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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up do this pat and welcome back to another video so today me and Jenn are watching more weird fan made videos last week you guys loved it so much so I went back onto the weird don't get lipstick on me I went back over to the weird side of YouTube and I found some even stranger videos for today really well I didn't watch them but they looked like they would be weird it looks really weird one of them I think the first one was called like Jenn's a bad baby or something so I don't know what is gonna happen today guys but if you'd like to see more weird videos subscribe right now and leave a comment down below we love all and yeah guys I'll be coming into a bunch you guys we appreciate your amazing support on the channel we're gonna watch this about two different video set up and I'm scared like I always think I'm gonna get a virus going over to the side of YouTube what am i doing am i cooking I think you're cooking so yeah here we go guys hope you enjoy I'm so sorry in advance I'm excited I'm Jenn was so creepy it was so weird music oh no you don't think do the voices so accurate I don't do the cooking what's wrong with Jen's house wait we don't live together why do you live in the heart what's wrong with those coming to the rescue [Music] [Music] punching it out break the window did you also notice that we punched a hole through where the door was we I think the door went flying off blood go out the way out get ready for the door kiss me or if you're sorry I've tried my best yeah where are the tears you can live in my house I tell you that's for check out the house cuz I built it thank you so much for giving me back my house believe you made me live in the shack what's it done in my house you just came out of your house oh damn what happened Jen's house is Birds oh that's Boris oh sorry about them trying to do dance voice well there's our pen oh I think oh my god is that me and dance pad over there I'm just wondering thank you again [Music] no problem I go to bed I have a bedtime [Music] your house right now just be happy oh my god that's my husband with a lighter oh oh my god she's going crazy Oh remember you're a bad baby oh my god do you think this is based on that channel that was taken down with the weird children videos it was called like bad baby bad I really don't understand ever going big always peeping through the windows yes okay care pigs pigs [Music] Oh Jen where did you go last night look ugly by the window thanks kid worse as I go by the way he doesn't know okay bro [Music] really it's chance to do I'm going with a normal voice from dancing on from now I can't do it okay [Music] oh no you became the baby again you destroy everything oh my god you again [Music] so bad kid and I'm just seeing I'm feeding the pigs take care of the pigs he's frightened what's wrong with you dad the kid destroyed my field I feel bad now oh my god we have to find her don't worry i'll punish [Music] [Music] do you realize that they built like ten of them the exact same house all the pigs are following me do you see that yes cuz they love you dad the carrots oh my god that was cruel alright so we're on to the next video ok I think it says okay I don't remember the title was but we'll just go with it okay today's so hot why are you outside that what oh here's my bath here's my outdoor bath pretty sure that's a pool oh it's so cool playfully apples why do I live in the heart have a beautiful day let's go out cruise is a diamond walking in the water Oh what Janice baby oh my god I'm the creepy one now I'll give a special present for her do you think Dan's gonna be in this one too I hope so no no don't do it hopes you like it is that pig poop yeah I think so hold on one second our house on the right our house of the last orange Ruthann there's one in the back and a third house in the back this is so not sanitary no problem there's water everywhere hmm she's still bathing oh you're just what it's a water baby I think she should do it in another day what does that even mean that you just turned into a guardian what am i doing okay then to me oh no how do I do this I'm gonna come save you it out oh you're going back in your house haha it serves you right yet the creepiness never ends oMG that's pout again I'll revenge on you Pat's wait I'm scared oh here you called win steal [Music] no it's my house that me screaming wait did you hear them all oh my god that was you I'm gonna reset that was jad let's hear those again okay burn my house down oh man what I do about this how can you burn my house down girl I'll destroy your house [Music] no whole house is going down now is it it [Music] so we're both not gonna have anywhere to live you went to slur target these are tons of TNT wait should you escape out the back it's your oh oh oh my god epic escape that was Bruton ICU the stairway man why did you do that with my house so where can I leave but who burns my house what about the house back there do you guys see it maybe that's where Dan lives oh maybe this is what happens maybe I move in with Dan over there and then you build a Shack over there oh yeah maybe like next to it maybe that's what happens I think we should be friendly neighbors yes me too what do we do you just give your bus of my face to be continued you can be a good neighbor you could be a good neighbor only if you have to the neighbors wise words this is like the weirdest self ever it's so weird like I don't even know what to say after I watch this like what I want it to be a series at the same time cause it's so strange I can't stop over dude I hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe to a YouTube channel that would be awesome leave a comment down below let us know if you'd like to see more I will be replying to a bunch you guys can we appreciate your awesome support on the channel we love you dudes thank you so much for watching have the best day ever ever see you dude next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 11,400,672
Rating: 4.8833418 out of 5
Keywords: reactions, react, reacting, minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, weird videos, funny videos, reacting to weird videos, weirdest, popularmmos reaction, gamingwithjen reaction, dantdm, cringe, fan made, crazy, weird, strange, cringey videos, try not to laugh
Id: vkw0xwzQZ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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