Minecraft, But You Can't Touch Any Color…

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this is Minecraft but you can't touch any color today if the server says not to touch the color green I shouldn't touch the color green oh no it switched to Blue from not being able to touch the color green to having to avoid the color red with players to even unable to touch every color my goals would beat the game while not touching random colors but as each color changes things might be getting a lot harder so what happens if I can't touch any color and what's the first color gonna be stay tuned to find out so right now we only have two lives and so I don't know what the first color is so is it brown or is it green oh it's green and so now you guys get the point today I can't touch a certain color where we just got an incoming message welcome Nestor to the can't touch any color challenge the first color you can't touch is what I'm standing on bream and to get to your next challenge I want you to try to squish a panda and deliver it to a special villager nearby oh green and don't touch it so you guys heard Preston right now we can't touch the color green and where oh gosh okay we're right on Cobblestone right now and so I already used one of my two lives and our challenge is to squish a panda okay hold up we gotta find a Panda now and then I'm gonna get a second to that Village let me find a way to get wood oh gosh uh okay okay we gotta be careful gotta be careful oh yes I can break these blocks without touching the color green oh wait I'm gonna have to jump that don't I please game don't detect this oh gosh okay let's just not touch the color green and we're good oh my gosh I'm surrounded okay so now that we have the jungle logs let's make some planks and oh gosh okay okay here's the plan guys we're just gonna slowly walk out and no we're gonna Dash around so we might have enough blocks to actually get to the next area but oh gosh why is everything green right now why did I have spotted a jungle okay so I think that's the village right there that I gotta get to but first we gotta get a panda for a villager over there so I guess let's look around to see if we can find a Panda oh I see it it was literally right in front of me oh gosh okay new golden let's get to that Panda and I guess squish it like the YouTuber said all right um buddy you're kind of inside the vine so I'm gonna have to place this right here oh he's walking out yes oh gosh okay if he walks to the wood I should be good oh there we go yes oh so now we just gotta grab them where do I just like right go over something oh guys we now have a squash Panda oh did I just hear a lightning my gosh wait warning ass Rachel man coming really dude the YouTuber just calls that let's ask rainstorm oh no things just got a lot harder guys so now we gotta get to the Villager with an acid rainstorm okay new plan I guess we gotta make a roof all the way over there we're gonna get this tree and get some more wood okay I got some wood planks and now here's the plan we are literally slowly gonna just go to a tree and go as fast as I can we're making it soda let's go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh this is literally only challenge number one are you serious right now okay let me grab as much as I can I mean I don't know how much wood I need exactly 40 blanks should be enough slowly but surely we just gotta get to the village and then we should be good oh man I gotta use a tree roof as much as I can even though it's green we should be good as long as we don't touch it the game will automatically detect it and then we die oh we're almost there yes finally something that's not great oh gosh oh gosh oh wait carrots are green let's make sure not to touch that and we're so close we got this we got this we got this oh man okay so here's the plan guys I can break the torch then we can do some of these oh and it's working oh gosh thank you so much for these lamp posts right here okay so which Village do I gotta talk to even oh gosh well we at least have all that wood right there let's keep going hold up I think we're almost there guys okay gotta complete this challenge let's real quick put the last piece of the wood we can walk on this it's not green so we should be good and so can I just walk inside of here okay let's make sure no multi Cobblestone do I just talked to this guy squish pandas are so funny oh it's this person all right take the squish Panda and they say wow you got me one and you're the best Nester and finally that's gonna be the advancement done panda style and yet again another message very good job Nester but your next color is what I'm standing on and it might sound easy at first but you'll see what I have in store for you wait what why touch equals die oh get away from me okay but wait there's literally nothing white except the panda uh I I guess we're chilling wait can we finally touch grass we can finally touch grass yes okay I guess I can play normal Minecraft though literally nothing is white right now we have gray oh I guess sheep or in those flowers ah warning snowstorm tornado incoming of course it is easy what is that okay take over all right all right all right we're going oh okay it's Sensei cover we're going inside of course there's a white bed in here wait why'd the screen just go black parkour activated wait why wait the bed just turned yellow huh what just happened oh of course it wasn't that easy so we got another message from a YouTuber so let's go ahead and play it now this is the real challenge your task is to complete this extreme Sky parkour without touching the color white and if you make it to the end I'll let you know what the next color is wait extreme Sky parkour hold up let's try to find that real quick oh wait this was not there before oh I think I found the parkour guys we're gonna go through all that okay well can't touch color white what type of Machinery is this is this do I just go on this oh my okay well guys welcome to the parkour of this area and wait every day oh wait it's taking me up okay wait so I guess I gotta jump there then we gotta jump here I gotta go down here and does this go up nope just gotta go on the ladder all right as long as it's not white we're good oh okay we gotta be very careful here guys our goal is to go from here all the way to that clock tower without touching the color white and of course everything is snow now my goodness and wait where does this take us oh we gotta go on these things okay okay I think I'm gonna have to do that jump there oh barely made it and now where does this take us oh oh my gosh wait is this movie all right we're going up I guess oh oh whoa wait what the heck is this a restaurant oh that's a bit fancy hello um and right here it says nothing but you know right there we're gonna add gold five million subscribers so uh go go and check for subscribe a lot of guys aren't subscribe and you guys who watch the video so you know it'd be very appreciated anyways uh let's make sure not to touch anything white wait maybe I gotta jump here oh okay almost touched the color white okay maybe I press the button what does this do oh it moves in place yeah oh wait I have an idea then now if I jump here could I just simply jump onto the other side again oh there we go okay now we're on this side and maybe this will move it again oh we're moving forward guys it's like a little puzzle okay okay I'm kind of getting it what about this oh all right now where I'm right at what do I do here maybe I jump down here again I guess that's the only way oh wait is this right oh okay we just did something did I activate something oh it's this thing oh gosh oh gosh okay taking us up okay let's go down here okay can I even make that jump all right let's go for it oh my gosh barely didn't make it okay now we just gotta go ahead and jump down there which oh man this is some crazy jumps okay we're good wait so did we just go on the train no can't go on the white right there and I'll wait for Signal okay so white means the Train's gone and so I guess I'll wait for what again oh here we go oh my gosh what a train okay all right let's get going up and where do I go from here guys I gotta remember I only have one life wait do I turn this on oh okay maybe I go back down here and there we go okay nice oh wait is that something on a shoe or is it pointing down oh I think it might be pointing down all right here it goes nothing oh we're both we made it we're good you know what before we go any further guys let's make a crab table real quick for bread okay one bread at least all right where do we go from here now oh this might be it right here all right let's go around real quick oh wait another thing right here where does this take us oh my gosh okay back to some more parkour oh gosh wait is this gonna take us on like a booster oh okay all right that's something right there let's take this and now we're inside another room oh gosh okay okay a lot of white stuff let's just keep going guys and we are slowly making ourselves to the clock it looks like and we are running very low on food oh gosh okay we gotta be a bit careful here wait how do I do this oh wait I can extend these okay wait if I do this at the correct angle I can go there oh there we go guys we're spinning okay we gotta do another jump onto another spot here we go okay let's get the right angle oh there we go yes where do we go now oh that thing yes we barely go on board okay now it's gonna take us to the tip let's go on this thing there we go all right patience is a virtue guys now let's do the second jump a little bit of patience go up all right now to the next one let's keep jumping and oh wait do I gotta go around oh gosh okay okay let's not get hit off one more jump okay and now we're inside the clock by Oh wait we're supposed to go down again open a chest please have something okay there we go finally some bread let's go and grab that and the bread was also pointing down so I'm not supposed to just go down here oh oh that's sick okay guys I think we're almost done with this thing let's go down here I guess how can I take the lace of all damage possible oh gosh it's gonna break my bones again okay one or let's land right there oh there we go and is this like an elevator hold up let me go up all the way real quick and then we'll go inside okay here goes nothing we're just going out of here oh button press oh it's going down yo okay um what happens now do we just go down anything white okay no that's gray oh are we done wait what happens now did it break oh wait it's just opened okay oh and we got the advancement oh where the heck are we now and another incoming message all right play it I'm impressed you've made it this far but your streak might just end here because your next color is gray which is a ton of the blocks that are in the game of Minecraft and for your next challenge get me 24 not full diamonds but half diamonds no further questions good luck and have some bread new color gray so now we gotta get some app diamonds and I'm gonna guess this is where the bread he put and we finally got some more bread okay so here's the thing guys I don't even think we can even touch this block it's just because I'm in water so let's get on this thing then jump oh there we go okay so we gotta get half diamonds and I don't even have an arm pickaxe oh gosh and whatever these things are they they don't like me all right let's jump around oh wait that's right up there maybe I gotta grab that okay wait we can touch this okay that's good and we can actually grab it too for more blocks oh and inside we have a bunch of obsidian which don't know what I need the obsidian for a lot of iron one diamond and oh my gosh a lot of actual good stuff oh wait we unlocked the craft for a stone cutter it's a Loki could I just literally make one right now here's the ground on the screen right now for the stone cutter so three drip stone blocks and then one iron and get it and then we get a stone cutter which uh I'm gonna guess I can place it so let's place it right there so with the diamond do I just like right click it to get the half Diamond okay I don't think that worked we just took some damage oh a new craft unlocked instead we gotta now make a diamond stone cutter on the screen right now so we gotta grab that again let's real quick get that okay so now with one diamond and one stonecutter we now have the diamond stone cutter which is completely safe to use so can I place it out oh there it is okay so I gotta get the diamonds now to test it out all right let me real quick make a iron pickaxe I do need that let's just go around and let's try to get the stuff we need are we have the drip Zone blocks now we just need Diamonds oh we got diamonds over there here's a try guys we're gonna go up to the diamonds and I'm gonna guess we can touch it because it's majority blue and then I should be able to grab them if I sneak nearby so might be able to rescue but oh right there there we go get all those diamonds there we go with seven diamonds and now let's go all the way back make sure we don't touch the color gray oh gosh oh gosh okay way too many great things in a cave of course it's in a cave and now do I just right click this oh oh they go turn into half diamonds and my goodness that is a lot of new crafts unlocked here are all the craps on the screen that that's a lot of them but what just caught my eye is uh I can make a halftime in pickaxe oh it's literally a half diamond pickaxe only half deficiency apparently can I make a half diamond sword oh my gosh that is a half diamond sword can I make half diamond boots it's a single boo okay I might only wear this for this color guys because if the color changes to Blue then I'm screwed so the objective was to kill like 20 half diamonds and so I think that means we gotta get four more so where are some more diamonds before we get in deeper oh wait I haven't tried the halftime pickaxes oh yes it does and so I think this might be it and that's gonna be Vince McDon 24K Diamonds oh and another message you've now survived green white and gray but I don't think you'll be able to not touch this color because your mission is to survive and not touch the color purple green purple wait I can touch anything then wait what happens now oh wait we're destroyed oh is that Among Us you better run it okay it's a man out of barely oh no no no the one guy will have to be oh gosh oh gosh okay there are actually some purple blocks here too let's real quick make this jump oh my gosh I can't even touch them guys if I touched them I die oh my gosh wait they're right behind me okay I gotta make a game playing guys honestly my plan right now is just get deeper in the cave okay they're right behind me she's gonna get right behind me oh wait I don't know if that pickaxes oh yes yes I blocked them off temporarily let's go let's go oh they suck yes okay that won't stop them for too long though oh wait there's actually a bunch of area over here holy okay let's go all the way down wait do I need to iron uh let's break that real quick it doesn't cook it oh my gosh oh gosh wait don't getting closer oh no no no no no no oh wait hold up I have obsided in my inventory what if I go to the nether oh I might be onto something I need gravel though and Grandma's right there yes are they right by me oh gosh we have a good lead on them give me some Flint I'm doing this is five second yeah it's a flint double one iron yes one iron there we go and we can make a bucket okay oh wait if I'm gonna get rid of them guys I gotta get some lava quick oh lava yes okay let me grab that real quick there we go and I gotta start making the portal hold up I'm gonna just do this real quick oh and it's a red portal oh gosh oh they're coming oh we gotta go oh gosh oh gosh oh I gotta be quick okay before they come in let's real quick drop this oh I don't even know if this is gonna work we got him and just like that guys that's gonna be it for the purple tier and oh now that I'm killing message all right play it well done and escaping the purple guys but now you're in the nether which means your next cutter is red try to talk to the pickle in the head for your challenge wow new color red oh no I'm gonna guess that's a big one right there and I can't even go back now because it's red okay well guys let me just in case take off the blue in case we gotta not touch blue soon enough and oh this is gonna be very awkward I have some cobbledeeps right now at least that's good all right what's up buddy how's it going could you please help me my son got trapped on the other side of this Lava Lake oh wait we got across this thing oh wait if this guy is red how am I supposed to get on him let me look around real quick okay I turned off Falcon I think I can see a lot more now we got Strider there and oh Fortress oh there we go maybe the Fortress holds a saddle how am I supposed to get all the way to the Fortress then oh gosh okay so with the final gold skill over there I think with the Strider but now we gotta get all the way over there via blocks I guess guess we can go and do this and literally get all the way over there the old-fashioned way this is gonna take a while so you know what with the power of editing three two one and now we're at the Fortress that took way too much Soul Sand but we finally made it guys all right now let's just make sure not to touch dark red honestly kind of want to be faster here let's use the Cobblestone instead okay so if it said I can find something in the Fortress oh that's yeah I don't think this is normal oh and there we go finally won saddle some gold nuggets a golden apple and what's different is a ruby sword the hill adds beautiful carvings wait what does this do then oh it does like a slash oh that's sick all right very nice let's go back then and now we can use the saddle on The Strider guy oh gosh okay okay okay okay let's make sure to go all the way down guys as you can see we made a very big staircase thing let's go let's go let's go all the way back and now we're back okay let's just make sure not to touch the color red all right it's biglin I got the saddle now let's real quick get that saddle on and do I just like wipe this guy wait I just realized we can't even control this guy unless we get the mushroom do you have one oh here's a warp Mushroom on stick you'll need it oh what a go he gave us 64. holy all right I only need one buddy so I'm gonna give the rest of you and no he's running away oh my gosh okay we gotta get back to him oh wait can I attract him oh wow that was wiser than I thought okay let's jump on him real quick oh there we go and because of the saddle I guess we are touching red so the server isn't killing us and now I think we just gotta go over there oh gosh okay I don't even know what I'm trying to find over here I already forgot because of the journey all the way to the side but everything is blue here so I guess we should be in a good spot oh wait is this him oh Timmy what's up buddy thank you for saving me I was so scared all right let's go over here tell me I got you man all the way back we go all right so Timmy I think I gotta drop you off right here okay let's go it off and there you go I can't thank you enough for saving my son hope this bow is enough and he gave us a gilded bow it is coated in solid gold oh that's sick uh so that could be the challenge guys anything oh a portal has been lit oh wait it's not red anymore okay so we can actually go in and now large a little bit sketch though I guess we'll go in and here goes nothing oh and that's gonna be the advancement done and where are we now oh new message play the message we'll be doing a quick detour this time I don't have the next color for you but all you gotta do is talk to the game master ahead good luck wait what the heck okay we gotta just talk to this guy that's the game master all right it looks like we can touch any color right now I mean it's chill all right how's it going buddy oh it's it's him of course it's him all right let's get this over with how's it going buddy okay Nestor I have a few challenges for you think you have what it takes yeah yeah let's go ahead and do it oh wait what the heck is this your first challenge is to hit all these targets oh that should be easy enough but you can't touch the color orange oh okay now we're doing orange all right let's get through this real quick and shoot the targets this won't be as easy as you think why does he not think it's as easy as I think oh no no no okay now this Panic okay oh gosh oh gosh okay we're gonna run around and just shoot things as fast as we can good thing I'm actually a pretty good shot we can do this in record time guys oh gosh oh gosh I gotta be quick don't touch me orange don't touch me orange I am not losing this deep into the challenge there we go that's all the target's done and he says well done I don't think he would survive that time to make this harder oh wait where are we now the next challenge is to get through this obstacle course this time you can't touch the color pink good luck oh wait everything's solely turning pink isn't it okay here we go oh gosh okay okay I can't touch the color pink this reminds me of the game Fall Guys oh let's just go through let's be careful wait huh is that is that a cat why is there a cat up there if you have a cat gold and let me know their name in the comments down below let's get one like for that one cat I I am a cat guy I am a tall guy too I don't see how I just love dogs and any pets really oh gosh oh gosh okay okay let's run through it real quick oh gosh too much stress oh it's another cat maybe the cats are there to relieve the stress oh that's awesome oh gosh okay okay okay be here we gotta be careful there's no blue oh gosh okay blue right there oh yes blue blue yes okay now it's close give me more cats oh there is another cat I'm doing it for you cat right there we got this okay it's taking too long we're cheating it don't care everyone we're placing down the soul sin and congratulations Nester now for the final challenge wait what the heck is this your challenge is to survive for a minute oh and you can't touch the color yellow of course okay okay uh yellow yellow yellow okay let's Dodge this yellow okay so I just gotta avoid one color okay I'm gonna stay on the green as long as I can oh no oh no guys guys I am jumping for my life right now oh gosh we're getting a little bit too close oh wait I'm gonna have to go down to the next layer aren't I oh gosh oh gosh okay we're gonna drop down let's go oh my life okay okay 13 seconds guys we got this we got this we got this we'll see if it under me inside the island okay come on oh cassands you're safe and with that being done that's gonna be the advancement done and congrats your prize is an entire Island oh oh oh wait what oh wait I didn't play the message guys okay congratulations on winning the game show now on to the next challenge it'll be simple go forward to that Ocean Temple and loot the gold blocks oh and you can't touch the color blue so good luck guys so now it's blue we got Mr Beast right there for some reason and I think I gotta go to that sea Temple over there how am I supposed to go to a sea Temple without touching the color blue I am very lost right now gonna guess we can get a hand from Mr B so I guess let's go talk to the man all right Mr Beast what's up man you want help well you have to do something for me first this giant crab stole my keys to the studio Warehouse if you get them back I'll help you here these might help and so he gives us some super sponges SpongeBob what what is a SpongeBob oh these are like super sponges oh that makes sense okay let's not touch blue though okay um guys this might be a moment where it actually might be easier than it sounds all we gotta do right now is one tree real quick there's gonna be some new invention I made and I'm gonna call it the boat because all we got to do now is uh make a boat and now we're not touching the color blue we got the wood between us so we should be fine when it comes to the code so it should not kill us right and now I just gotta make sure to get out properly oh is it this oh crustacean right so am I supposed to defeat this guy can I throw the sponge oh go on SpongeBob hold up guys we're gonna remove as much water as we can and then we should be good oh gosh oh gosh I definitely can't get to the water temple like this but it's working oh gosh now how do I get to the middle oh now this is gonna be tough guys I can't let this guy hit me once okay I gotta think of a better way to do this oh wait I have an idea all right let's put the tough right here and then we'll throw the sponge and I think it might work all right throw the sponge right there oh yes that worked okay now it's only a little bit left oh gosh oh gosh we're getting a little bit too close to comfort okay throw in the sponge oh yes and down goes all the water finally and oh my gosh that is so many crabs oh gosh oh gosh okay let's go all the way down I just gotta break the seagrass and all of it should be gone now now for us to attack this defeat the crustacean all right let's real quick and make sure not to get too close or else I am legit dead and I'm so sorry crustacean but I gotta do whatever Mr Beast asked me to a couple more hits down goes to Chris station and we got a brand new ability barrier pressure to throw Barry blocks oh we got barrier block ability all right let's turn that off and we also got some keys right there all right before we get to that let me take care of all these guys why are there so many Crustaceans are you serious maybe I can make a run for it oh gosh wait if I go this way a try come all the way over here come on come over here Crustaceans let me get them all the way over here and let's make a run for it give me the clock key yes let's run away and now we should be good all right so what we ended up getting was Mr Beast Keys all right let's ride all the way back now and Mr Beast I got the key need all right Mr Beast got you your key right there and he says thank you so much Nasser now whatever you build I'll give to you but don't make it blue oh wait what oh okay wait if I can build anything then that might be how I get to the temple oh we have an idea guys what if we make a submarine and he gives it to us all right how do I make a submarine I guess I could make it as small as possible and I mean it kind of looks good I think okay it's not my greatest build but I think it might get the job done maybe if we go ahead and also do one more thing and watch this guys so I'm gonna get a little bit more wood and to make it more obvious to the game Masters this is gonna say right here submarine all right Mr Beast can I get it I guess this works here we go oh wait what's going on the Ocean Temple shouldn't be too far from here oh that works and it's orange and purple too oh my God torpedo button makes the submarine fire Torpedoes oh that's sick okay now that we have this thing let's make sure we don't touch the color blue and so how do I place this down do I like oh there we go do I go inside of it oh we're inside yo okay let's submerge and oh gosh guys okay we're going in how does this button work oh wait we can fire Torpedoes hold on sick wait can I break this stuff go on to Fritos get whatever the guy's up there doing okay what would be the best way of going about this okay if I look down it takes me down let's go down as fast as we can okay and now we just gotta go inside guys all right I'm going in oh no and I can't fit no okay plan B guys plan B I have an idea super sponges okay oh gosh okay we gotta go back up oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay if I use the super sponges and then get out of here I should be fine oh okay I didn't die we should be good okay do I really want to risk touching this color I mean low-key it's kind of not blue it's more of like purplish and whitish oh gosh this might be a risk all right let's try it oh it didn't die okay so apparently this isn't blue then and so I just gotta be careful of the water okay we're gonna have to probably use the sponges around here okay so if this is a maze where do I gotta go oh gosh let's make sure we can get through here safely okay I hate that okay we're going up now oh no no no oh that was close Okay Okay gotta be careful okay as long as the prison doesn't kill me we should be good it doesn't look like anything's more blue than blue okay should be good here and looks like it's a whole lot of nothing oh it's the very top oh wait I should probably close this off then oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh guys it's not good it's not good okay we're going the other way nope nope nope nope not saying there I mean I have an armpit guess I can mine with but I literally gotta wait four minutes what if we get far away from the guy and then we should be good never mind all right let's say in this quarter right here and with the four minutes that five minutes later okay I think we should be good now can I just mine oh I can't oh of course okay this should be good enough though oh yes it's the middle room okay we're in guys now I just gotta wait the time and break into here okay like Preston said all I gotta do is break the gold blocks and then we should be good and just like that finally we get the gold let's go and grab all of that and this should be everything wait there's a chest right here huh let me go to grab this gold okay it's having gold and what the heck is in the chest oh we got the advancement so that's gonna be ocean travels done and we gotta get another message you did it we're getting closer to the final color but give me a little bit of time in the meantime go ahead and enter the end oh I just gotta go to the end now he didn't say any colors so I think I can touch water now but what's waiting for me at the end is there something here oh I'm gonna guess that's how we're gonna get to the end then 60 nights offender and finally the last block of gold and I guess all we gotta do now guys is Follow The Eyes of Ender and I guess get to the end and we can definitely touch water and actually might be a good time now let's use this ability rope quick and now we can actually walk on air okay all that's left to do now is find the end so let's survive enter and we gotta go straight that way oh let me pick it up let me pick it up yes all right let's go straight this way with the bar of editing what spin the stronghold in three two one and we're here all right let's get that as the vendor in real quick we just gotta put them in and I guess we'll get something once we go through here we go don't know what to expect oh gosh wait why am I up the end always got a message play it okay but time for the real challenge the final cutter you can't touch will be everything Yes you heard me right you can't touch anything here's a head start in midair good luck beating the dragon I can't touch any color oh wait that's one of the abilities for oh my gosh guys okay officially we can no longer go down and luckily all the crystals are gone so if the dragon hits me once I think I can still hold items that's fine but I gotta shoot it from far away oh gosh okay it went down a little bit now we just gotta shoot this guy down oh that could have been bad oh gosh oh gosh okay gotta need view more hits and and then we should be good oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that is getting way too close that's good you're way too close oh gosh wait we're actually gonna bring the damage oh this might be it wait let's fall down a little bit oh okay maybe we fell too much oh gosh that's coming straight for me Isn't it oh no no no no no oh one more hit and yes Tom goes the dragon just like that and I think that might be it guys oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh wait no no don't come up here don't come up here we are walking away we can still not touch any color and that's gonna be the last advancement done which is gonna be color Master oh and there goes the fireworks yes so with that being done guys hope you guys saw Jordan in this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 980,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but you can’t touch any color, minecraft color, minecraft can’t touch, minecraft green, minecraft can’t touch color, color
Id: OB1cAtIQrZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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