all leading up to two class so what is this gonna be oh exoskeleton armor holy okay so how do I put this on but I like like oh wait what are power source required oh wait we gotta power it up then looks like I gotta go right this way Engineers Lair uh Mr engineer I'm gonna guess this is the guy that powers up the suit yeah what's up engineer vid use the charging pad oh wait what the heck is that do I take this off the charging pad hello oh okay let's just go ahead and grab a straight up robot but here just put this here right oh wait it's my own robot wait is this what we made what the heck all right what now Duo do I just wait here or oh wait do I gotta fill this thing with lava hold up let me grab that lava bucket right there and a turbo electric tank okay we're straight up having a full-on system here all right let me pull this with lava put that down there pick up a little bit more lava just in case all right I think this should be good oh and it's charging yes oh gosh oh and is it good do I just grab this guy now Mr Robot oh I'm in oh my gosh what the heck The Dazzle the engineers robot for a fair fight oh wait I think I gotta upgrade this guy's robot all right so we unlocked Brandy around the screen right now we're pretty much I think we just gotta surround this with Diamonds oh so this is my robot and this is his all right uh do I right click him oh wait he's following me oh wait I might have to bring him outside that would make sense if we're having a robot fight all right let's waste this down all right there's this robot and okay all right time for battle let's get inside and go on fire the Rockets oh my gosh wait we're still having a robot fight right now go on I'm firing who knows what all right I assume that whoever's Mex against destroyed takes a ton of damage probably should be worried about that oh it's almost done go on Mech couple more hits and come on get him we got him there we won oh we did okay we got another advancement done and so now we're gonna talk to the woodworker I'm gonna cause that's for the next bigger legendary craft which is ew that's made out of wood oh hello what's up man all the way up there okay maybe I should go all the way up real quick all right want to work early on what's up help finish the cracking table oh that should be easy okay let's real quick think how we're gonna do this first we need a lot of wood so no better place to get wood than right there and why don't we just do this give me the wind go on big accents all right now we should be good to build okay so what we're gonna do is pretty much fill it up with what he didn't say to do an amazing job but I mean so far it kind of already looks like a crown table so it should be fine if we do this there we go that's one part done and oh wait okay yeah that's a little bit awkward I don't have this voluntarakata stuff but what I do have is dirt so this is what we're gonna do instead of the brown stuff we're gonna put the dirt in and it should be good enough all right and there we go I mean could it be worse all right now let's fill in this part right here oh and I might need to uh fill in the bottom too oh well and we're done uh do I talk to him again or oh wait what's he doing is he trying to climb up well it's like a Mr villager let's go up uh okay so is he gonna do something else or is he demonstrating how to use this thing oh wait you put a shovel you put a pickaxe a hoe an ax oh wait this is actually working wait what the heck what is this gonna be holy oh they're combining he made a bicycle huh uh uh he's running away with the bicycle I guess we're making a bicycle guys and couple things we gotta craft normally first we gotta make some Wheels which oddly enough take some diamonds and I think we need two wheels all right two wheels done and now for the tools so we need Diamond hoe diamond pickaxe diamond shovel and a diamond ax and now finally some glue and that's with one water bucket which should be easy and I gotta get a glass of honey all right let's go bunny oh we got the Beehive okay so I actually don't know how to grab honey do I just do this no how do I grab honey guys let me look this up real quick all right I figured it out pretty much we need the hives with honey in them and oh my gosh finally there we go we got some honey now let's go back and before we begin let's real quick craft this we got some glue and I guess let's begin with the glue right there oh my gosh wait it's actually working now we put the pickaxe oh wait it's detected it once let's throw that fresh ax right there good old diamond shovel diamond hoe in the quarter diamond sword and now finally one wheel right there and I think this might be the last one please work oh wait oh wait is it that guy oh gosh okay let's place this down real quick and can I write it oh guys I am riding the sword bicycle oh and I'm telling the land this is the wackiest item I've ever had oh my gosh wait so how does this work can I get off of it I want to pick it back up oh that's sick all right uh Mr farmer well what's up clear and plow the land I can very much do that let me go place that down and easily let's clear it and blow it don't mind me literally showing off the bicycle and it's marvelous potentials I mean hey this is actually pretty good so far we even got the stone right there but it doesn't do anything to Stone all right not bad I think we're good let's get off this let me pick that back up and Mr farmer is that good enough oh what the heck was that okay and now we got a brand new craft of the bow UFO what the heck is that Craft on the screen we need a bigger table that being said maybe I gotta talk to that guy right up here this is gonna be prospector Trevor all right what's up treasure in the force it's a rumor oh this is the yield Village and then we got that Force dude death oh gosh that doesn't sound good oh okay that that's some death right there all right you know what hard sword let's get this over with and actually wait if I'm crafting something with a bow this might be a good idea to pick up a bunch of strings all right stay away stay away oh my gosh that guy is so big what the heck okay yep that's a lot of string where exactly am I supposed to go is the treasure somewhere around here oh wait wait what the heck is that thing hold up I think the guy wasn't lying all right wait do I mind this or wait who the heck is that over there hello am I supposed to even buy this oh my gosh it might never be okay you know what I'm just gonna grab this real quick and we're following this guy screw it down the bicycle we're going just two Bros doing their thing where the heck is he me is that's it the village is right there hello do I just go inside all right let's go inside I guess okay okay let me heal up real quick okay let's uh take a step back and maybe uh do this a little bit more smart oh no oh no no no no no no no give me the region oh my God goodness okay is there anyone I gotta talk to maybe this guy hello oh oh oh wait it's a straight up a dog oh that's adorable all right what's up woodworker dog oh what I I broke him out of prison and he gave me the next table and this is gonna be a 12 by 12 crafting table wait so how big is this thing um guys it is gigantic apparently I've alerted a prison break I'll let them be but right now we gotta make a big old bow thing with this I gotta make so many bows but here's the thing we did unlock another bow which might help us get the other bows which requires us to just literally pick up the cows and then put a bow in the middle they're real quick I'm gonna do this there we go and as for the cows can I just pick them up oh okay we just gotta pick up eight cows all right don't mind me let me grab you and now with the eight cows I think we just do eight moves there one bow there and oh gosh it's literally a cowbo don't know how this is gonna help us get all the string we need but what does it do shoot oh it fires skills no no that's idiot all but now it's for the hard part we need in total 58 bows so let me go fight a lot of spiders real quick all right no better way of doing this than literally water bucket and see the disaster that happens with it all right let me do this for a while guys until I get every single bow possible okay so now let me present to you big crafting table and inside this chest a lot of bows including this one all right so here's the play guys we're gonna put away all this stuff right here and then grab all these bows right here and pretty much build whatever this shape is I don't really know what we're making but it's like an umbrella oh gosh okay this is gonna take me a little bit but it will slowly but surely be a big old thing give me one sec and we're good doesn't look like much but oh gosh wait it's happening oh it's the rising what's going on oh did we just make a UFO of duck Monster Power the bow wait what wait can I enter this thing oh I'm in what the heck wait I can right click for a tractor beep oh oh wait what the heck and if I left click I have a fusion laser oh and we take them in all right gals come over here oh he got charged yes okay so now we unlocked the legendary sword wings and that's pretty much the garage on the screen right now where it's pretty weird and what the heck is going on over here what am I supposed to do here oh abduct chicken villagers and then bees oh all right chickens you're being abducted to come up so I think I just gotta grab a bunch of these right oh we got some bees too how many chickens do I need to grab did I do it did I grab it no stuff let me actually get off of this UFO and check if I actually got anything oh wait I did wait is this what I need for the craft and we got a chicken segment thing okay I think that's one of the craft things I got the B one oh we did get the B1 okay and now this is the B segment and asked for the villagers oh my gosh I gotta grab a lot of them okay all right real quick let's get in this bad boy and let's go abduct all right come on man guys oh my gosh look at them go all right that should be enough and now if we go down we ended up getting it this is the elytra segment all right so we got three of the things and I think for the rest of them we gotta do the Golden Apple boss and the stone Golem all right is this the stone Golem what's up man don't fight you oh yep okay okay okay what's up let's real quick slice you up with the sword and down he goes very nice I'll take that stone segment now we go back up in what would the next area be if I go all the way up here oh just is this it no it is an iron segment I like that a lot all right what do we have next it looks like a maze over here maybe we gotta do this before we get to the Golden Apple boss um okay wait how do I get inside of here oh wait this way oh gosh wait it is definitely amazing here I think I'm making it to the end right oh wait and I think this might be it we did it yes okay and now this is the wood segment and the next one is gonna be in either Domino or the golden apple let's go with Domino real quick hello anyone else oh it's full diamond things do I fight them oh oh oh I am uh so sorry about that are there any more oh my bad forgot the last guy right here down to go and now we get the last thing which is gonna be the diamond segment all right so I think we just have the golden apple one left I have no idea what this is gonna be though oh my gosh all right let's take you down oh gosh why are you doing a lot of damage okay okay nope nope nope he's my claws real quick Downy goes in oh hi and now finally we get the last piece which I think is the last piece and that's the gold segment so I just got these in a craft table guys I'm done I'm using the wrong craft table I forgot that we actually have to get bigger ones but I think before we get to the final giant craft we gotta make one last one by getting to the very top of this gotta use a UFO but instead we're doing support core and we made it so I assume that I missed something over here and maybe it's something to do with the ground table oh and there we go okay crafting table upgrade all right how do I use this thing can I upgrade this thing do I just like go like this okay that worked and now we have a 16 by 16. that was down oh my gosh um guys this is now a 16 by 16 where now we use these things okay so I gotta make this in the outer ring so I think I just placed these on the outside right all right here goes nothing let's put two on each side that's gonna be two right there oh and some Diamond segment right there and the diamonds belong with the chickens of course so we're gonna put that there too some wood get a iron and now finally we'll put the gold in the B because you know they got the same colors and I guess now without further Ado let's see what happens oh what's happening okay we did it right and now oh gosh what are we gonna get oh and sword Wings wait that's just an elytra huh do I put this on oh oh my they are definitely sword Wings kind of and with the we now have Infinite Flight in the buildings to have a Sorter and sword circuit ring what does this do okay that's shortcut ring and what about the turret oh yeah that's look well that works out because now we can go to whatever this is which it says something big approaches so what do we have going on here wait what flying sheep first piece wait what's going on hello oh okay not good not good not good go on swords get him what the heck is this thing I'm just trying to talk to the power people a couple more hits in down it goes what the heck let me grab this Catalyst piece whatever this is and now it says you can now use the 100 by 100 table by inserting the Catalyst oh we can go back there now let's finally get to this Mega giant crime table from the very beginning oh my gosh okay so how do I use this thing to unlock it I like flies at the top all right here we go and this is gonna be a big old machine wait what the heck is going on here where do I put this thing do I put it in here oh workbench Catalyst required okay this is sick I just put it in here oh wait what the heck did we just do oh guys we just launched a brand new craft and it's so big I can't even show it on screen how do I even begin oh driving the villagers for assistance can I ask you get 10 stacks of materials will help you wait what meet you at the beach okay you know what let's just fly where the distance thing tells us and see what they mean oh okay it's asking me to come over here whatever this is the pirate ship is still there I didn't see this before oh they arrived here too all right soldiers we're gonna be making the biggest craft known to man in legendary history here's what we got so far the Pirates took the gold weed dog oh that's what we gotta do all right I'm gonna consume I gotta go fight the Pirates then all right one side guys let's get ready for this hello Pirates do I just talk to the captain guy I think this is the captain our captain what's up Arc what do you need meeting sorry for eating by the way you want a treasure not without a fight oh oh gosh okay okay okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh what the okay good thing I can fly okay time for battle let's real quick get you guys hit up there we go and as for the power Captain I think he's at the very bottom of the ocean sorry about this buddy I'm not I'm not there we go a couple more hits and down he goes YouTube okay so now let's see if we can steal the loot oh wait more Pirates sorry about this oh even more parts okay okay get over your guns holy Pirates all right where is the loot though we got only cannons here oh wait is this Luke oh it is yes okay gold we got some more gold there we go and it is out of the loop I think that might be it guys is that without further Ado let's go ahead and put these things up there okay now that we're here it's time for the final craft guys so how it works is pretty much I think I gotta put a stack of each item in each thing and then it kind of like spreads it out so this is gonna be the clay and then I think I put the treasure in the center so let's put the golden treasure I think I actually put double treasure in this one there we go then a little bit more clay good old sand and now finally the last piece of sand and once everything goes in through all the dispensers something is about to pop out in this crafting tables might either be really good really bad oh wait oh it's happening oh what is that oh wait it made a temple huh a legendary structure oh my gosh guys this thing is just magical would you place it down I mean there goes nothing what's down oh no oh okay I think it's a photo boss let's fly up real quick and swords we're not doing this as much as like but as long as we keep it away we should be good I'm gonna be pressing every key on my keyboard I think we should be good here though oh my gosh we're actually doing a pretty good job against this I created you and that's pretty much taking you away at the same time oh don't goes wait what it's still alive huh oh wait wait wait wait no no no no no to just throw a giant crafting table thing is that the video it just totally grabbed that piece of the crafting table threw it over there and died did it drop something oh wait it did hero of the village Emerald I guess final legendary item oh and we did it we got the final challenge complete and that's gonna be crunching Legend and so without being done guys so Jennifer right when it ended this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,775,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft giant, big, minecraft but crafts are legendary, minecraft but crafts are giant, minecraft giant crafts, giant crafts, giant crafting table, minecraft crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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