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hello hello excuse me ooping oh why did you call me then um that's exact reason I called you [Music] here what's going on dudes it's pan welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys so you might be wondering Chet why are we actually outside right now why are we outside right now well today we are taking a look at a brand new furniture mod and some of the decorations are actually for outside I don't know why the furniture just makes me really happy inside it's it's so weird if it was up to be we'd have like nothing in our house except for a chair at the computer um so anyways Jenna what do you always want for our yard but we can't have because there's my boot let me know outside I ain't paying me no no we can't have no your wife yeah I would want to have real life let me show you don't wouldn't judge me for it yeah everyone would judge you definitely alright so that is what you've always wanted a fence a white picket fence alright this is already dude we're gonna I'm gonna actually half of this for you so we have a bunch of picket fences and we have a hedge so we could trying to make it look nice outside the house for the first time ever where should we put this one looks good I gotta be honest I'm not the best oh you fix the hole wait this actually does look pretty good doesn't let me do the other side oops wait I messed up oh I'm not in creative so I only had one piece oh I gave you everything I put it all in the chest for you oh you did and I think I protected it with the fence so that you wouldn't probably currently thank you alright you know what we actually need probably a pickaxe so I will grab pickaxes for both of us I'm assuming that's what we use if not I'm gonna grab an axe - okay all right so yeah both these so we can mess with this a bit more cuz I place it down wrong yeah break quicker looking fabulous okay it's a pickaxe to actually break it you mess it off I'm trying to figure out how to actually like places one sideways let's do it come on like a boss why do I keep messing well you know what if it wants to go this way it'll go this way all right come on all right lordy okay one of them is messed up I'll fix it for you don't worry all right thank you I just got stuck to the fence on the way you take this all right so you take this put it right there and then I think it's up to be sideways yeah there we go awesome all right and then I use the corner didn't really work no oh yeah it's harder to do the corners wait I'm putting on the hedges all right tell me how my side looks fabulous I love it wait can I like place these like right you I want to make it look bigger no badly so the hedges are actually kind of small you see how they only take up like half a block yes so we got those behind the fence I think that's what people do I don't really know these things really wow you really messed up this fence see not yet right fix it how many tries you think it takes me oh all right that's completely wrong all right this is probably the hardest part to get the angle right on the fence corners I mean that's good that's fine that's the way I did mine that's good I'll just connect it this way this is yeah people people do this pretty sure all right now feeling that gap there yeah yeah look right from here look okay kid over here for the southeast winds with the new fence hold something cool on your hand hold the bar edge all right now move your hand out of my way yes really like that perfect Cameron like you when you look like to the side hashtag fabulous fence we did it oh I mean this is harder than I thought it was gonna be stupid we head inside to decorate the house okay so that was all the outside you know pink flamingos yes oh I'm sorry yeah but there might be there's other most soon they may be soon coming I don't think they're Adam since other mods have them you know the pink flamingos all right but they're not huge oh we need a pow Big Mike seven feet tall so like the size of the iron golem yeah no he's probably seven feet tall Oh like a hundred feet Oh bigger than the house back yeah alright so here we've got chairs we've got tables we've got coffee tables every batch overs and guys definitely download a recipe mod to do this because there are so many different items in this father's recipes for every single well prove to you that is true I'll take half of these well ah the beauty of that recipe fine fine don't say anything can we dye these different colors no okay this is rustic oh all right this is get out of my house wait we need a coffee table I'm removing these things because these are garbage no pop oh my god that is your fault because you have to get rid of your things on the ground I love my carpet oh you oh okay this is better so you make a big coffee table alright and I'll handle the chairs yeah I don't think you can hand this is too big I think no it's perfect good okay it's perfect we put the chairs like face them towards the coffee table alright so I know where I have okay so I have to be facing this way you use the white ones the white ones are so on fleek those are like couches I was gonna put those in the corner okay alright wait you made this look so weird there's so many things messed up I'll just get rid of these no worries alright so I've got those perfectly now chairs right in front of the fireplace like that they're gonna get caught on fire oh they're gonna be just fine I promise you all right this is an angle you have to do it to get a perfect look of that oh yeah look at this so many chairs wait you sit in these can you send these oh my god and even though any no yes are you sure sit with me I wanna add a silver though I'm gonna put the stove over here Oh we'll go Rio and don't worry I got this alright so you're gonna do this not messing it up yeah so this make this look way better you don't know what you're doing you're angling it long you have to annual it from here Oh from there yeah do from this side okay like that yes oh my god it looks like to think we have in our game room really quick you can't rid of everything wait I have a great idea what do you do I'm gonna put the white sofas over here yes right you put them over here too I'm gonna leave this empty uh-huh I don't know I'm gonna show off on the items you done it's done but we didn't use wait no but can't be done why because we didn't use this nice table Oh never gonna need long way I need the chair now oops here we go these two chairs right yeah all right so if I go right over there poor friend get on the couches to be really quick okay it looks just like ours in real life all right I mean it you are I don't think you are though no you you're blind I'm in this chair so it looks like I'm my speedometer I'm Jan secure it looks like she's yes there's so easy all right so let's see what other rooms and I put stuff in let's check this out I don't really remember but okay there's stuff in here Chad oh there's stuff in it you see this shelf already put down a shelf oh it's nice oh there's a computer and all kinds of stuff like that oh and there's a desk all right so let's check this out we reach we grab half right oh yeah all right so I'll take 32 those lips what are you doing I'm greedy all right so I've got these as well all right so the desk is gonna go right in the middle like this it needs to be pretty big right huge wait can we make it l-shaped yeah oh let me put the chair right over like this okay I got this my angling this wrong yep that's the worst I've ever seen that's a computer I just made man it's hard work you gotta really get the perfect angle alright let me just get this yeah okay then I have to get the computer at the perfect angle which would have to be from this side of fake okay right yes wait that that looks really good looks so good do we have any other little trinkets we can put down or sell or is that about it for this battle that looks good though it's really good Oh press C to click your pen with it in your hand what does that even mean oh oh here it my pens clicking awesome alright that's pretty cool I like like small additions like that makes it more fun me too alright but that's not all this room guys we have decorations in this room as well put them on the shelf alright that was one thing that I notice in the mod it doesn't really work okay but you're gonna find out soon but we are on a shelf we've got a toy tank outside to go this we've got books in fish tanks okay so who doesn't want to look at the fish while they're on the computer yeah exactly yeah do you see any fish I think that wait a second what hold hold on not doing anything okay I'm just fixing things alright I let me just it's gonna be it's gonna be beautiful oh that totally worked no it worked Jen it worked you sound sarcastic but it totally did work alright so you put books oh that does look good it's done sort of it looks it's not wait here I'm gonna I'm not lying waiting wait chickens magical books wait don't mess with anything right now I think I have a plan and this plan is gonna work alright it's gonna work is it working yes because one nope so we're not gonna go wait what are you doing better than that one hold on I'm not done I'll be right back everybody this is take a second behold the Shelf of Legends good so guys this is what I actually had to do I have to break this wall open then I had to put some blocks race you died to angle it like perfectly to get it attached to the wall like that and now it kind of looks like the books are on the bookshelf oh and I like how you put the book here to this office is seriously improved right now it's like on fleek dude on to the next room we have to work on magic seriously this is like a person hard at work right now I know the kitchen is gonna be amazing there's so much cool stuff check this out can't wait the kitchen's really empty it needs stuff alright so in here this is what we got we've got kitchen counters a kitchen counter quarters don't forget those babies we have ovens we've got beautiful mugs and not only that there is a washing machine in here as well and some raw beef we are we cooking yeah we're cooking it works it actually does work alright so I'm grabbing all this off Jen don't write the washing machine the washing machine all right so can we wash closer than that I don't know this is the plan all right so which one is this this one is the kitchen counter I think that I angled this wrong it is really hard to angle stuffing this alright let's go to pickaxe and I think if I angle it from here right yeah that's right Oh still wearing all that wrong Chad you have to be from the sides alright let me try it let's put it right okay I have it backwards yes you do you know what let me just give me all this stuff I'm gonna do this perfectly okay alright so yes what's going like that and then we go and then like this and then I'm gonna add a corner wait let's do the corner looks like yeah oh yes oh yeah oh my god on fleek in it right now I wanna cook some beef oh this is so cool so check this out Jen you can cook so much stuff at the same time needs no fuel at all oh alright alright so you can actually put in fill this thing entirely off with beef how long does it take alright let's watch okay let's watch you watch this I'm watching watching boom so you get you have four stacks of stuff in here at the same time but only cooks one of the time boy guys keep in mind it is completely free this course you know Cole you don't have to go out into the world you could stay in your cozy house all day and play with your puffer fish legendary that is a mug for kings and queens that is a beautiful bug all right the washing machine I don't think this does anything washing machine over here all right yeah like next stuff yeah John forget it you have to angle these beautifully all right let's do this yeah all right so I think at the moment this doesn't do anything but it looks pretty cool they probably gonna have it like there needs to be a dryer to you they're really gonna have it fixed armor or something like that sexy met in a mod before it looks really nice those decorations and check it out how's the meat coming along six fresh pieces right there so cool and this is made by x industries nice I think that's the brand name apply these on Amazon guys good baddie Bay it's pretty good the mugs big bugs calm my favorite thing is awesome I love it wait this floor yeah this floor oh so we have access so we can break everything Beasley do you take every piece of floor maybe so we can actually redo this floor right now go okay sorry I'm kind of stuck down here I'm sorry bro Hey set it up for you so you can come out okay all right so all the views you just have to break all this like Abby's will show them what the floor could possibly look like okay I'm gonna start doing it all right now this is the kitchen floor right here look at this this is so much better than before honestly look ridiculous before good didn't even look like a kitchen this looks like this is beautiful this is very kitchen II looking I know when I think of a kitchen I think of Florida Bush exactly like this I had a dream last night in the floor looked just like this I was in a kitchen what I made that out just completely I think I did maybe looking good we don't have enough blocks to do the whole thing but luckily this oh it breaks really easily all right look guys I ran out it's fine just put one piece right there all right so just look at this we can have a dance party on this floor you don't dance the kitchen you might slip and fall that's too dangerous you might die you don't want to do that let's do it so how rude is this little clue this oh good wait and this isn't complete because you know what needs to happen there needs to be like it opening that you need to get my dog do you've any more mugs yeah I've got those ok put one on the floor I want to see how tall it is compared to me ok wait Stan ok ok faster wait you know you got a drink you stay hydrated right on the stuff that's left I don't really know too much about it cuz somebody seems to be maybe a little progress but we're gonna check it out fresheners in here I know that even men don't make it smell nice that's what I was thinking but there's no way to like put them down so come in here boy in the bathroom okay and I set these frames so the walls this is a super freshener so if you're like you know pooping this would be food in here good thing you've said nothing nothing nothing you don't repeat them oh I believe this is the Creator its head and we have a phone nice you always need a phone while you're sitting in the bathroom I know that's what I was thinking these are beautiful hello hello excuse me oh why did you call me then um that's exact reason I called you oh I'm gonna go now ok bye have a nice day that's what it looks like guys check it out and the face we can't put it on the round bar we can show you really put it on oh can we no sadly we can't but look at it looks pretty cool right Delhi you almost looks like he has like something wrong with one of his eyes - maybe but he has like glasses above it is that the diamond minecart that is not the diamond Melina eyepatch you see the diamond I passed you top in my car with an iPad oh yeah that's that's obviously yes but sadly guys I think that might be it for today well quickly let's look at the improvements in the house what was your favorite thing out of everything the big mug regen it cooked almost all the food ready oh wait I love this too though the oven is awesome and almonds nice because it's actually like really helpful I think I like the oven the best this looks good in here we improve this drastically all this looks amazing I think the best improvement to a room was actually the office yeah because it literally looks like it always did everything we needed I wish there were actual fish in the fish tank there was there was oh yeah it was a puffer fish your blind woman outside we did our best out here check it out dudes we got shrubs we've got beautiful fences the head in the opposite direction there probably sure but that's how cool people do it has never looked better the house is improved definitely high five high five nice way you just hit me with the creator's head just kind of scary but anyways guys sadly that is all there is to show for today I hope that you guys enjoy this video if you did or they definitely subscribed up like in the video we left link down below if you guys want to check this out make your world look completely epic that'd be cool too and we'll see you guys next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 7,241,010
Rating: 4.8836164 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft mods, minecraft, mods, mod, furniture, decorations, minecraft furniture mod, furniture mod, decorations mod, computer, chair, table, fish tank, items, crafting, showcase, mod showcase, cell phone, shelf, books, printer, couch, floor, house, home, jen's house, craft, new mods, best mods, 1.8 mod, minecraft 1.8, modded mini-game, mini-game, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, kitchem, bathroom, kitchen furniture, stove, bathroom furniture, living room, games, game, lets play, how to, tutorial
Id: LUs2oS_bPOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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