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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what's up dudes it's Patton welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys so today dudes we are recording like super super late at night we're trying to get some videos done for you before our trip where we are leaving for I think like two weeks to see Craner and tia and we're going all over the world it's gonna be really weird awesome and to do that Chad we would need a great profession wouldn't wait yes we would um do you know one Liz oh we're gonna be the the archaeologist okay we're not going to Egypt Oh travel agents oh you got it right today guys okay you know every episode of the series we become a different profession today the most exciting profession of all time were travel agents actually the archaeologists must travel age I got mixed up alright there's really really different from each other just let you know and also travel agent it would be the most boring thing I think in the world they go on a computer they go on Google and they type in trip to and then they type in the name today we're not doing that yet what are you doing I'm actually scared to let you know what leave it is just tell me all right you're gonna be a pilot no yeah you're driving it's really it's a horrible idea are you a pilot oh I thought maybe you could be the stewardess oh no so I think this is our house dog will not house we have like an apartment in the city once again we always live in a new area like a club comes filled new except for episode but on this is maybe I love kotas guys let me link down below to this channel if you do that you'll be sure to smash that subscribe button be sure to take your hand and fly it right over to that like button and that subscribe button and hit it that would be absolutely amazing but today we really need to figure out what we even need to do in this room okay lead the way Chad okay so we go wellhow why do you think I know the way I don't know you let you cleaned it how are we going the bathroom oh here's the kitchen I'm trying to figure how to even start the mouth there's a bun over here we Jed we have actual pink stuff in the kitchen did you notice that yeah we do that was brown it's not brown pink you're soaked literally stand next to it it's the same color skin color is literally the color of my skin no it's for your skin nice TV over here our foosball table and you have the creepiest like little cuckoo clock no wait like a bad about it all right we got our music we've got a game room over here oh the stuff I found I found a stop by it oh okay well yeah wait what's in here the whole thing I was asking about was how to start in the mouth okay so we start over there oh wait one check it out my weight room really quick all right oh we're a junior there's nothing like little kids firefighters ninja warriors and we are certified clouds you've always been a certified cloud okay let's back up this button and let's get this started let's go to our pilot training course I can't believe we're going to fly a plane alright okay we're going where we going alright we have to leave we have to get in the old elevator and are you ready jabbing yeah I'm ready okay let me get one it are you right next to you oh oh you're floating get down on the ground okay oh I want to see if you go like flying an elevator no we're driving today oh this is the most exciting part what is it oh there are little cars ooh okay okay so it looks like there's only one so I'm gonna drive oh no wait I got in the wrong no that's the right that wait no it's one of those you know it's like God like we're in England all right okay yeah London Eye there you all right here we here we go this is why I don't drive in real life this literally that's not even the right direction all right okay all right you took a right turn when is the compass says to go left okay look yeah yes you will see in a five shot all right comes a big drop what is that flying the circle they call the Lord no we don't want you going too crazy right we are going straight oh no but those circles are things you have to fly through oh no wait I think it's this way what do you what are you doing we're like a New York City or something how did you even find a wood all right okay get back up here which side of the road to be dryline I at the right side I think we're in the United States all right you crashed me into the place so we're thinking yeah we're at the airport oh yeah that makes sense oh please sit over here oh yeah this must be it Oh training lesson one oh my Wow there's actuals oh there's a clown here nice of you two to join us grab a seat we will be starting with a task I like to sit in the back row next to the clown so to see it's actually three clowns here all right what do we just wait I think we just wait maybe okay poppy off you know please I'm gonna copy off the cloud he looks really smart okay I'm just gonna go talk to Evan wait I haven't no we have a test Oh oh we're supposed to take this test right now oh man I'm failing pilot training test need fury did that already on the following pages you have to select the correct answer you get a grade out of 400 okay well how many in five hours do you need to have to have to be logged in orders okay you can't even read how many inflate hours you need to have logged in in order to a pilot okay that's pretty obvious mm how do we answer I really don't know oh I clicked it oh maybe I'm gonna go 1,500 you got it right I got it wrong would you go with all right what did they say on your screen that is right I know it all right so said mine was wrong we know that's what I said okay all right the next one is what are some common terms for pilots okay a board in a drift oh my god is not a stern and bow I think that's like a ship on pitch and yaw and stern and bow okay I'm thinking either buck and Oh although those sound like dears maybe it's the pitch in y'all all right I got it wrong again I'm getting everything wrong yeah I got it right it's the pigeon y'all why do you know so much about this what the heck is a pigeon y'all I said it was a born and adrift but that sounds like a actually changed seats your plane is nose-diving what do you do what does that mean okay I know what that actually is jump out push forward on the yoke thank you turn the engine off pull up on the yoke the steering wheel I know that one yes no wait I'm assuming you don't just jump out uh-huh but you're not sure I'm gonna cross that off the list okay you're thinking this through this like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire turn the engine off I'm gonna say no to that so you because wouldn't that crash the plane I probably would okay so that's know so far you're actually doing good push forward on the yoke or pull up the yoke all right come on this is obvious you've seen in movies I have yeah you've seen it whatever it's called nose-diving oh I think you you pushed forward did you do that I don't know I was expecting more of a reaction so I think it's actually deep oh okay yeah of course it's deep because if you were to push forward it would just crash even further down okay and the final one if you crash a plane directly on a border of the USA in Canada where do you bury the survivors you don't can't let its obvious USA Canela is too cold or useless okay I think if you crash a plane directly on border this is a real like thing where do you bury the survivors think about this is this literally a thing all right so what I'm thinking I think can you split them up Oh between both I honestly think it's the ground is so hard and Canada from the cold be very firm in the US did you got it did you get it oh I got it wrong oh because they survived why would you bury the survivors why would you bury the survivors they serve I'm 25 u.s. 75% does that mean I pass yes as you go to training - I don't 25 I have no idea am i dead loose I guess you open it for us okay don't worry I think I did good all right so you're fine you're going to drive the plane all right let's number two's flight simulator we don't want you hurting yourself or more importantly crashing our million-dollar planes so we are starting you out on remote control planes take the manual from the chest it will show you how to fly when you are done this training with Martin Lucas just spell things wrong he's forgetting words Jen you are done with this training when you are done with this training you may move on to the final training I'm trying to think that new but you're not him fly train yeah okay so wait what are we doing all right we're doing flight training so yeah there's the plane manual in here that's probably pretty important okay I'm gonna read that out loud to both of us so we know what to do what right click on the remote control airplane you can see a red cloud appear when the plane turns on now take your remote control in your hand and right click on it standing away from the remote control I've already I already lost me read that again three click f5 until you are in the planes view use wsad keys to move forward in turn use your other hand I'm arrow keys to control the pitch and roll come on man we'll leave down W to move forward hold down the down arrow key to liftoff if you see smoke coming out of your plate then you have damaged the plane too much and it will not take off again breaking the plane and grab a new one from the trash gonna wing it all right I'm just gonna click that no click right there put that down how did you put down you just put mine disappeared it is wait mines gone ok just use another one you have three ok so oh there we go and then f5 ok wait how do you do I literally don't know how to do it I have it on the ground all right take your remote control in your hand and right click on it stand it away from the plane ok yeah I did that it makes like a beeping noise yeah got that part down so oh oh yeah it's doing something oh okay mine's going oh ok wait Oh a minutes I mean it's whew how do I make it how do I make it takeoff up arrowkey how did you make it go like that oh my god down arrow key makes it go off oh my god okay so how did you make it like start going um I have no idea alright practicing a little bit and now we are both professionals at flying the plane I wouldn't say that I haven't even been able to get it off the ground I've been trying for like it out alright get off the ground okay I'm just watching it off the ground okay so let me just press the start button okay this is fun to watch to do it let's make some funny wait it's going oh is it going I heard it did you a noise a movie oh wait I think it's going wait wait let me am i sorry we get in there wait let me see if I can get in mind going it's not that easy alright okay alright and go alright you need to hit W to make it go that's important oh oh yeah you're right oh what's going well here we go what do I do now alright this is never happy hit the bottom right it's fine we have to go towards where we need to go in Oh 360 I'm in a tree oh you're not supposed to be in a string I'm supposed to get into wait are we supposed to go through the rings you're that's never gonna happen I have not gotten into one ring go Oh God everything's fine I knew oh we I really need to get to where I need to go what happens if we can't do this but maybe if we can just get to like the ending area we've been going we were going on for a while now [Music] no did I win I think you lost how do you win this one hey what have you completed it so hard alright now that you know what to do it why sits on the ground ok turn them up beyond get this day then it W and then here fine oh yeah yeah it's going going up wait so let me get that speed going let's get some bow really confused cuz like the controls are out opposite I know it's fine oh please all that man Ryan over here oh god it's really bad wait doing it all right just go go just this way okay yeah yeah I'm doing pretty good pretty good if you think there's a paint plane over here wait really yeah there is if you can get through like one ring I'll consider you a professional when welcome said they saw did he think we'd actually be able to control would have no idea just like laughs as he watches these things might go 3-1 oh wait I'm gonna land over here wait I'm going in in the woods oh I'm gonna win I'm still flying wait there's like a giant mountain over here I'm landing does it at least count if I actually am going in the right direction you need go in the right direction if you're in a mountain all right dudes I did get the plane exactly where it needed to go I landed it right where the planes weren't I'm pretty sure and that was the ending plan I didn't actually make it through any circles at all that's okay we at least like flew it in there I want no I gotta go back oh I need to get it through one okay maybe you could get it through the first one all right these are all broken plates we have a couple left over here I just need just one come on come on come on okay next one oh wait yeah you need to be able up a little bit you're too far down I'm gonna just get there Eddie any of them can wait you know what I think it is I'm end up too far down every time I need to be a little too high at the top yeah maybe a little higher all right I'm just gonna get oh oh that was close okay I'm just gonna get a little too high net turn you're getting really good at like actually controlling it so anything oh come on I'm gonna get you guys I refuse literally refuse to end this video and to go to the next area if I have not passed the flight simulator I mean mu and missile alright I mean there's really only one important thing that's to get through this wait wait you're close to it oh I'll County that's Garrard County on it you at least touch the staircase now that now back now it's done all right on to flight training three okay we're gonna be the response here we go okay look like the real deal no we are the real deal you have confidence that we were flying around those millions of people do you remember that guy who like dressed up as a pilot he wasn't even a pilot he just walks on the plane and like started driving the plane and no any any questions because he looked like a pilot oh yeah it was my uncle friend yeah he was weird that guy was weird all right now that we look like pilots we should be pretty good at this and I think we actually have to drive the real plane since this is the area that I landed mine in multiple times by the way guys the pink one I had like four different planes land here so I successfully passed this course four times okay choose your stats color one color each please or I will choose blue and I choose pink all right this will show you how many rings you fly through oh so the rings were mostly for the big planes right oh okay oh thank gosh to control the plan use WASD keys to move the plane hold up to move the plant floor do a and to do a slight incline to increase altitude a lot more hold space decrease out too quickly hold down arrow key in this from what I remember it's quite a bit easier than the other thing okay good alright we ever like a time going we didn't get the planes yet there's a tie oh oh no time for your final lesson if you can please the course in under 100 seconds and fly through at least 15 of the Rings you will get your pilot we're not gonna do this we're gonna make this okay hop in your plate and once you pass through the blue light beams your time will start pass through the red ones to finish the race okay so right now I guess it's gonna reset our time once you go through those beams yeah hope so so we have a hundred seconds to go through 15 there's no way we're not gonna make it dude alright guys I need to reset the timer over here and we are gonna try in this race we already tried it once but we realized the timer was wrong so it didn't make any sense and now at least we have some practice okay are you ready okay go go alright so what I need to do then you book how do you do this again yeah look I'm gonna get to 15 okay to try to make it there I think I'm gonna get through this first one all right I got one I don't really miss the same okay all right okay how do i how do I do this boom oh no this doesn't seem right this is a rocket um there's literally no way we're gonna pass this today I'm just like I'm letting you know right now we just don't have the skills we don't possess them I made it through one at least yeah turn-turn why this absolutely untalented at this it's like unbelievable how little my talent is I got three of them wait really yeah I have one I got the first one oh no - but it was backwards it didn't count I kind of landed somewhere all right we'll get back in the air me sometime all right I'm counting that it's - I don't really care what anyone says okay wait why is it the way down we I think I'm not a fuel or something why I refueled your flame not move it into anything that it's supposed to go is him we don't how you're so talented at that you come to me you me up again all right okay come on there it is all right in my are you you're watching me right yes am I better or worse than you you're worse no I'm not I'm very good at this I think you're getting too many keys I'm have to keep it steady I'm trying all right as I'm resetting this all once again because I am horrible at this this time I'm gonna drive the couch me chair I'm doing right now don't forgot how to use this how do I could do it again all right you got this I'm gonna win with this chair easier okay I got the first one oh me too this is so much easier that plane is so hard to drive it is yes way easier all right all right oh my god I've got two points okay me too what'd you do yeah you oh go down go down go down come on I have three now I should have had three but it didn't make the noise so I hit the side of it but I did end up going through it okay good wait that's gonna be four oh my god this is so much easier than the plane I really want to buy one of these in real life oh yeah I'm gonna get four now - I'm gonna get four let's go come on share I've never seen a flying I don't it is absolutely fabulous okay I got five I just need 10 more oh I hit five - oh my god we totally got this all right and I'm actually flying at a decent speed I have so much more control in this I literally cannot control the plane at all all right I'm not gonna do that save a chair seven seven right behind Jen you get a little bit lower for this one man you're so good at this unbelievable it's wait it didn't make the noise or you have to get through it perfectly or sometimes it doesn't work okay I can't for that one all right okay keep going I'm sure there's plenty I'm sure there's way more than 15 anyway it's not like exactly 15 don't be horrible didn't make it again oh I'm so sorry it's so bad I made it for me I think I'm about to hit 1000 we got that one oh Ken oh my god oh my god this is even still gonna be hard to make it a hundred seconds all right oh my god no easy that is with a chair okay and it's well I believe and then over here is gonna be number 13 seriously I don't know if I'm gonna hit 15 looks so funny boom oh yeah oh my god I'm so nervous I'm so nervous right now Chad oh my gosh well you know a few seconds let's get the final one I'm pretty sure that was 15 oh good oh my god oh my god okay can we just say I did it too um cuz I made it through all of them it just didn't count on oh yeah I counted for you oh so this actually so we weren't supposed to find a little plane through this because this is supposed to bring us all the way back to the beginning over here no wonder it was impossible to fly that little thing I'm stuck in my voice I gave you a full tank that time all right you see the fly through the last one I don't know how to go down in it it's about the issue a little bit more down there and then yeah there we go through the red and oh we not good enough I did complete this course I counted all you need to get back with an auto seconds way maybe that did it what no you didn't play the course in 100 seconds yes what's wrong with you [Music] alright guys a lot of time has passed and you should have seen on your screen I literally completed it with the plane I asked love Cubs he didn't even know that it was I mean I said it with the chair he didn't even know that it was possible to complete it with the chair and he created the map I have done it Jen did it with the pink plane it took her a couple more tries but we have our junior pilot certificate it took us so long I do not think we should ever ever be pilots like I wanna get in this plane I think that that counts as being a pilot you literally we're flying a chair that's like the same thing can I fly this big plane um no okay this is what we're gonna have to ride right in this movie yeah when we have it like we're gonna be flying around like a hundred people no I don't think we deserve these no like I don't even know we should never be pilots no but you look kill everyone no this is safe you should go back to clown school I'm a junior pilot I don't know if that's a good thing my dudes the video is over I hope you guys enjoyed if you did definitely smash that subscribe button also smash that like button as well let us know what profession we should try to get next time come up with something cool maybe something easier this really they take us like two hours whole hair dresser really mad if I I think I can make that happen I don't know how love comes we'll come up with an idea it'll be so hard for him to make that I might actually have it I think you can do it I might have you be awesome I might have them do it just to see if you can do it but um yeah guys hope you have an amazing day thank you for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 2,242,569
Rating: 4.8828626 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, pilot, planes, we become pilots, school, pilot school, flying a plane, obstacle course, minecraft mods, modded mini-game, minecraft planes, vehicles, car, airplane, driving, custom map, city, armor, training, race
Id: mbFHRH50hAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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