i legit spent $300,000 on this mystery safe

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so a few weeks ago a company sent us an email saying that they had a $300,000 mystery safe for us to buy at first we were very skeptical because we didn't believe them and we thought they're just trying to scam us in some way so we just left that we didn't even respond but then a week later we got another email from urging us to buy this and saying it's something we're not gonna want to miss out on so we thought let's do a bit of research on this company so we did a lot of research on the company and saw that they actually have sold a lot of expensive mystery boxes in the past to other people but no one on YouTube so we are the guys on YouTube that open up the most expensive mystery safes mystery boxes so we thought we kind of have to do this for you guys so as you guys can see here we definitely did it now I hope it didn't cost us lots of $300,000 there was however one condition to this whole thing which is the weirdest part of all of this they didn't want us to save their company brand or name or anything it doesn't make sense to me what does that even mean I don't know but let's show you guys what we actually got in the mail we've got this actually a constant a so sick we've been waiting a few days to actually show you guys and we opened it but remember we bought this 300,000 all safe for you extremists we did this for you guys come on it's gotta have something good in it right now alright so one weird thing about this safe was they didn't send us a king they didn't give us any codes they gave us nothing that was I don't know why they did that but it's heavy we know there's stuff in it but they didn't give us anything to open up with so where did you surely know the codes are one two three no so we'll try okay that's clearly not the code zero zero zero zero yeah that's clearly not the Quahog why do this to us there is a little maybe key section here but they didn't send us a key they did this is literally all we got in the box no notes no no there is that is the key but there's no u-haul no note no nothing so we thought how we can open this of course we went to the hardware store and got a lot of tools so let's try and break into this I guess yes Oh guys he's bright to hit so right now that actually did wow should I give it a review very well what is that oh my goodness okay so oh that's wet this smell it smells and also I don't like explode on me you're doing it actually why don't you get like a a hammer now and just break it in break open it okay we'll try and like hammer it open find it in this corn yeah the same I reckon you've dented it open and not definite maybe if you slide your hand with that in oh it's it what in the no that's not breaking on that look at that oh my goodness okay why did they not send us a card this stuff in it I don't know hang on hang on no no it's not not smarts not actually in it or it's not in it it's just the cover look no okay let me just try okay no that's not why okay just gotten off the cover okay hang on axle is trying on the curb he got an idea okay why didn't we ever try zero zero zero one I don't know I don't know who would ever do this I don't know it just I thought you've triggered an odd nah do they have a tracking device on this awesome I don't know this is weird okay I've got one tool which I don't know we'll get into hi come on Tommy alright so I've got a free spray and I got a drill I'm gonna try and freeze it then drill through it let's go ball alright so now I've just got to wait about 20 seconds and that freezes and then I'm gonna drill it alright guys here we go what the heck is that we cross Joey down I've got a one let's show him how how it's really done okay I'm not gonna get say yeah alright here we go [Music] [Music] that's an ex but extreme gangs let's get into this thing all right hang on I don't think this is gonna be enough to actually open it that you did good damage there but um if it's not enough to open it no other not sure like little stop hey stump pretty good hang on maybe well maybe it's like the door and it's gone another broken thing you could get in there yeah look oh no no no the same thing what is that stuff I don't know it's the same thing though okay all right I'm gonna hit this axle she'll use a hammer or sledge on the side on the slide huh here we go guys this just this work the faster so here we go oh my everything inside don't look it a lot of good oh my goodness okay this is crazy dude all right I think that sledgehammer would break you oh yeah okay but so we can see so why would a company make that spent 300 grand on this and then not give us a pretty freakin equipments open it up well let's see what we actually what we eat a wasted or succeeded I can't so here goes for us and whatever we pull out we get to keep you care all right Oh God Oh Tommy it feels like I got a lot of stuff right now okay I grabbed a few islands that I'm trying not so lucky all evening sighs gold there's a gold chain right oh and so la oh my goodness gold and silver right there that is awesome one they else left 30 grams of silver on one cuts pretty expensive probably I don't even know all right your turn time here we go I feel something Matt that's a good stop for me I'm pretty happy with but $300,000 wait what what it's not it's got a key in it it's a lot this is probably the rarest thing in this safe so I'm gonna leave it here but that's gonna make or break us here I'm honest I think that's gonna make or break okay well I guess it's my turn that are out I'm going in right now oh just really want to open it right now I think we should wait oh hey wait I mean know what that's a brandy I think that's a good brand maybe it probably is we'll probably give it the ball bat or something it's nice it looks pretty nice but I'm talking about then you've got to like smaller ones here as well whoa huge that's the big sword boy guys this is 30 grams dude this is like how heavy do you think this one is I don't know that that is huge guys you how much silver I've probably got like I don't know a hundred and something grams of silver yeah exactly they're expensive let me take that right my turn right now I'm going dude right here I feel like they feel like watches I feel like I just got $300,000 safe that's true that's true so I'm kind of it you never know though by Hilfiger and busts there's some super awesome watches but you know what there are some watches that are worth like 50 grand even more so more work yeah exactly so those in here who knows look at this oh my goodness more silver another ounce another another ounce another hour oh my good so we have like 250 grams of silver right now can we open this now it's a lot I really want to set up water of a killer that is sick but I really want to see what's inside this do you think we should I put it it's up to you but I want to say what's in if I'm paying on it all right let's open it what's in it let's do this looks like the thing that's gonna eat a make or break the fall I don't even cats getting open laughs I think so that is getting open laughs okay I'm going in right that guy I knew something in here was gonna be expensive okay that's it here we go Oh gold chain that thin though that's like paper gold then like a thick gold cross that's awesome looking all right that's pretty expensive Oh take that right there that's probably like them thousand yeah literally Oh eventually cuz across like yeah that's probably be more it could even be too great so it's slowly hiding up we've got a lot of silver a lot of gold it's adding up this is kind of a troll I wait what the Google phone Minnie this is a $50 da let's get back into their $300,000 and you're gonna put this in there okay here we go go go Tommy there's a gold coin literally if that's an ounce of gold that's like three grand we got a gold and two more silver coins like that's another 60 grams of silver I'm doing quick math on this so I'll take that knock it alive no but seriously look at this look at all of this silver guys this is crazy that's a lot of silver is crazy we'll take it off the points are rare on they could be rare coin literal they could definitely maybe we're under estimating them exactly they could you just don't know coins can be worth heaps of money that looks like a rare coins in a rare case looking thing is over yeah that is yes and then I've got this session now on it I think that's a one woman's brand of some form okay she know it's a little past thing no it's like a black pouch oh okay Oh second shows how much I know about girls items [Music] earrings oh my goodness they would be so expensive diamonds on each one are they like 10 grand combined direct there might be more than that l'chaim ins do diamonds literally filled with diamonds we have no idea on the value of this signees one of the rarest there's a lot of you not being here guys we don't really know what the values and so we don't know for winning or losing Italy that looks super expensive they're awesome items though like we've had some sick on it up upset because it could be of water out there could be rest of them just don't know all right we got it yeah [ __ ] whoa you just threw the lip dub I thought it was connected that is sick is that gold literally a diamond ring you dropped it literally diamond ring a gold bracelet as well as a small why so much girls jewelry though black that doesn't make much sense but silver Han that is awesome I don't know I'll take that that's sick think we're getting some rest on yeah it might not be mainly guy stuff but it's still all Johnny what the heck is this this stuff to car keys one house key call me for the locations to pick them up wait what no way you're joking this means it's legit dude this means this is where all the monies are this is how we spent the money and this is where it's at 2 o'clock keys and a house key are you serious doc ah we're gonna definitely need a caller we have to call them to find out yeah I'm gonna call them wench boudoir we'll do it after this video I guess guys we're gonna I don't know what to believe right now and car keys we're gonna show you guys the app let me out when you have the event three hundred thousand dollars you expect a few cars you have to hit a wife right now if you guys want an ass tour of and you have what I dunno man we've um box like heaps of MacBook Pros so we're doing one yeah with new ones we're doing a giveaway right now you got to LIKE and subscribe to enter this giveaway if you haven't liked though subscribe you can't win this brand new MacBook Pro you could be the lucky winner it could be you so make sure you do that and comment down below you're an extremely you can win this MacBook Pro all right it's my turn Johnny okay this is good stuff here dude okay we've got a goal oh no I so that looks really rare dude look at the front it's got white gold and a normal gold yellow gold that's sports that's probably like $500 well and then we've got Oh what is this Oh diamond this I'm pretty sure this guy's rich I'm pretty sure the company is ready at the same time gotta remember we spent three yeah I know but they're sending us cars and houses surely they're rich if this is I mean if we've made a profit then yeah maybe if this is real if this is real I'm assuming they're rich all right here we go if there is actually a house waiting yes exactly then we've made it fun we're gonna figure out we're gonna call them we'll let you guys know all right here we go diamond earrings whoa that is sick right there they look awesome man man I want a cross style yeah exactly all right what do you reckon to ripping this bad boy I saw some crazy stuff in this Oh I said we have to wait till I guess I said it all right back your turns all right oh okay I've got two little black box scenes here okay so we've got what is fair gold earrings nice they're gold earrings yeah they're not diamonds but they gobble one peak that's one two three four more than like six diamonds there and six times here with maps with Tommy right there that is sick that's gonna be expensive that looks like an engagement diamond up people pay like $50,000 sometimes your rings okay that is sick dude all right I'm going in right now okay no way two more silver coins sickness that is awesome right there and something in this and I don't know what it is or okay what is it it says hold on it says Lu but in the tongue but in wait what I don't know how to say that oh it's a case took an iPhone case okay it's kind of cheap in the friend doesn't all mr. Issa but it's so cool it looks like a brand name of some yeah probably imagine this is like five grand and I'm saying alright see that's what I'm saying we don't really know that's sure okay look at this guy's there's all diamonds in there and then there's more here and more here and it goes around the whole bracelet just diamonds there Tommy this is what you expect when you get a $300,000 safe my odds diamonds upon diamond its coach that's a brand name dude that is sick yeah good open this is Robinson friendly that is awesome oh nice thick gold dude you don't have many of these we open things like this I know hot little golden heart pendant these is ridiculous or whatever ridiculous this has been so awesome right now oh okay here we go alright let's see what's inside this right now oh my goodness another gold cross just literally guys when you're when you're opening at $300,000 mysteries say gold and diamonds and silver that's what to expect pretty much a house in two tops yeah well we're gonna call them and clarify ah see what they don't open up this thing alright here we go alright I'm just going in straight in for what I saw alright I saw this this is what I was like going up look at that that is just thick gold that is a thick gold chain that feels like at least that feels like at least 150 grand litter of gold pure gold expensive that is that's 30 grams and out is an ounce which is like 18 19 hundred dollars and then he turns up by like four no wonder that's expensive like this sick man oh my goodness ah what else is in there right now okay what Chanel okay oh okay yeah I think this is perfume or something you can kind of tell by the box yeah pop yeah yeah pull that out hmm yeah how expensive do you think it is I don't know smells two of them smells fresh we'll give it that all right once again they can handle this look at this oh my goodness your answers of silver guys whoa how much money this stuff's worth that is Craig we have all of this sofa and golf basketball look at all of this silver and gold look at this this is crazy I've never seen so much silver and gold in my life but sorry that's ridiculous I want Shirley ridiculous here we go what's going this right now yes so more silver okay guys we legitimately just got off the face time with the company they legitimately showed us we had them on FaceTime they showed us the house and two cars the house is worth 150 thousand dollars the cars worth thirty thousand dollars each that's two hundred and ten thousand dollars literally so we spent three hundred thousand two hundred and ten thousand is in the house and the cars that means when we have all of this to make up my $90,000 this stuff is worth money this and they told us some of these coins are very rare we don't know which ones because obviously we're not coin experts but guys I think we honestly made a profit on this somehow if you guys wanna ask to it it's only 150 thousand dollar house so it's not like this crazy awesome thing but if you guys want a house to a smash that way and we'll see you guys in the net say later guys - see you later guys
Channel: XtremeGamez
Views: 1,935,257
Rating: 4.746747 out of 5
Keywords: box opening, unboxing, xtremegamez, Unboxing $10000 worth of Tech! - Unboxing #48, Motorola One Fusion+ Unboxing & Overview, Motorola One Fusion+, motorola one fusion plus, moto one fusion plus, motorola one fusion plus unboxing, moto fusion plus, one fusion plus, moto one fusion plus unboxing, motorola fusion plus, moto fusion plus unboxing, samsung a21s, motorola fusion
Id: TAjquzQT874
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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