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[Music] hey guys Jay what's up dude welcome back to another rOBLOX video today we are playing donut story tycoon this looks so beautiful you know how many games we had to join for Jen to get vanilla icing answer section okay so let's go over here we got vanilla icing I love how this is like shoots us into your area look how beautiful this is look at this super I mean it says Dennis super girly donut factory so you need to build the best doughnut Factory ever that's what we're gonna do so I'll be sticking around Jen I'll make sure that she's doing a good job no it's free to install the dough machine I'm gonna do that oh this looks really cool god this looks amazing look it really looks like dough it's not a square yay I know it's like so sad but it's the square we have fifty dollars so far I'm making sure this works properly so we need five hundred to get the cutting machine Jen check this out this is state-of-the-art machinery it will actually bring me around the corner without even touching anything get your nasty feet away from my machine oh my nasty feet oh we have enough you know I was about to say something guys I was about to say oh I've been stopped in shâm channel two weeks you should sub to but I just saw it solved guys subscribe to channel it is amazing and hit the bell unless you know the new videos come out and we have so many good videos coming look I got the cutting machine wait cause it let's see oh my god it makes the little donut shape oh because at first the middle out what we're the holes going we I don't know shouldn't we be producing both we need them for a little donut hole I feel like dota holes are even better than normal donut you really are so install the dough mixture for 750 money I could buy the dough mixture oh what's this gonna do oh so now you have like two different kinds coming yeah now we have two I'm gonna stick my mouth in here and try to get the holes out I hope we can get different flavors and like sprinkles and stuff with my foot is stuck on your Donuts wait what is this money look it's money oh he just turns into money don't dirty the money it's like a broken box and money comes out when you already have one point two thousand dollars one half thousand dollars should I not have been eating them what you're eating my dope I mean is this a giant donut I didn't know Oh circle I did not realize that they were gone really quickly oh look a little stove is that how you make a door oh yeah they're cooked doughnuts before they were just raw I know I was wondering why they were getting stuck in between the teeth so badly they were so doughy wait they look like so much better now like a perfect golden brown color so we need walls 3,500 a sugar icing machine maybe that first may push try to enjoy my donut i some people call me a doughnut connoisseur f you try to say that word like your accent changes completely you've got 4300 we do know oh I could build the walls what about the icing wait this is perfect look now it looks like a shop it does oh my god side it's like really low walls look it looks so cute I feel like this is actually a really really well made ty ku it isn't it I love it everything he's like decorated so nice to hate when it's just squares that popped out at least the wool should we save up for next so we need to get the sugar IC machine I think you can afford it right now we could buy the glass door but really that's gonna spend it on weekends that we're gonna buy the sugar icing machine oh look at it oh it's icing on it so now we have icing Donuts oh I love look at these effects ooh I was wondering if I could hit these buttons you see how there's like a blue out of green water and then like a poop one that is this yellow I don't know is your poop that color cuz that's not okay you might need to see what is that bad I'll take a picture next time I let and let you tell me oh I'll post a picture you'll post my feelings oh we can hire our own Baker what a baker oh whoa oh my god this is the best I coulis we could talk to him should we be stepping on this yummy why did he call me a young fella are you ticklish oh no of course I'm not ticklish are you sure why are you trying to tickle the Baker you say let's talk to him again how could be boss i watch your mouth I'll commute bald rocks are severe rude ghosts in your ass did you ask him everything why do you keep calling me young fella is that like a choice you can ask him oh wait one last thing now just wanted to distract you for a bit oh I'm busy baking right now stops appetizer Oh Baker your ice shoulders that's actually really cool we know you're not gonna fire me are you oh no no you're very important okay what do I do okay so what you do is you greet people oh right here okay anyone that walks in you greet them okay oh this way right here okay wait there tackle men know people are gonna start Club me Oh see anybody oh we should buy some plant decor oh look at that so worth it everything is like so nicely decorated we may get no money from these but we have nice plants you're not two white 6:00 in there you should have five point six let me see Oh give Baker energy drink so he works harder oh yeah okay so that cost three no no it's too expensive what is motivated with with talk okay oh we could buy more please look Jen you could claim a doughnut to leave you're free in the middle well can I bought these gorgeous plans oh those are sweet okay we how come there's like missing wall over here I bet you was just something you haven't got yeah oh okay but look at this yet if you go over here you get a free donut trophy wait what Oh oh my gosh it's beautiful amazing cake donut number one flames sugar-coated oh that's so nice sparkly wow that really looks nice they should have those at all donut shops donut shop ever oh you know we actually need it says a lot katana giver for 5k because we're in the middle before a general is attacked by some kind of thug oh yeah yeah let's do that okay yeah there's like horribly horrible bad people over there trying to steal our doughnut should we get up should we do this oh forget that katana Jeff we need to go okay grab that puppet you got yours hey wait did I do it wait there's nothing here oh I'm sorry oh I'll wait until respawn 6007 or do it oh it's gorgeous we want to blaze their entrance what if I can't leave no this way when we're gone we can like you know laser it so no one comes in oh that's perfect look so we can go in and out like this and then you can turn off the laser okay ready so right now it turned on okay now it's protected sure walk to see if it works okay yeah yeah try it hold on I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to break in okay all right I'm coming to break in so I'm so sure about this yet I really just jumped on your pits and its aren't that smart though you both know I saw them jumping you did yes of job oh the katana smashing you can get one now okay so let's get em it's kind of a waste of money oh it's but I think it's cuz you bought the plants no wait I think there's no walls I could buy over here Oh get the better world upgrade the walls oh yeah now we're good oh this is perfect can you open this Michael evilly yeah open it okay hold on are you trying to trick me I'm gonna see if I can break in now okay wait let me just close the door come to the middle you dying I know there's a thumb up here check it to the middle I'm coming he's in the woods okay follow me right over here oh there's so many around there's like these weird guys these creepy men all right let's get him I don't have anything cuz that guy won our donut look it's a donut thief this is really weird so maybe let's see oh my god some money I got six hundred and sixty dollars from him oh why don't you steal a bunch of these guys we're literally killing poor innocent people in the woods and still they're called bandits these are not called poor innocent soul they robbed us oh oh you almost killed me if you kill these guys you get buddy like in your place why you're getting money out here my gosh that was gross I like this I liked it a lot please don't kill me so close to me why do you keep standing so close to me you chasing me yeah one more Newton we'll go back you're gonna have so much money dad yeah this guy right here Oh shall we visit our competition oh yeah we should okay how many people are on um there's two other people live so we'll go over there we'll kill them oh no he's running honey don't let him run oh you think it's because he had an axe he was like a stronger one yes maybe no kill the owner of this place we're go back to your base go back oh this guy right here oh let's just get him on the way Oh get this man okay he needs to die he's like practicing these guys are smart I'm telling you and you get so much money just I'm killing them wait you didn't say imma take those it's there on the ground Oh 1900 does it get more every time you kill look at this guy he said it out frou-frou sorry you must be really valuable let me get him I bet you we get three thousand okay let's see he's probably storing so much money his hair oh yeah yeah that's what they do right I'm so excited yo this guy he looks weird he's posing I got bumped in I got one of their weapons they drop oh I bet you that's a better weapon oh okay I'm gonna get this guy he's got a claw looks really valuable he looks like Wolverine oh yeah he does it's not even her - you don't really like this down maybe switch to the other weapon oh oh you chopped him in one hit okay we need a head back go back this is just too violent a bad publish body you have now though we go over here and you are vanilla icing right yes so you've got on you 6000 imagine how much you're gonna have in your shop oh you so much money now we're gonna be able to upgrade everything wait can I walk through my own door boom I think so okay could you unlock it for you thank you so you have twenty thousand here oh my gosh this is amazing bye okay we need more conveyor belts so we can make more money yeah let's do that oh really you literally put me on it oh not the cake mix joe side of dough mixture you were about to say mister I heard unique awesome robot oh I guess we can't get that one 144 okay let's buy this remaining machine I say we add booze after but we got to test out this stuffer all right Joe oh my god a sprinkles 13400 okay sprinkles are coming out they have little sprinkles on them now I'll hire another Baker over here Jenn 6000 oh okay yeah you have no money oh oh you have the money's coming in so quick now yes now that we have two conveyor belts it's gonna go so much so you already m6k you can get the next beaker let's see how this would look oh yeah get the Baker do you think you have a second floor Oh maybe look it's a lady it's Sally oh let's talk to her hello Sally how are you making chocolate doughnuts what should we say to her okay let's say your face looks nice looks such a weird thing to say it really is oh thanks you just made that so awkward add chocolate donuts are my favorite [Music] delicious working here I know you have the best factory ever Jen do a trophy oh I hope you get a strawberry one I'm so happy well we must have so much money coming in you've got eight thousand seven hundred over there wish me bye you think we should can you like close this thing it's scary should buy more walls don't you think we should go outside and likes too many decorations we do oh yeah okay let's open this door like we the pebble path oh look at that looks like a little donut Oh land expansion wait eight thousand I can't afford it oh man but people can walk in right here Oh cuz we need to complete the walls first should we do that oh yeah we should okay complete the walls for six thousands oh there we have all other laser entrance right here Oh another doors oh so four thousand more we need to install and you already have four thousands right here yes by that next this is really one of the best tycoons for like a shop that I've seen I know it's amazing oh and did you notice there was like a pet place oh yeah but you have to rebirth to use that okay so we have to do that okay okay let me just open this for us I was gonna try to squeeze through but if it a bad idea oh we got a ceiling Chad we got to ceiling for only three point eight thousand oh okay I can't afford you but I probably have enough you ordered yep it's coming in right now there's not a second floor no I'm thinking there's going to be maybe maybe one land expansion there's like another building or something oh and we need another laser entrance for the other side too first oh this looks really good now bytes we need so it gets a little brighter in here how did dark in here your money is going in so quick you know what you should do what let's boost it a little bit where was that first thing we saw not energy drinks wait maybe no go get the will do the dough mixture don't make sure ok should we do it so we get 444 roba I think it'll really help the shop ok let's do it and then we could have even more Donuts alright so now we have to do mixtures over here so now look we're getting them twice as we're gonna get so much more money wait let's go look at it alright let's check it out yeah it's coming in really fast now ok we can already aboard I kick the door oh good idea by the second door that way no weird thieves can get into our shop so you have the laser entrance over on both sides now perfect oh we need the light oh I can afford it oh that's very oh it's so much brighter look at them glistening now it wasn't gorgeous light thank notes amazing you know you need this next step by latex mission 8000 oh yeah oh this is exciting so I'm thinking you're gonna get a whole nother building alright let's see what happens oh yeah whoa you're gonna double it this is gonna be so sick you can't drop the floor for 6,000 oh maybe we need a lot more money but look at it if you watch this it's going so quick now it's ridiculous you know what I think we should do what do we do kill a lot of bees let's go I'll get a weapon oh yeah wait we can find another weapon too but we got a shotgun ok so what's so expensive all right we'll just grab that yeah we'll just get this tree the shotgun yeah let's do it we'll get the shotgun that way we can do something we won't hit each other because we'll be from further away yeah that's a good idea cuz right now you stab me like every second [Music] let's go wait you can't get it I know we've to wait for it oh why don't we buy some stuff first do you need okay so you got 3,700 oh no you got 6,000 600 total alright is there anything else I could buy inside here oh you get the floor though for 6000 for the next one give it off oh all right yeah let's do that you look really like a weirdo nuts owner wait this is huge this is gonna be even bigger than your other donut shop oh man I'm gonna get my god now okay we're gonna need a lot of money wait the gun didn't even reload yeah I want my god it takes a long time I'll just buy you something else okay here okay so there was something else that could buy over here oh no but these aren't weapons what's the Segway a Segway is the thing you ride oh how much money you eat thousand yes han you might actually be able to get some more stuff for this place that okay you have the walls or two up no you need nine thousand five hundred to get this one started gosh look at its 14,000 for the big plant PHA kaew you wanna go you go wasting time alright oh I could buy roof decorations you get that I'm gonna go like the guns back oh my gosh I'm coming beautiful I've got my gun I'm heading out the front door okay okay I think yeah come on here so what are we looking at don't nuts up there now oh it's beautiful I said lock the door no thanks five let's go there's a guy right here and you're like side yard you shooting me we got him Oh Oh get that money okay 1,100 oh yeah there anyone else is anyone else around there's like two guys right over here okay so I'll help you shoot them but don't shoot me it's just like unlimited yeah I think we have an infinite amount do it oh my god grab that money you're doing so good really so much money I'll get the guy who left you get there and the riot oh no I'm really fill up your ammo again when you run out how do we do that it just doesn't automatically we try to shoot okay almost got this guy's well they're dropping so much oh so good Oh get that one Oh Juna grab his bunny 1600 Chet you already have 11,000 on you there's someone right over here oh I got your back oh he's not a cool-looking weapon well maybe he'll drop it I can't believe he's not a weapon before when you killed one of the dudes dropped over a thousand getting so much money Oh other guy over here okay I'm stabbing him I'm gonna die from you Broadway's another 12 wait there's a guy hiding behind the tree over here there is oh that's so creepy gotta get that creepy man I think that's gonna be mm oh oh can I see it okay let me see oh my gosh it looks amazing oh this guy he's macula get him with the ax it's a cool weapon oh that is sick wait you dropped another ass I want it can I give it no kill them and I'll pick up his ass okay that way we can work together with our axes now okay no back up oh I'll get the did he drop it no I don't think you even had he's like respawning over and over again you're like farming this guy you're so rich now you're just gonna stand here we're just gonna keep killing no you have to go back you're gonna be able to build half your other shop now you have so much money so exciting so we have to go back quickly all right let's go and then maybe we'll fight who is that cool you're something right there what are they doing oh oh I think it's a fan oh don't shoot that just BAM boom no don't do anything oh don't kill him guess how much money we have we've got 30,000 Oh 45,000 oh Jenny okay we have to order the second place get the conveyor belt go away go at me just put this sword down so it looks so scary I know you're very intimidating so we've got new walls another rose no we need like two conveyor belts so we can get more money get this one over here Oh dole mixture till mixture this is my guess look at it oh my god it's gorgeous Oh let's get the second one oh okay we can get the cutting machine oh this is perfect still Jen you're gonna be so rich now sugar glaze oh look at the door that's now oh there's something over here two under that's walls so my gosh the sprinkles machine we need that okay guys I saved a ton of money so we're gonna be able to buy a bunch of stuff let's do it let's do it in saw the sprinkle machine and then oh another beaker jam how gorgeous these doughnuts are I know these are the nicest ones so yeah I need another Baker so we can make even more money so we talked to it um I think we've talked to it off acres and then wait what is this over here oh that's the glass door how big this building is I know how do we unlock the next stop I don't know do you think there's gonna be another building on the other side to you maybe but yet come here I think you forgot your trophy oh my gosh another trophy oh my god I can't wait to see what this one looks like my favorite look at it beautiful so now look now we decide the next conveyer belt 5000 how do this we have to see how much money is coming in this is gonna be so sick I feel like every daughter gets better and better all right we need do you're gonna run out of money really soon chocolate glazed machine sprinkled machine sprinkle machine and the next Baker oh that gen next doughnut trophy right now yes yes yes Oh hit that let's see what it looks like oh it's beautiful oh so looks like you have another conveyor belt you can buy right here now we need to go back and see how quick your money's coming in I feel like this is the biggest donut factory thing like the entire world we really need to buy more walls and like the decorations and stuff so right now you have 33,000 but it is coming in super fast sooner you have millions of gold we before we buy like and decorations let's get all the stuff that gives us money oh yeah I think that's the most important stuff so we butch ed what what about the big plan no we have to wait it's a big one oh it's a big one all right well they'll do it all right the matter how big this is gonna be how big is this gonna be it's good if you got this whole spa 14,000 must be huge whoa it's beautiful gosh gorgeous look there's flowers and like a tree and you didn't want this it's beautiful can we actually afford anything now you have 21,000 it's not a week ever it was totally worth it's 20,000 for the next thing budget you could buy the plant decorations in the corner oh look you got this totally worth it okay guys we have a over a hundred thousand that came in but I have an idea you're gonna spend money no you know what we're gonna do what are we doing another hundred thousand that way we have so much money oh I actually have an even better idea we buy five hundred thousand I was gonna say give the big four the energy drinks now Oh we bought some robach so that we can do this and we need to do exactly so I'm thinking he's gonna work faster and really have more money oh okay I hope why did you do it you did it okay step on this see if it does anything oh there we go look use energy drinks are right there Oh oh this is perfect well my god it's awesome no we can do this for all them now long okay let's do it for everyone so we can just go over to our other area we're probably their money like way quicker now because I'm more stuff we have so much money so in here we have two more energy drinks I think to buy this one over here right over here all right Jake drink off my friend be for Jake and then my over here for Baker bigger Wang all right Wang drink off so now look we can start installing our next dough mixer yes do it should we oh did you five hundred thousand this is the best one we both said the same thing at the same time everything this is gonna be the best one let's watch leaves there another Bajor another mmm that machine do you think there's gonna be an Eminem trophy it's gonna be Eminem donut oh my god books yeah look at this Eminem's coming down no out of money look at this look the Eminem's just about a hundred more hundred more okay I don't know you have a choice for the video is gonna be three hours long okay so hire the Baker now okay that's right over here and then after the Baker we always get the trophy oh here it is clean gives a cough energy drink look at this check really at the donut trophy made of Eminem's look at it it's also beautiful should we get a dorm things are the trophies I know it's like so exciting so give us a door wait no let's buy stuff outside you honey oh forget it okay we need the pebble pass we need the the planted closer we need we need we survived it walls not even the door no oh yeah the door it's only 15 pounds table by the door let's go by the wall oh these are entrance oh oh yeah we're trying to get like everything this place is well protected from those thieves now okay now we need to buy the walls I think we almost finished this building we have to see if there's another building that starts after this one there's gonna be one on the other side so there's weapon givers I don't think those aren't too important because we're not gonna probably kill any more of the thieves okay now I can come oh I can't complete the walls Nietzche go get my money oh you should have a lot of money now no no no hello oh that is perfect this is sweet I will meet you over there I wish I could help you and I wish I could step on it for you complete was only 16,000 you have a hundred and forty thousand this is so exciting oh we're ceiling yeah we need a ceiling knowing you delight oh where are the lights oh they're over here okay twenty-five thousand three wires other laser engines just six thousands and then this is 25 okay oh it looks perfect wait there's so much stuff over here so those are the other ones yeah we don't need those I don't think we can they're cheap though should we get him just get everything we get the mad murderers knife should we grab list oh look at that one there's another one Oh rainbow magic what the magic carpet weed this one's awesome blowing don't kill me I'm just gonna hold on to this one okay guys we have so much money now Pat we need to get our magic carpet right now let's go but looking over here we can buy the next land expansion I'm already on my way to my car bed oh man I think you have the best Dora Factory on the server jet so dude this looks amazing it's only 24 and a half thousand to get the rainbow magic carpet and then you're gonna have that thing hey man I think this the whole room is complete oh I will stab you this jet killed me like five times are waiting deadly wait there's also a laser gun giver oh hey I'm gonna grip I took it sorry no I didn't you got it you have it okay alright so just get in there oh yeah god yeah I also love this literally wrap it with your bare hands [Applause] [Music] feel like I'm so slow down I'll be there a little bit okay I bought the next expansion yeah I'll be there in two minutes you go really quick we are they all right get the floor for us at least oh yeah we need the floor we need the conveyor belt so at least when we get the conveyor belts we get so much more money dough mixture oh it's pink I love it this is what you've been waiting for gorgeous maybe we'll have a pink doughnut or a pink man oh man you're going through the money so quick now go so quick strawberry glaze machine yes we're gonna get a pink there it is beautiful no just by 200,000 okay if we don't bet it will take years we try not to begin to along all right here we go we're gonna buy the Baker oh look there it is crazy Oh Jen get the energy drinks doughnut trophy oh my god couldn't get better though cuz we have more to make don't we yes that means like two more conveyor belt right over here okay we're gonna find out very soon what kind of donut this is and that donut mixture oh that might actually be cool okay let's see what this is stove yes the blueberry glaze machine oh it's gonna be cool to be like a pink one of the blue one right next to each other Arnie ran out of money we have to go back but I know now that you're getting money extremely fast so Chet you're actually at about 200 more thousand you've made in that time oh that's amazing okay I'm struggling with open you have a weapon in your hand oh there we go you're looking shooting it comes grab all of your wonderful body and then we will head out there yes okay here we go so you got about almost 200,000 more and now we can work on the next one you just bought something accidentally you put big plans make for like 40 bath set it's nice you need many ways okay then the Baker let's look a see that blue hair 70,000 Oh a blue hair blue hair I get some energy drinks getting so much better and then the trophy Jan you doughnut oh man beautiful so now these are seriously more than this so we can fit over here okay guys the our bouncer has 1 million dollars that is how successful our donut shop has been all right let's go on a complete shopping spree I don't because look this area's by the hedges for 30,000 oh it looks a lot better so much so we need to see what the next door Mnet's even are there's a glass arch gay yes I want that oh my god is beautiful this place is get so good we're gonna run out of a million dollars so fast this is the next one yet right here okay conveyor belts oh yeah buy that so what can this one even be so expensive maybe rainbow Oh rainbow am i right I think though Oh second don't make sure oh my gosh they're just getting better and better every single time stove we're gonna know right now okay bye candy the candy oh look at the little machine oh my gosh look at all the candy coming out no beautiful and now we have Isabella Maddie drinks and now you get a candy doughnut trophy gonna be gorgeous oh my god no color that's the best one I think yeah I think this is the final one those yet the final what 100,000 to get it started Dona do you think it is your it has to be something absolutely amazing I think rainbow okay let's see so don't make sure you cannot appeal afford this daddy it's another pink one maybe it's like pink stripes oh honey machine stove popcorn cutters popcorn doughnuts beautiful oh my gosh finish this you did oh my god it's so beautiful hold on don't forget to give the energy drinks to Joe over here okay so all we need a dude we finished everything we just need to get money so we can finish the building yeah we need to buy like the wall decorations all right guys we've been working on some of the finishing touches and you will not believe how gorgeous this is look at it I know it's amazing beautiful we had to put the donuts on every single building check cooked in the middle and I also bought this beautiful glass archway so should we show the plants in the back um no look it's like nothing it's six hundred thousand cash to collect I think we might have enough stuff to finish everything we're getting money so back look at this look we built this I know it looks so good beautiful there's never gonna be any thieves getting in here now so grab that to this building we got the walls we got the roof we finished off like these little things over here like the Segway yes oh let me get a Segway oh I want to get on my magic carpet okay let's go oh no I can't move I'm stuck oh so this will give us something completely random let's do this I already did it oh I got a very ugly looking on wood sword yeah that is my luck let me do it okay I have really bad luck with everything here I received Harry Potter's cave really quick now we are you invisible no I thought maybe you was really quick I'm just really fast okay we need the epic katana you grab that when you deserve it beautiful Oh kill that guy no he's my friend it's like that or PG so that's an exclusive I can run fast yet oh my god let's go kill a thief oh okay finish fast me oh no wait we have to buy a whole bunch of stuff out here so we need to plant decor and we need the pebblepad let me just get this out of my hand before I kill everyone oh you really well this is beautiful look at the roof Oh oh my god this is the best one no gorgeous this is so sick this is definitely my one so you got two more to go he just killed you I'll kill him I miss oh don't worry I'll avenge you he said oh my god I am so sorry now I'm shooting it with a rock don't shoot him I'm sorry okay I will soon in this bag so you can finish up now let me just get this let me draw I need anyways I know it's so beautiful okay so now what else do we need to buy so we need to plan the core in the pebble path plant the core than the pebble path and now we have to try to kill one of these guys let's go so look at that guy dancing over there I'm gonna blow boss oh I don't know why it went that direction it is so beautiful how do you get really close to him how do I hit in that direction sir I can't do it you're doing oh oh my god that is violent jet this is the best view of your daughter factory from here we created this is a masterpiece you just give birth I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did be sure to leave a like also don't forget to subscribe and ring that Bell I hope you guys sorry I finally hit something I hope you guys do not have a bad day yeah you saved yourself I love you so much and I'll see you next time peace out dudes [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GamingWithJen
Views: 3,571,554
Rating: 4.8593001 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, game, games, gameplay, simulator, tycoon, funny, moments, lets play, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, donut story, minigames, mini-game, mini games, cute, girly, couple, fun, pat and jen, kid friendly, challenge, roblox donut story tycoon, donut store, donut buisness, noob, vs, pro, pink donut, rainbow donut, sprinkles, candy, m&ms, hacker, secret, store, opening, money, roblox games, roblox fun games, roleplay, donut story tycoon, donut story simulator, donut story obby, bandits, weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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