I Found 3 iPhone X's Underwater in the River at Waterpark! (Returned to Owners)

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[Music] hey what's up guys Jake here today I'm at a place called hell in Georgia what makes his spot special is everyone comes down here that to even have a good time and in my opinion I think we can find a lot of lost valuables here so I'm teaming up with my dog treasure and a few of my friends we're gonna be tubing at this spot as well and in at every spot where you can potentially find stuff like all these little mini waterfalls we're just gonna jump in and dive and see if we could plant some cool things you want to see more videos here in the future jump thumbs up and maybe we'll do another one in the future since Jake is busy babysitting I want to throw some goggles on it see if I can get to the treasure first I'm more than relaxing sighs Justin no you got a look at this whoever finds the least best treasure has to go to the gum tree and get a piece of gum all right so we're going down the river right now I haven't found a spot I want to get out and dive yet it's just really really shallow I think I'm stuck on a rock but there's so many people over here on my left they're all just pushing us through and I think we'll make it in the meantime I'm just gonna hang out with treasure yeah there's so many people here look at this and then we have treasure in the middle of it all hi guys so I'm gonna leave treasure in her too but she's drifting down I'm gonna grab my goggles and dive down we'll put on some good stuff okay I don't get trapped in anything oh you killed them [Music] my god look at that that's incredible I hit it with my metal detector - that's cool man I guess everyone's wife sorry I'm a Hannah - you just did UK he doesn't know what it turns out that's not y'all's phone no this is it that's pretty cool oh my goodness Phillip turns on that means they lost it today text that's pretty cool we're gonna be able to give that back to him you know I mean that's pretty well I guess everyone slams into this rock and I guess when there's thousands of people one person will be you know bound to leave something so all right so I've got a quick update for you guys I took a break I was getting really cold I was hanging out with treasure and my girlfriend Kendall here and treasurer actually sniffed an iPhone like this this is too good to be true later check that out sure enough Oh busted on the front but sure enough she found an iPhone that's really good girls can't believe it man judges outdoing me today what do you have you end of the iPhone we just check out the first spot found a couple of cool things but now we're off to the next part alright so I know everybody's finding some good stuff okay I've been a little late on the finds I finally found something really good are you ready yeah I found an a hoop earring and I think it's real I found these broken ones and these ones right here got treasure and Kindle here enjoy today have fun yeah maybe tired her out yeah after that iPhone she owes Sears over it puts the water so shallow we have to push these tubes ever saw the rocks [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] there's gonna be a lot easier than it looked but we're still here having a good time but it has been an absolute struggle it's so shallow where you have to lift up you tube over these rocks and all this and that and treasures like I'm not having it but we're still having a good time we're hopping from spot to spot find some cool stuff and make style to show you guys more so let's go ahead and find the next spot the diamond again didn't even notice you [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is just a normal rock okay way that they say you can find gold here I don't think that's gold but that's a really pretty shiny Rock underwater alright out of all the rocks it's going have to get one hi guys so we're drifting down a river to go to our next spot fasting clothes stuff in a previous spot but we're funding our next one so hopefully we can hold on have a moment made you reach very high here we go oh such a lame yeah you will see us you know this dog has like such a cool life she goes on a stand-up paddleboard the jet ski she even tubes if you guys wanna check out our merch I'm gonna have a link in description below and some of the proceeds that you guys actually spend on her merch will actually go to help other dogs in need so if you haven't stand behind that check out some treasure dog merch well she's out here living life man yes I've ever been here let me know in the comment section below but every time we've been here it's been super super shallow but I think that's what makes this one special man you're bumping into each other trying to get every rock sits a ton of fun yeah I might as well be I think you see our next spot coming up I'm excited this water is absolutely freezing my ankle beat but I found sunglasses as a treasure hunter I'll never have to buy sunglasses again we find thousands [Music] [Music] has a pile of them dude oh yeah I think you got one beat this is great top look at it it's very difficult to find treasure here because the water is super clear and it's usually like ankle deep but spots like this where jobs off about here maybe waist or chest high you're gonna find a lot of cool stuff I think we found like collectively over like a hundred of these like I guess a little clip and rope things friends coming over here right now but we actually have to make it down all the cold waterfall feature it's really shallow and I think it's gonna be a little bit more difficult than this thing to be fun though I think Brian's gonna his butt on a bunch of her huh is anybody going down this thing a lot headfirst risking it [Music] [Music] that's not 70 horse tracks oh this is awesome I found something it's the small shoe in the world my god I got the biggest shoe in the world ending Amy okay let me keep my hand hey you need that actually I might need it hmm my friend Bo's done this trip as well and I do I think I found something wait it's all over here what model you think that it would be look at that it has the sticker still Wow good finding that's pretty incredible that's awesome first off how you got here without a wetsuit on it's absolutely freezing cold let's take a nice look bad he's finding more treasure in us man the fact that it has a sticker on it you might be able to get something off of there the speaker is just moldy yes but there's a sticker on the back so I had to be a new drop you know what kind of a look no way if found please call and there's a number right there oh really yeah if you guys know what number iPhone this is let us know in the comment section below but Bo that's pretty cool man you found an iPhone with a number on the back that says if found please call everyone's getting smarter man they can't get luckier that yeah if you guys are if you guys watch these videos make sure you write your phone number or put a sticker like that on their number they put on there just theoretically if you lose your phone but yeah yes hi guys so Brannon and I are at the very end of the tube exit just right around the corner is the exit for the green tubes and just down there is the exit for the pink tubes this is where everyone exits when they're done to me so I think we could plus some good stuff right here it's a little bit deeper as well it's not really super deep but I think so let's go ahead hop in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone loses their shoes fossil fishing line trying our best to clean up the area as well but the water is like freezing cold but uh having fun find a lot of straps at home Brandon he's been struggling on finding good treasure and when I was diving down there I actually found a phone I didn't grab it or anything but I'm giving it to him so he can make a cool video look at how disgusting at it how do I get a lot guys Jake was a great friend Jake found a full cases they found the outline of selling his eye Brennan I'm not even gonna go over there I saw it out live but just go over there and so I knew it was gonna be some pretty good but you passed up on something Taylor you should have grabbed whatever it's dry I blow the because I have seen don't rub the blade okay Revlimid uh I mean he's got a picture behind it oh yeah looks like maybe a license right here alright so now is the big moment we're gonna open this thing up I honestly still can't believe how muddy this is pretty disgusting oh oh we're rich boys we got a credit card we got a freaking red red red iPhone I've never seen one of these wait it says oh it's a product red what's that mean so apparently when you buy this phone some of the proceeds actually go to like the world's AIDS Foundation so that like helps find a cure or something like that I'm not really sure but that's what the product red iPhone supports so we have an ID we have a debit card or credit card and we had the phone so this is gonna be easy whether it works or not we can get it back now so right now Justin's actually looking up the address because she lives in Georgia looks about an hour and a half away hour and a half away it's on the way home is it yeah that's cool Thank You Jacob for being a good friend okay so we made it down to the post office and the phone I found I actually contacted the person and I got an address I'm gonna mail it out to him today the phone BOE found it was like a voice automatic system when we call the number that was about on the back of that phone and we gave all the information they need to be able to contact us so if the owner comes forward we can give that phone back to them and then after I'm done mailing out this phone we'll go ahead and knock on the door of the phone that Brandon found so we're just gonna show up at their house and see what they say the Christmas tree so I'm gonna go ahead and hit the doorbell and knock on the [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 14,076,341
Rating: 4.8324528 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found iphone x underwater, found iphone x in river, found working iphone x underwater, I found a working iphone x, found iphone in river, found phone in river, found phone, found iphone x, found iphone underwater, best river treasure finds, iphone x waterproof, iphone x underwater, river treasure finds, river treasure hunting, returned to owner, scuba diving, iphone returned to owner, dallmyd, iphone x, new iphone, helen ga, helen ga tubing, searching, finding
Id: 7SxoaSKH3N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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