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what is up you guys welcome back to another video today we're opening this bad boy if you guys have not seen this series the card is gonna be right here we found this safe in the back of Chris's house and now today we're finally gonna open it we got a crowbar we got a torch now if you don't want to watch this whole video down in the description there will be timestamps of all the main things that happen so if you wanted to skip through it go ahead click those down below but guys we're gonna open this thing we don't know what the heck is gonna be in here but we cannot wait to open it so let's do this thing so guys we found this in my canal if you guys if you'd go back and watch the videos you'll see everything but we actually found this thing in the canal under water she's a heavy she's a heavy one definitely stuff three things three objectives we're gonna try to toss it around a little bit to get this shell off first ejectives to get this shell off right here so your semester and then torch and crowbar we'll finish it off and we're gonna finally see what is inside of this thing I have no idea what's gonna be in here should we do it you want to throw you want me to do it alright good try toss it up let's get that shell loose a little bit you know I'm sorry I'm gonna try to get it right on the head okay yeah alright get in there so so this stuff all in here is this the sand looking so that's cement that shells the whole thing yeah and we got to remove that shell first in order to get into just the box we just want to see the actual lockbox so I think we loosen it up pretty good what do you think yeah it's more shot let's get this show off correct the shell of the chrome Oh give it a few guys let me let me remove this uh this uh thing Tommy Ripper alright guys here we go we're starting right now get out see if you can pick it up yeah yeah leave it like that leave it like that huh well we got the top I think it's the bottom it's the bottom it's definitely the bottom get the crowbar into the bottom okay how's it looking dude it's the bottom view that is that is tight get that crowbar in there yes nice oh come on Chris oh oh come on oh dude your actions got it you almost got it almost got you almost got it keep yeah damn it oh you got it it's out its out chew it off that's disgusting the trusty crowbar it's rusty step one is done what's in there step one just see isn't she she as you guys can see just this is just the shell and the cement-covered the shell to make it you know more protective more heavy and that was the first objective get the shell off now we got the real now we have what's inside are you guys now that we got the shell off comment down below what do you think's gonna work best to get inside the actual safe the crowbar or Zee torch let us know down in the comments right now because it's about to happen guys any second now we're gonna get this thing open it is super light now but it's really gross in the cement it is so light guy sounds like rah there's definitely something inside of here there's a hundred percent something inside of here it's like a solid okay there's a hundred percent something sighs inside of here now we know at least there's something there cuz before is just super heavy because it was packed with all that all that's inside there but now it's just the casing and whatever the heck's in there but there's something in there rattling I think for the crowbar we could go right here yeah but I think we should talk we're gonna try the torch first yes might get the torch that might work get the torch Oh God this is made with terrific material so it'll come right on the right out like that so we got this torch and you guys can't see but you can hear yeah they can't see right do it again they can see the slightest bit you guys can see a little bit but we bought that at Home Depot by the way yes the problem how are we gonna get I think we have to melt this this needs to come off let's try to melt it guys literally the handle is like literally it's like a ball it doesn't go past here we can't get it there but it's it's kind of it's getting it's almost there it's getting loose so let's try the hinges let er rip Oh tortilla oh now you can see that by a baby I get the camera on it's on fire wait it's melting it look at that I'm gonna guys this is gonna work I'm telling this is if we do it long enough it'll work gotta have fire precautions I'm getting the hose yes please get the host this thing guys this is from Home Depot it really when you first let er rip right you can't see flame but holy crap look what it David it's like it wrecked the whole thing all right back at it again whose nose you got the hose over there let er rip here we go that's what oh my god really doing it smoke we're gonna think that things on fire yeah we got fire baby run it up maybe you want to maybe we should try burning this off see that is like literally on fire I'm gonna step back yeah no this is on fire this is blatantly on fire I didn't think plastic burn like this I think we'd let it let it yeah let it let it cook let it cook let it cook right there No look at that guy's it does not smell good that's good we don't want the fire to go inside and pyramid everything there what's true [Applause] definitely not good for you that's possible let's try the handle the handle yeah that's on fire you guys think it's really good so look at the melting the plastic completely yeah it's totally nothing like it's just ripping a plastic dude it's really raging it's just actually getting bigger just turn it on this would be safe cuz it's at Chris it's getting it's raging guys look at that there's one part there one part there one part there and one underneath the lock Chris has the hose just in case we need to put this fire out but it's melting it right off this might work dude dude it doesn't even seem like there's anything it's just like a flat Nadine on that day like a padlock now the padlock is getting just destroyed look at that one step closer one step closer to seeing what's inside of this thing this is definitely it yeah that's it there could be a million dollars in here just waiting for us hopefully that would be nice gonna be nice now as is on fire I think the plastic Scott I'd be like liquidy oh my god yeah it is okay we may be able to get in right now should I try to dry in from from the keypad see if you can rip that keypad off try oh yes this is gone that's just completely about okay don't throw in the grass we done in the grass on fire there's a hole right there I think we might be we might be getting there dude there's a hole right in the middle let's see okay dude dude ring we're getting there we're definitely getting there we're definitely getting close we are definitely any good guys nothing look easy that's inside of see we're melting it completely it's loose so we can literally pick it apart because it's plastic gets heated up it's malleable so can you get in from there try you're ruining our beautiful crowbar so pristine so but now getting down and dirty okay doing there can you get hands really like I don't want to get nice they're more concrete it's got to be like another layer get this package get hot oh my god the door door opening the doors opening get a fires out guys the door is open right there the door is open all right so those guys ladies the doors open a little warm the door is open right here guys but it's just concrete still you got to get the crowbar in there and smash it open guys look at this damage that that torch burnt a hole right through the middle is so bad right to the middle of it right if we would have kept it going would it melt the whole thing but absolutely we saw this opening and we're gonna take it and then take you guys I think if we were to take the crowbar jam it right into here I think we could just rip the door off completely what do you think I think we're gonna try I think we should rip it open guys before I open this remember to enter into the giveaway we're giving $500 total away for the top two winners so you guys gonna get $250 each all I gotta do is hit the subscribe button with your post litigation ball on and like the video and comment the question of the day which is gonna be what was your favorite part about the last video we posted we're use the different colors to feed our animals that's it now let's open this thing come on get her open Chris million people counting on you it's just concrete come on you gotta jam down there this is like the halfway part dude that's like let's not the full Sun in yeah it's not right it's not soup that's soup see if you can jam that door up oh yeah it is halfway Oh a little bit deeper and a little deeper how they're gonna get it now oh oh there goes our leverage though dude yeah whatever just gone and I'm covered in concrete you try the other part of the crowbar it's right in the idea that see it come on Chris don't stop don't shop that's wrong way Oh Judy in right in there that's inside that's inside you guys Rock okay yes okay the rock is holding it no thought no it's not just kidding you gotta get back in there I'll replace it off wait wait wait dude it's right there it's way too it's open its open its oh no now it's a plastic shot what do you mean just whip it open I did we are in what Dolph it's just papers right we gotta slowly take this stuff out you don't know what's in here what is that let's just take the Hat huh oh that's money oh my god that's hella money that's all buddy that's all money right here all that this whole thing out keep that there well this is money that is fantastic there's a watch there's a rock right there was that shut the hell up what is it dude it's a Rolex shotgun you're kidding me that is a Rolex it's a Rolex it's a little JD dude it's a frickin Rolex how much this is working we have money and a Rolex okay whoever save this there's a bunch of papers and stuff I'm gonna try to get the papers out these are ruined got its soup it's smells so bad in here guys yeah these are just too hard to read you there's no way we're gonna be able to read these try to try to least open one up it's six so it's yeah it's so brittle that you can't even like play with it underwater forever dude I don't thing we're gonna be able to see any of these there's a market it just picks apart all right well let's look how much money we got hold this what's that what is it it's hard for I cannot see anything whether we do Oh God what is it it's nervous Nicholas that looks pretty it's dime that looked expensive to me we're gonna have to ask manager break about this cuz I don't know truly I don't you there I know watches though dude this is like clean there's not even any dirt on it maybe was wrapped in the paint thing it's just cuz it doesn't that's perfect I don't know that's I just really wish we could have known what those anything else no dump it out dude what nothing yeah that's it shoot I want on what these papers were dude this could have been like a fat check for a mil could have been like a freakin yeah we got a roll dude and its cash we don't even know how much cash is how are we gonna count this it's all wet - we can't let this we should probably let the weight to this dries or something Oh Benjamin dude Benji's how many there's stack I'm looking at it we're gonna have to let it dry dude it's not al it's not a million dollars no it's over a grand no I think it's part of like two grand - Oh money guys we gotta let us try we got away - this drives guys oh my god let's play all the good stuff that we got out I don't know what this is guys I mean maybe we can look at a certain piece like what is this name name address address this is this it's just cursive this one the lease is a little like a diploma or something University diplomas is such all this stuff what is this it's like a pretty map all right guys this is the stuff that we got right here now I think the finishing touch is we need to find out what Brooke thinks about this we need to get managed to break out here we said she's gonna be in the videos more and she needs a praise whatever this is I know this is expensive because this is a Rolex all Rolexes are expensive yeah cash is cash that's beautiful it's not even really that dirty oh if we clean this up it'll be fine yeah come out here Brooke there's no ninja Brooke there's something in the safe you got to come out and see it her manager Brookes on her way out she's gonna appraise this stuff we're gonna see how good it is but this is the aftermath guys that's like the chip I came from the padlock this is the box the actual lockbox and the handle just came right off after we burned it and not one thing did better than the other dude if we didn't have the curl bar we wouldn't have got in and if we didn't have the propane I think we were getting in either so they both won they went hand-in-hand together but we got to show everyone we got in this I think brush gonna freak out when she sees this she's gonna go crazy are you ready yep what do these already know what I want what the money now what let's see your hand look at we found in there this is mine shut up what do you think it is how much you think that is okay but this I have no idea the Rolex we know the rose we know guys that is definitely worth money but I have no idea what this is this might not even like what is this Brooke it's dirty yeah bro she's taking all the jewelry and she can take out my so pretty much me and Jack did all the work we found it we opened it forget that yeah let's look good good yeah how's it feel real does it feel good let me see it wait now it's duck it's so crusty we got to clean it all off no we have to clean all this can you believe that that was in the safe this Hey Brookes gonna are you see me to get the Rolex and the new necklace me and jackal split the cash yeah alright yeah ok xxx so what was I gonna say wait what is that this is a good designer really G washee-washee G Moshe is a good so it's really we hit the gym we we did good guys I think we did really good with the safe all right guys we did it we open the safe I think this is the best fun we got was the Rolex the other stuff the money I don't even know if it's still usable it's so ruined but got that we got the Rolex we open this thing we did it ourselves the torch and the crowbar we're perfect and that is gonna do it for today's video if you guys want to go back and re-watch the whole series go ahead I'll link the play this right here stay tuned for our next video we got a bunch of awesome videos planned for you guys you guys are gonna absolutely love them and we will see you in the next video make sure to subscribe and stay buzz in peace
Channel: Barbs Buzzin
Views: 3,865,562
Rating: 4.4659638 out of 5
Keywords: funny, vlog, satisfying video, kids videos, animals, kids, unbelievable, happy, diy, how to, live, fails, story time, opening up abandoned safe, cracking a safe, picking a safe lock, millions of dollars found in safe, millions of dollars found, hidden treasure, Barbs buzzin, barbs buzzin betta fish breeding, barbs buzzin found, buzzin shark, carter sharer safe found, hidden safe, mystery box, winning the lottery, how to make money, river treasure, buried treasure, treasure map
Id: UbvnSUt0w18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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