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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's pan welcome back to another minecraft video today we are playing spot the troll what that means is Jen is in control once again I have set up your entire minecraft house into an escape room you need to find the way Adam but don't get trolled ok ok so basically guys we did this last time the buncher you love the video so we are back once again if you enjoy it definitely smash that subscribe button also smash the like button to let us know if you want to see more and we are starting in the storage room good luck why don't I hear fire alright that's nothing you have this room alright but did you see the sign this right next to the door it says find a way out alright ok so maybe you would want to search the chest you're probably right hey this carpet looks really weird right here oh it does look a little weird wait they all look like I'm not gonna say anything lol with some cookies I'm actually gonna taste some cookies in case I get hungry I was actually hoping you would because these are like weird poisonous cookies and they're gonna kill me eewan see what happens they're actually pretty normal cookies I said lol Adams gonna grab some more cookies that is literally why I left them for you so you're doing very good so far maybe not maybe there's some searchin Oh sigh ok it says this carpet looks weird that's what I was saying yeah you realize that but they all look like that I I know don't yeah you're trying to like you're trying to do something I'm not doing anything alright let me just tell you it doesn't do it the carpet and that's why the sign was there I'm realizing I might have made this so hard you might never feel to figure out how to leave this one well I'm just gonna break the carbon see what happens no you don't break here what do you mean you're not supposed to break all the carpet tell me the whole thing I have to let you know if I supposed to do it ok I think it's a pressure plate I'm gonna throw the sign on it and see if it somehow triggers the door to open alright ok here we go let's see if it opens okay ready yeah you get three hints throughout the map and I'll give you a small hint if you ever need them okay I'll take my first um it has to do with one of the carpets next to the door oh okay wait I was looking over here yeah one of those oh okay this one has a weird like tint like there's something about them do something about those carpets I'm gonna try to throw something on them again all right really long hard this is gonna be you might want to try clicking them not exactly what I was expecting next time you I can't even get through this next time you see a carpet you might want to consider right-click you cannot left yeah okay all right well welcome to the next room all right here we go this is ooh free diamond oh but how are you gonna break those you probably need some kind of pickaxe or something okay all right let me just look around to see if you notice anything weird about this room the ceiling the carpet has to do with the carpet again all right this looks weird wait day one what does see they open how does that work so that's what was supposed to happen to the other but you punched in it fell dark wait you don't know no it is nice it's really no this is the way mission diamonds let me just check all the carpet again all right [Music] this what is a different color on the sides of it by the way all right so let's see if you can figure this out you do have to get into that room that is true so I just have to break everything just try to get in this room oh um Miss Piggy's Jen we have a serious air problem we have to kill the ants now oh they all died in the fire we are back we exterminate the ants and Jen I need to show you something that you might have got a little bit wrong okay what alright stand in front of this door guard it with your life I'm guarding it actually no just okay yeah just look right there hello so I went in the other entrance to the room where there was no troll what yeah there's another entrance this is another oh oh you have no idea okay must be like in the walls oh this wall on the other side alright so go over to that wall and try to get in you can walk the room over here but good luck alright so you need a figure so I looked in here it's not an X says lol and then there's like lava okay I went in there which was not the right way there's something over here alright yeah there's a couple different things for you to try nothing what about this one you see this one which one look you see oh there's water out yeah there's something down there too alright so there's a few different choices for you to try to figure out okay I'm gonna jump down here are you literally trapped in there now alright so so far it you just don't know which way is the right way do ya wait maybe there's like a weird wall thing again alright okay yeah it's gotta be around here you know what's funny I set this up a few days ago and even I don't remember how to leave this room yeah I really don't know oh no I just remember this a few things alright alright okay look into the water and see if you can see something that might be in there look at that fall again like a chest all right so you know now that has to do with that okay I'm sorry sure you didn't throw it okay it should be safe and I got this this silly silly silly silly wool in the world okay so now you know help okay so their silly wolf silly well don't worry about that that's just uh that's all I'm gonna remind you you're gonna remember that later that's all okay okay oh this is wool yeah actually wool no all right so in small in places and shears can break wall yeah all right you're getting pretty warm right now okay tell me if I'm like getting hot or cold or do that all right you're getting really hot but I kind of fell in the hole right next to you okay I break like the wall and stuff no you can't oh man all right one of these might have to do with it but you're gonna find out really soon okay that's quartz you do really good breaking the wall you know it's not what you broke them all okay let me check every single hole wait a second there's something over here oh you found the way all right good job okay so we go this way we're like under the house now all right wait there's no way oh no what do we do all right this is this is troublesome all right we'll have to go back out here alright this set glass ice what you're gonna die all right so you've already used two of your hints you only get one more hand the whole time so you're not gonna want to use it I won't use it yet I was worried that maybe the map wouldn't be long enough but I think this video plenty I didn't know I made it so hard oh yeah what I see if this is real lava okay yes it is right now just go over there really you want me to jump in all right it's very sick Jen okay they're both real I thought maybe what was fake all right no those are the lavas from upstairs yes I thought there was a pig here oh boy like some wall all over all right you're doing really good clicking over here click in every way what are you clicking what are you clicking on though I'm the dirt oh no you might have this is bad what you might have done something bad [Laughter] all right all right put back on the torch that you knocked off the wall it was that important um did the torch as the torch do something maybe oh the torch was the pioneer another that was a lever Dory you knocked the what off the wall that was okay to knock off the wall all right there is a site right here too in the enchanting room okay so we have to go this way all right oh it says leave if you want all right that's up to you well let me just check out the room third all right yeah so the room the rooms in the house are pretty simple is the good baby so this looks really peculiar oh that's my wither painting wait is this like a secret room I thought that was pretty it's really gorgeous I think I've been actually leave all right one for yourself before you make such a decision you believe if you could make it there this might be a lot of you know spikes outside the house yeah I'm gonna make a run for it where you made it I made it oh no both are fat you know oh I'm alive oh my god you do there oh my god was that supposed to happen it was so sure that you would be dead oh we i / killed and you and it killed me i just kill me there's nothing out here there's absolutely nothing out there I was so sure that you would die the way out but you had a half a heart good job let me check this out okay definitely don't want to go in there wait the middle one looks weird if I fall directly into the middle one I don't think it's a trap all right on the middle one oh there's an obsidian blocks under that one oh why butter fingers slipped me a little bit there don't worry Jen all right well your maybe you made good progress in this room okay you know in my warm all right you were warm and boy you know I feel bad okay what do you mean you feel bad oh I have an idea let me think about this you try to break an hour all right so okay you're gonna figure this out you got yes so good job on your own I was here like the sound of my voice oh man what I did too much oh you know this room very well yes I do okay I know what Jen's gonna do over here we go oh oh you block this oh oh you figured wrong oh my god you did it Jackie all right you've got everything so there's no there's no buy cards in there all right this is gonna be interesting to see how this goes you had the keys the keyboard yeah shoot it right at the door I'm gonna go over you somebody in the crackin maybe you didn't figure it out after all all right so maybe that wasn't the right thing don't want to use that it seems to be a trolley ho where did you get that all right let me check over here Oh what is this we figure now I can't believe you found it just kidding luckily there's even more enjoyable things in the room for us I'm sorry there oh you gotta admit I put some good effort into this sorry okay not over there nothing up here all right so you basically you discovered everything there was in this room I've discovered everything yes you have but you have not figured out how to open the door yeah how do I do that all right so go back down here all right so all you need to do is just figure out how to possibly open the door right here all right let me see all right just you know anything strange in the area wait there there's a thing here source no that does nothing all right nope not that horse hmm all right she's looking around now yes weird oh no these look why are these like so high up over here there's no reason there's no reason that those are high up they're not fake there's many fake ones stop here mom you have to break wait wait wait what is this oh it's a troll I'm sorry there's so many true sorry into the show no one truly knows oh there's a button to do something that's for our mind guard do you like how I admin this is actually nothing alright I actually thought you did too I think you got this I think you got this I believe in you I'm gonna give you a half okay alright so you might want to check that hole again I know this mines so fun alright you got the key down let's get out here blastaar bunch of fish and stuff on crap even was that I didn't put that in there just so you know oh okay well there's an issue because we can't get help wait did I mess it up nobody did miss by the troll you silly very okay alright okay so what do we do here I believe alright I'll go up here then I'll try to break the bottom one it's oh do it you Oh give it to me oh I think that's not that's totally not right alright okay Joe you're doing good now it has to be away let me just see here oh wait wait oh oh I don't know that's still not the right all right you're doing amazing now you're making great time over here why oh but is there anything you can see when you're like stick your head out oh yes yeah like I mean when you stick your head out is there like anything around it might be useful to you okay let me let me see I mean there's got to be something right wait there's a chest over here oh we get close there I'm gonna go through this one all right this is very exciting to watch I would pop my head out hello now oh there's a water bucket oh sweet okay here we go okay so now I go over here okay recycle I create a little water elevator oh this is brilliant but you're doing so good yes you made it out you could have went to ready hold on maybe it's not real oh you found that chest right away I need this alright so you might need that at some point cut a small pointed door you can teleport right back to base oh yeah let me set my spawn points I'm probably gonna die bunch time right yes set it right here so that was real lava after all yes it was alright so you do have a shovel that does mean something okay so maybe oh these things again wait maybe I don't know if I put down enough now that I'm thinking about this oh you made it the not normal way I'm proud of you supposed to make it oh you were supposed to go through the wall over here and then break this dirt oh yeah there was a fake wall you think you would have found that eventually no no but apparently with these guys you can actually outrun them okay that's cool alright so final room is ahead the bathroom alright get [Laughter] in Oh awesome oh my god that was so fun okay I don't know where did you thought but what happened you found the world yes really wow that's crazy okay this is not right you need to get to the final room you need to get to the final back out I'm thinking maybe there's more fake wall oh there's something in this room it looks really peculiar but you just not seeing it over here all right there is something like you know something that burns pretty hot it looks pretty peculiar burn oh please no yes do you see this okay that's might not work I think all right so there's a button or something over here yes I can see it you could probably touch it you'll probably open it to the other boy right get off it's a little bit but it won't be the hitter for you no I can hit it I don't I never tested it so I don't know it's possible all right so how close can I get here all right you can get pretty key right there see I just did it how did you do it right over here all you do is hit the torch oh okay all right so now how do I get it I feel bad I feel bad about this I'll hold it open you jump in okay I don't know oh wait honey there just I can jump from maybe if I hold it open you just jump in it's the final room you've got this yet okay all right I'll just hold it open I'm helping buddy system ready good those are jets nemesis and I destroyed her with that all right I'm holding it up I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go through four you know this is three by three blocks don't step on the third block all right in line with that one do not go past that line okay all right all right this is not going well is this the only way to get in there no this is the true way what do you mean us the true way but there's like a good way to stroll away with every single one okay all right there might be something this looks promising you were so hot it was ridiculous I actually think you I thought you had it for a second wait when I was over here yeah so you had it I thought you sounded like I was doing it wrong no you were doing it so right I thought you actually made it oh no you're doing good job I promise you you're doing really well at this point you're gonna get through this room within the next 20 seconds oh you did it you made it oh just so you know Chad it was possible to jump through here it just would have been a noise but that hole was treacherous wasn't it it really was that was the worst hole Oh finally I can get out of this horrible house oh let's have some cake made it anyways dudes basically the way this series works is I set up a place Chad must escape from there are trolls everywhere but there is always a right way to go that is almost impossible to find I'm getting better at this you have to make it even harder next time okay all right yeah I'll do that oh maybe you could give me like a hint book oh yeah that wouldn't be bad you were just looking at it for every single one and since your point of view everyone would see you doing it what up dudes hope you enjoyed the video if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also drop a like down below if you enjoyed it if but lobby dudes we'll see you next time hey guys [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 7,636,534
Rating: 4.8678756 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, escape, base, escaping, secure base, escaping gamingwithjen's house, base escape, minecraft escape, most secure, spot the troll, mining, ore, hidden, secret, escape mini-game, modded mini-games, minecraft mods
Id: emYD4SnKcdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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