We open a fireproof gun safe after a house fire - See what’s inside!

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what's up YouTube welcome to the Aviators so today's kind of a cool non-flying video a friend of mine got a hold of a gun safe that had been in a fire and apparently the the gun safe was fire rated for probably 1,200 degrees that's what mine's rated for and long story short the guy got in some legal trouble and as a result had to forfeit the safe so my friend got ahold of it and so it is burned and charred and you can tell that it's just you know it saw some fire so we're gonna see how well a fireproof safe actually works all right stick with us [Music] when you take a picture it's for you okay Jeff how hot was this fire how big was it and how many guns did he have inside so it started to split here it's crap here okay okay so the plans to lay it down on the move so that's where a baked alright Jeff what's your guess on damage to the guns I bet the stocks are damaged I'm saying what do you think first safecracking for me well this is your introduction into being a bank robber away from my blade so we employ only the best bills a doctor so here's the tool of choice metal devil alright let's see you could like cut it right here that's always thinking it was half the back and then maybe leave this part on there and we'll bend it back leave the middle perks we'll just cut the edges and then wow that thing is toasty I just steal Hansel don't let him come see you bill he'll take your stuff like do you know if he did he have any ammunition in it Jeff yes it does and none of that pop now we're Bandidos well yeah you can totally see we're just like fat hair and cooked huh my guess on the guns not being damaged maybe wrong didn't you say there was like some equipment around it though that was just a little bit melted but inside the box it was fine all right here we go [Music] oh that well it'll get there you see I'll cut through one-inch steel put the brake yes I have to just set it back [Music] [Music] I'm impressed yesterday he was making funny bill oh he's like I want to see Bill break his song only did you have to say that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there may be a brace in there but I would just say cut [Music] sideload the blade looks like you might be cutting into this thicker part how far down do you want to cut no that's all so if you want to try coming in from the bottom to meet this cut yeah when we come across the bottom then we could just peel it open yeah if you cut like half way up beside I don't know why you just wouldn't pry it open right now to the side you pull the guns up I'm enjoying watching bill use it's all here [Music] [Music] come up with well done bill that's not a fireboat [Music] watch your fingers guys sharp up here so that's like a concrete yeah it's a concrete liner it provides a insulation more than anything else now put some gloves on though mess with this we're gonna look how good that sheep that's in Wow munition so we got some seven back don't worry Jeff I'm gonna give you this video okay dude they got hot and they rusted but they're not in bad shape so what we got for this stuff is like sensitive leave it grab that pistol that comes in perfect shape what is that a Ruger yeah all them are frame Luke okay here's another one to just take this one right here so this is a looks like serial number three four to six six seven four eight caliber forty Smith he's kind of safe like you're on CSI I've never watched it she actually is a forensic specialist really she got a master's degree in forensics before she started acting [Music] you see where the guns rusted using asbestos or any more woods actually in fine shape if you hit that with that looks like a Browning 12-gauge right there yeah the barrels being worked okay more ammunition here yeah here William this to you after you finish different pictures you know they probably rusted from the water I'll guess right there we got an ar-15 Jeff let me get a close-up of that none the worse for wear other than some rest here to more picatinny rails that's a 22 right there isn't it well that breech-block back and see if this I wouldn't trust it probably I wouldn't trust it just cuz of the water you know I wish we knew if any of these were seeing the steel looks like the sake that's a savage isn't it yeah I don't move be careful with that trigger we're done oh there it is okay so the funny thing about these AR is the lowers look to be in a really good shape on them you know okay compared to the rest of the site yeah I mean they give you this impression when you open the doors it's the safest we just saw through it so after a minute so what is this this is a I know it's a no Rhonda but it's well that's a Winchester let me see the bottom let me see the latch here it's got a Satori latch but that's not a Satori receiver I thought other side say right here hard to say just this 12-gauge and here's a mini 1414 it's like it has that silencer silencer I think this is just a 22 now look about the receiver there two to three I mean [Music] we get out of here I think the moral to the story here is the fireproofing works just fine but the water they use to put out the fire is what really does more damage which is what did all the damage yeah I actually still think you could salvage some of these guns what do you pull that up there again so crazy thing about this is the only ammunition appears to have gone off this you can see where that mo firm cow that cooked and I don't know what I do is it Jeff so here is a cooked 40 Smith so typically these safes would be rated for like 1,200 degrees really yeah that's what mine is rated at yeah but as fast as you zip that thing open I'm not counting on it to save any of my investments yep interesting how the seven mag is the only stuff that popped see Lord all cut up this is the bottom of the safe we're kind of just sat and I guess that you'll see that line right there where it's at the fire alright so we've got a mostly empty don't flip it over but get out of there and then flip it up on you well that's one of the slugs huh so that's a yeah that's a 40 that popped that's the only 40 we've seen pop there's some more slugs down there okay so just leaving the the safe cracking experience that was kind of cool you know I I didn't know what to expect and it was kind of neat those two guys are good guys bill when Jeff and I was a good way to burn some time this morning I was gonna go flying but unfortunately we've got some snow last night and there big clumps of it on the tarmac so you know it is what it is but I think the bottom line is do not rely on a safe to protect your valuables because I think the firearms survived the fire no question about that but they didn't survive the water and you know the process of putting out the fire and so you know if that safe had been extracted from there immediately and then opened probably would have had a chance to to save everything but that just isn't practical and and so so it's a good note to self I'm gonna go home and figure out something else to do with with my valuables you know documents and stuff like that because they just they won't survive I don't care how fire proof your safe is I just think they won't survive so anyways kind of fun thing to do I know it's not flying but hey I hope you guys enjoyed it and until next time
Channel: The AV8R's
Views: 2,139,840
Rating: 4.3671613 out of 5
Keywords: Fireproof gunsafe, Gun safe, Gunsafe, Fireproof, House fire, Fire, Safe cracking, How to open a safe, Cutting open a safe
Id: zq4hYpkgT9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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