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we now have a giant rainbow bed it before anyone wants to sleep over we can alway together I love it so big sup guys we've got cabbage parties hey what's up dudes it's pan welcome back to another watch okay so once again dudes we are checking out an update to mr. crayfishes furniture mod and if you didn't see last episode look how beautiful the living room now long this looks so much better could we just keep it like this forever um only when were in this version so we have the TV here guys we've got different channels all kinds of cool stuff but today we are gonna be redecorating the entire bedroom in the entire kitchen it is gonna be amazing to me do folks alright so I am thinking we go to the bedroom because in the bedroom we've literally never had anything in there before decorate the bedroom so dudes if you're excited for this definitely smash that subscribe button also drop a like on the video if you enjoy it because this is stuff you will never see in Minecraft because everything is functional like every single item works it's not just a decoration alright let's do this I'm so excited should you be twerking on the bed alright guys so first up we're gonna check out the beds in the cabinets because right now we have these Oh disgusting so basic Oh them basic beds so first up we have beds and cabinets in here guys we have the white modern bed all different colors of modern beds so these ones are gonna look so much better this is an update they had to the bar where they put in modern beds for us so we do all pink better like half one color half one color for you okay so pink for me okay okay you're gonna pick one out will each do half the bed we'll combine it will see how long okay put a pink one right here so I was thinking I want to go with so Christmas is coming I'm gonna go red I said oh no my friend fan I'm gonna go orange okay so okay so Jen's half is right there so we put it right look at it guys so nice so this is the new modern bed looks extremely cozy it's nicer to work on doing the tour test okay oh it's just beautiful so we have this brand new bed the nice headboard so the cool thing is you can actually put two next to each other and it just becomes a bigger bed looks way better than a normal minecraft and even more and make it huge could we try to do that oh my oh we can whoa let's make a rainbow bed whoo but wait let me try something crazy wait wait let me just remove this carpet that doesn't work a really long bed so we will need your party red orange yellow well there's no green so we'll put yellow right there we'll put on maybe some red at the beginning how does that long I know we also need some blue all right so blue okay do you put the blue down so beautiful we now have a giant rainbow bed and if all anyone wants to sleep over we can alway together I love it so big sup guys we've got cabins so anyways guys in here we have these cabinets ignore what Jen said is check out all the brand-new colors for the bedside cabinet okay let's go with the first one do you agree Oh birds okay so the normal brush one yeah I think so alright we'll grab that I'll put one on one side there's no room cuz you be the best oh man come on give the pick out yes throw that over to me okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna have to actually move these things the good thing about using on showing her boxes that could easily move them okay you put them down okay okay so we need another color here it's even another color why all right I'm just gonna remove that one we're good so we put one over here are you gonna put the other one down oh I don't have it oh I thought you read Pam yeah I grabbed half the second let's have for you no no okay I am NOT your carpenter I don't know if that's the right thing okay there we go so guys these are functional not only do these look absolutely fabulous yes they do you can open them up and you have nine inventory slots so basically this kinda looks like a crafting table or something but no this is where you can store all your goodies you could put your bedside tables in side your bedside table oh all right what is that I feel like this one has like a more pizzazz oh it looks like it's made of wood so we'll put that back in here let me get rid of all these bits our inventory doesn't look too bad but so far we have a huge rainbow bed we can invite Craner and T over Oh crater T if you're watching this we're invite you're invited to the slumber party so you're gonna get the pink part right yes um I guess I'll take red and then a Tia can take orange crater yellow just letting you guys know the opportunity it's out there if you want to come all you have to do is just walk through Jen's door so next up oh you're gonna love this jet there is pictures and there is actual digital clocks you can put down okay so you guys there cake in here there's something I want oh oh so we've got our clocks let's pick out a nice clock first all right which one should we go in Oh so we'll do one clock on one side so the other two people can have one on this side and we can have one a mess up one for us and one for crater into you okay so you had to pick one which one do you think they would like I think just because crater like is like a blue man a blue shirt I'm gonna put the blue one right here so you hold shift and you put it down and this is what time it is oh the picture signs in the way oh okay I got it there you go there we go so guys right now we have the game roll not to change the time but if we said it's true it tells you exactly what the time in Minecraft is it goes very quick as you can tell for the Minecraft days I'll be like um about 10 minutes long so it's gonna go through the entire day right now it's noon that's so cool I love it so we have these real clocks let you know when it's about to get dark out and stuff like that and they look really cool too so it's 1229 p.m. right now correct okay so yeah right past noon that's p.m. so next up we have over here photo frames so these are a huge improvement over a little item frames so we could store anything we want in these we can put them up in the room alright I'm gonna grab a couple colors that I like and you wrap a couple colors you like then open the next roll for a box I put things in here you might want to put in dog oh all right well I'm gonna back grab this I'm gonna grab that no one wants the lily pad or the cactus alright of course yeah drabs just about everything so I'm gonna put one over here oh I think the cake would look good in this just like the same color I was horribly wrong about how this works I thought it was like an item frame you click it you could actually put a photo in it wait oh my god we will be right back we're gonna have photos on all right news I was all over the internet looking for amazing pictures for our bedroom and I'm gonna show you one at a time I don't think the times accurate it's really dark out but it's only 3 o'clock in the morning oh we're you creative right now no get out of creative whatever you do this you break our house nice Matthew so this is what we have guys checking this out so I have this picture of Crater up here for when he comes to this our house it's beautiful very nice so what you can do guys you can actually stretch these to fit it will look really weird not images like this though so to actually do that you do need to go into creative to mess with that so I can stretch it like that and boom there use that picture all right so really nice really nice so I'm sure you guys next one I don't wanna show them all the same time next up we have TIA over here Oh beautiful so this one I stretch to fit it actually looks really good stretch to fit this is actually one step to lose all your friends do this next up we have cloud I don't even think that's I don't except those that picture when we got it feels like it's nothing like we have a picture I'm create our idea right here once again can we stretch that one again no perfect make sure has look really long so guys as you can tell what you need to do is you just put in an image that song just it has to be like a hosted image online for it to actually work so if it ends in like jpg or something like that you should be able to put it in it will come up in your house amazing for decorating your house you could literally put up real pictures of yourself we love them come to our house please alright sorry um so next up we have not curtains for house because we really need curtains because it's getting dark out oh you're right I mean because it's gonna get light eventually all right so I'm gonna wrap some black coats all oh you can stretch them oh you put them too high it's really bad me you just did so once again I think these are made for just like one window there's supposed to be pink oh oh they actually look white wait maybe the white ones are pink on my screen it's actually pink yeah oh it is yeah it is no it's not oh it just turned to wet right when you said that look now it's pink look at my screen weight-wise one side Oh cuz you did black on the other side so look guys you can close them up like that and you can obviously mix the colors which looks weird put the pink one right there all white on my side okay I mean on the whole thing so all you do is you're right click it and you close it and it takes up this but I think we cannot put one right here yeah if we put one there it's gonna look weird so it's not made for like two windows like this but really cool cool way to block out the light when it gets bright in the morning how you do not have a not handy you're not a curtain person maybe crater and Tia can fix it all right there's we've got three more items in here we have a ceiling fan to keep it nice and cool we've got some candles Jen you can grab those you're going to set the mood in here weird now it's beautiful I put on the fan on all you do is right-click it and the fan will turn out and then we can put a nice maybe a mirror over here oh yes the mirror that's perfect oh let me get rid of this and that we can put we accidentally put the candle on the ceiling and now it's stuck up there what are you doing do not touch anything it's a real mirror so it looks like we have to do with all be one so look at this guys as you get closer and your character actually it's closer it shows what you look like oh god I'm ugly no you're gorgeous I said look like this I'm so sad are you sure a beautiful gorgeous right oh no all right dudes now we are heading over to the kitchen the coolest stuff by far this is gonna blow your mind yeah this room turned out you have no idea how good the kitchen is everything in there is just amazing let's go in the kitchen this room has never been decorated it's so empty I know I got rid of the couple blocks that were there because I knew that we weren't gonna want this anyways look better oh wait counters and sinks first up guys we have all different colors of counter so what card you want magenta kitchen counter let's do that oh wait put down a couple of those okay so we're gonna need counters over here I'm basically gonna let you decorate and I'm gonna show you how everything works okay we need a lot of counters all right there's other kinds too just so you know I want it all pink all right that's fine so you use magenta for this yes so grab in the second chest there's cabinets and drawers grab the meat there sinks don't get out yeah okay next up get the magenta ones in here so get some cabinets and get some counter drawers and place them in there how you want them okay do you want me to get rid of some of these there's too many too many do the short one here you can put a nice drawer over there that looks good how did you put that down so guys in here we have nine storage slots that we can put oh you broke that really easily maybe on this side too okay we'll get a couple of these over here so let's break these so there's room beautiful we can put storage in here I'm gonna put these in them so it looks really cool oh and then we can put these all along the top oh yeah that's really good so in here guys a lot more storage so in these ones there's actually 15 slots of storage so tons of stuff you put in like food or like cops and dishes and things like that in your kitchen okay how do we do this one like the corner cuz that is not working um you can't like that Chad you can't have one in the corner like that you have to go like that oh alright so going that it looks really good so much better in here now how pink is this alright alright so next up we are gonna grab a kitchen so there is a magenta want in here I believe so grab the magenta what if you can find it we found it okay so where's we put it so this one is the scenery maybe like right here okay put that down alright so guys the way that this works what you can do so it says what you could do is you put a water source underneath this but there is another way to make it functional and that is just to grab a bucket filled with water and you can do it that way so I'm gonna grab one over here all you need to do is just go over and you go boom or you can dig a hole underneath your sink and then fill water down there but this is a nice way to like fill with water or take it out really easily oh love it so we've got that going let's see what is next here so we got the first two chests done right yes so next up we have stools so we're probably don't want to sit here oh maybe get like odd middle like counter thing in the middle of the room in highland oh do it okay okay magenta yeah magenta all right you make the island I'll put down the stool I just need to get more the counter I don't know where I put it all right so we're gonna need like maybe like three by three these are four by four of these okay so put them right there Oh looking good yone are there alright okay that should be good okay so put these on the sides like this I love it so we'll just put on like this they're functional too guys look at this sit on my lap Jen this is beautiful all right dudes next up we've got tables and chairs there is a huge variety over here but I think we should use the modern ones because those are the new ones in the mine yes I agree okay so we've got that if we have these tables I'm gonna grab like one for the corner of the room okay so I kind of think that this area right here should be the eating area okay and this is gonna be where I eat breakfast by myself oh but I was fine with me there we go where can we put the modern tables the kitchen table oh this is like the breakfast nor oh yes oh wait now can you know this wait what no over here okay it's a serious dining all right okay put them down all right we got one right there look these ones are really sweet looking okay now put down the chairs so we can put down lots of chairs everywhere it's beautiful look and the functional yeah sit overlap now Jed get ready to have your mind blown what's happening okay this stuff is the most amazing stuff I've ever seen in Minecraft we are going on to see appliances these were already in the mod buses we're showcasing it again they need to be seen first up we have a chopping board we've got some bread yeah we've got a knife and watching this I think you should add a pink fridge um and maybe a pink still um maybe they will home but probably not so over here we're gonna putting out a little cutting board right there you see that oh thank you so what we do is we can put down some bread oh so now Jett you take the knife right wait can you cut the bread you cut it knife six bread slices so Jen take those bread slices and get ready your mind is gonna be fully blown now is there a toaster so we've got a toaster now we're gonna put it right right there okay put the bread put the toast in put it in one more slice right there hold shift and then right click it and now it is toasting the bread for you so it takes roughly 30 seconds to toast the bread it turns it into better food it's gonna give more hunger and stuff like that so you just wait there you go it's done you've toast pops right into my arm and now look your nice toes I didn't even burn it usually I burn it horribly see this one's easy it's not a time-release so now we got some toast right here really cool guys I've loved all the add stuff like that end board next up we've got the microwave so the microwave could only heat up a couple different things the ovens are like the main like food cooking but look at this Chet look at this microwave I'm gonna put it right next to the toaster okay so there it is absolutely beautiful use it okay so either you could do baked potatoes or you could cook me so I'll give you a baked potato okay all right so put that in there oh my gosh it actually looks like I'm putting it in Oh Oh a hit start and look so now that particle effects are coming like can I try to put like my ax and then see what happens please do not put your ax in the micro this is why you're not allowed to touch these bags your axe out of there Oh so yeah guys you can also put in raw beef that is the only other thing so it cooks really quick like a microwave normally does and that you have beautiful cooked food super useful and minecraft survival but next up Chet you are gonna love this and I think you're gonna know how to use it so I'm just gonna throw it to you okay all right take that okay thank you all right now take big dose there's some cookie jar oh and cookies okay okay so put these down and put some cookies in a yeah right over here beautiful decoration piece but you can put six cookies in at so much so no key away we need more so more cookie jars so if you right-click them a cookie will just fly out so really cool so I have a lot sorry I like cookies okay I'll put them back in really cool decoration and if you need something you just grab from your cookie jar so I'm gonna put some of this stuff down really epic things so far but next up we are on to please so plates are basically a nice decoration where you can put some food down so let's say Chad we are sitting over here the table okay there's gonna be four of us so what do you want to eat today Jed do you want beef or do you want fish cake beef or fish okay you're a baby now sit down and eat your beef or you don't get any cake for dessert Eadie's on Cod you or you can have Bob's or beef what are you like I'll take some cake here you go thank you I said this result be for me did you just throw my food I'm gonna set this one for Craner he's gonna walk fish and tia is going to walk beef so now we all sit together at this table and no cake no cake for you okay next up guys we've got the oven oven is absolutely amazing so Jen where do you want oven because it needs to take up like a spot maybe over here go let's get rid of maybe this one okay get rid of the thing above - okay so we're gonna put this right here so that is the oven and then you put this up above like that you see it's like the fan amazing so the oven when you open it there is room I believe for four different foods to cooks oh can we cook a turkey oh we don't have Turkey okay if there was a turkey in Minecraft we would cook that turn again you've got four things at the same time you do not need any coal and it will cook one the time until they are done I think yeah you're putting an entire stack if you want to so eventually every maybe you can't it seems mad when I do that so yeah you can put in a lot of food oh it can't do it because the beefs in the way oh okay so yeah you can cook an entire stack up food basically for snacks are you eating the cookies no I was just moving the jar huh so over here guys all this will eventually cook really cool way to cook your food no cold needed or anything like that all right next up guys we are on to the dishwashers this one is absolutely fabulous so we're gonna grab this and gently let me know where you want me to put it down right over here Oh a break that so we put this right there so this is really cool if you open it up you can put in like your different like tools and weapons and you can actually repair them okay so I've got a golden axe I've got a golden pickaxe in I have an iron sword right here so all we need to do is we need super soapy water to make it guys you need to craft a pop so cop is out glass then you need a crap soap soap is out of clay buy blue dye and bone meal and then you put that together with a bucket of water and then finally did you take it took them so what's the recipe oh I don't know wreck submit oh man finally guys you take a bunch of gold and you put it up around the soapy water and that makes super soapy water you put the super soapy water in here and then you hit the start button and he actually repairs everything super quickly awesome so really cool because in Minecraft you know your stuff breaks all the time if you put this stuff in here it will instantly repair it like this sword on ax dawn in the pickaxe is about to be finished and our oven it's still cooking wait what is it cooking 44 pork chops are done so really useful stuff guys and it looks so cool at the same time that's why I love this stuff so much it looks so much better in here all right next up we are gonna need a fire alarm because Jen is doomed to burn this place to the ground we don't really have a good spot for it all right so we need it up there are gonna need a ladder how do we how do we do this we're gonna put it in the pet room is there see a lure in here yeah there is okay so that is a fire alarm it doesn't really do much we make it go off I don't think we can make it oh I wonder if we light this place on fire let's try it alright news I put some netherrack right here Jen's gonna light this up it will see if anything happens okay so we shouldn't burn the whole house down no alarm I know I mean look at this guys this is so sick so if you start a fire in your house this is gonna let you know but up I'm gonna put that off if that noise oh how do we stop it break it just remove it's going good okay so next up let's see oh this is really sick you're gonna love this okay so there is a blender in the mod now as well Jeff I can blend my fish oh that's gross can we do that oh no you can't blend fish okay so out about the blender right there so it's nice and setup and there's a few different things we can make I'm gonna grab two apples and four melons and I'm gonna put them inside get ready for this okay so one no-work now alright let's try that put something in it what let you put blenders inside blenders so we're to put it for melons I'm freaking out now for bail-ins two apples okay hold shift right click so don't do anything quite yet what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab a copy of juice okay I think it's done okay look have some juice thank you so I made fruit crush which is one of my finest kinds of juice so this is something you could drink the air hager up you grab a bunch of cops of that but there's so many different kinds you can make guys I'm gonna make the next one which is going to be for carrots a potato and two pumpkin pie which sounds really disgusting yeah what kind of smoothie would that be oh you're about to find out so we're gonna grab all this stuff right here so I've got the pumpkin pie I've got the carrots so put those Thanksgiving smoothies oh yeah yeah you're gonna find out here we go it's gonna blend it together and look at it turn orange spin so it's all turning into juice and I have made us a delicious veggie juice okay all right enjoy it's actually cool decoration too so I'm gonna put down another one over here for the next recipe we have to show look you can put it down you can put the glass down oh yeah it's like a decoration - love that so next up we've got milk in cookies that we're gonna blend together okay so we put in the milk right there then we put in the cookies and then we blend it together and I've talked to cups guys I can fill this up please see what this one looks like - I think this one's gonna be delicious although it's like really soggy cookies in a blender all right so I fill it up and this one is cookies and cream milkshake okay put that wherever you would like are you ready for the weirdest one of all the next one requires a Treadstone a fire a fire charge and 16 sugar what is that are you ready to try it no not edible so I'm gonna put these in and we will plan it off and we are getting ready for the finals week so these are all the different kinds of drinks you can make in the blender they all are different decorations basically plus they can fulfill your hunger a little bit drinking oh no it's just fine it looks weird oh it's an energy drink okay give me some energy okay so that is all booze but next up guys we're checking out the fridge Bernie want the puppy jadon oh yeah so I will put it right there so the fridge can be used for a couple different things we can put food in this section the fridge section could only have food in it and then we have down below we have the freezer so what the freezer can do is it can actually freeze stuff for us wait let me put a cabin above it wait it can actually free stuff okay dudes I grabbed everything we need for the freezer right now so we have cooling packs so to make cooling pack if you want to know it is glass around a bucket of water so we put these in to one of these slots okay right there that's what the cooling packs go and these are the different items you can freeze one of them is rotten flesh Wow we want to freeze that so basically once you freeze it it becomes a better items you can actually eat oh okay so when you freeze it it becomes normal flesh I guess it kills like like the toxic softener why would you want to eat it it's delicious alright so enjoy that delicious morsel we can also freeze a poisonous potato looks like beef jerky oh yeah that's basically what we made so if you freeze a poisonous potato that will then become a potato so it makes like things that are toxic become delicious the toxins so here we go now a beautiful potato for you to eat okay thank you okay here's the weird stuff guys so another thing that we can put into this is we can put a slime ball inside this all right what does that do so a slime ball I believe that this one becomes I feel like it's a snowball I think so yeah you're laughing at that snowball miss made it right now okay very nice and then finally guys two more things we can put in a bucket of water and we can actually freeze that which makes sense so a frozen drink a frozen drink right that's putting a cup of water in the freezer off so it makes ice or Jen would say a frozen drink for you thank you very much we can also put lava in here so the lava will get cooled down what do you think this one to cause Oh water [Laughter] so this one it's almost done and we have a piece of obsidian oh okay so there we go cuz you know how when you add water to all lava it becomes I'm sitting here well so now we can just put these like as decorations thank you for making everything did it's at the end last love guys we've got a garbage bed right here which we could put maybe right over here Oh perfect so we can put things in the way this works is the way it's always worked you put in stock you hit the empty button and it is gone forever and deleted from your Minecraft world so what do you think other than you messing up the end right here don't worry I put a fridge down Oh everything's cool okay look at the back of the fridge oh it's nice you're so cool-looking all right I'm stupid all right guys as you can tell there's so much amazing furniture and stuff in this the kitchen fabulous every single thing is functional everything looks so good in this like we could put all these different items down we can have like a little dinner set up we can make drinks we can make food we can freeze items all kinds of crazy stuff in our bedroom looks awesome I can't wait for cleaner and Tina to come over so we have pictures of people they have a real working mirror there is literally pictures of people from real life in it it's so cool dudes if you love this be sure to smash that subscribe button also drop like on the video that would be amazing thank you guys so much for watching hope you all have an epic day and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 2,574,423
Rating: 4.8898616 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, minigames, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, lets play, roleplay, survival, build, building, house, how to, tutorial, challenge, funny, moments, new, map, adventure, custom, modded, videos, popularmmos minecraft, gamingwithjen minecraft, jen's house, furniture, furniture mod, bedroom furniture, showcase, mod showcase, mirror, modern, digital clock, kitchen, dishwasher, blender, cabinet, sink, fridge, freezer, microwave, oven, items, craft, crafting, fire alarm, food, toaster, smoothie
Id: V_7YV4HPWgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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