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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video oh yeah I was just talking to Jed and as you guys know we do live in Florida now it's been a few years and I swear Jenna's actually starting to get a little bit of a southern accent we met I mentioned Alaska to her and when she said Alaska she would Alaska like oh man don't don't take it too far okay so how do you all welcome back to another video this is gonna be an epic one as you can see jet in front of us is planet Earth so this map love comes made this for us I had a cool idea for a map it's basically about us traveling to the center of the earth and why we should not dig straight down in Minecraft so I think it's gonna be attitudes you're gonna definitely have never seen a map like this one before because they came from this brain which is a very scary place to be it's a special place wait you should have a map that's like your brain where just in your brain you don't you don't want to go there no one wants to go that you can't go back yet maybe we should go in my brain oh no but if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe but also smash the like button as well guys if you enjoyed this video and we see lots of likes on a little more crazy maps like this that came from my head so definitely just hit that like button right now would mean the world to us but objetives I just froze for a second are you okay I'm okay so which one do you see do you see a red ring there you see the red ring okay now click start when you are ready to begin to map warning it will start lines right away get ready to read the lines okay are you ready okay hit it for us here we go dudes I wanted to let you know I had something installed completely wrong so you missed out the best part look me and Jen are supposed to be standing right there it looks so awesome do I have like weird glowing eyes I think you're here right anyways guys we see it the start button before and we went it brought us to her house I'm just telling you a hint right away there was nothing in it - all right here we go are you ready okay yeah I'm ready let's begin oh it's filled now it's stuff thank you I read a book recently and saw that there is treasure at the center of the earth we should go there read a book since wet and how are we supposed to get to the center of the earth rude I started a spa for us in the backyard we can dig straight down we can't dig straight down that's like the number one rule it's the fastest way for us to get there are you in yes I'm in someone's got to keep you alive perfect let's grab some food from the kitchen and our shovels from the garbage watch my back oh my god so here we go guys I'm actually really excited right now so we're gonna learn what you should not dig straight down and this is our beautiful house we have a pool table let's play some pool I don't think that's functional so it says objective on the screen to wrap materials and go around back to start digging in what calm said to me Jen if I don't check out everything in the house he'll slap me okay let's check everything okay so there it must be something important look there's our clothes what do you think just because you put so much effort into making this look nice I love it I'm gonna live in here all right remember really in trouble if you don't show off everything how do we do this no punching bag kid over here in case something goes very wrong there's a treadmill over here is what this is so nice okay so what's in here oh here's the bathroom oh we have a nice mirror you can check ourselves wait I could look at myself as home you seen the bathroom oh sorry I haven't like a lot of pressure on me before we go to the Center of the Earth this is my painting I usually play music to you look I painted you yeah that's me Jen didn't know how to make any of my features so she just used one from collar oh oh wait they said we need to get a shovel from here right shovel in here oh okay let's grab this beauty over here is there to buy any tree yeah I got one oh okay so look at all these I'm gonna drive the car no please that's that we don't do that yet we have to check out the restroom trouble there is a way to open it our kitchens over here oh we needed food right oh yes oh this um cooked pork chop and oven just get 64 for you okay so that is perfect I think we have everything we need but we didn't go upstairs oh yeah let's go upstairs all right all right get lost our house is so big so over here guys we have oh look it's our gaming setup over here the clock Jen oh my gosh wait that's awesome wait this is my side over here with the pink chairs Oh in this cloud oh look he has his own TARDIS over here so much oh and then there's food over here there's a little boxing toy over here there's a pie I just stepped on one not stand on it look at this cloud has oh my god cat things over here guys oh look at this door to the washing machine laundry area do you see this door he's still it's just like this is fancy oh this must be like the main bedroom area so really cool I'm checking to see if you put anything like in the storage over here I don't see anything open these look there's stuff in there this is also he needs to rebuild your house and this is oh look we even have this over here so no one could see us when we're in the shower and finally guys the bedroom is over here there's our blue bed there's Pikachu we have a fish tank with actual fish inside a oh my gosh look at we have like a tiger oh I have a crown I have a tiara all right you so fancy girl that's Lucci this shelf is just for my tiara but I'll give you is we are gonna head downstairs and I think Jen's gonna actually have to drive that car so I'm a little bit scared all right is I think we're ready for our adventure we what son what don't run over them wait what is that they're squirrels I think those are not squirrels they're hideous oh they're hideous thank you wait and you can see all the stuff in our yard over here me no look we have a little garden gnomes and look we'd like to sit here and enjoy a picnic we have all this stuff I'm just running around the house to give everyone like a little look we have frogs oh my god the backyard Oh Pat's hole to the center of the earth I figured out where we're going oh okay well I want you to drive the car there so I'm coming oh man so this is our yard it looks amazing you did a great job on this you should be our new house all right there's no heart on it are you in the driver's seat where are you are you sure yeah yeah okay let me just get here fine I have an issue though cuz I can't see through the winch it's fine oh god you literally killed them Oh God the car drives so fast it said we have a quick car and we have made it I'm getting out before I die get the tree you just crashed into the tree so it says this is my hole to the center of theirs Oh so we've got the shovel oh you must have to stand there and I stand here okay alright so we'll do digging three two one no all right we take it all the way we get to the center of the earth jab so we are digging straight down and you are supposed to in Minecraft that's not that's after you reach the center of the earth so love is something you want to avoid obviously that's why I think that's the rule you're not supposed to dig steep trap stay around out and that's what the naked around because lava tends to just be below you but that's okay we're okay we have to keep going I think we proved that it's fine alright let's go okay yeah I'll meet you down there okay I'm sure it's gonna be fine a little bit I'm actually really nervous whoa where am I oh hi what is this we're probably gonna really creepy it says mob fan oh my god this is cool look at this yeah it's bringing us up oh we have to get to that room okay god I'm going to die okay we have to get there Oh God i suffocate the wall oh I tried to click the door guys one of us is gonna get in there yeah we're gonna make it okay so it's like right after you cooperate right we just need to walk into it okay okay okay Oh maybe if we hold shift to me okay we're about to fall yeah I think we made it oh thank god let's keep going that was horrible that was terrified so the last one blew us over here okay wait for me wait for me I want to go on soon how are gonna save time okay are you ready 3 2 1 go we are heading okay I'll stop saying it okay you ready okay let's go and see what is next that was horrible there's apparently fans oh look wait we're in Candyland it's beautiful unicorn Pony thing how do we how do we get over there I have no idea uh I want to try to get to it there's a giant cake okay we have to all right this is important the cake okay mixer you're at full health oh I think these are the ponies sort of animal bikes maybe do you think we can grab on and get on their bodies aren't they kind of far away I'm gonna make it no it's fine wait it's fine yeah oh yeah we're good okay oh oh you know what it is I bet we can't get through the next area it says hardness to over there maybe we need to find like a new shovel or something wait I'm in jail oh no I can just leave oh oh thank goodness that's quite work we're both in jail get out quickly okay so the ponies Portuguese we have to avoid the bus we're in the land of the ponies now like a magical unicorn in here hello furious destroyed you have fallen into my candy cold bring it back to me okay I'll do it guys guys please hit the like button this video this is the most insane map I've ever seen you are beautiful thank you good even response okay don't get caught we need to find a lollipop Oni okay they're so gorgeous okay so I'm seeing cake and stuff everywhere but where is it these big ok it's not those huge things okay oh that's all I got in the candy canes we have to do parkour oh I got one okay so we have to explore I think we start from right up here on the cake oh how do we get on the cake is there a ladder the ladder on the side of it okay ran past the I didn't see a ladder oh yeah it almost has me crazy unicorns have to do parkour I'm a lollipop daughters okay you go that way I'll go this way that way we can get a little quicker okay alright so go over here I got myself a lollipop okay got that one I kind of fell all the way down but I have wait why does it say I only have one wait did you oh you must have hit it one in it since we handed a couple err okay so I got three of them I got all the ones from this side already okay we just have to get on the other side all right there's two born again it says and it's up to you I'm gonna watch I want everyone to see how you actually there's only one on this side so there's one somewhere else in the map oh okay unless you have one in your hand I do not have what am i okay so I handed them in for us oh I got it okay there's gotta be one more then yeah we have to find one more I mean how hard could it be the finest one like tiny little area right can we check in the back alright yeah I went behind the back before are you sure that we don't even like jump into that huge lollipop or something I don't think so doughy wardens oh I didn't fall Jen fell she pushed me wait maybe behind it there's one somewhere so this is one more like hiding in this area but today have it are you sure check your inventory no there's nothing in here do you have it alright as we are back we believe what happened because I talked to the map creator we were supposed to have gotten one in the cage but I think we got caught right when we got down here before we even accepted the quest it mighta bug something out so I grabbed this one right here from thank you so much should I miss you maybe you should come with us oh we ride it oh yeah I'm just gonna push her and make her come with us here with the shovel alright so I guess we are jumping back over here okay check get ready we're going down again like the best journey ever I'm gonna miss this place okay let's get our big three to one girl right here we go guys we could break through this now instead okay NextEra please be nice what are those creepy looking creatures oh no they're coming back I don't know but they don't look friendly let's find the next to us fast as possible we got up here yeah yeah okay there's no way to go from there oh okay oh this way okay everywhere skeleton sorry Jen are they following us hoppy pushed me out alright good luck don't teleport oh no no teleporting allowed drew wait I found a chest this could be one of them oh it was a show chest alright where are you Oh jump over here Chad okay so it looks like that we need to go over here there's another chance it's fine you could teleport okay this looks like a trap chest but you can open it maybe it's your shovel wait this one I have a feelings a good one okay one over there it's you in the core it's probably that one mmm cuz it looks like it's really hard to get it okay I'm back at the bottom and there's chests trying to bite me okay just teleport up to me no I'm doing my legit oh okay I like you oh yeah yeah did you feel that burn all right I'm coming back up right now so who are you almost over to ever need to go I'm doing the parkour right now I hope this is the right way there's a chest chasing me oh wait I got away from the chest I hope think you can make it now wait no it's gotta be from the other side definitely the other side wait I'm gonna take a look though to make sure no this could be possible I don't think it's possible no I'm gonna make it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna jump I'm gonna go on the other side okay so what chunk did you try to do it you try jump from here was that the one yeah I think so oh yeah that doesn't look good this really doesn't look good but if I can get over there maybe I can't cuz I oh I'm almost there this is definitely the right side I'm gonna do it anyways oh my god I think I did it wait oh my god I can almost reach here alright way to get a little closer oh I got it okay okay take this alright we get diamond shovel really go get a shovel doggy okay you got that me okay I got it okay watch out we need to leave like as soon as possible I want to go back to the nice area alright heart before the chest lifts each open the hole dig everything's fine everything's cool it's it oh there's the next area hardness tad we need to get through Oh alright so we have to find the next weapon so it looks like we're in a stronghold Odysseus in a weapon I mean know what I mean I know I speak your language oh I bet we're gonna need these new set of armor alright so we finally have armor which means there's definitely gonna be mobs down here or a boss or something we're gonna have to fight it okay let me go through this door boom golden apples and swords on this side Chan oh okay this place looks huge all right wait come over to me just teleport to me so you can grab yours so in here there is um a diamond sword for you and there is two golden apples oh yeah I'm right here alright grab those this must be leading us where we need to go we're definitely gonna probably have to fight something alright you don't think the ender dragon do you really hope okay there's nothing else over here maybe in here I literally have no idea we're looking for we have to do back this way okay I think we went the right way first though because we actually got the weapons and stuff okay so communist way there seems to be like a lot of rooms if you go through here okay oh so I assume this is the way okay okay you know the way okay yeah there's a lot of rooms in this direction I'm checking everything around here make sure I'm not missing any special shovels or something over here wait I'm checking this I could see the outside from here what you can yeah look we're actually floating in the air oh okay so this isn't a normal stronghold at all very lost right now I found it oh I'm coming down to die very huge the tools we need must be in here maybe near the lexer lectern lecture lecture urn by him watch out the books are attacking kill the books Jen just plain smart we got this no problem I was born for this a moment at least we have weapons and stuff guess what I'm doing right now killing my studies okay we just keep coming why am i fighting man spiders dancing some books following us I think if I stay down here and we'll just come infinitely I just lag the map okay so we found it what you did okay so next we get golden pickaxes okay I feel like that's a downgrade from a diamond shovel but it will get us where we need to go are you ready to sit down right here with me oh okay sit on my lap all right so we need to make it back through the stronghold again okay you should be simple we know we're doing that we are absolute professionals I know how to get there just follow me I know the way okay I'm pretty sure this leaves it one direction yep - okay I'm following you okay we're gonna go this way oh I found it Oh I told you I knew the way I feel like it was longer when we went there alright we're not heading down to hopefully the center hopefully we'll make it my dreams will be no more longer it had been dreams wait I think we made it we made it look it's beautiful we know we didn't make it yet there's still more to go oh no I thought a pot of gold I thought this was it look there's a cute little treehouse I actually landed in the pot of gold do you think that that is a thing to find us what we need maybe I feel like my words are just flowing beautifully today okay so I trampolines into here the waters kind of gross looking oh it's like brownish yeah it looks like someone peed in it maybe I mean it said we're very low in the world like a brownish yellow e.p color no that's fresh all right apparently this is not it unless it's deep in this I don't see it but I looked through the Pato Pato gold the best I could jet okay I'm thinking we probably have to go in this little tree house oh there's a leprechaun in here oh okay I'm coming wait there's something in here wait there is I found oh we need to find gold for I found gold oh hello sir oh he took it oh okay best Irish accent Miriah who should do this one you do it alright Paul to go hello friend I see you're charming to the center of the earth well well I will help you continue your journey how are you there is this ferry that keeps stealing my gold and spreading it around the cave as a joke can you collect all seven pieces of gold and bring them back to me that was a brilliant leprechaun impersonation guys can you just drop a like on the video for that because that was just fantastic oh we have to go over here oh look there's Gold's it says try holding control okay what does that make you bounce all right get that go for ya all right you want me to do it you do it quick oh I got it I got this oh okay okay I got that one all right not too bad oh there's another one over here so whatever you get one just handle into the dudes so that way we don't have to worry about like loosing any like last time oh it's working now wait what is the trampoline thingy no you were just you didn't know what you're doing so I got one in the water right at the beginning Jen so there might not be any more in the water I'm not sure okay I found one over here but I'm having difficulty getting it okay I see another one like way over here I don't know I'm gonna be able to reach it I'm gonna go for it though you can do it okay okay I'm gonna go for this oh I almost got it I keep like banging my head for here we go oh I was so close all right where are you doodles wait I'm about to get one where are you though I'm like on the side of the house in the back oh I'm gonna go there and forget this okay okay one second OOP okay I got one okay I'm coming to you I've got 500 I kind of fell alright take this buddy we've got four more we need and you're right behind the house I think I'm trapped so sorry by the way who's literally on gold ran the opposite side of the trampoline you jumped on yeah like right here yeah that's the one I was trying to get then how did you end up over there because I couldn't do it oh wait really well that we can actually jump onto maybe there's one on the house well I don't think we get any higher than this but I've got one more oh there's one - over here okay we're down to three so this is actually getting us really low down Oh maybe what I was supposed to do is I need to jump all the way up to the top of this one I was trying to go for the one that was too far away I think I got this okay okay you ready for this I'm ready okay here we go I got it now just jump down to the other one right you barely make this or not you can do it alright here we go I've got to jet we just need one more it has to be the power bolt I must have just not found it yet going that pot of gold find the last one it's not like you said it wrong it literally is a gold pot of gold with gold in it did you find any no with my eyes I just didn't grab them oh okay oh oh wait maybe it wasn't there when I got there because there literally was nothing in it you hadn't last one you're gonna feel like you didn't long I love this tree house he lives in okay thank you so much of these pickaxes things should help you got docked of hell thank you I'm gonna miss you I love you all right we love you put away anything you don't need okay oh look at this what we have Jen diamond pickaxe with efficiency 30 odd how many um some food - I like it yeah let me give him like a bunch of stuff oh here's a book for you my friends all right we love you so much it's gonna miss you actually I'm gonna take the pork chops back cause if not no yes yes - wait I gave him pork chops did you steal the ones I gave him yes two compartments oh yeah don't worry gifts from both of us we must go my friend hopefully we have made it to the bottom because there's nothing better than diamond so I'm really thinking this is gonna be an okay let's go mm here we go this really breaks our obsidian quick super quick okay I think we did it we did it has to be the center right oh this has to be it do we find the center it's beautiful down here gosh it's like paradise we found paradise but what do we do Oh Oh Oh No Oh No there's a book yet I'm gonna read it my final words I have been stranded out here for six years if you are ready to Sarah then you have to come to the end of your life you have come to the end of your life yeah I was so happy when I found lost treasure of our Okoye it is been guarded by two of the largest man-eating dinosaurs I've ever seen even if you can manage to get the treasure located on the far side of the kids you will never be able to escape with it I suggest finding shelter and preparing for your last days Oh No we could do it yes you can do it wait what's wrong there's a giant dice no he seems nice all right I think everything's gonna be fine I think they're lagging me a little bit I'm good I got a sword okay so he said it was not like the right side I don't know he said the word right opposite side okay so there should be a cave and it's guarded by two monstrous dinosaurs and there's a treasure like no other that we can get to it's gonna be me I think both those things mean the same thing oh my god they're huge oh all right what if these aren't even the ones what if those aren't the ones the monster isn't waters so this is the deal I see the cave it's behind the dinosaurs head oh that's thing eat a Golden Apple and then run oh okay oh no no just kidding we have to just go for it I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck help I don't think it sees me we can okay Oh Oh No are you okay you need to find a way a time in the cave right now there's like a giant tree in the way no you have to go up other side Oh right next to the dinosaur he seems angry oh oh you made it oh yeah but where's the treasure and then we escaped with it okay I only escaped though I don't know build some stairs wait what is this there's a bench over here what's at the end there's nothing here we is just not the right thing wait this can break it this can break dirt I saved this early all right dudes I kept walking I just came out of the cave right over there there's the dinosaurs apparently there must be another cave we keep looking okay so maybe these are the dinosaurs maybe that's it it definitely is those are them Oh oh man a human side to the other words look - she's like laying in front of him go for it come on we're gonna see you okay oh my god though we made it wouldn't have just chopped it off and it came to never see it again maybe we should look for a hidden mouth oh wait grab as much as you can okay get everything dental all Chad we need to bring this home we're gonna be so rich oh my god I'm gonna order so much stuff on Amazon when I get home oh yeah let's keep getting it all okay maybe out the back of the cave there's something so he's got about the found it but then he just like he gave up I guess he's got everything in here so there must be somewhere to go what did you say again we're really there so dropped off and never see if maybe we should look for a hidden way out it's got to be on the side of the island then right okay I'm gonna make a run let's go this way he's biting me run Oh God we were opposite directions okay I'm in the water I'm kind of panicking I'm looking up maybe there's like vines we can climb to get out of here yeah a bunch of vines over here mmm I might see something oh yeah there's tons of vines yeah like right here this is like not gonna work at all I really have no idea where I'm supposed to go nah don't worry dude I had to ask the map trader what we do because we walked around this entire place had no idea he said torch blabber that's the he gave us so I'm thinking maybe there's a lever in there that looks like a torch okay but I think I'm started like a dinosaur whisperer I think if I don't near them they won't even hurt me I do it oh my god you are okay I think it's cuz he's trying to kill me right now I want Reds it's cuz he's going after me all right I'm going in No oh yeah he's biting me he's biting me all right there's a secret doorway wait which one did you hit this one right here oh so this opened up this path right over here yeah there's like a room in here it says super old ancient even magic teleporter oh I've been waiting for this moment oh look and we have our treasure you see what brought us into it through our little mini pool oh man guys I really hope you enjoyed that map it was just so much fun you should probably dig straight down there's reasons to do it now but oh my god that was so cool I hope you guys enjoyed it if you didn't definitely subscribe to our YouTube channel that would be amazing also smash that like button guys if he had ton of support will have more crazy Maps to made like this and once again thank you to our Maps crew and I have a link down below to his channel you should definitely check it out and but lobby dudes we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 9,296,368
Rating: 4.9080482 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, dig straight down, never, never dig straight down, digging down, center of the earth, car, vehicles, prison, jail, dinosaurs, treasure, diamonds, emeralds, gold, secret, custom map, parkour, adventure map, mobs, parkour map, puzzle
Id: KDjy7ima0c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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