15 Attic Treasures Found

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many of us count ourselves lucky if we don't find any rodents in our attics but these folks made some strange discoveries in thier attics Superman and comic book a husband and wife faced with eviction from their home by their bank we're digging through boxes as they prepared to turn the home over to the bank and found the key to paying off their debts and keeping their home a 1938 Action Comics number one Superman comic worth an estimated 1.5 million dollars had been tucked amongst 50 boxes of worthless comics stored in the Attic considered the holy grail of comic book collecting they have no idea how long the comic had been in the Attic but the house has been in the family for a long time Hitler's collection of music a captain in the Russian military intelligence unit Luba sieminski made a discovery in 1945 when going through the captured headquarters of the Nazi Party in Berlin Hitler's collection of music it seems Lew took the collection away to his attic in the family summer home in Moscow but didn't want to be seen as an opportunist who took the collection for money because music was his personal passion and he seemed to want to preserve it after Lou passed away his daughter decided to talk publicly about the collection of more than 100 records 5.2 million dollar figurine after George Davis the owner of Manhattan's hammer galleries died his family was going through the estate and made a rare discovery hidden in the Attic a Faberge figure custom made by tsar nicholas ii for his wife Empress Alexandra in 1912 George purchased the delicate figurine believed to be one of only 50 in existence in 1934 for two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars the Russian figurine was authenticated and expected to fetch about eight hundred thousand dollars but in the fifteen minute auction the piece sold for 5.2 million dollars 100 million dollar painting a French family in Toulouse France had to repair water damage and needed to access their roof they broke down the door they couldn't find a key for behind the door they found a painting that is believed to be the 400 year old work of Michelangelo Merisi da caravaggio though the authenticity has yet to be verified it is believed that the work had been in the house for over 150 years and was probably placed in the Attic because it depicts the gory biblical heroine Judith beheading Holofernes which some previous owner of the home found disturbing the peace is thought to be worth over a hundred million dollars when Rudy SH Latner and his family fled Czechoslovakia after World War two his father hid many family possessions in the Attic now 70 years later Rudy returned to the home and was astounded to find the treasures right where his family had left them at the end of World War two Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia and the possessions were forfeited so none of the items can be returned to Rudy or his family the home is now a kindergarten and the collection of items is on display at a local museum when Tracy of Rock Hill Charlotte started hearing weird noises in the Attic and witnessed nails popping out of her ceiling she expected ghosts or animals had taken up residence in the Attic instead she found a man she had dated 12 years ago had decided her attic would be a nice cozy place to live the ex-boyfriend had recently been released from jail but Tracy had not seen him since she had paid him to do some odd jobs around the house over a year ago unfortunately the man escaped before police could arrive and is still on the loose Martin Luther King's tapes when Stefan towels father went into a nursing home he discovered a 50 year old recording of dr. Martin Luther King in the Attic the casual interview with dr. King was recorded in Chattanooga Tennessee for a book about non-violence in the civil rights movement a book that was never completed this recording made three years before the I have a dream speech is clear and of incredibly high-quality police recovered a stolen Stradivarius violin known as the X Lipinski hidden in a suitcase from an attic in Milwaukee the 300 year old violin which is worth millions was stolen from top violinist Frank almond by a perpetrator who used a stun gun to get him to drop the instrument before taking it away to a waiting getaway vehicle police have apprehended three suspects related to the theft and expect to return the violin to the proper location and it appears to be in good condition the Milwaukee County Sheriff's bomb squad was called out when a strange discovery was made in a local attic for live hand grenades were found the grenades were over 40 years old and were not safe as they had deteriorated and were unsettled the sheriff's office took the grenades to a remote area where they were able to safely detonate them the police did not disclose the address of the home where the grenades were found a Dutch collector who found a painting in his attic knew he had something special and suspected the artwork was by Vincent van Gogh but the van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam told him they couldn't authenticate the piece persistence paid off and now new techniques to authenticate works of art have allowed the Sun set at mount merapi to take its rightful place as a masterpiece and once in a lifetime attic discovery the piece was lost for over 100 years and now is on display at the van Gogh Museum 20 cousins will be sharing 566 thousand dollars from the discovery of baseball cards that had been untouched for over 100 years in the Attic of Carl hench who passed away in the 1940s hench had given out cards at his meat market in the early 1900s and it is believed he stashed the extras in his attic which is where Carl Kistner and his cousin found them the cards were in pristine condition and included Hall of Famers sy young Ty Cobb and Honus Wagner a mummified head most people keep things like Christmas decorations and broken furniture in their attics Jacques Bollinger a retired tax collector kept a mummified head in his attic for a long time experts believe their head belonged to honoree the 4th and all evidence pointed to the fact that this was indeed the long missing head of the King but recent DNA tests have proven that the head did not belong to the French royal there are plans to give this skull a proper burial and the mystery still remains about where the head of honoree the 4th is in Germany a ten year old boy found a casket with Egyptian hieroglyphs that contains a mummy in his attic it is possible that the mummy was picked up by the boy's grandfather during a trip to North Africa in the 1950s authorities have not determined the age of the mummy but believed it to be a forgery because the wrappings are machine made and a scan of the remains indicates some inconsistencies as long as authorities can determine that the remains are at least a couple hundred years old no investigation will be necessary looking behind a panel in their attic a group of Norwegian students discovered a world war 2 era bald hole complete with an alarm system hidden for 70 years the room contained a map of Britain and northern France pins were walled along with a sign that loosely translates as if you have a bad stomach you do not have access the landlord has suggested to the Norwegian students that there might be some sort of hidden room and when they took a break from their studies they found the secret room when Josh Ferran bought a new home he didn't expect to find a stash of valuables in the Attic tucked away where it couldn't be seen was a collection of cash and coins more extraordinary than the find is what Josh decided to do with it he returned it to the previous owner of the home the previous owner Arnold bangerter had been saving up the money and putting it in ammo boxes he then stored it in the attic for over a decade and had passed away prior to the house being sold Josh returned the treasure to the children of mr. bangerter hey guys thanks for watching make sure to LIKE and subscribe
Channel: Top Most Rare
Views: 1,359,687
Rating: 4.6507044 out of 5
Keywords: topmostrare, top most rare, top, most, rare, attic treasures, treasures, people, money, attic, found You, treasures money, fun, weird, craziest, worlds, ever, strange founds, unique treasures, odd odd things, shocking, odd
Id: 5puuRgW-_uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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