This Box Cost's $10,000 What's Inside It? (One Of A Kind!)

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this box cost us $10,000 and it is one-of-a-kind we got this custom Lee made for us now I only have two questions what's inside it and was it worth it let's find out so this is the $10,000 box and this is the key so as you guys can see there is a lock right here and this is the key that was sent with it we have no idea what is inside I'm really pumped though to find out and I'm sure all you guys are as well we got this custom made it costs us $10,000 there put x/g on as you guys know our channel name is extreme games so I thought that was a really cool touch and I love the color scheme like the gold the black it just looks cool so when we were ordering this you could buy two thousand five thousand ten thousand dollar fox the only reason we did this is because for the $10,000 fox you can win up to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of stuff if you're really lucky now we're just hoping that they decided to put 150 thousand dollars and stuff in this box so let's open it all right so let's finally see what's in there right so let's make some grand rules whatever you pull out you get to keep them whatever I pull out I get the paper all right that sounds good to me let's do it right you can go first all right yo sorry what I think we should do is we should do it like a mystery box just put your hand in and just pull out so it's not mystery I like those do it here we go actually for schools that we're giving away an iPhone 11 throat if you want to enter this giveaway all you're going to do is like this video and subscribe to our channel if you haven't liked and subscribed you can't be entity got to do those two things and comment down below why you should win and you could win this brand new iPhone 11 probe which is awesome here we go let's see what is it gonna get more interesting so it's a little red bag oh one is its that might be a very good stuff alright so we're gonna open this up so ten thousand dollars the whole box cost us let's see if we can make a profit on this oh I don't know what's in it but we're about to find out here we got such Pandora over here we go that's like a girl thing but let's find out what whoa dude that is nice what's that's real what you're talking about that is awesome but he's gonna be real guys that is gonna be real like you've got fits my pinky look at this dude look at this again that's a real diamond ring Tommy has right there that looks the same but doesn't look different to me I'm telling you dude I gotta get we definitely got to get this check because this could be worth a lot of money and it fits my pinky literally I look like a gangster right all right all right he's awesome I think that's probably a good stuff all right be like what he literally all right I'm going into it right now guys all right what am I gonna get oh okay this is we're testing okay all right we're ready - I just want to see what's in the great sir 100 my goodness Tommy let's go no it's a huge gold coin hang on I gotta pull this out right now Norway all right here we go guys I got it out if that's actual gold we might have gotten the 150,000 dollars listen to how loud this is I'm pretty sure that's actually called but then there's all of these this is all gold they're all in like plastic protective cases yeah leads me to believe that they're pretty rare there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 and the big one so pretty much this one is gigantic guys look we're gonna compare it to man that's like the size of my palm for a gold coin this will literally be worth like a lot of money on its own and then all these as well so what I'm saying is we might have hit the hundred and fifty thousand I feel like ten thousand dollars just say sir class we're gonna get these checked as well at the end of the video I'll let you know oh what the heck is this this is like a it's like a black book what is that what could possibly be in it is my question alright eNOS whoa whoa they're American nerds maybe they're like Rare oh look at the condition look at this one what the heck it's so crisp and a ten dollar night it's like these have never been used before or something I don't know that like notes like these can be really expensive and really rare this might be rare that's crazy like this video if you live in America they could be worth a lot of money here we go guys I got something what is that stuff open it open it it's a little bag yeah I want to see what's in it oh dude what the heck actually what is in that open it dude I'll tell you something I'm gonna hold on to this no I like the suspense so I'm gonna open this a little later just a little later because I want to keep something it's in a nice bag it looks cool I'm gonna hold onto this and open to the little later but I guess it's your turn edition but we'll just leave it right yes so we can just all look at it I wanna be nice so imagine this like diamonds in there all right here we go it's like a silver patch of black horse oh dude this feels awesome what I don't know I don't know why I haven't signed it it sounds cold just want a sound of it rattling it's like a black box this bit of tough start dude was that in my face does that mean it's really oh I don't know it must mean it's rare all right let's see here we go oh no way no way no actually gold oh my there's more what okay these are all gold going put this down I need to just check I need a check these are gold coins guys if these are all gold this is like $50,000 dude maybe more each one of these coins might be worth like $1,300 each so let's say that each coin is worth $1,000 each let's see how many coins we have we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 their goal that's $22,000 at minimum that's just some gold value because these coins a huge like the notice because I speak one down there but they're pretty big for gold coins say 22,000 and then there we've got like maybe 20,000 so what there were two 42,000 this ringer is probably real now thinking about it this is actually psycho I don't know oh yeah and these notes as well and this bag what's in this okay this is a Miss something and I should just no no way I'm gonna wait on the back because I wanna stay listen to this alright guys I'm going back into this right now okay I got something here we go oh this feels good guys okay take em Tower of London and it's in this little equity and scissors for all the UK fans out there okay who or another gold coin Oh a massive one oh and I'm pretty sure this is real gold as well if this is real gold this is literally gonna be worth another $5,000 because this is huge once again the only as big as my palm I don't know dude who knows what's up what else is in this thing right yes it's uh sounds like coins or something really this box has been incredible oh my goodness no look at these Waldo dude what the heck are they I don't know they're like old American coins this one says 1770 owned 1970 and 1770 on it I don't know man I don't know probably clearly make more than $10,000 yeah we've made it weighs over $50,000 here we go Frank yeah and literally like we know that it says you can make up to 150 thousand dollars if no one ever make know no one all right here we go I'm going in right now okay Israel state metal okay this looks pretty cool the box it sure looks pretty bad to be honest but whoa dude oh yeah break it whoa this looks so rare guy had any value before he dropped it now it doesn't know this dude this is wrong this coin looks really strong that is really it's got this like different language written on it as well so how old is this coin this could be just on its age alone well there's a lot of money remember guys this is a custom mystery buck there's only one of these in the world it's one of a kind um this has been one of the best unboxings we've done so we told them we have a YouTube wall this looks cool we told them we have a YouTube channel and then we're gonna be opening it so maybe that's why they went crazy I don't know but this is literally incredible oh I opened it upside down oh my it's enough okay another gold coin you serious it's another gold coin dude this is crazy this is literally this is literally crazy Reserve Bank of New Zealand I can $10 one and they're all in protective plastic as well this is just I don't even know what to say right now I'm serious I'm stunned okay I'm pulling out two things and then you can pull out two all right all right here oh yes okay so got two things here normally filled with jewelry and I don't know gold silver we visit what wrong way I can here we go oh it's a golden necklace or something or pendant or I don't even know what you'd call it guys look at that do I put a picture in there I think it's gold though that is gold I can actually say whoa that is actually awesome guys all right about this thing all right here we go let's see what it looks like whoa guys look at that that looks absolutely awesome look at how cool this looks this has gotta be gold again how much clothing honestly this video I wasn't expecting it to go I was honestly shocked this is crazy I was so kind of honestly expect you to get scared this could be a whole bag of gold platinum really I thought we were gonna get skinned and we have been scared before but this has been one of the best unboxings I think we've ever done all right I get to put two things seriously all right so first off we have what is this [Music] oh my silver what these are this looked like silver coin look at that it's like a perfect silver coin so if we're not getting gold we're getting silver silver coins and there's like four of them in huge so was worth a lot of money as well not as much as dull but still worth a lot of money this more of them as well all right and we have this book 1914 to 1918 first-first where there's a big coin here so let's see oh that is awesome that is awesome what even is that what's going on okay that's going on I have no idea oh I feel like we're being pray this is the best mystery books we've ever bought literally I reckon we might I reckon we message the people at the end of this video and we say them did you send us 150 thousand dollars we spent because we're youtubers or something because we spent ten thousand on this and there's literally been crazy amounts of money in here okay all right I got st. good right now this looks really good it looks like one of the other boxes we've opened but we're gonna see what's in it okay wow that is so cool look how cool this is it sounds like this could be imagined or what even it's this guy's I don't even know what it is like it just looks super rare if I'm being honest this is a solid like piece of whatever it is I don't know all right here we go oh all right I'm gonna pull out these Jardine's there we go all right we have okay Oh another gold coin another coin okay this is really cool there's a coin there and then we've got okay another coin Wow I'm starting to think that we got the hundred and fifty dollars yes I'm just literally it's literally like stomach I don't actually believe it but we actually got this right now but this box is just being so good okay it's in a canal it'll box but this is another coin I really I really really sure it is goodness it is it is look so good guys it is we've just got a bunch of gold I literally can't believe this I can't believe how much gold has been in this this is incredible if there are more coins in here let's see if there's anything else after they even afford to put this much in this box it's a $10,000 box I don't get it oh that is so nice it's like gold it's so nice it's like a gold necklace wow that's cool dude let's open up wait okay we'll open up this guy's the time you have all been waiting for - oatmeal show if you haven't already subscribe like this video and comment down below why you deserve to win an iPhone we're gonna open up this bag filled with who knows what in it that could be literally 50 thousand dollars worth of stuff here because they've got it in this high class bag and it looks really really awesome we're about to find out I guess but here we go guys we're gonna get into it right now and see if there's something good are you ready man I'm getting shivers this could be something so awesome it's already been so much expensive stuff in this box okay here we go I'm gonna put all there's a lot of there's a lot of you are there there's a lot of them oh my goodness gold Tommy literally gold literally gold I'm not joking oh my goodness look at how many one two three four five six please guys look look at how big these up compared to my hand these are gold bars these are probably worth like $1,000 each or maybe four maybe more maybe two thousand thousand these are worth at least two to three thousand dollars each these are heavy guys they're not white bars so what I'm saying is if these are three thousand dollars each three six nine twelve fifteen eighteen there's $20,000 in gold in this little pouch I didn't expect this to go like this at all but all I can say is I'm super happy and honestly I think we should probably give some of this stuff away to you guys if you guys want some of this stuff you've got a comment down below and you have to be subscribed to win some of it because what feeling generous to you guys because we just got a huge score here that's gonna wrap up this video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did smash the like subscribe and turn on the notifications bar and we'll see you guys in next video so any guys see you later guys
Channel: XtremeGamez
Views: 1,904,517
Rating: 4.8846107 out of 5
Keywords: xtremegamez, I Bought A $25000 Mystery Box From Ebay (I GOT RIPPED OFF!!😡), iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 pro max, iphone 11, Customizing 20 iPhone 11s Then Giving Them To People!!📱📞 ft. Marko \u0026 Vexx (Giveaway), epic, air pods pro, unboxing, box opening, ebay, mystery box, review, mystery box unboxing, ebay mystery box, airpods pro, unboxing airpods pro, This Box Cost's $10000 What's Inside It? (One Of A Kind!)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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