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nice morning now time for me to go home this is really fun don't you put another campfire um button is fine nothing okay [Music] [Applause] hey what's going on dudes it's Pat and welcome back to another minecraft video guys so Jen today I got to tell you we are actually going camping I have bad memories from the last time we went camping unless it's glamping no we are glamping dude we are we are glamping I even got you're glamping supplies right over there so don't worry so I put in the things I think that you would probably bring with you if you were to go camping all right so I got a pet pufferfish I get cake a real bed yeah because you couldn't sleep in a sleeping man you bring a whole bed with yous no way and a pink umbrella so when you're going camping is it gonna be fun you don't you don't sound like you want to go we have to we have to go in the woods because the red engineer made a command that makes camping epic I think you dudes are gonna love it and I will leave a link down below to his channel if you want to check it out and guys if you are new to my channel be sure to smash that subscribe button also leave a comment down below let me know you subscribe I'll try to comment upon shooters when the video goes out I reply to tons of people so feel free to say hello and I will try to reply to you but we are going camping Jen are you excited it's a little dark okay it's gonna be fun I'm not holding a human horn brain all right don't you worry about it so we're usually two different commands today one is for tents and the other one is for camping tools it is going to be completely epic so that's all you have to do we have everything set and now we're gonna head to the woods so write a horror movie I see she's following me it's a little bit dark out but it's probably to be fine so we are gonna walk over to the woods so as you know there is woods kind of a short distance away from our house we don't go there too often I don't think you should start camping in the middle of the nights no that's the perfect time no we're not ready no we are so ready don't worry this is what true professionals head into the woods it's in the middle of the night so like the moon is out it's beautiful that's when you set up tents it is gorgeous okay so I blue moons in I did not walk into a tree I'm not good at camping I can't even walk properly all right so right over here so this is gonna be beautiful check it out dudes first thing we're making is a tent so that we could actually camp we need can we have a pink attempts I can't tell you okay okay so we need 12 white banners in ten string you know what I bet you oh no what if the command block thing is too far away move it to the woods whoa let me see if that was the issue but that down and then how many did I say this and it was ten okay so I put down 10 of these what am I doing wrong dude this is what you do you take 12 web banners and you take 10 shrink you don't know what the recipe is yes I do that is the recipe all right dudes we are back there's good news and there's bad news the good news is I knew the recipe of the entire time Jan and the bad news is somehow I managed to install the camping tools mod twice and never installed the tap mod all right here we go so we need 12 white banners in ten string and boom I got nervous my heart skip to be okay so we need to put this down we have this gorgeous area right here you know I'm gonna give it to you you put it down okay so put this wherever you think is gonna be perfect why won't it okay there we go I'm gonna put it right here are you in it yeah so the entrance is right over here already big it digs down into the ground so there's more room to enjoy all right let's put down our beds all right no don't put down the beds oh okay are you real bad at it yes it's really trying hard to clamp in touch it wait till we get to that part don't worry that is actually a sweet-looking Ted and walking to another tree actually stupid tree get rid of this string so this is the TAT right here you put it down in the wrong direction I want the opening to be facing the roses oh let me show you how to get rid of it I actually know what I'm doing over here okay okay so to break this one you have to bring the block on the left side of it and boom it comes right up just like that so what we can do is we can obviously you know take some more grass or dirt and put it back down so pretty simple to get rid of this one if you need to but I guess Jen is going to try to face it in the opposite right you should just do it okay so I put it right here yes I think no matter what it faces in that direction okay so this is our tent but this is where things get really cool you're asking about something before were you Jan I was about the colors oh yeah can we turn the pink all right why don't I just I'll throw you over a color why don't you try something out okay okay and by the way you can multi color in do I just throw weight on it like this yeah you do Oh see how you hit one part with it so you have to hit every part of it to turn it a certain color all right I'm actually gonna help you out do you think you like an hour all right so check it out the whole tent is now blue and Jen got the final corner over there actually there's a couple more spots with multi-coloured do you want to do that yeah I wanted to have like an ombre effect okay so we can get magento we can get pink why don't I just give you some of the colors will bull throw them on my crazy okay all right you take those two colors thank you it I am going to take all the other clothes it was our school all right wait put magenta on the bottom of it there's no way this is gonna work out right okay plus it's a little bit laggy so it kind of takes a second for everything to load in and then put the lighter pink on top oh I already started doing red no no red Oh gorgeous look at this this looks so cool wait Jen get pink random outer brim again and then get the purple on the side it would look so cool okay all right yeah just like that purple right there oh wait what don't touch anything I think it's stored up it's really good except for this weird corner right here further red I'm gonna change that hood oh no no no what color we changing it's you we're you to paint yes me I so now everything's magenta and blue all right let me fix this one over here there's like one color it doesn't want to change ou can change it to pink you know oh wait here we go this is looking marvelous we had a bit it was beautiful multicolored you know what I'm gonna have my own camping spot I don't want to camp with you anymore I'm having my own tent over here okay good enough it you know it's too good for me I think that's the problem all right so I need to get like a combination of colors to make this beautiful all right go for it it's actually not that easy to do all right yeah purple right there this is so hard to get the colors you want you know you're probably better off doing it how Jen's doing it just smearing one color everywhere all right dudes we are back and now you guys are going to be voting in the comments on who has the best ten it took you like an hour to make your tip well it's fabulous okay all right no it'll yours first okay Jen's is just a beautiful pink tent she changed everything about it that I put on it originally so from the inside oh no one of my boxes or oh no I need more purple diet okay it doesn't quickly grab this it's just a small issue I wouldn't worry about it okay all right in there you need to get it perfectly just so you guys though it's really hard to fix your tent when there's an issue so this is jazz right here perfectly pink so you'll if you think Jed's are the best you type it hash tag perfectly pink all right let's check out you in mine you can see I have blue on the sides followed by a red sideways thing no I and then the rest is purple to the entrance it kinda looks like a circus tag this what I was going for me trying it told me you were trying to insult me look I was going for um if you think mine is for the best hashtag circus power movie miss brilliance it is beautiful so we both have our own tents were finally set up to glam oh we need to fill up at the tail we need sleeping stuff oh why don't you just put in your real bad job okay I'll just put it down we know that this how Jen would do it if she went camping also it's like one giant absolutely beautiful oh yeah you could do this just one one there we go this is wonderful now you're gonna be really cozy oh by the way on what you can do the rand engineer show this off if you wanted no mobs can get you if you put some gates right there like that yeah yeah so that way you can just go in and go out whenever you want do we can we get a campfire wait oh the sun's coming up there's a zombie like right behind us oh by the way since we're not much of campers it's probably best we set off at night so when it's daytime we could leave all right next up this is what we got dudes we have get ready for this or campfire like Jen requested yeah so what we need is for cobble soda at eight sticks almost a TNT and then you get a campfire where should we put this are you coming out no so we have a little campfire over here if you see it so what we can do is we capable by it what you can do is you can grab coal all you have to do is throw down a piece of coal into it check it out okay and then it starts the fire all right so why don't you just go into it see what happens I it burns so good the fire you're gonna start a forest fire what you doing wrecking the whole area know how to camp do you okay let me just show you something completely epic right now Jen what you could do is you could take a potato and get ready look at this I'm gonna give the potato you actually are you gonna cook it I want you to throw a potato onto the fire you can make potato skewers yes we could do that here we go I throw it out look it's wait if I threw a pig on it would it cook the pig the whole pig yeah no okay that's also horrible so after a while this will become a baked potato and stolen yeah yeah look fresh baked potato Jeb you kind of spread the fire oh my bad so these leaders what you can do is you can throw um potatoes on and you can cook them and also with a bucket of water I believe that is how you put this out so I think you literally do you throw it out I'm nervous chef's throw it literally yes it's gone don't you campfire is fine I may have like all right guys we are back once again we found a brand new camping spot that Janice making look amazing all right let me cook a potato for us before we get on to the next item with Chad there's a problem did you put all these beds in here where are we gonna put our sleeping bags we'll check it out you can make sleeping bags if you want to guys it was gonna be a string and three brown wool like that and boom oh where should I put my pink umbrella all right so apparently Jenn's gonna sleep in there but I'm gonna sleep out here like right here no you can sleep in here with me there's plenty room come in here I need to show you the sleeping bag come over here okay so now you actually have it perfect in here but Chad we need to check this out this is amazing what I'm gonna show you okay alright so right now if you look at the sky look on my screen really quick okay so the moon it's going like kind of slow right yes if you get into a sleeping bag it's gonna speed up time so get in the sleeping bag with me oh okay all right so we're gonna look up at the stars looking up all right we're waiting for the mood to cross by how quickly it's going so night goes by super quick so it's kind of like you're sleeping that's really cool because the truth is you can't really sleep in a sleeping bag because it's all four so you kind of sleep five minutes out of have it wake up and it moves slightly so right there it is going by I'm not a camping person either really cool and look at our bodies it's like we're actually in the sleeping bag go back in the house it's funny because I absolutely love hiking but I don't like camping some afraid the bugs will get me alright anyway so you need to tend to the fire at all time oh no nothing bears oh there we go okay so this is completely epic we're making a lantern that looks beautiful we need five blasts and you need a magma block so you just take those you toss them down like that and boom you have a camping lantern city scores where do you want this beautiful thing I was doing cookies right over here alright right here right there okay look at that look how decorative it looks so pretty so as you could tell it makes it super light an area like it's so much brighter let's say it's really dark wanna go into this with me come in here Chad we're going in okay we're going in what do you even go you're saying no but you don't even know where I am behind you I really go into this and look at the lamp it's beautiful now wonderful alright let's leave this horrible thing I'm gonna do that is all there is to show with this command they're both amazing I hope that you guys enjoyed the video if you did be sure to smash that subscribe button and also leave a comment down below right now we are going to bed because we can't pay goodnight goodnight all of you in I'll try to reply to you guys hope you have time to go home anyways guys we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 8,390,025
Rating: 4.8788757 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, camping, camping mod, custom command, one command block, 1.10, 1.11, mod showcase, modded mini-games, minecraft trolling, crafting, items, tent, campfire, food, lantern, sleeping bag, craft, camping command, custom map
Id: gcnF4idGj7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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