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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to another minecraft video so we've got some amazing news for today Jen's house has been updated so we're gonna do a new house to learn so you might remember a while ago someone made a rebuild of Jen's house but they mean it so much better will they update it again and I followed this guide over here and I went to all the new areas it is amazing Jack you haven't seen the other video we will put a link to it down below that way you can see the before and after she's trying to get people to subscribe to her channel so dudes if you're new to our channel definitely smash the subscribe button here and leave me a comment down below when the video goes out I reply to a bunch of people so definitely say hello and I'll try to reply to you but right now we are in the cave that leads to the nether portal and it looks like it's been updated it looks really nice yeah they added stairs alright so we're gonna go this way actually I'm about to hit Jetta to this hole this time we go across the bridge and Jen loves the giant heart it's so gorgeous and now Jen we are gonna be heading into the most beautiful home that you've ever seen let's go they made things a little bit more girly for you too yeah this year before this mailbox I don't remember it I don't know but it's beautiful so beautiful so they did say the guy they updated the garden so now it has pretty much every kind of crops except for like nether wart and course fruit in it oh by the way oh you're gonna be fine I'm gonna make a mess in the house by the way you're the one that tamed the cloud so you can get him to stand up and he will follow you around the guide said that you could make him come on Clara discovers he listens to no one now it's so savage doesn't listen to a soul alright so this is the front of the house it has the giant heart on it which you guys have seen before looks so amazing so we are going inside here let's go why did you it closes automatically when you go in oh okay do you see the pink table table and then can't look there is it my gosh Jim and look how they use the new pink blocks now yes I love those don't go in there yet oh my gosh oh sorry all right there's a surprise for you it's behind the grandfather clock there's something behind here oh my gosh look it's the dude invading our house during that season epic proportion of invasion zombies alive he's alive he lives in our clock now shut the door go get in there shut it go in there with him something happens there's a special elevator if you're on there with him no I don't believe you're lying it's the most amazing thing it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen okay just go in okay close the door so hungry do you look at look at this TV Jen look how big did we get an upgraded TV it looks bigger I feel like it looks better - doing everything does Santa you even look up grapes dee I love you I'm checking your furnaces in the back okay let's go in the bedroom now I'm so excited and we in here Jenny's our forgot something chest worth items that are awesome by forcing here at first I thought that was me and I was like wow do I look a little strange wait go right next to Ivor wait wait Jen I don't think you look like I want all right boys a beautiful man he's beautiful they knew how much you loved I avoid Lydia's own statue in your room now awesome and then of course this is ready to do something about this painting over here though wait I'm gonna fix it right now okay Jen's gonna do okay this is the one whatever whatever okay we can't get want me to show you how it's done all right oh my god [Music] oh look they're pink buckets of Pete Jen's no wait when you switch this one to all the paintings are too creepy all right read this side over here Jen's new paint the earth into paying and there's your paint buckets I love that so look you have this little girl thing whatever they're called like a vanity yeah you've got your own alien like a a pink thing really adorable and isn't that like a almost like a seashell kind of right there oh no that's a mirror and that Jen's money's over here sing this off for us that was like over 9000 right there and then we've got Jen's um better be and then look over here you've got a little pig yes okay so there is a secret in this room I'm not gonna tell you about it yet we're supposed to go back to it later that's what the guide said okay well let's go into the chest room there's the unsorted chest up here with nothing in it this is Jen's storage room which is absolutely nothing in it maybe someday Jen will add something to this room maybe someday but right now it's a nice storage room it's got nice lights in the ceiling do you see oh very nice very fancy looking and then of course she has her own bathroom over here absolutely beautiful absolutely stunning you have this gorgeous toilet right here I actually have to go okay can you go out I'm gonna take a shower okay let me just turn this on yeah I might actually drown though oh you'll be fine very dangerous it's a really high-powered shower I can't breathe in here shouldn't be fine me turn it off okay look you have a pink towel you're refreshed oh oh there's the real toilet right there oh yeah here's the top here's the toilet I can't even get on it obvi all right so this is that side of the house we're heading over to the computer room Jen like meant a morula so you've got to enchantment tables over here we've got all the books set up around it even like the little books I think this was here before this little like seating areas you know what definitely wasn't here last time well these look through the bosses that we killed Johnny right yes Yeti Oh the werewolf dude right there that's him right we've got over here look this is Jen's desk and this is what I said in the guy right there is the YouTube buttons that you've earned so those are your YouTube rewards next to your desk and then we have lapis of course for enchanting at the enchantment table this is so much better built than ours it's ridiculous so like I said over here some extra items in case you need those very nice I'm just gonna take one okay let's see the kitchen this is like my favorite room because of the sandwiches there's there's a bloody brain there's more cake over here a huge thing of butter oh look it's a knife to use on everything it's a cutting board oh yeah and you are you gonna ignore this bloody brain wait I don't know if it's a candle but it's like the wax melting Oh could it be that maybe yeah and this stuff just looks delicious over here and then the fridge I got an apple and pumpkin pie let's do this all day long I'm seeing what's in it there's nine different kinds of food that you haven't you can get out randomly I got pork chop ooh I got some raw fish Oh Robbie I'm checking the furnace and stuff like that to see if there's anything I don't see anything special over here Jen the other bathroom got a carrion bread are you stop it pumpkin pie to head over to the bathroom okay so over here now look the portal to the abyss dimension is out of order this used to be here at our old survival and the toilets right next to it which is right here yeah and then then we have this thing over here dip your hands in there you stick it in the holes I think Oh urinal no this is one of those for cleaning things you've picked your feet and your hands in there that creams all of them that's obviously the best for okay oh there's the paper towels a soft you see this you could do it there's like a bunny towel over here you look amazing so this is the pet room I actually didn't check this out to see if it was updated in the corner we have Jeb we have call me and be a Popo this is the room and they have like extra space in it compared to when we built this and the whole area is glassed-in it looks really good okay so they can see the outside why didn't we do that we forgot to like make it look nice for them wait no we can't go out there yet no okay we're gonna do it okay let's do it back back I'm gonna kill me or something stop talking you sounded like like one of those people that there's something really special back here here of course is the stuff for the lucky blocks reviews before and of course the arena back here yes and items but there's been an update it's amazing Jen oh my god were all those hearts there before I think so okay that's not that bad talking about I love them now when you right-click this a bird comes out of the burn house really yes I'm just kidding no there's an extra area down here it's your shelter that you built in case anything ever happens anything bad Jim it's like our tornado hurricane room so this is for when the zombies take over we're on the apocalypse so we are prepared for it we've got a necessity we have drinking water come here there's not a room over here oh there is yes there's like a map map look you could see your house ask you the more weight you are the killer this is your killing shelter I don't know what you're talking about I've never seen this juvenile I've never seen the way you said live passageways we can't know oh it's blocked off there's invisible blocks in front of it take take take a look at this room are you gonna kill me in here just do it if you have to do it there's so much wrong mind okay and as a furnace for cooking and basically this is where you sleeping that's the drinking water there's a toilet or drinking water whichever you prefer maybe both mmm there's a brain there's a brain hey there what is that I don't oh ye oh that's a light that's not a brain made out of the brain okay like stop the bulb in the brain good luck down there I'm gonna just get going I'm heading back into the house where it's safe I'm terrified of your hurricane killing shelter all right so we've got some food I'm actually hungry so I'm going to eat it all right we need to go upstairs I love this like staircase in the back of the house I know it's absolutely gorgeous now we're going to my room enter if you dare oh by the way this is my parrot it's part of the parent because he's beautiful okay yes go to the bathroom so this is love your dance blue so that is my own parrot why do you have weird heads over here look he loves me my gosh oh my god I love so this is the DJ for big P I'm gonna bust out some music for you guys right now I'm gonna bust out my stick dance moves wait no this without party music party was dancing way too creepy why do you have creepy music and creepy heads this is my best room my best to wait are you here is not right it's so off I've got my dragon egg in here I've got a couple heads bit Jen put there obviously have nothing to do a face no there's a secret past the TARDIS there is another room on third floor Jen oh that's right there's a third floor I actually didn't go in here because I wasn't sure what was gonna be there it's the inspiration room for making challenging that's how potty is just sitting on your shoulder right now he loves me inspiration room for making challenges so apparently there's a random challenge generator really you have your own creepy layers will done judge this will make a challenge right now it says hat contest Oh boom error stop it okay that's not a good one rock paper scissors challenge how epic is this it comes up with challenges and then it says there's a sound effects room over here okay which is just these Oh box and that is pretty much it to my little secret lab so I love with the and in like an extra like little there for me and then over here guys we have the balcony down to the first floor so of course I'm Falcon he's over here this nice you like it I like it yeah okay let's keep going oh you over here of course Jen's famous puffer fish tank with the puffer fish sleeping inside of it wait that's not a puffer fish it's not no Steve oh and your screen Steve I killed nobody nothing you're a nice Tim Wood Steve's head you like the flowers around here at least actually yes I do so over here we've got an armory like we had before and this is supposed to be the Redstone room but since we've never done a redstone room he said he's keeping this empty for now working okay so the armory is over here and look at this Jed Jesse's armor state it's worth $1,000 but if we take the pumpkin it's only worth $5 so we can't do that I think it's all been like updated a little bit better okay was bullish and you have an awesome sword I've had an amazing sort and then over here is all the mobs you see them look at the spider weights how did they do the spider to look like that no idea what did they do with that artist and I just want to selfie me on this wait let me just get oh yeah okay oh my gosh it looks like you're riding him wait it would be so much more amazing if if potty was on your shoulder can you tell party not to flying so they almost called potty Polly okay can you not kill him he wants to leave this room he's terrified of the mobs poor potty is very scared I come to my show I guess we're all leaving the area now it's just too intimidating for the little dude oh wait before you go over here we've got different mobs you have a chain all the way to Diamond zombies if we want to spawn those in and then of course there's weapons and armor like hotter than the Sun the lumber axe the fly slapper and I think I lost pickaxe as well as weapons oh it's over here this is supposed to be our mod showcase room was like really embarrassing so stop wait pod there's something over here this is the mod showcase room in case we decide to do any showcases in disasters we've done a few but we love using Jen's realize that we actually built ourselves so we usually stick to that one but Jen remember I told you there's a secret in your bedroom oh yes okay we're heading to it right now let's go okay so I'll be there see if you remember it is right okay I'm here she made it I beat you I'm here oh okay so if you go back here there's a hole into a secret area so check it out right here so there's an exit I did go down here to see like how this worked the exit will bring you out of the place but there's some wood you actually have to destroy one of the trees in your yard to leave so we're not gonna go out that way the Hall of G and funny moments to see the video click on the sign so look they rebuilt our funny moments I remember when Jensen used me across the world yesterday okay so we can't open this chest I think it's just part of the scene and that's why what is this this one is and Jen with a bucket of lava is never good all right Sophie go over here oh man look you're covering your mouth because of the Oh penis look you look embarrassed you know I'm blushing and then over here what's this one this is the poop bowl Oh for the my showcase oh we got out of poop both robbed it is it oh my god it's got smell on it it returns that isn't artifact oh yeah put it back yes put it back okay Sophie tread on here next up we've got we have the honey Boo Boo's chest out cookies and it's actually filled with cookies oh it's when you accidentally hit honey boo boo oh look you're flying through the air and you're holding a cookie and there's the little house over there oh it's a job skit I think this was from a find the buyer because I remember being horrible oh man that was like the worst jump scare ever in Minecraft I didn't expect it at all okay over here we have oh wait I'll be right there geez what are we have bird trees oh this is a memory from the house when he first went here and you saw the bird trees what are you you're just like staring at the wall I'm like what died to win don't pick up hit my deform look there's a picture of Jan from it wow that is amazing and Jan's about to jump in the lava right there and then apparently more might be coming soon different moments I love how they did this though so what I'm gonna do to show you how the exit actually works is basically you go up the water right the water elevator but then it says dig through so you actually to break a couple of these and then we put them back down to get out stuck you've got it okay this is a perfect way to end the video I think Jeff's stuck in a hole anyways this hope you enjoyed the video if you did subscribe so you you never get asked but up yeah guys definitely subscribe leave a comment down below I'll be replying to a bunch you guys when the video goes out thank you so much for watching and thank you to the map creator for creating this I hope you guys have an epic day and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 9,437,207
Rating: 4.8897066 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, jen's house, new house, minecraft trolling, house tour, modded mini-games, minecraft mods, secret room, minecraft mini-games, bedroom, family room, kitchen, custom map, lucky, block, lucky block, mobs, items, house trolling
Id: zfyU_tUUIdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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